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I R control


There is no doubt that remote controls are extremely popular and it has become very hard to imagine a world without them.They are used to control all manner of house appliances like the TV set,the stereo,the VCR,and the satellite receiver.Whenever such an appliance reaches the end of its lifetime its remote control becomes obsolete.And since wasting it is a shame we probably all have some old remote controls lying around somewhere.Wouldn't it be nice to use them again to control other things,like for instance the lights in the living room or the curtains?

But sometimes it is the other way around and it is the remote control that dies first.After all it is a hand held device which is often dropped to the floor.Some even have a drinking problem,when someone spills some drinks over it.Others become a victim of man's best friend.

This corner of my site is going to cover Infra Red based remote control projects.These projects will vary from very easy testers to a complete IR receivers which can be used to control all manner of things.Only time will tell what is going to be covered here,so please do come back regularly if you're interested in this subject.

If you want to learn about the theory of operation of IR remote controls you may want to visit my knowledge base first.There I explain the basic principles of IR remote controls.

IR Remote Control Theory

The cheapest way to remotely control a device within a visible range is via Infra-Red light.Almost all audio and video equipment can be controlled this way nowadays.Due to this wide spread use the required components are quite cheap,thus making it ideal for us hobbyists to use IR control for our own projects.

This part of my knowledge base will explain the theory of operation of IR remote control,and some of the protocols that are in use in consumer electronics.

Infra-Red Light

Infra-Red actually is normal light with a particular colour.We humans can't see this colour because its wave length of950nm is below the visible spectrum.That's one of the reasons why IR is chosen for remote control purposes,we want to use it but we're not interested in seeing it. Another reason is because IR LEDs are quite easy to make,and therefore can be very cheap.

A digital camera can see the IR light

Although we humans can't see the Infra-

Red light emitted from a remote control

doesn't mean we can't make it visible.

A video camera or digital photo camera

can"see"the Infra-Red light as you can see

in this picture.If you own a web cam

you're in luck,point your remote to it,

press any button and you'll see the LED


Unfortunately for us there are many more sources of Infra-Red light.The sun is the brightest source of all,but there are many others,like:light bulbs,candles,central heating system,and even our body radiates Infra-Red light.In fact everything that radiates heat,also radiates Infra-Red light. Therefore we have to take some precautions to guarantee that our IR message gets across to the receiver without errors.


Modulation is the answer to make our signal stand out above the noise.With modulation we make the IR light source blink in a particular frequency.The IR receiver will be tuned to that frequency, so it can ignore everything else.

You can think of this blinking as attracting the receiver's attention.We humans also notice the blinking of yellow lights at construction sites instantly,even in bright daylight.

In the picture above you can see a modulated signal driving the IR LED of the transmitter on the left side.The detected signal is coming out of the receiver at the other side.

In serial communication we usually speak of'marks'and'spaces'.The'space'is the default signal,which is the off state in the transmitter case.No light is emitted during the'space'state. During the'mark'state of the signal the IR light is pulsed on and off at a particular frequency. Frequencies between30kHz and60kHz are commonly used in consumer electronics.

At the receiver side a'space'is represented by a high level of the receiver's output.A'mark'is then automatically represented by a low level.

Please note that the'marks'and'spaces'are not the1-s and0-s we want to transmit.The real relationship between the'marks'and'spaces'and the1-s and0-s depends on the protocol that's being used.More information about that can be found on the pages that describe the protocols. The Transmitter

The transmitter usually is a battery powered handset.It should consume

as little power as possible,and the IR signal should also be as strong as

possible to achieve an acceptable control distance.Preferably it should be

shock proof as well.

Many chips are designed to be used as IR transmitters.The older chips

were dedicated to only one of the many protocols that were invented. Nowadays very low power microcontrollers are used in IR transmitters for the simple reason that they are more flexible in their use.When no button is pressed they are in a very low power sleep

mode,in which hardly any current is consumed.The processor wakes up

to transmit the appropriate IR command only when a key is pressed.

Quartz crystals are seldom used in such handsets.They are very fragile

and tend to break easily when the handset is dropped.Ceramic resonators

are much more suitable here,because they can withstand larger physical

shocks.The fact that they are a little less accurate is not important.

The current through the LED(or LEDs)can vary from100mA to well over1A!In order to get an acceptable control distance the LED currents have to be as high as possible.A trade-off should be made between LED parameters,battery lifetime and maximum control distance.LED currents can be that high because the pulses driving the LEDs are very short.Average power dissipation of the LED should not exceed the maximum value though.You should also see to it that the maximum peek current for the LED is not exceeded.All these parameters can be found in the LED's data sheet.

A simple transistor circuit can be used to drive the LED.A transistor with a suitable HFE and switching speed should be selected for this purpose.

The resistor values can simply be calculated using Ohm's law.Remember that the nominal voltage drop over an IR LED is approximately1.1V.

The normal driver,described above,has one disadvantage.As the battery voltage drops,the current through the LED will decrease as well.This will result in a shorter control distance that can be covered.

An emitter follower circuit can avoid this.The2diodes in series will limit the pulses on the base of the transistor to1.2V.The base-emitter voltage of the transistor subtracts0.6V from that, resulting in a constant amplitude of0.6V at the emitter.This constant amplitude across a constant resistor results in current pulses of a constant magnitude.Calculating the current through the LED is simply applying Ohm's law again.

The Receiver

Many different receiver circuits exist on the market.The most important selection criteria are the modulation frequency used and the availability in you region.

In the picture above you can see a typical block diagram of such an IR receiver.Don't be alarmed if you don't understand this part of the description,for everything is built into one single electronic component.

The received IR signal is picked up by the IR detection diode on the left side of the diagram.This signal is amplified and limited by the first2stages.The limiter acts as an AGC circuit to get a constant pulse level,regardless of the distance to the handset.

As you can see only the AC signal is sent to the Band Pass Filter.The Band Pass Filter is tuned to the modulation frequency of the handset mon frequencies range from30kHz to60kHz in consumer electronics.

The next stages are a detector,integrator and comparator.The purpose of these three blocks is to detect the presence of the modulation frequency.If this modulation frequency is present the output of the comparator will be pulled low.

As I said before,all these blocks are integrated into a single electronic component.There are many different manufacturers of these components on the market.And most devices are available in several versions each of which are tuned to a particular modulation frequency.

Please note that the amplifier is set to a very high gain.Therefore the system tends to start oscillating very easily.Placing a large capacitor of at least22μF close to the receiver's power connections is mandatory to decouple the power lines.Some data sheets recommend a resistor of 330Ohms in series with the power supply to further decouple the power supply from the rest of the circuit.

There are several manufacturers of IR receivers on the market.Siemens,Vishay and Telefunken are the main suppliers here in Europe.Siemens has its SFH506-xx series,where xx denotes the modulation frequency of30,33,36,38,40or56kHz.Telefunken had its TFMS5xx0and TK18xx series,where xx again indicates the modulation frequency the device is tuned to.It appears that these parts have now become obsolete.They are replaced by the Vishay TSOP12xx,TSOP48xx and TSOP62xx product series.

Sharp,Xiamen Hualian and Japanese Electric are3Asian IR receiver producing companies. Sharp has devices with very cryptic ID names,like:GP1UD26xK,GP1UD27xK and GP1UD28xK, where x is related to the modulation frequency.Hualian has it's HRMxx00series,like the HRM3700and HRM3800.Japanese Electric has a series of devices that don't include the modulation frequency in the part's ID.The PIC-12042LM is tuned to36.7kHz,and the PIC12043LM is tuned to37.9kHz.

The End?

This concludes the theory of operation for IR remote control systems intended for use in consumer electronics.I realize that other ways exist to implement IR control,but I will limit myself to the description above.One of the issues not covered here is security.Security is of no importance if I want to control my VCR or TV set.But when it comes to opening doors or cars it literally becomes a'key'feature!Maybe I will cover this issue later,but not for now.

I also realize that my small list of manufacturers is far from being complete.It is hardly possible to list every manufacturer here.You can send me an e-mail if you have details about other protocols that you feel should be added to my pages.

This page only described the basic theory of operation of IR remote control.It did not describe the protocols that are involved in communication between transmitter and receiver.Many protocols are designed by different manufacturers.You can find the protocols of some manufacturers in the link section at the top of this page.

ITT Protocol

The ITT IR protocol is a very old one.It differs from other protocols in that it does not use a modulated carrier frequency to send the IR messages.A single command is transmitted by a total of 14pulses with a width of10μs each.The command is encoded by varying the distance between the pulses.

This protocol used to be very reliable and consumes very little power ensuring long battery life. One big disadvantage of this old protocol is that it sometimes triggers false commands,for instance when you put a laptop computer with an active IRDA port close to the IR receiver.

Many consumer electronics brands used this protocol in Europe.Among them were:ITT,Greatz, Schaub-Lorenz,Finlux,Luxor,Salora,Oceanic and later also Nokia,to name but a few. Features

?Only14very short IR pulses per message

?Pulse distance encoding

?Long battery life

?4bit address,6bit command length

?Self calibrating timing,allowing only simple RC oscillator in the transmitter

?Fast communication,a message takes from1.7ms to2.7ms to transmit

?Manufacturer Intermetall,now Micronas


An IR message is transmitted by sending14pulses.Each pulse is10μs long.Three different time

intervals between the pulses are used to get the message across:100μs for a logic0,200μs for a logic1and300μs for the lead-in and lead-out.

The preliminary pulse is used by the receiver to set the gain of the amplifier.Then follows a lead-in interval of300μs,after which the starting pulse is given.The first bit sent is always logic0,which has an interval duration of100μs.This start bit can be used to calibrate the timing of the receiver. After the start bit follow4bits(MSB first)that represent the address of the message.After that a total of6bits(MSB first)for the command are transmitted.A trailing pulse should follow this command word.Finally another300μs interval follows before the very last pulse is given, functioning as a lead-out.

There are a few things the receiving software can check to verify the validity of the received message.The lead-out interval should be3times longer than the start bit time,which has a duration of100µs.Bit times should not be off by more than±20%of the start bit length for logic0s, or2x the start bit length for logic1s.

Don't keep waiting for pulses after360μs after the last received pulse.It's very likely that the transmission is interrupted or no transmission took place at all if you have to wait longer than that. The preliminary pulse serves only AGC purposes and may be ignored by the receiving software. Decoding of the message should start at the Start pulse.

Address and Command

A control message is divided into two groups,an address of4bits and a command of6bits.By convention the addresses range from1to16,and commands range from1to64.Before the address and command are sent,1is subtracted from both values to get them in the range0to15and 0to63.

Addresses are used in pairs.A pair of addresses is a value of1to8(0to7actually),and its inverted counter part16to9(15to8actually).

The lower value address is transmitted the first time a key is pressed.The address value of all subsequent messages will be the inverted value of this first address until the key is released.This enables the receiver to interpret repeat codes properly.Messages are repeated every130ms as long as the key remains pressed.

The Transmitter

Intermetall has developed a few transmitter ICs for use in ter microcontrollers were used to facilitate the combination of TV,VCR and SAT remote control in one handset.

The SAA1250was the first IR controller IC to be released.It can be set to generate3different address pairs.A fourth option is transmitting any of the16addresses.That option is rarely used,for it requires a manual setup procedure every time the power is lost.

The second generation of IR controller ICs are the IRT1250and IRT1260.These chips are identical in operation and differ only in the operating voltage.The IRT1250is intended for9V operation, whilst the IRT1260is designed for3V.

The footprint of the IRT12x0is the same as that of the SAA1250.The devices differ in addressing

capability and current drive capacity for the output stage.Two address pins are available to set the address pair used.Addresses 1and 16are always used to control TV sets.Other address pairs are not always uniquely linked to a particular equipment family.


The ITT protocol makes no use of a modulated carrier,so the previously mentioned IR receivers won't work for this protocol.Intermetall has created the TBA2800for use with this protocol.It is a highly sensitive IR detection circuit and should be shielded completely inside a metal box that is connected to ground,leaving only a small hole just in front of the IR


There is actually not much more to be told about this IC.Just connect it as shown in the diagram and it should work.You can chose between a normal high going output,and an inverted low going output.It depends on the rest of your circuitry which one you should use.

In case of excessive interference you could reduce the sensitivity a little by grounding pin 6via a 10kΩresistor.

Pre-defined Commands

Some of the 64possible commands are predefined.But unfortunately the definition of the commands is not as clear as with RC-5.You can find most of the pre-defined commands for TV purposes in the following commands use the address pair 1and 16.A1



H H 1&16L H 3&14H L 7&10L L 4&13














10Left/Bilingual 11Right





















32Info 35-/--












47V olume+

48V olume-






54Blue/Brightness 55Yellow/Saturation 56









JVC Protocol

JVC also has its own IR protocol,although I have seen several different protocols being used in a diversity of JVC equipment.This is probably the case for equipment which JVC haven't made themselves.Most genuine JVC equipment is controlled by the protocol described on this page though.

All information about this protocol was collected using a JVC PTU94023B service remote control and a digital storage oscilloscope.


?8bit address and8bit command length

?Pulse distance modulation

?Carrier frequency of38kHz

?Bit time of1.05ms or2.10ms


The JVC protocol uses pulse distance encoding of the bits.Each pulse is a526μs long38kHz carrier burst(about20cycles).A logical"1"takes2.10ms to transmit(equivalent of80cycles), while a logical"0"is only1.05ms(equivalent of40cycles).The recommended carrier duty cycle is 1/4or1/3.


The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the JVC protocol.With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first.In this case Address$59and Command$35is transmitted.A message is started by a8.4ms AGC burst(equivalent of320cycles),which was used to set the gain of the earlier IR receivers.This AGC burst is then followed by a4.2ms space(equivalent of160cycles),which is then followed by the Address and Command.The total transmission time is variable because the bit times are variable.

An IR command is transmitted every50to60ms for as long as the key on the remote is held down. Only the first command is preceded by the8.4ms pre-pulse and its accompanying2.4ms space. This way the receiver can determine whether a key is pressed for the first time or is held down. NEC Protocol

To my knowledge the protocol I describe here was developed by NEC.I've seen very similar protocol descriptions on the internet,and there the protocol is called Japanese Format.

I do admit that I don't know exactly who developed it.What I do know is that it is used in my late VCR produced by Sanyo and was marketed under the name of Fisher.NEC manufactured the remote control IC.

This description was taken from the VCR's service manual.Those were the days,when service manuals were fulled with useful information!


?8bit address and8bit command length

?Address and command are transmitted twice for reliability

?Pulse distance modulation

?Carrier frequency of38kHz

?Bit time of1.125ms or2.25ms


The NEC protocol uses pulse distance encoding of the bits.Each pulse is a560μs long38kHz carrier burst(about21cycles).A logical"1"takes2.25ms to transmit,while a logical"0"is only half of that,being1.125ms.The recommended carrier duty-cycle is1/4or1/3.


The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the NEC protocol.With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first.In this case Address$59and Command$16is transmitted.A message is started by a9ms AGC burst,which was used to set the gain of the earlier IR receivers.This AGC burst is then followed by a4.5ms space,which is then followed by the Address and Command.Address and Command are transmitted twice.The second time all bits are inverted and can be used for verification of the received message.The total transmission time is constant because every bit is repeated with its inverted length.If you're not interested in this reliability you can ignore the inverted values,or you can expand the Address and Command to16bits each!

A command is transmitted only once,even when the key on the remote control remains pressed. Every110ms a repeat code is transmitted for as long as the key remains down.This repeat code is simply a9ms AGC pulse followed by a2.25ms space and a560μs burst.

Extended NEC protocol

The NEC protocol is so widely used that soon all possible addresses were used up.By sacrificing the address redundancy the address range was extended from256possible values to approximately 65000different values.This way the address range was extended from8bits to16bits without changing any other property of the protocol.

The command redundancy is still preserved.Therefore each address can still handle256different commands.

Keep in mind that256address values of the extended protocol are invalid because they are in fact

normal NEC protocol addresses.Whenever the low byte is the exact inverse of the high byte it is not a valid extended address.

External Links

NEC Electronics

Example Commands

The table below lists the messages sent by the remote control of my late Fisher530VCR(it served us well during its20years long life).

NEC Message Key Function



$68-$02Audio Dub

$68-$03Frame Adv







$68-$0A Stop

$68-$0B Pause/Still

$68-$0C Up key

$68-$1E Down key

Nokia NRC17Protocol

The Nokia Remote Control protocol uses17bits to transmit the IR commands,which immediately explains the name of this protocol.

The protocol was designed for Nokia consumer electronics.It was used during the last few years in which Nokia produced TV sets and VCRs.Also the sister brands like Finlux and Salora used this protocol.Nowadays the protocol is mainly used in Nokia satellite receivers and set-top boxes.


?8bit command,4bit address and4bit sub-code length

?Bi-phase coding

?Carrier frequency of38kHz

?Constant bit time of1ms

?Battery empty indication possible

?Manufacturer Nokia CE


The protocol uses bi-phase(or so-called NRZ-Non Return to Zero)modulation of a38kHz IR carrier frequency.All bits are of equal length of1ms in this protocol,with half of the bit time filled with a burst of the38kHz carrier and the other half being idle.A logical one is represented by a burst in the first half of the bit time.A logical zero is represented by a burst in the second half of the bit time.

The pulse/pause ratio of the38kHz carrier frequency is1/4which helps to reduce power consumption.


The drawing below shows a typical pulse train of an NRC17message.This example transmits command$5C to address$6sub-code$1.

The first pulse is called the pre-pulse,and is made up of a500μs burst followed by a2.5ms pause, giving a total of3bit times.

Then the Start bit is transmitted,which is always a logic"1".This pulse can be used to calibrate the bit time on the receiver side,because the burst time is exactly half a bit time.

The next8bits represent the IR command,which is sent with LSB first.The command is followed

by a4bit device address.Finally a4bit sub-code is transmitted,which can be seen as an extension to the address bits.

A message consists of a3ms pre-pulse and17bits of1ms each.This adds up to a total of20ms per


Every time a key is pressed on the remote control a start message is transmitted containing a command of$FE and address/sub-code of$FF.The actual message is sent40ms later,and is repeated every100ms for as long as the key on the remote control remains down.When the key is released a stop message will complete the sequence.The stop message also uses the command$FE and address/sub-code$FF.

Every sequence can be treated as one single sequence at the receiver's end because of the start and stop messages.Accidental key bounces are effectively eliminated by this procedure.

The receiver may decide to honour the repeated messages or not.E.g.cursor movements may repeat for as long as the key is pressed.Numerical inputs better don't allow auto repeat.

Low Battery Indication

The NRC17protocol provides in a way for the remote control to tell the receiver that the battery capacity is getting low.The receiver may display a message on the TV screen informing the user that the remote control's batteries have to be replaced.

The pre-pulse normally is3ms long.When the battery power is low this pre-pulse will become 4ms long.In practice only the pre-pulse of the start and stop messages are made longer this way. Pre-defined Commands

I only have a small list of pre-defined commands.The protocol description that I have doesn't specify more.Please note that the address of the SAT commands applies to Analog receivers only.

NRC17 Command







$000/Extern0/Extern $0111 $0222 $0333 $0444 $0555 $0666 $0777 $0888 $0999 $0C Stand-by Stand-by $0E Up key Up key

$0F Down key Down key

$28Mute Mute

$29Ideal Reveal

$2A Alternate Alternate

$2D Index Index

$2E Right key Right key

$2F Left key Left key

$33Text Text

$35Stop Stop

$38Size Size

$3C Red(OK)Red

$3D Green(Sound)Green

$3E Yellow(Picture)Yellow

$3F Blue(Extra)


Sharp Protocol

I only have little information on this protocol.It is used in VCRs that are produced by Sharp,that is why I gave it the name Sharp protocol.


?8bit command,5bit address length

?Pulse distance modulation

?Carrier frequency of38kHz

?Bit time of1ms or2ms


The Sharp protocol uses a pulse distance encoding of the bits.Each pulse is a320μs long38kHz carrier burst(about12cycles).A logical"1"takes2ms to transmit,while a logical"0"is only1ms. The recommended carrier duty-cycle is1/4or1/3.


In the picture above you see a typical pulse train sending the command$11and address$03.The Address is sent first and consists of5bits.Next comes the8bit command.In both cases the LSB of the data is sent first.

I don't exactly know the purpose of the Expansion and Check bits that follow the command.Both bits were fixed in the example that I had at hand.

I can only guess that the Check bit is used to find out whether we are receiving a normal or inverted message.

One complete command sequence consist of2messages.The first transmission is exactly as described above.The second transmission follows the first one after a delay of40ms,and basically contains the same information.The only difference is that all bits,except those from the address field,are inverted.This way the receiver can verify if the received message is reliable or not. Sony SIRC Protocol

I've collected and combined some information found on the internet about the Sony SIRC protocol.

I must admit that I have never worked with this particular protocol,so I could not verify that all information is valid for all situations.

It appears that3versions of the protocol exist:12-bit(described on this page),15-bit and20-bit versions.I can only assume that the15-bit and20-bit versions differ in the number of transmitted bits per command sequence.

Please note that a lot of confusing documentation about the SIRC protocol exists on the internet.At first I contributed to the confusion by assuming the correctness of the source documents I found myself,until someone with some SIRC experience informed me about my errors.I double checked his story with a universal remote control and a digital storage oscilloscope,and found that the bit and word order I documented were indeed wrong.

The protocol information on this page is according to my own measurements and should be correct now.


?12-bit,15-bit and20-bit versions of the protocol exist(12-bit described here)

?5-bit address and7-bit command length(12-bit protocol)

?Pulse width modulation

?Carrier frequency of40kHz

?Bit time of1.2ms or0.6ms


The SIRC protocol uses a pulse width encoding of the bits.The pulse representing a logical"1"is a 1.2ms long burst of the40kHz carrier,while the burst width for a logical"0"is0.6ms long.All bursts are separated by a0.6ms long space interval.The recommended carrier duty-cycle is1/4or 1/3.


The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the SIRC protocol.With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first.The start burst is always2.4ms wide,followed by a standard space of0.6ms. Apart from signalling the start of a SIRC message this start burst is also used to adjust the gain of the IR receiver.Then the7-bit Command is transmitted,followed by the5-bit Device address.In this case Address1and Command19is transmitted.

Commands are repeated every45ms(measured from start to start)for as long as the key on the remote control is held down.

Example Commands

The table below lists some messages sent by Sony remote controls in the12-bit protocol.This list is by no means meant to be complete,as the assignment of functions is probably quite dynamic.

Address Device




6Laser Disc Unit

12Surround Sound

16Cassette deck/Tuner 17CD Player

18Equalizer Command Function 0Digit key1

1Digit key2

2Digit key3

3Digit key4

4Digit key5

5Digit key6

6Digit key7

7Digit key8

8Digit key9

9Digit key0



18V olume+

19V olume-




23Audio Mode







38Balance Left

39Balance Right


Philips RC-5Protocol

The RC-5code from Philips is possibly the most used protocol by hobbyists,probably because of the wide availability of cheap remote controls.

The protocol is well defined for different device types ensuring compatibility with your whole entertainment tely Philips started using a new protocol called RC-6which has more features.


?5bit address and6bit command length(7command bits for RC5X)

?Bi-phase coding(aka Manchester coding)

?Carrier frequency of36kHz

?Constant bit time of1.778ms(64cycles of36kHz)

?Manufacturer Philips


The protocol uses bi-phase modulation(or so-called Manchester coding)of a36kHz IR carrier frequency.All bits are of equal length of1.778ms in this protocol,with half of the bit time filled with a burst of the36kHz carrier and the other half being idle.A logical zero is represented by a burst in the first half of the bit time.A logical one is represented by a burst in the second half of the bit time.The pulse/pause ratio of the36kHz carrier frequency is1/3or1/4which reduces power consumption.


The drawing below shows a typical pulse train of an RC-5message.This example transmits command$35to address


The first two pulses are the start pulses,and are both logical"1".Please note that half a bit time is elapsed before the receiver will notice the real start of the message.

Extended RC-5uses only one start bit.Bit S2is transformed to command bit6,providing for a total of7command bits.The value of S2must be inverted to get the7th command bit though!

The3rd bit is a toggle bit.This bit is inverted every time a key is released and pressed again.This way the receiver can distinguish between a key that remains down,or is pressed repeatedly.

The next5bits represent the IR device address,which is sent with MSB first.The address is followed by a6bit command,again sent with MSB first.

A message consists of a total of14bits,which adds up to a total duration of25ms.Sometimes a message may appear to be shorter because the first half of the start bit S1remains idle.And if the last bit of the message is a logic"0"the last half bit of the message is idle too.

As long as a key remains down the message will be repeated every114ms.The toggle bit will retain the same logical level during all of these repeated messages.It is up to the receiver software to interpret this auto repeat feature.

PS:I had rather a big error on this page for quite some time.For some mysterious reason the LSB and MSB of the address and command were reversed.I can recall correcting this error before,but somehow an old version of the description must have sneaked its way up to the internet again.

Pre-defined Commands

Philips has created a beautiful list of"standardized"commands.This ensures the compatibility between devices from the same brand.

A very nice feature,often to be missed with other brands,is the fact that most devices are available twice in the table allowing you to have2VCRs stacked on top of each other without having trouble addressing only one of them with your remote control.

I can only show a limited list of standard commands,for this list is about all I know right now.



Device $00-0TV1 $01-1TV2 $02-2Teletext $03-3Video $04-4LV1 $05-5VCR1 $06-6VCR2




TV Command VCR Command $00-000






Philips RC-6Protocol

RC-6is,as may be expected,the successor of the RC-5protocol.Like RC-5the new RC-6protocol was also defined by Philips.It is a very versatile and well defined protocol.Because of this versatility its original definition is many pages long.Here on my page I will only summarize the most important properties of this protocol.


?Different modes of operation,depending on the intended use ?Dedicated Philips modes and OEM modes

?Variable command length,depending on the operation mode ?Bi-phase coding (aka Manchester coding)?Carrier frequency of 36kHz ?

Manufacturer Philips



$08-8Sat1$09-9Camera $0A -10Sat2$0B -11$0C -12CDV $0D -13Camcorder

$0E -14$0F -15$10-16Pre-amp $11-17Tuner $12-18Recorder1$13-19Pre-amp $14-20CD Player $15-21Phono $16-22SatA $17-23Recorder2

$18-24$19-25$1A -26CDR

$1B -27$1C -28$1D -29Lighting $1E -30Lighting $1F -31


$06-666$07-777$08-888$09-999$0A -10-/---/--$0C -12Standby Standby

$0D -13Mute $10-16V olume +$11-17V olume -$12-18Brightness +$13-19Brightness -$20-32Program +Program +$21-33Program -

Program -$32-50Rewind $34-52Forward



摘要 本文首先介绍了智能家居的基本知识及其应用前景,进而阐明了开发作为智能家居中一个很重要部分——红外线遥控自动窗帘的意义。随后着重介绍了开发单片机控制的红外线遥控窗帘系统所用到的集成芯片STC89C52、DS1302芯片、红外线发射接收器等硬件的结构原理。本文采用分块的模式,对整个系统的硬件电路设计进行分析,分别给出了系统总体框图、电源电路、时钟DS1302电路、鸣响电路、红外线接收电路、电机控制电路、显示电路,并对相应电路设计进行了相关的阐述。随后讲述了软件的编写思路,也是采用分块的模式,分别写出了红外线解码程序、时钟芯片DS1302控制程序、LCD液晶显示程序、遥控控制程序的编写思路,每一模块都画出了其方框图,看起来一目了然。 最后通过仿真调试,时钟,手动开关窗帘,自动开关窗帘等控制方面的设计上基本达到了预期目的。当然,该系统在一些细节的设计上还需要不断的完善和改进。 关键词:时钟芯片,单片机,红外线,窗帘。

目录 第1章.绪言 (1) 1.1课题背景 (1) 1.2国内外概况 (1) 1.3课题的研究工作 (2) 第2章.单片机简介 (4) 2.1单片机的发展 (4) 2.2单片机的特点 (5) 2.3单片机的应用 (5) 第3 章.系统设计 (6) 3.1系统方案确定 (6) 3.2核心芯片结构原理介绍 (7) 3.2.1 中央控制器——STC89C52RC (7) 3.2.2时钟芯片DS1302 (10) 3.2.3 储存器件AT24C02 (12) 3.2.3红外接收HS0038 (14) 3.2.4液晶显示器LCD1602.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3硬件电路原理设计 (14) 3.3.1电源部分............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.2显示电路............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.3红外接收电路 (15) 3.3.4时钟电路 (15) 3.3.5数据存储电路....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.6光控测光电路 (16) 3.3.7电机执行电路 (16) 3.3.8窗帘框架构造设计 (17) 3.4软件设计 (18) 3.4.1红外解码 (18) 3.4.2 LCD1602显示程序.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.4.3 DS1302的控制程序 (19) 3.4.4数据存储程序 (22) 第4章.调试 (24) 第5章.总结 (26) 第6章.致谢 (27) 参考文献 (28) 附录: (29) 原理图: (29) 源程序: (30)




西安邮电学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书 学生姓名指导教师职称工程师学院电子工程学院系部光电子技术 专业光电信息工程 题目基于单片机的红外遥控智能小车 任务与要求 任务:以51单片机为控制核心,实现具有自动避障、加速、减速等功能的红外遥控智能小车。 要求:1 搜集资料,熟悉单片机开发流程;熟悉红外传感器等相关器件; 掌握单片机接口和外围电路应用;具备一定的单片机开发经 验。 2 学会电路设计、仿真等相关软件的使用; 3 具备一定的硬件调试技能。 4 学会查阅资料; 5 学会撰写科技论文。 开始日期2010年3月22日完成日期2010年6月27日主管院长(签字) 年月日

西安邮电学院 毕业设计 (论文) 工作计划 学生姓名赵美英指导教师崔利平职称工程师学院电子工程学院系部光电子技术 专业光电信息工程 题目基于单片机的红外遥控智能小车 工作进程

主要参考书目(资料) 1、何立民,单片机应用系统设计,北京:航天航空大学出版社; 2、李广弟,单片机基础,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2001; 3、何立民,MCS-51系列单片机应用系统设计系统配置与接口技术,北 京航空航天大学出版社,1990.01; 4、赵负图,传感器集成电路手册,第一版,化学工业出版社,2004; 5、Atmel.AT89S51数据手册. 主要仪器设备及材料 1.普通计算机一台,单片机开发环境; 2.电路安装与调试用相关仪器和工具。 (如示波器、万用表、电烙铁、镊子、钳子等)。 论文(设计)过程中教师的指导安排 每周四进行交流与总结;其余时间灵活安排,及时解决学生问题。 对计划的说明 依学生实际情况,适当调整工作进度。


天津职业大学 二○一五~二○一六学年第1学期 电子信息工程学院 通信系统综合实训报告书 课程名称:通信系统综合实训 班级:通信技术(5)班 学号:1304045640 1304045641 1304045646姓名:韩美红季圆圆陈真真指导教师:崔雁松 2015年11月17日

一、任务要求 利用C51单片机设计开发一套红外线收发、显示系统。 具体要求: ●编写相关程序(汇编、C语言均可); ●用Proteus绘制电路图并仿真实现基本功能; ●制作出实物 二、需求分析(系统的应用场景、环境条件、参数等) 现在各种红外线技术已经源源不断进入我们的生活中,在很多场合发挥着作用。 机场、宾馆、商场等的自动门,会在人进出时自动地开启和关闭。原来,在自动门的一侧有一个红外线光源,发射的红外线照射到另一侧的光电管上,红外线是人体察觉不到的。当人走到大门口,身体挡住红外线,电管接收不到红外线了。根据设计好的指令,触发相应开关,就把门打开了。等人进去后,光电管又可以接到红外线,恢复原来的线路,门又会自动关闭。因此这种光电管被称为“电眼”,在许多自动控制设备中大显身手。 在家庭中,许多电子设备如彩色电视、空调、冰箱和音响等,都使用了各种“红外线遥控器”。利用它我们可以非常方便的转换电视频道或设定空调的温度档次。 三、概要设计(系统结构框图/系统工作说明流程图) 红外线收发、显示系统硬件由以下几部分组成:红外遥控器,51单片机最小系统,接收放大器一体集成红外接收头,LED灯显示电路。 红外线接收是把遥控器发送的数据(已调信号)转换成一定格式的控制指令脉冲(调制信号、基带信号),是完成红外线的接收、放大、解调,还原成发射格式(高、低电位刚好相反)的脉冲信号。这些工作通常由一体化的接收头来完成,输出TTL兼容电平。最后通过解码把脉冲信号转换成数据,从而实现数据的传输。 红外遥控系统电路框图


实习(实训)报告 名称基于物联网的智能窗帘控制系统设计2014年11 月24 日至2014 年11 月28 日共1 周 学院(部) 电子信息工程学院 班级通信技术 姓名 学院(部)负责人 系主任 指导教师

实习(实训)任务书 名称:基于物联网的智能窗帘控制系统设计起讫时间:2014.11.24-2014.11.28 学院(部):电子信息工程学院 班级:通信技术 指导教师: 学院(部)负责人:

第一章系统概述 1.1概述 为了满足智能家居的发展方向,使用户充分感受智能家居环境的便利。智能窗帘是带有一定自我反应、调节、控制功能的电动窗帘。如根据室内环境状况自动调光线强度、空气湿度、平衡室温等,有智能光控、智能雨控、智能风控三大突出的特点。该设计是基于现代化生活的高质量需求而开发设计,使家用窗帘实现自动化智能化,使其具备感风、感雨、感光的功能,并可随着外界情况的变化来控制窗帘的闭合,以达到对家居环境的保护。 1.2系统名字 基于物联网的智能窗帘控制系统设计 1.3系统功能 系统可以通过三个按钮来分别实现对窗帘的开、关和停的操作。实现远程遥控智能窗帘的运行。也可以通过PC机的界面实现窗帘的控制。 1.4 基本原理 本次实训主要是靠无线传感器来控制,基于zigbee的网络控制系统,通过CC2420模块来传送接受数据,从而完成对整个窗帘的控制。 1.5 系统模块 (1)CC2420发送模块; (2) E-WS-EC模块; (3)ZIGBEE采集节点模块; (4)ZIGBEE无线传输模块。

第二章系统硬件组成 2.1、协调器 协调器CPU:采用TI公司LM3S9B96;CORTEX M3内核;主频为80MHz。 所谓协调器,就是网络组织的管理者。针对一般的应用模式,在一个Zigbee 网络形成之后,协调器不是必须的。它最主要的作用是,依据扫描情况,选择一些合适参数建立一个网络。基于CC2420的zigbee协调器具有结构简单、功耗低、成本低等特点。其包含天线、单片机芯片、窗帘控制智能模块。 2.1.1、 CC2420模块 CC2420开发模块采用CC2420芯片,可支持zigbee,IEEE802.15.4等开发,提供兼容802.15.4的物理层和MAC层的协议栈及面向应用层的接口,完全兼容TinyOS 1.x及以上版本,用户可以基于TinyOS开发自己的WSN应用。硬件图如图2-1。 图2-1 CC2420模块 2.1.2、单片机芯片 协调器采用TI公司的LM3S9B96芯片,LM3S9B96是TI 公司的基于ARM Cortex-M3 的32位MCU,具有先前8位和16位MCU的价格成本,CPU工作频率80MHz,100DMIPS性能,ARM Cortex-M3 System Timer (SysTick)定时器,片内具有高达50MHz的256KB单周期闪存和96KB单周期SRAM,内部的ROM加载


基于51单片机的红外遥控密码锁 诚信承诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《基于51单片机的红外遥控密码锁》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 2013年月日

基于51单片机的红外遥控密码锁 摘要:关于如何加强家庭住房安全问题日益突出。传统的机械防盗锁构造过于简单,尽管有些经过加固以及增加相应的防护措施,但是锁被撬现象屡见不鲜,无法保障人们的安全。本次设计中制作的一种密码锁,具有很好的保密性。另外,此处采用的是双控模式,即使用键盘控制的同时,也可以使用遥控器。操作中的提示语用LCD来显示。密码由六位0到9的数字够成,加大保密强度,此外,本设计中采用的AT24c02具有防止掉电丢失数据的作用。 关键词:51单片机;密码锁;红外;LCD1602 Based on 51 SCM Infrared Remote Control Combination Lock Abstract: Security issues have become increasingly prominent on how to strengthen the family home. Traditional mechanical anti-theft lock structure is too simple, although some had been strengthened and increased appropriate protective measures, but lock pry common occurrences, can not guarantee the safety of people. A lock made in the design, with good confidentiality. In addition, here is the dual-control mode that is controlled using the keyboard at the same time, you can also use the remote control. Prompt operation using the LCD display. Password by six 0-9 of digital enough increase confidentiality strength, In addition, the design used in A T24c02 prevent power-down data loss. Key words: 51 SCM;Combination lock;Infrared;LCD1602


红外遥控系统原理及单片机 红外线遥控是目前使用最广泛的一种通信和遥控手段。由于红外线遥控装置具有体积小、功耗低、功能强、成本低等特点,因而,继彩电、录像机之后,在录音机、音响设备、空凋机以及玩具等其它小型电器装置上也纷纷采用红外线遥控。工业设备中,在高压、辐射、有毒气体、粉尘等环境下,采用红外线遥控不仅完全可靠而且能有效地隔离电气干扰。 1 红外遥控系统 通用红外遥控系统由发射和接收两大部分组成。应用编/解码专用集成电路芯片来进行控制操作,如图1所示。发射部分包括键盘矩阵、编码调制、LED红外发送器;接收部分包括光、电转换放大器、解调、解码电路。 图1 红外线遥控系统框图 2 遥控发射器及其编码 遥控发射器专用芯片很多,根据编码格式可以分成两大类,这里我们以运用比较广泛,解码比较容易的一类来加以说明,现以日本NEC 的uPD6121G组成发射电路为例说明编码原理(一般家庭用的DVD、VCD、音响都使用这种编码方式)。当发射器按键按下后,即有遥控码发出,所按的键不同遥控编码也不同。这种遥控码具有以下特征:采用脉宽调制的串行码,以脉宽为0.565ms、间隔0.56ms、周

期为1.125ms的组合表示二进制的“0”;以脉宽为0.565ms、间隔1.685ms、周期为2.25ms的组合表示二进制的“1”,其波形如图2所示。 图2 遥控码的“0”和“1” (注:所有波形为接收端的与发射相反)上述“0”和“1”组成的32位二进制码经38kHz的载频进行二次调制以提高发射效率,达到降低电源功耗的目的。然后再通过红外发射二极管产生红外线向空间发射,如图3示。 图3 遥控信号编码波形图 UPD6121G产生的遥控编码是连续的32位二进制码组,其中前16位为用户识别码,能区别不同的电器设备,防止不同机种遥控码互相干扰。该芯片的用户识别码固定为十六进制01H;后16位为8位操作码(功能码)及其反码。UPD6121G最多额128种不同组合的编码。 遥控器在按键按下后,周期性地发出同一种32位二进制码,周期约为108ms。一组码本身的持续时间随它包含的二进制“0”和“1”的个数不同而不同,大约在45~63ms之间,图4为发射波形图。


目录 摘要: (1) 1 设计意义及要求 (1) 1.1 设计意义 (1) 1.2 设计要求 (1) 2 总体方案设计 (1) 3 硬件电路设计 (2) 3.1单片机最小系统设计 (2) 3.2 无线发射、接收模块设计 (5) 3.2.1 PT2262/2272芯片简介 (5) 3.2.2发送、接收模块简介 (7) 3.2.3发送、接收模块电路简介 (7) 3.3 光敏检测模块设计 (9) 3.4 电机驱动模块设计 (9) 3.5 状态指示模块设计 (10) 3.6供电电源模块设计 (11) 4 程序设计 (12) 4.1 软件介绍 (12) 4.2 程序设计 (13) 结论 (16) 参考文献 (16) 附录 (16) 附录1 (16) 附录2 (23) 附录3 .................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。致谢............................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

智能遥控窗帘 摘要:随着社会的发展,科技的进步,生活水平的提高,人们对家庭生活的舒适性有了更深层次的认知,都不愿停留在传统的生活环境内。所以为了进一步满足人们高水准生活的需求,各种人性化家用电器的设计不断被提出。而窗帘作为每个家庭的生活必须用品,自然也要满足人们对便捷性的要求,因此一款具有使用价值的智能遥控窗帘值得深入研究。而以8位STC89C51单片机为核心器件设计的红外遥控窗帘就是日后窗帘的一种发展趋势。其主要模块有单片机控制系统,无线发射、接收模块,光敏检测模块,电机控制模块,状态指示模块。可以实现无线遥控,防止过卷,指示运行状态等功能,还具有智能模式,可根据环境光线的强弱对窗帘的开关进行自我调节。 关键字:STC89C51;控制系统;无线遥控 1 设计意义及要求 1.1 设计意义 随着社会的发展,科技的进步,生活水平的提高,人们对家庭生活的舒适性有了更深层次的认知。以往的窗帘仅仅是起到遮光的效果,智能化与人性化程度较低,只能通过人们手动去拉动,给居家生活造成了一定的不便,尤其是对于一些应用大型窗帘的会议厅、歌舞厅、酒店等来讲,传统式窗帘的功能已显得极为单调,不能再满足人们各方面的需求。于是遥控电动窗帘在最近几年得到迅速发展,红外遥控的智能窗帘,不但能够解决手拉开关窗帘的难题,而且能够使人们的生活更加便捷,更加人性化,同时还可以根据环境光线的强弱对窗帘的开关进行自我调节,使人们深切体验到智能化时代带来的生活层面的满足。 1.2设计要求 本次课程主要任务是基于STC89C51单片机的遥控窗帘的设计。主要功能如下: 1)控制窗帘的开关。 2)具有防过卷功能。 3)具有无线遥控功能。 4)能够指示运行状态。 5)可以根据环境光线的强弱对窗帘的开关进行自我调节。 2 总体方案设计 智能遥控窗帘总体方案设计框图如图2-1所示:



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河南科技学院机电学院单片机课程设计报告 题目:红外遥控控制系统设计 专业班级:电气工程及其自动化103 姓名:张明军 时间:2012.12.15 ~2012.12.28 指导教师:田丰庆邵锋张素君完成日期:2012年12月28 日

红外遥控控制课程设计任务书 1.设计目的与要求 设计出一个用于红外遥控控制的控制器。准确地理解有关要求,独立完 成系统设计,要求所设计的电路具有以下功能: (1)有效遥控距离大于10米。 (2)遥控控制的路数在5路以上。 (3)采用数码管显示当前工作的控制电路。 (4)通过遥控器可以任意设置用户密码(1-16位长度),只有合法用户才能有修改电路控制的功能,同时系统掉电后能自动记忆和存储密码在系统中。 (5)密码的输入时间超过12秒或者连续3次输入失败,声音报警同时锁定系统,不让再次输入密码。此时只有使用管理员密码方能对系统解锁。 2.设计内容 (1)画出电路原理图,正确使用逻辑关系; (2)确定元器件及元件参数; (3)进行电路模拟仿真; (4)SCH文件生成与打印输出; 3.编写设计报告 写出设计的全过程,附上有关资料和图纸,有心得体会。 4.答辩 在规定时间内,完成叙述并回答问题。 论文结构清晰,层次分明,理论严谨

目录 1引言 (1) 2总体设计方案 (2) 2.1 设计思路 (2) 2.2设计方框图 (3) 3设计原理分析 (4) 3.1发射电路设计 (4) 3.2接收电路设计 (7) 3.3 软件设计 (9) 4 结束语 (12) 参考文献 (13) 附录一 (14) 附录二 (15)

红外遥控控制系统 摘要:本设计由发射器和接收器两部分组成。指令键、指令信号产生电路、调制电路、驱动电路及红外线发射器组成。当指令键被按下时,指令信号产生电路便产生所需要的控制信号,控制指令信号经调制电路调制后,最终由驱动电路驱动红外线发射器,发出红外线遥控指令信号。 接收器由红外线接收器件、前置放大电路、解调电路、指令信号检出电路、记忆及驱动电路、执行电路组成。当红外接收器件收到发射器的红外指令信号时,它将红外光信号变成电信号并送到前置放大电路进行放大,再经过解调器后,由信号检出电路将指令信号检出,最后由记忆电路和驱动电路驱动执行电路,实现各种操作。 控制信号一般以某些不同的特征来区分,常用的区分指令信号的特征是频率和码组特征,即用不同的频率或者编码的电信号代表不同的指令信号来实现遥控。所以红外遥控系统通常按照产生和区分控制指令信号的方式和特征分类,常分为频分制红外线遥控和码分制红外线遥控。 关键词:4×4矩阵键盘;AT89C51;接收器件;震荡特性 1 引言 红外线遥控是目前使用很广泛的一种通信和遥控技术。由于红外线遥控装置具有体积小、功耗低、功能强、成本低等特点,因而,继彩电、录像机之后,在录音机、音响设备、空凋机以及玩具等其它小型电器装置上也纷纷采用红外线遥控。工业设备中,在高压、辐射、有毒气体、粉尘等环境下,采用红外线遥控不仅完全可*而且能有效地隔离电气干扰。 远程遥控技术又称为遥控技术,是指实现对被控目标的遥远控制,在工业控制、航空航天、家电领域应用广泛。红外遥控是一种无线、非接触控制技术,具有抗干扰能力强,信息传输可靠,功耗低,成本低,易实现等显著优点,被诸多电子设备广泛采用,并越来越多的应用到计算机系统中。红外线又称红外光波,在电磁波谱中,光波的波长范围为 0.01um~1000um 。根据波长的不同可分为可见光和不可见光,波长为0.38um~0.76um 的光波可为可见光,红外线遥控是利用近红外光传送遥控指令的,波长为0.76um~1.5um 。用近红外作为遥控光源,是因为目前红外发射器件( 红外发光管 ) 与红外接收器件 ( 光敏二极管、三极管及光电池 ) 的发光与受光峰值波长一般为 0.8um~0.94um ,在近红外光波段内,二者的光谱正好重合,可获得较高的传输效率及较高的可靠性。随着远程教育系统的不断发展和日趋完善,利用多媒体作为教学手段各级各类学校都得到了广泛应用。但经常会遇到同时使用多种设备,如: DVD 、 VCD 、录像机、电视机等,由于各种设备都自带遥控器,而且不同的设备所遵循的红外传输规约也不尽相同,操纵这些设备得用多种控器,给使用者带来了诸多不便。基于单片机的控制指令来对多种设备进行远程控制,从而方便快捷的实现远程控制。红外遥控的特点是不影响周边环境的、于10 米)遥控中得到了广泛的应用。


毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题目:智能遥控窗帘系统设计 专业:电子信息工程 1选题的背景、意义 当今时代,科技的发展和人们生活水平显著提高,人们对居住环境方便快捷的要求越来越高,智能家居系统应运而生。智能家居是现代电子技术、通讯技术及自动化技术相结合的产物。它能够实现对家电设备的自动控制和管理、对家庭的安全进行监测报警,能够为用户提供安全舒适、高效便利的生活环境。 随着高新技术及电子器件的发展,光控、温控及遥控窗帘应运而生,给人们的生活带来了很多方便。同时,也为人们的生活环境以及智能家居的实现提供了依据,为此,研究与设计智能窗帘控制系统具有深远的现实意义。 窗帘机是专门为高大的窗户设计的窗帘控制装置,根据功能不同可以分为电动、遥控、自动和智能等多种规格。电动窗帘机是通过窗帘机上的控制按键操作窗帘开合的一种最简单的窗帘机,仅仅解决了手拉窗帘的问题,可还需要人来近距离操作,电动窗帘机使一些超高、超宽窗帘的操作变得比较容易。但因为这种窗帘机技术含量低,基本上没有厂家作大规模工业化生产。然而遥控窗帘机却可以远距离操作窗帘的开合,使用更为方便,在现代生活更有广泛的使用价值。 2相关研究的最新成果及动态 2.1 最新成果 智能窗帘的主要品牌有福建龙岩的飞鸿牌,北京的龙华和广州的创明等,还有一些国外品牌的产品。自动窗帘机具有自动控制功能,使窗帘天亮自动打开,天黑自动关闭,使用更为方便。智能窗帘机同时具有手动、遥控和自动功能,可以满足用户各种情况下的使用要求,是一种更为先进的窗帘控制装置[1]。 奥兰AL-CK01智能窗帘机是兰州四达电子技术研究所应用微电子技术和光电子技术研制的高科技民用电子产品, 可在各种使用窗帘的场合实现开关窗帘的自动控制、手动控制和红外遥控, 是现代办公和生活环境的高档配套产品。 本窗帘机设计合理,结构先进,可靠性高,和同类产品相比具有鲜明的技术特色。具有自动功能的窗帘机在设计上必须要解决的技术问题是窗帘运动到位后如何停机。本机使用了巧妙的停机方法:窗帘拉到位后由于阻力增大电机转不动了,此时电机的反电势将消失,致使电机电流迅速增加,用检测电路检出此信号


中国矿业大学徐海学院 技能考核培训 姓名:顾嘉诚学号: 22110818 专业:信息11-2班 题目:基于单片机的红外解码.温度及液晶显示专题:红外解码 指导教师:宥鹏老师翟晓东老师 设计地点:电工电子实验室 时间: 2014 年 4 月

通信系统综合设计训练任务书 学生姓名顾嘉诚专业年级信息11-2班学号22110818 设计日期:2014年4 月5日至2014 年4 月10 日 同组成员:姜怀修,刘剑桥,顾嘉诚,彭传锁,何子豪,王业飞 设计题目: 基于单片机的红外无线控制 设计专题题目: 红外解码 设计主要内容和要求: 1.主要内容: 2. 单片机内部结构 红外遥控解码 C语言程序设 Ds18b20的使用 Lcd1602的使用 2. 功能扩展要求 环境温度液晶显示 指导教师签字:

目录 正文 (5) 1.概述 (5) 1.1功能描述 (5) 1.2单片机资源 (5) 2.1管脚图 (5) 3.1. 使用资源 (5) 2.原理篇 (6) 2.1红外发送及接收 (6) 2.1.1红外接收概述 (6) 2.1.2硬件及原理图 (7) 2.1.3红外中断接收部分程序 (8) 2.2温度原理 (9) 2.2.1 DS18B20 的主要特性 (9) 2.2.2原理图与硬件 (10) 2.2.3 DS18B20时序和程序 (10) 2.3 QC1602A (12) 2.3.1 1602外部结构及管脚说明 (12) 2.3.2 写命令/数据时序与部分程序 (13) 3.效果图 (15) 4.软件篇 (15) 4.1程序框图 (15) 4.1.1 Main函数 (15) 4.1.2 中断 (16) 4.1.3 60ms定时中断 (16) 4.2 完整程序 (16) 4.2.1 Project.c文件 (16) 4.2.2 onewire.c 文件 (23) 5.参考文献 (26)


基于51单片机的红外遥控设计 摘要 很多电器都采用红外遥控,那么红外遥控的工作原理是什么呢?本文将介绍其原理和设计方法。红外线遥控就是利用波长为0.76~1.5μm之间的近红外线来传送控制信号的。常用的红外遥控系统一般分发射和接收两个部分。红外遥控常用的载波频率为38kHz,这是由发射端所使用的455kHz晶振来决定的,在发射端要对晶振进行整数分频,分频系数一般取12,所以455kHz÷12≈37.9 kHz≈38kHz。也有一些遥控系统采用36kHz、40kHz、56kHz等,一般由发射端晶振的振荡频率来决定。接收端的输出状态大致可分为脉冲、电平、自锁、互锁、数据五种形式。“脉冲”输出是当按发射端按键时,接收端对应输出端输出一个“有效脉冲”,宽度一般在100ms左右。一般情况下,接收端除了几位数据输出外,还应有一位“数据有效”输出端,以便后级适时地来取数据。这种输出形式一般用于与单片机或微机接口。除以上输出形式外,还有“锁存”和“暂存”两种形式。所谓“锁存”输出是指对发射端每次发的信号,接收端对应输出予以“储存”,直至收到新的信号为止;“暂存”输出与上述介绍的“电平”输出类似。 关键词:80c51单片机、红外发光二极管、晶振

目录 第一章 1、引言 (3) 2、设计要求与指标 (3) 3、红外遥感发射系统设计 (4) 4、红外发射电路设计 (4) 5、调试结果及分析 (9) 6、结论 (10) 第二章 1、引言 (10) 2、设计要求与指标 (11) 3、红外遥控系统设计 (11) 4、系统功能实现方法 (15) 5、红外接收电路 (16) 6、软件设计 (17) 7、调试结果及分析 (18) 8、结论 (19) 参考文献


#include "remote.h" UINT IrCode; //高8位为系统码,低八位为数据码 /*************************************************************************** *FUNCTION NAME: DelayIr *CREATE DATE: 2012/6/7 *CREATED BY: XS *FUNCTION: IR采样延时:0.14ms *MODIFY DATE: 2012/6/7 *INPUT: 无 * *RETURN: 无 ***************************************************************************/ void DelayIr(UCHAR timer) { UCHAR i; while(timer--) { for (i = 0; i<13; i++); } } /*************************************************************************** *FUNCTION NAME: RemoteDecode *CREATE DATE: 2012/6/7 *CREATED BY: XS *FUNCTION: IR遥控解码 *MODIFY DATE: 2012/6/7 *INPUT: 无 * *RETURN: 无 ***************************************************************************/ void RemoteDecode(void) { UCHAR i,j,n = 0; UCHAR irDat[4] = {0}; EX0 = 0;


一套完整的智能家居系统布线设计方案 第一章智能家居系统概述 住房是生活的原点,未来的家居是什么样子,您想过吗?从美国科幻电影中,从媒体报道中,我们可以窥见未来智能家居生活的一些影子。 清晨,轻柔的音乐自动响起并逐步增大音量催您起床,同时窗帘自动打开,音乐舒缓响起,早餐开始自动烹饪,新闻按预定播放。 离家出门,您完全不必担心灯还没关,大门还没锁。因为在您开车上公路的时候,只需在手机轻触远程控制界面,智能家居系统会帮您照料好一切;同时安防系统自动布防,出现异常智能侦测,煤气漏了、发生火灾了、有人闯入了,系统将自动及时地通报到小区的管理中心,并将现场情况通过信息发送到正在上班的您面前。 回到家中,随着门锁被开启,安防系统自动解除室内警戒,廊灯缓缓点亮,空调、新风系统自动启动,背景乐轻轻奏起。 在家中,只需一个遥控器就能控制家中所有的电器。每天晚上,所有的窗帘都会定时自动关闭,入睡前,床头边的面板上,您触动“晚安”模式,就可以控制室内所有需要关闭的灯光和电器设备,同时安防系统自动开启处于警戒状态。在您外出之前只要按一个键(离家情景)就可以关闭家中所有的灯和电器…… 现在和未来随着社会的进步人们物质和精神生活质量的全面提升,安逸和休闲就成了生活基调。而智能家居恰好能迎合、满足人们的需要。现在,楼宇的卖点越来越集中在智能化和生态环保化,而最大的变量和砝码就是智能化。消费者在除了选用传统的节能卫具、灯具来节能的同时,也没有忽视对“智能”生活的追求。智能化的家装设计可以更好地实现人们对人性化家居的需求,而通过智能家居的应用不但可以实现小区智能化,同样也可以起到节能的效果。未来随着经济的发展,人们对生活质量追求的提高,智能家居也将逐渐引领装修时尚潮流,成为新的消费趋势。 第二章设计原则 智能家居又称智能住宅。通俗地说,它是融合了自动化控制系统、计算机网络系统和网络通讯技术于一体的网络化智能化的家居控制系统。衡量一个住宅小区智能化系统的成功与否,并非仅仅取决于智能化系统的多少、系统的先进性或集成度,而是取决于系统的设计和配置是否经济合理并且系统能否成功运行,系统的使用、管理和维护是否方便,系统或产品的技术是否成熟适用,换句话说,就是如何以最少的投入、最简便的实现途径来换取最大的功效,实现便捷高质量的生活。 1、实用性 智能家居最基本的目标是为人们提供一个舒适、安全、方便和高效的生活环境。对智能家居产品来说,最重要的是以实用为核心,摒弃掉那些华而不实,只能充作摆设的功能,产品以实用性、易用性和人性化为主。 我们认为在设计智能家居系统时,应根据用户对智能家居功能的需求,整合以下最实用最基本的家居控制功能:包括智能家电控制、智能灯光控制、电动窗帘控制、防盗报警、门禁对讲、煤气泄露等,同时还可以拓展诸如三表抄送、视频点播,园区服务,云平台服务及未来智慧城市所具备的必要功能和增值功能。


#include //包含头文件名 sbit IRIN=P3^2; //定义红外接收头的外部接口,即外部中断0 sbit BEEP=P1^5; //定义蜂鸣器接口,我的在P1^5 unsigned char IRCOM[7]; //定义数组,用来存储红外接收到的数据 void delay(unsigned char x) { //延时子程序unsigned char i; //延时约x*0.14ms while(x--) //不同遥控器应设置不同的参数

{for(i=0;i<13;i++){}} //参数的选择咱们先不管,先看这个 } void beep() { unsigned char i; //蜂鸣器发声子程序 for(i=0;i<100;i++) { delay(4); //这个得看你的蜂鸣器内部是否有振荡源 BEEP=~BEEP; } //如果没有振荡源就应该输入脉冲信号 BEEP=1; }

void IR_IN() interrupt 0 using 0 //外部中断0程序 { unsigned char j,k,n=0; //先定义变量,记住n=0 EX0=0; //禁止中断,以免再次进入中断 delay(15); //延时0.14ms*15=2.1ms if(IRIN==1) //如果在这期间有高电平说明 { //信号不是来自遥控的,返回主程序 EX0=1; return; } while(!IRIN){delay(1);} //死循环,等待9ms前导低电平信号的结束for(j=0;j<4;j++) //一共有4组数据


红外遥控系统毕业论文 红外遥控系统毕业论文题目:红外遥控系统——红外发射器

目录 前言……………………………………………………………………1、绪论……………………………………………………………… 1.1、研究背景 1.2、研究目的 1.3、研究意义 2、单片机简介……………………………………………………… 2.1、单片机的特点及发展 2.2、单片机的基本组成 2.3、单片机的特点 2.4、单片机的应用 3、硬件电路………………………………………………………… 3.1、AT89S51单片机介绍 3.2、时钟电路 3.3、复位电路 3.4、红外接收器的电路设计 4、软件程序………………………………………………………… 附录 1、元件清单 2、红外接收器电路原理图 致谢

单片机红外遥控系统——红外接收器 前言 摘要:二十世纪九十年代以来,计算机、信息、电子、控制、通信等技术得到迅速发展,促使了社会生产力的提高,也使人们的生产方式和生活方式产生了日新月异的变化,单片机因其高可靠性和高性价比,在智能化家用电器、仪器仪表等诸多领域内得到了极为广泛的应用。当前单片机对家用电器控制呈现出外型简单化、功能多样化、性能优越化的发展趋向。红外遥控器具用使用方便、功耗低、抗干扰能力强的特点,因此它的应用前景是不可估量。 本课题以延伸红外无线遥控技术为目的,核心是设计出一个无线红外多路遥控发射/接收系统。顾名思义本系统分发射器和接收器,接收器接收发射出来的红外信号控制8路LED灯以不同方式点亮的效果。 关键词:单片机、红外接收器、8路LED灯 Chip infrared remote control system -- the infrared receiver Abstract: since the nineteen ninties, computer, information, electronics, control, communication and technology obtained the rapid development, promoted the improvement of social productivity, but also to people's way of life and mode of production produced change rapidly changes, SCM because of its high reliability and cost-effective, in the intelligent home appliances, instrumentation and other many other areas has been very widely used. The current SCM on household appliances control presents a simplistic appearance, functional diversification, the development trend of superior performance. Infrared remote control apparatus with easy to use, low power consumption, strong


2008届计算机与信息学院 计算机科学与技术专业 一.课程设计题目:红外遥控开关 二.课程设计任务内容 1.课程设计的目的意义: 通过课程设计培养同学们的系统设计能力,使同学们达到以下能力训练: ⑴、调查研究、分析问题的能力; ⑵、使用设计手册、技术规范的能力; ⑶、查阅中外文献的能力; ⑷、制定设计方案的能力; ⑸、计算机应用的能力; ⑹、设计计算和绘图的能力; ⑺、技术经济指标的分析能力; ⑻、语言文字表达的能力。 2.本课题研究的主要内容: 设计一个多路红外遥控开关,利用市售彩电遥控器(以编码芯片LC7461为例),发送遥控器键盘数字信号,控制器接收解码,控制相应的输出。 基本要求: ⑴、设计实验电路(要求利用实验仪的硬件资源) ⑵、分析实验原理 ⑶、列出实验接线表 ⑷、采用汇编语言编写实验程序 ⑸、通过实验验证功能的实现 ⑹、编写课程设计说明书

红外遥控技术的出现,大大方便了人们的生活,而单片机技术的出现,给现代工业测控领域带来了一次新的革命。红外线遥控器具有体积小、功耗低、功能强、成本低等特点从而成为了当今非常流行的一种控制方式,因而,继彩电、录像机之后,在录音机、音响设备、空凋机以及玩具等其它小型电器装置上也纷纷采用红外线遥控。工业设备中,在高压、辐射、有毒气体、粉尘等环境下,采用红外线遥控不仅完全可靠而且能有效地隔离电气干扰。 红外遥控器是一种利用红外遥控系统来控制被控对象的系统.整个系统由数字电路和模拟电路两个部分组成。发射部分包括键盘矩阵、编码调制、红外发射器;接收部分包括红外接收、解调、解码电路。 关键字:红外遥控器,红外发射,红外接收,单片机


吉林农业大学 本科毕业设计 论文题目:智能遥控窗帘系统设计 学生姓名: 专业年级:电子信息科学与技术 指导教师:职称讲师 2009年5 月6日

目录 摘要 (1) ABSTRACT: (1) 1前言 (1) 1.1国内外的发展现状 (1) 2总体方案设计 (2) 2.1方案论证与比较 (2) 2.1.1直流电机驱动 (2) 2.1.2液晶显示 (3) 2.1.3无线遥控 (5) 2.280C51单片机 (6) 3系统设计 (7) 3.1总体设计 (7) 4.系统各功能模块设计 (9) 4.1无线发射接收功能模块 (9) 4.2直流电机驱动模块 (11) 4.3液晶显示模块 (13) 4.4无线遥控模块 (18) 4.4.1 ShockBurstTM模式 (19) 4.4.2发送流程 (19) 4.4.3接收流程 (19) 4.4.4节能模式 (20) 4.4.5 SPI接口配臵 (20) 4.5风力传感器模块 (21) 4.6光传感器模块 (22) 4.7位臵传感器模块 (23) 5软件设计 (23) 6系统调试 (28) 6.1自制光源调试 (28) 6.2风速测试 (28) 6.3光强度测试 (29) 7结论与展望 (29) 参考文献 (30) 致谢 (30)

附录1 (31) 附录2 (33)

智能遥控窗帘系统设计 学生:张连锋 专业:电子信息科学与技术 指导教师:宫鹤 摘要:该系统为窗自动控制系统,可以根据各种条件手动或自动控制窗及窗帘的开度。利用无线遥控实现窗的开关及窗帘的开度的控制及实现开度显示(顺序实现窗帘的“全关-位置1-位置2-全开-位置2-位置1-全关”,每两种开度操作之间间隔一定时间,存储这个过程,可重复实现这个过程);利用光敏器件,根据不同的环境照度实现窗帘的四种开度。另外可增加温度﹑风力﹑雨水传感器,自动实现窗的开关。 关键词:无线遥控液晶显示直流电机 The Design of Intelligent Remote Control Curtain System Name:Zhanglianfeng Major:Electronic Information Science and Technology Tutor: GongHe Abstract:The system for the automatic control window, according to various conditions can be manual or automatic control window and the curtains opening. The realization of the use of wireless remote control switch and the curtains of the window opening of the control and the achievement of opening show (the curtain order to achieve "full draw - Position 1 - Position 2 –full draw back - Position 2 - Position 1 –full draw," every two Opening a certain time interval between the operation and storage of this process can repeat this process to achieve) The use of photosensitive devices, according to the environment to achieve illumination of the four opening curtain. In addition to increase the temperature ﹑wind ﹑rain sensor, automatically switch the window. Key words:wireless remote control LCD DC motor
