Long-term Cooperation Agreement
Guan gdo ng OPPO Mobile Telecom muni cati ons Corp. Ltd. (Seal)
Authorized representative (Signature)
Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)
Laird Tech nol ogies(She nzhe n)Ltd.
Authorized representative (Signature)
Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)
This long- term cooperation agreement is made in Chang ' an Town of Dongguan City between:
Guan gdo ng OPPO Mobile Telecom mun icati ons Corp. Ltd., an orga nizatio n located at #18 Haibi n ________ Road, Wusha, Chang ' an Town, Don ggua n City (here in after referred to as “ Party A ” ).
__Laird Tech no logies (She nzhe n) , an organ izatio n located at _Building 1, Dejin In dustiral Park, Fuyua nyi Road, Hepi ng com muni ty, Fuyong Tow n, BaoA n District, Shen zhe n City(herei nafter referred
to as Party B).
Based on the principle of mutual benefit and friendly cooperation and to clarify
responsibilities and obligations, Party A and Party B hereof come to the Iong-term cooperation
agreement and various special agreements. All the agreements will come into force at stamping the commonseals on the covers. This Iong-term agreement is composed of the special agreements below:
(标注*的协议表示包含。标注□的协议表示为可选项,表示包含,x表示不包含,空白表示包含) (The agreements marked with 衣 indicates being included. The agreements marked with □in dicates being opti on al, in dicates in cluded, x in dicates excluded, and bla nk in dicates in cluded.)
Price Credit Agreeme nt;
White Hands Guara ntee Agreeme nt;
Non-disclosure Agreeme nt;
Defect Material Disposal Agreeme nt
En vir onment Protect ion Agreeme nt
Quality Guara ntee Agreeme nt;
In tellectual Property Rights Agreeme nt;
Incoming Material Package Specificati on Agreeme nt;
Agreement on Express Delivery and Reject Responsibility;
Trademark Use Authorization Agreement;
OEM Agreemen;t □《供应商代理资质及货源管控协议》
Supplier Agency Qualification and Supply Source Control Agreement 包含的各专项协议是本长期合作协议不可分割的一部分,与本长期合作协议具有同等法律效力。All the special agreements are integral parts of the long-term cooperation agreement and are with equal legal force as the long-term cooperation agreement. 如双方签订了新的长期合作协议、专项协议(简称版本升级) ,则新的长期合作协议、专项协议(简称新版本)签订的同时旧的长期合作协议、专项协议(简称旧版本)自动解除。
In case of new long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements signed between the two
parties(referred to as agreement upgrade), the old version long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements (referred to as upgraded agreement) shall be automatically terminated at the moment when the new version long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements (referred to as new version agreement) come into force. 甲、乙双方确认经过平等协商、相互商讨,双方共同拟订了本长期合作协议及各专项协议。甲、乙双
Party A and Party B hereof confirm that through friendly and fair consultations the two parties come to the long-term cooperation agreement and various special agreements. Both Party A and Party B hereof consider that the long-term agreement and various special agreements are the true expressions of the two parties and the two parties absolutely and entirely understand and agree on all clauses in the agreements. Both Party A and Party B hereof confirm that the long-term agreement and various special agreements shall not be deemedas format contract or format clauses. Moreover, both Party A and Party B hereof fully notice and entirely agree on clauses of responsibility in the long-term agreement and various special agreements, and absolutely accept all the clauses.