文档之家› 论保险合同的成立、生效与保险责任的开始
This paper uses the research methods of comparative analysis, empirical analysis and legal method of combining, based on the theory of the insurance law, explores the relationship with the formation of insurance contracts, the effect of insurance contracts between the beginning of the insurance liabilities, and deals with these problems and provides some suggestion.
This article is divided into five chapters: The first chapter establishes around the characteristics of insurance contracts, states he statutory requirements and agreed elements about the insurance contracts, and discourses the specific problems, such as marketing rights of members, temporary protection insurance, paying the first insurance premiums before the life insurance contracts, physical examination in the life insurance contracts. The second chapter expounds the effect of the insurance contract. It discusses the effective elements of the insurance contract and the factors affecting the validation of insurance contracts so that they can fully grasp the entry into force of the insurance contract to determine the effectiveness of insurance contracts. The third chapter discusses the relationship between the formation of insurance contracts and the beginning of the insurance responsibilities, and the relationship between the effect of insurance contracts and the beginning of the insurance responsibilities insurance contracts .It paves the way for this chapter to talk about the formation and effect of insurance contracts, liability insurance usually begins after the formation and effect of insurance contracts. The fourth chapter analyzes retrospective insurance. Our retrospective insurance is provided only in the "Maritime". This chapter is based on the characteristics of the insurance contract itself, through the analysis of retrospective insurance, the retroactive provisions of the insurance should be formulated in our property insurance contracts. The fifth chapter mainly deals with temporary insurance protection system. For "the insured prepaid insurance premiums, insurers underwriting the insurance in the" window period ", if the insured person occurrence of insured event, do the insurers assume the insurance responsibility?”, my academics propose the temporary security system for this issue.In my opinion, the temporary security system only reach agreement between the parties.It can not effectively protect the interests of the insured, So China should establish
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保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议,具体而言,即双方 当事人约定,由一方(投保人)向另一方支付约定的保险费,另一方在约定的保险 事故发生或人身保险事件出现(包括合同约定的期限届满)时,履行给付保险金义 务的双方法律行为。保险合同是保险制度功能得以充分发挥的具体手段,也是《保 险法》规制的主要内容之一。保险合同是一种保障性的合同。但当事人双方签订保 险合同的目的,既不是为了保证保险标的绝对不发生危险,也不是保证保险标的最 终发生危险事故,其意旨则在于通过分散危险,以消化损失,即当保险标的遭受约 定的危险事故时,由保险人通过保险填补机制,实现风险损失在社会范围内的分摊, 使投保人、被保险人处于“虽有险但无忧”之状态。①
In practice, it often leads to disputes about the formation of insurance contracts, the effect of insurance contracts, and the beginning of the insurance responsibilities .In theory, scholars tend to express their views on this theory, can not form a unified theory. Although China's "Insurance Law" has been revised in February 2009 on the insurance contract, this theory has been further improved and modified, but there are still some shortcomings and problems.
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烟台大学 硕士学位论文 论保险合同的成立、生效与保险责任的开始 姓名:唐合花 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:民商法学 指导教师:史卫进
在实践中,保险合同的成立、生效与保险责任的开始理论中的诸多问题,经常 引发纠纷。在理论中,学者往往对这一理论各抒己见,不能形成统一的理论。虽然 我国《保险法》已经于 2009 年 2 月修订,对保险合同成立、生效与保险责任的开 始有关问题有了进一步的完善和修改,但仍存在一些弊端和问题。
本文主要采用了比较分析、实证分析及法理研究方法相结合的方法,在保险法 理论的基础上,探求保险合同成立、生效与保险责任的开始的关系,并对实践和理 论中存在的问题提出了解决和完善的建议。
本文共五章: 第一章围绕着保险合同成立特征,论述保险合同的成立的法定要件和约定要 件,并对保险成立中的特殊问题进行分析,主要有保险营销员的签约权,暂保保险, 人身保险合同中首期保险费的交付,以及人身保险合同中的体检。 第二章阐述了保险合同的生效。主要论述了保险合同生效的生效要件,影响保 险合同生效的因素,从而能全面地把握保险合同生效,确定保险合同的效力。 第三章围绕着保险责任的开始,论述了保险合同成立与保险责任开始的关系, 保险合同生效与保险责任的关系。谈论保险合同的成立与生效正是为这一章做铺 垫,通常保险合同成立生效后,保险责任才开始。 第四章论述了追溯保险。我国的追溯保险只规定在《海商法》中。本章立足于 保险合同本身的特点,通过对追溯保险原理的分析,认为追溯保险应规定在我国财 产保险合同中。 第五章主要论述了临时保险保障制度。针对“投保人预缴保险费,保险人承保 前这一保险‘空白期’,被保险人发生保险事故,保险人是否承担保险责任?”这 一问题,我国学界中提出了暂保承诺制度。笔者认为,暂保承诺制度由于只是当事 人之间的约定,不能有效保护投保人的利益,我国应建立临时保险保障制度。 关键词:成立;生效;保险责任的开始;追溯保险;临时保险保障制度
保险合同的成立、生效与保险责任的开始是保险合同制度的一个重要内容,对 确定保险人的保险责任期间,最终落实保险合同双方当事人的权利与义务,维护交 易安全、便捷与规范处理保险合同纠纷都有重要的意义。
基于保险合同的补偿性与保障性特征,在合同成立、生效,对生效的判断、变 更、转让以及终止的结果,当事人履行的不完全等各方面都有突出的特点,《合同 法》未将保险合同列入分则中的有名合同,这样使《保险法》成为直接调整保险合 同的唯一法律。②因此,在此讨论保险合同成立、生效等方面并不能直接适用《合 同法》的相关规定。
年 月日
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a temporary insurance protection system. Keywords: formation; effect; the beginning of the insurance liability; retroactive
insurance; temporary insurance protection system;