当前位置:文档之家› 寄售协议范文中英版(20210116185735)



司,注册地在中国上海(以下称寄售人), 与公司,注册地在(以下称代售人),按下

列条款签订本协议:1.寄售人将不断地把______________ (货物)运交给代售人代售。货物价格为市场CIF市价,约隔90天运交


2. 代售人在征得寄售人对价格、条款等到同意之后,必须尽力以最好价格出售寄售商品。

3 .开始阶段,每次船运货物的价格不得超过_____________ 美元,代售人未偿付的货款不能超过__________ 美元。

4. 寄售人对赊销造成的坏账不负任何责任,代售人在任何


5. 代售

人将接受寄售人开立的以代售人为付款人的90天远期汇票,年利__________ %。

6 .代售人以签字信托收据从寄售人银行换取包括提单在内的装运单据。

7. 寄售人负担货物售出之前的保险费和仓储费。

8. _______________________ 寄售人必须遵守政府的规


9. 本协议英文正本两份,双方各持一份。

双方确认上述内容,并于 ________________ 年 __________ 月_________ 日签字立约,以资证明。

寄售人(签字): ________ 代售人(签字):_________

_________ 年 ___ 月____ 日 __________ 年___ 月____ 日



This Agreeme nt is en tered in to betwee n __________ Co. (here in after referred to as the Con sig nor), hav ing its registered office at _________ , Shanghai, China and _____________ CO. (here in after referred to as the Con sig nee ), hav ing its registered

office at ________ , on the following terms and conditions :

1. The Con sig nor shall from time to time ship ___________ (commodity ) to the con sig nee on Con sig nment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The interval betwee n each shipme nt shall be approximately nin ety days.

2. The Con sig nee must try to sell the con sig nments at the best possible prices after obta ining the approval of the Con sig nor as to price, terms, etc.

3. Each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D. ________ and the outsta nding liabilities on the Con sig nee shall be in the vici nity of not more tha n U.S.D. ________ only.

4. The Con sig nor shall at no time be resp on sible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any __________ buyers. Making payme nts to the Con sig nor shall at all times be the sole resp on sibility of the Con sig nee.

5. __________ The Con sig nee shall accept the Bills of Excha nge draw n by the Con sig nor on him at 90 days ' 'sight with in terest payable at % per annum.

6. The Con sig nee shall collect the shipp ing docume nts in cludi ng B/L from the Con sig no r' ;& #39;s bank aga inst Trust Receipt duly sig ned by the Con sig nee.

7. The Con sig nor shall absorb in sura nee premium and warehous ing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.

8. The con sig nor shall observe the regulati ons of the

gover nment of ________ .

9. This Agreement is written in English , in two originals ;each Party reta ins one copy.

As a token of acceptanee, both parties have set their respective hands on this _________ day of _________ , __________
