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Dongying Vocational College, Shandong, China

Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center

Urbana University, USA


Party A: Urbana University, USA

Address: Urbana, Ohio, the United States

Party B: Dongying Vocational College, Shandong, China

Address: No. 569, Yellow River Road, Dongying, Shandong, China

Party C: Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center, Dongying, Shandong, China

Address: Dongying, Shandong, China

Through friendly negotiations, Party A, Party B and Party C have reached the following agreements on cooperative education on the principles of voluntary, equality, open and justice.

The cooperation educational program includes:

1. “ 3+1”and “ 2+2”educational patterns of top-up undergraduate degree program as well as undergraduate degree program

2. Mutual exchangesof the two educational institutions and teachers fu'rther development training

Please refer to the attachments for the specific cooperation patterns, cooperation contents, cooperation procedures, responsibilities and duties, and rules for fees, etc.

Urbana University, USA Dongying Vocational College, Shandong, China

Representative of Party A(sealing:) Representative of Party B (sealing):

, 2010 , 2010 Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center, Dongying, Shandong,


Representative of Party C (sealing):)

, 2010

Attachment I

Cooperation Agreement among Dongying Vocational College ,Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center and Urbana University, USA

This Cooperation Agreement is made and entered into by Dongying V ocational College, Shandong, Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center,Dongying, Shandong and Urbana University, USA. On the basis of the tripartite agreement and through friendly negotiations, the three parties have reached the following agreements on issues of the“ 3+1” and “e2d+u2c”ational patterns of top-up undergraduate degree program as well as undergraduate degree program:

I. Patterns of the cooperation

Based on the regular courses of the associate degree offered by Party B and in consideration of the educational levels and characteristics of both parties, Party A and Party B hereby agree on the patterns of cooperation as follows:

1. Students who have spent three (3) years studying the associate degree courses of Party B and obtained the certificate will be deemed by Party A as having completed the first three (3) years of the undergraduatecoursesof Party A, which all together account for 94 credits (must be recognized by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)); and after having got more than 5.5 points in ITELS, passed the interview held by Party A and obtained the visa, such students will be transferred to the University of Party A and finish the one (1) year undergraduate degree courses of 32 credits, then he/she will be awarded both the undergraduate certificate and the bachelor degree by Party A.

2. Students who have spent two (2) years studying the associate degree courses of Party B and obtained the certificate will be deemed by Party A as having completed the first two (2) years of the undergraduatecourses of Party A, which all together account for 94 credits (must be recognized by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)) ; and after having got more than 5.5 points in ITELS, passedthe interview held by Party A and obtained the visa, such students will be transferred to the University of Party A and finish its two (2) years undergraduate degree courses of 32 credits, then he/she will be awarded both the undergraduate diploma and the bachelor degree by Party A.

3. In case that the situation permits and the student so requires, students who have

obtained the bachelor degree of the “ 3+1”or “2+2”top-up undergraduate degree program, he/she can extend the study to one (1) additional year (i.e. the “ 3+1+1 ”or “ 2+2+1 ”pattern), and then apply for the master degree. Please refer to Attachment II for more information.

II. Contents of the cooperation

1. Courses offered. (1) Courses to be offered for the“ 3+1”top-up undergraduate degree program and the “3+1”undergraduatedegree program shall be determined according to the actual situation of the courses available from Party A and the requirements of Party B; (2) Courses to be offered for the -


degree program shall be determined through friendly negotiations by both parties according to the requirements of Party A.

2. Enrollment and admission. (1) Graduating or graduated students of the associate degree from Party B, numbers unlimited; (2) Undergraduates of the associate degree, numbers to be determined by Party A; (3) Graduating or graduated students of the undergraduate degree from Chinese universities, numbers unlimited.

3. Credit acceptance. Credit transfer method is adopted for the“ 31+” and “2+2” educational patterns of top-up undergraduate degree program as well as undergraduate degree program. Students who take undergraduate courses of the aforesaid programs must finish all the courses which all together account for 126 credits. In one case, students must complete three (3) years of associatedegree courses and obtain the certificate, or complete relevant associate degree courses certified by Party A within two (2) years, then he/she is deemed as having completed the first three (3) years of the undergraduate courses of Party A, which account for 94 credits (must be recognized by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)), and then he/she must complete the 32-credit undergraduate courses of Party A within one (1) year, or prolong the study in case of insufficient credits. In the other case, students must complete three (3) years of undergraduate courses of Party B which will be deemed as having finished the first three (3) years of 94-credit undergraduate courses (must be recognized by Educational

Credential Evaluators (ECE)) of Party A, and then he/she must complete the 32-credit undergraduate courses of Party A within one (1) year, or prolong the study in case of insufficient credits.

III. Procedure and qualification for application

1. Students who apply for the “ 3+1to”p-up undergraduate degree program must complete all of the three (3) years associate degree courses of Party B and obtain the certificate, be qualified in English language with notarized academic transcript demonstrating that he/she has finished at least two (2) years English courses of Party B with excellent performances, in addition, he/she must pass the English interview held by Party A. In March of the graduating year, the student shall propose application for the overseas study, and go through qualification examination from Party B; from March to July of the same year, the student shall receive intensified English training from Party C; by end of July, Party A shall organize the English interview (the place for interview is at Party B's) and deliver the admission notice; in August, Party C shall assist Party B in handling the passport, visa, formalities on campus and other issues for studying abroad; and the courses of Party A start from September.

2. Students who apply for the“3+1”undergraduate degree program must complete the three (3) years of associate degree courses of Party B; students who apply for the

“2+2”top-up undergraduate degree program mustcomplete all the associate degree courses of Party B certified by Party A; in addition, he/she must be qualified in English language with notarized academic transcript demonstrating that he/she has finished at least two (2) years English courses of Party B with excellent performances, and passes the English interview of Party A.

3. Students who apply for either the “3+1”or “2+2 ”top-up undergraduate degree program and relevant undergraduateprogram must fill out the English application form, provide an official certificate of his/her bank accounts, health certificate of the physical examination, hard copy of the passport, and lodging intention (dormitory, apartment or outside the university), etc..

IV. Obligations of each party

Obligations of Party A

1. Provide the students with high-quality educational environment and conditions of “3+1”and “2+2”undergraduate courses, as well as guidance for the essential undergraduate courses of Party A.

2. Carry out the examination and certification of the 32-credit courses of the last year of “ 3+1 ”and “2+2 ”programs, as well as admit that the two (2) years associate degree courses of Party B is equivalent to the first three (3) years of 94-credit undergraduate courses of Party A (must be recognized by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)).

3. Organize examination and interview to test the English proficiency of the students (the place for the interview is at the Party Band Party Cs)'

4. Deliver the admission notice to students in a timely manner by express mail service and notify in writing the American Consulate in China to assist the students with the visa interview.

5. Pick up the students flying to America at the airport; provide assistance with the application, payment, registration and insurance formalities.

6. Provide the students with necessaryinformation concerning board, lodging and transportation, etc in America.

Obligations of Party B

1. Organize and assist the students with the signing up and application as well as obtain 1-20 application forms form Party A.

2. Take charge of the enrollment qualification examination and approval for students who apply for the“3+1”or “2+2”undergraduate programs.

3. Carry out the examination and certification of the two-year and third-year associate degree and undergraduate courses (including the award of the associate certificate of Party B after the two years'study), and assist Party A with the examination and certification of the first three (3) years'94-credit undergraduate courses (must be recognized by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)).

Obligations of Party C

1. Provide assistance with the signing up and other related issues.

2. Provide assistance with the qualification examination and approval.

3. Provide the students with intensified English training prior to the visa interview and assist with the examination interview.

4. Ensure that the students who have passed the visa interview remit the tuition fees to Party A on time.

5. Take charge of the passport, visa, student status file, forms-filling and other formalities.

V. Relevant fees

1. Tuition fee: USD 15,000 per year (including 10 months of board and lodging fee,with all students living on campus for the duration of their education at Urbana University). The students must pay in advance tuition fees for the first two semesters prior to going to America for the coursesof the first semester;each semesterlasts about 15 weeks; since the third semester, the student need to pay the tuition fee on the first day of each semester. Students who fail to complete the courses within the specified time can extend the study without paying any additional tuition fee.

2. Books: USD 500~1000 per year.

3. Insurance: USD 500~1000 per year.

4. Other fees

(1) Fees for studying at Party B's shall be charged by Party B as per the regulations.

(2) Fees for the intensified English training, signing up, visa and other services shall be charged by Party C.

VI. Miscellaneous

1. In case any party hereto determines to terminate the agreement, it shall notify the other parties in writing 90 days in advance, under the condition that such termination will not affect the on-going programs and the commitments made to students.

2. Any amendment to this agreement shall be effective only after being approved and signed by the three parties.

3. This agreement is made in six (6) originals of the Chinese language and six (6) in English, and each party holds two (2) copies of both languages. In case of discrepancy of the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

4. The agreement becomes valid as of the day when it is signed and remains valid within a term of five (5) years, and comes into effect after being approved by the Chinese educational administrative department.

Dongying Vocational College, Shandong, China Urbana University, USA

Representative of Party A(sealing)) :Representativeof Party B (sealing):

, 2010 , 2010

Dongying Yellow River Delta Human Resources Development Center, Shandong, China Representative of Party C (sealing):)

, 2010
