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3GPP TS 25.463 V6.7.0 (2007-06)

Technical Specification

3rd Generation Partnership Project;

Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;

UTRAN Iuant Interface: Remote Electrical Tilting (RET)

antennas Application Part (RETAP) signalling

(Release 6)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.

This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.


UMTS, radio, antenna


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No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.

? 2007, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).

All rights reserved.


Foreword (5)

1Scope (6)

2References (6)

3Definitions and abbreviations (6)

3.1Definitions (6)

3.2Abbreviations (8)

4General (8)

4.1Procedure specification principles (8)

4.2Forwards and backwards compatibility (8)

4.3Multi-antenna units (8)

4.4Integer representation (8)

5Services expected from signalling transport (9)

5.1Elementary procedure format (9)

5.1.1Initiating message (9)

5.1.2Response message (9)

6Control elementary procedures (10)

6.1State model (10)

6.2General procedure handling (10)

6.2.1Alarms (10)

6.2.2Procedure message interpretation (11)

6.2.3Parallel procedure handling (11)

6.3Overview of elementary procedures (12)

6.4Description of elementary procedures (14)

6.5Common elementary procedures (15)

6.5.1Reset Software (15)

6.5.2Get Alarm Status (16)

6.5.3Get Information (16)

6.5.4Clear Active Alarms (17)

6.5.5Alarm Subscribe (18)

6.5.6Self Test (18)

6.5.7Void (19)

6.5.8Void (19)

6.5.9Read User Data (19)

6.5.10Write User Data (20)

6.5.11Download Start (21)

6.5.12Download Application (21)

6.5.13Download End (22)

6.5.14Vendor specific procedure (23)

6.6Single-antenna elementary procedures (23)

6.6.1Calibrate (23)

6.6.2Send Configuration Data (24)

6.6.3Set Tilt (25)

6.6.4Get Tilt (25)

6.6.5Alarm Indication (26)

6.6.6Set Device Data (27)

6.6.7Get Device Data (27)

6.7Multi-antenna elementary procedures (28)

6.7.1Antenna Calibrate (28)

6.7.2Antenna Set Tilt (29)

6.7.3Antenna Get Tilt (30)

6.7.4Antenna Set Device Data (30)

6.7.5Antenna Get Device Data (31)

6.7.6Antenna Alarm Indication (32)

6.7.7Antenna Clear Active Alarms (32)

6.7.8Antenna Get Alarm Status (33)

6.7.9Antenna Get Number Of Antennas (34)

6.7.10Antenna Send Configuration Data (34)

7Unknown elementary procedures (35)

Annex A (normative): Return codes for secondary devices (36)

Annex B (normative): Assigned fields for additional data (37)

Annex C (normative): Procedure sequence for download of software to a secondary device (38)

Annex D (informative): Overview of elementary procedures (39)

Annex E (informative): Change history (40)


This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

1 Scope

The present document specifies the Remote Electrical Tilting Application Part (RETAP) between the implementation specific O&M transport function and the RET Antenna Control unit function of the Node B. It defines the Iuant interface and its associated signaling procedures.

2 References

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.

?References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.

?For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

?For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including

a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same

Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TS 25.460: "UTRAN Iuant Interface: General Aspects and Principles".

[2] ISO/IEC 13239 (2nd Edition, March 2000): "Information Technology – Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems – High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures".

[3] 3GPP TS 25.462: "UTRAN Iuant Interface: Signalling Transport".

[4] 3GPP TS 25.461: ”UTRAN Iuant Interface: Layer 1”.

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.

Active alarm: An alarm which has an alarm state that has been raised, but not cleared

Alarm: Persistent indication of a fault

Alarm code: A code that identifies a specific alarm. The alarm code set is a subset of the return code set. The alarm codes are listed in annex A of this TS

Alarm state: A condition or state in the existence of an alarm. Alarm states are raised and cleared

ASCII character: A character forming part of the International Reference Version of the 7-bit character set defined in ISO/IEC 646:1991

Calibrate: Exercise the antenna drive unit over its entire range of travel to ensure fault-free operation and synchronise the measured and actual beam tilt of the antenna

Configuration data: A stored table or function defining the relationship between the physical position of the drive and electrical beam tilt

Data type: A definition determining the value range and interpretation of a series of octets. The following specified data types are used in this TS:

Elementary procedure: The RETAP protocol consists of elementary procedures (EPs). An elementary procedure is a unit of interaction between the primary device (Node B) and the secondary devices (RET devices) An EP consists of an initiating message and possibly a response message.

Two kinds of EPs are used:

- Class 1: Elementary procedures with response (success or failure).

- Class 2: Elementary procedures without response.

For Class 1 EPs, the types of responses can be as follows:


- A signalling message explicitly indicates that the elementary procedure has been successfully completed with the receipt of the response.


- A signalling message explicitly indicates that the EP failed.

Class 2 EPs are considered always successful.

Error: Deviation of a system from normal operation

Fault: Lasting error condition

Little endian: The order of transmission in which the least-significant octets of a multi-octet representation of a number are transmitted first. Little endian only applies to binary integer representations

MaxDataReceiveLength: SecondaryPayloadReceiveLength minus 3 octets (see subclause 4.8.1 in [3]) MaxDataTransmitLength: SecondaryPayloadTransmitLength minus 3 octets (see subclause 4.8.1 in [3])

Procedure code: A code identifying an elementary procedure

Reset: A process by which the device is put in the state it reaches after a completed power-up

Return code: A code which defines information about the outcome of an elementary procedure execution

Tilt (also downtilt, tilt angle, beamtilt): The elevation angle between the direction orthogonal to the antenna element axis and the maximum of its main beam in the elevation plane. A positive electrical tilt angle means that the antenna beam is directed below the direction orthogonal to the antenna axis. An antenna has separate values for electrical and mechanical tilt. The mechanical tilt is fixed by the geometry of the installation. In this TS the tilt referred to is always the electrical tilt unless otherwise stated

Tilt value: A signed integer used in elementary procedures to define the electrical tilt setting of the antenna. The tilt value is 10 times the antenna electrical tilt angle in degrees.

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

EP Elementary Procedure

HDLC High-Level Data Link Control

RET Remote Electrical Tilting

RETAP Remote Electrical Tilting Application Part

TCP Time-Consuming Procedure

4 General

4.1 Procedure specification principles

The principle for specifying the procedure logic is to specify the functional behaviour of the RET antenna control unit exactly and completely. The Node B functional behaviour is left unspecified.

The following specification principles have been applied for the procedure text in clause 6:

- The procedure text discriminates between:

1) Functionality which "shall" be executed

The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall" perform a certain function Y under a certain

condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X but cannot perform functionality Y requested in the

REQUEST message of a Class 1 EP, the receiving node shall respond with the message used to report

unsuccessful outcome for this procedure, containing an appropriate cause value.

2) Functionality which "shall, if supported" be executed

The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall, if supported," perform a certain function Y under

a certain condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X, but does not support functionality Y, the

receiving node shall proceed with the execution of the EP, possibly informing the requesting node about the

not supported functionality.

4.2 Forwards and backwards compatibility

The forwards and backwards compatibility of all versions of the protocol shall be assured by a mechanism in which all current and further messages will not be changed in the future. These parts can always be decoded regardless of the standard version.

New functionalities are added into the specification by introducing new procedures and thus the existing messages are not changed in the future.

4.3 Multi-antenna units

The RETAP elementary procedures are split into a single-antenna oriented part, a multi-antenna oriented part and a common part for both device types in order to support RET units controlling single- or multi-antenna devices. The RET unit responds, upon request, the number of antennas it controls. All multi-antenna oriented elementary procedures include a parameter stating which antenna the elementary procedure addresses. Antennas are numbered 1 and upwards.

4.4 Integer representation

Multi-octet integer values are transmitted in little endian order. Signed integers are represented as 2-complement values.

5 Services expected from signalling transport

RETAP requires an assured in-sequence delivery service from the signalling transport and notification if the assured in-sequence delivery service is no longer available.

5.1 Elementary procedure format

Layer 2 provides a full-duplex link for the transmission of RETAP messages.

There are two types of RETAP elementary procedures:

Class 1: Initiating messages are sent either from the primary to a secondary device, or from a secondary to the primary device, in order to initiate some action within the receiving device. The other device sends a response message completing the procedure.

Class 2: Initiating messages are sent either from the primary to a secondary device, or from a secondary to the primary device. No response message is expected.

All RETAP messages use the same basic format:

Table 5.1.1: Basic format for all RETAP messages

NOTE: Response messages have the same basic format as initiating messages. The elementary procedure code shall be the same in the response message as in the associated initiating message.

5.1.1 Initiating message

The data part of an initiating message may contain parameters as specified in clause 6 of this TS.

5.1.2 Response message

Elementary procedures shall, unless otherwise specified, provide a response message within 1 second. The response time is measured from the time the message frame was received by the transport layer to the time the response message is ready for transfer by the transport layer.

If the class1 elementary procedure requested by the initiating message was successfully executed, the response message data part from a single-antenna device shall contain return code . Additional information may follow in the data part. The response message data part from a multi-antenna device starts with the antenna number followed by return code and optional additional information.

If the elementary procedure requested by the initiating message was not successfully executed, the response message data part from a single-antenna device shall contain return code .

The following octet shall contain a second return code which describes why the execution of the requested procedure failed. The response message data part from a multi-antenna device starts with the antenna number followed by return code and a second return code which describes why the execution of the requested procedure failed.

In some situations an initiating message can cause a change of operating conditions, for instance a SetTilt procedure might cause a RET device to discover that an adjuster is jammed or that a previously jammed adjuster works normally again. In these cases an alarm procedure reporting the change of operating conditions shall be used in addition to the regular or return codes in response message.

A complete annotated table of all return codes with their corresponding hexadecimal numbers is provided in annex A of this TS.

Return codes marked with an X in the Alarm column of annex A in this TS are used to report operating conditions in alarm procedures (see subclauses 6.6.5 and 6.7.6 for details).


Control elementary procedures


State model

The state model describing the RET device is shown in figure 6.1 with procedures written in italic. The relation to the connection state model for layer 2 can be found in [3].

Link Establishment from state

AddressAssigned, see ref. [3]


Figure 6.1: State model for the RET device

If an application software is not missing the RET device enters the state OperatingMode.

If an application software is missing, the RET device enters the state DownloadMode. In this state only software download functionality is supported in order to restore the application software.

The primary device will be notified that the RET device has entered the state DownloadMode when a procedure which only is supported in the state OperatingMode fails with the return code WorkingSoftwareMissing.

If no software download functionality is supported, then only the state OperatingMode for the RET device is supported.


General procedure handling



When a fault is detected, the corresponding alarm state shall be changed to state raised by the secondary device. When the fault no longer exists, the corresponding alarm state shall be changed to state cleared by the secondary device.

Alarm changes are reported through the AlarmIndication or AntennaAlarmIndication elementary procedures. Whenever an AlarmIndication or AntennaAlarmIndication elementary procedure message is transmitted, it shall contain all the alarm states changed that have not yet been reported as described in subclauses 6.6.5 and 6.7.6. All alarm states shall be cleared by any type of reset.

6.2.2 Procedure message interpretation

The following message interpretation rules shall apply to a secondary device in the order mentioned:

- Any message shorter than 3 octets shall be disregarded. In case of Multi-Antenna-Procedures any messages shorter than 4 octets shall be disregarded.;

- If a message has a length inconsistent with its “Number of data octets” field value it shall be responded with a failure message stating “FormatError” as the ca use of failure. The response message shall be to the initiating message identified by the procedure code;

- If a secondary device in the OperatingMode state is receiving a procedure message which is undefined for this device type, it shall respond with "Unknown Procedure";

- If a secondary device in the OperatingMode state is receiving a procedure message of an optional procedure not supported, it shall respond with a failure message stating “UnsupportedProcedure” as the cause of failure;

- If a secondary device receives a procedure message, part of the software download procedure sequence described in Annex C, without having received the previous procedure messages in that sequence it shall respond with a failure message stating “InvalidProcedureSequence” a s the cause of failure;

- If a secondary device in the DownloadMode state is receiving a procedure message not supported in that state it shall respond with a failure message stating “WorkingSoftwareMissing” as the cause of failure;

- If a message has a length inconsistent with the defined message length in the procedure definition it shall be responded with a failure message stating “FormatError” as the cause of failure. The response message shall be to the initiating message identified by the procedure code;

- If a secondary device in the OperatingMode state is receiving a procedure message which addressed device subunit does not exist “FormatError” shall be returned.

6.2.3 Parallel procedure handling

The secondary device shall support parallel execution of in maximum one additional EP only in parallel to one of the Time-Consuming Procedures defined in table

Table Definition of TCPs and the execution of procedures in parallel to a TCP

“yes” in the "TCP" column indicates that the procedure is a TCP, “no“ in the "TCP" column indicates that the procedure is not a TCP. “mandatory” in the "Execution in parallel to a TCP" column indicates that the pro cedure shall be executed in parallel to an ongoing TCP. “optional” in this column indicates, that the support of the execution of the procedure in parallel to an ongoing TCP is optional and “disallowed” indicates that the procedure shall not be executed in parallel to a TCP.

If a secondary device receives an initiating message for an EP which cannot be executed due to the ongoing execution of other EPs, the secondary device shall respond with a failure message stating “Busy” as the cause of failure.

Paralle l execution of one TCP marked “optional” in the "Execution in parallel to a TCP" column in table may be supported for each antenna by the secondary device. The EPs AntennaSetTilt and AntennaCalibrate shall be executed in parallel only for different antenna numbers. If more than one TCP is executed, ResetSoftware shall be executed anyway and never be responded with “Busy”.

If the EPs Get Tilt and Antenna GetTilt are executed in parallel with a TCP, their response message shall deliver a tilt value sampled during their execution.

6.3 Overview of elementary procedures

The set of elementary procedures for RET antenna control provides procedure-oriented instructions. An overview of the procedures is given in annex D. Table 6.3.1 lists all common elementary procedures described in subclause 6.5. Table 6.3.2 lists all elementary procedures specific for single-antenna device types described in subclause 6.6. Table 6.3.3 lists

all elementary procedures specific for multi-antenna device types described in subclause 6.7. subclause 6.4 describes how to interpret the elementary procedure definitions in subclauses 6.5 to 6.7.

Some elementary procedures shall be performed in sequence as described in Annex C for the software download.

Table 6.3.1: Common elementary procedure set for all device types

Table 6.3.2: Elementary procedure set for single-antenna device type

Table 6.3.3: Elementary procedure set for multi-antenna device type

6.4 Description of elementary procedures

Table 6.4.1: Description of elementary procedures

Table 6.4.2: Initiating and response message parameters and format

Table 6.4.3: Response message parameters and format for common class 1

elementary procedures upon error

Table 6.4.4: Response message parameters and format for single-antenna class 1 elementary

procedures upon error

Table 6.4.5: Response message parameters and format for multi-antenna class 1 elementary

procedures upon error

NOTE: The response message in the elementary procedure AntennaGetAntennaNumber, has the format given in table 6.4.4, although it is defined as a multi-antenna class 1 elementary procedure.


Describes the purpose of the elementary procedure.

Table 6.4.6: Return codes

6.5 Common elementary procedures

6.5.1 Reset Software

Table Elementary procedure Reset Software

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Reset Software

Table Response message parameters and format for Reset Software


On the receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall reset the application. All alarm states shall be cleared. If the initiating message is received in the OperatingMode state, the transport layer shall remain unaffected.

If the initiating message is received in the DownloadMode state, the ResetSoftware procedure shall reset the entire device without activating any new application software downloaded since entering the DownloadMode state.

The device shall not execute the reset procedure before transport layer acknowledgement through sequence number update is received for the response.

Table Return codes for Reset Software

6.5.2 Get Alarm Status

Table Elementary procedure Get Alarm Status

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Get Alarm Status

Table Response message parameters and format for Get Alarm Status


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device reports the alarm codes of the active alarms.

Table Return codes for Get Alarm Status

6.5.3 Get Information

Table Elementary procedure Get Information

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Get Information

Table Response message parameters and format for Get Information


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall return the product number ProdNr and the serial number SerNr of the secondary device. If known, also the hardware version and the software version may be returned. The software version should indicate the version number of the currently executed software.

The parameters HWVersion and SWVersion in the response message refer to the version designators of the hardware and installed software of the secondary device. If the application is missing or no HW or SW version number is found, then an empty string shall be returned as the HW or SW version number. The empty string is represented as a length field equals 0 and no octets in the TextString field.

The response message length shall be less than or equal to the minimum SecondaryPayloadTransmitLength as given in subclause 4.8.1 in [3].

Table Return codes for Get Information

6.5.4 Clear Active Alarms

Table Elementary procedure Clear Active Alarms

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Clear Active Alarms

Table Response message parameters and format for Clear Active Alarms


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall first clear all stored alarm information and then return a procedure response message.

Table Return codes for Clear Active Alarms

6.5.5 Alarm Subscribe

Table Elementary procedure Alarm Subscribe

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Alarm Subscribe

Table Response message parameters and format for Alarm Subscribe


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall start reporting alarms to the primary device.

Table Return codes for Alarm Subscribe

6.5.6 Self Test

Table Elementary procedure Self Test

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Self Test

Table Response message parameters and format for Self Test


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall execute a test procedure which may include a check of physical and processor functions. The specific tests to be performed are implementation specific, and may include the movement of the adjuster, which shall not exceed +-5% of total available tilting range starting from the current adjuster position.

The response message of the secondary device on the procedure provides information on detected faults or, if no fault is detected, with confidence that the operation of the device is normal in all respects.

During the test the operational parameters of the device shall not change beyond operationally acceptable limits and on completion all parameters shall be returned to their initial values.

In the normal response message, after the self test was executed successfully, the return codes are set to report possible detected faults during the self test. If no faults are detected, this shall be signalled by no return codes following the return code .

In the case of a failure response message, the self test could not be executed successfully and the reported return code relates to the inability of the device to perform the requested self-test operation.

Table Return codes for Self Test

6.5.7 Void

6.5.8 Void

6.5.9 Read User Data

Table Elementary procedure Read User Data

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Read User Data

NOTE:Number of octets to read shall be less than, or equal toMaxDataTransmit Length minus 1.

Table Response message parameters and format for Read User Data


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall send back user specific data stored in a user data area to the primary device.

The user data area is intended for storage of user defined data, e.g. inventory information.

Table Return codes for Read User Data

6.5.10 Write User Data

Table Elementary procedure Write User Data

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Write User Data

NOTE:Number of octets to write shall be less than, or equal to MaxDataReceiveLength minus 3.

Table Response message parameters and format for Write User Data


On receipt of the initiating message the secondary device shall store user data in non-volatile memory. The user data is stored in the user data area using the relative memory address offset given in the initiating message and starting with zero.

The user data area is intended for storage of user defined data, e.g. inventory information.

Table Return codes for Write User Data

6.5.11 Download Start

Table Elementary procedure Download Start

Table Initiating message parameters and format for Download Start


3GPP TR 36.843 V12.0.1 (2014-03) Technical Report 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services; Radio Aspects (Release 12) The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Report is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and Reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.


前言 本通信标准参考性技术文件主要收集了与定义IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统的目标和系统结构的基本文档相关的术语、定义和缩略语。本文基于 3GPP制订的Release-99(2000年9月份版本)技术规范,具体对应于TS 25.990 V3.0.0。 本参考性技术文件由信息产业部电信研究院提出。 本参考性技术文件由信息产业部电信研究院归口。 本参考性技术文件起草单位:信息产业部电信传输研究所 本参考性技术文件主要起草人:徐京皓徐菲卓天真续合元盛蕾吴伟 本参考性技术文件2001年1月首次发布。 本参考性技术文件委托无线通信标准研究组负责解释。

通信标准参考性技术文件 IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口物理层技术规范:名语术语IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Technical Specification: Vocabulary 1 范围 本通信标准参考性技术文件介绍了与定义IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统的目标和系统结构的基本文档相关的术语,定义和缩略语。这篇文档也为以后的技术规范的工作提供了一个工具,以便于理解。在这篇文档中所给出的术语,定义和缩略语或者是从现在的文档(ETSI,ITU或其它)引入的,或者是在需要精确的词汇时新创造出来的。 2 引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而成为本文件的条文。本文件出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本文件的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。 3 与UTRA相关的术语和定义 A Acceptable Cell 可接受的小区:是指UE可以驻留并进行紧急呼叫的小区。它必须满足特定的条件。 Access Stratum; 接入层; Access Stratum SDU (Service Data Unit) 接入层SDU(业务数据单元):在核心网或UE的接入层SAP(业务接入点)上传送的数据单元。 Active mode 激活模式:“激活模式”是指UE处理呼叫时所处的状态。 Active Set 激活集:在UE和UTRAN接入点之间的一个特定的通信业务所同时涉及的无线链路的集合。 ALCAP ALCAP:用于建立和拆除传输承载的传输信令协议的一般性称谓。 Allowable PLMN 准入的PLMN:不在UE所禁止的PLMNs列表内的PLMN。 Available PLMN 可用的PLMN:指UE找到满足特定条件的小区所处的PLMN。 Average transmit power


目次 前言 ....................................................................................................................................................II 1 范围 (2) 2 引用标准 (2) 3 名语和缩略语 (2) 4 提供给高层的业务 (4) 4.1传输信道 (4) 4.1.1 专用传输信道 (4) 4.1.2 公共传输信道 (4) 4.2 指示符 (4) 5 物理信道和物理信号 (5) 5.1 物理信号 (5) 5.2 上行物理信道 (5) 5.2.1 专用上行物理信道 (5) 5.2.2 公共上行物理信道 (8) 5.3 下行物理信道 (12) 5.3.1 下行发射分集 (12) 5.3.2 专用下行物理信道 (13) 5.3.3 公共下行物理信道 (19) 6 物理信道的映射和关联 (30) 6.1传输信道到物理信道的映射 (30) 6.2 物理信道和物理信号的关联 (31) 7 物理信道之间的时序关系 (31) 7.1 概述 (31) 7.2 PICH/S-CCPCH定时关系 (32) 7.3 PRACH/AICH定时关系 (33) 7.4 PCPCH/AICH定时关系 (34) 7.5 DPCH/PDSCH定时关系 (34) 7.6 DPCCH/DPDCH定时关系 (35) 7.6.1 上行链路 (35) 7.6.2 下行链路 (35) 7.6.3 在UE的上行/下行定时 (35)

前言 本通信标准参考性技术文件主要用于IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统的无线接口的物理层部分,它主要介绍了物理信道的特性以及传输信道到物理信道的映射。本文基于 3GPP制订的Release-99(2000年9月份版本)技术规范,具体对应于TS 25.211 V3.4.0。 本参考性技术文件由信息产业部电信研究院提出。 本参考性技术文件由信息产业部电信研究院归口。 本参考性技术文件起草单位:信息产业部电信传输研究所 本参考性技术文件主要起草人:徐京皓,徐菲,吴伟,张翔 本参考性技术文件2001年1月首次发布。 本参考性技术文件委托无线通信标准研究组负责解释。


3GPP TS 36.213 V8.6.0 (2009-03) 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical layer procedures (Release 8) The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.


3 4 Keywords UMTS, radio, layer 1 3GPP Postal address 3GPP support office address 650 Route des Lucioles – Sophia Antipolis Valbonne – France Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Internet Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. ? 2009, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC). All rights reserved. UMTS? is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP? is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members an d of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE? is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM? and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association


目录 第1章协议阅读指南2 1.1 协议的框架2 1.2 阅读协议的技巧2 1.2.1 UMTS与3GPP的关系2 1.2.2 GSM协议与3GPP协议的关系2 1.2.3 R99与R00、R4、R5的关系2 1.2.4 在R99中原来的GSM01~12系列的协议与3GPP协议之间的关系3 1.2.5 在REL4以后的版本中41~52系列的协议与3GPP协议之间的关系3 1.2.6 各协议系列的功能3 1.2.7 看协议的步骤4 1.2.8 注意协议版本号4 1.2.9 注意协议修改记录4 1.2.10 注意协议附录5 1.2.11 注意协议的类型5第2章协议查看实例6 2.1 2/3G互操作协议查看实例6第3章协议目录8 3.1 协议目录8

第1章协议阅读指南 1.1 协议的框架 在第三代移动通讯体系中,目前主要有三大阵营,即TD-SCDMA、 WCDMA、CDMA2000(其他一些小的阵营我们几乎可以不用关心,此处 不再提及。TD-SCDMA、WCDMA的协议是由3GPP标准化组织制定的, 而CDMA2000是由3GPP2标准化组织制定的,所以有时也用3GPP代指 TD-SCDMA、WCDMA,用3GPP2代指CDMA2000。 在第二代移动通讯体制中,也主要有两大阵营,即GSM与窄带 CDMA(IS-95)。由GSM向3G过渡是走的WCDMA技术路线,由 IS-95CDMA向3G过渡是走CDMA2000的路线。 1.2 阅读协议的技巧 读协议首先要抓住总体与重点,否则,任何一个人也无法阅读全部的协 议。对于我们来说,3GPP当然是所有协议的重点,与3GPP密切相关的 协议是次重点。 1.2.1 UMTS与3GPP的关系 UMTS是一个过时的术语,现在已经不再使用,因为UMTS的提法是在 3GPP成立以前由SMG(特别移动组)提出的,在3GPP成立以后将不再使 用。 1.2.2 GSM协议与3GPP协议的关系 GSM协议的最后一个完整版本是PHASE 2+的R1998。ETSI的SMG在 制定R1999时,3GPP成立,于是SMG被解散,R1999也被移交给3GPP, 由3GPP继续完成R99。所以R99是GSM与3G的衔接版本(R99已经是 3G)。 1.2.3 R99与R00、R4、R5的关系 在R99协议成形的初期,将R99看作是GSM向3G过渡的版本,存在电 路交换域的业务;将R00作为全IP网络版本的代名词。在2000年9月 以后的版本中,就不再使用R00这个术语,而改用Release4、Release5 来替代,也就意味着,在Rel5以后的版本都是全IP的网络结构。


标准协议之3GPP标准协议 All 3G and GSM specifications have a 3GPP specification number consisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002). The first two digits define the series as listed in the table below. They are followed by 2 further digits for the 01 to 13 series or 3 further digits for the 21 to 55 series. The term "3G" means a 3GPP system using a UTRAN radio access network; the term "GSM" means a 3GPP system using a GERAN radio access network. (Thus "GSM" includes GPRS and EDGE features.) A specification in the 21 to 35 series may apply either to 3G only or to GSM and 3G. A clue lies in the third digit, where a "0" indicates that it applies to both systems. For example, 29.002 applies to 3G and GSM systems whereas 25.101 and 25.201 apply only to 3G. Most specs in all other series apply only to GSM systems. However, as the spec numbering space has been used up, this guide is more frequently broken, and it is necessary to examine the information page for each spec (see the table below) or to check the lists in 01.01 / 41.101 (GSM) and 21.101 (3G) for the definitive specification sets for each system and each Release. 所有3G和GSM规范具有一个由4或5位数字组成的3GPP编号。(例如:09.02或29.002)。前两位数字对应下表所列的系列。接着的两位数字对应01-13系列,或3位数字对应21-55系列。词"3G"意味着采用UTRAN无线接入网的3GPP系统,词"GSM" 意味着采用GERAN无线接入网的3GPP系统(因而,"GSM"包括GPRS和EDGE 性能)。


标准协议之3GPP标准协议 所有3G和GSM规范具有一个由4或5位数字组成的3GPP编号。(例如:09.02或29.002)。前两位数字对应下表所列的系列。接着的两位数字对应01-13系列,或3位数字对应21-55系列。词"3G"意味着采用UTRAN无线接入网 的3GPP系统,词"GSM" 意味着采用GERAN无线接入网 的3GPP系统(因而,"GSM"包括GPRS和EDGE性能)。 21-35系列规范只用于3G或既用于GSM也用 于3G。第三位数字为"0"表示用于两个系统,例如29.002用于3G和GSM系统,而25.101和25.201仅用于3G。其它系列的大多数规范仅用于GSM系统。然而当规范编号用完后,须查看每个规范的信息页面(见下表)或查看01.01 / 41.101 (GSM) 和21.101 (3G) 中的目录。

The 3GPP Specifications are stored on the file server as zipped MS-Word files. The filenames have the following structure: SM[-P[-Q]]-V.zip where the character fields have the following significance ... S = series number - 2 characters (see the table above) M = mantissa (the part of the spec number after the series number) - 2 or 3 characters (see above) P = optional part number - 1 or 2 digits if present Q = optional sub-part number - 1 or 2 digits if present V = version number, without separating dots - 3 digits


3GPP TR 36.942 V9.0.1 (2010-04) Technical Report 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Radio Frequency (RF) system scenarios (Release 9) The present docu ment has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3G PP TM ) and may be fu rther elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present d ocument has not been subject to any approval process by the 3G PP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除3gpp,ts协议名称对照 篇一:3gpp协议编号——标准协议之3gpp标准协议 标准协议之3gpp标准协议 所有3g和gsm规范具有一个由4或5位数字组成的3gpp 编号。 (例如:09.02或29.002)。前两位数字对应下表所列的系列。接着的两位数字对应01-13系列,或3位数字对应21-55系列。词"3g"意味着采用utRan无线接入网的3gpp系统,词"gsm"意味着采用geRan无线接入网的3gpp系统(因而,"gsm"包括gpRs和edge性能)。 21-35系列规范只用于3g或既用于gsm也用于3g。第三位数字 为"0"表示用于两个系统,例如29.002用于3g和gsm 系统,而25.101和25.201仅用于3g。其它系列的大多数规范仅用于gsm系统。然而当规范编号用完后,须查看每个规范的信息页面(见下表)或查看01.01/41.101(gsm)和21.101(3g)中的目录。

the3gppspecificationsarestoredonthefileserveraszipp edms-wordfiles.thefilenameshavethefollowingstructur e:sm[-p[-q]]-V.zip wherethecharacterfieldshavethefollowingsignificance ...s=seriesnumber-2characters(seethetableabove) m=mantissa(thepartofthespecnumberaftertheseriesnumb er)-2or3characters(seeabove) p=optionalpartnumber-1or2digitsifpresentq=optionals ub-partnumber-1or2digitsifpresentV=versionnumber,wi thoutseparatingdots-3digitssoforexample: 21900-320.zipis3gpptR21.900version3.2.00408-6g0.zip is3gppts04.08version6.16.0 32111-4-410is3gppts32.111part4version4.1.0 29998-04-1-100is3gppts29.998part4sub-part1version1. 0.0 3gpp规范采用woRd文件的zip压缩格式保存,文件名结构如下:sm[-p[-q]]-V.zip


1协议阅读指南 1.1协议的框架 如下图所示,在第三代移动通讯体系中,目前主要有两大阵营,即WCDMA与CDMA2000(其他一些小的阵营我们几乎可以不用关心,此处不再提及。另,TD-SCDMA可以认为是WCDMA阵营中的一种无线技术)。WCDMA的协议是由3GPP标准化组织制定的,而CDMA2000是由3GPP2标准化组织制定的,所以有时也用3GPP代指WCDMA,用3GPP2代指CDMA2000。 在第二代移动通讯体制中,也主要有两大阵营,即GSM与窄带CDMA(IS-95)。由GSM向3G过渡是走的WCDMA技术路线,由IS-95CDMA向3G过渡是走CDMA2000的路线。 我们这个项目将要做的是WCDMA的基站(Node B),所以与我们直接相关的协议是3GPP的协议。3GPP的协议分为3个版本,即R99与R4、R5,R99是第一阶段的版本,计划于2000年6月定型(FROZEN),以后只作一些微小的修改,但实际上到目前为止还没有完全定型。2001年3月版的R99可以认为已经大部分定型。而R4目前正处在标准化的阶段,2001年3月已经有一个初步定型的规范。我们要实现的就是R99(下 图中加粗黑框部分)。 R99目前有5个版本,即2000年3月份版本、6月份版本、9月份版本、12月份版本和2001年3月份版本,我们应该阅读的是9月份的版本(3GPP2000.9),3月份版本与6月份版本可以作为参考。大家阅读协议时可以看到,3月份与6月份的版本是从21系列开始的,9月份是从01系列开始的,为什么会这样呢? 因为3GPP的协议(特别是CN侧协议)是在GSM与GPRS基础上发展的,3GPP的协议引用了很多GSM 的协议,在9月份的版本中,3GPP将部分引用到的GSM的协议转化为3GPP的协议,所以在9月份的目录中多了01~12系列的协议(GSM协议是从01~12)。大家可以认为,“真正的”3GPP的协议还是从21系列开始的(当然,GSM的01~12系列也是3GPP协议的一部分)。 1.2阅读协议的技巧 读协议首先要抓住总体与重点,否则,任何一个人也无法阅读全部的协议。对于我们来说,3GPP的R99当然是所有协议的重点,与3GPP密切相关的协议是次重点。 1.2.1UMTS与3GPP的关系 UMTS是一个过时的术语,现在已经不再使用,因为UMTS的提法是在3GPP成立以前由SMG(特别移动组)提出的,在3GPP成立以后将不再使用。 1.2.2GSM协议与3GPP协议的关系 GSM协议的最后一个完整版本是PHASE 2+的R1998。ETSI的SMG在制定R1999时,3GPP成立,于是SMG被解散,R1999也被移交给3GPP,由3GPP继续完成R99。所以R99是GSM与3G的衔接版本(R99已经是3G)。


3GPP协议导读 项目名称 文档编号 版本号V0.0.2 作者徐莉 版权所有 大唐移动通信设备有限公司 本资料及其包含的所有内容为大唐移动通信设备有限公司(大唐移动)所有,受中国法律及适用之国际公约中有关著作权法律的保护。未经大唐移动书面授权,任何人不得以任何形式复制、传播、散布、改动或以其它方式使用本资料的部分或全部内容,违者将被依法追究责任。 文档更新记录

目录 1引言 (5) 1.1 编写目的 (5) 1.2 目的 (5) 1.3 预期读者和阅读建议 (5) 1.4 文档约定 (5) 1.5 参考资料 (5) 1.6 缩写术语 (5) 2文档的结构 (6) 33GPP协议概述 (6) 3.1 3GPP及其协议版本 (6) 3.2 3GPP协议的标识 (6) 3.3 一个3GPP协议的结构 (9) 4与CN相关的3GPP协议介绍 (10) 4.1 21S ERIES (10) 4.2 22S ERIES (10) 4.3 23S ERIES (11) 4.4 24S ERIES (13) 4.5 25S ERIES (14) 4.6 26S ERIES (15) 4.7 29S ERIES (16) 4.8 32S ERIES (19) 4.9 33S ERIES (27) 4.10 35S ERIES (28) 4.11 41S ERIES (29) 4.12 42S ERIES (29) 4.13 43S ERIES (30) 4.14 44S ERIES (31) 4.15 48S ERIES (31) 4.16 49S ERIES (33) 4.17 52S ERIES (33) 4.18 补充业务相关协议 (33) 4.18.1 增强的多级优先和占先(eMLPP)业务 (34) 4.18.2 线路标识类 (34) 4.18.3 呼叫前转类 (35) 4.18.4 呼叫完成类 (35) 4.18.5 多方类 (36) 4.18.6 CUG类 (36) 4.18.7 计费通知类 (36) 4.18.8 呼叫闭锁类 (36) 4.18.9 CD (37) 4.18.10 UUS (37)

3GPP 24008中文版协议

1. 简述 该文档描述了第三代移动通信系统和数字小区通信系统内用在无线接口的核心网协议流程。 主要描述了无线接口上的流程(参考接口Um或Uu,参考跑3GPP 24.002或3GPP 23.002)比如呼叫控制CC, 移动性管理MM,和会话管理SM。 文中每当提及"further study"或"FS"或"FFS"的地方表示本文不会对相应的内容作标准阐述。 这些流程都是按照无线接口的控制信道上交换的信令定义的。控制信道在3GPP 44.003和3GPP 25.301中描述。 该协议的功能性描述和流程,以及其他层和实体间的交互将在3GPP 24.007中描述。 1.3 层3流程的结构 可以用“积木”法来描述层3的流程。 基础的积木是三个子层的协议控制实体提供的“基本流程”,这些子层是无线资源管理RRM,移动性管理MM和连接管理CM。 1.5 在A/Gb模式下逻辑信道的使用 逻辑信道在3GPP 45.002中定义。下述的这些控制信道都是承载信令信息或指定类型的用户分组数据: 1) 广播控制信道BCCH:下行,用来广播小区独有信息 2) 同步信道SCH:下行,用来广播同步信息和BSS标识信息 3) 寻呼信道PCH:下行,用来发送寻呼给MS 4) 随机接入信道RACH:上行,用来请求一条专用控制信道DCCH 5) 接入允许信道AGCH:下行,用来分配一条专用控制信道DCCH 6) 独立专用控制信道SDCCH:双向 7) 快速辅助控制信道FACCH:双向,和一条业务信道TCH关联 8) 慢速辅助控制信道SACCH:双向,和一条SDCCH或者TCH关联 9) 小区广播信道CBCH:下行,用作非点对点短消息传输 10) 指示信道NCH:下行,用来通知用户VBS呼叫或VGCS呼叫 信令层2定义了两个服务接入点,以SAPI划分(详见3GPP 44.006) 1) SAPI0:支持包括用户消息的信令信息的传输 2) SAPI3:支持用户短消息的传输 层3根据每条消息进行SAP的选择,以及逻辑控制信道的选择,L2操作模式(确认模式AM,非确认模式UM或随机接入)的选择。 1.6 控制流程概览 1.6.1 流程列表 以下是本文涵盖的流程列表: a) 第四章描述的移动性管理基础流程 移动性管理公共流程(4.3节):

3GPP协议_25463-670 AISG2.0

3GPP TS 25.463 V6.7.0 (2007-06) Technical Specification 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; UTRAN Iuant Interface: Remote Electrical Tilting (RET) antennas Application Part (RETAP) signalling (Release 6) The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 lte,3gpp,物理层协议 篇一:lte协议对照表 规范编号射频系列规范ts36.101 规范名称内容更新时间 ue无线发送和接收描述Fdd和 tdde-08-oct-20xxutRaue的最小射频(RF)特性 ts36.104bs无线发送与接收描述e-utRabs在成对频谱 和非成对频谱的最小RF特性 30-sep-20xx ts36.106Fdd直放站无线发送与接收 描述Fdd直放站的射频要求和基本测试条件 30-sep-20xx ts36.113bs与直放站的电磁兼容 包含对e-utRa基站、直放站和补充设备的电磁兼容(emc)评估 01-oct-20xx ts36.124移动终端和辅助设备的电磁兼容的要求 建立了对于e-utRa终端和附属设备的主要emc要求,

保证不对其他设备产生电磁干扰,并保证自身对电磁干扰有一定的免疫性。定义了emc测试方法、最小性能要求等01-oct-20xx ts36.133支持无线资源管理的要求 描述支持Fdd和td08-oct-20xxde-utRa的无线资源管理需求,包括对e-utRan和ue测量的要求,以及针对延迟和反馈特性的点对点动态性和互动的要求 ts36.141bs一致性测试描述对Fdd/tdde-utRa基站的射频测试方法和一致性要求 30-sep-20xx ts36.143Fdd直放站一致性测试 描述了Fdd直放站的一致性规范,基于36.106中定义的核心要求和基本方法,对详细的测试方法、过程、环境和一致性要求等进行详细说明 01-oct-20xx ts36.171支持辅助全球导航卫星系统(a-gnss)的要求 描述了基于ue和ue辅助Fdd或tdd的辅助全球导航卫星系统终端的最低性能 21-jun-20xx ts36.307ue支持零散频段的要求 定义了终端支持与版本无关频段时所要满足的要求。 04-oct-20xx


3GPP LTE无线接口协议及体系结构 2 LTE无线接入网体系结构 3GPP在考虑LTE技术时,演进型接入网EUTRAN(Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network)采用只有演进型Node B(eNB)构成的单层结构,以便简化网络和减少时延,这种结构实际上已经趋近于典型的IP宽带网结构,其无线接入网体系构架如图1所示。 图1 E-UTRAN 体系结构 每个eNB都具有一系列功能和相应物理接口,其中包括演进型UTRA用户面(U-plane)(PDCP/RLC/MAC/PHY)和控制面(C-plane)(RRC)协议,多个eNBs通过X2接口相互连接。就外部连接而言,eNB通过S1接口连接到演进型分组核心EPC(Evolved Pocket Core),具体来说就是通过S1-MME接口连接到移动性管理实体MME(Mobility Management Entity)和通过S1-U接口连接到SAE网关,其中S1接口支持在eNBs和MME/SAE网关之间多对多的链接。 如图2所示,S1接口是EUTRAN和EPC之间的接口,该接口包含两部分:控制面和用户面。控制面接口S1-MME 是eNB和MME之间的接口,用户面接口S1-U是eNB和SAE网关之间的接口,它在eNB和SAE网关之间提供了非保证的用户面分组数据单元PDU(Packet Data Unit)传送。 图2 3GPP LTE无线接口协议结构 S1接口具有以下主要功能: ◆SAE业务承载管理功能,包括承载业务的设置和释放等; ◆用户设备在激活状态下的移动性管理功能,包括LTE内部的小区切换以及和 3GPP内其它无线接入技


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 3gpp,空口协议 篇一:lte全套协议汇总 lte全套协议汇总(收藏) 篇二:embms空口协议介绍 讨论范围 1、本文只讨论空口部分协议; 2、协议中有singlecell的mbms,以及multicell协作的mbmsFn,第二种要求空口同频且 帧同步,本文只讨论第二种情况。第二种情况的cell 可以是混合小区(mbms业务和单播业务同时存在),也在本文讨论范围。 3、ue的mbms业务建立与删除流程不在本文讨论范围。 基本概念 信道 mbms在mac层和物理层都用专门对应的信道传输信令与业务(数据)。mac层的mcch和mtch分别用来传输多播信令与多播业务。 物理层的“传输信道”中mch与“物理信道”pmch也专

门用来mbms传输,其中mac层的mcch与mtch都对应到物 理层的(p)mch信道上。 另外mac层的bcch(sib13)用来广播mcch的配置,mac 层的sib2也用来定义mch信道物理层信道风格。 下图是物理层传输信道与物理信道的映射图。对于多播,mch和pmch可以认为没有区别,长用(p)mch表示:下图是mac层的信道与物理层传输信道的映射,可见mcch和mtch都映射到(p)mch上。 信道关系 mac层的mcch用来传输多播相关的信令,包括pmch配置,下行计数消息。mac层的mtch用来传输多播业务数据。 mac层的bcch中sib2用来规定pmch的子帧风格,sib13用来配置mcch对应的(p)mch。每个mtch对应一个(p)mch,和一个多播业务相对应,也和一个多播session相对应。每个多播域(mbmsarea)都和一个mcch唯一对应,每个mcch 又和多个mtch向对应。也就是说同一个area的所有mtch 公用一个mcch。而mcch可以认为除了下面mtch对应的pmch 以为,还有自己mcch对应的一个pmch。 名词解释 mbsFnsynchronizationarea mbmsFn就是mbms单频网络。意思是所有网络频率相同,且是帧对齐的,pmch子帧分配风格也是一样的,同一时间发
