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Agent Engagement of Accounting

Date: 编号:


Party A:


Party B: Sha nghai THOTH Con suit ing Co., Ltd.



Party A wishes to en trust Party B as its accou nti ng and tax age nt.

2 •乙方接受甲方的委托,根据《企业会计准则》、《中华人民共和国外商投资企业会计制度》、《中华人民共和国会计法》及财政、税务


Party B agrees to act as Party A ' s accounOnna nd paovide bookkeep ing, finance con suit ing and

tax age ncy services to Party A in accord ing with the terms and con diti ons set out in this Agent En gageme nt (here in after referred to as “ Agreeme nt ” ) un der Accou nti ng Law of P.R. Chi na and relevadt rules

regulati ons.

1.权限申明Authority and Jurisdiction


Party A en trusts and authorizes Party B to act as its age nt to accomplish the items set out in Article 2 below (here in after referred to as “ en trusted items ” ).


The en trustme nt and authorizati on as stated in Article 1.1 above should not at any time be regarded as the part nership relati on ship betwee n the parties of this Agreeme nt.


Any articles, effect and in terpretati on of this Agreeme nt and the settleme nt of disputes aris ing from this

Agreeme nt or its performa nee shall be gover ned by the law of the People ' s Republic of Chi na.

2 .责任范围和委托项目Responsibilities and Commitments

2.1甲方责任范围Party A


To con stitute in tegrated in ter nal con trol system to en sure the in tegrality of accou nt of compa ny assets.


To provide legal, true, exact and whole origi nal vouchers to Party B which have bee n sorted and n umbered.


To man age the daily in come and expe nses and make mon etary in come and expe nditure accou nt by appo in ted cashier.


To resp on sible for audit of its origi nal vouchers.


To provide all the required docume nts to Party B for bookkeep ing by the third date of the mon th. (The

deadli ne will be adva need accord in gly if the date is a n ati onal holiday.)


To fully cooperate with Party B ' s appoiiabetd a lctknunelevant documents should be checked and

accepted by Party B.


To pay age nt fee to Party B accord ing to the time frame stated in this Agreeme nt.


To pay tax accord ing to the time frame stated by tax authority.
