当前位置:文档之家› 连带责任担保协议(中英文)


保证合同Guarantee contract



This guarantee contract (Contract No.: )is made and entered into, on the date (M/D/Y) by and between:

保证人:(以下简称“保证人”)Guarantor:(hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”)


邮政编码Postal Code:

?身份证号码ID Card Number:________________________

?法定代表人Legal representative:


?账号Account No.:



债权人Creditor:(hereinafter referred t o as the “Creditor”)


邮政编码Postal Code:

法定代表人Legal representative:







The “Creditor" and (hereinafter referred to as the “D ebtor”) Signed the contract with the contract number of on (M/D/Y) (Hereinafter referred to as the “Main C ontract”).According to the "Main Contract", The “Creditor" carries out the busi ness of?Local and Foreign Currency Loans

?Issue Letter of Credit ?Issue letter of guarantee ?__________ for the "Debtor " (hereinafter referred to as “service s").

“债权人”在此授权中国xxx银行负责“主合同”项下“服务”的提供、与“服务”管理有关的一切事宜以及本合同项下有关的一切事宜。中国XXX 银行分行为“主合同”项下“服务”的提供、监督、管理所作出的一切行为以及在本合同项下所作出的一切行为均视为“债权人”的行为。

The“Creditor”hereby authorizes the branch of the XXXX Bank of China to be responsible for the provision of the services under the“Main Contract “and all matters relating to "services" as we ll as all matters relating to this contract. All actions taken by the branch of the XXX Bank of China for the provision, supervision and management of the "services" under the "Main Contract" and all actions taken under this contract shall be deemed as the actions of the"creditors"


As one of the preconditions for the "Creditor" to provide the above-mentioned "services" to the "Debtor", the "Guarantor" agrees to provide a joint and several liability guarantees for the debtor's debts under the "Main Contract".


The “Creditor” and the “G uarantor” through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms


Where marked with“□”in this contract, please tick“√”for the selected part and “×”for the unselected part.


1 Scope of warranty, warranty liability and warranty period

1.1 “保证人”同意按本合同的约定为“债务人”在“主合同”项下的债务


1.1 The “Guarantor” agrees to provide joint and several liability guarantees for the debtor's debts under the "Main Contract" as agreed in this Contract.


1.2 In the case that the "Creditor" transacts the loan business for the "Debtor", the scope of warranty by the "Guarantor" under this contract (hereinafter referred to as the " Guaranteed Indebtedness ") includes all of the following debts that the "Debtor" shall repay and pay to the "Creditor" under the "Main Contract"



?_______________元((大写)________________元),贷款期限为月;Loan principal (includes principal recycled by the “D ebtor” under the "Main Contract") ,that is

□The total loan principal of the“Debtor” under the "Main Contract" is

US$ (in words)________________ us dollars,The term of the loan is months


Interests (including legal interest, agreed interest, overdue interest and penalty interest), liquidated damages, damages awards , and expense of credit realization (includes but not limited to litigation costs, attorney costs, notarization costs, and execution costs);And any other payable sum of the “Debtor”, (whether the pay able is due on the maturity date of the loan or otherwise becomes payable )


In the event that the "Creditor" carries out trade and financial business such as Issue letters of credit and guarantee for the “D ebtor”,the scope of guaranty of the guarantor under the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Guaranteed Indebtedness") includes: all the indebtedness due and payable under the "Main Contract" including but not

limited to the financing funds or other payables, interest (including but not limited to legal interest, agreed interest, overdue interest and penalty), fees and telecommunication fees, fees and other fees, default fine, compensation for damage, and the expense of (including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney costs, notarization costs, and execution costs etc.) and any other payable sum of the debtor, (whether the payable is due on the maturity date of the loan or otherwise.)


The "Guarantor" undertakes that its liability under this Contract, will not be reduced by the repeated use of the amount under "Main Contract"


1.3In the event that the “Debtor” fails to pay any amount of the “Guaranteed Indebtedness” due (includ es but not limited to any due payable amount by “Debtor” when “Creditor” announced the services were due in advance), or any defaults occurred under the "Main Contract", T he “gurarantor”shall, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the written notice of payment from the “Creditor”, unconditionally pay the “Guaranteed Indebtedness” to the “Creditor” in the manner requested by the “Creditor”.


1.4 The evidence indicating any amount of the “Guaranteed Indebtedness” and payable under this contract, unless the "Guarantor" provides sufficient and valid effective evidence to prove its existence of obvious errors, which shall be evidence of the “creditor” and debt relationship of both parties and shall be binding on the "guarantor".



1.5The “Guarantor” hereby unconditionally and irrevocably authorizes the “Creditor” : If the "Guarantor" fails to pay any sum of the "Guaranteed Indebtedness" or any other due by the "Guarantor" on time as required by the "Creditor", the "Creditor" shall be entitled to deduct the corresponding amount directly from any account opened by the “Guarantor” in the "Creditor" or any branch of the "C reditor" or any agent bank of the “Guarantor” or any branch at any time without prior consent of the “Guarantor”.


1.6The guarantee period under this contract shall be two years from the date of expiration of the debt performance period under the "Main Contract".


2 The Nature and Effectiveness of Guarantee

2.1本合同项下的保证是连带责任保证,具有持续性和完全的效力。本合同的效力不受“保证人”或其他任何人的清算、合并、分立、重组、破产或是其他形式的组织结构的改变或对“债务人”的债务所作的任何其他安排的影响。2.1 The warranties under the Contract are joint and several liability warranties with continuous, and full effect. The validity of this contract shall not be affected by the liquidation, merger, division dissolution, reorganization, insolvency or any other change in the organizational structure of the guarantor or any other person or by any other arrangement for debtor’s debt.


2.2The guarantee established by this contract is independent of any other guarantee obtained by the Creditor with respect to the "Guaranteed Indebtedness", and the guarantor shall be liable for all guarantee liabilities under this contract even if there are other guarantees on the "Guaran teed Indebtedness”. The "Creditor" shall not be required to exercise any other guarantees in its possession or to take other remedies prior to exercising its rights under this contract.



If the "Debtor" sets up a mortgage or pledge for the benefit of the "Creditor" with his own property, the “Guarantor” hereby agrees a nd undertakes that if the "Creditor" agrees to abandon or alter the mortgage right, pledge or mortgage

cist-position,pledgee cist-position provided by the "Debtor", such abandonment or alteration shall not affect or exempt the “Guarantor” from any obligati ons and guarantee liability under this contract.


Subject to the Applicable Law. this contract is independent of the "Main Contract". The invalidation or revocation of the "Main Contract" for any reason shall not affect the validity of this contract, nor shall it affect the obligations and responsibilities of the “Guarantor” under this contract. Moreover, this contract will not become invalid or revoked as a result of the invalidity or revocation of the "Main Contract" guaranteed


3 Documents to be submitted by the guarantor

3.1 在“债权人”向“债务人”提供“主合同”项下的“服务”之前,“保证人”应向“债权人”提交以下文件:

3.1 Prior to the services provided by the “Creditor” to the “Debtor” under the "Main Contract" the “G uarantor” shall submit the following documents to the “Creditor”




c)“保证人”经审计的近 3年财务报告和本年近期财务报表








a)This contract validly signed by Legal representative or authorized signatory of

the “G uarantor”

b)The latest business license of the “Guarantor” , the certificate of the legal

representative and the articles of as sociation of the “Guarantor” ;

c)The Guarantor’s audited financial reports for the last three years, and the most

recent financial statements for the current year.

d)Details of the borrowing or liabilities of the “Guarantor ” and relevant


e)The “Guarantor” operation management present situation explanation and the

development prospect plan

f)The loan card number and password of the “Guarantor” and the "power of

attorney" or other written documents containing similar contents that allow the

XXX Bank of China to checkj inquire its credit status through the credit

reference system.

g)The resolution of the board of directors of the “Guarantor” approving the

“Guarantor” to sign and execute the Agreement

h)Other documents requested by the “Creditor”


4 Guarantor 's Statements and warranties


4.1 The “Guarantor” hereby makes a statements, commitment and warrant to the "Creditor" as follows:




a)The“Guarantor”is a commercial subject legally incorporated and validly

in existence under the laws of The United States, and has full civil

capacity to sign and perform the contract;



b)The “Guarantor” has care fully read and fully understood and accepted the

"Main Contract" and this contract. The Guarantor entered into and

performed this Contract of its own free will and all of its representations hereunder are true



c)The “Guarantor “has obtained all required approvals from government

departments to sign this contract; The “Guarantor ” has completed the

authorization of the company required for signing this contract; This contract shall be effectively signed by the legal representative or authorized signatory of the Guarantor ;



d)When the “Guarantor “makes guarant ees under this contract, it does not occur,

nor does it exist or may occur any litigation, arbitration or administrative

procedure that has a significant adverse impacts on the “Guarantor “or its

assets or on the Guarantor 's performance of any obligations under this




e)The “Guarantor “hereby declares that it is fully aware that the xxxx Branch of

the XXXX Bank of China is authorized by the "Creditor" to provide

"services" under the "Main Contract" and all matters relating to management and all matters relating to this contract.






f)The signing of this contract and the performance of the obligations under

this contract by the “Guarantor “shall not violate the following


The articles of association of the “Guarantor”;

Any other agreement entered into by the “Guarantor”;

Any laws and regulations applicable to the “Guarantor”



g) This Contract is legitimate and valid and constitutes a legally binding

obligation on the part of the “Guarantor”



h) The Guarantor’s business operation, financial and credit status are in goo d

condition with enough capacity to to provide guarantees for the "Guaranteed Indebtedness ". Its financial position is not affected by and will not be

adversely affected by any existing or potential arbitration, litigation or

administrative procedures existing or potential.



i) The financial report provided by the “Guarantor “shall truly and accurately

reflect the financial position of the “Guarantor” in the year of the statement, and from the date of issuance of the latest financial report, there has been no situation that may have a significant adverse impact on the business prospects or financial situation of the “Guarantor ” or that may prevent the “Guarantor ”

from fulfilling any of its obligations under this contract.


j)All documents, information, statements and certificates submitted by the “Guarantor “to the “Creditor” under this Contract are true, complete, accurate and valid; and the copies provided are consistent with the originals.

k)“保证人”没有遗漏可能会使上述任何声明及保证造成误导的事项。k) The “Guarantor ” has not omitted anything that may mislead any of the above statements and warranties

4.2 “保证人”的上述声明及保证在本合同有效期内须始终保持正确无误,并且“保证人”保证将随时按“债权人”的要求提供进一步的文件。

4.2 The above re presentations and warranties of the “Guarantor “shall remain true and correct throughout the term of this contract and the “Guarantor “warrants that further documentation will be provided anytime as required by the “Creditor”.


5 Guarantor 's Commitment


5.1 The “Guarantor “shall abide by all laws and regulations related to this contract and strictly fulfill and abide by the responsibilities and obligations under this contract


5.2The “Guarantor “shall obtain and complete all approvals or registrations required to maintain the legal validity of this contract and all other matters required


5.3 The “Guarantor “shall promptly notify the “Creditor” of any default under this contract.

5.4 在“主合同”项下任何“被担保债务”全部清偿前,未经“债权人”事先书面同意,“保证人”不得进行下列行为:

5.4 During the term of this Contract, as long as any the "Guaranteed Indebtedness" under the "Main Contract" remains unpaid,t he “Guarantor “shall not perform the following acts without the prior written consent of the "Creditor"





a)Merger, division, shareholding reform and other arrangements to change their

business mode or ownership structure, or to change the scope of business or

registered capital; If the above arrangement is made for the need of operation

or for the adjustment of national policies and laws, the “Guarantor” shall

obtain the prior written consent of “Credit”, and arrange its responsibilities

and obligations in relation to the provision of a guarantee under this Contract

in such manner as is satisfactory to the “Credit”.



b)Making any changes or modifications to the shareholding of the “Guarantor ”,

the articles of association of the “Guarantor ” or other company documents

that may seriously affect the g uarantee ability of the “Guarantor ” u nder this


5.5 “保证人”与“债权人”在此特别约定,如果“债权人”就“被担保债务”持有任何其他担保,“保证人”在任何情况下均不得要求“债权人”首先行使其他担保。“保证人”不得以其与其他任何保证人之间的比例安排为由要求按比例承担“债权人”所要求的保证责任。

5.5 The “Guarantor ” and the “Creditor" hereby specifically agree that if the "Creditor" holds any other guarantee on the "Guaranteed Indebtedness", the “Guarantor ” shall not require the "Creditor" to exercise other guarantees first in any case . The “Guarantor” shall not, on the grounds of proportionality to any other Guarantor ,. assume the guarantee liability required by the "Creditor"


5.6As long as the "Guaranteed Indebtedness" has not been fully liquidated, the “Guarantor ” sha ll not recover or assert any rights against the "Debtor" for the part of which the “Guarantor “has fulfilled .If the “Guarantor “recovers or claims any right from the Debtor in violation of the provisions of this article, and thus receives from the Debtor, the “Guarantor “shall pay the money to the "Creditor" immediately.


5.7 The "Creditor" and the "debtor" agreement change the content of "main contract" does not need the consent of the “Guarantor”. The “Guarantor ” will be

liable for the guaranty within the scope of the changed guaranty, except in cases where "Creditor" and "Debtor" change the amount, duration, currency and interest rate of the "Main Contract “and increase the liability of “Guarantor ”


5.8The “Creditor” has the right to assign the Creditor's rights guaranteed by this contract to any third party with prior notice and not require prior consent of the “Guarantor”. The “Guarantor” shall still bear the guarantee liability within the scope of the original guarantee, and the “Guarantor” shall complete the corresponding legal procedures for this purpose.

5.9 对于在本合同项下保证期间内,“债权人”允许“债务人”转让“主合同”项下的全部或者部分债务的,“保证人”在此对该等转让予以明确同意。“保证人”将继续承担其在本合同项下的担保责任。

5.9 During the guarantee period under this contract, the "Creditor" permits the "Debtor" to transfer all or part of the debts under the "Main Contract", and the “Guarantor” shall expressly agree to the transfer. The “Guarantor” will continue to bear its guarant ee liability under this Contract

5.10 “保证人”承诺,在“被担保债务”未获全部清偿的期间,自“保证人”的年度财务报告经审计后的[7]天内,向“债权人”提交该等财务会计报告。

5.10 The“Guarantor ” undertakes to submit the financial audit report to the "Creditor" within [7] days after the annual financial report of the “Guarantor ” has been audited during the period when the "Guaranteed Indebtedness " has not been fully liquidated.

6违约事件Event of default

6.1 下述每一事件及事项均构成“保证人”在本合同项下的违约事件(“违约事件”):

6.1The occurrence of any of the following events and matters shall constitute an event of default on the part of the Guarantor hereunder (the "event of default") :




a)The "Debtor" fails to pay in full and on time any amount owed to the

"Creditor" as stipulated in the "Main Contract", or any other breach of

contract occurs under the "Main Contract" or causes the "Guaranteed

Indebtedness" to expire in advance for any reasons.



b)Any statement, guarantee or undertaking made by the Guarantor under this

Contract is deemed to be incorrect, untrue or misleading or the “Guarantor “refus es to perform or violates any commitments made under this Contract.



c)The “Guarantor” conducts any disposal of assets that may ser iously

adversely affect its financial, operating or other conditions, concludes any agreement that may seriously adversely affect its financial situation, or

establishes or permits the existence of any guarantee to third parties for all or part of the asse ts or proceeds of the “Guarantor ”


或“保证人”被申请破产、清算或被主管部门决定停业或暂停营业。d)The “Guarantor” suspends or ceases business or enters into bankruptcy,

liquidation, cessation of business or other similar proceedings, or the

“Guarantor” is filed for bankruptcy, liquidation or is determined by the

competent authority to suspend or suspend business.



e)Any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings against the

“Guarantor” that will have a serious adverse impact on the financial

position of the “Guarantor” or the ability of the “Guarantor” to perform its obligations under this contract have occurred.



f)The “Guarantor” violates its obligations under this contract or other events

which the "Creditor" believes will seriously adversely affect its rights

under this contract.

6.2 上述“违约事件”发生后,“债权人”有权:

6.2 In the event of such default, the "creditor"shall be entitled to:




a)Declare that all amounts owed by the "Debtor" to the "Creditor" under the

"Main Contract" are due immediately, and require the "Debtor" to repay all

amounts owed to the "Creditor" under the "Main Contract" immediately;


b)Cancel the debtor's right to apply for further "services";


c)Declare the implementation or realization of the guarantee right under this


7费用及补偿Expenses and compensation

7.1 因订立本合同、办理必要的备案或公证手续、履行及强制执行本合同所发生的一切费用(包括但不限于“债权人”因此支付的律师费、诉讼费等)均由“保证人”承担。

7.1 The “Guarantor “shall bear all costs (including but not limited to the attorney's fees and legal fees paid by the “Creditor” ) incurred in the execution and enforcement of this contract and the necessary filing or notarization procedures.


7.2 Upon the request of the "Creditor", the “Guarantor” shall indemnify the "Creditor" for the following expenses and losses:



a)All costs incurred by the "Creditor" for the realization of the guarantee

interests hereunder (including litigation costs, lawyer fees, notarization

fees, execution fees, etc.); and


b)Any other payable by the “Guarantor “to the “Creditor” under this


8保证合同的生效The Entry into Force of Guarantee Contract


8.1 This contract shall come into force on the date of signature and seal by the respecti ve legal representatives or authorized signatories of the “Guarantor” and the "Creditor"

9适用法律及争议解决Governing law and dispute resolution

9.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律并按中华人民共和国法律解释。

9.1 This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.


9.2 During the performance hereof, all disputes and disputes arising out of or in connection with the performance hereof shall be settled by the parties through negotiation. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, both parties agree that any litigation arising from or in connection with the performance of this contract shall be conducted in the people's court with jurisdiction in Beijing


10.1 未经“债权人”同意,“保证人”不得转让或以其他方式处置其在本合同项下的全部或部分的责任和义务。

10.1 The “Guarantor “shall not assign or otherwise dispose of all or part of its responsibilities and obligations under this Contract without the consent of the


10.2 在本合同项下,“保证人”应当全额支付其应付的任何款项,不得提出任何抵销主张,亦不得附带任何条件。

10.2 The “Guarantor “shall make full payment of any amount payable under this contract without any set-off claim or conditions

10.3 “债权人”给予“保证人”的履行本合同项下义务的任何宽容、宽限、优惠或延缓均不影响、损害或限制“债权人”依据本合同和法律、法规而享有的一切权利,也不应被视为“债权人”对本合同项下权利、权益的放弃,也不影响“保证人”在本合同项下所应承担的责任和义务。

10.3 Any tolerance, tolerance, preference or delay granted by the "Creditor" to the “Guarantor ” in fulfilling its obligations under this contract shall not affect, impair or restrict all the rights enjoyed by the "Creditor" in accordance with this contract, laws and regulations, nor shall it be regarded as a waiver of the rights and interests of the "Creditor" under this contract, nor shall it affect the obligations of the “Guarantor ” under this contract. nor shall it affect the responsibilities and obligations of the “Guarantor ” under this contract.

10.4 本合同经双方书面同意,可以修改或补充;本合同的任何修改和补充均构成本合同不可分割的一部分。

10.4 This contract may be amended or supplemented with the written consent of both parties; any amendment or supplement to this contract shall constitute an integral part of this contract.

10.5 本合同双方相互发出的与本合同有关的通知、要求或其他文件,应以书面形式作出,并发送至本合同首页列出的有关方的地址。如果任何一方变更其地址,该方需及时通知对方。


10.5 Notices, requirements or other documents issued in connection with this contract shall be made in writing by the parties and sent to the addresses of the parties listed on the front page of this contract. If either party changes its address, it shall notify the other party in time.

Any document between two parties, if delivered by specially-assigned courier, it’s

deemed to have been received by the other party at the time of delivery; if sent by registered letter, it’s deemed to have been received by the other party three (3) days after sent out; if sent by telex or fax, it’s deemed as have been received at the moment the sender’s terminal has received the confirmation signal. But the document send by the “Guarantor”to the Creditor shall be regarded as have been received by the “Creditor” after the “Creditor” actually received.

10.6 本合同双方应当对对方提供的任何注明为保密的信息负有保密义务,但是,任何一方有权进行以下任何一项披露:

10.6 The parties hereto shall be obliged to keep confidential of any information provided by the other party which is marked as confidential, however, either party has the right to make any of the following disclosure:

a) 披露已为公众所知的该等信息(不包括由于该方违反本条而使公众所知


b) 在任何诉讼或仲裁中披露该等信息;

c) 依照任何法律法规并在法律法规要求的范围内披露该等信息;

d) 依照其上市地证券交易所的上市交易规则披露该等信息;

e) 向任何政府、金融、税务或其他行政机关并在该等行政机关要求的范围


f) 向其董事、管理人员、员工或专业顾问(包括但不限于律师、审计师等)


g) 经保密信息提供方同意后披露该等信息。

a)Disclose of such information that is known to the publicly (excluding such

information as is known t o the public as a result of the party’s breach of

this article);

b)disclose such information in lawsuit or arbitration;

c)Such information shall be disclosed in accordance with and to the extent

required by any law or regulation;

d)disclose such information in accordance with listing and transaction rules

of stock exchange where the party is listed;

e)disclose such information to any government, financial, tax or other

administrative authorities as their requirements;

f)disclose such information to its directors, managers, employees or

professional advisers (including but not limited to lawyers, auditors , etc.)

on condition that the disclosed party has promised to comply with the

obligation of confidentiality of this article;

g)disclose such information with consent of confidential information

providing party.


The “Creditor” can disclose the following inform ation to its affiliates, or any person who may reach or has reached any assignment, participation or other agreement related to the “Main Contract” or this contract: 1) copies of the Contract; 2) any information the “Creditor”has obtained about the “Guarantor”, the Contract and any transaction information under the “Main Contract”. However, the disclosed party must be committed to comply with the obligation of confidentiality prior to receiving any such information.


In compliance with this article, the “Guarantor”shall keep the loan guarantee conditions of this Contract and the related documents, contract terms and rates strictly confidential and shall not provide or disclose them to other third party. If the “Guarantor” violates this article, the “Creditor” is entitled to take measures to remedy the breach and the “Guarantor” should compensate for all losses the “Creditor” therefore suffered.


Confidentiality obligations under this article are still valid after the termination of the contract..


11.1特别约定:Special Agreement

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


11.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with "Creditor" and “Guarantor ” holding one respectively.Two copies, one for each Creditor and Debtor. The original and the duplicate have the same legal effect

(No text hereinbelow)


合同编号:YT-FS-1286-14 连带责任保证担保借款合同模板(完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

连带责任保证担保借款合同模板(完 整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明 确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 借款方(乙方): 住所地: 联系电话: 担保方(丙方): 住所地: 法定代表人: 联系电话: 甲、乙、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上签订本协议,以资共同信守。 1.借款金额、期限 1.1 本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写) 元,(小写) 元(大小写不一致,以大写为准,下同)。

1.2 本合同项下借款期限为自年月日起至年月日止。 1.3 甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提前或推迟提款,应经甲方书面同意,否则,视为违约。 2.借款利率、利息 本合同项下月利率为%,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付: 3.还款方式 甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期足额支付利息。 4.担保 4.1 本合同项下借款的担保方式为丙方承担连带责任的保证担保。 4.2 丙方完全了解乙方的借款用途,为其提供连带责任的保证担保完全出于自愿,其在本合同项下的全部意思表示真实。


YOUR LOGO 担保借款协议范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

担保借款协议范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 合同签订时间:20xx年月日 合同签订地点: 甲方(借款人):地址: 法定代表人: 乙方(出借人): 担保人:身份证号: 住址 甲方因涉诉特向乙方短期借款,为保障双方权利义务,特依据《合同法》、《民法通则》相关规定,订立本协议共同遵守: 1、甲方向乙方借款人民币元(大写),用于情结原债权债务关系。 2、乙方同意向甲方借贷上述款项,并承诺该 款年月日前转入甲方指定账户。 3、双方约定该款利息为,延期给付的日违约金为本金总额的万分之一。 4、借款期限20天,自甲方收到全部款项起算。(20xx年8月日——201年8月日) 5、因甲方借款数额较大,自愿用公司名下所有权、使用

权作为担保财产,并保证上述财产没有进行查封扣押抵押担保等任何他项权益的设定。如因到期不能清偿欠款以该财产为抵押物,同时甲方承诺配合办理全部手续并支付相应费用。 6、担保人自愿用持有的甲方股权作为担保,如甲方到期不能清偿欠款,以自己全部股股权为担保财产,作价清偿抵押物不足部分债务。 7、本合同在履行过程中有任何争议协商处理,协商不成的到合同签订地法院诉讼处理,届时违约方赔偿守约方包括但不限于违约金、诉讼费、执行费、律师代理费以及实现债权的全部费用。 8、本协议一式三份,甲乙双方、担保人各一份,具有同等法律效力。 9、本合同自各方签字盖章后立即生效。 甲方:乙方: 20xx年7月31日 还款计划书为本合同的附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 可在本位置填写公司名或地址 YOU CAN FILL IN THE COMPANY NAME OR ADDRESS IN THIS POSITION


保证借款合同范本一 借款方(乙方): 住所地: 联系电话: 担保方(丙方): 住所地: 法定代表人: 联系电、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上签订本协议,以资共同信守。 1.借款金额、期限 1.1 本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写) 元,(小写) 元(大小写不一致,以大写为准,下同)。

1.2 本合同项下借款期限为自年月日起至年月日止。 1.3 甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提前或推迟提款,应经甲方书面同意,否则,视为违约。 2.借款利率、利息本合同项下月利率为 %,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付: 3.还款方式甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期足额支付利息。 4.担保 4.1 本合同项下借款的担保方式为丙方承担连带责任的保证担保。 4.2 丙方完全了解乙方的借款用途,为其提供连带责任的保证担保完全出于自愿,其在本合同项下的全部意思表示真实。 4.3 保证担保的范围包括本合同项下的借款本金、利息、违约金、赔偿金、实现债权的费用(含律师费)和所有其他应付费用。

4.4 保证期间为本合同确定的到期之次日起两年。 4.5 若甲方按合同约定提前收回款项,则保证期间为自甲方向乙方通知的还款日之次日起两年。 4.6 甲方与乙方协议变更本合同,无须经丙方同意,丙方仍在原保证范围内承担连带保证责任。 4.7 甲方将债权转让给第三人,丙方仍在原保证范围内继续承担连带保证责任。 4.8 甲方依合同约定,依法解除本合同时,甲方有权书面通知丙方提前承担保证责任,丙方应在接到通知之日起10日内履行保证责任。 4.9 丙方保证责任为独立责任,不因甲、乙方借款合同的无效而无效。 5.乙方权利、义务 5.1 未经甲方书面同意,不得提前还款。 5.2 自觉接受甲方对本合同项下借款使用情况的调查、了解及监督。


连带责任保证担保借款合 同示范文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

连带责任保证担保借款合同示范文本使用指引:此合同资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 借款方(乙方): 住所地: 联系电话: 担保方(丙方): 住所地: 法定代表人: 联系电话: 甲、乙、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上 签订本协议,以资共同信守。 1.借款金额、期限 1.1本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写)元,(小写)元 (大小写不一致,以大写为准,下同)。

1.2本合同项下借款期限为自________年____月____日起至________年____月____日止。 1.3甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提前或推迟提款,应经甲方书面同意,否则,视为违约。 2.借款利率、利息本合同项下月利率为%,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付: 3.还款方式甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期足额支付利息。 4.担保 4.1本合同项下借款的担保方式为丙方承担连带责任的保证担保。 4.2丙方完全了解乙方的借款用途,为其提供连带责任的保证担保完全出于自愿,其在本合同项下的全部意思表示真实。


担保借款协议书 出借方:________;借款方:________;担保方:________。 三方经过充分协商,特签订本合同。 第一条自__年__月__日至__年__月__日,由出借方提供借款方借款计人民币_________元。 还款计划如下:第二条出借方应按期、按金额向借款方提供贷款,否则,应按违约数额和延期天数,付给借款方违约金,违约金数额的计算,与逾期借款罚息同。 第三条借款利率,按银行贷款现行贷款利率。 如遇调整,按调整的新利率和计息办法计算。 第四条借款方保证按本合同所订期限归还借款本息。 否则,按中国人民银行延付款计算办法计算罚息。 第五条借款方的借款由担保人用_______作担保,担保期限为_______,担保范围为为借款方偿还本息和逾期罚息。 第六条借款到期后,如借款方不按期归还本息时,由担保单位(或担保人)依法承担连带责任。 第七条补充条款(争议解决方式等)_______________________________________________________________________。 第八条本合同一式四份,出借方和借款方各持正本一份,担保方

一份。 第九条本合同经双方签字之日起生效。 出借方:________(章)代表人:________(签字)借款方:________(章)代表人:________(签字)担保方:________(章)代表人:________(签字)签约日期:签约地点:----------签订协议书各方:甲方(借款方):×××有限公司法定住所:×××市×××县×××路××号法定代表人:×××乙方(贷款方):省×××投资有限公司法定住所:市×××路××号×××大厦×楼法定代表人:×××丙方(担保方):×××法定住所:身份证号码:甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。 为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方经充分协商,就具体合作方式达成如下协议:一、甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意:1、借款金额:万元(大写:万元;本协议中的货币单位元均指人民币元)。 2、借款期限:年,即从本协议签订之日年月日起至年月日。 如果乙方在借贷关系存续期间没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 3、资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的%计算,并由甲方于每年的月日前向乙方支付。 二、各方同意,乙方有权在下列情况下将该项万元债权转为在甲方的万元出资或股份(即本协议中所称的债转股):1、甲方的年度财


连带责任保证担保协议书 连带责任担保是当事人在保证合同中约定保证人与债务人对债务承担连带责任的一种担保方式。 连带责任保证担保协议书一 出借方(甲方):______,住宅地:_______,联系电话:________ 借款方(乙方):______,住宅地:_______,联系电话:________ 担保方(丙方):______,住宅地:_______,法定代表人:_______,联系电话:________ 甲、乙、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上签订本协议,以资共同信守。借款合同(1) 1、借款金额、期限。 (1)本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写) ______元,(小写) _______元(大小写别一致,以大写为准,下同)。 (2)本合同项下借款期限为自___年___月___日起至___年___月___日止。 (3)甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提早或推迟提款,应经甲方书面接受,否则,视为违约。 2、借款利率、利息。本合同项下月利率为____%,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付:______________。 3、还款方式甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期脚额支付利息。 4、担保。 (1)本合同项下借款的担保方式为丙方承担连带责任的保证担保。 (2)丙方彻底了解乙方的借款用途,为其提供连带责任的保证担保彻底出于自愿,其在本合同项下的全部意思表示真实。 (3)保证担保的范围包括本合同项下的借款本金、利息、违约金、赔偿金、实现债权的费用(含律师费)和所有其他对付费用。 (4)保证期间为本合同确定的到期之次日起两年。 (5)若甲方按合同约定提早收回款项,则保证期间为自甲方向乙方通知的还款日之次日起两年。 (6)甲方与乙方协议变更本合同,无须经丙方接受,丙方仍在原保证范围内承担连带保证责任。 (7)甲方将债权转让给第三人,丙方仍在原保证范围内承担连带保证责任。 (8)甲方依合同约定,依法解除本合并且,甲方有权书面通知丙方提早承担保证责任,丙方应在接到通知之日起10日内履行保证责任。 (9)丙方保证责任为独立责任,别因甲、乙方借款合同的无效而无效。 5、乙方权利、义务 (1)未经甲方书面接受,别得提早还款。 (2)自觉同意甲方对本合同项下借款使用事情的调查、了解及监督。 (3)按本合同约定清偿本合同项下的本金、利息。 (4)变更住宅、通讯地址、号码应在变更后7日内书面通知甲方。 (5)如发生对其履行本合同项下还款义务产生重大妨碍的任何事件(包括但别限于离、结婚,对外投资,承担民事、行政、刑事责任等),应当马上书面通知乙方。 6、违约责任。 1、甲方应按约定日提取款项,否则甲方有权按合同利率按日计收拖延违约金。 2、未经甲方书面接受,乙方提早归还款项,甲方有权按本合同约定的借款期限和利率


The cooperation clause formulated through joint consultation regulates the behavior of the parties to the contract, has legal effect and is protected by the state. 担保借款合同(连带责任) 正式版

担保借款合同(连带责任)正式版 下载提示:此协议资料适用于经过共同协商而制定的合作条款,对应条款规范合同当事人的行为,并具有法律效力,受到国家的保护。如果有一方违反合同,或者其他人非法干预合同的履行,则要承担法律责任。文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用。 甲方(借款方):____ 法定住所:______ 法定代表人:______ 乙方(贷款方):____ 法定住所:______ 法定代表人:______ 丙方(担保方):____ 法定住所:______ 身份证号码:______ 甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方经充分协商,就具体合作方式

达成如下协议: 一、甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意: 1.借款金额:_____万元(大写: _____万元;本协议中的货币单位“元”均指人民币元)。 2.借款期限:____年,即从本协议签订之日____年____月____日起至____年 ____月____日。如果乙方在借贷关系存续期间没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 3.资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的____%计算,并由甲方于每年的____月____日前向乙方支付。 二、各方同意:乙方有权在下列情况


YOUR LOGO 担保借款合同新范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

担保借款合同新范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 贷款方:__________银行; 法定代表人:________职务:____ 地址:________邮码:____电话:____ 借款方:__________ 法定代表人:________职务:____ 地址:________邮码:____电话:____ 担保方:__________ 法定代表人:________职务:____ 地址:________邮码:____电话:____ 三方经过充分协商,特签订本合同。 第一条自____年____月____日至____年____月____日,由贷款方提供借款方____贷款____元。借款、还款计划如下:分期借款计划 分期还款计划 日期 金额 利率 用途 日期

借款本金 第二条贷款方应按期、按额向借款方提供贷款,否则,应按违约数额和延期天数,付给借款方违约金,违约全数额的计算,与逾期贷款罚息同。 第三条贷款利率,按银行贷款现行利率计息。如遇调整,按调整的新利率和计息办法计算。 第四条借款方应按协议使用贷款,不得转移用途。否则,贷款方有权停止发放新贷款,直至收回已发放的贷款。 第五条借款方如不按规定时间、额度用款,要付给贷款方违约金。违约金按借款额度、天数,按借款利率的50%计算。 第六条借款方保证按借款契约所订期限归还贷款本息。如需延期,借款方至迟在贷款到期前三天,提出延期申请,经贷款方同意,办理延期手续,但延期最长不得超过原订期限的一半,贷款方未同意延期或未办理延期手续的逾期贷款,加收罚息。 第七条借款方的借款由担保人用____________作担保。 第八条贷款到期后一个月,如借款方不按期归还本息时,由担保单位(或担保人)负责为借款方偿还本息和逾期罚息。 第九条补充条款 第十条本合同一式四份,借贷款双方各持正本一份,担保方一份,____公证处一份。 第十一条本合同经三方签字之日起生效。

个人连带责任保证合同 个人保证合同模板


甲方(债权人): 法定代表人: 经办人: 联系电话: 办公地址: 邮编: 电子邮箱: 乙方(保证人): 身份证: 住所: 经办人: 联系电话: 传真: 邮寄地址: 邮编: 电子邮箱: 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合并称为“双方”。

鉴于: 1.为担保《主债权合同》(定义见下文)的履行,乙方愿意根据本合同的约定, 为主债务人在《主债权合同》和项下对甲方的全部债务提供不可撤销的连带责任保证担保,甲方同意接受乙方所提供的不可撤销的连带责任保证担保。 2.双方经友好协商,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国担保法》 及其他有关法律,一致同意订立本合同,以资共同遵守。 第1条定义 除非本合同上下文另有解释或文义另有所指,下列词语或简称具有以下含义: 1.1本合同:指双方签署的编号为xx04的《XX供应链委托贷款保证合同》及对该 合同的任何有效修订和补充。 1.2《主债权合同》:指主债务人与贷款机构签署的编号为的《委托贷款借 款合同》及对该合同的任何有效修订和补充,以及甲方与主债务人及其他相关方签署的编号为xx01的《投资协议》及对该协议的任何有效修订和补充。上述合同/协议名称和编号以实际签署为准。 1.3主债务人:XX供应链管理股份有限公司。 1.4中国:指中华人民共和国,在本合同中,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行 政区和台湾省。 1.5工作日:指除周六、周日和中国的法定假日之外的任何一天。 1.6机构:指法人和依法成立的其他组织的合称。 1.7法律:指中国任何立法机关、国家机构或监管机构颁布的、适用并约束本合同 任何一方的一切法律、法规、规章、规定、条例、指令等规范性文件。 1.8元:如无特别约定指人民币元。 第2条被担保债务


编号:_____________抵押担保借款合同书样式 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:________________________________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

订立合同双方: 贷款抵押人(借款人):________以下简称甲方。 贷款抵押权人(贷款人):________以下简称乙方。 甲方因生产需要,向乙方申请贷款作为________________资金。双方经协商一致同意,在甲方以其所有的________________________(以下简称甲方抵押物),作为贷款抵押物抵押给乙方的条件下,由乙方提供双方商定的贷款额给甲方。在贷款期限内,甲方拥有抵押物的使用权,在甲方还清贷款本息前,乙方拥有抵押物的抵押权。为此,特订立本合同: 第一条贷款内容 1.贷款总金额(大写):________________________________ 2.贷款用途:本贷款只能用于__________________的需要,不得挪作他用,更不得使用贷款进行违法活动。 3.贷款期限: 在上述贷款总金额下,本贷款可分期、分笔周转审贷。因此,各期贷款的金额、期限,由双方分别商定。从第二期贷款起,必须由双方及双方法定代表人签订盖章的新的抵押贷款合同,并将其中的一份送交______市公证处公证,作为本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。第一期贷款期为:______个月,即自__________________起,至__________________止。


连带责任担保借款协议 签订协议书各方: 甲方(借款方):XXX 有限公司 法定住所: XXX 市 XXX 县XXX 路 XX 号 法定代表人:XXX 乙方(贷款方):省XXX 投资有限公司 法定住所:市XXX 路 XX 号XXX 大厦X 楼 法定代表人 : XXX 丙方(担保方) : XXX 法定住所: 身份证号码: 甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方 经充分协商,就 具体合作方式达成如下协议: 没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 二、 各方同意, 乙方有权在下列情况下将该项 万元债权转为在甲方的 万元出资或 股份(即本协议中所称的“债转股”): 1、 甲方的年度财务报告经注册会计师审计并出具审计报告后的一个月内; 2、 甲方拟进行增资扩股,变更注册资本时; 3、 借款到期时, 但乙方须在借款到期前、 即 年 月 日前的一个月内提出债转股 要求。 三、 乙方提出债转股时, 在甲方付清应付资金使用费的前提下, 转股价格按以下方式计 算: 1、 甲方目前的注册资本为 万元,其有形净资产经各方协商,确认为 万元。 2、 若甲方上一年的净利润不超过 万元(包括 万元),则债转股时不考虑甲方的 无形资产价值,因此乙方在实施债转股时,如果没有新增资金投入,乙方的 万元占甲方 注册资本的 %;如果同时有新增资金投入,则在上述基础上按比例折算; 1、 借款金额: 万元(大写: 万元;本协议中的货币单位“元”均指人民币元)。 2、 借款期限: 年 月 日起至 年 月 日。如果乙 方在借贷关系存续期间 3、 资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的 前向乙方支付。 %计算,并由甲方于每年的 月 日 甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意: 年,即从本协议签订之日


Both parties jointly acknowledge and abide by their responsibilities and obligations and reach an agreed result. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 连带责任担保借款协议

编号:FS-DY-20644 连带责任担保借款协议 签订协议书各方:甲方(借款方):×××有限公司 法定住所:×××市×××县×××路××号 法定代表人:×××乙方(贷款方):省×××投资有限公司 法定住所:市×××路××号×××大厦×楼 法定代表人:×××丙方(担保方):××× 法定住所: 身份证号码:甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方经充分协商,就具体合作方式达成如下协议: 一、甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意: 1、借款金额:万元(大写:万元;本协议中的货币单位“元”均指人民币元)。 2、借款期限:年,即从本协议签订之日年月日

起至年月日。如果乙方在借贷关系存续期间没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 3、资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的%计算,并由甲方于每年的月日前向乙方支付。 二、各方同意,乙方有权在下列情况下将该项万元债权转为在甲方的万元出资或股份(即本协议中所称的“债转股”): 1、甲方的年度财务报告经注册会计师审计并出具审计报告后的一个月内; 2、甲方拟进行增资扩股,变更注册资本时; 3、借款到期时,但乙方须在借款到期前、即年月日前的一个月内提出债转股要求。 三、乙方提出债转股时,在甲方付清应付资金使用费的前提下,转股价格按以下方式计算: 1、甲方目前的注册资本为万元,其有形净资产经各方协商,确认为万元。 2、若甲方上一年的净利润不超过万元(包括万元),则债转股时不考虑甲方的无形资产价值,因此乙方在实


借款担保协议书 借款人(以下称甲方): 有限公司 担保人(以下称乙方):省南港投资担保限公司 根据国家有关法律、法规和规章,经以上双方当事人充分协商一致,特订立本合同,共同遵守。 第一条、甲方因 需要向 银行 支行申请银行借款人民币(大写) ,借款期限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。经甲方申请,乙方同意为该笔借款提供保证担保,担保金额为人民币(大写) 。甲方保证严格按照借款合同和本协议约定履行义务,承担责任。 为了确保乙方与甲方签订的切实履行,保障乙方的利益,

另签订的编号为南港[ ]年反担保字第 号《反担保保证合同》作为本合同的组成部分,具有同等的法律效力。 第二条、乙方一次性向甲方收取担保费,担保费标准:担保额×担保月数× ‰。 第三条、甲方应按与银行签订的借款合同约定使用借款,不得改变用途。否则乙方有权通知贷款人停止发放新贷款,直至收回已发放的贷款;发现贷款在使用中产生风险,乙方有权通知贷款人提前收回贷款。 第四条、甲方保证按借款凭证所订期限按时归还贷款本息。如需延期,甲方应该在借款到期前20天,提出延期申请,经乙方和贷款人同意,办理延期手续。延期期间的担保费标准:借款担保额×延期担保月×30‰。 第五条、甲方如不按期归还借款本息,贷款人又不同意办理延期手续,乙方将按如下标准向甲方收取违约金:【借款担保额+利息+罚息】×逾期担保月数×30‰,直至甲方清偿借款本息及逾期罚息为止;若甲方不能偿付借款本息及逾期罚息款,则乙方有权依法定程序处置甲方所有财产,并亨有优先受偿权,收回包括但不限于代甲方偿还的借款本息,逾期罚息以及追偿费用和担保违约金。

第六条、甲方需提供第三人为乙方提供的担保进行反担保,当乙方承担担保责任后,有权向第三人主张第五条权利。反担保合同另行签订,作为本合同的组成部分,具有同等的法律效力。 第七条、在借款合同履行期间,若发现:(一)甲方所作的陈述、保证或提供的相关资料虚假;(二)甲方改变借款用途;(三)甲方经营不善,不能履行其它到期债务等情形之一,则乙方有权要求甲方提供进一步的反担保或行使不安抗辩权采取财产保全的诉讼措施。 第八条、其他事项 、在本合同履行过程中发生争议,由甲、乙双方协商解决,协商不成可向乙方所在地人民法院提起诉讼; 第九条、本协议书经双方签字或盖章之日起生效。 第十条、本协议书一式贰份,双方当事人各一份。 第十一条、提示 本协议书为非格式合同,双方当事人均有权协商修改。乙方已提请甲方对本合同各条款作全面、准确的理解,并应甲方的要求作了相应的条款说明。签约双方对本协议含义认识一致。


保证担保借款合同(连带责任)示范文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

保证担保借款合同(连带责任)示范文 本 使用指引:此合同资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 出借方(甲方):_______________ 住所地:_________ 联系电话:______________ 借款方(乙方):_______________ 住所地:_________ 联系电话:______________ 担保方(丙方):_______________ 住所地:_________ 法定代表人:____________ 联系电话:______________ 甲、乙、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上

签订本协议,以资共同信守。 1.借款金额、期限 1.1 本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写)_________元,(小写)_________元(大小写不一致,以大写为准,下同)。 1.2 本合同项下借款期限为自________年______月 ______日起至________年______月______日止。 1.3 甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提前或推迟提款,应经甲方书面同意,否则,视为违约。 2.借款利率、利息 本合同项下月利率为________%,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付:_____________ 3.还款方式 甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期足额支


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 担保借款协议书 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

签订协议书各方: 甲方(借款方): 法定住所: 法定代表人: 乙方(贷款方): 法定住所: 法定代表人: 丙方(担保方): 法定住所: 身份证号码: 甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方经充分协商,就具体合作方式 达成如下协议: 一、甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意: 1、借款金额:万元(大写:万元;本协议中的货币单位“元”均指人民币元)。 2、借款期限:年,即从本协议签订之日________年____月____日起至 ________年____月____日。如果乙方在借贷关系存续期间没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 3、资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的%计算,并由甲方于每年的月日前向乙方支付。 二、各方同意,乙方有权在下列情况下将该项万元债权转为在甲方的万元出资或股份(即本协议中所称的“债转股”): 1、甲方的年度财务报告经注册会计师审计并出具审计报告后的一个月内; 2、甲方拟进行增资扩股,变更注册资本时;

3、借款到期时,但乙方须在借款到期前、即________年____月____日前的一个月内提出债转股要求。 三、乙方提出债转股时,在甲方付清应付资金使用费的前提下,转股价格按以下方式计算: 1、甲方目前的注册资本为万元,其有形净资产经各方协商,确认为万元。 2、若甲方上一年的净利润不超过万元(包括万元),则债转股时不考虑甲方的无形资产价值,因此乙方在实施债转股时,如果没有新增资金投入,乙方的万元占甲方注册资本的%;如果同时有新增资金投入,则在上述基础上按比例折算; 3、若甲方上一年的净利润在万元(包括万元)以上,甲方的无形资产确认为万元,则甲方的无形资产和净资产按万元计算,因此乙方在实施债转股时,如果没有新增资金投入,乙方的万元占甲方注册资本的%;如果同时有新增资金投入,则在上述基础上按比例折算; 4、若甲方上一年的净利润介于万元与万元之间,各方确认的甲方的无形资产在~万元之间,因此乙方实施债转股时,如果没有新增资金投入,乙方的万元所占甲方注册资本的比例按下式确定:占甲方注册资本的比例=(-甲方的净利润/)÷×%;如果同时有新增资金投入,则在上述基础上按比例折算; 5、如果在增资扩股时,甲方的财务报表不满一个完整的会计年度,则以增资扩股时上一个月经审计的财务报告的累计净利润换算为全年净利润为基准。 四、甲方进行增资扩股时如果乙方提出债转股要求,甲方应按当年资金使用月份数占全年12个月的比例支付应付的资金使用费,并在乙方出具债转股的书面通知后一个月内向乙方支付。 五、甲方须聘请注册会计师于每年的月日之前完成甲方的年度财务审计工作,并出具审计报告。 六、当甲方发生资产总额不足以抵偿其负债总额的情况时,乙方有权立即或限期收回甲方使用的资金。


YF-ED-J7830 可按资料类型定义编号 连带责任担保借款协议实 用版 An Agreement Between Civil Subjects To Establish, Change And Terminate Civil Legal Relations. Please Sign After Consensus, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Realize Common Interests. (示范文稿) 二零XX年XX月XX日

连带责任担保借款协议实用版 提示:该协议文档适合使用于民事主体之间建立、变更和终止民事法律关系的协议。请经过一致协商再签订,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果。下载后可以对文件进行定制修改,请根据实际需要调整使用。 签订协议书各方: 甲方(借款方):×××有限公司 法定住所:×××市×××县×××路××号 法定代表人:××× 乙方(贷款方):省×××投资有限公司 法定住所:市×××路××号×××大厦×楼 法定代表人:××× 丙方(担保方):××× 法定住所:

身份证号码: 甲方向乙方申请借款,由丙方作为担保方。为明确各方的权利和责任,甲、乙、丙三方经充分协商,就具体合作方式达成如下协议: 一、甲方因经营发展需要,向乙方申请借款,各方同意: 1、借款金额:万元(大写:万元;本协议中的货币单位“元”均指人民币元)。 2、借款期限:年,即从本协议签订之日年月日起至年月日。如果乙方在借贷关系存续期间没有提出债转股要求,全部借款于到期日一次还清。 3、资金使用费:资金使用费每年按借款额的%计算,并由甲方于每年的月日前向乙


文件编号:RHD-QB-K2307 (合同范本系列) 甲方:XXXXXX 乙方:XXXXXX 签订日期:XXXXXX 最高额保证担保借款合同书范本标准版本

最高额保证担保借款合同书范本标 准版本 操作指导:该合同文件为经过平等协商和在真实、充分表达各自意愿的基础上,本着诚实守信、互惠互利的原则,根据有关法律法规的规定,达成如下条款,并由双方共同恪守。,其中条款可根据自己现实基础上调整,请仔细浏览后进行编辑与保存。 借款人:__________ 贷款人:中国农业发展银行_____________ 保证人: 借款人因__________需要,向贷款人申请 __________借款,经保证人提供最高借款余额的保证担保,贷款人同意根据资金可能向借款人分次发放上述贷款。在本借款合同期间和额度内,不再逐笔办理保证担保手续。经各方协商一致,根据有关法律法规和银行贷款管理规定,签订本合同,共同遵守。 第一条主要借款内容

1.借款余额、用途、种类、利率、期限: 2.本合同项下借款按日计息,按__________结息。在本合同有效期内,如遇利率调整,按中国人民银行有关规定执行。 第二条提款和还款 1.借款人在分次提款前应向贷款人递交具体的提款计划,并提供表明借款合理用途的书面文件。 2.贷款人按提款计划办理借款凭证手续,在 __________个营业日内将贷款放出。在本合同期限内,每笔贷款的实际放款日、还款日和实际借款额、还款方式以借款凭证为准。 3.借款人和保证人负责偿还贷款本息。贷款人依照本合同规定收回或提前收回贷款本息时均可直接从借款人或保证人帐户中扣收。 第三条还款资金来源


担保借款合同模板 Template of guaranteed loan contract 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 合同编号:XX-2020-01

担保借款合同模板 前言:担保合同是指为促使债务人履行其债务,保障债权人的债权得以实现,而在 债权人(同时也是担保权人)和债务人之间,或在债权人、债务人和第三人(即担 保人)之间协商形成的,当债务人不履行或无法履行债务时,以一定方式保证债权 人债权得以实现的协议。本文档根据担保合同内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践 指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 甲方(出资人): 乙方(借款人): 丙方:(下称“稳得利担保”公司) 第一条:根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及《中华人民 共和国担保法》等有关法律、法规的规定,当事各方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成本合同。 第二条:甲方向乙方提供借款叁万万元人民币,期限六 个月,自________年____月____日至________年____月____日。借款期限届满日为法定节假日、休息日的,顺延至节假日、休息日后的 第一个工作日,利息按实际占有天数计算。 第三条:借款利率为月息18‰,从出借人实际交付借款 之日起计息至本金结清之日。

第四条:乙方借款用途为进货,乙方应合法使用贷款,不得用作违法活动。 第五条:甲方应一次性向乙方交付全部借款。 第六条:乙方还款方式为:按月还息,到期结清本息,每月____日为结算日,乙方应于当日将当期利息存入甲方指定的银行帐户。 第七条:丙方受乙方委托为本合同项下的借款提供连带责任保证,在借款逾期之日起____日内丙方应将应付款项偿付给甲方。 第八条:本合同各方一致认为,本合同必须办理公证,乙方自愿承担公证费用。 第九条:甲方的权利和义务 1、对乙方提交的资料、文件的合法性、真实性进行调查; 2、本合同履行期间,发生下列情况之一时,甲方有权提前收回全部借款本息或解除本合同: (1)、乙方向甲方提供虚假证明材料; (2)、乙方未按照本合同的约定用途使用借款的;


编号:YB-HT-002761 连带担保借款合同范本 Model of joint and several 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 文档中文字均可自行修改 编订:YunBo Network

连带担保借款合同范本 出借方(甲方)______________________ 住所地:______________________________ 联系电话:____________________________ 借款方(乙方)______________________ 住所地:______________________________ 联系电话:____________________________ 担保方(丙方)______________________ 住所地:______________________________ 法定代表人:__________________________ 联系电话:____________________________ 甲、乙、丙三方经协商一致,在平等、自愿的基础上签订本协议,以资共同信守。

1.借款金额、期限 1.1本合同项下借款金额为人民币(大写)________________元,(小写)________________元(大小写不一致,以大写为准,下同) 1.2本合同项下借款期限为自________年______月______日起至________年______月______日止。 1.3甲方应按1.2条约定一次性提取借款,乙方提前或推迟提款,应经甲方书面同意,否则,视为违约。 2.借款利率、利息 本合同项下月利率为________%,自实际提款日起按日计息。借款到期,利随本清。 利率按以下方式支付:_________________________________________ 3.还款方式 甲方应按本合同约定按期偿还借款本金和按期足额支付利息。


蒋明星同志: 兹有因现向蒋明星借款人民币壹拾 下保证: 1、蒋明星与借款人于年月日签订的借款协议,本金壹拾万元及由此产生的利息和管理等其他费用,并保证借款人按借款协议规定的时间还本付息及管理费,本人将无条件地为借款人偿还借款的本息及管理等费用,并用家庭综合收入以及各担保人的家庭财产和借款协议上所注明的抵押财产作为还款保证。 2、本担保书属连带责任保证,为不可撤销保证,不受借款人与任何单位签订任何文件的影响,也不因借款人是否破产、无力清偿、丧失法人资格以及关、停、并、分转等变化而有任何改变。当借款人不按时偿还借款时,李朝发有权扣收和拍卖处理我的帐户内资金、家庭财产及借款协议上所注明的抵押财产。 3、本担保书有效期至上述借款全部还清为止(含中途延期) 4、本担保书与借款协议具有同等法律效力。 担保保证人: 地址:电话号码: 年月日

刘铸明同志: 兹有因在原有6000平方米钢结构厂房的基础上再扩建4000平方米钢结构厂房,现向借款人民币伍拾万元整(¥:50万元),本人自愿作上述借款担保人,特作如下保证: 1、与借款人于年月日签订的借款协议,本金伍拾万元及由此产生的利息和管理等其他费用,并保证借款人按借款协议规定的时间还本付息及管理费,本人将无条件地为借款人偿还借款的本息及管理等费用,并用家庭综合收入以及各担保人的家庭财产和借款协议上所注明的抵押财产作为还款保证。 2、本担保书属连带责任保证,为不可撤销保证,不受借款人与任何单位签订任何文件的影响,也不因借款人是否破产、无力清偿、丧失法人资格以及关、停、并、分转等变化而有任何改变。当借款人不按时偿还借款时,李朝发有权扣收和拍卖处理我的帐户内资金、家庭财产及借款协议上所注明的抵押财产。 3、本担保书有效期至上述借款全部还清为止(含中途延期) 4、本担保书与借款协议具有同等法律效力。 担保保证人: 地址:电话号码: 年月日
