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An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in

place of TCP/IP

R. Seshadri a

a Computer Centre, S.V. University , Tirupati , 517 502 , India

Published online: 03 Jun 2013.


An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in place of TCP/IP R.Seshadri ?

Computer Centre

S.V .University

Tirupati 517502India


The existing TCP/IP protocol stack running in hosts takes lot of overhead while the node in network is for a speci?c purpose.For example transferring simple messages across network.If the node in the network is not a PC but,some thing like a micro controller,which measures some values and stores in its local memory,then it becomes lavishness in using the micro controller’s memory.As it is a node in a network,working with TCP/IP ,it should be able to transfer those values in the form of messages to other hosts which are in either local network or global network.

But in micro controller terms the memory is expensive and compact.The existing TCP/IP stack consumes a few mega bytes of memory.Therefore it can’t be accommodated in the memory of micro controller.Hence one needs to reduce the memory consumption.In this regard,an abridged protocol which replaces the existing TCP/IP has been designed to suit the above needs.For this purpose,the TCP/IP have been combined with KEIL C51features for 8051micro controller to make it work in transferring messages in local area network as well as global network.

The above scheme was implemented and tested and the system was working satisfac-torily.The results are found to be more effective in communicating information/message from the micro controller to a PC.

Keywords :Ethernet,stack,Transmission Control Protocol (TCP ),Internet Protocol (IP ).Introduction to TCP/IP

The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of communication protocols.The name is misleading because TCP and IP are the only two of the dozens of protocols that compose the suite.Its name comes from two of the most ?E-mail :ravalaseshadri@yahoo.co.in


Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences &Cryptography


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h 2015

524R.SESHADRI important protocols in the suite,the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)and the Internet Protocol (IP).TCP/IP originated out of the investigative research into networking protocols that the Department of Defense (DOD)initiated in 1969.In 1968,the DOD Advanced Research Projects Agency (APRA)began researching the network technology that is now called packet switching.The original focus of this research was to facilitate communication among the DOD community.However,the network that was initially constructed as a result of this research,then called ARPANET,gradually became known as the internet.In the early 1980’s,the TCP/IP protocols were developed.In 1983,they became standard protocols for ARPANET.It is often referred to as DOD protocol suite or the internet protocol suite.

When two computers wish to exchange information over a network,there are several components that must be in place before the data can actually be sent and received.Ofcourse,the physical hardware must exist,which is typically either a Network Interface Card (NIC)or a serial communications port for dial-up network connections.Beyond this phys-ical connection,however computers also need to use a protocol,which de?nes the parameters of the communication between them.In short,a protocol de?nes “rules of the road”that each computer must follow so that all the systems in the network can exchange data.One of the most popular protocols is use today is TCP/IP ,which stands for transmission control/internet protocol.

KEIL C51compiler basics

The KEIL C51compiler has been written to allow C programmers to get code running quickly on 8051systems with little or no learning curve.However,to get the best from it,some appreciation of the under-lying hardware is desirable.The most basic decision to be made is which memory model to use.

Implementation of abridged TCP/IP in C51[1]

The conceptual overview and infrastructure of TCP/IP will be very immensive and fuzzy.Each protocol in the stack has its own functional ually Programmers choose a powerful high level language for implementation.High level language like ‘C’provides dynamic mem-ory allocation,buffer maintenance strong type checking etc.,which are useful in implementing protocols in an optimized way.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


The native TCP/IP in the Linux system implements several features:Internet Protocol

In the TCP ,UDP ,ICMP ,IGMP data gets transmitted as IP datagrams,so it is called as workhorse protocol.Currently,IP is implemented with the following features:

IP routing:This provides the basic mechanism for routers to interconnect

different physical networks.IP routing is done by hop-by-hop basis.It uses a data structure called routing table which maintains source and destination addresses and the next hop router to which the datagram is to be sent.

IP multicasting:This feature enables the IP to send the datagrams to the

selective destination addresses.

IP tunneling:This feature lets the other protocols to use the IP .For

example IPX protocol can make use if IP tunneling to send its data.IP masquerading:If a Linux host is connected to the internet with IP

masquerade enabled,then computers connecting to it either on the same LAN or connected with modems can reach the internet as well,even though they have no of?cially assigned IP addresses.

IP accounting:This keeps track of IP network traf?c,performs packet

logging and produces some statistics.

IP aliasing:This provides the possibility of setting multiple network

addresses on the same low-level network device driver.It is typically used for services that act differently based on the address they listen on.

Address Resolution Protocol

Currently ARP implements two features

Gratuitous ARP:It occurs when a host sends an ARP request looking for its own IP address.This is done when the interface is con?gured at bootstrap time.

Transmission Control Protocol:Currently TCP is implemented with the following features [2]:

?Handle multiple simultaneous connections D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


?Hold sent segments until ack is received

?Resend segments if no ack is received

?Handle TCP options

?Handle passive open (act as a server)

?Handle active open (act as a client)

?Assemble multiple segments

?Assemble out-of-order segments

?Discard duplicate received segments

?Nagle algorithm

?Van Jacobsen’s algorithm

?Respect other end’s max segment size

?Slow start on new connection

?Estimate round trip time

?Kam’s algorithm

?Congestion avoidance algorithm

?Handle urgent mode Code Description Code Description

0Echo reply 3Destination unreachable 4Source quench 5Redirect

8Echo 9Router advertisement

10Router solicitation 11Time exceeded

12Parameter problem 13Timestamp request

14Timestamp reply 15Information request

16Information reply 17Address mask request 18Address mask reply 30Traceroute

31Datagram conversion error

Problems in existing paradigm

The above mentioned protocols and its feature are ef?cient in terms of functionality when the PC to PC communication is concerned.It took few Mbytes of memory in a x86system.As in case of micro controller the memory model is very compact when compared with the PC.Now our existing system can not be suited for porting in to micro controller,because it’s a spacious one.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

MICRO CONTROLLER IN PLACE OF TCP/IP 527Proposed paradigm [3]

Not all the features mentioned above are required in terms of micro-controller.So we abridged them and implemented the following protocols and its features.The model for the proposed system is shown in Figure


Figure 1

Layers of the proposed system

Internet Protocol

IP routing:This provides the basic mechanism for routers to interconnect different physical networks.IP routing is done by hop-by-hop basis.It uses a datastructure called routing table which maintains source and destination addresses and the next hop router to which the datagram is to be sent.

Address Resolution Protocol

ARP will translate the IP address to the physical address of the destination host.It uses a lookup table (some times referred to as the ARP cache)to perform this translation.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

528R.SESHADRI Transmission Control Protocol

Currently TCP is implemented with the following features:

Handle multiple simultaneous connections

Hold sent segments until ack is received

Handle TCP options

Handle passive open

Internet Control Message Protocol

It is an interactive error reporting protocol.Currently it handles the following message types:Code Description

0Echo reply

3Destination unreachable


Sequence of

steps followed to

implement an abridged

protocol stack in

place of TCP/IP is

shown in Figure


Figure 2

Sequence of steps D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


The following are the protocols,which has been implemented so as to reach the desired goal.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol )

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol )

IP (Internet Protocol )

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol )

HTTP (Hyper Text Transmission Protocol )

ETH (Ethernet Protocol )

Now let us see on by one protocol.

Implementation of ARP [4]

The data structures used in this protocol are as follows:

typedef struct


ULONG ipaddr;

UCHAR hwaddr[6];

UCHAR timer;


This cache maintains the recent mappings from internet addresses to hardware addresses.The normal expiration time of entry in a cache is 0.5seconds from the time the entry was created.This time value is represented using the timer template member in the structure.

typedef struct


UINT hardware type;

UINT protocol type;

UCHAR hwaddr len;

UCHAR ipaddr len;

UINT message type;

UCHAR source hwaddr[6];

ULONG source ipaddr;

UCHAR dest hwaddr[6];

ULONG dest ipaddr;

}ARP HEADER;D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

530R.SESHADRI This represents the ARP header.

The methods which I used in this are as follows:

UCHAR*arp resolve(ULONG)

This method ?nds the ethernet hardware address for the given IP address,if destination IP is on the subnet then we want the eth address of destination,otherwise we want eth address of gateway.This will look in ARP cache ?rst.If not found there,this will send ARP request.This will return pointer to the hardware address or NULL if not found.

void arp rcve(UCHAR*)

This handles incoming ARP messages.

void arp send(UINT8*,UINT32,UINT8)

This allocates memory for the entire outgoing message,including Ethernet and ip headers,then builds an outgoing ARP response message.

void age arp cache(void)

This is called every 60seconds to age the ARP cache.If an entry times out then it is deleted from the cache.

void arp retransmit(void)

This resends an ARP request if there was no response to the ?rst one.It is called every 0.5seconds.If there is no response after 2retries,the datagram that IP was trying to send is deleted.

Implementation of ICMP

The data structure used in this protocol is as follows:

typedef struct


UCHAR msg type;

UCHAR msg code;

UINT checksum;

ULONG msg data;

UCHAR echo data;


typedef struct


UCHAR ver len;D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


UCHAR type of service;

UINT total length;

UINT identifier;

UINT fragment info;

UCHAR time to live;

UCHAR protocol id;

UINT header cksum;

ULONG source ipaddr;

ULONG dest ipaddr;


typedef struct


UCHAR msg type;

UCHAR msg code;

UINT checksum;

UINT identifier;

UINT sequence;

UCHAR echo data;


ICMP messages are usually acted on by the IP layer,when an ICMP error message is sent,the message always contains the IP header and the ?rst eight bytes of IP datagram that caused the ICMP error to be generated.So used the above two data structures.

The methods which were used in this are as follows:

void ping send(UCHAR*,ULONG,UINT)

This builds a ping response message.It allocates memory for the entire outgoing message,including Eth and IP headers.

void dest unreach send(UCHAR*,ULONG)

This builds an outgoing ICMP destination port unreachable response message.

void icmp rcve(UCHAR*,UINT)

This handles incoming ICMP messages.And displays what type of error it is.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

532R.SESHADRI Implementation of IP

The data structure used in this protocol is as follows:

typedef struct


UCHAR ver len;

UCHAR type of service;

UINT total length;

UINT identifier;

UINT fragment info;

UCHAR time to live;

UCHAR protocol id;

UINT header cksum;

ULONG source ipaddr;

ULONG dest ipaddr;


This represents the IP header.

The methods followed are as follows:


This builds outgoing IP datagrams.It adds the 20byte IP header and checksum then forwards the IP datagram to the Ethernet layer for sending.

void ip rcve(UCHAR*)

This handles incoming IP datagrams from the Ethernet layer.

Implementation of TCP [5]

The data structure used in this protocol is as follows:

typedef struct


UINT source yort;

UINT dest yort;

ULONG sequence;

ULONG ack number;

UINT flags;

UINT window;

UINT checksum;D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


UINT urgent ytr;

UCHAR options;


This represents the TCP header.

typedef struct


UCHAR ver len;

UCHAR type of service;

UINT total length;

UINT identifier;

UINT fragment info;

UCHAR time to live;,

UCHAR protocol id;

UINT header cksum;

ULONG source ipaddr;

ULONG dest ipaddr;


The methods which I used in this are as follows:


This sends a TCP segments that do not include any data.

void TCP rcve(UCHAR*,UINT)

This handles incoming TCP messages and manages the TCP state ma-chine.

void TCP retransmit(void)

This runs every 0.5seconds.If the other end has not acknowledged everything we have sent,resends it.To save RAM space,we regenerate a segment rather than keeping a bunch segments hanging around eating up RAM.A connection should not be in an opening or closing state when this timer expires,so we simply send a reset.If a connection is in the ESTABLISHED state when the timer expires then we have just sent a web page so resend the page.

void TCP inactivity(void)

This runs every 0.5seconds.If the connection has had no activity it initiates closing the connection.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

534R.SESHADRI Implementation of HTTP

The data structure used in this protocol is as follows:

typedef struct


UCHAR ver len;

UCHAR type of service;

UINT total length;

UINT identifier;

UINT fragment info;

UCHAR time to live;

UCHAR protocol id;

UINT header cksum;

ULONG source ipaddr;

ULONG dest ipaddr;


typedef struct


UINT source-port;

UINT dest-port;

ULONG sequence;

ULONG ack number;

UINT flags;

UINT window;

UINT checksum;

UINT urgent-ptr;

UCHAR options;


The methods which I used in this are as follows:

void init http(void)


This serves up either a HTML page,a JPEG image,or controls an LED,depending what it gets from the browser.The received header must contain the word “GET”or “POST”)to be considered a valid request.Implementation of ethernet protocol

The data structure used in this protocol is as follows:D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


typedef struct


UCHAR dest hwaddr[6];

UCHAR source hwaddr[6];

UINT frame type;


The methods which I used in this are as follows:

void eth rcve(UCHAR*)

This is the handler for incoming Ethernet frames.This is designed to handle standard Ethernet frames.

void eth send(UCHAR*,UCHAR*,UINT,UIN1)

This adds the ethernet header and sends completed Ethernet frame to micro controller.


?Here the test case is the acquisition of power measurement in the micro controller in the form of HTTP reply.

?For this we initialized the microcontroller with the IP address passed the HTTP request.

?The HTTP request is passed from another host in the network through the internet explorer.

?HTTP reply from the micro controller is as given below.

D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015

536R.SESHADRI Conclusion

?This paper clearly shown that it is possible to implement “An Abridged Protocol Stack for Micro Controller in place of TCP/IP”using KEIL C51in Windows operating system.

?The Micro Controller is made itself to work in a Network instead of PC’s.Now some of the cost based measures like space,complexity,effort are reduced.Micro Controller is highly economical when com-pared with PC’s.

Future enhancements

?This can be enhanced to support Wireless communication over Eth-ernet by implementing the 802.11standards.This can be done easily because this abridged stack can adapt a new protocol easily.?Right now there is no any security for the data in the micro controller,i.e any body can have access to it.In future this can be avoided by implementing authentication methods like LDAP etc.

?We can enhance this abridged protocol stack by adding some extra features to current protocols,so that it can be more ef?cient in communicating data,while the con?guration of the system also upgraded.

?In future this can be enhanced and implement for Linux and other operating systems also.


[1]M.Beach,C51Primer .


[3]W.Richard Stevens,TCP/IP Illustrated ,Vol.1.

[4] C.Hunt,TCP/IP Network Administration .

[5]W.R.Stevens,TCP/IP Illustrated ,Vol.1.

Received April,2006

D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


Arda Technology Arda Tech P.F.FU 2014-12-19 Ver 0.1 #elif defined(USE_XXXXXX) #include "os_port_xxxxxx.h"

NicType type;//控制器类型。0:以太网接口,1:PPP接口,2:6LowPan接口 NicInit init;//控制器初始化函数指针 NicTick tick;//控制器周期性事务处理函数指针 NicEnableIrq enableIrq;//打开控制器中断函数指针 NicDisableIrq disableIrq;//关闭控制器中断函数指针 NicEventHandler eventHandler;//控制器中断响应函数指针,这个是下半段的中断处理部分。 NicSetMacFilter setMacFilter;//配置多播MAC地址过滤函数指针 NicSendPacket sendPacket;//发送包函数指针 NicWritePhyReg writePhyReg;//写PHY寄存器函数指针 NicReadPhyReg readPhyReg;//读PHY寄存器函数指针 bool_t autoPadding;//是否支持自动填充 bool_t autoCrcGen;//是否支持自动生成CRC校验码 bool_t autoCrcCheck;//是否支持自动检查CRC错误 NicSendControlFrame sendControlFrame;//发送控制帧函数指针 NicReceiveControlFrame receiveControlFrame;//接收控制帧函数指针 NicPurgeTxBuffer purgeTxBuffer;//清除发送缓冲函数指针 NicPurgeRxBuffer purgeRxBuffer;//清除接受缓存函数指针 xxxxEthInitGpio(...)//用于在init中初始化GPIO。 xxxxEthInitDmaDesc(...)//用于在init中初始化DMA任务描述符列表。 XXXX_Handler(...)//用于MAC中断的上半段处理。 xxxxEthReceivePacket(...)//用于在eventHandler中收包,把数据从dma的缓冲复制到外部缓冲。xxxxEthCalcCrc(...)//计算CRC值,这个函数基本上是固定的。 xxxxEthDumpPhyReg(...)//用于调试的打印PHY寄存器列表值。


《专业综合实践》 训练项目报告训练项目名称:TCP/IP协议栈

1.IP协议 IP协议是TCP/IP协议的核心,所有的TCP,UDP,IMCP,IGCP的数据都以IP数据格式传输。要注意的是,IP不是可靠的协议,这是说,IP协议没有提供一种数据未传达以后的处理机制--这被认为是上层协议--TCP或UDP要做的事情。所以这也就出现了TCP是一个可靠的协议,而UDP就没有那么可靠的区别。这是后话,暂且不提 1.1.IP协议头如图所示

挨个解释它是教科书的活计,我感兴趣的只是那八位的TTL字段,还记得这个字段是做什么的么?这个字段规定该数据包在穿过多少个路由之后才会被抛弃(这里就体现出来IP协议包的不可靠性,它不保证数据被送达),某个ip数据包每穿过一个路由器,该数据包的TTL数值就会减少1,当该数据包的TTL成为零,它就会被自动抛弃。这个字段的最大值也就是255,也就是说一个协议包也就在路由器里面穿行255次就会被抛弃了,根据系统的不同,这个数字也不一样,一般是32或者是64,Tracerouter这个工具就是用这个原理工作的,tranceroute 的-m选项要求最大值是255,也就是因为这个TTL在IP协议里面只有8bit。 现在的ip版本号是4,所以也称作IPv4。现在还有IPv6,而且运用也越来越广泛了。 1.2.IP路由选择 当一个IP数据包准备好了的时候,IP数据包(或者说是路由器)是如何将数据包送到目的地的呢?它是怎么选择一个合适的路径来"送货"的呢? 最特殊的情况是目的主机和主机直连,那么主机根本不用寻找路由,直接把数据传递过去就可以了。至于是怎么直接传递的,这就要靠ARP协议了,后面会讲到。 稍微一般一点的情况是,主机通过若干个路由器(router)和目的主机连接。那么路由器就要通过ip包的信息来为ip包寻找到一个合适的目标来进行传递,比如合适的主机,或者合适的路由。路由器或者主机将会用如下的方式来处理某一个IP数据包 如果IP数据包的TTL(生命周期)以到,则该IP数据包就被抛弃。 搜索路由表,优先搜索匹配主机,如果能找到和IP地址完全一致的目标


mTCP:A Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore Systems EunYoung Jeong,Shinae Woo,Muhammad Jamshed,Haewon Jeong Sunghwan Ihm*,Dongsu Han,and KyoungSoo Park KAIST*Princeton University Abstract Scaling the performance of short TCP connections on multicore systems is fundamentally challenging.Although many proposals have attempted to address various short-comings,inef?ciency of the kernel implementation still persists.For example,even state-of-the-art designs spend 70%to80%of CPU cycles in handling TCP connections in the kernel,leaving only small room for innovation in the user-level program. This work presents mTCP,a high-performance user-level TCP stack for multicore systems.mTCP addresses the inef?ciencies from the ground up—from packet I/O and TCP connection management to the application inter-face.In addition to adopting well-known techniques,our design(1)translates multiple expensive system calls into a single shared memory reference,(2)allows ef?cient?ow-level event aggregation,and(3)performs batched packet I/O for high I/O ef?ciency.Our evaluations on an8-core machine showed that mTCP improves the performance of small message transactions by a factor of25compared to the latest Linux TCP stack and a factor of3compared to the best-performing research system known so far.It also improves the performance of various popular applications by33%to320%compared to those on the Linux stack. 1Introduction Short TCP connections are becoming widespread.While large content transfers(e.g.,high-resolution videos)con-sume the most bandwidth,short“transactions”1dominate the number of TCP?ows.In a large cellular network,for example,over90%of TCP?ows are smaller than32KB and more than half are less than4KB[45]. Scaling the processing speed of these short connec-tions is important not only for popular user-facing on-line services[1,2,18]that process small messages.It is 1We refer to a request-response pair as a transaction.These transac-tions are typically small in size.also critical for backend systems(e.g.,memcached clus-ters[36])and middleboxes(e.g.,SSL proxies[32]and redundancy elimination[31])that must process TCP con-nections at high speed.Despite recent advances in soft-ware packet processing[4,7,21,27,39],supporting high TCP transaction rates remains very challenging.For exam-ple,Linux TCP transaction rates peak at about0.3million transactions per second(shown in Section5),whereas packet I/O can scale up to tens of millions packets per second[4,27,39]. Prior studies attribute the inef?ciency to either the high system call overhead of the operating system[28,40,43] or inef?cient implementations that cause resource con-tention on multicore systems[37].The former approach drastically changes the I/O abstraction(e.g.,socket API) to amortize the cost of system calls.The practical lim-itation of such an approach,however,is that it requires signi?cant modi?cations within the kernel and forces ex-isting applications to be re-written.The latter one typically makes incremental changes in existing implementations and,thus,falls short in fully addressing the inef?ciencies. In this paper,we explore an alternative approach that de-livers high performance without requiring drastic changes to the existing code base.In particular,we take a clean-slate approach to assess the performance of an untethered design that divorces the limitation of the kernel implemen-tation.To this end,we build a user-level TCP stack from the ground up by leveraging high-performance packet I/O libraries that allow applications to directly access the packets.Our user-level stack,mTCP,is designed for three explicit goals: 1.Multicore scalability of the TCP stack. 2.Ease of use(i.e.,application portability to mTCP). 3.Ease of deployment(i.e.,no kernel modi?cations). Implementing TCP in the user level provides many opportunities.In particular,it can eliminate the expen-sive system call overhead by translating syscalls into inter-process communication(IPC).However,it also in-


This article was downloaded by: [University of Jiangnan] On: 27 March 2015, At: 06:51 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: /loi/tdmc20 An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in place of TCP/IP R. Seshadri a a Computer Centre, S.V. University , Tirupati , 517 502 , India Published online: 03 Jun 2013. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE

An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in place of TCP/IP R.Seshadri ? Computer Centre S.V .University Tirupati 517502India Abstract The existing TCP/IP protocol stack running in hosts takes lot of overhead while the node in network is for a speci?c purpose.For example transferring simple messages across network.If the node in the network is not a PC but,some thing like a micro controller,which measures some values and stores in its local memory,then it becomes lavishness in using the micro controller’s memory.As it is a node in a network,working with TCP/IP ,it should be able to transfer those values in the form of messages to other hosts which are in either local network or global network. But in micro controller terms the memory is expensive and compact.The existing TCP/IP stack consumes a few mega bytes of memory.Therefore it can’t be accommodated in the memory of micro controller.Hence one needs to reduce the memory consumption.In this regard,an abridged protocol which replaces the existing TCP/IP has been designed to suit the above needs.For this purpose,the TCP/IP have been combined with KEIL C51features for 8051micro controller to make it work in transferring messages in local area network as well as global network. The above scheme was implemented and tested and the system was working satisfac-torily.The results are found to be more effective in communicating information/message from the micro controller to a PC. Keywords :Ethernet,stack,Transmission Control Protocol (TCP ),Internet Protocol (IP ).Introduction to TCP/IP The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of communication protocols.The name is misleading because TCP and IP are the only two of the dozens of protocols that compose the suite.Its name comes from two of the most ?E-mail :ravalaseshadri@yahoo.co.in —————————————————– Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences &Cryptography Vol.9(2006),No.3,pp.523–536 c Taru Publications D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f J i a n g n a n ] a t 06:51 27 M a r c h 2015


TCP/IP协议族 IPv4包 UDP包 UDP的伪首部(根据IP数据包的内容建立) UDP校验和覆盖的内容超出了UDP数据报本身的X围。计算校验和,先把零值赋予校验和字段,然后对整个对象,包括伪首部、UDP的首部和用户数据,算出一个16比特的二进制

TCP包 TCP的伪首部(根据IP数据包的内容建立) 三次握手报文序列 在网点1的事件网络报文在网点2的事件 发送SYN seq=x 接收SYN报文段 发送SYN seq=y,ACK x+1

接收SYN+ACK报文段 发送ACK y+1 接收ACK报文段 TCP连接关闭的三次握手 在网点1的事件网络报文在网点2的事件 (应用程序关闭连接) 发送FIN seq=x 接收FIN报文段 发送ACK x+1 接收ACK报文段 发送FIN seq=y,ACK x+1 接收FIN+ACK报文段 发送ACK y+1 接收ACK报文段 IPv6 IPv6是“Internet Protocol Version 6”的缩写,它是IETF设计的用于替代现行版本IP协议-IPv4-的下一代IP协议。IPv6采用了分级地址模式、高效IPXX、服务质量、主机地址自动配置、认证和加密等许多技术。

IPv4和IPv6的主要差别 IPv6包结构 IPv6包由IPv6XX、扩展XX和上层协议数据单元三部分组成:

IPv6XX Version(4bit) Traffic Class(8bit) Flow Label(20bit) Payload Length(16bit) Next Header(8bit) Hop Limit(8bit) Source IP address (128bit) Destination IP address (128bit) 附:常用的Next Header 字段值表 扩展头 一个典型的IPv6包,没有扩展头。仅当需要路由器或目的节点做某些特殊处理时,才由发送方添加一个或多个扩展头。与IPv4不同,IPv6扩展头长度任意,不受40字节限制,但是为了提高处理选项头和传输层协议的性能,扩展头总是8字节长度的整数倍。 目前,RFC 2460中定义了以下6个IPv6扩展头: 1)Hop-by-Hop选项XX 包含分组传送过程中,每个路由器都必须检查和处理的特殊参数选项。Hop-by-Hop选 项XX中的选项描述一个分组的某些特性或用于提供填充。这些选项有: Pad1选项(选项类型为0),填充单字节。


《专业综合实践》 训练项目报告 训练项目名称:TCP/I P 协议栈 1、IP 协议 IP 协议就是TCP/IP 协议得核心,所有得TCRUDPJMCP, I GCP 得数据都 以IP 数据格式传输。要注意得就是,IP 不就是可靠得协议,这就是说,I P 协议 没有提供一种数据未传达以后得处理机制一一这被认为就是上层协议一一TCP 或UDP 要做得事情。所以这也就出现了 TCP 就是一个可靠得协议,而UDP 就 没有那么可靠得区别。这就是后话,暂且不提 1、1、IP 协议头如图所示 挨个解释它就是教科书得活计,我感兴趣得只就是那八位得TT L 字段,还记 得这个字段就是做什么得么?这个字段规定该数据包在穿过多少个路山之后才 会被抛弃(这里就体现出来I P 协议包得不可靠性,它不保证数据被送达),某个 ip 数据包每穿过一个路III 器,该数据包得TTL 数值就会减少1,当该数据包得T TL 成为零,它就会被自动抛弃。这个字段得最大值也就就是2 5 5,也就就是说 一个协议包也就在路由器里面穿行2 55次就会被抛弃了,根据系统得不同,这个 数字也不一样,一般就是32或者就是64, T r acero ute r 这个工具就就是用这个 原理丄作得,trancer o ute 得-m 选项要求最大值就是25 5,也就就是因为这个T TL 在IP 协议里面只有8b i to 现在得ip 版本号就是4,所以也称作IPv 4。现在还有IPv 6 ,而且运用也 越来越广泛了。 1、2、IP 路由选择 当一个IP 数据包准备好了得时候,IP 数据包(或者说就是路111器)就是如何 将数据包送到LI 得地得呢?它就是怎么选择一个合适得路径来”送货“得呢? 最特殊得情况就是U 得主机与主机直连,那么主机根本不用寻找路山,直接 把数 ii 恤如紀伯 字方


嵌入式TCPIP协议栈 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈 目前,市场上几乎所有的嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈都是根据BSD版的TCP/IP协议栈改写的。在商业嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈大都相当昂贵的情况下,很多人转而使用一些源代码公开的免费协议栈,并加以改造应用。目前较为著名的免费协议栈有: lwIP(Light weight TCP/IP Stack)——支持的协议比较完整,一般需要多任务环境支持,代码占用ROM>40KB,不适合8位机系统,没有完整的应用文档; uC/IP(TCP/IP stack for uC/OS)—基于uC/OS的任务管理,接口较复杂,没有说明文档。 笔者采用的协议栈系瑞典计算机科学研究所Adam Dunkels开发的uIP0.9。其功能特性总结如下: *完整的说明文档和公开的源代码(全部用C语言编写,并附有详细注释); *极少的代码占用量和RAM资源要求,尤其适用于8/16位单片机(见表1); *高度可配置性,以适应不同资源条件和应用场合; *支持ARP、IP、ICMP、TCP、UDP(可选)等必要的功能特性; *支持多个主动连接和被动连接并发,支持连接的动态分配和释放; *简易的应用层接口和设备驱动层接口; *完善的示例程序和应用协议实现范例。 表1 uIP在ATMEL AVR上代码和RAM占用情况 协议模块代码大小/B 使用的RAM/B ARP 1324 118 IP/ICMP/TCP 3304 360 HTTP 994 110 校验和函数636 0 数据包缓存0 400 总和6258 988

注:配置为1个TCP听端口,10个连接,10个ARP表项,400字节数据包缓存。 正是由于uIP所具有的显著特点,自从0.6版本以来就被移植到多种处理器上,包括MSP430、AVR和Z80等。笔者使用的uIP0.9是2003年11月发布的版本。目前,笔者已将它成功移植到MCS-51上了。 2 uIP0.9的体系结构 uIP0.9是一个适用于8/16位机上的小型嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈,简单易用,资源占用少是它的设计特点。它去掉了许多全功能协议栈中不常用的功能,而保留网络通信所必要的协议机制。其设计重点放在IP、ICMP和TCP协议的实现上,将这三个模块合为一个有机的整体,而将UDP和ARP协议实现作为可选模块。UIP0.9的体系结构如图1所示。 UIP0.9处于网络通信的中间层,其上层协议在这里被称之为应用程序,而下层硬件或固件被称之为网络设备驱动。显然,uIP0.9并不是仅仅针对以太网设计的,以具有媒体无关性。 为了节省资源占用,简化应用接口,uIP0.9在内部实现上作了特殊的处理。 ①注意各模块的融合,减少处理函数的个数和调用次数,提高代码复用率,以减少ROM占用。 ②基于单一全局数组的收发数据缓冲区,不支持内存动态分配,由应用负责处理收发的数据。 ③基于事件驱动的应用程序接口,各并发连接采用轮循处理,仅当网络事件发生时 ,由uIP内核唤起应用程序处理。这样,uIP用户只须关注特定应用就可以了。传统的TCP/IP实现一般要基于多任务处理环境,而大多数8位机系统不具备这个条件。 ④应用程序主动参与部分协议栈功能的实现(如TCP的重发机制,数据包分段和流量控制),由uIP内核设置重发事件,应用程序重新生成数据提交发送,免去了大量内部缓存的占用。基于事件驱动的应用接口使得这些实现较为简单。 3 uIP的设备驱动程序接口 uIP内核中有两个函数直接需要底层设备驱动程序的支持。 一是uip_input()。当设置驱动程序从网络层收到的一个数据包时要调用这个函数,

linux tcpip协议栈分析

sk_buff结构可能是linux网络代码中最重要的数据结构,它表示接收或发送数据包的包头信息。它在 中定义,并包含很多成员变量供网络代码中的各子系统使用。 这个结构在linux内核的发展过程中改动过很多次,或者是增加新的选项,或者是重新组织已存在的成员变量以使得成员变量的布局更加清晰。它的成员变量可以大致分为以下几类: ?Layout 布局 ?General 通用 ?Feature-specific功能相关 ?Management functions管理函数 这个结构被不同的网络层(MAC或者其他二层链路协议,三层的IP,四层的TCP或UDP等)使用,并且其中的成员变量在结构从一层向另一层传递时改变。L4向L3传递前会添加一个L4的头部,同样,L3向L2传递前,会添加一个L3的头部。添加头部比在不同层之间拷贝数据的效率更高。由于在缓冲区的头部添加数据意味着要修改指向缓冲区的指针,这是个复杂的操作,所以内核提供了一个函数skb_reserve (在后面的章节中描述)来完成这个功能。协议栈中的每一层在往下一层传递缓冲区前,第一件事就是调用skb_reserve在缓冲区的头部给协议头预留一定的空间。 skb_reserve同样被设备驱动使用来对齐接收到包的包头。如果缓冲区向上层协议传递,旧的协议层的头部信息就没什么用了。例如,L2的头部只有在网络驱动处理L2的协议时有用,L3是不会关心它的信息的。但是,内核并没有把L2的头部从缓冲区中删除,而是把有效荷载的指针指向L3的头部,这样做,可以节省CPU时间。 1. 网络参数和内核数据结构 就像你在浏览TCP/IP规范或者配置内核时所看到的一样,网络代码提供了很多有用的功能,但是这些功能并不是必须的,比如说,防火墙,多播,还有其他一些功能。大部分的功能都需要在内核数据结构中添加自己的成员变量。因此,sk_buff里面包含了很多像#ifdef这样的预编译指令。例如,在sk_buff结构的最后,你可以找到: struct sk_buff { ... ... ... #ifdef CONFIG_NET_SCHED _ _u32 tc_index; #ifdef CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT _ _u32 tc_verd; _ _u32 tc_classid; #endif #endif } 它表明,tc_index只有在编译时定义了CONFIG_NET_SCHED符号才有效。这个符号可以通过选择特定的编译选项来定义(例如:"Device Drivers Networking supportNetworking options QoS and/or


TCP/IP协议栈的基本工作原理 TCP/IP是互联网的核心协议,也是大多数网络应用的核心协议。就前面一段时间面试中问到的TCP/IP问题,这里给出一个简单的小结。 TCP由RFC793、RFC1122、RFC1323、RFC2001、RFC2018以及RFC2581定义。 (1) TCP概述 a. TCP提供的是面向连接的全双工服务。 TCP所有的数据会匹配到由源地址,目的地址,源端口,目的端口构成的一个TCP连接之上。TCP连接是一种需要建立的资源,可以通过之后会讲到的握手机制来完成。UDP是一种基于尽力而为机制的协议,不存在UDP连接资源的建立,资源的处理往往由应用层协议代劳了。 b. TCP是提供的可靠服务。 TCP有确认机制来保证数据包的可靠到达, TCP有CRC校验机制来保证数据包的无差错性,UDP的CRC是可选的, TCP会重新排序乱序的数据包和丢弃重复的数据, TCP能够提供流量控制机制,使用滑动窗口算法, TCP能提供拥塞控制与恢复机制,存在多种TCP拥塞控制模型, TCP能协商发送的数据报文长度。 TCP报头。 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Source Port | Destination Port | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sequence Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Acknowledgment Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Data | |U|A|P|R|S|F| | | Offset| Reserved |R|C|S|S|Y|I| Window | | | |G|K|H|T|N|N| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Checksum | Urgent Pointer | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options | Padding | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | data | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ TCP Header Format 对于TCP头的标记位,SYN标记只在三次握手(或四次握手)的时候的被置位,ACK标记会在


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 tcpip协议栈开发 篇一:什么是tcpip协议栈?栈是什么意思? 什么是tcp/ip协议栈?栈是什么意思? tcp/ip协议叫做传输控制/网际协议,它是internet国际互联网络的基础。tcp/ip是网络中使用的基本的通信协议。 虽然从名字上看tcp/ip包括两个协议,传输控制协议(tcp)和网际协议(ip),但tcp/ip实际上是一组协议, 它包括上百个各种功能的协议,如:远程登录、文件传输和电子邮件等,而tcp协议和ip协议是保证数据完整传输的 两个基本的重要协议。通常说tcp/ip是internet协议族,而不单单是tcp和ip。 tcp/ip协议的基本传输单位是数据包(datagram),tcp 协议负责把数据分成若干个数据包,并给每个数据包加上包头(就像给一封信加上信封),包头上有相应的编号,以保 证在数据接收端能将数据还原为原来的格式,ip协议在每个包头上再加上接收端主机地址,这样数据找到自己要去的地方,如果传输过程中出现数据丢失、数据失真等情况,tcp 协议会自动要求数据重新传输,并重新组包。总之,ip协议

保证数据的传输,tcp协议保证数据传输的质量。tcp/ip协议数据的传输基于tcp/ip协议的四层结构:应用层、传输层、网络层、接口层,数据在传输时每通过一层就要在数据上加个包头,其中的数据供接收端同一层协议使用,而在接收端,每经过一层要把用过的包头去掉,这样来保证传输数据的格式完全一致。 tcp/ip协议介绍 tcp/ip的通讯协议 这部分简要介绍一下tcp/ip的内部结构,为讨论与互联网有关的安全问题打下基础。tcp/ip协议组之所以流行,部分原因是因为它可以用在各种各样的信道和底层协议(例如t1和x.25、以太网以及Rs-232串行接口)之上。确切地说,tcp/ip协议是一组包括tcp协议和ip协议,udp (userdatagramprotocol)协议、icmp (internetcontrolmessageprotocol)协议和其他一些协议的协议组。 tcp/ip整体构架概述 tcp/ip协议并不完全符合osi的七层参考模型。传统的开放式系统互连参考模型,是一种通信协议的7层抽象的参考模型,其中每一层执行某一特定任务。该模型的目的是使各种硬件在相同的层次上相互通信。这7层是:物理层、数据链路层、网路层、传输层、话路层、表示层和应用层。而


TCP/IP协议栈lwip的移植 新建几个头文件 Include/lwipopts.h Include/arch/cc.h Include/arch/perf.h Include/arch/sys_arch.h 除头文件外还需要添加一个C文件:sys_arch.c。说明在doc/sys_arch.txt中。 修改netif/Ethernetif.c。

结构对齐的几个宏 对于一个结构下载下来的LWIP的通用定义如下: PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN struct icmp_echo_hdr { PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t type); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t code); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u16_t chksum); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u16_t id); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u16_t seqno); } PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT; PACK_STRUCT_EN #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) 这个宏是为了字节序的转换,由于是用的小端,就不用转换了直接定义为 #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) x #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_END 以上三个宏都是为了做结构体对齐用: 对于gcc的编译器在结构体后跟个关键字就ok struct ip_hdr { } ;__attribute__ ((__packed__)) 因此可以定义为 #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT __attribute__ ((__packed__)) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_END 对于vc的编译器就郁闷了,vc做结构体对齐是这样做的 #pragma pack(1) //结构体按照1字节对齐 struct ip_hdr { } ; #pragma pack() //结构体按照编译器默认值对齐 但是VC的编译器不允许将预处理做为宏,也就是不允许这种宏替代#define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #pragma pack(1) 所以想靠宏替换来完成字节对齐是不行了,于是就动了大工夫做了如下处理#ifdef WIN32 #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_END #else #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT __attribute__ ((__packed__)) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_END
