Freight Forwarding Service Contract
This Contract concerning international/domestic freight forwarding service is made as of Y2015 by and between
甲方:** Airlines **n Co.,Ltd
(hereinafter referred to as Party A)
(hereinafter referred to as Party B)
Party A and Party B individually hereinafter referred to as “Party” and together as the “Parties”
Whereas, Party A intends to engage Party B to handle its freight forwarding services, declaring services ; Party B agrees to provide all relative services; after negotiation, all relative service items as well as its right and obligation are as follows
Clause one - Performance of the Contract
甲乙双方本着平等互惠原则,根据中华人民共和国合同法相关规定以及国际货物运输代理协会有关规则(FIATA Rules For Freight Forwarding Service; 如附件1), 由乙方或乙方指定的代理为甲方提供服务。
Based on the principle of mutual benefit, according to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic o f China, other related regulations and the FIATA Rules For Forwarding Service (FIATA Rules being attached thereto), at request of Party A, Party B provides the forwarding services,including bellow service:
1) 货物报关/清关代理;
Customs Declaration/Clearance in China;
2) 中国境内货物运输;
Domestic transportation service in China;
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3) AOG支持,包括但不局限于航材,工具等的求援,运输等;
AOG Support, including but not limit to spares/tools aog inquiry, transportation arrangement etc;
4) 其他乙方提出的需求,双方协商同意;
Other requirement from Part B, based on both parties’ negotiation and agreement;
Clause two - Freight and Payment
2.1 任何运费报价,服务报价或者价格变动,乙方应及时以书面形式通知甲方并同时取得确认。若甲方未能及时
Any service quotation including its subsequent alterations Party B should timely notify Party A in writing and seek the Party A’s prior confirmation. In case Party A is unable to write to confirm the quotation in due course, both parties agree that after the quotation Party B may send the booking instruction (order) to confirm the quotation directly, and Party B may arrange the shipment or other services as per the instruction.
2.2 乙方作为货运代理人,对于因按甲方指示所承担的服务而产生的税捐都不承担任何责任也不存在代付代垫义
As the Freight Forwarder, Party B shall take no any responsibility or liability and/or no any obligation for advance payment for Party A regarding any taxes due to the performance of the services as per Party A’s instruction. Party A should take his own responsibility for the tax that caused by the performance of the service on his demand.
2.3 操作费用及相关费用收取:
Handling Charge:
For any service that Party B subcontracts to its third party, Part B will charge 8% of the occurred fee to Part A. Handling charge will be from 300.00RMB(minimum) to 3000.00RMB(maximum).
Clause 3 – Credit Term
甲方将享有 30天的付款时限,甲方将在乙方开具发票之日30 天内完成付款。对此甲乙双方将签署一份信用协议,具体内容由信用协议规定。信用协议自双方签署之日起开始生效并自动成为本协议附件,至本协议终止时终止。
Party B will give a credit period of 30 days to Party A. Party A shall make payment to Party B within 30 days after issuance of the invoice. For this both parties will enter into another Credit Agreement, and all details of credit issue will be governed by the Credit Agreement. The Credit Agreement will come into force after execution of the signature from both parties while automatically to be the Annex of this Agreement, and which will be expired together with this Agreement.
Clause 4 - Rights and Obligations
4.1 本协议双方必须为在中华人民共和国合法成立的企业法人(具体内容参见附件3 –营业执照)