当前位置:文档之家› 合同文本中的HSE条款


Appendix 4

HSE Provisions in the Contract Text


1 Responsibility责任

1.1 The Contractor shall plan and run the activity in a manner that ensures that the Work can be

performed without loss of life or harm to health, without damage to plant and equipment, without unplanned emissions or discharges to the environment, and in such a way that production or processes are not unexpectedly halted. The Contractor shall, therefore, possess documented systems that comply with CNODC Company’s requirements relating to control and follow-up of occupational health, safety and the environment as described in the Contact. 承包商必须通过策划和开展HSE活动确保开展合同工作不会导致伤亡、损害健康、损坏场站和设备、计划外废气或废水排放、意外中断生产或流程。因此,承包商必须有符合CNODC公司要求的、有关控制和跟踪合同中描述的职业健康、安全和环境工作的文件化体系。

1.2 The Contractor shall in the execution of the Work be fully responsible for compliance with:承包


a) relevant local, national and international laws and regulations; 相关的当地、国家和国际法


b) local, national and international standards or codes of practice whichever are the more

stringent unless specified otherwise; 当地、国家和国际标准或规程中更严格者(除非另


c) CNODC Company's regulations.作业者规定。

1.2 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for supervision of its personnel to ensure that they

strictly adhere to all applicable HSE requirements.承包商必须承担监督其员工,确保他们严格


1.3 The Contractor shall appoint one of its personnel on the work site as its safety adviser and shall

seek the Company's approval for the individual so appointed.承包商必须指定其在作业现场的


1.4 The Contractor's line manager in charge on site shall be responsible for coordinating the

Contractor's safety activities. He and the Company's representative shall be the focal points for

all safety matters.承包商负责现场的线性经理必须负责协调承包商的安全活动。此人及作业


Training and Key Personnel招聘、培训和关键员工

2 Recruitment,

2.1 The Company may, if it so wishes, monitor the Contractor's staff recruitment criteria. The

Contractor shall provide the relevant information for this. 如果作业者愿意,可以对承包商的


2.2 When asked to do so by the Company, the Contractor's personnel shall demonstrate their ability

and skills relative to their qualifications. 承包商员工应当按照作业者的要求证明与自己具备


2.3 The Contractor shall submit details of its supervisors in key positions and other key personnel

for the Company's approval.承包商必须将其关键岗位的监督人员和其它关键人员的详细信


2.4 The Contractor shall at its own expense ensure that all its personnel and Sub-contractor's

personnel have been given the necessary safety, survival and job-related training required by law,

Company regulations and good practice, prior to the start of the work, and will provide

certificates to that effect (if so required).承包商必须自负费用确保在开始工作前为其所有员



2.5 The Contractor's personnel shall participate in any additional training which may be provided by

the Company.承包商员工必须参加作业者提供的任何其他培训。

2.6 The Company may refuse access to its work site by the Contractor's personnel who, in its

opinion, do not comply with Company standards for safe and good workmanship owing to

attitude, lack of skill or insufficient training or experience.如果作业者认为承包商的员工由于




3 Safety

3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the safety awareness of its

personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel, including arranging its own safety meetings and

participating as appropriate in safety meetings held by the Company or its other contractors.承包



3.2 The Contractor will inform the Company representative of the time and place of safety meetings

arranged by it.承包商应告知作业者代表其组织的安全会的时间和地点。

3.3 Copies of minutes of the Contractor's safety meetings shall be sent to the Company. The

Contractor's and Sub-contractor's personnel are to be encouraged to contribute actively to safety

meetings and to identify safety topics for inclusion in the agenda for a safety meeting.承包商安





4 Reporting

4.1 The Contractor shall have an accident reporting system compatible with that of the Company.承


4.2 The Contractor shall immediately notify the Company of all accidents resulting in对于造成以下


 ·fatalities and other lost-time injuries to its personnel or Sub-contractor personne l其员工或分包商员工死亡或发生其他误工伤害事件

 ·comparable injury to third parties第三方遭受类似伤害

 ·damage to plant or equipment厂站或设备损坏

 ·loss of containment限制失效

 ·actual or potential damage to the environment实际或可能造成环境破坏

 ·an outbreak of fire失火

Immediate notification shall be followed by a full written report within 24 hours.立即通报后的


4.3 Both those accidents referred to in 4.2 and those resulting in less serious injuries shall be

recorded and the statistics reported periodically to the Company (period to be specified).必须记



4.4 The Contractor has a duty to provide the Company with any information which the Company is

obliged to submit to the public authorities and other stakeholders. Upon completion of the work under the contract and/or on an annual basis, whichever is more frequent, the Contractor shall prepare a summary report of its safety performance including statistics. Priority must be given to ensuring that the contractor undertakes to submit specified HSE data to the Company in sufficient time for the Company to meet reporting obligations to the authorities and other stakeholders.承包商有义务给作业者提供它们必须提交给政府部门和其他利益相干人的任何信息。完成合同工作之后和/或每一年度终结时,承包商必须编写包括统计数字在内的安全业绩综述报告。必须优先确保承包商给作业公司提交指定的HSE数据时留出充足的时间让作业公司履行向政府部门和其他利益相干人报告的义务。

4.5 The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all public authorities and institutions acting on

behalf of government authorities receive the statutory information relating to the delivery. The Contractor also undertakes to ensure that all sub-contractors down the line report to the public authorities as required by applicable statutes and regulations.承包商负责确保代表政府行事的所有政府部门和机构获得与履行合同相关的规定信息。承包商还负责确保其下属的所有分包商按照适用的法律法规向政府部门报告。

In addition to submitting the copies required by statutes and regulations, the Contractor shall supply the Company's representative with copies of its own reports to the authorities. When sub-contractors are used, this also includes reporting any agreements concluded and the use of workers. In the event of changes to contracts or the use of workers, updated data must be sent to the authorities with a copy to the Company’s representative, as in the case of first-time reporting. The Company shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Company as a result of the Contractor's failure to observe statutes, regulations or agreements. The Company reserves the right to offset such costs together with an administration charge, against any sums which might be owed by the Company to the Contractor.除了提交法律法规要求的报告外,承包商还必须向业主公司代表提供自己交给政府的报告的备份件。如果使用分包商,还包括报告达成的任何协议以及人员的使用。如果合同或用人发生变更,必须将更新的信息提交给政府部门,并给业主公司代表一份,就像第一次报告时那样。业主公司不承担由于承包商不遵守法律、法规或协议而导致业主公司承担的任何费用。


5 Occupational Health and Hygiene职业健康和卫生

5.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the medical welfare of its own and Sub-contractor

personnel and shall provide for:承包商必须负责保障自己和分包商员工的医疗福利,提供:

 ·facilities for administering first aid急救设施

 ·periodic medical examinations定期体检

 ·arrangements for professional medical treatment安排专业医疗


5.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all its personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel are medically fit

to perform their work. If requested by the Company, the Contractor shall provide health

certificates for its own and Sub-contractor personnel.承包商必须确保其全体员工和分包商员



5.3 If applicable, the Contractor shall adhere to Government regulations or CNODC Company

guidelines for medical surveillance or industrial hygiene monitoring.承包商必须遵守政府或作


5.4 The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel shall maintain high

standards of hygiene.承包商必须确保其员工及分包商员工执行高的卫生标准。

5.5 If separate accommodation for Contractor personnel is provided (e.g. contractor huts), the

Contractor shall comply with the Company's standards for: sanitation, sewage, water supply,

sleeping quarters, food establishments, laundry and garbage disposal.如果单独安排承包商员工



6 Environment环境

The Contractor shall pay due regard to the environment by preserving air, water, soil, animal and plant life from adverse effects of the Contractor's activities, and minimizing any nuisance which may arise from such operations.承包商必须尽力保护环境,避免任其活动对空气、水、土壤、动植物造成不利影响,尽可能减小作业可能造成的损害。

7 Alcohol and Drugs酒精和药品

The Contractor shall ensure that at any time during the performance of the work its personnel are neither under the influence of nor partake of any alcoholic liquor, drug or other intoxicating substance, other than for bona fide medical reasons or other proper reasons which must first be approved by the Company.承包商必须确保在工作期间的任何时候都不受酒精、药品或其他致醉物品的影响,不服用任何酒精、药品或其他致醉物品,除非是因为医疗原因或其他合理的理由,这些理由必须事先得到作业者的批准。

Audit by the Company作业者的技术/安全审计

8 Technical/Safety

8.1 The Contractor shall allow the Company's representatives and nominees access at any time to

plant, equipment, personnel and records when requested, to enable the Company to inspect or

audit any aspect of the Contractor's operations relevant to safety and the work environment.承包



8.2 The Contractor shall establish a system of checks and audits to ensure that the work is being

performed in accordance with the safety requirements applicable to the work.承包商必须制定


9 Conduct of Contractor's Personnel承包商员工的行为

The Contractor shall instruct its personnel to comply with the following:承包商必须要求其员工做到以下几点:

 No one shall enter any part of the Company's premises, including the work site, other than for the purpose of carrying out the work. All Contractor personnel needing access will be required to

obtain a pass issued by the Company and to produce it if requested.除非需要开展工作,否则任



 Smoking on the Company's premises is strictly forbidden, except in the authorized smoking rooms or other designated areas. Anybody found smoking outside the authorized smoking rooms

or designated areas will be immediately removed from the Company's premises.在作业者的场



 No fire or naked light, matches, cigarette lighters, or any apparatus which can cause ignition, shall be taken onto the Company's premises or elsewhere, as instructed by the Company unless

covered by a hot work permit (referred to in 10 below).除非是动火作业许可证允许的,否则不


 Personal protective equipment shall be used and worn in accordance with the safety regulations.


 It is essential that good housekeeping is maintained throughout the period of any work, both at the work site area and in and around any temporary buildings. The working area shall be kept

tidy at all times, escape and other access ways kept clear, safety equipment kept accessible, and

surplus/scrap material removed daily. Cleaning up only at the end of a job is not considered

sufficient. Spillages of oil or chemicals shall be cleared up immediately in view of the hazards

from fire, slippery surfaces, toxic substances, etc. Appropriate safety precautions shall be taken

during the clearing up.在开展任何工作期间均要始终保持作业区域和任何临时建筑物内及




10 Permits许可证

10.1 The Contractor shall be fully aware of the details of the work permit system as laid down in

the Company's regulations.承包商必须非常清楚作业者规定的作业许可证制度的细节。

10.2 Unless the Company expressly states otherwise, the Contractor shall obtain a work permit

signed by the Company's authorized representative before any work is started. The work

permit shall be accompanied by associated permits, such as a hot work permit or permits for

specific work, and shall define the conditions under which the work is to be carried out.除非




10.3 A hot work permit shall be obtained for any work involving the use of fire, naked lights,

spark-producing tools and instruments or other potential sources of ignition, e.g. welding arcs,

combustion engines, torches, matches, lighters, etc.涉及使用火种、明火、产生火花的工具



10.4 For specific work such as that on electrical equipment or with radioactive sources or for

excavation work, specific work permits are required.对涉及电动设备或放射源的特殊作业


10.5 It is essential that Contractor personnel read, understand, sign to that effect and carry out any

conditions or precautions laid down in work permits. If any doubts exist, guidance from the Company's representative shall be obtained.承包商员工必须阅读、理解、签名并执行作业许可证上规定的任何条件或预防措施。如果存有任何疑问,必须寻求作业者代表的指导。

10.6 T he Contractor is duty-bound to obtain and assist the Company in obtaining required

approvals and permits from local government agencies. 承包商有义务获取并协助作业者获取当地政府要求的批准和许可。

11 Sub-contractors分包商

11.1 The Contractor shall inform the Company of names of Sub-contractors and obtain the

Company's approval prior to their engagement.承包商必须告知作业者分包商的名称,并在


11.2 The Contractor shall ensure that Sub-contractors be informed of, and have the opportunity to

participate in, the safety activities required by the Company and which the Contractor is obliged to instigate pursuant to the contract. The Contractor shall stipulate in any sub-contract that the Sub-contractor shall take active steps in the field of safety identical to those required of the Contractor. The Contractor shall regularly check Sub-contractor's compliance with safety


11.3 All requirements that apply to the contractor shall also apply to the contractor's sub-contractors.

This does not allow for the granting of dispensations in HSE-related matters. 适用于承包商的所有要求也必须适用于承包商的分包商。不得因此免除对HSE相关事务的责任。

12 Emergencies应急

12.1 The Contractor shall establish with the Company what the arrangements are in the event of an


12.2 In particular, it has to ensure that its staff are familiar with the essential emergency equipment,

such as breathing apparatus, life jackets and fire extinguishers, the use of which shall be

demonstrated and practised.承包商要确保员工熟悉关键应急设备,例如呼吸器、救生衣、


12.3 The Contractor shall check the emergency procedures and the location and condition of the

emergency equipment. If the Contractor considers these to be unsatisfactory or not fully

appropriate for the work, it shall take steps in consultation with the Company to improve them.



13 Safety Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment安全设备和个人防护装备

13.1 The Contractor shall provide adequate first aid equipment, fire extinguishers and other safety

equipment of an approved type and amount, as may be specified (or expected in accordance

with good working practice), and shall maintain this equipment in a professional manner as

dictated by legal and industry standards. In addition, the Contractor shall keep up-to-date

records of all said equipment.承包商必须提供充足的批准型号和数量的急救设备、灭火器



13.2 Free access by all persons on site to all fire extinguishing and safety equipment must be

maintained at all times.现场的全体人员任何时候都必须能自由取用所有灭火器和安全设


13.3 The Contractor shall supply its personnel and Sub-contractor's personnel with adequate

protective clothing and equipment as required in connection with the safe performance of the

work. The personal protective clothing and other protective equipment shall be maintained in

good condition, and shall be worn on all relevant occasions as indicated by notices,

instructions, work permits, safety regulations and good practice.承包商必须给其员工和分包




14 Declaration of Confidentiality 保密声明

14.1 Personnel who are considered likely by the Company to have access to sensitive documents,

procedures and/or other sensitive information shall sign the Company’s declaration of confidentiality.

Breach of this confidentiality declaration shall give the Company the right to demand the removal and replacement of the person in question, and the right to compensation for any consequential loss or damage incurred. 被作业者视为有渠道接触敏感文件、程序和/或其他敏感信息的人必须在作业者保密声明上签字。如果有人违反保密声明,业主公司有权要求撤换此人,并有权要求就由此遭受的任何损失或损害获得赔偿。

15 Security安保

Generic Clauses 通用条款

15.1 Notwithstanding the infrastructure measures taken by CNODC, in addition to those taken by the

Local Authorities to enhance the security of personnel and assets involved in the contract, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the security of its personnel and assets including its sub-contractors. 尽管当地政府和CNODC都采取了措施加强合同涉及的人员和资产的安保工作,承包商依然必须对其员工和资产(包括分包商)的安保独立承担责任。

15.2 The Contractor shall at all times have implemented security measures which protect the Owner

Company against relevant threats related to the Work. Such threats include but are not limited to: 承包商任何时候都必须执行安保措施,以免业主公司的合同工作遭受威胁。这种危险包括但不限于:

a) Loss, theft or misuse of the contract object and the Owner Company’s property, including

information and equipment.合同标的物和业主公司的财产(包括信息和设备)丢失、被盗或被滥用。

b) Sabotage, damage or vandalism against the contract object and the Owner Company’s


c) Other actions or omissions by the Contractor's personnel or third parties employed by the

Contractor, which are performed with intent to harm the Owner Company’s personnel, operations or reputation.承包商员工或承包商聘用的第三方意图伤害业主公司员工,破坏业主公司作业或损害业主公司声誉的其他行为或失职行为。

15.3 The Contractor shall ensure that his personnel and that of any sub-contractor abide by the

security policy and other guidelines and instructions that may be issued from time to time by CNODC in connection with the performance of the contract. 承包商必须确保其员工和分包商员工遵守CNODC就履行合同发布的安保政策及其他指南和指示。

15.4 CNODC shall have the right to conduct a Security Audit of the contractor at any time to ensure

that all relevant contractual requirements relating to security, or of a security are fulfilled CNODC有权随时对承包商的安保工作进行审计,以确保承包商达到了关于安保的所有合同要求。

15.5 Computer programmes, computer networks, servers and pertaining equipment used by the

Contractor in connection with the Work shall be adequately secured unless otherwise agreed between the parties. 除非合同双方另有约定,否则承包商为合同工作而使用的计算机程序、计算机网络、服务器和附属设备必须有充分的安全防范措施。

15.6 The Contractor shall at any time be able to verify the identity of personnel who are to do work

for CNODC. When the Contractor uses hired personnel, relevant qualifications shall be checked and references from earlier employment shall be obtained. 承包商任何时候都必须能够验证为CNODC工作的员工的身份。如果承包商使用聘用人员,必须查验相关资质,并从其以前的雇主处获得证明信。

Special Clauses 特别条款

15.7The Contractor is responsible for its own security contingency planning and

emergency response, e.g. kidnap, extortion, civil unrest and emergency evacuation.承包商



15.8 The Contractor shall have a formal system for the management of security that is in line with CNODC’s business principles and that ensures CNODC’s post-contract operations are not adversely affected even in the long-term. This management system shall be documented, fully implemented and effective in achieving the aims and objectives of the Contractor's Security Policy. The Contractor shall demonstrate to CNODC that this system is working to the satisfaction of CNODC as a condition for CNODC agreeing to the commencement of the work. 承包商必须制定正式的安保管理制度,该制度必须符合CNODC的经营原则,并确保即使从长期来看CNODC缔约后的经营也不会受到不利影响。这种管理制度必须文件化,得到全面落实,并对实现承包商的安保政策的目的和目标行之有效。承包商必须向CNODC证明这种制度的执行达到了令CNODC满意的标准,这是CNODC 同意开始合同工作的一个条件。

15.9 The Contractor shall ensure that the security systems of its Sub-Contractors and suppliers are in line with its own. Contractor can allow its sub-contractors to apply their own procedures when Contractor has demonstrated to the satisfaction of CNODC that these systems are in line with those of the Contractor and CNODC. This however, shall not relieve the contractor from the sub-contractor's failure to exercise proper security procedures.承包商必须确保其分包商和供应商的安保制度与自己的制度一致。承包商在向CNODC证明分包商的这些制度与自己的和CNODC的制度一致的情况下可以允许分包商适用自己的程序。然而,这并不能解除承包商对分包商未能执行合适的安保程序的责任。

15.10 The Contractor shall inform CNODC of the names of sub-contractors and obtain CNODC’s written acceptance prior to their engagement.承包商必须告知CNODC分包商的名称,并在分包商开始工作前取得CNODC的书面认可。

Scope of Work Insert 插入“工作范围”的条款

15.11 Security staff provided by the Contractor shall guard, patrol, and respond to incidents, including static surveillance. 承包商提供的安保人员必须负责保卫、巡逻工作,并对事件作出响应,包括静态监测。

15.12The Contractor shall provide appropriate physical protection measures, including the installation and supervision of a perimeter fence to prevent unauthorised access to the Contract site. 承包商必须采取适当的保护措施,包括安装和监测围栏,防止有人擅闯合同现场。


合同 编号:日期: 买受人: 出售人: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: 1.货名,规格,数量 2.单价,总价 3.生产国和制造商 4.包装 用坚固的新木箱包装,适宜长途海运,并具备良好的防潮,防震,防锈,耐粗暴搬运能力,由于包装不当而引起的货物损坏或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 5.唛头 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮” 等字样。 6.运日期 7.装运港 8.目的港

9.保险装运后由买方投保。 10.支付条件 ⑴信用证付款,买方在收到卖方根据合同第12条规定的提前装运的通知后,应于运输的15日到20日之前,按货物总金额的全部。通过_______(银行),设立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。卖方凭本合同第11条规定的装运单据及开出的即期汇票提交给开证银行贷款,信用证的有效期至货物运装后15天为止。 ⑵托收付款,卖方应把合第11条所规定的由_______(银行)开具的装运单据转交买方。 ⑶根据合同第11条货款应在收据收到的7天前生效。 11.单据 ⑴卖方应将下列单据提交付款银行托收付款,若以信汇付款,下列单据应寄买方: (a)填写通知目的口岸对外贸易运输公司的空白抬头、空白背 书的全套已装船的清洁提单,注明“运费到付”,并通知货口岸___________公司。 (b)发票五份,注明合同号,唛头。(唛头在一份以上,发票 需独立出具)。 (c)五份发票需注明货物重量,编号和发票相应的日期。 (d)按照本合同第16条第一项规定,提交由制造厂签发的质 量和数量/重量证明书及检验报告各两份。


( 合同范本 ) 甲方:_____________________________ 乙方:_____________________________ 日期:__________年______月______日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 竞业限制合同范本详细版 The contract concluded after the parties reached a consensus through equal consultations stipulates the mutual obligations and the rights they should enjoy.

竞业限制合同范本详细版 甲方(用人单位): 名称: 法定代表人: 住所: 经济类型: 联系电话: 乙方(职工): 姓名: 身份证号码: 住址: 在甲方职务: 联系电话: 鉴于乙方受聘/服务于甲方,乙方有获得甲方商业秘密的机会,

有利用甲方物质条件进行创作/经商的机会,为切实保护甲方的商业秘密、技术秘密及其他合法权益,并确保乙方不与甲方竞业竞争,根据国家及天津市有关法律法规,遵循公平合法、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则,甲乙双方订立本协议,共同遵守:第一条定义 除非文中另有说明,以下术语在本合同中具有下列含义: 1.1本协议提及的有竞争关系是指与该员工在职、离职时甲方及其关联公司已开展的业务有竞争关系。 1.2本协议提及的有竞争关系的单位,包括但不限于:与甲方及其关联公司直接竞争的单位;该竞争单位设立、直接/间接参股、控股、实际控制的单位;受同一公司控制的竞争单位的关联企业;其他与甲方有竞争单位的单位。 1.3本协议提及的有竞争关系的地域范围:(根据实际情况填写)。 1.4本协议提及的限制生产或经营的产品范围,包括但不限于(根据产品情况而定,此处可以详尽列明产品类别)。


施工合同通用条款(合同示范 文本) Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-004297

施工合同通用条款(合同示范文本) 一、词语定义及合同文件 1、词语定义下列词语除专用条款另有约定外,应具有本条所赋予的定义: 1.1通用条款:是根据法律、行政法规规定及建设工程施工的需要订立,通用于建设工程施工的条款。 1.2 专用条款:是发包人与承包人根据法律、行政法规规定,结合具体工程实际,经协商达成一致意见的条款,是对通用条款的具体化、补充或修改。 1.3发包人:指在协议书中约定,具有工程发包主体资格和支付工程价款能力的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 1.4 承包人:指在协议书中约定,被发包人接受的具有工程施工承包主体资格的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 1.5 项目经理:指承包人在专用条款中指定的负责施工管理和

合同履行的代表。 1.6设计单位:指发包人委托的负责本工程设计并取得相应工程设计资质等级证书的单位。 1.7监理单位:指发包人委托的负责本工程监理并取得相应工程监理资质等级证书的单位。 1.8工程师:指本工程监理单位委派的总监理工程师或发包人指定的履行本合同的代表,其具体身份和职权由发包人承包人在专用条款中约定。 1.9工程造价管理部门:指国务院有关部门、县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或其委托的工程造价管理机构。 1.10工程:指发包人承包人在协议书中约定的承包范围内的工程。 1.11合同价款:指发包人承包人在协议书中约定,发包人用以支付承包人按照合同约定完成承包范围内全部工程并承担质量保修责任的款项。 1.12追加合同价款:指在合同履行中发生需要增加合同价款的


商务服务合同模板 商务服务合同范文1 甲方: 乙方: 为了共同发展,互惠互利,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,为明确甲、乙双方的权利和义务,经双方协商一致,特签订本合同。 一、甲方委托乙方组织车辆运输铝土、原煤,运量不限。 二、乙方必须按照甲方指定的装货地点装货,乙方须按时按原装的数量和质量运输到指定地点。 三、乙方交货时出现的亏吨、扣吨或因车辆事故和其它因素丢损货物,乙方须按数按质按原装价赔偿。 四、乙方车辆如对货物掺杂使假或私卖甲方托运货物损坏甲方信誉,甲方除收回货款外,乙方应付给甲方该单车货值1—5倍的违约金。其货物质量验收的亏吨、扣吨、交货等事宜,由乙方负责同收货方现场交涉、商订,甲方一般不参与。如因质量出现掺杂使假、拒收、没收等重大疑难问题: 1、由乙方及时通知甲方!甲方应及时赶到现场。甲方随乙方一起同收货方协商处理。如超过1小时后报告甲方,甲方很难受理参与调查处理事宜。 2、乙方应及时向甲方提供单车始发、运转书面情况报告,由甲方转报收货方,甲方向乙方提供收货方质量鉴定依据和处理意见。 1 / 5

3、甲方按收货方实际验收或处理结论、吨位数付给乙方运费。因此引起乙方的扣车、罚款、没收等经济损失及其它相关费用均由乙方承担。 4、如乙方对收货方提供的证据或处理意见不服,乙方可书面申请复议。并可通过其它途径同收货方协商,如果复议无效,甲方只能按收货方处理结论办理经济结算事宜。如因此引起造成甲方的一切经济损失由乙方承担。 五、运价随市场变化双方协商确定。具体运价以当时领票价为准。 六、结算周期:每星期结算。甲方付清运费方可收回货方结算单。如甲方资金确有困难应同乙方商定解决办法。 七、1、乙方应交票据押金元,合同终止,甲方退回。 2、领票后须尽快将货运到收货方,超过10天结算价下浮1元。 3、退票、变更车号按收货方规定办理,如跨月退票每份购销单付违约金500元。 八、其它补充事项: 九、未尽事宜,在执行中可订立补充合同,补充合同应具备同等法律效力。此合同在执行中如有争议,双方应尽量协商解决,否则由茌平县人民法院裁决。以上合同一式两份,双方各执一份,自签字之日起生效。 甲方(公章):_________乙方(公章):_________ 法定代表人(签字):_________法定代表人(签字):_________ 2 / 5


第一部分、用词方面 多用正式或法律上的用词,与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。比如: 1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较 help 正式;来源:考试大 2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较 take part in 正式; 3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较 give 正式;本文来源:考试大网 4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较 send back 正式; 5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较 explain,interpret 正式; 6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require 较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较 at once 正式; 7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。


竞业限制协议 甲方(单位): 乙方(员工): 身份证号: 甲乙双方经平等自愿协商,签订本协议。 一、定义 1、竞争性业务:与甲方公司所提供的产品或从事的服务相同或类似的业务,包括但不限于下列业务:。 2、竞争性单位:从事竞争性业务的公司、单位或个人。 3、竞业行为:自己或与其它个人或组织合作,直接或间接的从事竞争性业务;或为竞争性单位提供服务或劳务,包括但不限于担任竞争性单位的合伙人、董事、监事、股东、管理人员或一般职员、代理人、顾问等。 下列行为之一均将视为竞业行为: (1)从竞争性单位处领取任何报酬(包括但不限于以薪酬、报酬、劳务费用、分红等任何名义),或获得旅游、实物、购物卡、消费卡、报销等好处; (2)在竞争性单位缴纳个人所得税,或社会保险,或住房公积金; (3)乙方或乙方直属亲属、配偶从竞争性单位处领取任何报酬(包括但不限于以薪酬、报酬、劳务费用、分红、报销、服务费用、购买等任何名义)或获得旅游、实物、购物卡、消费卡、报销等好处,而乙方不能提供合理说明的。 二、在职期间的竞业限制 1、乙方在甲方任职期间,不得从事竞业行为。

2、除本协议中约定的竞业行为以外,在职期间的下列行为将视为乙方从事竞业行为: 乙方从竞争性单位处直接或间接获得好处,包括但不限于财产性利益、旅游、消费、宴请,无正当理由的。 3、在职期间的竞业限制义务的履行,甲方无需向乙方支付额外补偿。 三、离职后的竞业限制 1、离职后的竞业限制期间内,乙方不得从事竞业行为。 2、离职后竞业限制期间:自乙方离职之日起24 个月。但是甲方在乙方离职之日前(含当日),甲方有权书面通知乙方缩短直至取消竞业限制义务。 3、竞业限制补偿(每月):乙方离职前12个月内的月平均工资的30 %。(1)月平均工资时:以乙方实发工资收入为准。与股权激励相关的分红、期权、股权等不计算在内。 (2)发放时间:按月发放,最晚不超过下月20日。 4、特别要求: (1)如甲方提出要求,则乙方应在一周内通过电子邮件或其它书面形式向甲方说明当下的工作单位与工作情况。 (2)乙方如新入职、变化工作单位、自己创业等,应在一周内主动通过电子邮件或其它书面形式向甲方说明当下的工作单位与工作情况。 5、特别说明:有下列情形之一时,甲方可通知乙方暂停支付竞业限制补偿:(1)乙方从事竞业行为时; (2)乙方未按本协议要求说明当下工作情况时; (3)甲方有证据证明乙方有违反竞业限制义务的情形时;


合同编号:YT-FS-1351-29 一般货物销售合同示范条 款(完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

一般货物销售合同示范条款(完整 版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 (供德中两国公司之间货物销售使用) 合同号: 合同签订日期: 合同签订地点: 卖方: 地址: 公司所在国: 电报: 传真: 买方: 地址: 公司所在国:

电报: 传真: 买卖双方经友好协商,同意以[ ]FOB或[ ]CFR 或[ ]CIF或[ ]FCA或[ ]CPT或[ ]CIP术语签订本合同,并就如下条款达成一致: 1、商品名称: 2、品质/规格: [ ]按照本合同附件中详细记录(如果具体合同要求) 3、单位: 4、数量: [允许在金额及数塾上有()%的损溢,由[ ]卖方或[ ]买方选择。 5、FOB/CFR/CIF/FCA/CPT/CIP单位价格___。 6、总额: 实交数量按照第4款规定,比原定数量损溢()%,则应对价格作出相应的调整。[ ] 7、原产国及生产国:


合同 CONTRACT 日期:合同号码: Date: Contract No.: 买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数量: Quantity: (3) 单价: Unit price: (4) 总值: Total Value:

(5) 包装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起运港: Port of Lading: (11) 目的港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims:

Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.


目录 1.定义2? 2.合同文件及解释顺序3? 3.合同的变更与解除4? 4.合同转让与分包5? 5.工程师的权力..............................................................................................................66.批准不免除责任 (7) 7.承包人负责设计········································································································8 8.承包范围 (8) 9.质量标准··························································································································910.材料及设备供应·········································································································911.检验、测试11? 12.验收与移交?11 13.质量保修·····················································································································14 14.开工、工期与节点工期1?6 15.不可抗力18? 16.合同价························································································································2017.付款条件与方法21? 18.工程照管与成品保护 (23) 19.安全文明施工 (23) 20.风险承担···············································································································2421.知识产权24? 22.保密?24 23.通知25? 24.发包人与承包人其它基本义务 (25) 25.违约责任··················································································································27 26.履约保证金或履约银行保函30? 27.争议的解决31?


商务条款 商务条款一般是指贸易合同条款中的商务部分,是相对于合同技术条款而言的。合同需求中只有一小部分是法律条款,其他大部分都是商务条款。法律条款主要是与强制性规范以及法律授权由当事人自行约定的条款有关。例如,合同主体是否合法、合同约定是否合法、争议管辖地如何约定等。商务条款则是当事人自己需要权衡和决策的问题,主要是与经济利益密切相关的交易标的、价格、付款条件等条款。 1、商务条款定义 为商业条款。 2、商务条款内容 (1)货物的品质规格条款 货物的品质规格是指商品所具有的内在质量与外观形态法。品质条款的主要内容是品名、规格或牌名。合同中规定品质规格的方法有两种:凭样品和凭文字与图样。在凭样品确定商品品质的合同中,卖方要承担货物品质必须同样品完全一致的责任。为避免发生争议,合同中应注明“品质与样品大致相同”法。商凭样品成交适用于从外观上即可确定商品品质的交易。凭文字与图样的买卖包括凭规格、等级或标准的买卖,凭说明书的买卖以及凭商标、牌号或产地的买卖。对于附有图样、说明书的合同要注明图样、说明书的法律效力。 (2)货物的数量条款 数量条款的主要内容是交货数量、计量单位与计量方法。制定数量条款时应注意明确计量单位和度量衡制度。在数量方面,合同通常规定有“约数”,但对“约数”的解释容易发生争议,故应在合同中增订“溢短装条款”,规定溢短装幅度,如“东北大米500公吨,溢短装3%”,同时规定溢短装的作价方法。(3)货物的包装条款 包装是指为了有效地保护商品的数量完整和质量要求,把货物装进适当的容器。包装条款的主要内容有:包装方式、规格、包装材料、费用和运输标志法。制定包装条款要明确包装的材料、造型和规格,不应使用“适合海运包装”、“标准出口包装”等含义不清的词句。 (4)货物的价格条款 价格条款的主要内容有:每一计量单位的价格金额、计价货币、指定交货地点、贸易术语与商品的作价方法等法。商为防止商品价格受汇率波动的影响,在合同中还可以增订黄金或外汇保值条款,明确规定在计价货币币值发生变动时,


竞业禁止合同范本——销售高管 合同编号: 合同签订地:甲方(用人单位): 法定代表人: 联系电话: 乙方(劳动者): 身份证号码: 联系电话: ??????: 风险提示::??:竞业禁止的人员具有针对性,不是所有人都必须遵守。竞业禁止的生效是依据法律,只要成: :为公司董事、高级管理人员就有法定的竞业禁止义务。而部门经理、普通员工等无需承担此,:义务。 : 鉴于: 1、员工在公司工作期间能够接触、掌握公司及其关联公司的商业秘密; 2、员工理解并确认,员工离职后从事与公司有竞争业务的工作,将会严重损害公 司及其关联公司的经济利益或使公司及其关联公司处于非常不利的竞争地位。 现双方根据中华人民共和国和公司所在地有关法律、法规,在自愿、平等、协商一致的基础上订立本协议,共同遵照执行。 第一条竞业禁止 1、竞业禁止期限为员工与公司任何一方与对方终止或解除劳动合同(不论终止或 解除的理由,亦不论终止或者解除是否有理由)之口起的—个月内,员工不得自营或


2、竞业禁止的区域为甲方或其关联企业从事或计划从事其各自业务的地理 一…范围? .............................. ............................... ___ : 风险提示:1 :竞业禁止只限制在职期间,只针对在职人员,只要未离职,就一直适用。若是要限制离职人,:员,需要在员工离职时,与其签订竞业限制协议,以约束其跳槽到竞业公司产生纠纷°但,:建议在员工开始接触商业秘密时就与其签订竞业限制协议,因为大部分离职原因都与企业有: 矛盾或是为了追求高薪待遇,离职时是比较难与其签订的,应提前做好风险防范。 第二条乙方义务 1、在与甲方签订本协议时,不受原单位竞业禁止协议的约束; 2、未经甲方同意,在职期间不得日己经营或者为他人经营与甲方同类企业; 3、不论因何种原因从甲方离职,离职后—年内乙方不得在与甲方生产同一产品和 有竞争关系的其他单位任职,不得自己从事与甲方有竞争关系的产品的经营,不得从事经营与甲方有相同或类似客户的行业,也不得从事经营与甲方经营项目相同或类似的行业; 4、乙方在离职之前不得抢夺甲方客户; 5、乙方离职后不得诱使其他知悉甲方商业秘密的员工离职。 第三条甲方义务 从双方劳动合同约定的合同履行期限到期或离职后第二天起,甲方应当按照竟业禁止期限向乙方支付一定数额的竞业禁止补偿费。年经济补偿费的金额为乙方离开甲方单位前一年的工资收入的—%:不满一年的按月平均工资推算。补偿费按季支付,由甲方通过银行支付至乙方指定的银行K上。如乙方拒绝领取,甲方可以将补偿费向有关方面提存。 第四条违约救济 1、员工违反本协议约定,公司将停止支付竞业禁止补偿金,并有权利要求员工纠


《建设工程施工合同示范文本》通用条款 2011-3-10 10:54 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】第二部分通用条款 1 一般约定 1.1 词语定义 合同通用条款、专用条款中的下列词语具有本款所赋予的含义。 1.1.1 合同 合同文件(或称合同):指合同协议书、中标通知书、投标函及投标函附录、专用条款、通用条款、技术标准和要求、图纸、已标价工程量清单,以及其他合同文件。 合同协议书:指构成合同文件组成部分的由合同当事人共同签署的,约定合同主要内容的书面文件。中标通知书:指发包人通知承包人中标的函件。 投标函:指构成合同文件组成部分的由承包人填写并签署的用于投标的,称为“投标函”的文件。 投标函附录:指附在投标函后构成合同文件的,用以对投标函解释说明的,称为“投标函附录”的文件。 技术标准和要求:指合同文件中约定的用于指导施工的国家、行业或地方技术标准和合同中约定的专门针对某工程部位的技术要求。 图纸:指包含在合同中的工程图纸、由发包人按合同约定提供的任何补充和修改的图纸,以及承包人按照第1.5 款[图纸和承包人文件]提供的图纸,包括配套的说明。 已标价工程量清单:指以招标方式发包的工程中构成合同文件组成部分的已标明价格、经算术性错误修正及其他错误修正(如有)且承包人已确认的最终的工程量清单,包括工程量清单说明、投标报价说明、计日工说明、其他说明及工程量清单各项表格。 1.1.2 合同当事人和人员 1.1. 2.1 合同当事人:指发包人和(或)承包人。 1.1. 2.2 发包人:指与承包人签订合同协议书的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 1.1. 2.3 发包人代表:指在专用合同条款中指明的,由发包人任命并派驻施工场地行使发包人权利的代表。 1.1. 2.4 承包人:指与发包人签订合同协议书的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。


编号: 商务合同范本 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日

合同签订注意事项 一、甲乙双方应保证向对方提供的与履行合同有关的各项信息真实、有效。 二、甲乙双方签订本合同书时,凡需要双方协商约定的内容,经双 方协商一致后填写在相应的空格内。 三、签订本合同书时,甲方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人签字或盖章;乙方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人 签字或盖章。 四、甲乙双方约定的其他内容,合同的变更等内容在本合同内填写不下时,可另附纸。 五、本合同应使钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹清楚,文字简练、准确,不得涂改。 关键词:合同范本;商务

合同编号:合同签约时间: 买受方: 合同签订地: 出卖方: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规的有关规定,经双方平等自愿、友好协商达成如下协议。 一、产品名称、规格型号、商标、数量及价款(含税,税率17%):序号物料编码产品名称规格型号商标含税到厂价(远)计量单位备注1 (件) 2

二、产品技术标准/及质量要求 (一)技术标准 出卖方须按国家标准:、行业标准:、买受方企业标准:、双方共同认可的标准/协议: 进行供货。如双方未做约定或约定不明确的,以本协议项下产品的使用目的和买受方的解释为准。 (二)质量要求 出卖方供货的产品必须符合双方签订的《产品质量保证协议》或《技术协议》中的相关约定,出卖方保证供货的产品在买受方主机产品“三包”期以内无任何瑕疵或缺陷,并以此作为评审质量级别的依据(买受方原因除外)。 (三)产品标志 出卖方供货的产品,要具有买受方认可的生产厂家的标志。因产品体积太小无法标注的,则必须经买受方同意后,使用双方共同认可的符号,以区分不同的生产厂家。


合同编号:YT-FS-1829-85 商务合同范本(完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

商务合同范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 下面是由应届毕业生合同范本网提出的商务合同 甲方: 联系人: 电话: 乙方:室联系人: 电话: 甲、乙双方本着友好协商、互惠互利的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际互联网管理暂行规定》等有关条例,友好签订本合同,双方共同信守执行。 一、服务内容: 服务项目数量费用条款及说明备注备注: 以上服务内容费用合计(大写):(人民币小写)¥二、付款期限及方式:

1、甲方须在本合同签订之日起按照约定向乙方缴付相关费用,并且将款项汇入指定的银行帐号。 2、甲方向乙方支付合同额50%的网站预付费用,作为制作定金,余款在甲方验收合格正式发布时结清。 3、付款方式请向易网公司的业务专员索取或登录我们的网站查查询。 三、双方的权利和义务: 1、甲方须按本合同的规定向乙方按约定日期支付全部应付款项; 2、甲方就如实填写并向乙方提供企业资料,并确保所提供资料的合法性与真实性,乙方在收到甲方交纳全部(预付)费用后,及时向甲方提供相关商务应用服务和其它服务; 3、乙方在完善上述服务内容时,无须另行通知甲方; 4、乙方须严格按双方的协议和双方的协商来完成甲方的相关互联网服务要求。 5、乙方可根据甲方的相关要求作灵活的服务变动,


合同文本通用示范条款 一、鉴于条款 鉴于 1. 甲方是一家依据中华人民共和国法律成立并持续经营的公司,现就工作及其它相关的服务工作,拟委托具有前述相关工作资质及经验的乙方,承担并完成该项工作。 2. 乙方是一家依据中华人民共和国法律成立并持续经营的公司,具备承担甲方的工作及其它相关服务工作的各项资质及经验,愿意并有能力接受甲方委托按照甲方要求承担该项服务工作。 3.甲方签订本合同的目的在于。 二、对方保证具备履约资格及能力条款 1. 乙方保证其具有承接本合同项目的法定资质,因乙方缺乏相应资质而给甲方造成损失的,乙方承担相关责任。 2. 乙方在履行合同过程中,应遵守国家法律法规及地方法规的有关规定,并承担因违反上述规定而产生的法律责任。如项目需要审批的,应由乙方完成相关审批手续。 三、结算、支付条款 1. 合同金额为人民币元,包括但不限于:。双方确认,出本合同总金额外,甲方无须就本协议项下乙方服务向乙方支付任何额外费用。 2. 甲方采用第种方式,并按一下约定安排付款:(1)现金;(2)

支票;(3)转账。 (1)在本合同签署后个工作日内支付合同总金额的%,即人民币元。 (2)在乙方交付并经甲方验收合格后个工作日内支付剩余的合同金额,即人民币元。 3. 乙方应分别在收到上述(1)和(2)款所规定金额后日内想甲方出具前述各款金额的正规税务发票。 4. 双方的账户如下: 甲方: 开户行: 账户名称: 账号: 乙方: 开户行: 账户名称: 账号: 任何一方如需改变上述,应提前十日以书面通知另一方,如果乙方未按本合同规定通知而使另一方遭受损失的,应予赔偿。 四、知识产权条款 1. 成果的知识产权归甲方所有。 2. 乙方保证向甲方提供的成果不侵犯他人的知识产权。与成果有关或因甲方适用成果而发生或引起的任何索赔或纠纷,


英语商务合同范本 商务合同是指有关各方之间在进行某种商务合作时,为了确定各自的权利和义务,而正式依法订立的、并且经过公证的、必须共同遵守的协议条文。商务合同是一种通用合同。在国际贸易中,若双方对合同货物无特殊要求的条件下,一般都采用商业合同的内容和形式。 英语商务合同范本 Between_______ whose registered office is at_____(hereinafter called “the Principal”) and__________ 其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为“委托人” 与 whose registered office at______(hereinafter called “the Agent”) IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS 其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为代理人)就以下达成协议: Art. 1 Territory and Products第一条地区与产品 1.1. The Principal appoints the Agent, who accepts, as his commercial agent to promote the sale of the products listed in Annex 1, §1 (hereinafter called “the Products”) in the territory defined in Annex 1, §2 (hereinafter called “the Territory”). 委托人委任代理人,而代理人接受委托作为委托人的商事代理,在附件1§2中规定的地区(以下简称为“地区”),推销附件1§1所列举的产品( 以下简称“产品”)。 1.2. If the Principal decides to sell any other products in the Territory, he shall inform the Agent in order to discuss the possibility of including them within the Products defined under article 1.1. However, the above obligation to inform the Agent does not apply if, in consideration of the characteristics of the new products and the specialization of the Agent, it


商务合同范本 合同号:________ 日期:________ 买方:________ 电报:________ 电传:________ 卖方:________ 电传:按本合同条款,买方接受购入,卖方接受出售下述产品,谨此签约。 1、品名、规格:________ 单位:__________ 数量:__________ 单价:__________ 总价:__________ 总金额:__________ 2、原产国别和生产厂:____________ 3、包装:须用牢固的木箱或纸箱包装。以宜于长途海运/邮寄/空运及习惯气候的变化。并具备良好的防潮抗震能力。由于包装别良而引起的物资损伤或由于防护措施别善而引起物资锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。包装箱内应附有完整的维护保养、操作使用说明书。 4、装运标记:卖方应在每个货箱上用别褪色油漆标明箱号、毛重、净重、长、宽、高并书以“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等字样和装运: 5、装运日期:____________ 6、装运港口:____________ 7、卸货港口:____________ 8、保险:____________ 装运后由买方投保。 9、支付条件: 分下述三种事情: (1)采纳信用证:买方收支卖方交货通知[详见本合同条款 (2)托收。物资装运后,卖方出具即期汇票,连同装运单据(见本合同第10款),经过卖方所在地银行和买方________银行提交给买方进行托收。 ①商业合同是一种通用合同。在国际贸易中,若双方对合同物资无特殊要求的条件下,普通采纳商业合同的内容和形式。 (3)直接付款:买方收到卖方装运单据(见本合同第10款)后7天内,以电汇或航邮向卖方支付货款。 10。单据: (1)小海运:全套干净海运提单,标明“运费付讫。”“运费预付”,作成空白背书并加注目的港________公司。 (2)空运:空运提单副本一份,标明“运费付讫”/“运费项目”寄交买方。 (3)航邮:航空收据副本一份,寄交买方。 (4)发票一式五份,标明合同号和货运唛头(若货运唛头多于一具,发票需单独开列),发票依照有关合同详细填写。 (5)由厂商出具的装箱清单一式两份。 (6)由厂商出具的质量和数量保证书。 (7)物资装运后马上用电报/信件通知买方。此外,货发10天内,买方将上述单据(第5条除外)航邮寄两份,一份直接寄买方,另一份直接寄目的港____公司。 11、装运: (1)F。O。B。条款: A、卖方于合同规定的装运日期前30天,用电报/信件将合同号、品名、数量、价值、


HT-2018-0103 合同编号: 竞业限制协议(补偿金)范本 _____年___月___日 _____________制定 签订地点__________

甲方: 住址: 法定代表人: 邮政编码: 乙方: 住址: 身份证号码: 鉴于乙方已经知悉甲方重要商业秘密或者对甲方的竞争优势具有重要影响,为保护双方的合法权益,甲、乙根据国家有关法律法规,本着平等、自愿、公平、诚信的精神,经充分协商一致后,共同订立本协议。 一、乙方义务 1、未经甲方同意,在职期间不得自营或者为他人经营与甲方同类的营业; 2、不论因何种原因从甲方离职,离职后两年内(自劳动关系解除之日起计算)都不得到与甲方有竞争关系的单位就职。这些单位包括但不限于下列单位:______________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 3、不论因何种原因从甲方离职,离职后两年内(自劳动关系解除之日起计算)都不得自办与甲方有竞争关系的企业或者从事与甲方商业秘密有关的产品的生产,所谓与甲方有竞争关系的企业,主要指以下几类企业:____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

___________________ 4、双方解除或终止劳动合同之日起两年内乙方不得直接或间接拥有与甲方竞争关系企业的股权股份。 5、乙方永久不得利用甲方的客户名单、产销策略等信息抢夺甲方的客户。 6、乙方永久不得采用任何形式引诱甲方员工离职。 二、甲方义务 1、从乙方离职后开始计算竞业禁止时起,甲方应当按照竞业禁止期限向乙方支付一定数额的竞业禁止补偿费。竞业限制补偿金从甲乙双方解除或终止劳动关系后的次日起开始支付。首月的竞业限制补偿金支付时间为双方办理完工作交接手续之日;以后各月的竞业限制补偿金,甲方应于当月__日前划入乙方在职时的工资账户,直至满两年。 2、如乙方拒收竞业限制补偿金,甲方可以向公证机关提存,由此产生的费用由乙方自负。 3、双方解除或者终止劳动关系时甲方明确表示不支付竞业限制补偿金的,或者不按照本条第1款按时支付竞业限制补偿金的,乙方可以不再履行竞业限制义务。 三、违约责任 1、若乙方违反竞业限制约定的,应当承担违约责任,除应全部退还甲方已支付的竞业限制补偿金外,还要一次性向甲方支付相应违约金,违约金额为人民币___________元。 2、乙方因违约行为所获得的收益应当全额归还甲方。 3、乙方发生违约行为,给甲方造成经济损失的,除支付违约金外,仍要赔偿甲方的全部经济损失,违约金不可以用来冲抵对甲方造成的经济赔偿。
