fixture note
it is mutually between the charterer and owner of the following:(租船人与船东协议如下)经友好协商双方打成如下条款:
3.vsl (船舶)
5. part cargo acceptable(可以接受的部分货物):
6.cargo to be loaded/disched by ro-ro only.n ows option to
load cgo on weather deck (货物只是通过滚装来装卸,还是船东
10.loading/discharging rate(装卸率): cqd bends按港口习惯速
11.freight(运费):usd /cbm flt basis 1/1(美元/立方,)
12.payment:100pct of frt to be paid to owners nominated bank account w/i 3 banking days upon completion of loading and sr
bl marked “frt payable as per cp”but always bbb.full freight to
be deemed as earned with discountless and non-returnable on cargoes lost or not lost. 付款方式:全部运费在装完货和签发预付
13. bs/l: owners form to be used,owners/master to authorize
l/port agent to sign/release bs/l in accordance with mate’s receipt.bs/l to be signed/releas ed marked “freight
prepaid”upon full freight has been duly received by owners nominated bank.
14. detention: usd pdpr at both ends()
15.l/s/d any chtr acct.
16. ows agt bends
17. any taxes/dues/wharfage due to cargo to be for chtrs
a/c,same on vsl to be for owners a/c. (货物所有的税/码头费用由租船人支付,船舶停靠费用由船东支付)
18.if any war risk to be for charters a/c
19.arbitration in hk,english law to be applied
20.otherwise asp gencon 94.
on and behalf of owneron and behalf of charterer
a always afloat 永远漂浮
aar against all risks 针对所有风险
abt about 大约
acc acceptance/accepted 接受
accdg according to 根据
acct account 帐,因为
acol after completion of loading 装货结束后
addcom address commission 回扣佣金
adv advise 告知
aflws as follows 如下
agt agent 代理人
agw all goes well 一切顺利
ahps arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站
anch anchorage 锚地
ans answer 回答
a/o and / or 和/或
aoh after office hours 工作时间外
ap additional premium 附加保险费
aps arrival pilot station 到达引航站
arr arrive 到达
asap as soon as possible 尽可能快的
asps arrival sea pilot station到达海区引航站
ata actual time of arrival 实际到达时间
atd actual time of departure 实际开航时间
atdnshinc any time,day,night,sunday and holodays included 包括任何时间,白天黑夜星期六和节假日
atdnshexany time,day,night,sunday and holodays excepted 任何时间,白天,夜间星期六和节假日除外
ats all time saved 所有节省时间
atsbe all time saved both ends 所有两港节省时间
atsdo all time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间
atslo all time saved loading only 所有装货港节省时间
awts all working time saved 所有节省的工作时间
awtsbe all working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的时间awtsdo all working time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省的时间 awtslo all working time saved loading only 所有装货港节省的时间
bb ballast bonus 空航奖金(空放补贴)
bbb before breaking bulk 卸货前
b/d breakdown 故障
bends both ends 两端(装港和卸港)
bimco baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会
biz business 业务
b/lbill of lading提单
blrboiler 锅炉
blt built 建造
bod bunker of delivery 交燃油
bor burker of redelivery 接燃油