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Contract No.:DH2002-GPA254-0202-NO

DA TE: May 22, 2007

The Buyers: Evergreen industries group

Address: 69 Jiang Nan Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China

Post Code: 315040

Fax No: 86 0574 8778 7509 Telephone No: 86 0574 8778 7510

The Buyers: Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Address: 69Jiang Nan Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China

Post Code: 315040

Fax No: 0086 574 8777 8673 Telephone No: 0086 574 8779 2384

The Sellers: Ing. Per- Gjerdrum A/S

Address: P.O. Box 154 N-1395 Hvalstad, Norway

Fax No: 47 66 77 56 01 Telephone No: 47 66 77 56 00

This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:

3. Time of Shipment: Before Nov 20st, 2009

4. Place of Shipment: Main European Port

5. Place of Destination: Ningbo Seaport, China

6. Shipping Mark:

The sellers shall mark on each packages with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurements, shipping mark and the words: “keep away from moisture”, “Handle with care”, “This side up”, ect. Or other generally adopted symbols. In the case of dangerous and /or poisonous cargo (es) and the generally adopted symbols shall be marked conspicuously on each package. The shipping mark shall be:

Hull No.: DH2002

Contract No.: DH2002-GPA254-0202-No

Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

7. Packing

To be packed in new sea-worthy strong wooden case(s) or in container or in cartons as per

international packing standard, suitable for long distance Sea/ Air freight transportation/parcel post and change of climate, well protected against dampness, moisture, rust, shocks and rough handling, protected for a period of six months from date of shipment.

The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses occurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers in regard to the packing, in which case they shall rectify the transport damage and in case of corrosion, reimburse the Buyer for relating expenses incurred up to an amount the Seller would have incurred the remedial action been taken by himself at his premises.

It is Buyer’s responsibility to check packing and preservation. In case Buyer becomes aware of damages of packing and preservation or period of preservation has been elapsed he shall inform Seller without undue delay; Otherwise Seller is released from its warranty obligations.

With the engine package, the lifting device should be delivered which shall remain property of Seller and be returned DDU Seller’s premises in due time after installation of the engine.

Following documents shall be enclosed in each package:

Detail packing list in 2 copies issued by the Manufacturers/ Seller indicating the number, content, measurement, net and gross weight of each package.

8. Insurance:

To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of Delivered Goods Value.

9. Payment:

As per the attachment 1 of this contract.

10. Documents:

1) 3 original commercial invoice and 3 copies indicating sold to Evergreen industries group,

indication contract number L/C number and shipping mark mad out in details as per the related contract.

The sellers should supply an additional set of original commercial invoice to Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

2) Bill of Lading

2/3 sets of on board ocean bills of lading in original and copies marked “Freight Prepaid”

made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying Consignee, at place of destination specified in the contract.

3) 3 sets of packing list in original and 3 sets of copies indicating contract number, name of the

commodity, package number, Net/Gross weight, measurement of packages issued by the sellers/makers.

4) Insurance certificate covered all risks and war risks base on 110% of delivered goods value

in three (3) copies.

5) Certificate of Quantity issued by the sellers.

6) Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that the “IPPC”mark has been stamped on surface of

wood package/crate./pallet by Heat treatment provider with proper reference and authorization of certified National Plant quarantine authorities/protection organization of exporting country of region. The sample of the “IPPC” mark and number shall be showed on

this Beneficiary’s certificate.

7) Copy of telex/ telefax to the buyers advising the shipment details including the name of the commodity, gross weight, ETA, ETD, etc. immediately within 3 working days after shipment is made.

In addition, the sellers should send the following documents directly to Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd. by express courier as soon as possible after shipment. Should the Sellers fail to do so, the Sellers shall bear the penalty for the delay of Chinese Customs’Declaration and Demurrage which the Buyers pay to the Cargo Agency.

A) 1 original commercial invoice

B) 1 original of the packing list

C) 1/3 sets of on board ocean bills of lading in original

D) Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that the “IPPC” mark has been stamped on surface of wood package/crate/pallet by Heat treatment provider with proper reference and authorization of certified National Plant quarantine authorities/protection organization of exporting country or region. The sample of the “IPPC” mark and number shall be showed on this Beneficiary’s certificate.

11. Shipment:

CIF Terms

The sellers shall the commodity from the port of shipment within the shipment time for shipment to the port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed. Partial shipment is not allowed. The contracted commodity shall not be carried by a vessel flying the flag of a country which the Buyers cannot accept.

12. Inspection and Claims:

a. Under the presence of the classification society’s representative Seller will carry out an Acceptance Test Run of the engine on its test bed to verify the data as specified in this Contract. Sellers has to inform Buyer about the date of this Acceptance Test Run twenty days in advance and to provide a corresponding testing program. Buyer is entitled to attend the Acceptance Test Run at his own expense.

Seller shall issue a test certificate. To the extent not covered by the test, Manufacturer shall, before making delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods as regards their quantity, quality and weight and issue a Certificate certifying that the goods are in conformity with stipulation of this Contract。

b. Within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyer shall apply to Ningbo Import &Export commodity Inspection &quarantine Bureau of P. R. China for the final inspection of the goods in respect of their quality, quantity and weight. If any discrepancies are found by the inspection bureau regarding the quality, quantity and weight expect those for which the Seller is responsible, the buyers shall have right to claim shall be regarded as accepted if the sellers fail to reply within 30 days after receipt of the Buyers’claim.

13. Settlement of Claims:

In case a claim is lodged by the Buyers within the period of claim as stipulated in clause 12

of this Contract, which is based on failures in design, workmanship or material, the Sellers shall settle the claim by:

Repair or replace the defective goods with new ones which conform to the specifications, quality and performance as stipulated in this Contract and bear all expenses incurred for repair/replacement incl. dispatch, as well as reasonable costs of removal and installation of Equipment, further, if under consideration of the individual case this can be reasonably demanded, the costs of necessary services of his mechanics and assistants. The guarantee period of repair or replacement goods shall also be 13 months as specified in Clause 12 of this Contract from the date on which the new-built ship be delivered to the ship owner or 26 months counting from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination, whichever is earlier. In case the defective goods are found, the Seller must replace it within

30 days after receiving the Buyer’s written notice, unless the nature of the defect acquires

some longer period. Buyer shall give Seller necessary time and opportunity to remedy the Defect. If defects of deficiencies of the goods supplied under this Contract occur in the course of operation within warranty period, the Seller shall immediately be informed by a telefax notice from shipyard or ship owner (or it’s nominee) describing such defects or non-conformities.

IF SELLER is not successful in the repair or replacement of the same defective goods as described above after two attempts, the Seller will agree to one of the following:

a) the rejection of the defective goods and refund to the BUYER the value of the

defective good rejected in the same currency as contracted herein and bear all direct

losses and expenses in connection therewith including interest occurred, banking

charges, freight, insurance premium, inspection charges, storage charges and all other

necessary expenses required for the custom and protection of the rejected goods.

b) Devalue the defective goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage

and amount of direct losses suffered by the buyers and End users.

14. Guarantee of Quality: The Sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, branded new and unused and complies at the time of delivery in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this contract. The Seller further warrants that it shall remain free from defects attributable to failures in design, workmanship or material for a period of 26 months counting from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination or 13 months counting from the date on which the new-built ship be delivered to the ship owner whichever comes earlier.

15. Force Majeure:

The Sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. “Force Majeure” shall mean any cause beyond the reasonable control of either party, which prevents or impedes the due performance of this Contract and which by due diligence Seller is unable to avoid or overcome through its individual effort. Force Majeure shall include but shall not be limited to war, natural disasters, fire, riots, strike, lock-out, embargo. The Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 14 days thereafter, the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the incident

issued by the Competent Government Authorities or Chamber of Commerce where the incident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary reasonable measures to hasten the delivery of goods. In case the accident lasts for more than six weeks, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Contract.

16. Late Delivery:

Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in this Contract, with exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 15 of this Contract, the Buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Sellers agree to pay penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment, The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5 % of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, less than seven days should be counted as 7 days. In case the Sellers fail to make delivery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in this Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this contract and the Sellers, in spite of cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyers without delay, The remedies provided hereunder constitute the full and final remedies available for delay.

17. Arbitration:

All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration according to the Rules of Arbitration by the International Chamber of Commerce by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules: Proceedings and the award shall be in the English language. The Arbitration shall take place in Zurich, Switzerland and the decision of the Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding upon both parties, neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

18. Effectiveness of This Contract:

The contract shall come into force when signed by the three parties.

19. Limitation of Liability

Seller shall in on case be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to loss of profits, loss of revenue, cost of capital, damage which does not arise at Equipment itself and claims of third parties suffered or incurred by Buyer.

20 Note:

1) The attachment 1 to 2 of contract shall from an integral part of the contract and have the same effectiveness as the contract.

2) With the exception of what expressed and indicated in the contract, the trade terms hereof are subject to ICC INCOTERMS2000.

3) Any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carton copied shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “ORIGINAL”and certified with signature in hand writing by authorized officers of the issuing company of corporation.

4) Stale bills of loading and Short Form of loading shall not be acceptable.

5) Attachments

Attachment 1: Additional Articles for contract No.DH2002-GPA254-0202-NO Attachment2: Technical Agreement.

The contract is signed by three parties in three original.


Evergreen industries group Ing.Per-Gjerdrum A/S Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd.


前期物业服务合同书修订版 What the parties to the contract ultimately expect to get or achieve through the conclusion and performance of the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-025988

前期物业服务合同书修订版 予必要配合。 第十九条乙方可采取规劝、 、 等必要措施,制止业主、物业使用人违反本临时公约和物业管理区域内物业管理规章制度的行为。 第二十条乙方应及时向全体业主通告本物业管理区域内有关物业管理的重大事项,及时处理业主和物业使用人的投诉,接受甲方、业主和物业使用人的监督。 第二十一条因维修物业或者公共利益,甲方确需临时占用、挖掘本物业管理区域内道路、场地的,应征得相关业主和乙方的同意;乙方确需临时占用、挖掘本物业管理区域内道路、场地的,应征得相关业主和甲方的同意。

临时占用、挖掘本物业管理区域内道路、场地的,应在约定期限内恢复原状。 第二十二条乙方与装饰装修房屋的业主或物业使用人应签订书面的装饰装修管理服务协议,就允许施工的时间、废弃物的清运与处置、装修管理服务费用等事项进行约定,并事先告知业主或物业使用人装饰装修中的禁止行为和注意事项。 第二十三条甲方应于 (具体时间)按有关规定向乙方提供能够直接投入使用的物业管理用房。 物业管理用房建筑面积 平方米,其中:办公用房 平方米,位于 ;住宿用房 平方米,位于 ; 用房


合同编号:YT-FS-4012-61 系统工程项目合同范本 (完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

系统工程项目合同范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方:_____ 法定代表人:___ 乙方:_____ 法定代表人:___ 丙方:_____ 法定代表人:___ 本_____小额支付系统合同由上列各方于_____年 _____月_____日在_____市订立。 鉴于甲乙丙三方就_____小额支付系统网络工程 项目的事宜,三方经协商一致,达成_____小额支付系 统合同,合同如下: 第一条甲方、乙方和丙方 甲方_____,乙方_____以及丙方_____三方就 _____小额支付系统网络工程项目签订本合同。本合同

所有采购货物和软件应用于_____小额支付系统网络工程。 第二条法定地址 甲乙丙三方就本合同进行的一切正式联系,除另有商定外,均应使用以下地址: 甲方:_____ 地址:_____ 邮编:_____ 电话:_____ 传真:_____ 联系人:_____ 乙方:_____ 地址:_____ 邮编:_____ 电话:_____ 传真:_____ 联系人:_____ 开户行:_____


contract英文合同大全 买方 buyer 卖方 seller 项目名称 Project name 地址 address 电话 phone 本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。 This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1.详细货物清单 Detail supply list 2.合同价格 Contract value 序号 item型号 model尺寸 size, dimension数量 amount, unit单价 unit price总价 total price备注 remark货物,运费 freight, transportation合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT installation 3.付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms 4.交货地点 delivery place 5.发货期 delivery time 6.安装条款 installation clause 7.验收条款 inspection clause 8.保证条款 guarantee clause 9.不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause 10.违约条款 Breach clause 11.其他条款 Miscellaneous clause 12.买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information 此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party. 涉外合同格式 涉外合同按繁简不同,尽管可以采取不同书面形式,如正式合同(Contract)、协议书(Agreement)、确认书(Confirmation)、备忘录(Memorandum)、订单(Order)等等,但


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-009822 前期物业服务合同(完整版)

前期物业服务合同(完整版) 说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:经过平等协商达成一致意思后订立的协议,规定了相互之间的必须履行的义务和应当享有的权利,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。 第一章总则 第一条本合同当事人 甲方:____________________________ 乙方:____________________________ 甲乙双方依据有关法律、法规及乙方与售房单位签订的《_______市商品房买卖合同》(编号:___________)内的有关物业管理的约定,双方在自愿、平等、友好协商的基础上,就前期物业服务达成如下协议。 前期物业服务时间是指:从乙方接到售房单位开出的《房屋进住通知单》之日起至业主大会委托业主委员会与甲方签订《物业服务合同》时止。 第二条物业基本情况 本物业名称:_______市_______文化居住区_______区 座落位置:_______区_______楼_______单元_______室 建筑面积:___________平方米 第三条甲方提供服务的收益人为本物业的全体业主和物业使用人,本物业的全体业主和物业使用人均应对履行本协议承担相应的责任。

第二章双方的权利和义务 第四条甲方的权利义务 一、对房屋共用部位、共用设施设备、绿化、环境卫生、公共秩序、交通等项目进行维护、修缮、服务与管理; 二、在本物业设立服务机构,对本物业进行专业化物业管理; 三、根据有关法规和政策,结合实际情况,制定本物业的管理制度; 四、建立健全本物业的物业管理档案资料; 五、制止违反《物业管理业主临时公约》、《住户手册》和本物业的管理规定的行为; 六、可委托专业公司承担本物业的专项管理与服务业务,但不得将本物业的整体管理责任转让给第三方; 七、依据本协议向乙方收取物业服务费用及其他费用; 八、编制物业服务及财务年度计划; 九、每六个月向乙方公布物业费用收支账目; 十、提前将房屋装饰装修的注意事项和限期条件书面告知乙方,并与乙方订立《房屋装饰装修管理服务协议》; 十一、向乙方提供房屋自用部位、自用设施设备维修养护等有偿服务; 十二、法律法规规定的其他权利义务。 第五条乙方的权利及义务 一、享有并履行《物业管理条例》中规定的业主在物业管理活动中的权利及义务; 二、监督甲方的物业管理行为,就物业管理的有关问题向甲方提出意见和建议;

Purchase Contract 进口合同中英文

Purchase Contract CONTRACT NO.: SIGNING DATE: SIGNING PLACE: 买方:卖方: Buyer: Seller: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Mobile: Mobile: 经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进卖方售出以下商品: The contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions as stipulated below. 1.商品名称、规格、数量及价格: 2.原产地和制造厂商: COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER: 3. 价格条款: PRICE TERMS: 4.装运期限: TIME OF SHIPMENT: 5.包装:适合长途海运/空运的防潮防破的标准包装,符合中国海关卫生检疫要求。 PACKING: All goods are to be packed in seaworthy export standard packages according to international standards. 6.唛头:买方选择 SHIPPINGMARK: Option by buyer 8.装船港口:目的港口: PORT OF SHIPMENT: PORT OF DESTINATION: 7.付款条件: TERMS OF PAYMENT:

CONTRACT 中英文对照 外贸合同 模板[001]

合同 CONTRACT NO.: DATE: THE BUYER: ADDRESS : TEL: FAX: 买方:地址:THE SELLER: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)名称及规格单位平均单价数量总价Description UnitAverage unit QtyAmount price (JPY) FOB PORT TOTAL VALUE FOB OSAKA PORT OR KOBE PORT 2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防


合同编号:YT-FS-8231-44 前期物业合同(完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

前期物业合同(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方:; 法定代表人:; 住所地:; 邮编:。 乙方:; 法定代表人:; 住所地:; 邮编:; 资质等级:; 证书编号:。 根据《物业管理条例》和相关法律、法规、政策,甲乙双方在自愿、平等、协商一致的基础上,就甲方选聘乙方对(物业名称)提供前期物业管理服务事宜,订立本合同。

第一章物业基本情况 第一条物业基本情况: 物业名称; 物业类型; 座落位置; 建筑面积。 物业管理区域四至: 东至; 南至; 西至; 北至。 (规划平面图见附件一,物业构成明细见附件二)。 第二章服务内容与质量 第二条在物业管理区域内,乙方提供的前期物业管理服务包括以下内容: 1、物业共用部位的维修、养护和管理(物业共用部位明细见附件三); 2、物业共用设施设备的运行、维修、养护和管理



购货合同PURCHASE CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract No.: OA010602 签订日期: Date:JUNE 2,2001 签订地点: Signed at: SHENZHEN 1. 买方: The Buyers: SHENZHEN OCDA FOOD CO., LTD. 地址: Address: 7/F, OCDA BLDG, KEYUAN RD., SHENZHEN, CHINA 电话(Tel): 86-755-2626268传真(Fax): 86-755-2626269 2. 卖方: The Sellers:ASTAK FOOD, INC

地址: Address: 5-18 ISUKI-CHOHAKI, TOKYO, JAPAN 电话(Tel): 81-465-282828 传真(Fax): 81-465-282829 经买卖双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同: The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have confirmed this contract is accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below: Total Value (in words): SAY U.S.DOLLARS THIRTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONLY. 8. 允许溢短________%。 5 % more or less in quantity and value allowed. 9. 成交价格术语: Terms: ? FOB? CFR? CIF? DDU 11. 包装 Packing: EXPORTER CARTON 12. 运输唛头 Shipping Mark: N/M 13. 运输起讫:由________________(装运港)到________________(目的港)。 Shipment from TOKYO (Port of Shipment) to SHENZHEN, CHINA (Port of Destination). 14. 转运:?允许?不允许;分批:?允许?不允许 Transhipment:?allowed?not allowed Partial shipment: ?allowed?not allowed 运输时间: Shipment Time: WITHIN 20DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF IRREVOCABLE SIGHT L/C. 15. 保险:由_______方按发票金额的______%投保__________,加保______从______到______。 Insurance: to be covered by the BUYER for 110 % of the invoice value covering Institute Cargo Clauses(A) 1/1/82 additional Institute War and Strikes Clauses-Cargo 1/1/82 from TOKYO to SHENZHEN . 16. 付款条件: Terms of Payment: ?买方应不迟于______年____月____日前将100%货款用即期汇票/电汇支付给卖方。 The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight (demand) draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than / . ?买方应于______年____月____日前通过____________银行开立以卖方为受益人的____天不可撤销信用证,有效期至装运后____天在中国议付,并注明合同号。 The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/C at 90 days sight through BANK in favour of the sellers prior to JUNE 6,2001 indicating L/C shall be valid in CHINA though negotiation within 21 days after the shipment effected, the L/C must mention the Contract Number. ?付款交单:买方应凭卖方开立给买方的____期跟单汇票付款,付款时交单。 Documents against payment (D/P): the buyers shall dully make the payment against documentary draft

项目合作协议(双语)Joint Project Contract

项目合作协议(双语)Joint Project Contract The Joint Project Contract between the AAA Co., Ltd. and BBB Ltd. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1.1 Preamble CCC Communication Co., Ltd. is a large Telco permitted by the Chinese Government to operate the Tele communication business nation-wide. _________ Branch of the CCC Communication Co., Ltd. is responsible for the business development and the network construction in _________ area. BBBs Ltd. is a _________(STATE) company headquartered in _________ and its main business is to provide high-speed broadband Internet technology services. Based on the spirit of friendly cooperation and mutual development, after discussions and negotiations, both Parties agreed to deploy Internet and value-added business in the _________ area jointly. In accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic China, the General Principle of Civil Law of the _________(COUNTRY), and other related laws and regulations, the Parties concluded the Contract on _________(M,D,Y) Article 1.1 Definitions In this Contract, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires:


合同书 Contract 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 合同名称: Name of contract: 合同编号: Contract No.:

此合同由如下双方签定 The contract shall be signed by two parties as following: 1、(以下简称甲方) (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 2、(以下简称乙方) (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 此项目经甲乙双方友好协商,按国家经济合同法,现达成协议,其条款如下:The project is friendly negotiated by two parties according to national economic contract law. Now the agreement is reached with articles as following: 一、合同价格Contract amount 合同总金额为人民币(含17%增值税)xxx元。(大写:xxx)。 The total amount of the contract is xxxRMB (including 17% VAT) (in words: xxx). 二、工作范围Working scope 三、付款方式与条件Payment terms and conditions 3.1、合同生效后,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 Party A shall pay 30% of the total contract amount as down payment after the contract is signed and valid. 3.2、完成预验收后,乙方向甲方开具相应的发票,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 After the pre-acceptance, Party A shall pay 30% of the total amount against the invoice issued by Party B. 3.3、在最终客户完成终验收,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 Party A shall pay 30% of the total contract amount after the final customer’s final acceptance. 3.4、质保期为1年,年满后付合同总价的10%。 After the warranty period of 1 year, the last 10% of the total amount shall be paid. 3.5、合同金额包含往来运费。 The total contract amount shall include all transportation fees.


YOUR LOGO 前期管理服务合同范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

前期管理服务合同范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 一、合同双方当事人: 委托方(以下简称甲方): (签章) 联系人: 联系电话: 受托方(以下简称乙方): (签章) 物业管理负责人: 联系电话: 二、物业基本状况: 物业名称: 物业类型: 物业座落: 物业总建筑面积:______方米,其中:已竣工建筑面积 ______平方米,尚在建的______平方米;按物业类型划分,具体是:①住宅建筑面积,总计______平方米;独立式住宅______幢______套,计______平方米;多层住宅______幢______单元 ______套,计______平方米;8~9层住宅______幢______套,计______平方米;10~20层住宅______幢______套,计______

平方米;21~30层住宅______幢______套,计______平方米;31层以上住宅______幢______套,计______平方米;②商务办公用房______幢,层数______,套(间)数______,建筑面积总计 ______平方米;③商业用房______幢,层数______,套(间)数______,建筑面积总计______平方米;④工业用房______幢,建筑面积总计______平方米;⑤机动车场(库)建筑面积总计______平方米,停车位______个;地面停车库______个,建筑面积 ______平方米,地面停车位______个;⑥其他用房______处,建筑面积计______平方米。 三、物业管理公共服务费标准(请分类填写): 四、物业管理期限:______年______月______日______时至______年______月______日______时 五、乙方向甲方出示的证件: 1、企业的营业执照,编号: 2、企业的物业管理资质证书,编号: 3、其他有关业绩证明文件: 六、备案时间与备案机关: 备案机关: (盖章) 备案时间:______年______月______日 说明: 1、乙方持本合同备案表和合同原件及相关证件到物业所在


编号:GR-WR-15320 进口合同模板(标准版) After negotiation and consultation, both parties jointly recognize and abide by their responsibilities and obligations, and elaborate the agreed commitment results within the specified time. 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订时间:____________________ 本文档下载后可任意修改

进口合同模板(标准版) 备注:本合同书适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐 述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。 合同号:_______ 卖方:______ 地址:______ 电话:______ 传真:______ 电传:______ 买方:______ 地址:______ 电话:______ 传真:______ 电传:______ 双方同意按照下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: 1.货物名称、规格:______。 2.数量:______。 3.单价:______。

4.总值:______。 5.交货条件:fob/cfr/cif,______。除非另有规定,“cfr”和“cif”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则(incotems)XX》办理。 6.原产地国别:______。 7.包装及标准 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 8.唛头:______。 9.装运期:______。 10.装运港:______。 11.目的港:______。 12.保险:当交货条件为fob或cfr时,应由买方负责投保;当交货条件为cif时,应由卖方按发票金额110%投保______险;附加险:______。


2020 项目合作协议范本文档CONTRACT TEMPLATE

项目合作协议范本文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,合同是市场经济中广泛进行的法律行为,人议,以及劳动合 同等,这些合同由其他法律包括婚烟、收养、监护等有关身份关系的协进行规范, 不属于我国合同法中规范的合同在市场经济中,财产的流转主要依靠合同。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 甲方:_________乙方:_________ 以上各方共同投资人(以下简称“共同投资人”)经友好协商,根据中华人民共和国法律、法规的规定,双方本着互惠互利的原则,就甲乙双方合作投资项目事宜达成如下协议,以共同遵守。第一条共同投资人的投资额和投资方式 甲、乙双方同意,以双方注册成立的公司(以下简称为项目投资主体。 各方出资分别:甲方占出资总额的_________%;乙方占出资总额的_________%。 第二条利润分享和亏损分担 共同投资人按其出资额占出资总额的比例分享共同投资的利润,分担共同投资的亏损。 共同投资人各自以其出资额为限对共同投资承担职责,共同投资人以其出资总额为限对股份有限公司承担职责。 共同投资人的出资构成的股份及其孳生物为共同投资人的共有财产,由共同投资人按其出资比例共有。

共同投资于股份有限公司的股份转让后,各共同投资人有权按其出资比例取得财产。 第三条事务执行 1。共同投资人委托甲方代表全体共同投资人执行共同投资的日常事务,包括但不限于: (1)在股份公司发起设立阶段,行使及履行作为股份有限公司发起人的权利和义务; (2)在股份公司成立后,行使其作为股份公司股东的权利、履行相应义务; (3)收集共同投资所产生的孳息,并按照本协议有关规定处置; 2。其他投资人有权检查日常事务的执行状况,甲方有义务向其他投资人报告共同投资的经营状况和财务状况; 3。甲方执行共同投资事务所产生的收益归全体共同投资人,所产生的亏损或者民事职责,由共同投资人承担; 4。甲方在执行事务时如因其过失或不遵守本协议而造成其他共同投资人损失时,应承担赔偿职责; 5。共同投资人能够对甲方执行共同投资事务提出异议。提出异议时,应暂停该项事务的执行。如果发生争议,由全体共同投资人共同决定。 6。共同投资的下列事务务必经全体共同投资人同意: (1)转让共同投资于股份有限公司的股份; (2)以上述股份对外出质;


This contract is concluded on the 1th day of July 2012 (the “Effective Date”) between(the “Buyer”) and (the “Seller”). (买方)与(卖方)于二零一二年七月一日(生效日期)订立本合同。 1.SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 合同目的 The Seller agrees to sell and deliver Coal in bulk and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery of Coal in bulk at the terms and conditions set out below: 根据下述条款与条件卖方同意售卖和运送散装煤炭而买方同意购买及接受散装煤炭。 2.DEFINITIONS 定义 Actual Calorific Value means:实际热值意即the calorific value of the Coal as stated in the final certificate of analysis basis kcal/kg (NAR);载明于最后检验证的煤炭热值 Affiliates means:分支机构意即in relation to any company or corporation, a Subsidiary or Holding Company of that company or corporation or any other Subsidiary of that company or corporation or of that Holding Company; Banking Day and Business Day mean:银行工作日和营业日意即any day except a Saturday or Sunday on which banks in the city of New York, New York, USA, are generally open for the conduct of business; Calorific Value (CV) means:热值(CV)意即 the calorific value of the Coal expressed in BTU/lb or kcal/kg; Holding Company:控股公 司 has the meaning given to it in the definition of Subsidiary; INCOTERMS 2010 means:贸易术语2010意即the 2010 edition of the standard trade definitions published by the International Chamber of Commerce; Kcal/kg means:大卡/公斤 意即 the heating value of coal expressed in kilo-calories per kilogram; Laytime means:装卸时间 意即 the time allowed for discharging the vessel; Laycan means:受载期意即the agreed days during which the vessel shall arrive at the port of discharge for the commencement of discharge; Metric Ton (MT) means: 公吨(MT)意即 1 metric ton of 1,000 kilograms or 2204.6 2 lbs; NAR means:收到的净值Net As Received; Subsidiary means:子公司意即a company or corporation which, in relation to another company or corporation (a “Holding Company”): (a) is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Holding Company; (b) more than half the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the Holding Company; or (c) which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the Holding Company; and for this purpose, a company or corporation shall be treated as being controlled by a Holding Company if the Holding Company is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the


(合同范本) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YW-HT-029306 前期物业服务合同(完整版) Preliminary property service contract (3)

前期物业服务合同(完整版) 甲方:________________________________ 法定代表人:__________________________ 住所地:______________________________ 邮编:________________________________ 乙方:________________________________ 法定代表人:__________________________ 住所地:______________________________ 邮编:________________________________ 资质等级:____________________________ 证书编号:_____________________________ 根据《物业管理条例》和相关法律、法规、政策,甲乙双方在自愿、平等、协商一致的基础上,就甲方选聘乙方对__________(物业名称)提供前期物业管理服务事宜,订立本合同。 第一章物业基本情况 第一条物业基本情况: 物业名称________________________________; 物业类型________________________________; 座落位置________________________________;


前期借款合同完整版 In the legal cooperation, the legitimate rights and obligations of all parties can be guaranteed. In case of disputes, we can protect our own rights and interests through legal channels to achieve the effect of stopping the loss or minimizing the loss. 【适用合作签约/约束责任/违约追究/维护权益等场景】 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订时间:________________________ 签订地点:________________________

前期借款合同完整版 下载说明:本合同资料适合用于合法的合作里保障合作多方的合法权利和指明责任义务,一旦发生纠纷,可以通过法律途径来保护自己的权益,实现停止损失或把损失降到最低的效果。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 合同编号:_________ 贷款方:_________ 地址:_________ 电话:_________ 借款方:_________ 地址:_________ 电话:_________ 应借款方_________年_________月_________日提出的借款申请,贷款方愿意向借款方提供固定资产贷款。借贷双方根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、


CONTRACT 合同号Contract 日期Date: 地点:Place: 卖方:The Seller: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 买方:The Buyer: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出,买方同意购进以下商品: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 1.商品名称及规格NAME OF COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATION: 2.数量QUANTITY: 3.单价(包装费包括在内)UNIT PRICE (PACKING CHARGES INCLUDE): 4.总值: TOTAL VALUE: USD 5.包装(适于海洋运输)PACKING (SEAWORTHY):

6.生产国别及制造商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN & MANUFACTURE: 7.装运时间:TIME OF SHIPMENT: 8.装运口岸:PORT OF LOADING: 9.目的口岸:PORT OF DESTINATION: 10.装运唛头:SHIPPING MARKS 11.付款条件:Terms of Payment A. 买方于装运时间前天通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,卖方在装船启运后凭本合同条款12所列单据在开证银行已付货款。信用证有效期为装船后15天截止。 A. days prior to the time shipment, the Buyer shall open with the Bank of , an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing Bank against presentation of the shipping documents as stipulated under Clause 12 of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th days after shipment. B. L/C AT SIGHT 见票即付信用证(或者根据实际情况改为TT) 12.装运单据Shipping Documents: DETAILED IN THE L/C 按信用证所列 13.延期交货及罚款:除不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销或解除该订单,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予卖方天优惠期。每迟延一天卖方需向买方支付订单总价款%的违约金。罚款自第天起计算。 Delayed Delivery and Penalty: Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Order owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause 11 of this Order, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel or terminate the order .The Sellers may, with the Buyers’consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of days. Delay each day, the Seller need to pay % of the price (the compensation)to the Buyer. Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day. 13、仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会天津国际经济金融仲裁中心,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be submitted to CIETAC Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon all parties 。 14. 商检条款INSPECTION:
