当前位置:文档之家› 国际专利许可合同英文版(完整版)





patent liense ontrat


on trat no:

onlusion date:

onlusion plae:


artile 1 defininitions artile 9 guarantees and laims

artile 2 sope of the ontrat artile 10onfidentialit

artile 3 prie of the ontrat artile 11infringements

artile 4 onditions of pament artile 12 taxes andduties artife 5 tehnial servie and training artile 13 foremajeure

artile 6 tehnial doumentation artile 14 arbitration

artile 7 verifiation and aeptane artile 15 app1iable la artile 8 tehnial improvement artile 16 duration


appendis 1 name, ontent of patent douments and

appliation of the patents

appendix 2 models, speifiations and tehnial lndies of the ontrat produt

appendix 3 the starting date and ounting methods of roalt appendix 4 the ontent and method of liensor s auditing

appendix 5 training of part a s personnel

appendix 6 tehnial servie or speialist send b part b

appendix 7 verifiation and aeptane of the ontrat produt this ontrat made____

on_____________ da of____________,b and be-teen

__________,organized and existing

under the las of the people s republi of hina. ith rehistered offie at of the first part and __________,organized and existing under

the las of ____________,ith its prinipal offie



hereas the patent right hih said in the ontrat os oned b part b.

hereas part b has the right and agreed to grant part a the rights to use,

manufa-ture and sell the ontrat produts of the ppatented tehnolog;

hereas part a hope to use the patented tehnolog of part b to manufature and sell

theontrat produts;

both parties authorized representatives, through friendl negotiation, have agree

to en-ter into this ontrat under the ertms as stipulated belo;

artide 1 definitions

for the purpose of this ontrat, the folloing terms have the folloing meanings;


1. patented tehnolog means those letters patent, and appliations therefor

presentl oned or hereafter aquired b part b andor hih part bhas or ma have the

rigt to ontrol or grant liense thereof during the term hereof in an or all ountries

of the orld and hih are appliable to or ma be used in the manufature of otrat



ontrat produts mians the produts desribed in appendis2 annexed hereto,

to-gether ith all improvements and modifiations thereof

or developments ith respet



3. patt a means____________. or his legal

representative, agent and inhetitor to thepropert of the pan.


4. part b means___________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,

to the propert of the pan.


5. the ontraet fator means the plae hih part part a manufatures the

ontrat produts. that is_______________.


6. spare p`menas replaement parts for ontrat produts or

for an part there-of.


7. ponents means those ponents and parts of ontrut produets hih par-t

b has agreed or ma from time to time agree in riting to permit part a to manufature or sell.

