浅谈合同的效力 学 院: 商学院 专 业: 工程管理 姓 名: 陈昌全 学 号: 110707203 完成日期: 2013.12. 13
在当今社会合同运用的频率和要求越来越高,对合同的效力的了解和认知要求也越来越高,因此必须充分理解合同的成立与生效,正确的认定和处理二者的区别。合同效力,指依法成立受法律保护的合同,对合同当事人产生的必须履行其合同的义务,不得擅自变更或解除合同的法律拘束力。合同的效力问题是合同法中的核心问题。合理地运用合同效力,这样才能保护合同当事人的合法权益,维护交易秩序,促进社会经济的发展。目前,对合同效力的认定就成了国家对合同的认可、保护与干涉的具体内容之一.我国以前颁布的<经济合同法>、<技术合同法>等都没有以"合同的效力"为题设专章和专节的规定,而<中华人民共和国合同法>专设第三章"合同的效力",遂从以往一个主要限于理论研究中使用的概念,转变为一个现行法律明文规定、且不可回避和逾越的现实问题,对其进行探讨更具实践意义. 在实践中,合同效力的认定是一个至关重要的问题,很多合同纠纷的处理都要从对合同效力进行认定开始,甚至有一些合同纠纷的处理就是以对合同效力所做的妥当认定来作为终结的。从我国《合同法》第三章关于合同效力的规定来看,得到明确认可的合同的效力类型至少有这么几种:生效合同、效力待定的合同、可撤销的合同、绝对无效的合同。除了上述四种合同的效力类型以外,其他一些相关的法律,包括最高法院的司法解释中还存在其他类型的合同效力,比如相对特定第三人无效的合同以及尚未完全生效的合同。本文就合同效力的涵义以及合同的成立和生效,与合同效力之间的相互联系予以分析。并阐述合同的一般生效要件和特别生效要件,以及附条件和附期限合同的特殊内容。并介绍导致合同无效或被撤销的各种行为和情况,对合同无效或被撤销后的法律后果作以说明。
In today's social contract with the frequency and the increasingly high demand, the understanding and cognition on the validity of the contract requirements are increasingly high, so we must fully understand the establishment and effectiveness of a contract, the difference between the correct identification and treatment of the two. The validity of the contract, the establishment of protected by law in accordance with the law of contract, the parties to the contract must fulfill their obligations of the contract, shall not unilaterally modify or rescind the contract legal binding force. The validity of contract is the core problem in contract law. The rational use of the validity of the contract, so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of contract parties, maintaining transaction order, promoting the development of economy and society. At present, the effectiveness of a contract that has become one of the specific content of the contract state recognition, protection and interference. China promulgated "economic contract law >, < technology contract law >, not to" contract "in the title is a special chapter and the special provisions of section, and < People's Republic Chinese Contract Law > special of the third chapter" the effectiveness of the contract ", and from the previous one is mainly limited to the concept used in theoretical research, into a current legal provisions, and may not be realistic problem avoidance and beyond, to discuss more practical significance. In practice, the effectiveness of a contract that is a crucial issue, deal with a lot of contract disputes are identified from the beginning of the validity of contract, and even some contract dispute to the validity of the contract is done properly identified as the end. From China's "contract law" the third chapter provisions on the validity of contract, clearly recognized the validity of contract types at least several: contract, validity of contract, a revocable contract, absolutely void contract. In addition to the above four types of validity of contract, other relevant laws, the validity of any other type of contract also has the judicial interpretation including Supreme Court, such as relative specific third invalid