当前位置:文档之家› 房屋租赁合同LeaseAgreement(中英文对照版)-----招商部门使用版



Premises Lease Contract


Contract No.


The parties to this contract are:


The Landlord(hereinafter referred to as “Party A“): _____________



The Tenant(hereinafter referred to as “Party B“)_______________., on behalf of its Wholly Foreign Invested Enterprise to be established in China (hereinafter referred to as “New Co”) with a registered capital of US$_______________.


In accordance with the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Property Management Law of City Real Estate of the People’s Republic of China” and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, on the basis of equality and mutual understanding and through friendly negotiation, have reached the following agreement on the lease of the premises:


Chapter 1 Basic Information on the Premises

甲方厂房(以下简称“厂房”)座落于----,总建筑面积为-----平方米;该厂房平面图参见附件1。Party A’s premises (hereinafter referred to as the “Premises”) are located at --- Road; total built-up area is ---- sqm. Please refer to Annex 1 for the plan of the Premises.


The Premises shall be equipped with all the necessary hardware facilities (including water pipes, power lines and phone lines) installed inside the premise to be used for Party B.


Party A represents and warrants to Party B and New Co that it is the sole legal owner of the Premises and that,

in the event of a mortgage or any other similar guarantees in connection with the Premises taking place, Party B’s rights and interests pursuant to th is agreement shall not be damaged in any manner whatsoever.


Chapter 2 Use of the Premises


The Premises should be used for industrial purpose. Party B should not change the use of the Premises at its own will.


Chapter 3 Lease Period


The duration of the lease period shall be ---- years, starting from the day of issuance of New Company business license or Certificate of Approval.


Chapter 4 Rental

4.1 该厂房第一到三年的租金为人民币12元/平方米/月,计人民币__________元/月,人民币__________元/季,人民币__________元/年。之后,每三年商定的递增不得超过___%。

For the first three years during the lease term, the rental of the Premises is RMB12/sqm/month. The total rental is RMB_________/month, RMB_________/quarter and RMB__________/year. The negotiated increase in the rental should be no more than _______% for each subsequent period of three years.

4.2 _______年____月____日至________年____月_____日为免租期。

The period from ___________ to ___________, shall be rental-free.


Chapter 5 Payment Terms


The rental shall be paid by Party B to Party A in the 1st week of every quarter of the year during the lease period.

Party A shall issue the official rental invoice to Party B within 7 days after the payment of the rental.

The bank account for the rental payment is: _______________________.


Name of beneficiary: _______________________________


Opening bank: __________________________________


Chapter 6 Security Deposit



Within 7 working days upon the signing of this Contract, Party B shall pay to Party A a sum of three months’ rental as the security deposit, that is RMB------。


The security deposit shall be taken as the warranty for Party B’s due performance of its obligations under this Contract. If Party B carries out activities that are against its obligations or result in any damage to the Premises, Party A is entitled to deduct corresponding amount of compensation from the deposit. Within 30 days from the expiration of the Contract, Party A shall return the balance of the security deposit to Party B without interest after making deductions from the security deposit for compensation for any breach of the contract by Party B.


Chapter 7 Maintenance Responsibilities


Party A represents and warrants to Party B and New Co that the Premises and the materials used for the construction shall comply with all the requirements of the relevant Chinese laws and regulations concerning fire, safety and environmental issues. Party A has also obtained all the required mandatory certificates by the government (including, but not limited to Environmental Protection Certificate,Fire Protection Certificate and Thunder Strike Prevention Certificate) for the Premises.


During the lease period, Party A will do an overall inspection on the Premises and its facilities once every 6 months. Party B should provide necessary support. Party B should be responsible for routine maintenance of the Premises.


Party B should be responsible for the reinstatement works and compensation for the economic losses for the damage of the Premises and loss of its facilities due to the mismanagement of Party B.

在乙方正式接收厂房之前,甲乙双方应对厂房进行一次综合检查。甲方应对厂房存在的瑕疵负责修复。Before taking possession of the Premises, Party A and Party B should conduct a comprehensive inspection. Party A should be responsible for rectifying any defects of the Premises.


Chapter 8 Agreement on the Decoration and Structural


Party B should not damage the facilities in the Premises. If structural change is necessary in the process of decoration or the installation of the equipment does damage to the Premises, Party B should get the prior written approval from Party A. The cost of such change should be borne by Party B. The structural changes that Party B will carry out to the Premises are indicated in the project attached to this Contract. Party A hereby gives its consent to such changes.


Chapter 9 Related Fees during the Lease Period of the Premises


During the lease period, Party A should be responsible for the taxes levied on the rental income. Party B should be responsible for the following charges and the penalty, if any, on overdue payment:


Water and electricity bill


Telecommunication charges


Chapter 10 Expiry of the Lease Period


Upon expiry of the lease period, this contract is terminated. Party B should conduct reinstatement works and yield up the Premises and all of the landlord’s installations in their original state except f or those structural changes made by Party B and approved by Party A as established in Chapter 8. If Party B wishes to extend the lease period, it should submit a written application to Party A 3 months before the expiry date. Party A will give Party B a written reply 2 months before the expiry date. If extension of the lease period is agreed, a new lease contract should be signed. If the lease contract is terminated upon expiry of the lease period, Party B should move out all its belongings in time. If there is still property remaining inside the Premises 30 days after the move, it is understood that Party B has forsaken its property right and Party A has the right of disposal.


Chapter 11 Termination of the Contract due to Party B’s Responsibil ities

乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方有权终止本合同并收回厂房,由此造成甲方损失,由乙方负责赔偿:Party A has the right to terminate the contract, take back the Premises and ask for compensations from Party B if Party B acts on any of the followings:


To lease the Premises to third parties at its own will;


To transfer or lend the Premises to the third parties, or exchange the Premises with the 3rd party at its own will;


To change the structure or the use of the Premises at its own will;


Rental payment is overdue for more than 3 months;


To engage in any illegal activities within the Premises;


To damage the Premises intentionally;


Chapter 12 Termination of the Contract before Expiry Date


During the lease period, if Party B wishes to terminate the contract, it should inform the other party six months in advance; the security deposit in equivalent to three-month rental shall be confiscated. After negotiation, a termination agreement should be signed. This contract is still valid before the termination agreement is signed.


Chapter 13 Liabilities for Breach of Contract


During the lease period, both parties should abide by this lease contract. If there’s any breach of contract from one party, this party should pay 10% of the total yearly rental to the other party for compensation. If Party B delays on rental payment, Party A shall inform Party B in written. In case of late payment exceeding seven days after such notice, Party A has the right to charge penalty of 0.1% of the monthly rental from Party B for every day after the due date of the rental payment.


Chapter 14


If the Premises are damaged or the loss of the Premises is caused by Force Majeure, neither party is



Chapter 15

本合同未尽事项,由甲、乙双方另行议定,并签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。For issues not covered in this contract, Party A and Party B will negotiate amicably and sign a supplementary agreement, which shall have the same legal binding force as this contract.


Chapter 16 Annex to the contract shall be an indivisible part of this Contract


The annex is an integral part of this contract. For issues not specified in this contract or in the follow-up supplementary agreement, they should be resolved in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.


Chapter 17


Any dispute in the implementation of this contract should be resolved by Party A and Party B through friendly negotiation. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement after negotiation, the dispute should be settled by the competent judicial court.


Chapter 18


It is hereby understood that this Contract has been entered into by Party B on behalf of its Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise to be established in China. Upon issuance of New Co’s Business License, all rights and obligations in connection with this contract shall be transferred to New Co.


Chapter 19


This contract is executed in five copies. Party A holds two copies, Party B holds two copies and the Administrative Committee of Wujiang FOHO Economic Development Zone holds one copy. Each copy has equal binding force.


Chapter 20




The Chinese text and the English text of this contract have the same legal force. In the event that there are discrepancies between the English and Chinese texts of this contract, the Chinese text should prevail.

This contract comes into effect immediately after the two parties have signed or affixed the seal.


Party A Party B


Legal Representative Legal Representative


Date of signature: Date of signature:
