BACnet Gateway
- Version 3 - Functional Specifications
Version Date
Revision Histroy
Approved by Checked
by Prepared by First 08/03/2002 Newly compiled
A 20/08/2003 (Revision outline)
E The postscript of notes about indoor temperature E The postscript of notes of the number of times of change about a setup of an air-conditioning unit
(Revision page) P2, 10,11,27, 32
K.tamakoshi K.shimatani K.matsuura
1. Summary
2. Configuration of connection 1
3. Monitoring and Controlling Items of A/C 2
4. Applicable A/C Models and Monitoring and Controlling Items 3
5. BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement•i PICS•j 4
6. BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported•i BIBBs•j 6
6.1. Data Sharing BIBBs (6)
6.2. Alarm and Event Management BIBBs (6)
BIBBs (6)
6.3. SCHEDuling
6.4. Trending BIBBs (7)
6.5. Device Management BIBBs (7)
Management BIBBs (8)
6.6. Network
7. Objects
Object Type (9)
7.1. Supported
Objects (10)
7.2. Member
8. Properties
8.1. Analog Input Object Type (14)
8.2. Analog Value Object Type (15)
8.3. Binary Input Object Type(supported Intrinsic Reporting) (16)
8.4. Binary Input Object Type(non-supported Intrinsic Reporting) (17)
8.5. Binary Output Object Type (18)
Type (19)
8.6. Binary
Type (20)
8.7. Device
8.8. Multi-state Input Object Type (21)
8.9. Multi-state Output Object Type (22)
9. Report
Notification (23)
9.1. COV
Notification (24)
9.2. Event
9.2.1. Registration Information on Event Notification Destination (24)
9.2.2. Registration of Event Notification Destination (24)
9.2.3. Deletion of Event Notification Destination (24)
9.2.4. Event Notification Destination Re-registration (24)
Destination in Memory (25)
9.2.5. Event
Confirmation (25)
9.2.6. Event
10. Error Responses in BACnet Communication 26
11. Explanation of Objects in Detail 27
11.1. Common to All Objects (27)
11.2. On/Off Switching (Settings) (28)
11.3. On/Off Switching (Status) (28)
Signal (29)
11.4. Alarm
11.5. Error Code (29)
11.6. Operating Mode (Settings) (30)
11.7. Operating Mode (Status) (30)
11.8. Airflow rate (Settings) (31)
11.9. Airflow rate (Status) (31)
11.10. Room Temperature Measurement Value (32)
11.11. Room Temperature Set Value (33)
11.12. Filter Used-up Signal (34)
Used-up Signal Reset (34)
11.13. Filter
11.14. Remote Control Operation (On/Off Switching) (35)
11.15. Remote Control Operation (Operating Mode) (35)
11.16. Remote
Operation (Temperature Setting Value) (35)
11.17. Central Control (Slave-centered Operation Prohibited) (36)
Conditions (36)
11.18. Communication
Off (36)
11.19. System
11.20. Air Direction (Settings) (37)
11.21. Air Direction (Status) (37)
11.22. Forced Thermo OFF (Settings) (38)
11.23. Forced Thermo OFF (Settings) (38)
11.24. Energy-saving Command (Settings) (38)
11.25. Energy-saving Command (Status) (38)
Status (39)
11.26. Thermo
Status (39)
11.27. Compressor
11.28. Indoor Fan Status (39)
11.29. Heater Operating Status (39)
12. Others
12.1. Initialization at Starting (40)
Network Layer (40)
12.2. BACnet
Settings (40)
12.3. Clock