当前位置:文档之家› 外贸销售中英文合同,外贸服务英文合同标准范文(三篇)



编号: no:

日期: date :

签约地点: signed at:


地址:address:邮政编码:postal code:



地址:address:邮政编码:postal code:



the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned go ods on the terms and conditions stated below:

1 货号article no.

2 品名及规格description&specification

3 数量 quantity

4 单价unit price

5 总值:


total amount

with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers o ption.

6 生产国和制造厂家country of origin and manufacturer

7 包装:packing:

8 唛头:shipping marks:

9 装运期限:time of shipment:

10 装运口岸:port of loading:

11 目的口岸:port of destination:

12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。insurance:

to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _ ____ only.

13 付款条件:



by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remainvalid for ingotiat ion in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must spe cify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.

14 单据:documents:

15 装运条件:terms of shipment:


16 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy and claim:

17 人力不可抗拒因素:


force majeure:

either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or a ny part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any ot her events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by t he relative party. however, the party affected by the event of force majeure sh all inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and t hereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to th e other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

18 仲裁:



all disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled throu gh friendly consultations. in case no settlement can be reached, the case in di spute shall then be submitted to the foreign trad arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration in accorda nce with its provisional rules of procedure. the decesion made by this commis sion shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.



party a:_________


party b:_________


both parties of party a and party b have signed the translation service contract based on the principle of friendly cooperation and mutual development. the articles are as follows:

1.party a entrusts party b with the translation service. party a shall provide legible documents in time and give clear requirements and control the translation quality of party b.

2.party b shall complete the translation work in time and deliver the translation by printed hard copy and a relevant disk within the agreed date (with the exception of the delay caused by force majeure)details about the delivery time will be discussed between the two parties. for the urgent request,the delivery time will be discussed accordingly between the two parties.

3.party b shall keep confidentiality of any documents provided by party a and can not disclose to the third party.

4.calculation of the load of translation:for electronic documents,the translation load shall be based on the statistics of the computer (chinese version wordXX “chinese characters not including blank spaces

”)for printed documents,the translation load shall be calculated according to lines of chinese characters (the original printed copy),i.e. lines × rows.

5.party b will charge the translation project from party a with favorable price:for english-chinese rmb /_________chinese characters and marks (more than_________chinese characters and marks)

6.party b can evaluate and notice party a the estimated translation fee before the launch of the project. party a shall pay to party b the amount of translation fee according to the actually calculated load of translation (as specified in clause 4 of this contract)

7.party b promises to provide necessary modifications to the translation documents free of charge after the delivery.

8.terms of payment:

party a should pay party b 50%of the total payment when the translated document is delivered(on the same day)

the remaining 50%will be paid fully within_________days. when the payment is not received in _________days,a late payment charge of

_________‰ daily is applied.

9.party b shall guarantee that the quality of the translation and relevant service be up to the received evenhanded standard of the translation industry. in case any disputes arising from the quality of the translation material,it shall be settled through the judgment of a third party agreed by the two parties or apply to arbitration directly.

10.this contract is written in duplicates,one for each party and shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both party a and party b.

party a(signature)_________ party b(signature)_________

date:_______________________ date:______________________


Service Agreement


'abc' shall mean abc (china)electronics,ltd. 'customer' shall mean the customer named in the agreement;and 'product' shall collectively mean the equipment and software which abc and customer agree to be serviced pursuant to this service agreement. such product is listed on the first page of this agreement.


the terms and conditions set forth on all twelve pages of this agreement is an offer to purchase service by customer which shall become a service agreement when acknowledged in writing by abc''s service department;and the banking,negotiation or other use of any payment shall not constitute an acceptance by abc. it is agreed that service shall be provided only on the terms and conditions contained in this agreement. abc shall not be bound by terms and conditions in customer''s purchase order or elsewhere unless expressly agreed to in writing. both parties to this agreement agree that upon acceptance

by abc''s service department,abc''s interest in the agreement is assigned to abc,inc. (minc)

3. service defined

abc agrees to provide service for the customer for the product listed on the first page of this agreement. such products shall be serviced according to the terms and conditions on all twelve pages of this agreement ('service')the service shall begin and end on the dates set forth on the first page of this agreement. abc shall also service other product manufactured by minc. or minc''s subsidiaries and purchased by customer during the term of this agreement on the same terms and conditions set forth in this agreement at the then current service fees for such product. upon delivery of such other product to customer,service fees for service of such other product shall be added to the billing cycle following expiration of the labor warranty on such other product. in the event of loss,damage,theft or removal from service of any product,customer shall immediately report the loss,damage,theft or removal in writing to abc. in this event,customer''s obligation to pay service fees with respect to any such product shall terminate at the end of the month in which abc receives such written report.

mobile product shall be removed and reinstalled in different vehicles at customer''s request for the service fee in effect at the time of customer''s request.

this agreement does not include service of any transmission line,antenna,tower or tower lighting,unless such work is described on the first page of this agreement. service shall include the labor and parts required to repair product which has become defective through normal wear and usage. this does not include consumable and their installation. service does not include the repair or replacement of product which has otherwise become defective,including,but not limited to,damage caused by accidents,physical or electronic abuse or misuse,acts of god,fires or other casualty. service performed for non-covered repairs shall be billed at abc''s above contract rate applicable for such service. product under contract must be maintained in environmental conditions as set forth in the product specifications and damage resulting from environmental conditions not conforming to the specifications is not covered by this agreement.

where telephone lines and product are used in conjunction with abc maintained product,abc shall have no obligation or responsibility for such telephone lines or product but shall,upon request,assist the telephone company in repairing such upon payment at the appropriate above contract rate.

customer shall indicate on the first page of this agreement any product which is intrinsically safe so that appropriate parts and procedures may be used to maintain such status.

at the expiration of twelve (12)months after the commencement of service hereunder (or any time thereafter),if product cannot in abc''s opinion

be properly or economically repaired,because (but not limited to)excessive wear,deterioration or unavailability of parts,abc at its sole option,upon thirty (30)days prior written notice to customer sent by certified mail,may either:(1)remove such product from this agreement;or (2)may increase the price to service such product. customer shall have thirty (30)days from receipt of notice of price increase to object to such increase. if customer properly objects to such increase,abc shall then have the option to remove such product from coverage by this agreement. customer''s obligation to pay service fees with respect to product removed from this agreement shall terminate at the end of the month during which such product is removed.

the product shall be serviced by abc in accordance with the following standards:(i)abc parts or parts equal quality shall be used;(ii)the product shall be serviced at levels set forth in abc''s product manuals;and (iii)routine service procedures prescribed from time to time by abc for its product shall be followed.

5. time and place of service.

service shall be done at the location specified on the first page of this agreement. where service is to be performed at the location of the product,customer shall furnish shelter,heat,light and power at these locations,customer shall notify abc immediately of product failure,allow abc full and free access to the product,and cooperate fully with abc in abc''s servicing of the product. waiver of liability by abc against customer or other restrictions shall not be imposed by customer as a site access requirement. customer shall allow abc full and free access to the product. customer shall allow abc to use necessary machines,communications,facilities,features and other product (except as normally supplied by abc)at no charge. mobiles and removable product shall be delivered by customer to the abc service center indicated on the first page of this agreement.

hours of service under this agreement shall be the normal working hours,excluding holidays,of abc''s service center unless otherwise indicated on the first page of this agreement.

6. payment/taxes.

each payment is due on or before the date set forth on the first page of this agreement. abc may terminate this agreement by giving customer ten (10)days notice by certified mail if customer defaults in its payment to abc. customer shall reimburse abc for all property taxes,sales and use taxes,excise taxes,and the taxes or assessments now or hereafter imposed by authority of any national or local law,rule or regulation with respect to the service of the product except income taxes or other legally reimbursable taxes of abc.

7. right to subcontract.

abc shall have the right to subcontract in whole or in part the service called for by this agreement. abc shall notify customer of the name and address of each subcontractor.

8. revision of fees.

prior to an anniversary of the 'expiration date' indicated on the first page of this agreement,abc may revise the service fees set forth on the first page of this agreement by giving customer written notice of the amount of the increase at least sixty (60)days in advance of that anniversary date. upon receipt of any such notice,customer may terminate this agreement on the expiration date or any anniversary of it upon thirty (30)days prior written notice to abc sent by certified mail to the address indicated in this agreement;otherwise the new fees shall become effective on the anniversary date. in the event of such termination,all accrued and unpaid charges shall be due and payable immediately upon termination.

9. automatic renewal.

after the expiration date indicated on the first page of this agreement,this agreement shall continue for successive additional periods of one year,provided that either abc or customer may terminate this agreement on the expiration date or any anniversary of it upon thirty (30)days prior written notice to the other party sent by certified mail to the address indicated in this agreement.

10. interruption of service.

customer shall notify the servicing agency in the event of the failure of any product. if the servicing agency fails to repair the product within a reasonable time,customer shall notify the abc office designated by abc. after said notice from customer to the servicing agency and to the abc office designated by abc,abc shall be liable for any interruption or interference affecting the use or transmission through the product maintained to the extent of a pro rata allowance based on the monthly service fee for the time such interruption or interference is attributable to the fault of abc or its subcontractor. abc does not assume and shall have no ability under this agreement for failure to provide or delay in providing service for the product due directly or indirectly to causes beyond the control of abc,including,but not restricted to,acts of god,acts of the public enemy,acts of the prc,the united states,any state,territory of the united states,or any political subdivision of the foregoing,or the district of columbia,acts of failure to act of the customer,its agents,employees or subcontractors,fires,floods,casualty,epidemics,quarantine restrictions,strikes,freight embargoes,and unusually severe weather conditions or defaults of abc subcontractors due to any such causes.

11. warranty limitations.

except as specified in this agreement. abc disclaims all warranties,express or implied,including,without limitation,the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. in no event shall abc be liable for incidental or consequential damages to the full extent such may be disclaimed by law.

12. srrc or mpt and other government matters.

although abc may assist in preparation of the srrc or mpt license application,customer is solely responsible for obtaining any licenses or other authorizations required by the state radio regulatory commission ('srrc')or ministry of post and telecommunication,or any other national and/or local governmental agency. customer is solely responsible for complying with applicable srrc or mpt rules and regulations and the applicable rules and regulations of any other national and/or local governmental agency. neither abc nor any of its employees is an agent of customer in srrc or mpt or other governmental matters. abc,however,may assist in preparation of the srrc or mpt license application at no charge to customer.

13. entire agreement.

customer acknowledges that it has read and understands the terms and conditions of the agreement and agrees to be bound by them,that it is the complete and conclusive statement of the agreement between the parties and that this agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and all understandings and agreements,oral and written,heretofore made between abc and customer,are merged in this agreement which alone fully and completely expresses their agreement.

14. amendment.

no modification of or additions to this agreement shall be binding upon abc unless such modification is in writing and signed by the abc division service vice president authorized to make such revisions and an authorized agent of customer.

15. validity.

if any term or provision of this agreement shall to any extent be held by a court or other tribunal to be invalid,void or unenforceable,then that term or provision shall be inoperative and void insofar as it is in conflict with law,but the remaining terms and provisions of this agreement shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if this agreement did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid,void or unenforceable.

16. headings.

section and paragraph headings used in this agreement are for convenience only and are not to be deemed or construed to be part of this agreement.

17. law.

this agreement and the rights and duties of the parties shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the prc.

18. assignment.

no assignment or transfer,in whole or in part,of this agreement by customer shall be binding upon abc without its prior written consent.

19. waiver.

failure or delay on the part of abc or customer to exercise any right,power or privilege under this agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any right,power or privilege of this agreement.

20. time to sue.

except for money due upon an open account,no action shall be brought for any breach of this agreement more than two (2)years after the accrual of such cause of action except where a shorter limitation period is provided by applicable law.

21. language.

this agreement is executed in both chinese and english versions. in case of any discrepancy,the english version shall prevail.


外贸合同(中英文对照)--sales contract(销售合同)2007年04月22日星期日11:25作为一般签订合同的参考: 一些付款条件,还需要根据自己的情况敲定: 外贸合同Contract 编号: No: 日期: Date : 签约地点: Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below. 1 货号 Article No. 2 品名及规格 Description&Specification 3 数量 Quantity 4 单价 Unit Price 5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 Total Amount

With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer 7 包装: Packing: 8 唛头: Shipping Marks: 9 装运期限:Time of Shipment: 10 装运口岸:Port of Loading: 11 目的口岸:Port of Destination: 12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. 13 付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed. 14 单据:Documents:


外贸销售中英文合同 编号:no: 日期:date: 签约地点:signedat: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postalcode: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postalcode: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: thesellersagreestosellandthebuyeragreestobuytheundermentionedgoodsonthetermsandconditionssta tedbelow: 1货号articleno. 2品名及规格description&specification 3数量quantity 4单价unitprice

5总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 totalamount with_____%moreorlessbothinamountandquantityallowedatthesellersoption. 6生产国和制造厂家countryoforiginandmanufacturer 7包装:packing: 8唛头:shippingmarks: 9装运期限:timeofshipment: 10装运口岸:portofloading: 11目的口岸:portofdestination: 12保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 insurance:tobeeffectedbybuyersfor110%offullinvoicevaluecovering_____upto_____only. 13付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖


内部编号:AN-QP-HT410 版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 The Contract / Document That Can Be Held By All Parties Of Natural Person, Legal Person And Organization Of Equal Subject Acts On Their Establishment, Change And Termination Of Civil Rights And Obligations, And Defines The Corresponding Rights And Obligations Of All Parties Participating In The Contract. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 时间:__________________ 外贸销售合同中英文通用范本

外贸销售合同中英文通用范本 使用指引:本协议文件可用于平等主体的自然人、法人、组织之间设立的各方可以执以为凭的契约/文书,作用于他们设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系,同时明确参与合同的各方对应的权利和义务。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 外贸合同contract 编号:no: 日期:date : 签约地点:signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax:


编号:_____________ 外贸合同 买方:________________________________________________

卖方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日 THE BUYER: 买方: THE SELLER: 卖方: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)

2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失, 由于未采用充分,或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 3. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc. and the shipping mark: 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部 刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、 “小心轻放”、“此面向上”等,唛头为: 4. TIME OF SHIPMENT(装运期):After 80%T/T Payment


外贸销售合同范本(英文版) 合约编号:________ Contract NO._______ 售货合约 SALESCONTRACT ------- 买方:_____ 日期:____年__月__日 Buyers:_____cate:_____ 卖方:____中国___进出口公司___省分公司 Sellers: China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export corporation ,____Branch 双方同意按下列条款由买方购进卖方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following good ontermsand conditions set for the below: ──────────────┬───────┬──────┬────── (1)货物名称及规格,包装及│(2)数量│(3)单价│(4)总价 装运唛头│││ Name or commodity and Speci-│Quantity│unit price│Total Fications Packing and shipp-│││Amount Ing Marks│││ ──────────────┼───────┼──────┼────── (装运数量允许有%的增减)│││ (Shipment Quantity% more│││ Or less allowd│││ ──────────────┴───────┴──────┴────── (5)装运期限 Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸 Ports of Loading (7)目的口岸 Port of Destination: (8)保险:投保___险,由___按发票金额___%,投保 Insurance: Covering Risks for____% of Invoice Value to be effected By the (9)付款条件:___…… Terms of Payment :___凭保兑的,不可撤消的,可转让的,可分割的即期付款信用证,信用证以中 国五金矿产进出口公司__分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。 By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit In favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export Corporation


SALES AND PURCHASE CONTRACT Granular Sulphur in Bulk DRAFT CONTRACT NUMBER: 100901 Offer subject to Seller’s final review, confirmation and approval. This agreement made and entered into on September 2, 2010 by and between: Seller: E-MAIL: ………………………………………. Phone: ____________________________ Hereinaf ter called the “Seller” and Herein Buyer: Address: Tel: E-mail:__________________________ Hereinafter called the “Buyer” and Whereas:Seller and Buyer, each with full corporate authority, certifies, represents and warrants that each can fulfill the requirements of this agreement and respectively provides the products and the funds referred to herein, on time and under the terms agreed to hereafter.


IRREVOCABLE COMMISSION AGREEMENT 佣金协议 本佣金协议书于2013年08月日在中国北京由双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This Commission Agreement ("Agreement" is between the parties concerned on August , 2013 in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码: Contract No. : 1. 协议开始日期: AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE: 本协议从 ___________ , 2013开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 2013. 2. 协议方: PARTIES: 本协议涉及以下各方: This agreement is made and entered by and between: 甲方: PARTY A: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: AND 和 乙方: PARTY B:


2020外贸销售合同英文版 销售合同SALES CONTRACT 卖方SELLER:DESUN TRADING CO., LTD.HUARONG MANSION RM2901 NO.85 GUANJIAQIAO,NANJING 210005, CHINATEL: 15004 FAX: 11363编号NO.:NEO20xx026日期DATE:Feb. 28, 20xx地点SIGNED IN:NANJING, CHINA 买方BUYER:NEO GENERAL TRADING CO.P.O. BOX 99552, RIYADH 22766, KSATEL: 059220 FAX: 059213买卖双方同意以下条款达成交易:This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1. 品名及规格Commodity & Specification 2. 数量Quantity 3. 单价及价格条款Unit Price & Trade Terms 4. 金额AmountCFR DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIAABOUT 1700 CARTONS CANNED MUSRHOOMS PIECES & STEMS 24 TINS X 425 GRAMS NET WEIGHT (D.W. 227 GRAMS) AT USD7.80 PER CARTON.ROSE BRAND.1700CARTONSUSD7.80USD13260.00Total:1700CARTONSUSD13260.00允许With 溢短装,由卖方决定More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers’ option 5. 总值Total ValueUSD THIRTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONLY. 6. 包装PackingEXPORTED BROWN CARTON 7. 唛头Shipping MarksROSE BRAND178/20xxRIYADH 8. 装运期及运输方式Time of Shipment


国际贸易进出口英文合同范本 SALES CONTRACT ( ORIGINAL ) Contract No. Date: Signed at: Sellers: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Buyers: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: 约首:This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers whereby the Sellers agree to sell and t he Buyers agree to buy the under—montioned goods ac cording to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 唛头:Shipping Mark

To be designated by the Sellers / At the Sellers’ option. 保险条款:Insurance 在FOB, CFR 合同下,保险条款可订为: Insurance to be covered by the Buyer. 在CIF 合同下,保险条款可订为: Insurance to be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A / All Risks / War Risk including shortage in weight as per and subj ect to the Ocean Marine Carge Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. If other coverage or an additional insurance is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment, a nd the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyers. 装运条款:Shippment Time of Shipment: during Feb./Mar. 2005 in two equal monthly lots Port of loading / shipment : Port of destination :London. Transhipment at HongKong allowed. The carrying vessel shall be provided by the sellers. Partialshipment an d transshipment ar e allowed. After loading is completed, the seller sh all notify the buyers by cable of the contract number, name of comm odity, name of the carring vessel and date of shipment. 付款条件:Terms of Payment The Buyers shall open with a acceptable to the Sellers an Irrevocable Sight Letter of Credit to reach the Sellers 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after th e month o f shipment. ( Export ) By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods tb be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Sellers’ draft at sight accompanied by the shipping d ocuments stipulated in the Credit. The balance of 10% of the proceed s is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approve


外贸销售合同中英文完整 版 In the case of disputes between the two parties, the legitimate rights and interests of the partners should be protected. In the process of performing the contract, disputes should be submitted to arbitration. This paper is the main basis for restoring the cooperation scene. 【适用合作签约/约束责任/违约追究/维护权益等场景】 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订时间:________________________ 签订地点:________________________

外贸销售合同中英文完整版 下载说明:本协议资料适合用于需解决双方争议的场景下,维护合作方各自的合法权益,并在履行合同的过程中,双方当事人一旦发生争议,将争议提交仲裁或者诉讼,本文书即成为复原合作场景的主要依据。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 外贸合同contract 编号:no: 日期:date : 签约地点:signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code:


外贸销售合同 Sales Contract 编号:No: 日期:Date : 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 1 货号Article No. 2 品名及规格Description&Specification 3 数量Quantity 4 单价Unit Price 5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 Total Amount With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家Country of Origin and Manufacturer 7 包装:Packing: 8 唛头:Shipping Marks: 9 装运期限:Time of Shipment: 10 装运口岸:Port of Loading: 11 目的口岸:Port of Destination: 12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。


外贸合同范本中英文 编号: no: 日期: date : 签约地点: signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 1 货号article no. 2 品名及规格description&specification 3 数量 quantity 4 单价unit price

5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 total amount with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家country of origin and manufacturer 7 包装:packing: 8 唛头:shipping marks: 9 装运期限:time of shipment: 10 装运口岸:port of loading: 11 目的口岸:port of destination: 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. 13 付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。 payment:


SALES CONTRACT 销售合同 合同号Contract No: 签字日期Signing Date: The Buyer: Address: Tel: The Seller: Address: TEL: This Contract, made out by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.(According to the practical price of invoice) 本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)。 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER: 原产地和制造商: 3.TRANSPORTATION: Marine refrigerated container transportation. 运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输。 4. PACKING: To be packed by new strong wooden cases suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing. 包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,或采用不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。 5. SHIPPING MARK: The Seller shall mark on each package with faceless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "RIGHT SIDE UP", "HANDLE WITH CARE", "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTUE", and the shipping mark. 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺码和“勿倒置”,“小心轻放”,“防潮”等字样。


销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 卖方: The Seller: Add 买方(The Buyer): Add: 经双方确认订立本合同,具体条款如下: This sales contract is made out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties: (5) 交货日期及运输方式: Mode of transportation:shipping from SHENZHEN CHINA to INCHEON KOREA (6) 装运标记: Shipping marks: N/M (7) 装运口岸: ( 8) 目的口岸: Port of loading: Shenzhen, China port Port of destination: Incheon port, Korea (9) 付款条件:(10) 包装:Packing Payment: 30% T/T in advance and balance payable against the copy of BL. Four containers each month. 备注:买方应根据卖方公司账户进行付款;如买方款项付到其它任何账户,卖方不承担任何责任。Note: Buyer shall make a payment based on the seller’s account, if the buyer any amount paid to the other account, the seller does not bear any responsibility. (11) 附加条款:(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准。)


中英文外贸合同范本 外贸合同是国际贸易中的重要文件,也是一种必不可少的法律依据,而商务英语正是从事国际贸易专业人员不可或缺的语言,也是外贸合同中的主要语言。随着经济全球化的快速发展,国际间的贸易活动与日俱增,外贸合同的涉及面越来越广泛,内容越来越复杂,要想保障国际贸易中合同签订双方的合法权利,就必须准确的理解、翻译外贸合同。以下是小编为大家精心准备的:中英文外贸合同相关范本。欢迎参考阅读! 中英文外贸合同范本一 合同编号:_________________ contract no:_______________ 签订日期:_________________ date:______________________ 签订地点:_________________ signed at : _______________ 电话:____________________ tel: ______________________

传真:____________________ fax:_______________________ 电报:____________________ cable: ____________________ 电传:____________________ telex: ____________________ 电话:____________________ tel: ______________________ 传真:____________________ fax:_______________________ 电报:_____________________


篇一:外贸购销合同实例(中英文对照) 购销合同 sales & purchase contract 卖方:xx水泥集团有限公司办公地址:邮政地址: (ghana: postal add & office add is different; courier can not be sent to a mail box) 电话: 传真: seller: office address: postal address: tel. no.: fax no.: 制造商:xx水泥有限公司 manufacturer: xxi cement co., ltd. buyer : office address: postal address: tel. no. : fax no. : contract no. : ssg/ /cem/2009-001 place of contract : xxx, china. (important: for claim settlement) date of contract : february 26, 2012双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below: 第一条货物名称 由xx水泥有限公司生产的普通硅酸盐水泥 ordinary portland cement manufactured by yxx cement co., ltd. (important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries) 第二条品质规格 符合中国国家标准gb 175-2007的普通硅酸盐水泥52.5级。 clause 2. quality & specification ordinary portland cement conforming to china national cement standard gb 175-2007 grade 52.5. (australia: en 197-1:2000 cem i & cem ii claims) 第三条数量 3.1,总供货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方决定。 3.2 船舶载货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方选择,船舶规范须符合第十条之规定,并需经卖方邮件确认。 clause 3. quantity 3.1. total 2,000 metric tons, 5% plus or minus at buyer’s option. 3.2. shipment size shall be 2000 mt, +/- 5% at buyer’s option, but subject to the performing vessel’s particulars as described in clause 10 and seller’s email confirmation. (better to fix +/- 10% to avoid l/c quantity tolerance;


销售合同 Sales Contract 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买方:__________________________The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________Address:_________________________ 电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address:__________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同:

The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1.货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2.数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3.单价(Unit Price): 4.总值(Total Amount): 5.交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6.原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7.包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean


编号:YB-HT-9745 外贸合同样本中英文 Sample of foreign trade 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 编订:Yunbo Design

外贸合同样本中英文 编号: no: 日期: date : 签约地点: signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

1 货号article no. 2 品名及规格description&specification 3 数量 quantity 4 单价unit price 5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 total amount with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家country of origin and manufacturer 7 包装:packing: 8 唛头:shipping marks: 9 装运期限:time of shipment: 10 装运口岸:port of loading: 11 目的口岸:port of destination:
