当前位置:文档之家› 交通银行个人住房贷款合同翻译


The borrower should read the contract especially Articles of *** carefully and signed the contract

after being confirmed of no objections.

Bank of Communications

Personal House Loan Contract

(Apply to signing contracts among the borrower, the lender and the real estate agency)

Yu BOCS 2004 Jiulongpo GD Zi No. xxxx


Place of domicile: xxxx

Contact address: ditto Tel.: xxxx Zip code:

Lender: Jiulongpo Sub-branch, Chongqing Branch, Bank of Communications

Address: Xiejiawan Main Street, Jiulongpo District

Real estate agency: xxxxxx

Legal address: xxxxxx

Legal representative: xxxx

Deposit bank and account: Ganghua Road Local Branch, Jiulongpo Sub-branch, Bank of Communications xxxx

Whereas the borrower applies for personal house loan to buy a house for self residence from the real estate agency and the lender agrees to load to the borrower after investigation, the borrower, the lender and the real estate agency, in accordance with laws and regulations as well as provisions relevant to the personal house loan, sign and conclude the contract by consensus.

Article 1 Loan

1.1 The loan amount is RMB (in words): xxx.

1.2 The loan term is 20 years, from April 9, 2004 to April 9, 2024.

1.3 The loan will be used to buy:

The house located at xxxx

Total price of the house: xxxx

Article 2 Interest and rate of loan

2.1 Interest rate of loan: xxx‰.

If the loan term is more than one year, in case of adjustment of the prescribed interest rate, it should be executed according to provisions of the People’s Bank of China without gaining agreement of the borrower.

2.2 The loan interest under the contract should be charged according to the actual loan amount and occupation days from the actual issuing day of the loan.

Article 3 Loan issuing

3.1 Preconditions of issuing loan

(1) The borrower has deposited at least xx% of down payment of the total house purchase price into the account specified in Article 4.5 of the contract and has entrusted the lender to pay the real estate agency.

(2) Relevant guarantee contract prescribed in Article 5 of the contract has been signed.

(3) The lender and his (her) family meet conditions of loan issuing.

3.2 The lender should issue the loan within xx days after the borrower goes through all procedures of loan.

3.3 The loan should be issued by the method that: the lender transfers the loan and the down payment deposited by the borrower into the account xxx opened by the real estate agency in the lender’s bank under the name of the borrower’s house purchase payment.

Article 4 Loan repayment

4.1 The loan should be repaid by the equal monthly payment. If the loan term is less than 1 year, both parties concerned may adopt the method of repaying capital with interest by negotiation.

The method of loan repayment should be determined according to the annual plan of loan repayment provided by the lender.

If the loan will be repaid by the method of equal monthly payment, it is applicable to Article 4.2 to Article 4.4.

4.2 The borrower should repay the capital and interest under the contract by month from the first repayment date after the loan is issued.

The amount of capital and interest to be paid by the borrower should be determined by the method of equal payment. The calculation method for the amount of capital and interest of personal house loan of Bank of Communications is shown in the attachment of the contract.

4.3 The capital and interest amount to be paid in each month and firstly determined after the loan is issued is RMB (in words): xxxx yuan; thereafter, if the interest rate is adjusted according to Article 2.1 of the contract, the capital and interest amount of each month shall be calculated and determined according to Article 2.1 and Article 4.2 of the contract.

The lender shall mail the annual plan of loan repayment of Bank of Communications to the borrower according to the contact address supplied by the borrower within / days after the dare of loan issuing and interest adjustment.

4.4 The repayment date is the 9th day of each month. The first repayment date is xxx and the last repayment date is xxx.

*** 4.5 The borrower shall open an account for loan issuing as well as capital and interest as required by the lender. The borrower should deposit enough money in the account specified by the lender to repay the due capital and interest.

The lender deducts the due capital and interest from the specified account on each repayment date. If the amount in the specified account is insufficient for deducting the due capital and account, the lender is entitled to deduct the amount from the borrower’s other account opened in the Bank of Communications.

*** 4.6 The borrower might repay the loan in advance according to the following provisions after being agreed by the lender.

(1) If it is decided to repay the total loan in advance, it might be transacted on any working day of the bank; if it is decided to repay part of the loan, it shall be transacted on the repayment date specified in the contract. The interest of the paid-off capital should be settled at repayment.

(2) As for the loan repaid in advance, the lender will not return the interest which has been charged and will not charge the interest from the date of advance payment to the agreed loan repayment date.

(3) If the loan is partly repaid in advance, the lender should make a new annual plan for loan repayment according to the agreed rate and remaining repayment periods to determine the amount of capital and interest of each month. If the borrower requires shortening the periods of repayment, it should be agreed by the lender.

Article 5 Security for debt

5.1 The borrower and lender signs the Loan Mortgage Contract with the purchased house as guarantee.

5.2 Before the Property Ownership Certificate engaged in the Loan Mortgage Contract is transacted and kept by the lender, the real estate agency shall provide the borrower with guarantee of joint liabilities to pay the capital, interest, compound interest, default interest and cost for realizing the creditor’s right of the lender.

5.3 The real estate agency promises: when the lender needs to exercise the mortgage right under the Loan Mortgage Contract, the real estate agency, as required by the lender, shall repurchase the house with an amount no less than the capital and interest (including overdue default interest, subject to the account document provided by the lender). The money shall be used to pay off the due capital and interest under the contract on a priority basis.

***Article 6 Statement and guarantee of the borrower

6.1 The borrower accepts and abides by the business system and working rules of the lender as well as operational procedures under the contract.

6.2 The borrower promises to coordinate with the lender in investigation and examination of situations on personal income, expense, liability etc. and provide situations and relevant material required by the lender timely, integrally and accurately.

6.3 The borrower must notify the lender within 7 days after the (possible) occurrence of the following events:

(1) The working condition and household income of the borrower and the borrower’s family members change greatly.

(2) Significant misfortune occurs to the family of the borrower.

(3) The financial condition of the guarantor changes greatly or the value of the guaranty decreases apparently.

(4) Other events affecting the repayment capability of the borrower occur.

(5) The contact address and telephone number of the borrower are changed.

Article 7 Other matters agreed

The date of borrowing is the date of repayment. In case of disputes between the actual loan issuing date and the date agreed in the loan contract, it should be subject to the date on the loan note.

*** Article 8 Responsibility of default

8.1 Any of the following events can constitute the event of default stated in the Article.

(1) The borrower defaults the capital or interest;

(2) The borrower and the guarantor refuse normal investigation and supervision of the lender;

(3) The borrower or the guarantor is engaged in illegal criminal activities;

(4) One of the events which shall be notified according to Article 6.3 occurs and affects the repayment capability of the borrower.

8.2 After an event of default occurs, the lender is entitled to take the following measures:

(1) Declare loan capital issued under the contract due in advance and require the borrower

pay all capital and interest immediately.

(2) Charge default interest and compound interest of the overdue loan according to provisions of the People’s Bank of China.

(3) Deduct the capital, interest and other charges from any other account of the borrower in the Bank of Communications.

(4) Take other measures specified by laws and regulations.

Article 9 Others

9.1 The borrower, the real estate agency and the lender should go through procedures on mortgage registration, estate insurance, and contract notarization with the cost of the borrower within xx days after the contract is signed

*** 9.2 Any dispute relevant to the contract should be subject to the people’s court in the location of the lender.

9.3 The loan application, Loan Note and contract attachment supplied by the borrower are inalienable constituent part of the contract.

9.4 The contract will take effect after being signed or stamped and affixed with the official seal by the three concerned parties of the contract.

9.5 The original contract is in quintuplicate, each party holds one copy. Several copies will be kept for future reference.


Signed on: xxx

Real estate agency: xxxx(seal)

Legal representative (signature or seal): xxx

Signed on: xx

Lender (official seal): Jiulongpo Sub-branch, Chongqing Branch, Bank of Communications Authorized representative (signature or seal): xxxx(seal)

Signed on: xxx


中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间:2012/06/01 至2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期:2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号:1222222222 客户号:9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期:2012/01/04 开户行:88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类:5500 产品子类:1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日:2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


合同编号:2021-xx-xx 合同/协议(模板) 合同名称: 甲方: 乙方: 签订时间: 签订地点:

(各银行贷款用)个人收入证明范文 个人收入证明 致交通银行支行(部):________________ 兹证明______________先生/女士,系我单位(1、正式工;2、合同工;3、临时工),已在我单位工作________年,现任职务,其身份证号码为_____________________,其个人月收入为人民币(大写) ________元,年总收入为人民币(大写) ________元,以上情况属实。 本单位对该证明的真实性负责! 特此证明 单位地址:________________ 单位电话:________________ 单位联系人:________________ ________年 ________月 ________日 职业及收入证明 中国______________公司_______支行:________________ 兹证明______________系本单位职工(有效身份证号码:________________),性别_______,年龄______________岁,工作年限________年,现任______________职务,已获得______________职称,月收入为人民币(大写) ________元整。 以上情况真实无误,我单位对此承担相应的法律责任。 特此证明 人事(劳资)部门公章 ________年 ________月 ________日 备注:________________ 1、单位全称:________________ 2、法定地址:________________ 3、人事(劳资)部门负责人姓名:________________ 4、联系电话:________________ 收入证明 兹证明 (先生/女士)目前为我单位员工;身份证号码为 ;从 ________年 ________月 ________日至今在此工作,目前职务为,职称为□高级□中级□初级□无职称,学历为□研究生及以上□本科□大专□中专、高中及技校□初中以下。固定月工资人民币 ________元。奖金、红利等其他收入月平均人民币 ________元。平均全年税后总收入(大写)人民币 ________元。 单位性质:________________ 单位地址:________________ 单位领导:________________ 单位电话:________________ 单位公章 ________年 ________月 ________日 个人资信证明


(暂行) 贷款人(抵押权人):分行 法定地址:电话 法定代表:电话 借款人(抵押人)电话 住址: 本人有效身份证编号: 借款人为购买(以下称“房产商”)的(以下称“房产”),向贷款人申请贷款,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国经济合同法》以及交通银行有关业务办法的规定,经双方协商同意,订立以下条款,共同遵守。 第一条贷款币种、金额和期限 1.1 贷款币种: 1.2 贷款最高额为元(大写元)整。 1.3 贷款期限: 贷款期限为年。自年月日至年月日止。分期等额归还。 第二条利率和利息的计算 2.1 贷款利率为“伦敦银行同业拆放利率”加个百分点(LIBOR+%)。每期计息日的的LIBOR为贷款利率的LIBOR,但每笔放款的第一个计息期的LIBOR为该贷款发放日的LIBOR。LIBOR采用个月浮动。

2.2 贷款利息以贷款的实际发放天数计收,以360天为一年。 2.3 结息方式: 第三条贷款条件 3.1 借款人必须向贷款人提供下列资料: a.《房产抵押贷款申请书》和《贷款申请人资料》; b.与房产商签订《预购房屋合同正本》或《购房契约》; c.房产商出具的购房预付款的凭证。 3.2 借款人到贷款人指定银行开立购房专户,今后有关购房费用,均通过该帐户结算。 第四条提款 借款人不可撤销地授权贷款人,根据“预购房合同”规定,当贷款人收到房产商付款通知书后,主动将贷款划入房产商在贷款人处开立的帐户,并借记借款人帐户。向借款人发出付款通知书。 第五条还款 5.1 借款人应遵照本合同1.3条款规定,按时偿还。 5.2 每次还款日前十五天之内,借款人应将本期归还的贷款和支付的利率存入购房专户。由贷款人在还款到期日,主动在购房专户中扣除其款项,无须事先通知借款人。 第六条提前还款 6.1 借款人如果提前偿还部分或全部贷款,必须在三十天前书面通知贷款人。 6.2 提前还款只限于还款期序的倒序进行,而不能抵冲即将到期的贷款或下期的还款。 6.3 借款人提前还款,应向贷款人支付提前还款金额的0.5%至1%补偿金。


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank) 中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333

条据书信 交通银行信用卡收入证明范本

交通银行信用卡收入证明范本 工作证明 兹证明____,(身份证号)__________,为我单位正式在编员工,担任职务____,年收入人民币(大写)___元,(小写)¥___元。 此证明仅限办理交通银行信用卡使用,本单位确认该员工工作的真实性,但不承担任何担保责任。 单位盖章: 日期:xx年月日 工作证明 兹证明____,(身份证号)__________,为我单位正式在编员工,担任职务____,年收入人民币(大写)____元,(小写)¥___元。 此证明仅限办理交通银行信用卡使用,本单位确认该员工工作的真实性,但不承担任何担保责任。 单位盖章: 日期:xx年月日篇二:《信用卡收入证明范本》 篇一:办信用卡用的收入证明以及工作证明格式 收 入证明 工作证明 兹证明同志

现从事工作,累满年。特此证明! 单位名称(公章)盖 章经办人: 收入证明 ________________: 兹证明________是 我公司员工,在________部门任________职务。至今为止,一年以来总收入约为__________ 元。特此证明。 本证明仅用于证明 我公司员工的工作及在我公司的工资收入,不作为我公司对该员工任何形势的担保文件。 盖章:日期:_____年___月___日 收入证明 兹证明我公司(公司)员工在我司工作年,任职部门经理(职位),每月总收入元,为税后(或税前)薪金。 公司 xx年月 日 篇二:信用卡申请工作证明范本) ________________: 兹证明________是

我公司员工,在________部门任________职务。至今为止,一年以来总收入约为__________ 元。 特此证明。 本证明仅用于证明 我公司员工的工作及在我公司的工资收入,不作为我公司对该员工任何形势的担保文件。 盖章: 日期:______年 ___月___日 ------------------------------------------------------------- 收入证明 兹证明我公司 (xx公司)员工xx在我司工作xx年,任职xx部门xx经理(职位),每月总收入xx.00 元,为税后(或税前)薪金。 xx公司 xx年x月x日 记住要盖个公章。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 收入证明 银行:


交通银行借款合同协议书流动资金外汇贷款 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

交通银行借款合同 (适用于流动资金外汇贷款) 编号: 借款方: 法定代表人: 法定地址: 贷款方:交通银行行 法定代表人: 法定地址: 应借款方年月日的借款申请,贷款方愿意向借款方提供流动资金外汇贷款。借贷双方依据

《中华人民共和国经济合同法》等法规以及交通银行有关业务办法的规定,经过平等协商,现达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。 第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1借款币种: 1.2借款金额:(大 写:) 1.3借款期限: 借款期限为,自年月日起至年月日止。

第二条借款用途 2.1借款限用于 第三条提款 3.1提款期为天,自合同签订生效之日起算。在提款期内,借款方应按下列计划提款。

3.2借款方如需调整提款计划,应至少提前十天提出,并经贷款方同意。 3.3借款方办理提款,应提前个银行营业日提交有效借款凭证。 3.4提款期到期,未提贷款部分即自动注销,但事前经贷款方书面同意延展提款期限者除外。 第四条利息 4.1借款利率。 借款年率为 利息每计收一次,结息日为

计息方法:以三百六十天为一年,按贷款余额和实际用款天数计收利息。 4.2借款方应于结息日主动支付利息。如结息日为非银行营业日,则顺延至下一个银行营业日支付。届时未付,贷款方有权主动从借款方的存款帐户中扣收。如存款不足以支付利息,对应付未付利息,贷款方可计收复利。 4.3利息以所借币种支付。 第五条还款 5.1借款方以销售收入及其他可还贷资金归还借款。借款方应按第1.3条款规定的期限内一次或分次归还全部借款本金。还款计划如下:


日期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发 行代码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface In this page, the debit amount toxxxx In this page, the loan amount toxx (This page is end) Business Seal (xxxx):xxxSub-branch, xxxx, Industrial Commercial Bank of China Ltd (The first page)

日期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发 行代码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface In this page, the debit amount to 0.00 In this page, the loan amount to xxx (This page is end) Business Seal (xxx):xxxx Sub-branch, xxxxx, Industrial Commercial Bank of China Ltd (The second page)


银行流水单翻译词汇 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

C urrencyDetailedListofHistoryof 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 22 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number 账户基本信息:Account basic information;副卡:Vice card;


交通银行借款合 (适用于中方股本外汇贷款) 编号: 借款方: 法定代表人: 法定地址: 贷款方:交通银行行 法定代表人: 法定地址: 应借款方于年月日的申请,贷款方情愿向借款方提供股本贷款。借贷双方依照《中华人民共和国经济合同法》和《借款合同条例》以及交通银行有关业务方法的规定,通过平等协商达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。

第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1借款币种: 1.2借款金额:(大 写:) 1.3借款期限: 借款期限为年,自第一笔提款之日起算。 第二条借款用途 2.1借款限用于对的投资。 第三条提款 3.1借款方按第一条规定的借款额提款均必须满足下列全部条件后方可进行:

(1)已提供第二条所述投资项目列入国家固定资产投资打算的证明; (2)已提供贷款方认可的项目预(概)算资金已全部落实的证明,包括拨款和发行股标、债券的批准件;各类已签署生效的融资合同副本;注册外投资或/和自有资金已落实的证明等; (3)已提供贷款方认可的还款担保;抵押合同已办妥登记及公证手续; (4)借款方自筹注册资本金已按有关规定缴纳; (5)投资项目外方注册资本金已按有关规定缴纳; (6)未发生第9.1条款所列任何一种违约行为; (7)其它; 3.2提供期限为个月。自本合同签订生效之日起算。在提款期限内,借款方应按下列打算提款:

3.3借款方如需调整提款打算,应提早十五天通知贷款方,并经贷款方同意。提款期到期,未提贷款部分即自动注销。 3.4借款方办理提款,应提早个银行营业日提交有效借款凭证。 第四条利息和费用 4.1借款利率 借款年率为 利息每计收一次,结算日为 计息方法:以三百六十天为一年,按贷款余额和实际用款天数计收利息。


交通银行借贷合同(合同示范文 Loan contract of Bank of Communications (applicable to fixed assets (合同范本) 姓名: 单位: 日期: 编号:YW-HT-004688

交通银行借贷合同(合同示范文本) 说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:经过平等协商达成一致意思后订立的协议,规定了相互之间的必须履行的义务和应当享有的权利,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。 合同编号: 借款方: 法定代表人: 法定地址: 贷款方:交通银行行 法定代表人: 法定地址: 应借款方于年月日提出的借款申请,贷款方愿意提供固定资产外汇贷款。现借贷双方依据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《借款合同条例》以及交通银行的有关业务办法的规定,经过平等协商,达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。

第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1 借款币种: 1.2 借款金额:(大写:)其中备付利息:(大写: )。 1.3 借款期限:借款期限为年,自第一笔提款之日起算。 第二条借款用途 2.1 借款限用于。 2.2 备付利息款限用于支付建设期各期利息。 第三条提款 3.1 借款方按第一条规定的借款额提款或/和开立信用证均必须满足下全部条件后方可进行: (1)已提供项目投资列入国家固定资产投资计划的证明; (2)已提交贷款方认可的项目预(概)算资金已全部落实的证明,包括拨款和发行股票、债券的批准件;各类已签署生效的融资合同副本;自有资金已落实的证明; (3)已提交贷款方认可的《工贸还汇协议书》或销售渠道已落实的其他证明;(4)已提交贷款方认可的还款担保;抵押合同已办妥登记及公证手续; (5)自筹资金已按贷款方要求或按计划投入使用或到帐; (6)未发生第 9.1 条款所列任何一种违约行为; (7)其它:。 3.2 提款期限为个月。自本合同签订生效之日起算。在提款期限内,借款方应按下列计划提款。 计划提款


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 22 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


交通银行借款合同 交通银行借款合同 (适用于流动资金外汇贷款) 编号:借款方: 法定代表人:法定地址:贷款方:交通银行行 法定代表人: 法定地址: 应借款方年月日的借款申请,贷款方愿意向借款方 提供流动资金外汇贷款。借贷双方依据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》等法规以及交通银行有关业务办法的规定,经过平等协商,现达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。 第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1借款币种: 1.2借款金额:(大写:) 1.3借款期限: 借款期限为,自年月日起至年月日止。 第二条借款用途 2.1借款限用于 第三条提款 3.1提款期为天, 自合同签订生效之日起算。在提款期内, 借款方应按卜列计划提款。 计划提款 金额 年 季 月

3.2借款方如需调整提款计划,应至少提前十天提出,并经贷款方同意。 3.3借款方办理提款,应提前个银行营业日提交有效借款凭证。 3.4提款期到期,未提贷款部分即自动注销,但事前经贷款方书面同意延展提款期限者除外。 第四条利息 4.1借款利率。 借款年率为利息每计收一次,结息日为 计息方法:以三百六十天为一年,按贷款余额和实际用款天数计收利息。 4.2借款方应于结息日主动支付利息。如结息日为非银行营业日,则顺延至下一个银行营业日支付。届时未付,贷款方有权主动从借款方的存款帐户中扣收。如存款不足以支付利息,对应付未付利息,贷款方可计收复利。 4.3利息以所借币种支付。 第五条还款 5.1借款方以销售收入及其他可还贷资金归还借款。借款方应按第1. 3条款规定的期限内一次或分次归还全部借款本金。还款计划如下: 期序金额序数年季月 币种: 第1期 第2期


BANK OF CHINA Debit card transaction details history list Trading range: Print date: 20xx/xx/xx Print branches: xxxxx Print teller:xxxxxxx Account number: Customer number: Account name: Account opening date: 20xx/xx/xx Deposit bank: xxxxx Product Line: xxxx Subclass: xxxx Value date: 20xx/xx/xx Expiry date: Bankbook number: Bank of China Co.,Ltd xxx City xxx Road Branch (seal) Trade date Currency Trade type Transaction amount Account balance Reciprocal account number Rev erse Teller Branches Abstract CNY Interest CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY Transfer


交通银行收入证明模板大全 范本1 收入证明 兹证明同志为我单位员工,身份证号码,担任职务,任职年,年薪收入约¥元(大写:)。情况属实,特此证明。 此证明仅作为申办交行信用卡证明,不承担其他任何担保行为。 单位盖章: 年月日 范本2 收入证明 交通银行四川省分行营业部支行: 兹证明_______(先生/女士)目前为我单位(全职/兼职)员工,身份证号码:__________________________,婚姻状况_______(已婚/未婚/离异).从_____年_______月至今在此工作,从事_______工作,目前职务(职称)是___________,其固定工资收入为每月人民币(大写)_________________元,奖金、红利等其他收入平均(大写)人民币_________________元;平均全年总收入(大写)人民币_____________________元。 我单位对此证明的真实性负责。 以上情况,特此证明 单位信息(均为必填,公章加盖于所填内容之上); 单位性质:__________________ 单位地址:__________________ 单位领导:__________________ 单位电话:__________________ 单位公章:__________________ 年月日 范本3 收入证明

中国交通银行xx分行: 兹证明(先生或女士)现为我单位(1、正式工、2、合同工、3、临时工),已连续在本单位工作年,职务为,月收入为(小写)元(大写:万仟百拾元整),年收入为(小写)元人民币,本单位谨此承诺上述证明是正确的,真实的,如因上述证明与事实不符导致贵行经济损失,本单位保证承担赔偿一切法律责任 特此证明。 单位地址: 单位电话: 经办人: 单位公章: 年月日 附件列表:


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-004673 交通银行借款合同(最新版)

交通银行借款合同(最新版) 合同编号:________________ 借款方:____________________法定代表人:________________法定地址: __________________贷款方:交通银行__________行法定代表人: ________________法定地址:__________________ 应借款方于__________年_____月_____日的申请,贷款方愿意向借款方提供股本贷款。借贷双方根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》和《借款合同条例》以及交通银行有关业务办法的规定,经过平等协商达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1 借款币种:____________________ 1.2 借款金额:________________(大写:_________________________) 1.3 借款期限:_________________________ 借款期限为_____年,自第一笔提款之日起算。 第二条借款用途 2.1 借款限用于对_______________的投资。 第三条提款 3.1 借款方按第一条规定的借款额提款均必须满足下列全部条件后方可进行: (1)已提供第二条所述投资项目列入国家固定资产投资计划的证明; (2)已提供贷款方认可的项目预(概)算资金已全部落实的证明,包括拨款和


个人收入证明 致交通银行支行(部): 兹证明先生/女士,系我单位(1、正式工;2、合同工;3、临时工),已在我单位工作年,现任职务,其身份证号码为,其个人月收入为人民币(大写)元,年总收入为人民币(大写)元,以上情况属实。 本单位对该证明的真实性负责! 特此证明 单位地址: 单位电话:单位联系人: 年月日 职业及收入证明 中国工商银行股份有限公司支行: 兹证明系本单位职工(有效身份证号码: ),性别,年龄岁,工作年限年,现任职务,已获得职称,月收入为人民币(大写)元整。 以上情况真实无误,我单位对此承担相应的法律责任。 特此证明 人事(劳资)部门公章 年月日 备注: 1、单位全称: 2、法定地址: 3、人事(劳资)部门负责人姓名: 4、联系电话:,邮政编码: 收入证明

兹证明(先生/女士)目前为我单位员工;身份证号码为;从 年月日至今在此工作,目前职务为,职称为□高级□中级□初级□无职称,学历 为□研究生及以上□本科□大专□中专、高中及技校□初中以下。固定月工资人民币元。 奖金、红利等其他收入月平均人民币元。平均全年税后总收入(大写)人民币 元。 单位性质: 单位地址: 单位领导: 单位电话: 单位公章 年月日 个人资信证明 成都银行广安分行: 兹证明(先生/女士)是我单位(全职/兼职)员工,已在我单位工作年,现在职 务;身份证号码为;固定月工资人民币(大写)(1)元;奖金、红利等其他收入全年合计人民币(大写)(2)元;全年总收入人民币(大写)(3)元。 本单位对该证明的真实性负责 以上情况,特此证明 单位性质 单位地址 单位领导 单位电话 单位公章 年月日 工作收入证明


编号:HT-202110881 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 交通银行借贷合同(适用于国营集体 企业固定资产外汇贷款) Other special terms will be listed bellow.

交通银行借贷合同(适用于国营集体 企业固定资产外汇贷款) 合同编号:_______________ 借款方:_____________________________ 法定代表人:_________________________ 法定地址:___________________________ 贷款方:交通银行___________________行 法定代表人:_________________________ 法定地址:___________________________ 应借款方于_______年_______月_______日提出的借款申请,贷款方愿意提供固定资产外汇贷款。现借贷双方依据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《借款合同条例》以及交通银行的有关业务办法的规定,经过平等协商,达成以下条款,以资共同遵照执行。 第一条借款币种、金额和期限 1.1借款币种:_____________________________ 1.2借款金额:(大写:_____________________) 其中备付利息:

(大写:______________________) 1.3借款期限:借款期限为_______年,自第一笔提款之日起算。 第二条借款用途 2.1借款限用于__________________________________________ 2.2备付利息款限用于支付建设期各期利息。 第三条提款 3.1借款方按第一条规定的借款额提款或/和开立信用证均必须满足下全部条件后方可进行: (1)已提供项目投资列入国家固定资产投资计划的证明; (2)已提交贷款方认可的项目预(概)算资金已全部落实的证明,包括拨款和发行股票、债券的批准件;各类已签署生效的融资合同副本;自有资金已落实的证明; (3)已提交贷款方认可的《工贸还汇协议书》或销售渠道已落实的其他证明; (4)已提交贷款方认可的还款担保;抵押合同已办妥登记及公证手续; (5)自筹资金已按贷款方要求或按计划投入使用或到帐; (6)未发生第9.1条款所列任何一种违约行为; (7)其它:________________________________________________ 3.2提款期限为_______个月。自本合同签订生效之日起算。在提款期限内,借款方应按下列计划提款。 计划提款


ICBC Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Voucher No.4002xxxx Card No.: xxxx Transaction Date: Oct 27, 2016 Transaction Time: Transaction Code: 1996 Transaction Branches: 3099 Transaction Teller: 29413 Accredit Teller: 00000 Transaction Type: Query All Accounts under Customer Card Region No.: 1001 Account Name: ZHANG Jiaqi Certificate Type: ID Card Certificate No.: Basic Account No.: xxxx Account Code: 000 Account Properties: Passbook Account Hang Card Status: Hanging Card Expiry Date: Currency: RMB Cash Remittance Mark: Cash Balance: 84,812.97 Basic Account No.: xxxx Account Code: 000 Account Properties: Passbook Account Hang Card Status: Hanging Card Expiry Date: Currency: RMB Cash Remittance Mark: Cash Balance: 0.00 Customer Confirm: I have confirmed that the printing content is correct. Customer Signature: (End of its printing)Special Seal of Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch, Shanghai, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 3EEFDDC40003 1


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 1222222222 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number
