当前位置:文档之家› 员工培训协议-中英文模板


Training Agreement


Employer (Party A):




Employee (Party B):


No. of ID Card:




1. Party A and Party B entered into a labor contract (the “Labor Contract”) on [DD MM YY]. Party A

shall provide Technical and/or management training or Education Assistance Program under this Agreement based on the business necessity and be responsible for the total expenses incurred in connection with such relevant training;


2. Party B agrees to accept such Technical and/or management training or Education Assistance

Program arranged by Party A, and undertakes that Party B will assume the obligation of service term stipulated in this Agreement during and after the training. The service term begins on the employee’s first working day when he/she returns to the Company following completion of the training.

2. 乙方同意接受甲方安排的专业技术/管理培训或教育赞助项目培训,并承诺在培训后承担本协议约定的服


3. Through consultation, the Parties agree as follows:

3. 双方经协商一致签订本协议如下:

1.Training Program and Period


1.1 Party B has received an offer from Party A to participate in a training program

______________________ (program name) which is sponsored by Party A in_______________ (country/city) from____________ (date) to_____________ (date).

1.1 乙方接受甲方提供的培训机会,于 ___________(日期)前往___________(国家/城市)参加由甲


1.2 Party A may decide at its own discretion to advance, delay, extend, shorten or cancel this training

program depending on practical situations of Party B during the training period and Party A’s

evaluation on Party B’s future development. Party A shall inform Party B of such adjustments to the training promptly and Party B shall be subject to the adjustment made by Party A.

1.2 甲方可以根据乙方在培训期间内的表现以及甲方对乙方日后发展的评估,提前、推迟、延长、缩短或


1.3According to job and skill requirements, Party A will design training plan including training schedule

and content. The assigned training content is listed below:


1.3 甲方将按工作和职能岗位的要求制定培训计划,安排乙方的主要培训内容为:


2.Training Expense


2.1 Party A will be fully responsible for all expenses related to the program, including visa fee(for

overseas training), training cost, accommodation & transportation expenses and travel allowance, etc.The above training expenses are expected to be RMB [ ] and the final expenses shall be

determined according to the actual expenditures.

2.1 甲方负责支付乙方在培训期间所有与培训相关的费用,包括签证费(适用于海外培训)、培训费、住

宿费、交通费、出差生活补贴等。以上培训费用预计为人民币[ ]元,最终的费用将依据实际支出情况而定。

2.2 During the training period, Party B’s compensation pack shall remain unchanged during the training. 2.2 培训期间,乙方所享有的工资和其它待遇,保持不变。

2.3 Referring to certifications, Party A is responsible for expenses of the first examination or certification.

If fail to be certificated or required to make up examination, related expenses should be charged by Party B.

2.3 培训涉及需获取证书的,甲方将仅负责第一次参加考试或取证的费用,因乙方原因未能成功取得证书,


2.4Providing expenses for the first time training, Party A will file original certification. Otherwise, original

certification will be kept by Party B and copied document or temporary original file will be reasonable.

2.4 由甲方出资初次获取的培训相关证书,原件由甲方保管;乙方入职时具备的证书或由甲方出资复审的,


3. Obligation of Training Related Term of Service

3. 培训服务期义务

3.1 Party B agrees to serve Party A or its affiliates for a minimum of _____ consecutive years upon

completion of training. This term of service shall commence on [DD MM YY] and end on [DD MM YY]. If the term of service exceeds the term agreed upon in the Labor Contract, unless Party A exempts Party B’s obligation in written form, Party B agrees to extend the term of Labor Contract to the expiration date of the term of service automatically. If both parties conclude a new labor
