当前位置:文档之家› 锌精矿规定合同英文版




TRADING AG (“Seller”), has sold and Co., LTD (“Buyer”) China hereby agrees to purchase the following material on the following specific terms and conditions:




Zinc Concentrates with typical assays as below


Zn(锌) : 45 -47% Ag(银): 68 Grs/dmt

As(砷):0.04% Co(钴):0.01%

Cd(镉):0.14% Cu(铜): 0.04%

Cao(氧化钙):0.27% Co2(二氧化碳):0.70%

Fe(铁): 10% Ge(锗): 0.008%

Hg(汞):0.0139% K2O(氧化钾): 0.03%

Mn(锰):0.03% MgO(氧化镁):0.33%

Ni(镍): 0.009% Na2O(氧化钠):0.02%

Pb(铅): 3.26% SiO2(氧化硅): 8.5-10%

S(硫):30.0% Sb(锑): 0.005%

For the balance of its composition, the material shall b e free of constituent’s deleterious elements harmful to the smelting and refining process.

2. QUANTITY(数量):

10000(ten thousand ) Dry Metric Tons, +/- 10% (plus/minus ten percent) Zinc Concentrates, in Seller’s option.


3. SHIPMENT(装运):

In containers, during July 2005, subject to Seller’s receipt of fully workable Letter of Credit opened by Buyer in favor of Seller in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7 and also subject to suitable vessel/container availability. Furthermore, no vessel nomination will be done until the fully workable Letter of Credit is in place.


4. DELIVERY(交付):

The concentrates shall be delivered on the basis CIF (Incoterms 2000) CY Fangcheng/Beihai or main China Port to be declared timely by buyer.

All THC and other cost at the disport for buyer’s account.


5. PRICE(报价):

The price of the material shall be the sum of the following payable metals:


5.A) Payable Metals(应付款金属):

5.A.1 Zinc(锌):

Buyer shall pay 85% (eighty five percent) of the final zinc content, subject to minimum

deduction of 8 (eight) units, at the official LME Cash Settlement quotation for Special High

Grade Zinc as published in Metal Bulletin, averaged over the Quotational Period.


5.A.2 No other metals shall be payable.

5.B) Deductions:

5.B.1 Treatment Charge (“T/C”):

The Treatment Charge shall be U.S. Dollars245.00 (two hundred forty five point zero zero) per dry metric tons of material flat CIF CY Fangcheng/Beihai or Main China port.

5.B.2 No other deductions shall be applicable.


6.A.1 The Quotational Period (“QP”) for zinc shall be the average of the second month following the

month of shipment (“M+2”), as evidenced by the onboard date of Bill of Lading.

6.A.2 Subject to receipt of fully workable Letter of Credit, Buyer shall, prior to the last LME

trading day before QP starts,price the total material at any time, basis QP LME price for

zinc. The minimum quantity for which Buyer is allowed to fix a price each time is 500mt.

6.A.3 However, if the material is not priced prior to the commencement of the QP, then the price

for that portion shall be fixed as per 6.A.1 above.

6.A.4 Furthermore any material priced prior to commencement of the contractual QP can be

unpriced at anytime. All valid pricing or unpricing orders will have to be issued in writing

and signed. Such pricing/unpricing orders can be carried out if Letter of Credit value

covers the outstanding value of the material at the market price of the pricing order and the

unpricing orders will be carried out only if 90% letter of Credit value covers the outstanding

value of the material at the market price at the time of the unpricing order.

6.A.5 Each time material is unpriced in accordance with Clause 6.A.4 above, Seller will be

entitled to earn a Commission of Dollars 8.00 per metric ton of material unpriced or 15%

of the gross unpricing profit, whichever is the greater. Seller shall remit any remaining

profit, after deducting the Commission, to Buyer within 7 banking days after finalisation of

this Contract.

6.A.6 The final price of the material shall be the weighted average of each of the prices fixed as

per the above provisions after taking into account any of the material, which has been

unpriced and any over/under pricing over the QP.


7.A.1 100% payment by irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit. Buyer shall make 90%

provisional payment in Dollars, net cash, either at sight or 90 days after sight against

Seller’s presentation of the following shipping documents:

?Full set 3/3 Original clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, with notify party to be advised timely by Buyer.

?Full set original certificate of insurance for 110% of the CIF material value.

?Provisional Weight certificate indicating moisture in percentage, wet metric tons and dry metric tons, issued by Seller.

?Provisional assay certificate issued by Seller.

?Certificate of origin issued by Seller.

?Provisional Invoice issued by Seller.

Payment shall be secured by way of an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit issued by

a first Class Chinese bank nominated by Buyer to Seller and accepted by Seller and

advised through First class European bank to be advised by Seller.

Third party Letter of Credit acceptable, Buyer shall provide with LC opening

company's information promptly after signing of the contract.

The Letter of Credit shall be opened before June 27, 2005 using pre-shipment weights,

assays and prices averaged over two full calendar weeks prior to Seller’s presentation of

calculations for purpose of opening the letter of Credit plus relevant adjustment covering

110%. Such Letter of Credit shall be issued in a form and substance acceptable to Seller

and shall be payable either at sight or 90 days after onboard date of bill of lading. The

Letter of credit shall be available for negotiation and payment at the counters of any bank.

All issuing bank charges are for Buyer’s account.

All advising/negotiating bank charges for Seller’s account.

7.A.2 The provisional payment, shall be based upon the provisional weight and assay

certificates issued by the Seller and the applicable provisional prices as known two full

calendar weeks prior to onboard date of Bill of Lading. If Buyer has priced the material

quantity prior to presentation, the provisional price shall then reflect the tonnage priced.

Should the market value exceed at any one time 95% of the Letter of Credit value, the

Seller shall ask for an amendment of the Letter of Credit. If such amendment is not

received within 3 days or if LME price increase in such a way that the market value of the

delivered goods exceed 100% of the 100% Letter of Credit value, whichever is earlier,

Seller has the right but not the obligation to price the material without any further notice. If

final settlement in favor of Buyer, Seller shall pay the balance due to Buyer latest five

working days after received of final debit note.

7.A.3 The Letter of Credit shall be available for drawing by Seller on the final settlement when

all details relating to final weight, price and quality are known, against presentation of

Seller’s final invoice.

The final settlement shall be the value determined in accordance with the relative clauses in this contract regarding weight, assays and prices, less provisional payments


7.A.4 For deferred payment Letter of Credit, Buyer shall pay Seller finance charges, at the

published Financial Times of London three months LIBOR (quoted on onboard date of

Bill of Lading) plus 1.5%, calculated for 90 calendar days, basis 90% provisional invoice

amount. Such charges shall be allowed for in the Letter of Credit and shall be included in

first provisional drawing.

7.A.5 If due date falls on a Saturday or New York banking holiday other than Monday, payment

shall be made on the preceding New York banking day. If payment due date falls on a

Sunday or Monday bank holiday in New York, payment to be made on the next New York

banking day.


For the purpose of final settlement, weighing, sampling and moisture determination shall be carried out for the buyer’s account at the port of discharge, in accordance with standard international practises, performed by CIQ/CCIC. The final weight shall be determined by CIQ/CCIC, in conjunction with Seller’s representative using draft survey(bulk shipment) or weight scale (container shipment) method in seller’s option and such weight shall be final and binding on both parties. The Seller and/or the Producer has the right to be present at these operations by a surveyor or representative, acting in name and on behalf of the Seller and/or the Producer at its own expense. The sample lot size shall be approximately 500 wmt and each lot shall form a separate and complete delivery for the purposes of settlement of weight and moisture content.

Representative samples shall be taken from each lot with the following distribution:

-2 sets for Buyer

-2 sets for Seller

-2 sets for supplier

-2 sets to be kept by CIQ/CCIC in reserve for umpire purpose.

-2 sets to be held by Seller’s representative in reserve for umpire purpose.

All samples shall be sealed and signed jointly by CIQ/CCIC and Seller’s representative.


9.A.1 Assays for zinc shall be made independently by Buyer and Seller, on a lot by lot basis, from

samples taken at the above operations. These results shall be exchanged in the normal

commercial manner latest 45 days from date of the weighing/sampling/moisture report.

Should the difference between Buyer's and Seller’s results be not more than:

Zinc: 0.50 % (zero point five percent)

then the exact mean of the results shall be taken as the agreed assays for final settlement.

9.A.2 If differences exceed the splitting limits, either party may request an umpire chosen by

mutual agreement, from:

Laboratory Services International BV

Geyssendorfferweg 54

3088 GK Rotterdam



A.H. Knight International Ltd.

Eccleston Grange

Prescot Road, St. Helens

Merseyside WA10 3BQ, England

Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd.

Caddick Road

Knowsley Industrial Estate

Knowsley, Merseyside

Should the umpire assay fall between the results of the two parties hereto, the arithmetical mean of the umpire assay and the assay of the party which is nearer to the umpire assay shall be taken as the final assay.

Should the umpire assay coincide exactly with the results of either party hereto, then the umpire assay shall be accepted by both parties as the final assay.

Should the umpire assay fall outside the results of the two parties hereto, the umpire assay shall be taken as the final assay.

The cost of the umpire shall be paid by the party whose assay is further from the umpire, except when the umpire assay is the exact mean of the parties' assays in which event the cost shall be shared equally by both parties.


Should any quotation referred to in this contract cease to be published or cease to be representative, Buyer and Seller shall negotiate in good faith to establish a mutually acceptable pricing method.


Title shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon Seller's receipt of the provisional payment(s).

Risk shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon delivery o f material over ship’s rail at load port.


Seller shall be responsible for providing original certificate of insurance issued by First Class Western Insurance Company for 110% of the provisional CIF invoice value in US Dollars covering:

?Institute Commodity Trade Clauses (A)

?Institute War Clauses

?Institute Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion Clauses (Institute SR&CC clauses)

?Risk of fire or heating of the cargo even when caused by inherent vice or spontaneous combustion

?Institute Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause

Such insurance shall be adjusted to 110% of the final value of the concentrate in accordance with the contract and shall be in effect from the passing of risk at the port of loading through to discharge port. Claims shall be p ayable in US Dollars in the country of Buyer’s domicile.

Notwithstanding the above, it is Buyer's responsibility for properly filing the insurance claim in accordance with the terms and conditions of insurer's coverage. Seller agrees that it will co-operate and assist the Buyer to the best of its ability in proceeding settlement of any loss or damage with an insurance company.


13.A.1 In the event that the complete cargo is lost or no part thereof shall arrive in good condition,

final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein.

Cargo shall be deemed to have arrived 30 days after onboard date of Bill of Lading. Bill of

Lading weight, along with moisture and assays determined at the time of loading, will be the

basis for final settlement.


目录 1 一般规定 (1) 1.1定义 (1) 1.2解释 (4) 1.3通信交流 (5) 1.4法律和语言 (5) 1.5文件优先次序 (5) 1.6合同协议书 (5) 1.7权益转让 (6) 1.8文件的照管和提供 (6) 1.9保密性 (6) 1.10雇主使用承包商文件 (6) 1.11承包商使用雇主文件 (7) 1.12保密事项 (7) 1.13遵守法律 (7) 1.14共同的和各自的责任 (7) 2雇主. (8) 2.1现场进入权 (8) 2.2许可、执照或批准 (8) 2.3雇主人员 (9) 2.4雇主的资金安排 (9) 2.5雇主的索赔 (9) 3雇主的管理 (9) 3.1雇主代表 (9) 3.2其他雇主人员 (10) 3.3受托人员 (10) 3.4指示 (10) 3.5确定 (11) 4承包商 (11) 4.1承包商的一般义务 (11) 4.2履约担保 (11) 4.3承包商代表 (12) 4.4分包商 (13) 4.5指定的分包商 (13) 4.6合作 (13) 4.7放线 (14) 4.8安全程序 (14) 4.9质量保证 (14) 4.10现场数据 (14) 4.11合同价格 (15)

4.13道路通行权于设施 (15) 4.14避免干扰 (15) 4.15进场通路 (15) 4.16货物运输 (16) 4.17承包商设备 (16) 4.18环境保护 (16) 4.19电、水和燃气 (16) 4.20雇主设备和免费供应的材料 (17) 4.21进度报告 (17) 4.22现场保安 (18) 4.23承包商的现场作业 (18) 4.24化石 (19) 5设计 (19) 5.1设计义务一般要求 (19) 5.2承包商文件 (20) 5.3承包商的承诺 (20) 5.4技术标准和法规 (21) 5.5培训 (21) 5.6竣工文件 (21) 5.7操作和维修手册 (21) 5.8设计错误 (22) 6员工 (22) 6.1员工的雇用 (22) 6.2工资标准和劳动条件 (22) 6.3为雇主服务的人员 (22) 6.4劳动法 (22) 6.5工作时间 (22) 6.6为员工提供设施 (23) 6.7健康和安全 (23) 6.8承包商的监督 (23) 6.9承包商人员 (23) 6.10承包商人员和设备的记录 (24) 6.11无序行为 (24) 7生产设备、材料和工艺 (24) 7.1实施方法 (24) 7.2样品 (24) 7.3检验 (24) 7.4试验 (25) 7.5拒收 (26) 7.6修补工作 (26) 7.7生产设备和材料的所有权 (26)


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-034695 铁矿石购销合同范本(2020

铁矿石购销合同范本(2020版) 卖方:__________________ 地址:__________________电话:_______传真:______ 开户行:______________ 帐号:______________ 税号:_______________ 买方:________________ 地址:________________电话:_______传真:________ 开户行:______________ 帐号:__________________ 税号:________________ 买卖双方本着平等自愿、公平互利的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规的规定订立本合同,经双方友好协商,卖方同意销售,买方同意购买由卖方提供的铁矿粉,并且双方一致同意严格履行本合同如下条款: 一、品名:铁矿粉 技术指标:Fe64。5%(最小) 水份:10%(最大)

二、交货期:款到交货。 三、数量:5000吨(+/-10%) 四、交货地点:卖方货场。 五、价格及价格调整: 1、单价:人民币____吨,开票干基单价(_____+10%)_____元/吨。 2、价格调整:品位高于65%,按1%以10元/吨的比例奖励,低于64。5,按每1%以10吨的比例惩罚,如品位低于63。5%,买方则有权要求退款退货。 六、品质、数量及结算依据: 品质(理化)指标:提货时双方代表共同取样,每天制成一个均样,一分三份,双方各留一份,封存第三份作为公证样;双方协商指定一家检验机构进行化验,如果此二份样的化验结果之差异在0。5%以内,最终结果以此二结果的平均值为准,如果其差异超过0。5%,双方共同执公证样在同一化验机构进行化验,其结果为双方所规定的品质数量均为本合同项下的结算依据。 七、付款和结算:在双方签定合同之日起3个工作日内,买方须将全部货款汇至卖方指定的帐户;卖方在5个工作日内凭正本过磅单向买方开具增值税发票(税率13%)进行结算货款多退少补。 八、货物发运: 由买方以书面形式指定提货人自提。 九、争议的解决: 双方由于本合同或本合同的履行发生争议时应友好协商解决。如协商不成,则提交合同签约地法院进行裁决,该裁决结果为最终结果,诉讼费用由败诉方承担。


锌精矿购销合同 签订日期:年月日 供方:花垣县天地人矿业有限公司签订地点:花垣县 需方:湖南轩华锌业有限公司 供需双方就买卖锌精矿事宜,经协商一致,签订本合同,具体条款如下: 一、数量:约定数量约为金吨。 二、交货期限:供方于年月日(含)前分批次交完货。 三、质量要求:锌精矿含锌不低于48%;含锌在48%-52%之间,价格不增不减;含锌大于52%时增度增价,每增加一个品位,加价20元/金吨;含锌在45%-48%之间,降度降价,每降低一个品位,降价20元/金吨;品位低于45%拒收。 四、交货地点:需方仓库,运输费用由需方承担。 五、包装标识、验收方法:编织袋包装,扣袋重5‰,包装袋不回收。重量以需方地磅称重计量,水分在需方仓库取样以实测为准。在供方仓库取品位样,由双方检测,检测误差为±0.5%,在检测误差范围内以需方的检测结果为准。如果双方对检测结果有争议在十天内进行仲裁,双方指定仲裁机构,并以仲裁结果为准。 六、结算方式:锌金属量=毛重×(1-5‰)×(1-水分含量百分比)×锌含量(锌品位);散装锌精矿不扣包装袋。 七、定价方式:锌精矿价格(M)以发货当周(周一至周五)上海有色金属网报价1#锌锭中间价的算术平均值(P)减加工费(Tc),即M=P-Tc计算。锌锭价格在15000元时,Tc按5100元/金吨计,当P增减时,Tc按增减部分增减20%确定,即Tc=5100+(P-15000)×20%。星期六、星期日发货按当周均价结算。 八、付款方式:供方发货当天,需方向供方支付70%货款;发货后第二周星期二(含)前双方结算,供方开具17%的增值税发票后,需方付清供方的全部货款。 九、违约责任:1、按中华人民共和国有关法律法规执行。2、违约方按违约金额×违约天数×0.5‰支付守约方违约金。 十、解决纠纷方式:1、合同未尽事宜,双方协商一致后另签合同或补充协议。2、发生纠纷,双协商解决。协商不成,可向供方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 十一、本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 十二、双方委托代理人签字加盖公章后,本合同生效。 供方:花垣县天地人矿业有限公司需方:湖南轩华锌业有限公司 地址:花垣县城南公园路地址:保靖县钟灵山工业园区 委托代理人:委托代理人: 开户行:花垣县建行开户行:保靖县建行 账号:43001513073052504036账号:43001516073052501106

国际技术咨询服务合同 (中英文)

国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文) Technical Consultancy Service Contract 合同号:Contract No________________ 签订日期:Date of Signature:________________ 签订地点:Place of Signature:________________ 中国____________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,______国______________ 公 司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就_____________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China____________________ (hereina fter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: 第一条合同内容 Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就_____提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 技术咨询服务自合同生效之日起_____个月内完成,将在_____个月内提交最终技术咨询报告,包括图纸、设计资料、各类规范和图片等。咨询方应免费通报委托方类似工程的最近发展和任何进展,以便委托方能改进该工程的设计。 Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within____months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.


编号:BY-HT-01431 2020补充协议英文版(协议 示范文本) This agreement stipulates the obligations and rights that both parties should perform 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日

2020补充协议英文版(协议示范文本) 补充租赁合同 Supplementary Lease Contact 订立本补充租赁合同(以下简称[补充合同])为双方:Both parties signing this Supplementary Lease Contact (hereinafter referred to as “Supplementary Contact): 出租方(以下简称[甲方]):潘欣欣 代理人: 身份证/ 护照号码: Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”): ID Card/ Passport No. _____ 承租方(以下简称[乙方]):马来西亚木材理事会 代理人:__________________ 身份证/护照号码:

Agent:_______________________________ ID Card/ Passport No. ________________ 甲方同意将下述物业出租给乙方,双方经过充分协商,特订立本补充合同,以便共同遵守。补充合同为甲乙双方签订的《广州市房屋租赁合同》(以下简称[主合同])不可分割的组成部分。 Party A agrees to rent out the property to Party B, whereby both parties, through full consultation, make and enter into this Supplementary Lease Contact to be faithfully observed by both parties. This Supplementary Lease Contact is an integral part of “Guangzhou City Property Lease Contract” (hereinafter referred to as “the Master Contract”). 第1条物业名称、地址及面积 广州市天河北路233号中信广场(以下简称[该广场])第22 层 17号单元(以下简称[该物业]) 建筑面积 112.36 平方米


目 录 1一般规定 1.1定义 1.2 解释 1.3 通信交流 1.4 法律和语言 1.5 文件优先次序 1.6 合同协议书 1.7 权益转让 1.8 文件的照管和提供 1.9 延误的图纸或指示 1.10雇主使用承包人文件 1.11承包人使用雇主文件 1.12保密事项 1.13遵守法律 1.14共同的和各自的责任 2雇主 2.1现场进入权 2.2许可、执照或批准 2.3雇主人员 2.4雇主的资金安排 2.5雇主的索赔 3工程师 3.1工程师的任务和权力 3.2由工程师付托 3.3工程师的指示

3.4工程师的替换 3.5确定 4承包人 4.1承包人的一般义务 4.2履约担保 4.3承包人代表 4.4分包人 4.5分包合同权益的转让 4.6合作 4.7放线 4.8安全程序 4.9 质量保证 4.10现场数据 4.11中标合同金额的充分性 4.12不可预见的物质条件 4.13道路通行权和设施 4.14避免干扰 4.15进场道路 4.16货物运输 4.17承包人设备 4.18环境保护 4.19电、水和燃气 4.20雇主设备和免费供应的材料 4.21进度报告 4.22现场保安 4.23承包人的现场作业 4.24化石 5指定的分包人

5.1“指定的分包人”的定义 5.2反对指定 5.3对指定的分包人付款 5.4付款证据 6员工 6.1员工的雇佣 6.2工资标准和劳动条件 6.3为雇主服务的人员 6.4劳动法 6.5工作时间 6.6为员工提供设施 6.7健康和安全 6.8承包人的监督 6.9承包人人员 6.10承包人人员和设备的记录 6.11无序行为 7生产设备、材料和工艺 7.1实施方法 7.2样品 7.3检验 7.4试验 7.5拒收 7.6修补工作 7.7生产设备和材料的所有权 7.8土地(矿区)使用费 8开工、延误和暂停 8.1工程的开工 8.2竣工时间


矿产品购销合同 合同编号:BJ2015-05 签订时 间:2015.5.26 签订地点:北 京 供方:北京沃德长兴商贸有限公司 需方:北京昱升嘉合商贸有限公司 经双方充分协商,达成以下协议: 一、标的、数量、单价: 、质量要求: 1、矿产品中杂石含量W 5%且不允许有单重超过0.4公斤的杂石。 2、矿产品中砷(As)含量w 0.02%。锑(Sb)含量w 0.03%。 二、交付方式: 需方组织运输,供方组织装车,装车费用由供方承担。 三、计量办法: 以需方计量为准,无损耗 四、验收、计价办法: 1、双方共同取样、缩分,制成标准样800克左右。按国标烘干样品并测量含水率。将烘干后样品分四份,双方各取一份化验,留仲裁样两份。 2、以需方化验结果为结算依据。一方有异议时,可提出仲 裁,仲裁费用由提出仲裁方支付。发生仲裁时以仲裁结果为结算依据。每批均由需方出具结算单,双方签字后作为记账凭证。

3、双方共同抽验杂石含量,超过5%时,按实测杂石含量乘以本批矿产品总量扣除相应杂石量。 4、砷、锑含量每超标一项,扣矿产品款10元/ 吨。 5、干、净矿产品中铅每增加品位1%货款增加100元/t计算; 干、净矿产品中锌每增加品位1%货款增加80元/t计算;其它付产品不 计价。 五、付款方式:待供方增值税发票入账后,支付货款95%,余额待下次结算时付清。 六、合同解决方式: 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方协商解决;若协商不成,依法诉至合同签订地人民法院。 七、其它: 1 、若需方预付货款,供方不得将自产矿产品卖给第三方,否则按照1000 元/吨支付违约金。 2、此合同有效期至2015年07月09日。 3、此合同一式两页两份,双方各执一份,签字、盖章后生效。 4、未尽事宜,双方协商解决。 供方:北京沃德长兴商贸有限公司 (盖章):需方:北京昱升嘉合商贸有限公司 (盖章):


锌精矿合同加工费 篇一:锌精矿购销合同 铅精矿购销合同 合同编号:HDXX001 签订地点: 签订时间:XX年10月11日甲方:(身份证号码:)(身份证号码:)(身份证号码:)(身份证号码:)乙方: 经甲、乙双方本着互惠互利、友好协商的原则,订立如下合同条 款,双方共同遵守执行。 第一条销售权代理品种:铅精粉。 第二条销售代理权年限:长期 第三条销售权归属:甲方所生产的所有铅精粉归乙方销售。甲 方未经乙方同意不得私自对外销售铅精粉及原矿石。 第四条质量要求:铅Pb≥60%,锌Zn≤2%,铁Fe≤8%,硅Si≤5%, 砷As≤%,锑Sb≤%, 钴Co≤%。 第五条计价要求: 1、XX年11月10日至XX年11月10日计价标准 P代表交货当月上海有色金属1#铅锭现货平均价,M代

表交货金 属吨结算价格(M/P=59%)。 P=15000元/吨时M=P-6200元/吨 P>15000元/吨时M=P-6200元/吨-(P-15000)×41% P P 2、XX年11月11日至XX年11月11日计价标准 P代表交货当月上海有色金属1#铅锭现货平均价,M代表交货金 属吨结算价格(M/P=62%)。 P=15000元/吨时M=P-5700元/吨 P>15000元/吨时M=P-5700元/吨-(P-15000)×38% P P 3、XX年11月12日以后计价标准 P代表交货当月上海有色金属1#铅锭现货平均价,M代表交货金 属吨结算价格(M/P=64%)。 P=15000元/吨时M=P-5400元/吨 P>15000元/吨时M=P-5400元/吨-(P-15000)×36% P P 4、计价标准铅Pb =60%,当铅Pb >60%时,每增1%铅金属单价加 20元/ 金属吨;当58%≤铅Pb <60%时,每降1%铅金属单价减20元/ 金属吨;当铅Pb 在55%≤铅Pb<58%时,每降1%铅金属单价减30元/ 金属吨;当铅Pb在53%≤铅Pb

国际技术咨询服务合同范本 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 国际技术咨询服务合同 委托方:___________________________ 咨询方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

中国________________________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,_____国 __________________________ 公司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就 _________________________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China_________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and__________________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of________________________, under the following terms and conditions: 第一条合同内容 Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就___________________________提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3.


编号:GR-WR-51920 合同补充协议书模板(标 准版) After negotiation and consultation, both parties jointly recognize and abide by their responsibilities and obligations, and elaborate the agreed commitment results within the specified time. 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订时间:____________________ 本文档下载后可任意修改

合同补充协议书模板(标准版) 备注:本合同书适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。 甲方:************乙方:************ 鉴于: 甲方和乙方于二〇XX年一月九日共同签署的《********合同》,合作一年多以来,双方能够认真履行协议各项义务,信守承诺,取得了良好的效果。双方一致同意继续履行原合同,同时为了进一步加强合作,现双方本着优势互补、互利互惠的原则,经友好协商,就《********合同》中未尽事项及需特别说明的事项特订立以下补充协议。 合同内容补充说明: 原合同第N条第M款所述XXXXXXXX(原合同描述文字),特对其中XXXXXX(原合同描述中的修订要点)补充说明如下: 一、修订点一; 二、修订点二; 三、本协议生效后,即成为原合同不可分割的组成部分,


菲迪克(FIDIC)文献译丛中英文对照本 国际咨询工程师联合会 编译 中国工程咨询协会 1999年第1版 Agreement协议书 General Conditions通用条件 Rules for Adjudication裁决规则 Notes for Guidance指南注释 Short Form of Contract 简明合同格式 吕文学陈永强翻译 唐萍校译 王川徐礼章唐萍审订 (1999年第1版) (中英文对照本) (译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任, 正式使用发生的争端,以英文原版为准) 机械工业出版社

菲迪克(FIDIC)授权书 I herewith authorize CNAEC to translate FIDIC’s publications (but not the publications as edited by other organizations) into Chinese and publish them. I agree with your statement, as part of the agreement, that you will: a)Provide FIDIC with 10 copies of the translation per document, and b)Make a statement on the inside cover of the translation that the translator takes full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation and that in case of dispute, the original version in English shall prevail. Peter van der TOGT Publications manager [译文] 在此,我授权中国工程咨询协会把FIDIC出版物译成中文并出版(但是,不包括其他组织编写的出版物)。我同意你们的意见,作为协议的一部分,你们应: a)向FIDIC提供每份文件中译本10本; b)在译文的扉页上注明译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任,如果发生争端,以英文原版为准。 出版经理:Peter van der TOGT FIDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. FIDIC (中译菲迪克)是国际咨询工程师联合会的法文缩写。 FIDIC was founded in 1913 by three national associations of consulting engineers within Europe. The objectives of forming the federation were to promote in common the professional interests of the member associations and to disseminate information of interest to members of its component national associations. 菲迪克(FIDIC)是由欧洲三个国家的咨询工程师协会于1913年成立的。组建联合会的上的是共同促进成员协会的职业利益,以及向其成员协会会员传播有益信息。 Today FIDIC membership numbers more than 60 countries from all parts of the globe and the federation represents most of the private practice consulting engineers in the world. 今天,菲迪克(FIDIC)已有来自全球各地60多个国家成员协会,代表着世界上大多数私人执业咨询工程师。 FIDIC arranges seminars, conferences and other events in the furtherance of its goals: maintenance of high ethical and professional standards; exchange of views and information; discussion of problems of mutual concern among member associations and representatives of the international financial institutions; and development of the consulting engineering industry in developing countries. 菲迪克(FIDIC)举办各类研讨会、会议及其他活动,以促进其目标:维护高的道德和职业标准;交流观点和信息;讨论成员协会和国际金融机构代表共同关心的问题,以及发展中国家工程咨询业的发展。 FIDIC publications include proceedings of various conferences and seminars, information for consulting engineers, project owners and international development agencies, standard pre-qualification forms, contract documents and client/consultant agreements. They are available from the secretariat in Switzerland. 菲迪克(FIDIC)的出版物包括:各类会议和研讨会的文件,为咨询工程师、项目业主和国际开发机构提供的信息,资格预审标准格式,合同文件以及客户与工程咨询单位协议书。这些资料可以从设在瑞士的菲迪克(FIDIC)秘书处得到。 国际咨询工程师联合会 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS


铁精粉购销合同 篇一:铁精粉购销合同样本 铁精粉销售合同 合同编号:签订地点:签订时间: 供方:需方: 第三条:包装要求:散装; 第四条:交(提)货地点:需方自提; 第五条:运输方式及到达站的费用负担:需方负责; 第六条:计量方式及过磅:以供方过磅为准,出现磅差,以第三方计量为准作为结算依据; 第七条:合同履行地:青龙满族自治县; 第八条:结算及付款方式:现金预付; 第九条:争议的解决方式:本合同在执行中发生争议时,签订合同双方应及时协商解决,协商不成时可向合同履行地人民法院提起诉讼; 第十条:其他约定事项:本合同在执行期间,甲乙双方均不得变更和解除合同。如有未尽事宜或因故不能履行需要修改时,须经双方共同协商同意,并签订补充协议,方为生效。补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。 第十一条:付货方式:自合同签订之日起,在未完成本合同之前供方不得向其他方付货; 第十二条:合同有效期:本合同有效期自签订之日起止

货物全部付清为止。第十三条:双方本着互惠共赢,真诚合作为基础,如供方在买卖过程中货物质量掺杂使假或恶意欺骗,给需方造成直接经济损失,由需方向公安、工商部门篇二:铁精粉购销合同样本 篇一:铁精粉购销合同样本 铁精粉销售合同 合同编号:签订地点:签订时间: 供方:需方:第三条:包装要求:散装; 第四条:交(提)货地点:需方自提; 第五条:运输方式及到达站的费用负担:需方负责; 第六条:计量方式及过磅:以供方过磅为准,出现磅差,以第三方计量为准作为结算依据; 第七条:合同履行地:青龙满族自治县;第八条:结算及付款方式:现金预付; 第九条:争议的解决方式:本合同在执行中发生争议时,签订合同双方应及时协商解决,协商不成时可向合同履行地人民法院提起诉讼; 第十条:其他约定事项:本合同在执行期间,甲乙双方均不得变更和解除合同。如有未尽事宜或因故不能履行需要修改时,须经双方共同协商同意,并签订补充协议,方为生效。补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。 第十一条:付货方式:自合同签订之日起,在未完成本


The obligee in the contract can accomplish the goal in a certain period by discussing the agreed rights and responsibilities. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 采矿合同

编号:FS-DY-30529 采矿合同 第一条本合同当事人双方: 出让人:xx市国土资源局 受让人: 根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》、《矿业权出让转让管理暂行规定》、《中华人民共和国合同法》等法律、法规的规定,当事人双方本着平等、自愿、有偿、诚实信用的原则,订立本合同。 第二条出让人根据法律的授权出让采矿权,出让矿产资源的所有权属中华人民共和国。国家对其拥有宪法和法律授予的司法管辖权、行政管理权以及其他按中华人民共和国法律规定由国家行使的权力和因社会公众利益所必需的权益。矿产资源的国家所有权,不因其所依附的土地所有权或使用权的不同而改变。矿产资源所依附的土地使用权不属于采矿权出让范围。

第二条本合同项下出让给受让人的矿产资源位于 ,矿区范围拐点坐标个,详见附件, 矿区面积平方公里,开采深度米—— 米。 第四条本合同项下出让矿产资源开采主矿种为,开采方式为开采,开采方法为法。 第五条出让人同意在年月日前将出让的矿产资源交付给受让人。根据地质勘查单位提供的资源储量评审报告,本合同项下出让的资源储量为可采储量吨。 第六条根据批准的矿产资源开发利用方案及开采范围内矿产资源储量,本合同项下出让矿山的服务年限为年,矿山生产规模为吨/年。 第七条根据有关采矿权价款缴纳的规定,本合同项下出让采矿权价款为人民币(小写元)。其中包括上缴省国土资源厅元;上缴长沙市国土资源局元;上缴县(市) 元。但本合同约定的采矿权价款,不包括办证登记费、采矿权使用费和矿产资源补偿费,已扣除矿业权交易支出。 第八条受让人同意按照本条第( )款的规定向出让人支付采矿权价款,并按出让人确定的数额分别缴纳。


编号:QJ-HT-0631 出国定居咨询服务合同(官 方版) Both parties shall perform their obligations as agreed in the contract or in accordance with the law within the term of the contract. 甲方:_____________________ 乙方:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ --- 专业合同范本系列下载即可用---

出国定居咨询服务合同(官方版) 说明:该合同书适用于甲乙双方为明确各自的权利和义务,经友好协商双方同意签署合同,在合同期限内按照合同约定或者依照法律规定履行义务,可下载收藏或打印使用(使用时请先阅读条款是否适用)。 甲方a:_______________国际咨询有限公司 甲方b:_____________出入境服务有限公司 邮政编码:____________________________ 电话:________________________________ 传真:________________________________ 乙方-主申请人:_______________________ 生日:________________________________ 身份证号码:__________________________ 现家庭住址:__________________________ 邮政编码:____________________________ 现通信地址:__________________________ 邮政编码:____________________________


补充协议英文版 Supplementary agreement In order to guarantee the interests of the school and the foreign teacher and facilitate the smooth development of teaching and the foreign teacher's safe and orderly life, we clarify our respective responsibility further and add additional terms listed as follows: Party a: Party b: 1, the rented accommodation is only for the teacher. The foreign teacher shouldn't allow others to live in the apartment in order to avoid accidents. 2, during the work, the foreign teacher should have the civilized words and deeds and won't develop any improper friendship or relationship (such as love, etc.) with students. 3, the foreign teacher will bear the cost of utilities (such as water bill) and Internet flow fee (90yuan per month). The school is only responsible for the accommodation expenses, not including other living expenses. As the foreign teacher first comes to Beijing, he is not familiar with a lot of things. To show humanistic care, the school has paid the power bill (600 yuan for 1200 degrees). By November 30, if the actual consumption power number is more than 1200 degrees,


FIDIC电气与机械工程合同条件 (黄皮书) 第一部分通用条件定义及解释(条款1) 第一部分通用条件工程师和工程师代表(条款2) 第一部分通用条件转让与分包(条款3和4) 第一部分通用条件合同文件(条款5,6,7) 第一部分通用条件承包商的义务(条款8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15和16) 第一部分通用条件业主的义务(条款17) 第一部分通用条件劳务(条款18) 第一部分通用条件工艺和材料(条款19,20,21和22) 第一部分通用条件工程、运送或安装的暂停 第一部分通用条件竣工 第一部分通用条件竣工检验 第一部分通用条件移交 第一部分通用条件移交后的缺陷 第一部分通用条件变更 第一部分通用条件设备的所有权 第一部分通用条件证书与支付 第一部分通用条件索赔 第一部分通用条件外币和汇率 第一部分通用条件暂定金额 第一部分通用条件风险与责任 第一部分通用条件对工程的照管和风险的转移 第一部分通用条件财产损害和人员伤害 第一部分通用条件责任的限度 第一部分通用条件保险 第一部分通用条件不可抗力 第一部分通用条件违约 第一部分通用条件费用和法规的变更 第一部分通用条件关税 第一部分通用条件通知 第一部分通用条件争议与仲裁 第一部分通用条件法律及程序 第二部分专用条件

第一部分通用条件定义及解释(条款1) 定义 1.1在本合同中(如下文所定义),下列措词和用语应具有此处所赋予它们的涵义: 1.1.1“开工日期”是指下列日期中最迟的日期: (a)序言中规定的开工日期,或承包商收到下列付款或通知的日期; (b)支付条件中可能规定的开工之前的预付款; (c)为开始履行合同所需颁发任何进口许可证的通知; (d)关于合同生效所需的任何法律要求已经完成的通知; (e)在第二部分中规定的、作为开工先决条件所需的任何财务和行政管理方面的要求已经完成的通知。 1.1.2“条件”是指本合同条件的序言以及本合同条件的第一部分和第二部分。 1.1.3“合同”是指为实施工程业主和承包商之间达成的协议,包括条件、规范、业主的图纸和承包商的图纸、已标价的和填完的价格表、投标书、中标函以及中标函中明确编入的附加文件。 1.1.4“合同协议书”是指记录业主和承包商之间的合同条款的文件。FIDIC机电工程合同条件附有一个合同协议书的样本。 1.1.5“合同价格”是中标函中规定的、为实施工程而支付给承包商的那笔金额。 1.1.6“承包商”是指其投标书已被业主接受的当事人以及取得承包商资格的法定继承人,但不指承包商的任何受让人(除非业主向意)。 1.1.7“承包商的图纸”是指承包商根据第6条提交的所有的图纸、样品、图样、模型、操作和维修手册。 1.1.8“承包商的设备”是指为工程之目的所需要的任何性质的装置和物品,但不包括工程设备。 1.1.9“承包商的风险”是指第37.3款定义的风险。 1.1.10“缺陷责任证书”是根据第30.11款由工程师颁发给承包商的证书。 1.1.11“缺陷责任期”是指一年或第二部分规定的移交工程后的时间段。在该期间内,承包商根据第30条负责修复好缺陷和损害。 1.1.12“业主”是指序言中指定的当事人以及取得业主资格的法定继承人,但不指业主的任何受让人(除非承包商同意)。 1.1.13“业主的图纸”是指业主或工程师根据合同向承包商提供的所有图纸和资料。 1.1.14“业主的风险”是指第37.2款定义的那些风险。 1.1.15“工程师”是指业主任命的为了合同目的作为工程师去工作并在序言中被指定的人员。 1.1.16“工程师代表”是指工程师根据第 2.2款随时任命的工程师的任何代表。 1.1.17“最终支付书”是指工程师根据第33.10款向业主颁发的证书。 1.1.18“不可抗力”具有第44.1款赋予它的涵义。 1.1.19“外币”是指工程设备安装所在国之外的某一国货币。 1.1.20“严重读取”是指承包商违背最基本的勤勉之则的任何行为或失职,而该规则是一个有责任心的承包商在同样的地位和同样的情况下所应遵循的。 1.1.21“中标函”是指业主对投标书的正式接受函,包括业主与承包商商定的对投标书进行的任何调整或变动。 1.1.22“履约保证”是承包商据第10.1款为恰当地履行合同而提供的保证。 1.1.23“工程设备”是指按合同提供的,安装到工程上的机器、仪器、材料以及所有物品。 1.1.24“进度计划”是指承包商根据第1 2.1款提交的进度计划以及任何批准的对进度计划的修订。 1.1.25“暂定金额”是指根据第36.1款所述的那笔用于进行工作或提供货物或服务的金额。 1.1.26“风险转移日期”是指根据第38.1款将工程损失或损害的风险从承包商处转移给业主的日期。 1.1.27“价格表”是指由承包商连同投标书一起递交的已填完并且已标价的价格表,或其中任何部分或单个的价格表,上述价格表构成合同文件的一部分。 1.1.28“区段”是指合同中专门确定作为区段的工程的一部分。 1.1.29“现场”是指由业主提供或使之可用的、承包商工作所在的或运人工程设备的那个或那些场所以及经业主同意后承包商施工涉及到的、在工程周围的那部分场所(不只是为了通行)。
