当前位置:文档之家› 外教合同




聘用方: 受聘方:

Employer: Employee:


The Employee (hereafter referred to as “Foreign Teacher”) willingly comes to Shenzhen to be a teacher at ________________________________. The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to full conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.


Foreign Teacher’s Duties and Responsibilities


The foreign teacher will follow Chinese law and regulations, and will not interfere in Chinese interal political affairs.


The foreign teacher will follow the Employer’s working regulatiaons and the relevant Foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese government.

3.外籍教师应尊重中国人的道德标准,特别是要保持恰当的职业面貌和行为准则。The foreign teacher will respect the moral standards and customs of the Chinese people. This specially includes mainting an appropriate professional apperance and standard of behavior.

4. 外籍教师同意在合同期内不接受其他学校的聘用而影响本校的正常教学。

The foreign teacher agrees that during the contract period he/she will not accept employment at any other schools which will disrupt the regular teaching at Cuihai Kindergarten.

5. 外籍教师应使用聘用方提供的教学材料,制定合适的教学计划,保证教学质量。

The foreign teacher will use the teaching materials provided by the Employer and will develop an appropriate teaching plan. The foreign teacher should consientiously apply this teaching plan to ensure a high quality education.

6. 合同期间,外籍教师每周授课32小时,每周工作5天,每天6小时带班时间;每周2小时作为学习、培训、教研活动时间。外籍教师职责包括:

The foreign teacher will teach five workdays per week, six hours per workday. And two hours each week for discussing, preparing, and studying about the lessons for the kids. The foreign teacher’s duties will include:


To prepare for the lessons. (teaching plans, lesson plans, homework making, etc.)


Communication with parents and teachers;


Attending the weekly meeting;


To participate in school events.

e) 承担幼儿园教师的英语培训工作。

The foreign teacher must take the job of teachers’ English training with the Chinese English teacher.

f) 严格按照幼儿园外籍教师工作条例执行。

The foreign teacher must work according to the Foreign Teachers’ rules.

7. 外籍教师应接受聘用方的评估、指导和考核。

The foreign teacher will allow time for evaluation professional development discussions and final test of the teaching skills and teaching effects with the Employer.

8. 外籍教师应持有健康证明,并负担体检费用。(第三年开始报销)

The foreign teacher will have a health certificate and will be responsible for paying the cost of the medical examination. (the school will pay for the cost of the medical examination from the third year.)


The Employer will purchase accident insurance for the Employee.


The foreign teacher must provide the real certificates, the foreign teacher must take the responsibility personally because of the fake certificates.


Employer’s Responsibilities

1 外籍教师试用期为一个月,试用期月薪为----------,经一个月试用期后,聘用方支付给外籍教师每个月的月薪为人民币___________元,于每月____日支付。外籍教师试用期的月薪为人民币________元。连续工作满一年的外籍教师(从第三个假期开始)享受人民币--------元假期生活补助(指寒暑假)。从第二年开始每年3000元的探亲车费补助。

Foreign teachers for a month trial period, the monthly salary

for a probationary period ________,After a one-month probationary period, the Employer will provide s salary of RMB ________ per working month to the foreign teacher. The salary will be paid monthly on the 10th day of each month. During the one-month probationary period,

RMB_______will be paid to foreign teacher. If the Foreign Teacher has worked for more than one year without broken, the Employer will pay him/her _____ yuan for life on the holidays. The school will pay ______ yuan for tickets per year after a whole working year. (summer holidays and spring festival holidays. The holidays after a complete term will be effective, if the working term is not complete, the holidays after the term won’t be counted. )

2. 聘用方将对外籍教师的工作进行指导和评价。

The Employer will provide guidance and evaluation of the foreign teacher’s work.

3. 如有需要,聘用方将帮助外籍教师了解中国的法律法规以及中国政府聘用方关于外籍教师的相关规章制度。

Upon request, the Employer will provide introductory instruction and assistance with Chinese law and regulations. The Employer will also provide the Employer’s work regulations and the relevant foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese Government.



Termination of Contract




If the Foreign Teacher fails to satisfactory perform his/her duties and responsibilities, the contract will be terminated immediately, but the foreign teacher will receive fifteen days’ severance pay; Or, at he sole discretion of the Employer, the Foreign Teacher will be given fifteen days to improve his/her job performance. If, after fifteen days, the Foreign Teacher has not improved his/her job

performance to the satisfaction of the Employer, the contract will then be terminated and the Foreign Teacher will not receive any additional pay;


If, in the judgment of a qualified medical doctor, the Foreign Teacher is unable to resume his/her duties and responsibilities after the expiration of thirty(30) days of sick leave. In this instance, no further payments will be made to the Foreign Teacher.

2 如外籍教师需终止合同,他或她必须提前30天书面通知聘用方,聘用方将支付其工作期间的全部薪水,否则其薪水、假期补助和机票补助等均被取消。

If the Foreign Teacher chooses to terminate the contract, he/she must provide thirty days’ wriiten notice to the Employer. If this is done, the foreign teacher will receive full salary for the period worked. Otherwise, salary, vacation subsidiary and airfare bonus will not be paid.


Contract Period


This employment contract shall be effective beginning ____________ thru ____________.


Employer: Employee:


Responsible person Foreign Teacher (signature)

Date: …………………………………………..


聘请外教合同书范本范文 聘请外教合同书怎么写?写聘请合同书要注意什么?今天内容馆给大家推荐聘请外教合同书范本,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮助: 一、_____________________聘请_______________籍_______________________________________(外文姓名)_________________(译名)女士(先生)为_________________。双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签定本合同保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 二、合同期自________________年_________月_________日起至_______________年___________月__________日止。 三、受聘方的工作任务(另附件): 四、受聘方的月薪为人民币________________元,其中_______%可按月兑换外汇。 五、聘方的义务: 1、向受聘方介绍中国的有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 2、对受聘方的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 3、向受聘方提供必要的工作的条件和居住的条件。 4、配备合作共事人员。 5、按时支付受聘方的报酬。 六、受聘方的义务: 1、遵守中国的法律、法规,不干预中国的内部事务。 2、遵守聘方的工作制度和有关外国专家的管理规定,接受聘方的工作安排、业务指导、检查和评估。未经聘方同意,不得兼任与聘方无关的其他劳务。 3、按期完成工作任务,保证工作质量。 4、尊重中国的宗教政策。不从事与专家身份不符的活动。 5、尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。 七、合同的变更、解除和终止: 1、双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终


合同编号:YT-FS-4256-63 外教聘用合同范文(完整 版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

外教聘用合同范文(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方: 乙方: 为明确彼此之间的权利义务关系,经协商,甲、乙双方就有关聘任教学事项达成如下协议: 一、甲方聘任乙方讲授课程,聘期为,自200 年月至200 年月。 二、甲方支付乙方的报酬标准为:元人民币/折合课时,每月支付时按照国家有关政策扣税。 三、乙方任课质量考核由其任课系(部)参照我院教师教学质量考核标准进行。考核分平时考核和集中考核,集中考核时间分期中(第10周)、期末(第18周)两个阶段进行,聘任单位及时将考核结果反馈外聘教师,提出改进意见,外聘教师要虚心接受改进意见,及时加以改进。

四、乙方应认真履行《石家庄职业技术学院教师教学工作规范》中规定的教师工作职责,遵守学院的相关规章制度,参加聘任单位的有关教学研究活动,接受教务处组织的教学工作检查,按照甲方的要求进行教学考核和总结工作。 五、乙方如果不认真履行教师职责,多次违反学院的规章纪律,或教学效果较差,不为多数学生认可,甲方有权提前解除合同。 六、甲方有义务为乙方的正常授课提供必要的场所和教学资料,并有义务协助乙方组织教学活动,维持教学秩序。 七、如遇合理的特殊情况,任何一方均可提前终止合同,但至少应提前2周通知对方。 八、本合同由石家庄职业技术学院系(部)聘用单位负责人代为签署。合同一式二分,由甲乙双方各自持有。未经对方认可,合同不得变更或修改。 甲方(公章):_____ 乙方(公章):_____ 法定代表人(签字):_____ 法定代表人(签字):


FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT (2019) Department: Foreign Affairs Name:

Party A: xxxx School Branch location :__________________________ Party B: _______ Gender: _______ Date of Birth: ______________ Nationality: _________ Passport Number: _ _______________________ Current residential address: __________________________ Contact telephone number: ______________________________ E-mail address: ________________________ In accordance with the “Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “Labor Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China”, Party A and Party B upon mutual consultation on equal grounds, agree to sign the contract as drawn herein, and jointly agree to observe all following articles: Article 1: Terms of employment 1.1 The term of this Contract shall be _months, commencing on______(d) ____ (m) ______ (y) and expiring on_____ (d) ____ (m) ______ (y) 1.2 Party B shall be subject to a probationary period of employment during the first two months after this contract takes effect. During this period, both parties may terminate the contract outside of the conditions in Article 13. 1.3 Party B agrees to work for Party A exclusively during the period of the contract. Article 2: Description of employment and working conditions 2.1 Party B agrees to serve Party A in the capacity of _Full-Time English Teacher_ at the _________ branch. 2.2 According to Party A’ s job requirements, Party B shall complete the assigned working content required for the assigned post and reach the stipulated quality standards. Party B’s responsibilities shall include but are not limited to: ?English language teaching according to the needs, level, and number of students as determined by Party A ?Performing demonstration English classes for marketing and diagnostic purposes. Duties may also include participation in sales and marketing events or teacher recruitment activities.



聘用合同 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 聘用方: 受聘方: Employer: Employee: 受聘方(以下称为外籍教师)自愿来到深圳市**文化发展有限公司担任英语教师。聘用方和外籍教师本着友好合作的精神,同意签定合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 The Employee (hereafter referred to as “Foreign Teacher”) willingly comes to Shenzhen to be a teacher at ** Education. The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to all the obligations stipulated in it. 一、外籍教师职责 Foreign Teacher’s Duties and Responsibilities 1.合同期间,外籍教师需遵守公司的工作时间与公司规定,并且不允许在合同期内辞职。The Foreign Teacher should comply with the schedule and regulations of ** Education, and he/she must not resign during the contract term. 2. 外籍教师必须提供真实有效的身份证件,如因证件原因产生的后果自行负责。 The Foreign Teacher must provide the real ID certificates, and be responsible for the consequences caused by the fake certificates. 3. 外籍教师应使用聘用方提供的教学材料,制定合适的教学计划,保证教学质量。 The Foreign Teacher will use the teaching materials provided by the Employer and will develop an appropriate teaching plan. The Foreign Teacher should apply this teaching plan to ensure the delivery of high-quality lessons. 4. 外籍教师主要的工作内容: The Foreign Teacher’s main working contents : a)讲授语音课与口语课。 To teach Oral English Lesson. b)担任口语大赛的评委。 To be a judge in the Oral English Competition. c)组织备课和与家长学生互动活动。


外籍教师合作协议Agreement of cooperation 甲方:深圳乐学三人行教育咨询有限公司 Party A :Shenzhen Lexuesanrenxing Educational and consulting company 以下称乙方: Party B : 名字: 性别: 生日 Name: Gender: Birth date 国籍:护照号码: Nationality :Passport No.: 双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 The two parties, in contract and pledge to a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this fulfil conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it. 一.合同期自起至止。 Length of Contract: from to . 二.甲乙双方合作内容Cooperation content: 甲方与乙方进行教学合作,乙方为甲方提供教学服务,并接受甲方的监督管理 Both parties cooperate together to fulfill the teaching tasks. Party B offers teaching and organizing service. Party A has the right to supervise the service and result from party B during the cooperation. 三.乙方在合作期间享受的福利Benefits of party B 1. 在合作期间,甲方有责任保证乙方工作环境的安全,并且对此提供相应的援助。 During cooperation, party A can offer assistance and advice regarding any issues with local official 's enquiring about cooperation. 2. 甲乙双方合作满半年后,乙方可以享受5 天的带薪休假。 After six-month cooperation, party B is eligible for 5 days paid leave. 3. 甲方为乙方提供不定期的团队出行和团队用餐的补贴。 On regular occasion, the school will pay for days out or lunch subsidies.


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 培训学校兼职外教合同模板英文版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

(passport number: ) a part-time teaching position starting on The working schedule agreed upon both parties is as follow: Duties and Obligations The duties to be performed by the employee include (but not limited to): I. Teaching English Corners , private classes or hosting activities as assigned by the Education Supervisor of the school. 2.Other duties as assigned by the Education Supervisor and agreed upon by both parties. 3. The st atement in the employee ' s curriculum vitae , resume , references and other information submitted to the employer in support of the Employee ' s application for this part -time position must be true and not misleading in any sense. 4. The employee has a valid passport. The employee is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to public security or social order of China. 5. The employee must perform the duties in a professional and diligent manner. 6. The employee must obey the written and/or verbal directions of the employer. 7. The employee must at all time comply with the terms and conditions of this job offer and agreement and the rules and regulations of the employer.


文件编号:GD/FS-3137 (合同范本系列) 外教聘请服务合同详细版 The Legal Relationship Established By Parties To Resolve Disputes Ultimately Realizes Common Interests. The Document Has Legal Effect After Reaching An Agreement Through Consultation. 编辑:_________________ 单位:_________________ 日期:_________________

外教聘请服务合同详细版 提示语:本合同文件适合使用于当事人双方(或多方)为解决或预防纠纷而确立的法律关系,最终实现共同的利益,文书经过协商而达成一致后,签署的文件具有法律效力。文档所展示内容即为所得,可在下载完成后直接进行编辑。 甲方:_______________ 乙方:______教育咨询有限公司 一、双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 二、甲方的义务 1.甲方必须有聘专资格证书,必须在外教到学校后2周内与其签定国家外专局标准合同并为其办理相关签证,居留证,专家证等手续。 2.向外教介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 3.对外教的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 4.向外教提供必要的工作和生活条件(以国家外

专局标准为依据)。 5.配备合作共事人员,协助教学管理和生活指导工作。 6.按时支付外教的报酬,严格按合同兑现外教的所有待遇。 7.按时结算本中心服务费用。 三、乙方的义务 按甲方学校(企业)的要求按时按质提供外教。 乙方有权对甲方的外事工作进行协查和评估。 合同期间免费为甲方提供外事咨询。 四、服务费的收取 本次服务共为甲方聘请外教____________名。甲方需在外国专家(外教)到甲方单位(学校)的七个工作日内向乙方支付全部服务费用共计人民币 ____________元整。


合同编号:2021-xx-xx 合同/协议(模板) 合同名称: 甲方: 乙方: 签订时间: 签订地点:

外教教师聘用合同范本标准版 _____________________聘请_______________籍_______________________________________(外文姓名)_________________(译名)女士(先生)为_________________.双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签定本合同保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 一、合同期自________________年_________月_________日起至_______________年___________月__________日止。 二、受聘方的工作任务(另附件): 三、受聘方的月薪为人民币________________元,其中_______%可按月兑换外汇。 四、聘方的义务: 1、向受聘方介绍中国的有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 2、对受聘方的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 3、向受聘方提供必要的工作的条件和居住的条件。 4、配备合作共事人员。 5、按时支付受聘方的报酬。 五、受聘方的义务: 1、遵守中国的法律、法规,不干预中国的内部事务。 2、遵守聘方的工作制度和有关外国专家的管理规定,接受聘方

的工作安排、业务指导、检查和评估。未经聘方同意,不得兼任与聘方无关的其他劳务。 3、按期完成工作任务,保证工作质量。 4、尊重中国的宗教政策。不从事与专家身份不符的活动。 5、尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。 六、合同的变更、解除和终止: 1、双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终止合同。 2、经当事人双方协商同意后,可以变更、解除和终止合同。在未达成一致意见前,仍应当严格履行合同。 3、聘方在下述条件下,有权以书面形式通知受聘方解除合同: (1)受聘方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,经聘方指出后,仍不改正的; (2)根据医生的诊断,受聘方在病假连续30天后不能恢复正常工作的。 4、受聘方在下述情况下,有权以书面形式通知聘方解除合同: (1)聘方未按合同约定提供受聘方的工作条件; (2)聘方未按时支付受聘方报酬。 七、违约金: 当事人一方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,即违反合同时,应向另一方支付500~2000美元(或相当数额的人民币)的违约金。


聘请外籍教师合同 (范本) 一、------------------- 聘请------------籍---------------------(外文姓名)-----------(译名)女士(先生)为英语教师。双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 二、合同期自年月日起至年月日止 三、受聘方的月薪为人民币元。 四、聘方的义务: 1.向受聘方介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及外国专家的管理规定。 2.对受聘方的工作进行指导,检查和评估。 3.向受聘方提供必要的工作和生活条件。 4.配备合作共事人员。 5.支付受聘方的报酬。 五,受聘方的义务: 1.遵守中国的法律,法规,不干预中国的内部事务。 2.遵守聘方的工作制度和有关外国专家的管理规定,接受聘方的工作安排,业务指导,检查和评估,未经聘方同意,不得兼任与聘方无关的其他劳务。 3.按期完成工作任务,保证工作质量。 4.尊重中国的宗教政策。不从事与教师身份不符的活动。 5.尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。 六,合同的变更,解除和终止: 1.双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终止合同。 2.经当事人双方协商同意后,可以变更,解除和终止合同。在未达成一致意见前,仍应当严格履行合同。3,聘方在下述条件下,有权以书面形式通知受聘方解除合同:

(1)受聘方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,经聘方指出后,仍不改正的; (2)根据医生诊断,受聘方在病假连续30天后不能恢复正常工作的; 4.受聘方在下述情况下,有权以书面形式通知聘方解除合同; (1)聘方未按合同约定提供受聘方必要的工作和生活条件; (2)聘方未按时支付受聘方报酬。 七、违约金: 当事人一方不履行合同或者合同义务不符合约定条件,即违反合同时,应当向另一方支付500—2000美元(或相当数额人民币)的违约金。 受聘方因不可抗力事件要求解除合同,需出具有关机构证明,经聘方同意后,离华的费用自理;受聘方若无故解除合同,除离华费用自理外,还应当向聘方支付违约金。 聘方因不可抗力事件要求解除合同,经受聘方同意后,离华费用由聘方负担;聘方若无故解除合,除负担受聘方离华费用外,还应当向受聘方支付违约金。 八、本合同附件为合同不可分割的一部分,与合同具有同等效力。 九、本合同自双方签订之日起生效,合同期满即自行失效。当事人一方要求签订新合同,必须在合同期满90天前向另一方提出,经双方协商同意后签订新合同。 受聘方合同期满后,在华逗留期间的一切费用自理。 十、仲裁 当事人双方发生合同纠纷时,尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。若协商,调解无效,可向国家外国家局设立的外国文教专家事务仲裁机构申请仲裁。 本合同于年月在(地点)签订,一式两份,每份都中文和英文写成,两种文本同等作准。 聘方签字:受聘方签字


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-026730 外教聘请服务合同(合同示范

外教聘请服务合同(合同示范文本) 说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:约束合同双方(即甲乙双方)的履行责任,同时也为日后双方的分歧,提供有力的文字性依据,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。 甲方: 乙方:合肥华立教育咨询有*公司 一、双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 二、甲方的义务: 甲方必须有聘专资格证书,必须在外教到学校后2周内与其签定国家外专局标准合同并为其办理相关签证,居留证,专家证等手续。 向外教介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 3、对外教的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 4、向外教提供必要的工作和生活条件(以国家外专局标准为依据)。 5、配备合作共事人员,协助教学管理和生活指导工作。 6、按时支付外教的报酬,严格按合同兑现外教的所有待遇。 7、按时结算本中心服务费用。 三、乙方的义务: 按甲方学校(企业)的要求按时按质提供外教。

乙方有权对甲方的外事工作进行协查和评估。 合同期间免费为甲方提供外事咨询。 四、服务费的收取: 本次服务共为甲方聘请外教()名。甲方需在外国专家(外教)到甲方单位(学校)的七个工作日内向乙方支付全部服务费用共计人民币()元整。 服务费未按时支付,所产生的滞纳金按每天2%额外支付. 五、合同的变更、解除和终止: 1、双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终止合同。 2、经当事人双方协商同意后,可以变更、解除和终止合同。在未达成一致意见前,应当严格履行合同。 六、受聘方合同期满后,在华逗留期间的一切费用自理。 七、仲裁 当事人双方发生合同纠纷时,尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。若协商、调解无效,可向当地司法机关提起公诉,诉讼费由违反合同方支付。 八、本合同一式两份,传真件有效。 甲方签章乙方签章 联系人:联系人: 联系电话:联系电话: 年月日年月日


Both parties jointly acknowledge and abide by their responsibilities and obligations and reach an agreed result. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 外教聘用合同

编号:FS-DY-65922 外教聘用合同 外教聘用合同注意事项 1.书面形式 聘用合同须以书面形式确定,任何口头协议都将视为无效 2.签订合同 合同签署时间应在外教来华前,已在华的应在入职之前; 出于综合考虑,我们建议如果受聘外教在国外,应在受聘外教来华前签订正式合同。 如果受聘外教在我国境内, 应该在受聘外教到职前签订正式合同。 3.签订人 签署人应为法人代表或法人代表所授权的人。被授权者应有授权书,其他人签的合同均视为无效合同。 4.合同期限

合同期以一年为宜,但连续在华合同期总计不宜超过五年。 5.合同更改 当事一方要求修改原合同,须经双方协商一致,以文形式确认修改或增删的内容,未达成一致意见以前,应仍按原合同条款执行,直至合同期结束。 劳动合同范本一 _____(聘方)聘请_____(受聘方)为外籍工作人员(或_____语教师),双方本着友好合作的精神,签订本合同。 第一条聘期为_____年(学校可按学期、学年定),自_____年_____月_____日到职之日起,至_____年_____月_____日离聘之日止。 第二条受聘方的工作任务,商定如下:_____ 受聘方应按时、按质完成以上工作任务。聘方应为受聘方提供必要的工作生活条件。受聘方在工作中提出的合理化建议,聘方应予采纳。双方应积极合作。 第三条中国政府法定的工作日为:每周六天,每天八小时(教师按周课时填写)。


EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Employer School: Official Represe ntative: Koreig n Teacher: I.Employee* duties and Responsibilities 1.The foreign teacher willingly comes to the Employer School to be a part-time English teacher. The foreign teacher should be a native speaker of English, have higher education, have certain language teaching experience, and be in good health (he/she must pass the physical exam in ati on at an assig ned Chin ese hospital after he/shc enters China) and possess required documents, such as TEFL certificate, foreig n expert certificate, reside nee permit, etc.. Materials submitted to the Employer School in support of the employee's application for this part-time position must be true and not mislead ing in any sen se. 2.The foreig n teacher will complete teach ing tasks duri ng the con tract period, in clud ing prepari ng less ons and teach ing materials well prior to teachi ng, con duct ing less ons and access ing studentwork. Besides, the foreig n teacher will give less ons on time in accordance with the class time required by the school. 3.The foreig n teacher will use strictly the teach ing materials and the tcachi ng pla n provided by the Employer School, con scie ntiously accomplish ing the teachi ng pla n, to assure high quality teach ing. The foreig n teacher must keep all in formatio n regard ing to the Employer School's teach ing methods and admi nistratio n con fide ntial and not use the teach ing methods and materials for any other purpose. 4.During the required lecture time, if the foreign teacher leaves Shenzhen hc/she should inform the Coord in ator. When traveli ng outside of Guan gdo ng provin co, Hong Kong, or Macao, the foreign teacher is further responsible for announcing his/her travel pla ns to the Employer School through his/her con tact teacher and the Coord in ator, a week in adva nee in writ ing or via e-mail. 5.I n the eve nt of ill ness that preve nts the foreig n teacher from teachi ng, hc/she is resp on sible to no tify both his/her con tact teacher and the Coord in ator in adva nee, and further is required to provide the Employer School with written documentation. If this notification is not done, there will be a reduction of pay by RMB 100 per time of abse nee; this pen alty also applies to any un approved tard in ess from class. (For instance, if the foreign teacher is late for over one hour, he or she will lose RMB300: wage RMB 200 added a fine of RMB 100). After receiving the written warning letter from the employer, a total of three such occurre nces arc grounds for dismissal. 6.During the lessons, the foreign teacher will make his or her own meal and tran sportati on arran gome nts. 7.The foreig n teacher is to respect the moral sta ndards and customs of the Chin ese people. This specifically in eludes mai nta ining an appropriate professi onal appeara nee and standard of behavior. The foreign teacher must not harm the image of the Employer School or other staff with the Employer School. 8.The foreign teacher will follow the Employer School * s working regulations and the releva nt Foreig n Expert rcgulati ons of the Chin ese gover nment. 9.The foreign teacher is to follow Chinese law and regulations, and not interfere in Chi nese internal affairs.


甲方(Party A):________________________________ 乙方(Party B):________________________________ I.乙方自愿作为甲方外教在甲方学校从事教学服务工作。双方在友好合作的基础上签订本合同,并保证遵守合同中所规定的各项条款。 Party B wishes to engage the service of Party A’s school as a foreign teacher. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it. II.乙方在甲方服务期限为________________________至________________________。 The period of service will be from________________________to________________. III.乙方的职责 The duties of Party B 1.乙方在合同有效期内的工作时间为每周________小时。 Party B shall work ________ hours per week during the contract constraint period. 2.乙方的工作内容包括但不仅限于面授课、备课(教学计划、课程计划和批改作业等)、课程研发、与其它教师和家长的交流,以及参加学校的活动。 The contents of Party B’s work include but not limited to lectures, preparing for lessons (teaching plans, lesson plans, homework making, etc.), curriculum design & development, communication with parents and the other teachers, and participating in school events. IV.乙方的报酬 1.乙方在甲方工作期间的工资为:________元|小时,以人民币形式支付。 Party B's salary will be ________RMB per hour by cash.


合同编号:YTO-FS-PD238 外教聘请服务合同通用版 In Order T o Protect Their Own Legal Rights, The Cooperative Parties Negotiate And Reach An Agreement, And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

外教聘请服务合同通用版 使用提示:本合同文件可用于合作多方为了保障各自的合法权利,经共同商议并达成协议,签署成为文件资料,实现纠纷解决和达到共同利益效果。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 甲方:_______________ 乙方:______教育咨询有限公司 一、双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 二、甲方的义务 1.甲方必须有聘专资格证书,必须在外教到学校后2周内与其签定国家外专局标准合同并为其办理相关签证,居留证,专家证等手续。 2.向外教介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 3.对外教的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 4.向外教提供必要的工作和生活条件(以国家外专局标准为依据)。 5.配备合作共事人员,协助教学管理和生活指导工作。 6.按时支付外教的报酬,严格按合同兑现外教的所有待遇。 7.按时结算本中心服务费用。


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 外籍教师聘请协议书 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

甲方:_____________________ 乙方:_____咨询服 务有限公司 为了加强学校外语教学力量,本着诚实守信、互利互惠的原则,甲方委托乙方为其聘请外籍教师,双方经过友好协商,就聘请外教事宜达成如下协议: 一、甲方的责任 1.甲方需向乙方提供完整的、详细的学校介绍及填写《聘请外籍教师需求表》; 2.甲方负责外教资格的最终审核,并为所聘外教办理来华工作邀请信和签证所需文件,负责为外籍教师办理专家证、居留证和工作证; 3.甲方应充分实现《聘请外籍师需求表》上各项条款所承诺的待遇; 4.关心外教在学校期间的生活和工作状况,发现问题及时沟通并妥善处理。 二、乙方责任 1.乙方受甲方委托,为甲方在国内外招聘外籍教师,外籍教师年龄在_____岁至_____岁、身体健康,对中国人民友好,符合学校要求的英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等英语国家。 2.预先审核拟聘外教所有证件(包括个人简历、学位证书、各种资格证书及护照),并向甲方提供相关证件的复印件,并协助甲方与外教签定聘用合同; 3.乙方负责对外教进行初步测试,以确保其发音纯正,具有良好的沟通能力,品行端正和具有担任合格教师的品质。 4.负责协调甲方与外教之间的沟通。 三、中介费用 1.甲方根据乙方提供的外教数量于外教到校后一月内向乙方支付中介费用每名外教rmb_______元(_______圆整)。 2.乙方在收款后一周内向甲方提供正式的服务业发票。 四、违约赔偿
