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Founders' Restricted Rights Agreement创始人限制权利的协议


THIS AGREEMENT dated as of the ___ day of ____, 20__.


[enter name of Founder One](“[Smith]”)

of [Toronto], Ontario


[enter name of Founder Two] (“[Jones]”)

of [Toronto], Ontario



a corporation incorporated under the laws

[of Canada or the Province of Ontario] (the “Corporation”)

WHEREAS each of [Smith] and [Jones] (each, a “Founder”) is the holder of record of certain common shares (the “Common Shares”) in the capital of the Corp oration;

AND WHEREAS each of the Founders are key employees of the Corporation;

AND WHEREAS the Founders have agreed that in respect of the matters dealt with herein, the voting of the Common Shares and any other securities of the Corporation held or subsequently acquired by any Founder (collectively, the “Securities”) shall be governed by this Agreement;

NOW THEREFORE this Agreement witnesses that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:



“Board Nominee” means the member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation appointed by the Board of Directors to exercise the voting rights as set out in this Agreement.

“Change of Control” means any transaction or series of transactions which result in the transfer of the direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of the issued and outstanding voting shares, or any securities convertible into voting shares, of the Corporation, other than a change of control resulting from a financing upon such terms as the Founders, the other investors and the Corporation may agree.

“Constructive Dismissal” shall be deemed to have occurred if there exists any material adverse change without the consent of the Executive in the title, status, position, job function and reporting responsibilities of the Executive from those set out in this Agreement.

“Effective Date” means:

(a) in the case of death of a Founder, the date of death;

(b) in the case of Permanent Disability, the date that the determination of Permanent Disability

is made by a court of competent jurisdiction in Canada or as otherwise determined in

accordance with the definition of Permanent Disability below;

(c) if the Founder’s employment, services or B oard of Directors position is terminated by

reason of retirement by the Founder, the date which is designated by the Founder as the

effective date of retirement which date shall be no later than the last day that such Founder

is employed by or provides services to the Corporation on a full-time basis;

(d) if the Founder’s employment, services or Board of Directors position is terminated by

reason of resignation by the Founder, the date which is designated by the Corporation as

the effective date of resignation;

(e) in the case of the Insolvency of a Founder, the date any assignment for the benefit of

creditors is made by such Founder, the date any declaration of bankruptcy is made by a

court of competent jurisdiction, the date that such Founder takes the benefit of any

legislation for the benefit of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, the date that a receiver or other

officer of the court is appointed, or the date that proceedings are commenced against a

Founder by way of execution, distress, seizure, possession, sale or foreclosure by any

secured creditor or judgment creditor of such Founder;

(f) if the Founder’s employment or services is terminated by the Corporation without cause,

the later of:

(i) the date which is the last day of any minimum statutory notice

period, if any, applicable to the Founder pursuant to applicable

employment standards legislation; and

(ii) the date which is designated by the Corporation as the last day of the Founder’s employment or services; or

(g) if the Founder’s employment or se rvices is terminated by the Corporation for cause, the

date which is designated by the Corporation as the effective date of such termination. “Insolvency” means:

(a)the making of an assignment for the benefit of a Founder’s creditors;

(b)any declaration of bankruptcy of a Founder;

(c)the appointment of a receiver or other officer with similar powers with respect to a Founder for

a substantial part of the assets belonging to such Founder unless such appointment is under

dispute; and

(d)the commencement of proceedings against a Founder by way of execution, distress, seizure,

possession, sale or foreclosure by any secured creditor or judgment creditor of such Founder. “Permanent Disability” and “Permanently Disabled” means a Founder who is declared mentally incompetent or incapable of managing his or her affairs by a court of competent jurisdiction in Canada or, if

no application is brought for such a declaration, who is certified by statutory declaration of two duly qualified medical practitioners to be mentally incompetent.

“Remaining Founder” means the Founder or Founders, as the case may be, which receive a Proxy and Power of Attorney in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

“Shareholders Agreement” means the unanimous shareholders agreement, dated as of _____, 20__ among the Founders and the Corporation and any other person who subsequently acquires any Securities of the Corporation, as amended from time to time.

“Triggering Event” means, with respect to a Founder, the:


(b)Permanent Disability;


(d)resignation other than a resignation following Constructive Dismissal;

(e)voluntary or involuntary Insolvency; or

(f)termination of employment of such Founder, with cause, by the Corporation, provided that

such Founder is not thereafter employed by the Corporation;

of such Founder.



[NOTE: This agreement contemplates founders shares vesting 25% upfront and 25% more on each anniversary of this agreement with all founders’ shares fully vested on third anniversary; however –founders, investors and company may want to consider a different vesting schedule. In addition, this agreement allows for 100% vesting in the following circumstances: death or permanent disability of founder, termination of founder’s employment without cause and upon Founders’ resignation as a result of a Constructive Dismissal post Change of Control event – these special conditions may or may not be applicable to your situation.]

2.1 Corporation Repurchase Option

(a) Each of the Founders hereby agrees that due to the fact that the Common Shares were issued to each

of the Founders at a nominal face value, such Common Shares shall be subject to the following options (each a “Repurchase Option”) in favour of the Corporation, exercisable at any time within ninety (90) days after the Effective Date of the applicable Triggering Event.

(b) Subject to the further provisions of this section 2.1, in the event that a Triggering Event occurs with

respect to a Founder then the Corporation may exercise the Repurchase Option with respect to:

(i)[75%] of the Common Shares owned by such Founder, if the Effective Date of the

Triggering Event occurs on or before the [first] anniversary of the date of this


(ii)[50%] of the Common Shares owned by such Founder, if the Effective Date of the Triggering Event occurs after the [first] anniversary but on or before the [second]

anniversary of the date of this Agreement; or

(iii)[25%] of the Common Shares owned by such Founder, if the Effective Date of the Triggering Event occurs after the [second] anniversary but on or before the [third]

anniversary of the date of this Agreement.

(c) In the event that the employment of a Founder is terminated by the Corporation without cause

under common law or the Founder resigns following a Constructive Dismissal subsequent to a Change in Control, the Repurchase Option with respect to such Founder shall be deemed to have expired on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date of such termination or resignation and the Corporation shall have no further Repurchase Option with respect to such Founder.

(d) In the event that the Triggering Event relates to the death or Permanent Disability of a Founder,

then the Repurchase Option shall be deemed to have expired on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date and the Corporation shall have no further Repurchase Option with respect to such Founder.

(e) The Repurchase Option, if exercised by the Corporation, shall be exercised by written notice signed

by an officer of the Corporation and delivered or mailed to the Founder. Upon exercise of the Repurchase Option by the Corporation, such Founder shall be entitled to receive from the Corporation the price per Common Share paid by such Shareholder appropriately adjusted for any subsequent stock split, dividend, combination or other recapitalization (the “Repurchase Price”), provided that in the event of the termination of the employment of the Founder without cause or the Founder resigns following Constructive Dismissal, the Repurchase Price shall be the then-current fair market value of the Common Shares.

(f) The Corporation may pay for Common Shares that it has elected to repurchase hereunder by

delivering to the Shareholder in question within twenty (20) days of delivering notice of the Corporation’s exercise of the Repurchase Option, a cheque in the amount of the aggregate Repurchase Price for the number of Common Shares being repurchased hereunder, and/or in the event that such Shareholder has any outstanding loan or indebtedness to the Corporation, by forgiving all or that proportion of any such loan or indebtedness which may be equal to the Repurchase Price for the Common Shares repurchased from such Shareholder.

2.2 Restrictions on Sale

The Founders right to sell their shares shall be governed u nder the terms of the Shareholders’ Agreement dated _____, 2011.

2.3Sale to the Public

The provisions of Section 2.1 and 2.2 shall terminate upon the entering into of any agreement involving any distribution of treasury common shares of the Corporation or any securities convertible into treasury common shares of the Corporation to the public pursuant to a prospectus or equivalent document registered or filed with applicable regulatory authorities.



3.1 Power of Attorney

(a) Each Founder hereby agrees to execute, contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement,

an irrevocable power of attorney, coupled with an interest, in the form attached hereto as Schedule

A (each a “Power of Attorney”) appointing the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the

case may be, as attorneys with respect to the matters set out therein. The Powers of Attorney will be delivered to the Corporation by each Founder and held in escrow by the Corporation in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) Pursuant to the Powers of Attorney, the Remaining Founder or, in the event the Remaining Founder

has suffered a Triggering Event, the Board Nominee, as the case may be, shall be entitled to execute on behalf of the Founder any resolution or other instrument in writing to be executed by the shareholders of the Corporation including, without limitation, any amendment to and/or any restatement of the Shareholder Agreements. However, the Powers of Attorney shall not include the power to execute any instrument amending this Agreement, terminating this Agreement in accordance with sub-section 5.1(a) or terminating the Shareholder Agreements.

3.2 Irrevocable Proxy

(a) Each Founder hereby agrees to execute, contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement,

an irrevocable proxy in the form attached hereto as Schedule B (each a “Proxy”) in favour of the Remaining Founder or, in the event the Remaining Founder has suffered a Triggering Event, the Board Nominee, as the case may be, which Proxies will appoint the Remaining Founders or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, to vote the Securities which are held by such Founder in the event of a Triggering Event. The Proxies will be delivered to the Corporation by each Founder and held in escrow by the Corporation in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) Following a Triggering Event and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the Proxies, the

Remaining Founder or, in the event the Remaining Founder has suffered a Triggering Event, the Board Nominee, as the case may be, shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of shareholders (a “Meeting”) of the Corporation, as the case may be, in any manner whatsoever, as determined in their sole discretion. The applicable Proxy shall revoke any proxy or proxies otherwise executed and delivered by or on behalf of the Founder or any other registered holder of the Securities in respect of such Meeting.

3.3 Escrow

(a) The Corporation agrees to receive and hold in escrow the Powers of Attorney and the Proxies of

each of the Founders executed in connection with their respective securities until such time as a Triggering Event occurs or until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 5.1 hereof (in respect of each such Power of Attorney and Proxy, the “Escrow Period”).

(b) In the event that this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 5.1 hereof, each Power of

Attorney and Proxy held by the Corporation shall be immediately delivered by the Corporation to the applicable Founder.

(c) During the Escrow Period, all voting rights attached to the Securities shall at all times be exercised

by the holders of record thereof, subject to the terms of the Shareholders Agreement.

(d) Upon a Founder suffering a Triggering Event, the Escrow Period with respect to the Powers of

Attorney and Proxies executed by the Shareholder of such Related Founder and the Related Founder will terminate and each such Power of Attorney and Proxy shall be released by the

Corporation and delivered to the Remaining Founder. The Corporation hereby agrees to release each such Power of Attorney and Proxy to the Remaining Founder on the Effective Date and deliver same to the Remaining Founder forthwith.

(e) Upon the occurrence of a Triggering Event in respect of the Remaining Founder, the Remaining

Founder, or if applicable, such person’s personal representative, will, on or after the Effective Date, forthwith deliver each of the Powers of Attorney and Proxies held by it to the Board Nominee.

Upon the occurrence of such a Triggering Event in respect of the Remaining Founder, the Corporation will, on or after the Effective Date, forthwith deliver to the Board Nominee the Powers of Attorney and Proxies of the Remaining Founder.



4.1 Permitted Transfers

Notwithstanding any provisions of the Shareholders Agreement or any amendment thereto and/or restatement thereof relating to permitted transfers of securities in the capital of the Corporation, no Founder may transfer any Securities unless such a transfer of the Securities is a permitted transfer (as such term is defined in the Shareholders Agreement) and the transferee shall have first executed and delivered to each of the other parties hereto a counterpart agreement to this Agreement, agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof as though such permitted transferee had executed and delivered a copy hereof with the other parties hereto along with delivery to the Corporation of the applicable Powers of Attorney and Proxies. In the case of a permitted transferee that is a corporation or an individual, such permitted transferee shall execute an agreement which is substantially similar in form to this Agreement, with such modifications as the context requires.



5.1 Term

This Agreement shall take effect on the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until such time as either:

(a) this Agreement is terminated by written agreement executed and delivered by each of the parties


(b) the dissolution or bankruptcy of the Corporation or the making by the Corporation of an assignment

in bankruptcy; or

(c) the entering into of any agreement involving any distribution of treasury common shares of the

Corporation or any securities convertible into treasury common shares of the Corporation to the public pursuant to a prospectus or equivalent document registered or filed with applicable regulatory authorities.



6.1 Further Assurances

Each Founder hereby agree to sign such further documents, do and perform and cause to be done such

further and other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to give full effect to this Agreement.

6.2 Corporation

The Corporation hereby acknowledges the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Corporation agrees to take all necessary steps in accordance with applicable laws to cause the Corporation to comply with this Agreement. Furthermore, the Corporation will cause such meetings to be held, resolutions passed and by-laws enacted and will sign such further documents, do and perform and cause to be done such further and other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to give full effect to this Agreement.

6.3 Amendments

Subject to sub-section 3.1(b), this Agreement may be amended at any time by written instrument executed and delivered by each of the parties hereto.

6.4 Notice

All notices, requests, demands or other communications required or permitted to be given by one party to another hereunder shall be given in writing by personal delivery or by registered mail, postage prepaid, or by facsimile or other electronic means of transmission, addressed to such other party or delivered to such other party as follows:

(a)[Founder One


Fax No.:


(b)[Founder Two


Fax No.:


[Company Name

Company Address

Attention: Corporate Secretary

Fax No.:]

or at such other address of which notice is given to all parties hereto in writing from time to time and such notices, requests, demands or other communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered, or, if mailed, on the fifth business day after the mailing thereof or, if sent by facsimile or other electronic means of transmission, on the first business day after the transmission thereof; provided that if any such notice, request, demand or other communications shall have been mailed and if regular mail service shall be interrupted by strikes or other irregularities on or before the fifth business day after the mailing thereof, such notices, requests, demands or other communications shall be deemed to have been received on the fifth business day following the resumption of normal mail service. In this Agreement, “business day” means any day in which Canadian chartered banks are open for business in Toronto, Ontario.

6.5 Time of the Essence

Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement and of every part hereof and no extension or variation of this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision.

6.6 Arbitration

Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, will be settled by arbitration pursuant to the laws of the Province of Ontario in the city of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Canada, following the arbitration and conciliation procedures set forth in the Arbitration Act (Ontario) or such successor legislation in force on the date of the submission of such dispute, controversy or claim for arbitration. The parties agree that any such arbitral hearing shall close within six (6) months from the date of the commencement of such arbitral proceedings and the arbitral award will be made within thirty (30) days after the close of hearings and will be final and binding upon the parties.

6.7 Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario for and in connection with any proceedings relating to this Agreement.

6.8 Entire Agreement

This Agreement and the terms hereof shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to all of the matters herein and its execution has not been induced by, nor do any of the parties hereto rely upon or regard as material, any representations or writings whatsoever not incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Execution of this Agreement terminates any other agreement or agreements between or among any of the parties hereto pertaining to the voting rights of the Securities held by any Shareholder or Related Founder. The parties hereto intend that this Agreement will supercede and replace any such previous agreement or agreements.

6.9 Severability

If any section or portion of any section of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, that unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect the enforceability or validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement and such unenforceable or invalid article, section or portion thereof shall be deemed to be severed from the remainder of this Agreement.

6.10 Gender

The necessary grammatical changes required to make the provisions of this Agreement apply to corporations, trusts, partnerships and individuals, males and females, shall in all instances be assumed as though in each case fully expressed.

6.11 Enurement

This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns.

6.12 Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. Counterparts may be executed either in original or faxed form and the parties adopt any signatures received by a receiving fax machine as original signatures of the parties; provided, however, that any party providing its signature in such manner shall promptly forward to the other party an original of the signed copy of this Agreement which was so faxed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


in the presence of )


________________________ ) ________________________

Witness ) [name of FOUNDER ONE]


________________________ ) ________________________

Witness ) [name of FOUNDER TWO]


By: ________________________

Name: ________________________

Title: ________________________

(the “Corporation”)




WHEREAS the undersigned (the “Founder”) has entered into an agreement dated as of _______, 20__ (the “Restricted Rights Agreement”) among th e Founders and the Corporation. All capitalized terms used herein have the meaning attributed to such terms in the Restricted Rights Agreement;

AND WHEREAS the Founder has delivered this Power of Attorney to the Corporation to be released from escrow by the Corporation pursuant to the terms of the Restricted Rights Agreement, to enable the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, to execute on behalf of the Founder any resolution or other instrument in writing to be executed by the shareholders of the Corporation (except any amendment to the Restricted Rights Agreement or this power of attorney) in respect of the Securities held by such Founder.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other valuable consideration, the Founder does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, as the true and lawful attorneys for the Founder, and in the name, place and stead of the Shareholder to execute on behalf of the Founder, any resolution or other instrument in writing to be executed by the shareholders of the Corporation (except any amendment to the Restricted Rights Agreement or this power of attorney). The provisions of this Power of Attorney relating to the Securities shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any shares or securities into which the Securities may be converted, exchanged, changed, reclassified, redesignated, subdivided or consolidated, any shares or securities which entitle the holder thereof to vote at any meeting of shareholders of the Corporation which may be distributed on the Securities as a stock dividend or otherwise, any shares or securities of the Corporation or of any successor corporation which may be received on or in respect of the Securities on a reorganization, amalgamation, consolidation or merger, statutory or otherwise.

This Power of Attorney is granted to the Remaining Founder or in the event each other Founder has suffered a Triggering Event the Board Nominee, as the case may be, and, being coupled with an interest, shall not be revocable by the Founder for any reason prior to the termination of the Restricted Rights Agreement. Execution of this Power of Attorney terminates any other power of attorney given by the Shareholder with respect to the matters contemplated in the Restricted Rights Agreement.

This Power of Attorney shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has executed this Power of Attorney as of the _______ day of _____, 20__.

[Name of the Founder]

Per: _________________________ Per: _________________________ Witness Name: [name of Founder]

(the “Corporation”)




WHEREAS the undersigned (the “Founder”) has entered into an agreement dated as of _________________ 20__ (the “Restricted Rights Agreement”) among the Founders and the Corporation. All capitalized terms used herein have the meaning attributed to such terms in the Restricted Rights Agreement;

AND WHEREAS the Founder has agreed to deliver this Proxy to the Corporation to be held in escrow by the Corporation and to be released from escrow by the Corporation pursuant to the terms of the Restricted Rights Agreement, to enable the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, may vote the Securities of such Founder.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other valuable consideration, the Founder, irrevocably appoints the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, as proxy for the undersigned to attend, act and vote for and on behalf of the undersigned in respect of any matter properly before the shareholders of the Corporation, including the power to vote at any meeting of shareholders of the Corporation, or any adjournments thereof.

This Proxy is executed in favour of the Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, and shall not be revocable by the Founder for any reason prior to the termination of the Restricted Rights Agreement. Execution of this Proxy terminates any other proxy given by the Founder with respect to the matters contemplated in the Restricted Rights Agreement. The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that this Proxy will be held by the Corporation in escrow to be released upon a Triggering Event in respect of the undersignd at which time it will thereby become effective upon such release and delivery to Remaining Founder or the Board Nominee, as the case may be, in accordance with the terms of the Restricted Rights Agreement.

The provisions of this Proxy relating to the Securities shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any shares or securities into which the Securities may be converted, exchanged, changed, reclassified, redesignated, subdivided or consolidated, any shares or securities which entitle the holder thereof to vote at any meeting of shareholders of the Corporation which may be distributed on the Securities as a stock dividend or otherwise, any shares or securities of the Corporation or of any successor corporation which may be received on or in respect of the Securities on a reorganization, amalgamation, consolidation or merger, statutory or otherwise.

The undersigned hereby agrees to sign such further documents, do and perform and cause to be done such further and other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to give full effect to this Proxy.

This Proxy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein.

This Proxy delivered to any meeting of shareholders of the Corporation or any adjournments thereof shall revoke any proxy otherwise executed and delivered by or on behalf of the Related Founder

with respect to such meeting or any adjournments thereof, regardless of the respective dates thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has executed this Proxy as of the _____ day of _________, 20__.

[Name of the Founder]

Per: _________________________ Per: _________________________ Witness Name: [name of Founder]


《你在为谁工作》经典句子摘录 1、大多数人因为不满足于自己目前的薪水,而将比薪水更重要的东西也丢弃了。譬如,艰难的任务能锻炼我们的意志,新的工作能拓展我们的才能,与同事的合作能培养我们的人格,与客户的交流能训练我们的品性。公司是我们成长中的另一所学校,工作能够丰富我们的经验,增长我们的智慧。能力比金钱更重要万倍,因为它不会遗失也不会被偷。 2、认真工作是提高自己的最佳方法,并将其养成良好的习惯,到任何公司都会受到欢迎。或许投机取巧能让你获得一时便利,但在心灵中埋下隐患,从长远来看,是百害无一利的。 3、一个将自己头脑装满了抱怨的人是无法容纳未来的,这只会使他们与公司的理念格格不入,更使自己的发展道路越走越窄,最后一事无成。 4、其实,每一份工作都是一座宝贵的钻石矿。年轻人在展望未来的时候,不要浮躁,务必要认识到自己正在拥有的一切。至少在转换工作之前,一定要努力使自己专注于手中的具体工作,哪怕是看似平凡的琐碎工作。

5、人们往往对自己身边的事情熟视无睹,也往往看不出日复一日的工作琐事中有什么值得挖掘的机会。机会与运气是完全不同的两个概念。运气具有非常大的偶然性,不需做任何准备,只要碰上了,不费吹灰之力便能财运亨通或直上青云。运气具有的偶然性,任何人都不能拿自己的一生去赌。而机会,则常常把自己打扮成挑战或挫折的样子,只有那些在平凡工作中善于用心并敢于接受挑战的人,才能发现,并抓住机会。 6、在专业化程度越来越高的现代社会,工作对个人的知识和经验不断提出了更高、更广、更深的要求。一个做事时总是摇摆不定、变来变去的人,只会将自己长时间积累的职业经验和资源都舍弃了,无法强化自己的专业知识,无法形成自己的核心能力,也就无法超越他人。这样的人在社会上是没有立足之地的。 7、每一份工作或每一个工作环境都无法尽善尽美。但每一份工作都有许多宝贵的经验和资源,如失败的沮丧、自我成长的喜悦、温馨的工作伙伴、值得感激的客户等等,这些都是工作成功者必须体验的感受和必须具备的财富。 8、在一些技术含量不高的职位上同,大多数人都可以胜任,能为自己的工作表现增加砝码的也就只有态度了。


在实际生活中,如果把孩子们从活跃的城市街道转移到一般的公园和公共住宅区或玩乐休憩场所,会发生什么重大的变化呢? 在大多数情况下(幸运的是,不是所有的情况都是这样),最大的变化就是:孩子们从成人眼睛能够看见的比率很高的地方转到了成人出现率很低或根本没有的地方。如果认为这代表了城市中孩子抚育的一个进步,那纯粹是白日做梦。 城市孩子们自己最清楚这点:过去的几代孩子都知道这一点。“当我们要干一些反社会的事时,我们总是去林地公园,因为那里没有一个成年人能看得见我们,”杰西.赖歇克说,他是一位在布鲁克林区长大的艺术家。“在街上玩时,大多数情况下我们做不成什么事。”(69)废除城市的街道,而且尽可能地降低和缩小它们在城市生活中的社会和经济作用,这是城市规划正统理论中最有害和最具破坏性的思想。而这种思想常常以种种关心城市孩子的名义出现——那种虚无缥缈的动听的高谈阔论则是其最具讽刺性的地方。(78) 多样性的楼群布置直接给公园提供了不同的使用者,他们在不同的时间出入公园,因为他们的每天日程各不相同。公园的用途因此得到了不同使用者的最大利用。(85) 里顿豪斯能够保持如此的热闹气氛,基本原因与促使一条人行道保持活跃的原因是一样的:周围地区功能的多样化,以及由此促成的使用者及其日程的多样化。(86) 街区公园一样,它是周围环境的产物,是街区周围的环境以及它的行为方式给公园带来了相互间的支持,或拆台。(87) 一般的街区公园如果其周边环境从任何形式上说都是功能单一,那它在一天的大部分时间里不可避免地要成为真空区。在城市中,生机和多样性产生更多的生机,而沉寂和单调则让生机远离。这是一个重要的原则,不仅对城市的社会效应,而且也对其经济效应都至关重要。(88) 郊区的一般性公园要想不成为有闲贫困者的总部,只有地点靠近社会和功能的多样化和活跃性都突出的地区,才能自然地、随意地受到人们的享用。如果是在市中心,公园的使用者必须包含购物者、参观者和闲逛者以及在市中心工作的人。如果不在市中心,公园也应该位于生活内容丰富多彩的地区——那里有工作、文化、住宅和商业方面的活动——尽可能拥有城市能够提供的一切。街区公园规划的一个主要问题归根到底就是如何培植一个能够使用和支持公园的街区。(89) 从任何形式上说,街区公园都不能代替城市的多样性。那些成功的借去公园从来就没有干扰过周围复杂和多样化的城市功能或对其构成障碍。相反,那些公园将周边地区多样化的功能贯穿在一起,起了一种很和谐的组织作用。(90) 以一般的公共场地的方式为使用目的的公园,在设计中应该有四个需要关注的因素。我将他们分别称为互构性、中心作用、阳光作用和封围作用。 互构性与各种各样人们光临街区公园的原因有关。即使是同一个人也可能是在不同的时间里因不同的原因来到公园。 如果所有的东西一眼就能浏览无余,就像一张很好看的海报,如果公园里的每个地方看起来都很相像,而且你在这些地方的体验也与别的地方没什么不同,那么公园就不可能提供激发这些不同用途和情绪的刺激作用,也不存在让人们一再回来的理由。 能发挥作用的互构性主要是指眼光所及的平面上的互构造成的复杂景观,如地面的高低起伏、树木的布置、引向各个聚焦点的空旷地——简而言之,要表现出不同的细微之处。(92) 也许,在互构性中,最重要的因素是中心作用。一些情况良好的小公园一般都有这么一个地方,通常被理解为是中心——最不起眼的至少也是十字路口,或留步口,这便是公园的中心。一些小公园或广场本身就是中心,与其周边产生互构关系,以显示它们间的细小区别。(93)


经典诵读摘录 1.凡事豫则立,不豫则废。 ——《礼记》【解读】做任何事情,应该事先谋虑,做好准备,这样就会成功,否则就容易失败。 2.高岸为谷,深谷为陵。 ——《左传?昭公三十二年》【解读】高岸变成深谷,深谷变成大土山。指世事变迁往往无常。 3.穷则变,变则通,通则久远。 ——《周易》【解读】事物一旦到了极限就要改变它,改变就能通达,通达就能保持得长久。 4.一叶障目,不见泰山。两耳塞豆,不闻雷霆。 ——《冠子?天则》【解读】一片树叶挡住了眼睛,连高大的泰山也看不见了。两颗豆子塞住耳朵,即便是雷霆(打雷)那么大的声音也听不到。被局部的、暂时的现象所迷惑,就容易看不到全局或事物的本质。 5.强弩之末,力不能穿鲁缟。 ——《新序?善谋》 【解读】即使是最强劲的弓射出的箭,到了最后”(其)势:势解释为力量,前面承前省略“其”指箭。就连极薄的鲁缟也射不穿了。 6.大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辩若讷。 ——《老子》 【解读】最正直的人外表反似委曲随和。真正聪明的人,不显露自己,从表面看,好象笨拙。真正有口才的人表面上好像嘴很笨。表示善辩的人发言持重,不露锋芒。 7.公生明,偏生暗。 ——《荀子?不苟》【解读】公正产生明察,偏见产生昏暗。 8.道不同,不相为谋。 ——《论语》【解读】走着不同道路的人,就不能在一起谋划。指意见或志趣不同的人就无法共事。 9.爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死。 ——《论语》 【解读】喜爱他时,总想叫他活着;讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。极度地凭个人爱憎对待人是不正确的,应该客观地看待和评价一个人。 10.坐井而观天,曰天小者,非天小也。 ——唐?韩愈《原道》

【解读】坐在井底看天,说天是小的,其实并不是天真的小呢。 11.有有必有无,有聚必有散。 ——宋?李清照《金石录后序》【解读】有产生必定有消亡,有聚合必定有离散。说明事物总是在发展变化的,都有一个从产生到灭亡的过程。 12.有始者必有卒,有存者必有亡。 ——晋?葛洪《抱朴子?论仙》【解读】有开始,就一定有结束;有生存,就一定有死亡。说明始与终、生与死是互相依存的关系。 13.吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 ——《论语》【解读】我十五岁开始立志学习,三十岁能自立于世,四十岁遇事就不迷惑,五十岁懂得了什么是天命,六十岁能听得进不同的意见,到七十岁才能达到随心所欲,想怎么做便怎么做,也不会超出规矩。 14.与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香,即与之化矣;与不善人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭,亦与之化矣。 ——《孔子家语》【解读】常和品行高尚的人在一起,就像沐浴在种植芝兰散满香气的屋子里一样,时间长了便闻不到香味,但本身已经充满香气了;和品行低劣的人在一起,就像到了卖鲍鱼的地方,时间长了也闻不到臭了,也是融入到环境里了;藏丹的地方时间长了回变红,藏漆的地方时间长了回变黑,也是环境影响使然啊!所以说真正的君子必须谨慎的选择自己处身的环境。 15.朝闻道,夕可死矣。 ——《论语》【解读】早晨闻道,晚上可死去。表明对真理或某种信仰追求的迫切之情。 16.伏久者飞必高,开先者谢独早。 ——《菜根谭?后集七十六》【解读】长久潜伏林中的鸟,一旦展翅高飞,必然一飞冲天;迫不及待绽开的花朵,必然早早凋谢。 17.大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。 ——《孟子》 【解读】能成就大事的人物,总会有善良,纯朴,率直,热爱生命的人格品质。 18.流水不腐,户枢不蠹。 ——《吕氏春秋》 【解读】流动的水不会发臭,经常转动的门轴不会腐烂。比喻经常运动的东西不易受侵蚀。 19.察己可以知人,察今可以知古。

《美国大城市的死与生》 读书笔记

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv The Death and Life of Great American Cities 美国大城市的死与生 读书笔记

一、作者简介及写作原因: 简·雅各布斯(1916-2006)1916年出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿,早年做过记者、速记员和自由撰稿人,1952年任《建筑论坛》助理编辑。在负责报道城市重建计划的过程中,她逐渐对传统的城市规划观念发生了怀疑,并由此写作了《美国大城市的死与生》一书。1968年迁居多伦多,此后她在有关发展的问题上扮演了积极的角色,并担任城市规划与居住政策改革的顾问。1974年成为加拿大公民。她的著作还有《城市经济学》(1969)、《分离主义的问题。(1980)、城市与国家的财富》(1984)、《生存系统》(1993)。 二、本书简介: 本书自1961年出版以来,即成为城市研究和城市规划领域的经典名作,对当时美国有关都市复兴和城市未来的争论产生了持久而深刻的影响。作者以纽约、芝加哥等美国大城市为例,,深入考察了都市结构的基本元素以及它们在城市生活中发挥功能的方式,挑战了传统的城市规划理论,使我们对城市的复杂性和城市应有的发展取向加深了理解,也为评估城市的活力提供了一个基本框架。 三、我的理解: 导言部分: 以前我读书很少看导言部分,总觉得那些都是些无足轻重的论调。而在读《美国大城市的死与生》这本书时,我却被这一本分深深吸引住了。由于受到课程的限制与偏向,建大的规划专业偏向于空间的设计而对于地理人文的理解远远不够。其实学习城市社会学这门课程对我来说,是给我一次提醒。因为作为规划者,我们更应该关注人的活动而不是物,这对于我未来的学习都有着更重要的启发意义。


《我为谁工作》读书笔记 工作又是什么呢?我认为,工作是每个人对社会应尽的职责,如果没有机会工作或不能从工作中享受到乐趣的人,就失去了人生的好处,他们就不能完整地享受到生命的乐趣。工作是付出努力以到达某种目的。每个人都有自己的目标,也有自己的梦想,正是为了获得某些东西到达某些梦想,或是成就自我,为了拓宽、加深、提高自身的技能,将自身全面发展成为和谐美丽的人,我们才会专注于一个方向,并为此付出毕生的心血。工作是一个施展自己才能的舞台,除了工作,没有哪种活动能有如此高的充实自我、表达自我的机会,以及如此强的个人使命感,和种种活着的理由。工作的质量往往决定着生活的质量。 ;;;;要明白,工作是我们要用生命去做的事情。你,在为谁工作让我们一齐来调整好自己的心态,一齐走向成功之路。在这个浮躁的时代,我们更需要用热情去重燃工作的激情,再来一次触动心底的反思,让我们每个人都能够从内心深处承认并理解:我们在为他人工作的同时,也在为自己工作。这个朴素的人生理念,职责、敬业、忠诚就从而诞生了。敬业铸成灿烂人生。爱岗,在自己的岗位上闪闪发光。在平凡中创造着不平凡的辉煌,勤奋努力、自强不息,要明白我们不是在为谁工作,更不单纯是为了赚钱,我们是在为自己的理想而工作。我们要把自己当作工作的主人,才能更好地从中获得发展的机遇。 ;;;;不言而喻,答案已经很明显,我们是为自己而工作,在为自己的人生工作,既然这样,我们就就应负起天经地义的职责,义不容辞以诚信为立身之本,言必有信,行必有果,尽心尽力,忠诚第一,忠诚于工作,忠诚于同事,诚实坦率,视诚实为生命,敞开心扉,坦荡处世,率直为人,把职业当作生命的信仰。记住,我们是在为自己的人生而工作,一齐努力、一齐奋斗,为建立和谐社会而尽我们每一个人的职责。


导言 作者简明阐述了过去三个城市规划的所谓正统理论,并且指出各理论和实践的问题,对其进行了批判,挑战了长久以来行政者、资本家和规划者对城市建设的理论,提出城市规划治理的核心是城市内部诸要素相互联系的运行机制,规划建设应让城市内部运作达到和谐,而并非单纯注重城市的外在表现。 (花园城市:外围被农业带包围,工业部署在规定区域内,学校、住宅区、绿化带放在生活区,城市公共中心区域里是商业、俱乐部和文化设施。小城及其绿化带在整体上由一个公共当局控制,城市在其领导下,避免土地使用投机化和所谓非理性变化,消除人口密度增长的企图,人口控制在30000以内。霍华德认为处理城市功能的方法是分离或分类全部的简单的用途,并以相对的自我封闭的方式来安排这些用途。) 第一部分城市的特性 一人行道用途:安全 二人行道用途:交往 三人行道用途:孩子的同化 维护城市的安全是一个城市的街道和人行道的根本任务。一个成功的城市地区的基本原则是人们在街上身处陌生人之间时必须能感到人身安全,必须不会潜意识感觉受到陌生人的威胁。 造成这种恐惧的野蛮行为或现实而不是想象中的不安全现象不能只归咎于贫民区。也不能把这个问题归咎于城市的老区。文明和安全的程度是大不相同的。不安全这个问题不能通过分散人群,降低稠密度,用郊区的特征来取代城市的特征的方法来解决。在公共空间与私人空间之间必须要界线分明,不能像郊区的住宅区那样混合在一起。必须要有一些眼睛盯着街道,(建筑物)它们必须面向街面,不能背向街面,使街道失去保护的眼睛。人行道上必须总有行人,这样既可以增添看着街面的眼睛的数量,也可以吸引更多的人从楼里往街上看。 从表面上看,我们似乎有一些简单明确的目标:确保街道上的公共空间明确无误,与私人的或什么也不是的空间划清真正的界线。这样,那些需要监视的地方就会有一个清楚、适用的范围。另外就是要确保这些公共街道地带有人在监视,并尽量持续不断。满足这种监视的条件是要在沿着人行道的边上三三两两地布置足够数量的商业点和其他公共场所,尤其是晚上或夜间开放的一些商店和公共场所。例如商店、酒吧和饭店能够以不同的、综合的方式维护人行道的安全。城市街道和企业以及商业越能广泛地满足合法的兴趣(严格法律意义上),对街道和城市的安全和文明就越有益。 将你的个人隐私限制在你自己选择的了解你的人之间,并对谁能占用你的时间以及在什么时候占用做出合理控制,这样的隐私在这个世界的大部分地区是很稀有的商品,与窗户的朝向毫无关系。人行道提供的是人与人之间交往的场所,达成彼此熟悉和信任是社区生活的


篇一:读《你在为谁工作》心得体会 学习《你在为谁工作》心得体会 通过《你在为谁工作》一书的学习,深刻的认识“你在为谁工作”这一思想深处的问题有了根本性的认识,心灵为之震撼!心潮起伏不平,是的你为谁工作呢?想想很简单的道理,又有谁细想过呢?而恰恰工作态度却是决定你的人生的转折点。一个人的对待工作的心态,是积极的还是消极的,是上进的还是无所谓的,直接影响工作的好坏。工作是一个人施展自己才能的好舞台,无论做什么工作只要脚踏实地沉下心来做,总有收获,这是不变的真理! 每个人都有不同的工作轨迹,有的人成为公司里的核心员工,实现了自己的价值;有的人一直碌碌无为;有些人牢骚满腹,总认为与众不同,而到头来仍一无所获??众所周知,除了少数天才,大多数人的禀赋相差无几。那么,是什么在造就我们、改变我们?是“态度”!上面这段话出自《你在为谁工作》。毋庸讳言,这本书讨论的是一个似乎有些老套的问题:工作态度。涉及此问题的书不少,但大多数书仅仅空洞地要求人们端正工作态度,而至于为什么这么做,所给的解释未能触动人们内心。《你在为谁工作》则不同,它通过提出“你在为谁工作?”这个需要自我反思的人生问题,并对这个问题进行了深刻细致的解答,从而让每一位员工从内心深处承认并接受“我们在为他人工作的同时,也是在为自己工作”的朴素理念。 正确看待工作,是端正工作态度的前提。一个人如果有“我 不过是在为老板打工”或者“我不得已才干这份工作”的想法,那他在工作时的外在表现绝不会激情四射。那么,工作是什么?书中说:“工作是一个施展自己能力的舞台。我们寒窗苦读来的知识,我们的应变力,我们的决断力,我们的适应力以及我们的协调能力都将在这样的一个舞台上得到展示。除了工作,没有哪项活动能提供如此高度的充实、表达自我的机会、个人使命感以及一种活着的理由。工作是我们需要用生命去做的事。”这与工作仅仅是“为五斗米折腰”“为别人干活”的想法完全不同,揭示了工作的真正内涵,为点燃工作激情打下基础。 读了《你为谁工作》一书我对工作有了更进一步的认识。 一、工作要敬业,要认清自己工作的性质,要在工作中投入自己的热情和智慧,而不是被动地应付工作,要在工作中增强责任感,不要机械地完成任务,要有创造性地、主动地工作。 二、要提高自己的工作效率,比尔盖茨说过这样的话:“过去,只有适者能够生存;今天,只有最快处理完事务的人能够生存。”只有效率高的人才能挤出时间来完成更多的事,千万不要把昨天能完成的工作拖延到明天,不要等到领导开口问:“那项工作你完成了吗?”才开始四处寻找借口,并匆忙上阵,仓促处理未完的工作。要让自己的能力得到煅炼,应该保持适度的紧张,这是一种积极的精神状态,会督促我们工作的进步。 三、争取每天比别人“多做一点”,每一天,都要尽心尽力地工作,每一件小事情都要力争高效地完成。尝试着超越自己, 努力做一些份外的事情,让自身不断进步。多做一点是一个良好的习惯,经常保持这种习惯


工作励志语录经典段落摘抄 世间没有一种具有真正价值的东西,可以不经过艰苦辛勤劳动而能够得到的。以下是小编带来工作励志语录经典段落的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。 工作励志语录经典段落摘抄例1 1、良好的方法能使我们更好地发挥天赋的才能,而拙劣的方法则可能妨碍才能的发挥。 2、钱财不贪,廉政不忘;对上不瞒,对下不欺;人才不压,庸才不用。 3、为官当自律,甘心清贫,不触“高压线”;做人须正己,诚信守法,勿打“擦边球”。 4、世上本没有路,走的人多了就成了路,走自己的路。 5、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。 6、言行一致是成功的开始。 7、少一份急躁与轻浮,多一点冷静与稳重,少一些私心和杂念,多一些自律与自省。 8、做事,不止是人家要我做才做,而是人家没要我做也争着去做。这样,才做得有趣味,也就会有收获。

9、我知道什麽是劳动:劳动是世界上一切欢乐和一切美好事情的源泉。 10、字典里最重要的三个词,就是意志、工作、等待。我将要在这三块基石上建立我成功的金字塔。 11、天下作伪是最苦恼的事情,老老实实是最快乐的事情。 12、做成任何一件有价值的工作需要付出何等昂贵的代价,需要付出整整一生! 13、千里之堤,溃以蚁穴;似锦前程,毁于一念。 14、人见利而不见其害,必贪;鱼见食而不见其钩,必亡。 15、紧跟党走,永不变心,勤劳俭朴,乐于助人。 16、人只有为自己同时代人的完善,为他们的幸福而工作,他才能达到自身的完善。 17、勤以为民,廉以养德,淡以明志,静以修身。 18、一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成就大事业。 19、人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来。 20、我成功,是因为我志在成功! 21、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。


《美国大城市的死与生》读书报告 JANE·JACOBS无疑是对现代主义、功能城市规划质疑和批评发动全面挑战的第一人,1961 年本书问世的时候对美国当时城市建设影响巨大,并且很着强大的生命力,如今JACOBS的策略与理念已渐被融入现代城市规划和设计之中。 今天城市建设有了新的高潮,在全世界范围内,特别是对大多数发展中国家而言,轰轰烈烈的城市更新运动正在上演。中国也正处于城市化的高温期,在强大的政治经济的助推下,中国的城市进行着盲目的扩张,其结果有可能成为JACOBS规划思想中新的反面教材,所以我们读读这本连非专业人士都可以理解的经典之作,对于我们思考如何理解当下的城市与如何建设城市的帮助更显重要。 一、《美国大城市的死与生》的独特魅力所在: 从普通居民的视角,以质朴的语言,阐述貌似微不足实际与居民息息相关的城市空间问题。是一本即使是非专业人也能读得懂的有关城市规划的书籍。 二.JANE· JACOBS研究的独特视角: 并非规划专家像神一般自上而下“神目”式的研究方法,而是与之相反的从下而上,从一个社区居民的生活出发,以亲切,真实的对城市空间感受,从微观向宏观思考的方式,所产生的JACOBS的规划理念。 后被学者称之为城市生态学观、民族志研究法和女性主义的视角。 三. 《美国大城市的死与生》中城市建设思想 本书是建立在对乌托式、现代功能主义规划理论批判的基础上进行自已理论建设。 这本书的核心内容在书的第一句话就开宗明义:“此书是对当下城市规划和重建理论的抨击。”她批评现代主义的规划理念,进而否定了从霍华德、柯布西耶到帕特里克、伯纳姆·丹尼尔的现代规划传统,并责之为“辐射花园城市美化”运动 1.反对城市规划中的“公式化设计”和“标本制作术”。雅各布强调规划设计和重建要注意经验秩序,把城市看作复杂的系统,探索城市的深度含义。 2.对城市设计和规划多样性的探索和对单一性、简单化的批判中,倡导城市设计的多样化、交叉用途和复杂性。 3. 反对将城市建设视为理想化、僵化无生机的“艺术品”,应重视城市的生态和景观,推崇城市规划的开放性。


关于工作累的经典语录 xx工作总结经典语录我会每天给自己定一个工作计划,然后去认真完成自己定的任务,每天都会如此。因为我想改变所以我相信一定会达到自己想要的结果,嘉美是我事业平台的起点,我愿意在这个平台上和兄弟姐妹们一起共创人生的辉煌! 文洋我已经拥有了自己的会员,我也做出了自己的业绩,我相信我一定有能力把这份工作做好。我时时告诫自己“如果让我贫穷我不愿意,如果让我放弃我不愿意,如果让我不如别人我更不愿意”!李铭既然我选择了这份工作,我就一定要把它做好。如果我做不好,我姑且不谈对不起公司领导,我也对不起我自己的承诺和付出,我更对不起生我养我的父母! 张萍 我既是父母亲的儿女,又是儿女的母亲。所以我知道我肩负的责任,我要活在当下,活出精彩,活出价值,活出别人对我的喝彩!何君我要找回我进嘉美时的梦想,定下切实可行的计划,把工作落实到每个环节,用行动来证明我的结果。我要做我人生的主角!程翠萍我以前没有目标,没有规划,不知道自己奋斗的方向。自从进了嘉美我感受到了生活的乐趣,工作的激情,目标的伟大。我知道改变是痛苦的不改变更痛苦,所以我愿意选择用短暂的痛苦来换取长

久的快乐。我相信任何困难都不可以把我击垮,因为我渴望成功!小段我不敢想过去,因为我失去的太多了,我假设自己就是一个操作工要想不被人看不起那我就必须使劲往上爬。我决定从头开始从现在开始,实实在在做好自己。我不能再仰头看别人了,我要让别人都仰头看着我! 周丽娜我曾经对自己的人生和目标没有规划,就像黑夜在大海上随波逐流的小舟。而进了嘉美我感觉人生有了灯塔,我知道自己要什么,我更知道自己该做什么。我相信我自己只要付出比别人更多的努力,我也一定会超越别人,为了成功,我不放弃,我绝不放弃,我绝不绝不放弃!小曹xx年对于我来讲是个不平凡的一年。在嘉美我学到了宝贵的人生经验,销售技巧,沟 通能力和胆识。如果当初选择进厂,可能这些东西我要用五年的时间才能学到。转眼间,传 说中的xx到了,去年的一切都是浮云。今年刚开始,希望我们在新的起点,打起12分精 神来应对这一切。头炮打响,响一年,齐心协力,积极应对!龙英梅“没有谁能够随随便便成功”亲爱的伙伴们,我相信嘉美的成功,赵总的成功,一定离


城市到底是什么?城市的生命来自何处? 城市规划的目的是 什么?是谁毁了我们的城市?怎样来挽救我们的城市活力? ◎ 北京大学景观设计学研究院 俞孔坚高悬在城市上空的明镜 简?雅各布斯以其鲜明的建设性的批判立场,于1961年发表了《美国大城市的死与生》,宣言般地提出了城市的本质在于其多样性。城市的活力来源于多样性,城市规划的目的在于催生和协调多种功用来满足不同人的多样而复杂的需求。正是那些远离城市真实生活的正统的城市规划理论、乌托邦的城市模式和机械的、单一功能导向的城市改造工程,毁掉了城市的多样性,扼杀了城市活力。要挽救大城市活力,必须体验真实的城市人的生活,必须理解城市中复杂多样的过程和联系,谨慎而精心地,非粗鲁而简单地进行城市的改造和建设。 雅各布斯关于城市的思想和对策是具体而日常的,却恰恰是与正统的城市规划背道而驰的。如:街边步道要连续,有各类杂货店铺,才能成为安全健康的城市公共交流场所;街区要短小,社区单元应沿街道来构成一个安全的生活的网络;公园绿地和城市开放空间并不是当然的活力场所,孤立偏僻的公园和广场反而是危险的的场所,周边应与其他功能设施相结合才能发挥其公共场所的价值;城市需要不同年代的旧建筑,不是因为它们是文物,而是因为它们的租金便宜从而可以孵化多种创新性的小企业,有利于促进城市的活力;城市地区至少有存在两种以上的主要功能相混合,以保证在不同的时段都能够有足够的人流来满足对一些共同设施的使用;巨大的单功能的机构和土地使用将产生死寂的边缘,当行政中心、音乐厅等大型设施与城市的居住区和其它功能相分离而独立成区时,必将会出现死寂的边缘带;贫民区并不一定如正统规划人士所认为的“城市的毒瘤”,相反,可能是城市最具活力和安全的区域,不应采取大规模投资改造和搬迁的方式来进行消灭,而应通过鼓励和培植自我更新的能力来逐渐脱贫;解决城市交通问题不是靠修更多的道路来解决,那只能使城市最具的活力区域不断受到侵蚀,而是应该通过减少汽车的使用 ——再读《美国大城市的死与生》


《我为谁工作》演讲稿3篇 (一)我为自己而工作 我们的工作,不仅仅是要满足我们基本的物质需要,还要在精神上获得满足感、成就感。我们工作最终是为了实现自己的人生价值,这样的人生价值,也只能从自己从事的工作中得到体现。来看下面这个故事:有一家花店要聘请一位售花小姐,有三个女孩来应聘。老板让她们分别独自在店里工作一周,最后根据绩效择优录取。 第一个女孩正在工作,某天,来了一位顾客,他选了一些花,要求女孩包装好。在等待的时候,他和这个女孩闲聊起来。他说自己是一名心理学家,正在做一项研究,了解人们对于自己所从事工作的心理反应。“怎么样?花店的工作很有意思吧?”他问道。 “唉!别提了,我每天累死了!我得常常把那些沉重的花盆搬进搬出,不停洒水,用剪刀修剪枝叶,还要按不同的要求进行配插、包装,手还经常被扎到,隔三差五我还得去花卉市场……”女孩没好气地抱怨道。 第二个女孩试用的那一周,那位顾客又来了,他同样在闲聊中问了这女孩对工作的想法。这个女孩说:“没什么特别的,我也是为了这份薪水,要不然谁愿意干这份工作。” 第三个女孩在被问到这个问题时,她笑着说:“我很喜欢这份工作,你看,那些绽放的花儿争奇斗艳,多漂亮啊!人在这里也会心花怒放的。工作当然并不清闲,不过当我把这些漂亮的花整合成一件艺术品,看着顾客欣赏的微笑,我觉得自己是一个给大家送去美的天使呢。你知道吗?我现在还

报了一个插花学习班,对这样一个产生各种各样美丽的艺术,我简直不知道怎样着迷。”她把包好的花递给这位顾客。其实,那位顾客就是老板派来的考评者。老板留下了第三个女孩,很简单,第一个女孩完全无可救药,她把自己和工作放在了对立面,认为是工作给她带来了痛苦。可想而知,她在今后会在老板看不见的时候消极怠工,甚至故意破坏,以达到逃避工作的目的。这样的员工不会得到任何工作的眷顾,甚至可能是生活的弃儿,完全丧失生命的尊严。而第二个女孩是没有责任感和荣誉感的人。对这样的员工不要抱有过高的指望,他们抱着为薪水而工作的态度,为了工作而工作。他们不是企业可信赖、可委以重任的员工,必定得不到升迁和加薪的机会,也很难赢得他人的尊重。只有第三个女孩,她是在为自己而工作,她从工作中得到了满足感和成就感。她是永远不会厌倦的,可以想象,这种如花般的心情会让她在这个行业中越干越好,最后成为她终身不可分割的一项事业。哪个老板不希望有这样的一个员工呢? 是的,我们不是为了老板工作,也不是为了区区一点薪水而工作,我们是为了自己而工作。想清楚了这个问题,我们才可能主动去思考工作,并持之以恒地把工作做好。薪水,对于年轻人来说只是所有报酬的形式之一而已。我们从工作中收获的,远远不止这些。比如:宝贵的工作经验,良好的素质培养,才能的表现,成长的机会等,而这些都将是我们一生中最大的财富。单位为自己提供了就业的机会,为自己解决了生计问题。此外,在别人投资的单位中,自己也获取了珍贵的经验与技术,是在为自己将来的发展打基础。从这种意义上说,工作不正是为我们自己吗?仅仅为了一日三餐工作的人是没出息的人。拿单位薪水,不替单位创造价值则是没


《美国大城市的死与生》读书报告 佟玉龙人文地理与城乡规划1401 3140105071 一、作者概况 简·雅各布斯出生于宾西法利亚州的一个小镇,家族中的女子与男性被同等对待且都拥有自己的事业。这一传统塑造了她果敢而特立独行的性格。中学毕业后的雅各布斯没有选择进入大学,而是接受了一段时间速记员的培训,在一家报社作义务记者。经济大萧条时期她去了纽约,为时尚杂志撰稿。22岁的时候进入哥伦比亚大学进修了两年。在和一位擅长医院规划的建筑师结婚后,雅各布斯受其影响,对建筑规划产生了浓厚的兴趣。36岁(1952年)时任《建筑论坛》的助理编辑,在负责报道城市重建计划过程中,逐渐对传统城市规划产生了怀疑。1959年,她针对美国大规模改造城市所导致的社会危机写了一篇文章《市中心区为人民而存在》而开始崭露头角被人所知。两年后,这本名为《美国大城市的死与生》的“重磅炸弹”诞生了。《美国大城市的死与生》英文版于1961年出版,中文纪念版(第二版)是2006年发行的。这本书从日常的观察引发思考,挑战了传统的城市规划理论,集中批判美国大城市的实际问题。雅各布斯的表述通俗易懂却煽动性强,在普通大众中产生了强烈共鸣。其人文关怀下的规划理论对当时美国有关城市复兴和城市未来的争论都产生了持久而深刻的影响。因此被誉为城市研究和城市规划领域的经典名作,对于我国目前的城市规划和城市建设极具借鉴意义。 二、书籍概述 全书一共分为导言和四个章节。第一章通过观察城市中最普通的场景和时间,主要写了城市中人的社会行为;第二章探讨城市多样性的四个原则,这是全书的中心部分;第三章从城市在真实生活中是如何被使用、城市中的人是如何行事的角度,考察了衰落和更新的某些方面;第四章则是在住宅、交通、设计和管理实践方面的一些建议。


《我为谁工作》读书笔记 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于《我为谁工作》读书笔记范文(通用3篇)的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 《我为谁工作》读书笔记1 《我在为谁工作》这本书,里面的内容,朴实的话语,真实的例子,深深地让我体会到了工作的意义,我们都应在工作中享受乐趣,为什么工作,为了谁工作,这本书不但使我明白了,我在为他人工作的同时,也在为自己工作的深刻道理;同时也帮我解除了困惑,调整了心态。 读完《你在为谁工作》这本书,我心中有一种豁然开朗的感觉。书中约翰·洛克菲勒说了这样一段话:“工作是一个施展自己才能的舞台。我们寒窗苦读来的知识,我们的应变力,我们的决断力,我们的适应力能我们的协调能力都将在这样的一个舞台上得到展示。除了工作,没有哪项活动能提供如此高度的充实自我、表达自我的机会、以及如此强的个人使命感和一种活着的理由。工作的质量往往决定生活的质量。”这段话对我的影响很深,它让我明白了工作的重要性。我们每个人都需要工作,而且需要努力的工作。人的一生很短暂,我们需要有一个目标,目标的实现离不开勤奋工作。在我认为,当你实现人生目标的同时,也就是体现自我价值的时候。 说起来容易,做起来难。要想实现人生目标,并不是一帆风顺的。能不能让自我价值得已实现,取决于对工作的态度。在我看来,主要有以下几点最为重要: 第一、不管从事什么样的工作都要明白一点,那就是我们是在为自己工作。

只有工作才能满足我们的各种需要,物质需要和精神需要都只能通过努力工作才能实现的;有工作的机会,才能让自己充分发挥能力,有展示自已的机会。我们所做的一切工作,都是为我们自已实现目标而做的。所以说要珍惜工作机会,不要这山望着那山高,到最后只能像书上所说的:“今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作。” 第二、认真工作才能让你不断的去思考、去学习、去总结经验,这是比物质更丰富的财富。人生本来就是一个积累过程,知识和经验积累得越多,才能战胜工作和生活中更多的困难,才不会在困难面前低头,才会有越挫越勇的气势,才能离实现目标更近。因为在工作中我们会发现很多机会,通过努力实践,才能更好的把握机会,实现理想。 《我为谁工作》读书笔记2 我们到底在为谁工作呢?这是职场中每个人都应扪心自问的。如果不能首先弄清这个问题,不调整好自己的心态,我们很可能永远与成功无缘。 公司如战场,职场如战场,在竞争日益激烈的今天,要想在职场上立于不败之地,要想纵横职场,“驾驭”工作,在走向工作岗位的时候,在自己对工作产生消极应付的时候,请务必冷静下来,认真反问一下自己:“我在为谁工作”,然后努力去做。上述中心思想是《我在为谁工作》此书提出的,这是一本反思性职员自助自励的书刊,本人非常有幸的读到此书,感想颇多,欲与大家共分享。 一、为薪水工作还是为自己工作? 看一个人对待薪水的态度,就可知道他的心放在何处。一个人以薪水为个人奋斗目标是无法走出平庸的生活模式的,也从来不会有真正的成就感。虽然挣工资应该成为工作目的之一,但是从工作中能真正获得的更多东西却不是装在信


大学生读美国大城市的死与生读后感1500 字 《美国大城市的死与生》一书是简·雅各布斯所著,不同的人读会有不一样的感触,今天小编给大家整理了大学生读美国大城市的死与生读后感范文1500字,希望能帮到大家! 近日浅读了简·雅各布斯的《美国大城市的死与生》,觉得这本书中的内容所处的角度和其他城市规划者的角度是不一样的,简·雅各布斯挑战了传统的城市规划理论,以纽约、芝加哥等美国大城市为例,考察了城市规划的架构并指出不合理之处,使我们对城市的规划发展不只是局限于大建筑,也应该着眼于街区、公园等和人们生活息息相关的地方,对以后的城市规划有深刻的影响。 《美国大城市的死与生》全书共分为四个部分,分别为城市中人的社会行为,城市多样化的条件,考察城市衰退和更新的某些方面,对城市规划的不同策略。读完全书,我对第一部分和第二部分印象深刻。在第一部分中,主要是作者通过大量的事实的调研和作者亲身体验得出的关于城市中人行道、街区公园、街区的特性,引发了我很多共鸣。此外,作者还强调了人行道的三大作用:安全、交往、孩子的同化,以及街区的用途。雅各布斯运用大量亲身经历的事例来论述

其中出现的问题,还列出了新老街道的对比。我发现美国当时的城市规划所出现的问题如今也在我国高速发展的城市中逐渐暴露出来。在我国,人行道并没有起到书中所说的三个用途,只承担了单一的交通用途。随处可见小商贩、自行车、摩托车、汽车停车等随意占用人行道,使本来就不宽的人行道变得更加狭窄,很多行人即使在人行道上走,也要让着横冲乱撞的车辆先走,安全隐患很大。在书中发现很多美国人喜欢在人行道上逗留,因为在人行道上有可以交谈的,人行道两旁的商铺也和附近的居民相处友好,而在中国难以看到这种现象,居民和商铺更难以产生信任感,人行道只能当做交通道路。 在第二部分中,雅各布斯提出了城市的本质是其多样性,这个观点也是和我们的生活体验息息相关的。她在书中有一句话说道:"城市是人类聚居的产物,成千上万的人聚集在城市里,而这些人的兴趣、能力、需求、财富甚至口味又都千差万别。"当城市能满足城市中每个人的需求,这才会让人们想要在这个城市扎根发展。而要保持城市的多样性,就需要具备四个条件:(1)用途混合吸引、留住人流,使人们能够使用很多共同设施;(2)街段要短,易拐弯,使其通达性增强,促进多样化;(3)一个地区的建筑应该多样,要保留一定的老建筑,利用街区将老建筑特色突出;(4)人流的密度必须达到足够高的强度,一定的密度可以


我为谁工作 雷征 我们的工作,不仅仅是要满足我们基本的物质需要,还要在精神上获得满足感、成就感。我们工作最终是为了实现自己的人生价值,这样的人生价值,也只能从自己从事的工作中得到体现。 来看下面这个故事: 有一家花店要聘请一位售花小姐,有三个女孩来应聘。老板让她们分别独自在店里工作一周,最后根据绩效择优录取。 第一个女孩正在工作,某天,来了一位顾客,他选了一些花,要求女孩包装好。在等待的时候,他和这个女孩闲聊起来。他说自己是一名心理学家,正在做一项研究,了解人们对于自己所从事工作的心理反应。“怎么样?花店的工作很有意思吧?”他问道。 “唉!别提了,我每天累死了!我得常常把那些沉重的花盆搬进搬出,不停洒水,用剪刀修剪枝叶,还要按不同的要求进行配插、包装,手还经常被扎到,隔三差五我还得去花卉市场……”女孩没好气地抱怨道。 第二个女孩试用的那一周,那位顾客又来了,他同样在闲聊中问了这女孩对工作的想法。这个女孩说:“没什么特别的,我也是为了这份薪水,要不然谁愿意干这份工作。” 第三个女孩在被问到这个问题时,她笑着说:“我很喜欢这份工作,你看,那些绽放的花儿争奇斗艳,多漂亮啊!人在这里也会心花怒放的。工作当然并不清闲,不过当我把这些漂亮的花整合成一件艺术品,看着顾客欣赏的微笑,我觉得自己是一个给大家送去美的天使呢。你知道吗?我现在还报了一个插花学习班,对这样一个产生各种各样美丽的艺术,我简直不知道怎样着迷。”她把包好的花递给这位顾客。 其实,那位顾客就是老板派来的考评者。老板留下了第三个女孩,很简单,第一个女孩完全无可救药,她把自己和工作放在了对立面,认为是工作给她带来了痛苦。可想而知,她在今后会在老板看不见的时候消极怠工,甚至故意破坏,以达到逃避工作的目的。这样的员工不会得到任何工作的眷顾,甚至可能是生活的弃儿,完全丧失生命的尊严。而第二个女孩是没有责任感和荣誉感的人。对这样的员工不要抱有过高的指望,他们抱着为薪水而工作的态度,为了工作而工作。他们不是企业可信赖、可委以重任的员工,必定得不到升迁和加薪的机会,也很难赢得他人的尊重。只有第三个女孩,她是在为自己而工作,她从工作中得到了满足感和成就感。她是永远不会厌倦的,可以想象,这种如花般的心情会让她在这个行业中越干越好,最后成为她终身不可分割的一项事业。哪个老板不希望有这样的一个员工呢? 是的,我们不是为了老板工作,也不是为了区区一点薪水而工作,我们是为了自己而工作。想清楚了这个问题,我们才可能主动去思考工作,并持之以恒地把工作做好。薪水,对于年轻人来说只是所有报酬的形式之一而已。我们从工作中收获的,远远不止这些。比如:宝贵的工作经验,良好的素质培养,才能的表现,成长的机会等,而这些都将是我们一生中最大的财富。单位为自己提供了就业的机会,为自己解决了生计问题。此外,在别人投资的单位中,自己也获取了珍贵的经验与技术,是在为自己将来的发展打基础。从这种意义上说,工作不正是为我们自己吗?仅仅为了一日三餐工作的人是没出息的人。拿单位薪水,不替单位创造价值则是没有道德的行为。在自己马马虎虎应付工作的时候,实际上是在拿自己年轻的生命开玩笑。同时,自己应付工作,就是在消费时间,浪费每一次学习的机会,放弃每一次磨炼自己意志与能力的机会,损失的恰恰是我们自己。 不错!我们不管在哪里、在谁的手下工作,我们都是在为自己的事业前途而打拼。为此,我们怎么还能去计较干得多还是干得少,是在8小时内还是在8小时外。也许,我们暂时承受了痛苦和不公平,也许我们并没有得到老板的青睐,但我们不应该把这些当成自己懒惰和不负责任的借口。不去抱怨,与其整日怨天尤人,不如奋而追之,光明会属于自己。


我在为谁工作演讲稿(一) 尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好!我今天演讲的题目是“我为谁工作”。 刚刚看到这个题目,心中着实一惊,是啊?整天忙的晕头转向,在这个问题面前,确实要好好的思考一番。为谁工作,其实有很多富丽堂皇的理由:我在为社会的稳定和繁荣贡献青春,我在为公司的强大而努力……但每一句都好像很遥远,很不真实。其实我觉得,我在为我的良心工作,为我的父母工作,为我的家庭工作,为了我的幸福工作,总而言之我在为我自己工作,你难道没有这种感觉吗? 有人曾说:“有什么样的目标,就有什么样的人生。”可能有许多人很不喜欢眼下的工作,可能从工作中得不到丝毫的乐趣,也毫无创造性可言。在许多人看来,工作只是一种简单的雇佣关系,做多做少,做好做坏,对自己意义不大,我们到底是为谁工作呢?这种我不过是在为别人打工的想法具有很强的代表性!工作着的人们都应该好好问问自己。如果我们不在现在弄清楚这个问题,不及时调整好心态,很可能我们的以后就和成功无缘了。 在物欲横流的今天,许多人都受直接的利益驱动,心中只有一个字――钱,天下之大,只有钱最亲,人情之暖,抵不过一纸金钱。许多人就这样迷失在金钱与权利的旋涡之中,迷失自己作为一个社会人的基本本性――诚信与敬业。 我曾经看到过这样一则故事:有一只乌鸦打算飞往东方,途中遇到了一只鸽子,它俩停靠在一棵树上休息,鸽子看见乌鸦飞得很辛苦,关心地问:“你要飞到那里去?”乌鸦愤愤不平地说:“其实我不想离开,可是这个地方的居民都嫌我的叫声不好听,所以我要飞到别的地方去。”鸽子好心的告诉乌鸦别白费力气了,如果你不改变你的声音,飞到那里都不会受到欢迎的。我们很多人每天都忙着找工作、换工作,总认为现在待的地方不够好,认为离开就是最好的改变,却从不会去想:改变最短的路径是,如果你无法改变环境,唯一的方法就是改变你自己。人生离不开工作,很多人永远只认为工作是养家糊口的工具,我为公司干活,公司付我一份报酬,等价交换而已。他们看不到工资以外的价值,曾经在校园中编织的美丽梦想已经逐渐破灭了。没有了信心、没有了热情,工
