和”D ”附加细则),必须遵照当中所载条件履行。如若当中所载条件产生冲突,仅就产生冲突的条件而言,第一部分及附件“ A“ B” “ C””D ”的条文将凌驾于第二部分的条文。
It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 2 and the party stated in Box 3 that this Agreement consisting of PART I
and PART II as well as Annexes "A"(Details of Vessel), "B" (Details of Crew), "C" (Budget) and "D" (Associated vessels) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART I and Annexes "A", "B", "C"
Ship Man ageme nt Agreeme nt
1. 定义
Defin iti ons
In this Agreeme nt save where the con text otherwise requires, the followi ng words and expressi ons shall have the
meanings hereby assig ned to them.
"Ow ners" means the party ide ntified in Box 2
"Ma nagers" mea ns the party ide ntified in Box 3.
"Vessel" means the vessel or vessels details of which are set out in Annex "A" attached hereto.
"Crew" means the Master, officers and ratings of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex "B" attached hereto.
"Crew Support Costs" means all expe nses of a gen eral n ature which are n ot particularly referable to any in dividual
vessel for the time being man aged by the Man agers and which are in curred by the Man agers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the gen erality of the forego ing, shall in clude the cost of crew sta ndby pay, training schemes for officers and rati ngs, cadet tra ining schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitme nt and in terviews.
"Severa nee Costs" means the costs which the employers are legally obliged to pay to or in respect of the Crew as a result of the early term in ati on of any employme nt con tract for service on the Vessel.
"Crew In sura nces" means in sura nces aga in st crew risks which shall in clude but not be limited to death,
sick ness, repatriati on, in jury, shipwreck un employme nt indemnity and loss of pers onal effects.
"Management Services" means the services specified in sub- clauses 3.1 to 3.8 as indicated
affirmatively in Boxes 5 to 12.
"ISM 规则"指国际海事组织(IMO)通过决议案A.741(18)所采纳的国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则或其后任何有关修订。
"ISM Code" means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Vessels and for Polluti on Preve nti on as adopted by the In ter nati onal Maritime Orga ni zati on (IMO) by resoluti on A.741(18) or any subseque nt ame ndme nt
"STCW 95"指一九七八年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约(于一九九五年修订或其后任何有关修订)。
"STCW 95" means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keep ing for Seafarers, 1978, as ame nded in 1995 or any subseque nt ame ndme nt thereto.
2. 委任管理人