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Quality Assurance Agreement 质量保证协议 英文版


Quality Assurance Agreement

Railway Vehicle Industry Contract No.:Seller Signature:











3.3.1 Design Review (7)

3.3.2 Design Validation (8)

3.3.3 Interface Management (8)

3.3.4 Technical Change (8)

3.3.5(FMECA) (9)

3.3.6RAMS Analysis (9)








Contract No.:Seller Signature:










9.6(FAI) (17)

9.6.1 Pre-condition of FAI (17)

9.6.2 FAI Implementation (17)



11 DELIVERY (19)










Contract No.:Seller Signature:

1 General

In order to promote the supply and demand relations effectively, further clarify the responsibility of both the supply and the demand parties, meet the procurement business contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract) and technical specification requirement, to ensure that the requirements of the railway and urban rail transport security, comfort and on the dot operation, this agreement was formulated specially.

The enterprises those who are willing to become railway vehicle Co., Ltd. qualified supplier, must sign the quality assurance agreement, and strictly comply with them, or can't be company qualified supplier.

2 Seller Qualification

2.1 Quality System

The seller should be approved by the state certificated third part ISO9001:2008(or the equal standard) quality management system certificate, or the pass the other quality management system certificate, such as TS16949, IRIS etc. When the buyer need or required additionally in contract and/or technical specification, the seller should pass the related professional quality management certification, such as EN15085, DIN6701 etc.

The quality management system is applied for various stage of the provided product realization by sellers.

The seller should establish corresponding quality management system and maintain the validity of the QMS before sign the assurance agreement. As well has to pass the certification audit by the state approved third party and get the corresponding certificate, and maintain the validity of the certification.

The establishment, utilize and third party certification has to be finished before the sign of this agreement. During sign the agreement, the seller has to provide a valid latest version QMS certificate (copy is ok). Within the effective period of the contract,

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

if the certificate changed, the seller should provide the latest version certificate to the buyer (copy is ok).

When the seller’s QMS certification scope does not include its provided product, the buyer is entitled to organize or authorize the third party to implement special QMS audit to determine whether the seller has the capability to provide qualified contracted products, and also entitled to suspend or cancel contract acc. to the audit status. The audit expense will be borne by seller.

2.2 Welding Certificate

When the product involves welding process, no matter the welding work process was borne by the seller itself or authorized to the seller’s subcontractor by seller, the seller has to pass the corresponding level EN15985 “railway application-railway vehicle and components welding” certification, obtain the certificate and maintain its validity. When authorizes to the subcontractor of seller, the subcontractor of the seller should pass the corresponding EN15085“railway application-railway vehicle and components welding” certification, obtain the certificate and maintain its validity.

The seller or its subcontractor (only when seller authorize to its subcontractor) should equipped with sufficient quantity welding engineers who have qualification, welder and welding supervision engineer, implement supervision, inspection and test during the welded product realization of the manufacturing process.

The seller should provide the valid latest version EN15085 welding system certificate (copy is ok) to buyer. Within the effective period of the contract, if the certificate changed, the seller should provide the latest version certificate to the buyer (copy is ok).

When the seller’s EN15085 certification scope does not include its provided product, the buyer is entitled to organize or authorize the third party to implement special welding quality audit to determine whether the seller has the capability to provide qualified contracted products, and also entitled to suspend or cancel contract acc. to the audit status. The audit expense will be borne by seller

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

2.3 Other Qualification

The seller has to obligation to obtain the other certificate, proof and qualification records and state or industry required compulsory certificate which regulated in the contract or technical specification by the buyer.

3 Quality Planning

3.1 Quality Plan

The seller should make quality plan acc. to contract or technical specification requirements, the contract and form of the quality plan should meet ISO10005:2005 standard. The plan should be basic on detail manufacturing and inspection plan. All listed supply scope in the contract and technical specification should be included in the quality plan.

The quality plan should be approved by buyer before the fist article production or 30 natural days whatever occurs first) after the contract was signed.

To the suggestion of the quality plan which the buyer proposed, the seller should implement necessary modification and re-provide to buyer after 14 natural days from receive seller’s modification suggestion, until the quality plan was approved. To the quoted seller’s quality system documents (if there’s work procedure, management system etc.) in the quality plan, the buyer have right to require the seller to provide it for audit when they think it’s necessary; have right to propose related suggestions, the seller should implement necessary change to the involved documents and implement acc. to updated documents during the contract implementation period.

3.2 Contract Kick-off Meeting

With 15 natural days after the contract signed and put into effect or regulated in the technical specification additional, acc. to the technical complexity of the purchase product, the buyer is entitled to require the seller to hold contract kick-off meeting in

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

seller’s location or the agreed location by both parties.

The contract kick-off meeting includes but not limit the following contents, the supply and demand party should confirm acc. the contract actual status:

a)Both parties confirm the interface and information transfer procedure together.

b)Review the contract item by item to confirm both parties have the consistent understanding.

c)Review the project plan, project implementation master plan, development process note review plan

d)Evaluate the delivery delay risk and quality risk, analyze the influence of technical transfer to project schedule

e)Review the first article trial production plan, localization plan, seller product quality dept etc.

3.3 Design Control

Before signing the contract, the seller has obligation to review the obtained contract, technical specification and related technical documents from the buyer. If there’s any error or omission, should inform the buyer in written form in time and require the buyer to amend the contract or the give explanation to the unclear or incomplete content. The buyer should give in time response to the seller’s suggestion.

3.3.1 Design Review

The seller carry out the contract product design and development (including joint design and secondary development), the seller shall implement the design review process according to the buyer requirements, the buyer is entitled to acc. to demand to take part in the design review process.

If the buyer needs the seller to execute special form design review (such as design & quality), it should be negotiated by both parties.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

3.3.2 Design Validation

The seller should implement design validation group, the design validation result should be accepted by the buyer in written form. The buyer is entitled to take part in the design validation acc. to its demand.

The seller should acc. to contract requirement and technical specification to create all necessary documents, drawing, calculations and analysis etc.. And the buyer should acc. to the contract requirement and technical specification or the agreed period to submit it for the buyer’s approval.

3.3.3 Interface Management

The seller should carry out interface management during design and development process. The interface management should cover the regular items (such as mechanical interface, electrical interface, EMC etc.) in of buyer and seller and seller’s subcontractor interface. After the contract was signed and take into effect, the seller should create the interface documents within 4 weeks, identify all the interfaces, point out the partner of the interface, list related specific specification and establish the joint of inspection & test plan as well. The interface document has to be reviewed and approved in written form by whom is related with the interface. The interface documents should be agreed between buyer and seller, and the agreed interface document should be approved in written form by buyer.

3.3.4 Technical Change

The seller should establish the process to clarify the change process management, the seller should keep a technical change list to ensure the effective identification of change, and implement appropriate review, verification and confirmation to technical change. The review of technical change should include: evaluate the influence of the

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

technical change to the components of product and delivered product. And obtain the approval from buyer before implementation. The related records of technical change should be kept.


The seller should implement FMECA within the design and development framework of the provided product, acc. to contract or technical specification requirement or agreement of both parties, the seller should submit the analysis data to buyer for vehicle analysis preparation; specific requirement implement acc. to contract and technical specification.

3.3.6RAMS Analysis

The seller should acc. to contract or technical specification requirement to implement RAMS analysis, and provide the analysis report to buyer. Details should acc. to contract and technical specification to implement.

4 Software

When the contract products include software, the seller should acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or supply and demand parties agreement, and EN50128 to implement software management.

The seller should acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or supply and demand both parties agreement to make software quality management plan which used for software supply and service, and get written form approval from buyer within 60 natural days after the contract signed and took into effect or acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or within the agreed period by supply and demand parties.

The plan should describe the used organization and approach which ensure software meet the agreed quality requirement during the process of seller creating and verifying software. The plan should include: software module test, the deadline of

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

comprehensive test and function test during software in the simulation lab.

The buyer shall have the right to propose suggestion to the content of plan, they seller shall be fully considered and acc. to the buyers suggestion to carry out necessary adjustment. And re-provide to buyer after 14 natural days from receive seller’s modification suggestion, till the quality plan was approved.

The seller shall acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or the supply and demand both parties agreement to definite the items of quality control, inspection and test during the software development process. The seller shall invite buyer to participate in the corresponding note, when it’s necessary, the buyer shall have right to invite the third party implement supervision to the software development. When it’s not required in contract or technical specification requirement, all expense of inviting the third party for supervision will be borne by seller.

5 Fireproof

The seller shall acc. to contract or technical specification requirement to implement product fireproof requirement, and provide the non-metallic material list, fireproof rating form and fireproof certificate for buyer’s confirmation.

Unless there’s additional regulation in contract or technical specification, the seller should choose test institute who has qualification to implement related fireproof property test, the selected test institute should be declare to buyer and get buyer’s written form agreement during sign of technical specification.

6 Record Archives

The seller should have necessary description to the category, scope and retention period of quality records in the quality system documents. Unless there’s additional regulation in contract or technical specification, the seller is bound to keep quality records for at least 20 years after products were delivered, but not beyond the regulated life span of contract product.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

7 Purchasing

The seller shall ensure that all buyer’s requirements have been transferred and

can be implemented (include but not limited in related quality system requirement,

inspection and test, incoming inspection, when necessary, audit to subcontractor) by

its subcontractor.

7.1 Sub-contract of Seller

For the work which should be completed by seller is not allowed to subcontract

without prior written form approval of buyer.

7.2 Sub-supplier List of Seller

The seller shall provide the main subcontractor list of its purchased products

after contract was signed and before FAI. The list at least shall include the supplier’s

basic information overview, qualification and supply performance etc. information.

The buyer shall have to right to put forward doubt to the subcontractor qualification,

and the seller should fully affirm its qualification, when necessary, replace with the

supplier who can meet the buyer qualification requirement.

7.3 Monitoring to seller’s sub-supplier by Buyer

The buyer shall have right to take part in the subcontractor assurance capacity

review, FAI, on-site supervision audit etc. which organized by seller.

8 Production

8.1 Start Work Review

Before production, the seller shall implement comprehensive review to the

preparation status of production components, provide start review report to buyer for

audit. The buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion and verify the content of Contract No.:Seller Signature:

the start review report. As well the seller should ensure that during the whole project implementation process all components is consistent with the status of start review.

8.2 Special Work Process

The seller internal special process list( include but not limit in welding, nondestructive test, powder coating, casting, forging, heat treatment, electrical plating, glueing, adhesive and terminal crimping etc.)and quality control method(include but not limit in personnel qualification requirement, raw material and parts requirement, environment requirement, construction process control procedure, equipment requirement, inspection and test requirement) should be provided to buyer for review, after obtaining the buyer written approval, then it’s allowed to start production.

9 Inspection & Test

9.1 General of Inspection and Test

The seller should acc. to contract and technical specification requirement to implement inspection and test and ensure the contract product meet requirement. The buyer and final user shall have right to implement supervision and inspection to the production process of product provided by seller.

If the buyer think it’s necessary, the seller shall implement inspection and test within the vehicle scope at buyer or final user location, test expense should be borne by seller.

When the buyer take part in inspection and test, the seller should inform buyer in written form in a reasonable period before the inspection and test, and confirm the final inspection and test implementation date by both parties. PRC overseas( includes Hongkong, Macao, Tanwan etc. area) at least in advance 28 work days, in PRC ( excludes Hongkong, Macao, Tanwan etc. area) at least in advance 10 workdays.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

During inspection and test, when found the product quality does not meet the

contract and/or technical specification regulation (include the package unsuitable etc.),

the buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion, the seller should fully consider

and implement action to ensure the delivered product quality.

If there’s any change of delivered contract product, the seller should implement

all necessary inspection and test to the changed product.

The seller should be borne all the expense (include travel expense of buyer

journey, corrective action and repeat measurement expenses) caused by failure of

inspection and test and be responsible for it. Due to seller’s responsibility not meet the

requirement and result in buyer implement any repeated inspection and test, all cost

caused cost will be borne by seller.

The buyer shall have right to obtain all inspection and test document (test

records/test report/inspection certificate etc.) of contract product, unless there’s

additional requirement in contract or technical specification, all provided inspection

and test document and related records by seller should be Chinese version or Chinese

and English version.

The seller shall provide related product and service records, detail records should

include but not limited in the following contents:

a)type test report

b)routine test report

c)dimension and manufacturing process inspection report

d)welding seam(X ray and penetration test) inspection report

e)Special process confirmation ( such as : surface treatment, welding and

adhesive) report

f)Material and fireproof test report

g)shock and vibration resistant test report

h)resistant of climate change test report

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

i)type test report after component change( if have)

9.2 Inspection and Test Plan

The seller should make inspection and test plan before production or within 4 weeks after signed the contract and take into effect (whichever occurs first). Inspection plan should cover all regulated product and service which agreed(if have) in contact and technical specification

The inspection and test plan should be approved by buyer in written form. The buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion, the seller should acc. to buyer’s suggestion to implement necessary adjustment to the plan. And re-provide it to buyer within 14 natural days after receive the buyer’s suggestion, till the plan approved by buyer.

The approved inspection and test plan, as the basis of all inspection and test and related documents, any change of the inspection and test plan have to be implemented after negotiation with buyer and get its written approval.

Inspection and test plan at least should include the following contents:

a)process flow chart

b)Inspection and test category (type test, routine test, FAI, batch acceptance)

c)Inspection and test objective (name, drawing No. and article No.)

d)Inspection item and test planning

e)basis documents ( necessary doc. , drawing)

f)used test records by internal and user

g)the executive dept or related party of inspection and test

h)inspection and test items taken part in by buyer and user

i)After the inspection and test plan approved by buyer, the buyer will take part in the listed items in the inspection and test plan

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

9.3 Inspection & Test Instruction

The seller should create inspection and test instruction of every item listed in the inspection test plan, include type test and routine test.

The inspection and test instruction should include but not limited the following contents:

a)scope and purpose

b)the hardware and software which consist of test equipments

c)the measure instrument and sample

d)the detail description of inspection and test method

e)the data obtain and analysis method

f)Inspection and test documents which have traceability

g)acceptance and reject standard

h)Inspection time, location, inspector

The inspection and test instruction should obtain buyer written approval in advance 30 natural days before test.

9.4 Inspection Records & Test Report

The inspection records shall specify the corresponding relation with product each other clear, record the comparable data, actual data, and tolerance of performance parameter, any nonconformities shall be recorded.

The test report shall at least include the following contents:

a)test basis;

b)location, data, person in charge ;

c)type of inspection and test ;


Contract No.:Seller Signature:

e)Equipment of inspection, measure and test;

f)test condition, configuration, environment( eg. temperature);

g)test result;

h)Conclusion and advice;

Type test report and first article routine test report should be provided to buyer within 14 natural days after test was finished

The seller should provide product or system certificate which accord with EN10204 standard 3.1 term requirement.

The regulated retention period in Chapter 6 is applied for the inspection and test document which regulated in inspection and test plan.

9.5 Implementation of Inspection and Test

Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract or technical specifications, when buyer may wish to participate in a quality control and inspection /test process, need to request seller in advance, acc. to the agreed schedule to implement. If the seller implement in advance without written notice to buyer, the buyer shall have right to request re-implement related processes, and the related expense shall be borne by seller.

The seller shall provide necessary support to the preparation and implementation of inspection and test.

When the buyer need, the seller shall provide to the buyer the suitable inspection and test location, the necessary measurement charts, inspection and test procedures, measuring and test equipment and other necessary resources.

The seller must carry out inspection and measuring work, and ensure that the inspection and test be implemented by the qualified personnel, these staff should have necessary knowledge and skill for the inspection preparation and inspection, evaluation test and report creation.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:


9.6.1 Pre-condition of FAI

The FAI product must be produced under batch production condition.

Quality plan, inspection and test plan has already been submitted and approved by the buyer.

Product design has been frozen, drawings and technical specifications has been submitted to buyer design dept for confirmation.

The welding qualification and welding document has been confirmed by buyers.

Project contract and required test in its accessories has been completed, and the test report has been submitted to buyer.

Type test planning has been approved by buyer and (or) stated related dept, and the type test report has been confirmed by buyer, for the delay of type test has to be approved by buyer.

The stipulated routine test planning has approved by buyer and state related dept, and the routine test has been completed, and routine test report has been confirmed by buyer.

The seller’s pre-FAI has been finished, and the existing problem has been solved, and the report has been submitted to buyer.

9.6.2 FAI Implementation

The seller should ensure that the quality status of batch production product is consistent with the first article. The seller should submit the written form FAI application to buyer in advance 20 natural days before FAI; and submit all related documents listed in the term 9.6.1 of the agreement. After the buyer review all submitted documents and proof and confirm that there’s FAI condition, only the seller receive the written form notice form buyer, then can implement FAI, otherwise the

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

FAI can’t be implemented.

The product which didn’t pass the welding FAI by buyer, any process such as painting and anti corrosion which influence the FAI can’t’ be implemented.

The buyer shall not receive the batch product which didn’t pass the FAI.

If due to the seller’s responsibility and the FAI not passed, all expense (include the travel expense of buyer related staffs) caused in the re-FAI will be borne by seller.

9.7 Release Inspection

Whether need to implement release inspection or not will be confirmed by contract and /or technical specification. If the contract and technical specification is unclear, whether need release inspection or not will be decided by buyer.

Before the delivery of the products which need the release inspection, the seller should apply and pass the release inspection. The buyer shall have right to reject the product which not implement or pass release inspection.

The release inspection application should be submitted to buyer in advance 7 natural days before delivery date of every batch.

The seller should make separate quality certificate in every release inspection application. The quality certificate content shall be consistent with the product in the packing list.

Only when all inspection, test and non-conformity of product was solved efficiently, then buyer can make release quality certificate.

10 Packaging

Packing confirmation as one of the FAI items, the buyer shall have right to put forward reasonable opinion, the seller should fully considered and implement necessary action to ensure meet buyer’s requirement.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

The packing confirmation of buyer will not cause the transfer of quality responsibility.

The buyer has right to reject the provided product if the packing not meet buyer’s requirement.

11 Delivery

During product delivery, the seller shall submit the following documents under the premise that it is conformity with contract requirement:

Declaration of conformity which is conformity with term3.1of DINEN10204;

Quality records and test report (the item put forwarded by buyer acc. to inspection and test plan the content)

Technical change implementation list (especially the change from buyer)

If individual or some of the delivered product has defects, the buyer shall have right to reject the whole batch of product.

12 Product Identification and Traceability

12.1 Product Identification

The product which will be provided to buyer, the seller should use the unique identification. The seller should provide a detail identification and traceability control plan to buyer for confirmation.

The identification of product must be clear and permanent. The position of the identification should be in clear position and is not easy to be moved and removed.

Unless otherwise stipulated in contract and/or technical specification, the identification language should be Chinese or Chinese and English.

The identification should at least include the following contents:

a)Product name, manufacturer, production date;

Contract No.:Seller Signature:

b)Product Version (hen necessary, software version);

c)Product article No., Serial No., Specification, batch No.

d)The main technical data of product

As a result that product size or structure causes identification can’t reach the above requirement, the seller should put forward detail statement in advance 10 work days before the first delivery and get the buyer’s written approval.

12.2 Traceability

The seller should establish traceability management system of product to ensure it has the ability to provide the following records at any time:

a)Recorder bills

b)Reliable traceability (recorded in seller’s own documents)

c)Related document name, content and location which used for product manufacturing

d)Manufacture date of main part;

e)Change records;

f)Record the way of accepting non-conformity;

g)Inspection and test content, test certificate

The seller should keep related serial No. and batch No. list of all delivered product, when the buyer request, it can be submitted to buyer at any time, corresponding retention period acc. to chapter 6 of the agreement to implement.

13 Non-conformity Management

The seller shall provide the product which without defects and be conformity with contract and technical specification, and related standard requirement, these product should have pass complete inspection and test, and be conformity with requirement and specification.

Contract No.:Seller Signature:


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 药品质量保证合同协议书模板范本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

甲方: _______________________________ 乙方: _______________________________ 签订日期:_______ 年______ 月_____ 日 乙方:_______________ 司 为严格执行《药品管理法》、《产品质量法》及有关药政法规,遵照《药品经营质量管理规范》及其实施细则的要求,保证药品的安全性和有效性,明确双方质量责任,经协商一致,签订质量保证协议。 一、甲方责任 1.甲方遵守国家药政法规,向乙方提供合法、有效的企业营业执照和药品经营企业许可证的复印件并加盖甲方单位公章。甲方业务人员出具加盖企业公章和企业法定代表人印章或签字的、有明确规定授权范围和有效期的委托授权书,身份证复印件,并按委托书限定的范围开展业务活动。 2.甲方提供的药品是符合国家药品质量标准和有关质量要求的合格药品;药品附产品合格证;药品包装符合有关规定和货物运输要求;甲方提供进口药品时,同时提供加盖甲方公章的《进口药品注册证》或者《医药产品注册证》和同批号的《进口药品检验报告书》或者《进口药品通关单》。 3.甲方提供的药品是专利商品的,应提供加盖甲方公章的专利证书和最近一次缴款凭证。 4.甲方提供药品的发运期质量责任,遵照国家《医药商品购销合同管理及调运责任划分办法》的有关要求控制,在药品有效期内发生质量问题由甲方负责。 5.______________________________________________ 甲方在供货时,药品距生产日期不超过其有效期______________________________ 之 ___________________________________________________________ , 进口药品和特殊情况另行约定。供应的药品在____________ 件以下的,不能超过


供应商品质保证协议书 ( 2017 年度) (甲方)客户: (乙方)供应商: 签署地址:

1目的 为使深圳古石电子有限公司(简称甲方)与供应商景荣宏欣(简称乙方)在促进品质及绿色环保要求方面达成一致,证明乙方生产的产品(包括但不限于产品、包装、运输、环保等方面)符合甲方的需求,经双方磋商一致,签订本供应商品质保证协议书(以下简称协议),乙方需从不断的质量改进和质量体系认证方面满足甲方的品质要求。此份协议不影响其他合同的执行(包括供货的要求、产品规格、技术要求、交付要求等)。 2范围 2.1此协议适用于深圳古石电子有限公司的生产性物料供应商,其他供应商关系到客户端品质的也需要签定,具体以协商为准。 2.2双方若有额外的协议,不在本协议中列出,此额外之协议需双方共同承认方可有效。 3协议细则 3.1有效性 3.1.1此品质协议当甲、乙双方代表签署后既开始执行,此份品质协议持续有效,除非双方 面同意终止此协议. 3.1.2甲方有权单方面依据客户要求更新此协议,更新后书面发函更新信息,供应商确认后 回传甲方,自发函起一月内若乙方未回传或提出异议,甲方将参照更新后的协议执行。 3.2建立相互联系的窗口 甲、乙双方须建立起品质信息快捷的沟通渠道,沟通渠道有任何变更时,双面均需及时通知对方。 3.3品质目标与期望 3.3.1根据甲方客户要求和合作意向,甲方需向次级供应商(乙方)提出相应的质量目标与

期望 3.3.2供应商品质目标和期望拟定时机 每年12月末,甲方需根据上一年的实际品质达成状况和客户特殊要求拟定第二年品质目标,若年初还未有新的品质目标设定,上一年最后一个月之品质目标将持续有效直到新的品质目标拟定为止。 3.4产品检验和报告 乙方在出货给甲方前,需按照成品检验规范或相关指导性文件对产品实际检查并记录。 按照甲方的要求,乙方除了依照产品文件方面的检验要求提供出货检验报告外,还要根据甲方要求做好产品检验的标识来显示检验结果,这个标识必须经过双方的认可,否则甲方有权拒收这批产品,由此造成的损失将由乙方承担。 3.4.1出货标签要求乙方出货时需在外箱上均贴上出货合格标签,标签内容需保持一致。乙方提供的零件标签需包含以下内容: 供应商名称材料名称材料规格生产日期数量检验标识等 乙方出货时,涉及环保材料的,材料外箱需贴环保标签(环保标签与出货标签必须 在外箱的同一面)。 3.4.2 ROHS报告要求 乙方首次交样需提供该物料的第三方的最长有效期不超过一年的RoHS报告原件(甲方核查复印后返还),之后每年度供应商需及时提交新的报告给甲方备案。 3.4.3出货包装要求 乙方出货时需保证所有来料外包装完整无缺,不能有破损,甲方有要求包装规格和包装方法的必须参照甲方要求执行,不得随意更换包装和防护方式。当包装不合理时,乙方须书面提出申请,甲方工程、物流、品质核准后方可使用新的包装方式。 3.5工程变更管理 乙方需提前通知甲方关于任何设计、原材料、重要的生产技术、场地和任何产品包装的变更,变更前需根据不同的要求提供相关的资料(如可靠性测试报告,BOM材料变更前


供货质量保证协议 甲方:*********有限公司 乙方: 为建立和完善供应商的质量管理提高供应商供应产品的质量、提高供应商的质量意识,确保供应商长期、稳定、有效地提供高品质产品和服务签订本质量保证协议。本质量保证协议为甲乙双方签订的所有材料购销合同的附件,作为履约过程中乙方向甲方供货过程中的质量承诺。 1.定义 1.1.主合同:甲乙双方签订的关于货物的购销合同。 1.2.不合格品:经甲方检验或试验判定产品质量特性与合同、技术协议和 国家质量标准范围相偏离的产品视为不合格品。若乙方对甲方的评定结果有异议,可由甲乙双方协商委托有资质的第三方检验和试验判定,检验和试验费由乙方自行承担。 1.3.初步验收:乙方将货物送达甲方施工现场后由甲方现场质量、安全、 仓储人员对货物进行外观检查及数量清点并签收确认符合初步验收要求。 1.4.质保期间:以甲方与业主签订的合同质保期时间为准。 1.5.不合作行为:乙方对甲方退货、提出的问题点、改进建议或其他合理 要求等不予以接受、配合或不能在规定的时间内及时做出反应。 1.6.欺骗行为:乙方明知产品可能或已经存在质量上的问题(包括单证记 录(合格证、试验报告等)造假、自行修补或欲蒙骗过关),在未事先通知甲方相关职能部门的情况下直接供货被甲方当时发现或事后发现的行为。 1.7.重复性问题:相同性质问题在甲方以通知整改或做出质量处罚后,仍 然重复发生的。 1.8.重大质量问题:由于乙方所供货物质量问题造成甲方人员伤亡或直接 经济损失达10万元以上的。 1.9.整批次不合格:不合格品超出当批次供货总量的%20,视为整批次不合 格。 2.货物名称:以甲方向乙方发出的合同或订单内容为准。 3.质量管理标准: 3.1.甲方对乙方产品不合格品的统计范围,包含甲方初步验收时发现的不 合格品及最终验收时发现的不合格品的总和。 3.2.乙方应按甲方的要求,并参照ISO9000系列标准建立并保持完善的质 量体系,不断提高质量保证能力。


供应商产品质量保证协议 甲方: 乙方: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国产品质量法》及有关规定,双方本着“质量第一、互惠互利,共同发展”的原则,为确保产品质量的稳定和不断提高,经双方友好协商一致签订本协议,并共同遵守。 一、协议产品 乙方同意根据本协议的条款和条件为甲方生产或加工如下产品:________________ 。具体委托生产或加工的产品以“采购订单”为准。 二、质量管理 1. 乙方应建立完善的质量管理制度,以确保提供给甲方稳定、合格的产品,这些制度至少应包括原材料、外协件、外购件进厂验收和管理制度,生产过程检验和控制管理制度,出厂检验和试验管理制度等等。 2.乙方应根据经甲方批准的产品图纸、技术要求、标准样品或甲乙双方共同确认的相关的技术文件组织制造和检验。乙方提供的产品应符合甲方工厂标准或行业标准或国家标准要求。所供产品必须满足甲方对质量、数量、供货期的要求。相关数据资料和技术文件应予以妥善保存。 3. 乙方在变更材料及分供方前,必须事前通知甲方,在得到甲方的同意后方可生产加工。由于乙方未通知甲方,擅自发生变更而造成的质量损失及其他损失由乙方承担全部责任。 4.在合同期内乙方须向甲方提供国家认可的第三方产品性能检测报告。 5.乙方交付的每批产品须自检合格,乙方向甲方交付的每批产品必须填写《送检单》产品的名称、规格型号、数量、采购订单号,在向甲方交付产品时必须按甲方的要求提供产品的出厂检验报告单和合格证,无检验报告合格的产品甲方有权拒收。 6.乙方提供的产品,以批次为单位,乙方承诺不良品率控制在____%以内,批不良率在____%以上甲方将按照索赔规定对乙方进行相关处罚。 9.交货期及交货数量 9.1交货期依甲方委托生产加工之"采购订单"所示为准,除因不可抗力之因素,且取得证明,经甲方查明确为不可抗力者外,乙方应按规定之交货期限交货。 9.2乙方应依照奖惩规定对延迟交货承担责任。 9.3 乙方向甲方的交货数量应以甲方的采购订单数量为准,对于未经甲方批准,乙方擅自更改发货数量,对

供应商质量_品质保证协议书(原材料) (1)

供应商质量品质保证协议书 为明确供应商产品质量责任,确保产品原材料及外协加工产品质量满足本公司产品需要,保障本公司生产顺利进行,经供、需双方商定达成以下协议。 1.名词定义: 原材料——指我司为了生产产品而购买的所有直接和间接材料,包括钢板、钢料、包装材料、辅助材料、外协加工产品等的统称。 甲方——专指浙江正邦汽车模具有限公司。 乙方——指为我司提供所有原材料的厂商。 2.适用范围: 乙方提供给甲方的所有原材料出现质量问题时,均依本协议负责赔偿。 3.质量责任: 3.1甲方应承担对质量问题的事实和实际损失情况负有举证责任。乙方承担证明该产品合格的举证责任。 3.2甲方对于原材料的品质控制采用委托乙方检验的方式,即使不做任何检验和测试也能直接投入生产。 3.3乙方应承担的责任: 3.3.1乙方应对自己原材料进行严格的进货检验,建立和保存进货检验的原始记录,对供应商的材料质量 进行跟踪考核,建立质量档案。 3.3.2乙方应健全完善生产过程的控制管理,必须制定生产过程控制文件和作业指导书等,在对最终产品 质量有影响的关键生产工序上建立必要的质控点,所有质控点乙方应设专人负责,严格做好原始记 录和数据统计,监控工序质量和产品质量,及时发现和纠正生产过程的异常状况,确保产品质量的 一致性,稳定性。 3.3.3乙方应使生产完全受控,如有失控,应及时查明原因采取纠正措施,并通知甲方采取相应的措施, 否则一切后果由乙方承担。对以上3.3.1-3.3.3,甲方有权对乙方进行不定期的监督考察,并进行 符合性考核,对乙方执行有效性不符合者,甲方指出后,乙方须及时进行有效整改,对未整改或整 改情况不符合甲方要求的,甲方有权终止供货关系,视为乙方违约。 3.3.4乙方提供的原材料应完全符合甲方采购订单中明确规定的质量要求,及相应的国际、国家、部委颁 发的有关质量标准(包括隐含的质量需要),超出国际、国家质量要求标准的,以甲方要求为准。 3.3.5乙方提供的环保材料应完全不含有对地球环境和人体存在显著影响的物质,并符合相关的法律法 规,包括RoHS指令(2002/95/EEC)、欧盟镉指令(91/338/EEC)、包装材指令(94/62/EC)、ELV 废弃汽车指令、废弃电子电器产品指令(WEEE,2002/96/EC)、PVC禁用指令等。针对每种材料签 订环保质量保证书,并每年提供一次有效期不超过一年的有害物质检测报告(如SGS). 3.3.6乙方交货时间超出订单合约交期(交期延误)造成甲方生产线停线。 3.3.7乙方需保障原材料从出厂至甲方收料之前的包装、运输品质。


合同编号: 【XXX采购合同】 甲方: 乙方:


使用说明 一、本合同示范文本,适用于一般商品的采购所订立的合同。 二、本合同示范文本所表述的“【】”和表格中的内容,请根据具体情况填写。 三、本合同示范为本所表述的“”中的内容,请根据具体情况填写;无需填写的,应当注明“无”的字样。 四、本使用说明、本合同示范文本所表述的“【】”的符号和所表述的“注释”部分,在具体订立合同时应当予以删除。 四、在具体订立合同时,可视情况在本合同范本中增加条款。

本合同由下列双方签署: 甲方(买方): 乙方(卖方): 甲方和乙方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议: 一、货物名称、计量单位、具体规格型号、数量。

1.货物的质量标准,按照【】(国家标准、行业标准、企业标准)执行。 2.货物的包装物的供应:包装物随货出售,由乙方负责货物包装物供应。乙方应提供货物运至合同规定的交货地点所需要的包装,以防止货物在转运中损坏或变质。这类包装应采取防潮、防晒、防锈、防腐蚀、防震动及防止其它损坏的必要保护措施,从而保护货物能够经受多次搬运、装卸及长途运输。 二、交货规定 1.交货方法:由乙方送货(国家主管部门规定有送货办法的,按规定的办法执行;没有规定送货办法的,按双方协议执行); 2.运输方式:由乙方自行选择运输方式,运输及保险费用由【】负担。货物交付给甲方之前,货物相关全部风险由乙方承担。 3.交货地点: 4.交货日期:乙方应在合同签订后【】天内完成交货,并附上双方约定的、记录货物相关事项的资料。。 5.当乙方不能按时交付全部或部分的货物,或者存在这种可能性时,乙方应及时将原因及预定交货日期通知给甲方,并按照甲方的指示,迅速制定必要的对策。 三、验收方法 1.所有货物由乙方送到交货地点且甲方确认收货后【】天内,由甲乙双方共同对货物的包装、外观、数量、商标、型号、规格及性能等进行验收,签署检验报告。如乙方未按约定到甲方指定地点参加检


商品质量保证协议书范本 甲方:_______________(以下简称甲方) 乙方:_______________(以下简称乙方) 为确保乙方所有商场在销售的商品质量,保护消费者的合法权益,提高甲、乙双方企业管理水平,根据国家商品质量法规和市流通领域商品准入工程操作规程,经甲、乙双方协商,特签订如下协议: 一、甲方供给乙方的所有商品必须符合国家及地方的法律、法规,如甲方出现《浙江省查处生产、经销假冒伪劣商品行为条例》第六条情况(详见附表一)之一时,乙方将立即停止甲方所有商品在乙方的销售、冻结甲方在乙方的所有货款,在甲方承担乙方所有损失(包括乙方信誉损失赔偿金_______-_____万元)后对甲方的所有商品作永久的清场处理,情节严重触犯刑法的,乙方将移交司法部门依法追究刑事责任。 二、甲方供给乙方的商品必须经过乙方商品行政部质量认证,经认证通过后方可进行业务洽谈,甲方同意乙方的未付货款中有_____元可作为质量保证金,在发生质量事件时可以扣除。如甲方采取套用条码等弄虚作假的手段,未经乙方认证通过擅自进场销售,无论商品质量合格与否,乙方将立即清场该商品,甲方同意赔偿给乙方工作带来影响造成损失

_____-_____元,擅自进场销售商品符合本协议第一条情况时,按第一条处理。 三、乙方根据国家有关部门规定向甲方索取与商品质量有关的证件,甲方应主动出具有效证件,其中食品应由生产企业出具每批次产品质量检验合格证件或企业内部检测报告(按有关部门要求对部分敏感食品要求出具每批次产品质量检验报告,下同)。如甲方出具的证件系伪造或虚假的,乙方按上述第二条规定处理;甲方出具的证件到期前要及时更换新的有效证件,如甲方证件到期,经乙方书面催促一次仍未按书面催促书约定时间将有效证件送达乙方,乙方有权暂停支付甲方货款,直至甲方送达;甲方未及时出具食品每批次产品质量检验合格证或企业内部检测报告,乙方有权代为送检,代为送检和检测的费用由甲方承担。其中,乙方代为送检的费用为检测费用的X-X倍。 四、因甲方无意过失造成商品质量问题(详见附表二)时,甲方同意立即改进过失,承担乙方对顾客处理的经济损失并赔偿给乙方工作带来影响造成损失_____-_____元。 五、甲方主观故意造成商品质量问题(详见附表三)时,甲方同意该商品清场,承担乙方对顾客处理的经济损失并赔偿给乙方工作带来影响造成损失_____-_____元。 六、甲方同意按本协议应付乙方的赔偿金、费用以及一切损失支出,无需甲方确认,乙方可在甲方的商品质量保证


供应商质量保证协议书 甲方: 乙方: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《产品质量法》及有关规定,双方本着“质量第一、互惠互利,共同发展”的原则,为确保产品质量的稳定和不断提高,协商一致签订本协议,并共同遵守。 一.供应商品质管理体系要求 1.乙方必须建立完善的品质保证体系,以保证出货的产品在有效的质量可控范围内;必须是通过ISO9001 或ISO14001等一些认证,来提高品质管理水平。 2.乙方应建立一个有效的品质管理系统进行持续改善,乙方应向甲方品质提供持续改善计划,来料不良必 须8小时内提供临时处理方案、48小时内提供不良原因分析结果、72小时内处理完毕,如未按要求时限提供解决方案则甲方启动内部应急处理措施,因此造成的损失全部由乙方承担。 二.产品规格、材质、可靠性和验证要求 1. 甲方和甲方客人为提升企业形象、产品质量和对安全负责,将对产品材质的可靠性、环保作出承诺和 要求,同时要求乙方予以配合。 2.乙方须按甲方的规格要求(含样品、图面、承认书)生产和交货,不可擅自作变更,(指甲方发行的与产 品相关的规格承认书、工艺、图纸、样品、材质要求、相关的检验规范标准、品质测试标准(含可靠性) 要求等影响产品特性的修改)除非得到甲方或甲方客人书面同意后才可变更,且必须通知甲方品质。 3. 乙方有责任和义务提供通过第三方组织认证或甲方客人认可之实验验证报告、测试报告,以证明乙方材 质、可靠性的符合性和真实性。 4.乙方未切实际按照甲方要求,所致的甲方经济损失、客户端赔偿(或处罚)以及商誉损失等,甲方将拥 有全部的索赔权。 三.资料要求 1.乙方每次出货到甲方,须按甲方要求提供相关出货检验报告(如甲方无特殊要求,则按乙方的报告格式), 否则甲方将拒绝收货;如有特殊要求乙方提供材质证明、制程报告、分析报告 2.乙方交货给甲方的产品或材料,乙方需要提供经国家认可资质的第三方检测的RoHS符合性测试报告(如 SGS报告),报告的有效期为一年,每年必须更新给甲方; 3.乙方与甲方相关的品质资料须作妥善保存且要求有可追溯性,保存期限1年,试验报告需保存2年。 四.包装、数量与标识要求 1.如甲方有明确包装要求,则乙方需按甲方要求包装;如甲方无明确要求,乙方可采用行业内通用的包装 方式,但必须保证产品防护的有效性,(内包装需符合无尘室环境要求)甲方有权根据实际状况要求供应商配合作适当调整。 2.乙方交货到甲方的产品包装必须完好,标识清晰,不可有破烂、塌陷、脏污等。 3.为保证物料的可追溯性及甲方仓库管理, 乙方提供的产品应在内、外包装上注明:甲方物料编号、产品 名称、规格型号、数量、生产日期批号、采购单号、以及甲方认可的环保标识;单个产品上也应有厂家独特标识;如果乙方的物料需要特别保护的(如:防静电袋等)应严格按要求包装。 4.乙方对其生产的产品如存放期已超过保质期的三分之一时才送货给甲方,甲方有权不予接收或降价接收。 5.乙方出货前必须确认好每个包装的数量,甲方在收货时如果发现数量与送货单不一致或小包装标签数量 与里面实物不符将拒收,同时如果在后工序发现确认是来料包装少数的将少一罚十,对于反复发现少数的供应商将罚款处理。 五.质量异常的处理 1.采购前或使用乙方产品过程中出现质量问题时,甲方可随时到乙方的办公地点或生产场地,对乙方质量 管理体系进行考察、审核,对其提出不能满足甲方所需产品的技术标准的问题所在,并要求其改善,直


药品购销质量保证协议书甲方(供货方): 乙方(购货方): 为严格执行《中华人民共和国药品管理法》及相关的法律法规,遵照《药品经营质量管理规范》的要求,切实保证药品质量,甲乙双方本着平等合作的原则,明确双方质量责任,经协商一致,签订本质量协议: 一、甲乙双方遵守国家相关法律法规,互相提供真实、合法、有效的: ①《药品经营许可证》或《药品生产许可证》;②GSP证书或GMP证书;③ 《营业执照》(三证合一);④上一年度企业年度报告公示情况等复印件; ⑤企业的开户户名、开户银行及账号;⑥企业质量体系调查表;均加盖企业公章原印章。 二、甲方作为供货方还应提供: ①相关企业印章样式;②随货同行单(票)样式;③开户户名、开户银行 及账号等复印件,均加盖企业公章原印章。 三、甲方向乙方提供销售人员相关证明文件: ①甲方销售人员的身份证复印件;②从业资格证书复印件;③法人委托书(应明确规定销售员的权限、销售品种、有效期限等),并均加盖企业公章原印章。 四、甲方提供的药品质量应符合: ①国家药品质量标准和有关质量要求;②整件包装的药品应附产品合格证; ③药品包装和标识应符合《药品包装、标签、说明书管理规定》;④按所供产品的贮存运输要求送货或托运,保证运输过程中产品质量;⑤如所提供是进口

药品、生物制品等,须提供符合规定的证明资料,并均加盖企业公章原印章。 五、甲方应按国家规定和销售合同或协议约定的时间向乙方如实开具发票:发票应当列明药品的通用名称、规格、单位、数量、单价、金额等;不能全部列明的,应当附《销售货物或者提供应税劳务清单》,并加盖供货单位发票专用章原印章、注明税票号码,并与甲方提供的随货同行单等内容保持一致。六、甲方提供乙方的药品如出现质量问题,如属甲方责任的,应承担相应的责任。若由乙方因储存不当等因素造成的质量问题,损失由乙方自负, 甲方不承担责任; 七、乙方向甲方提供相关采购人员的身份证复印件、相应的法人委托书(应明确规定权限、期限等)、从业资格证书复印件等,并均加盖企业公章原印章。 八、乙方收到甲方所供的药品后,须在二天内对甲方的药品进行验收, 如发现品种、规格、数量、批号、质量等不符合规定的,应及时通知甲方负责更换或退货; 九、甲乙双方有义务相互反馈企业变化及所经营药品质量及服务质量等信息,保证合法资质持续有效; 十、甲乙双方严格履行各自责任,若一方有违约行为,另一方有权向所在地法院起诉对方追究相应经济与法律责任; 十一、未尽事宜,协商解决;十二、本协议一式两份,双方各持一份,盖章签名生效,有效期为五年。


代理商质量保证协议书 NO: 甲方(个人): (以下简称甲方) 乙方(公司): (以下简称乙方) 1、目的 为确保甲方质量,保证体制有效运行;确保乙方供货质量的稳定,满足甲方用户的最终产品需求,防止不合格品配套的发生,特签定本协议。 2、适应范围 本协议适应提供甲方产品配套的乙方。 3、双方合同涉及的内容 3.1甲方向乙方下达的合同订单应当准确无误的标明:产品名称、型号规格、交货期限、交货方式、质量保证期限。 3.2甲方如需要对已下达,但尚未执行的合同(订单)内容进行更改,必须以书面的形式通知乙方,乙方应及时向甲方代表确认并纠正合同(订单)内容。 3.3甲方向乙方下达的合同订单,应附加工、购买产品的质量技术指标、要求。如甲方不能明确提出的质量技术指标可使用国家标准或由乙方代为提出,双方同意后形成书面记录。 4、质量标准的说明 4.1甲方通过图纸、标准或指定样件等方式,向乙方说明产品的质量标准。 4.2对甲方提出的质量标准有异议时,或者希望变更时,乙方须向甲方提出申请,进行协商确定。 4.3乙方向甲方提供的产品合格率: 产品不得低于%,质量保证期年。 产品不得低于%,质量保证期年。 产品不得低于%,质量保证期年。 产品不得低于%,质量保证期年。 5、质量检查确认 5.1乙方根据双方协定的质量标准要求,出具乙方每批次的《产品出厂检验报告》,必要时,应甲方要求,乙方应提交乙方产品的《检验基准书》、《QC工程表》及其他此产品质量证明资料给甲方确认。 5.2质量检查供货初期在进行,正常时在

进行。 5.3属双方协定或国家强制性检验的项目,甲方或乙方不能完成检验时,必须在甲方质量管理部门指定的国家试验机构进行,检验发生费用由乙方承担。 5.4甲方在认为必要的时候,可以随时到乙方的生产现场,对配套件进行检查,或是对乙方的质量保证体系进行监察。 5.5当乙方的生产场地发生改变或关键工序、设备发生改变时必须通知甲方并得到甲方的认可。 6、乙方的赔偿责任 对于配套发生的问题符合下面某一项时,乙方要负责下述7.1所约定的赔偿责任。A:未使用的乙方产品完全不符合甲方的质量技术要求; B:乙方单方面原因不能按时交货,影响甲方产品的交货时间; C:配套件经乙方货源地验货后,由乙方保管不善或维护不好或运输过程造成的问题(本条款适用由乙方保管运输的产品); D:乙方供应产品在甲方地检验的零散不合格品; E:乙方产品已验收,甲方在生产过程中发现乙方产品超过(含)3%不符合甲方的质量要求; F:由乙方不合格引起的甲方产品售后维修、退货、运输等费用; G:甲方无法判断,乙方出厂合格,而实际与要求质量不符合,造成的其他问题;H:当乙方向甲方提供的批次产品合格率低于4.3项1个百分点; J:当乙方向甲方提供的批次产品合格率低于4.3项2个百分点; K:因甲方客户需要,经与乙方协商同意,批次合格率低于上述J条百分点。 7、索赔 7.1当乙方产品符合本协议第6项各子项内容时,乙方应按下述第6项各子项相对应的


供应商品质保证协议书 目录 1、目的 2、基本原则 3、产品标准 4、技朮支援 5、乙方交货品质不良的处置 6、违反正常交货之罚款 7、罚款计算公式 8、品质报告 9、损失赔偿的通知 10、日期与批次的控制 11、其它 12、附件 1、目的 甲乙双方为了确保乙方供应给甲方的材料具有适当的质量及信赖性,经双方相互协调,已达成共识就有关质量保证的基本事项特缔结此协议。 2、基本原则

2.1甲﹑乙双方在实施质量管理过程中必须贯彻相互信赖,共同努 力,共存共荣的观念,增强企业的社会责任感,相互尊重对方的自主性。 2.2甲﹑乙双方应站在对方的立场,为双方实施质量管理互通信息。 2.3本协议责任范围,以乙方所提供的材料为限。 3、产品标准 3.1乙方必须严格按经甲方承认的品牌、性能﹑规格等技朮要求的 材料进行交货。乙方原材料有任何变更,必须提前30日通知甲方,在甲方书面确认后方可变更,否则引起的一切后果由乙方负责。 3.2甲方检验依据双方确认之承认规格书﹑样品,同时参考国家最新标准进行。 3.3甲方对乙方产品之抽样计划依:MIL-STD-105E level:(Ⅱ) AQL值为CR=0,MA=_0.65,MI=_1.5__进行抽样检验判定。(甲方会根据乙方质量状况调整AQL值,调整后需重签此协议书)。 3.4乙方供给甲方的产品必须符合ROHS认证的相关要求,并提供 ROHS认证报告复印件、保证函至甲方。甲方不定期(不少于2次/年)将乙方的产品至第三方检测机构进行检测,如检测或市场抽检不合格,测试费用及损失由乙方承担,乙方同意赔偿自甲方的所有损失。 4、技朮支援 4.1乙方在向甲方提供样品的同时,应该向甲方提供本型号材料的 技朮数据﹑成品测试报告﹑企业标准﹑国标,国内(国际)通过的安


产品质量责任协议书 产品质量是指产品符合技术标准和用户需求的程度。提高产品质量总体水平是关系我国经济发展全局的大事。本文是小编为大家整理的产品质量的责任协议书,仅供参考。 产品质量责任协议书篇一: 甲方:深圳市xx时代科技有限公司 地址:深圳市xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 法定代表人:xxx 联系电话:0755-xxxxxx 乙方:深圳市xxxxx电子厂 地址:深圳市xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 法定代表人:xxx 联系电话:0755-xxxx 乙方为甲方提供产品,双方本着"质量第一、互惠互利,共同发展"的原则,为确保产品质量的稳定

和不断提高,特签订本协议: 一、产品供货交期: 1、产品交期:淡季交期 7 天,旺季交期 15 天 2、交期延误处理办法:乙方接到订单两天内回复交期,并严格按交期执行,如出现特殊问题必须提前通知甲方,甲方根据实际情况协商处理,如有再三延误交期严重影响甲方生产和销售的根据实际情况给予相应处罚 二、物料验收规则 1. 验收标准:以甲方提供的验收标准或甲方确认乙方提供的技术参数、图纸、样品、出厂检验标准、国家颁布实施的有关标准。符合即视为合格。 2. 验收方法:按国家标准GB2828-87标准一般检查水平Ⅱ方案抽样检查,甲方根据产品质量稳定情况,可采取正常、加严、放宽抽样方法。 3. 包装要求:内包装:标明产品名称、产品型号、数量、检验员印章、物料编号或批号、生产日期。外包装:箱体标识包括,产品名称、型号、数量、日期、生产厂家和甲方物料编号。 4. 乙方交付时,必须提供该批物料的《出厂检验报告》给甲方。如果检验报告存在欺骗行为,一切后果由乙方负责。必须保证不能以次充好,以假充真,如有发生影响生产造成的损失由乙方负责;同时乙方必须开具送货单(必须加盖公司章),上面必须注


质量保证协议 甲方:中山市山木显示有限公司 地址:广东省中山市古镇镇 乙方:杰联特芯电子(深圳)有限公司 地址:深圳市福田区车公庙泰然九路海松大厦B座1402室 为保证乙方向甲方提供的产品质量,确保双方长期、稳定的合作关系,甲、乙双方经协商一致,就产品质量标准、技术要求等相关事宜达成如下协议,共同遵照履行: 一、本协议中的“产品”包括甲方向乙方购买的所有IC产品。 二、产品质量标准和技术要求 1、乙方向甲方提供的所有产品,其质量与生产过程符合规定,并满足甲方如下质量标准和技术要求: ( 1 )乙方图纸尺寸、技术规。 (2)封样样品 (3)其它: 三、甲方的权利义务 任何情况下甲方对质量标准和技术要求享有最终决定权。 四、乙方的权利义务 1、乙方有义务提供符合甲方质量标准和技术要求的产品,并向甲方提交有关产品合格性、有效性的证明文件(包括但不限于合格证,有效期、生产日期、检测日期的证明),以证明产品符合甲方的要求。 2、乙方有义务向甲方提供所供产品必须是台湾聚积原装生产的产品。 3、乙方有义务向甲方提供产品重金属含量的成分(SGS)检测报告,并保证产品重金属含量符合欧洲ROHS指标。 4、乙方有义务接受甲方质量部门不定期的审核,审核的内容包括乙方的质

量管理体系、加工生产环境、行为和改善区间等。甲方有权就审核结果向乙方提出整改意见,乙方应在收到整改意见天内完成整改。 五、产品验收和退货 1、甲方在收货时发现产品不合格或相关证明文件缺漏时,有权拒绝收货。乙方应及时妥善处理拒收产品,期间发生产品毁损、灭失等一切风险均由乙方自行承担。 2、产品经检验被判定为不合格时,如果不合格品可以返工,则由乙方提供返工方案,经甲方同意后由乙方按照返工方案对不合格品进行处理。如果不合格品不可以返工,则作退货处理。甲方因产品返工或退货所支出的一切费用由乙方承担。 3、对于部分不良产品,在不影响甲方生产工艺及产品质量的情况下,甲方有权根据自身需求让步接受,但并不意味甲方承认乙方提供产品的合格性、有效性,该不良品引发甲方所生产的产品出现质量时,乙方不能以甲方收货为由免除自身的赔偿责任。 4、乙方所提供的不合格产品达到以上(该统计范围包含甲方收货检验时发现的不合格品、生产过程中发现的不合格品和甲方产品交付至客户后发现的不合格品总和),甲方有权单方终止《采购合同》,甲方因此向其他供应商紧急购买产品以保证正常运营而产生的额外费用由乙方承担。 六、责任承担 1、甲方对初步验收合格的产品进行使用、再加工过程中发现质量问题,或产品在生产过程中不能正常使用,甲方有权判定乙方提供的产品不合格,乙方应承担全责任并向甲方赔偿由此造成的损失。 2、甲方加工、生产的成品交付客户或流入市场后发现质量问题,或甲方加工、生产的成品不能正常使用,鉴于难以对成品进行回收检查,甲方有权凭客户提供的质量异议文件判定其成品出现的状况是否由乙方所供产品的质量问题所致,甲方判定是乙方所供产品质量问题所致的,乙方应承担全责任并向甲方赔偿由此造成的损失。 3、若甲方的产品发生质量事故,导致第三方索赔的,经甲方或技术监督部门或其他权威机构认定是因乙方材质问题造成的责任,乙方应承担给甲方及第三


供应商质量保证协议书 合同编号:_________ 需方全称:________________________(以下简称甲方) 供方全称:________________________(以下简称乙方) 产品名称:________________________ 产品型号:________________________ 本协议为《采购合同》的附件之一,适用于正常采购到货产品及索赔到货产品的质量要求,与该合同有同样的法律效力,甲乙双方应严格遵守。 甲乙双方以相互信任、相互合作的态度,对该协议的以下条款达成一致: 1 产品标准: 乙方应严格按照前期甲方测试确认可以接受的样品性能、以及《技术协议》,进行本产品的生产和向甲方批量供货。 2 检验方法: 2(1 样品封样:在第一批供货之前,乙方提供两个产品,由甲方研发部、质量检验部和乙方共同签字确认后,作为此产品的封样样品,以后的来料检验将以封样样品为检验的标准之一。 2(2 检验依据:《技术协议》规定的所有内容和要求、封样样品、甲方的交验标准、相关国家标准、甲乙双方承认的测试报告为依据进行检验。 2(3 检验数量:甲方首批检验为全检,合格率要求达到98%以上,不合格品退货处理;首批检验合格率达到99%以上,后面的批次按照国家标准GB2828-87《逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批的检查)》中的抽样方案进行抽样。 3 技术支持:

3(1 乙方在供货前五个工作日需向甲方提供必要的出厂检验标准。 3(2 甲乙双方开始合作后,乙方的技术工程师应对甲方的相关人员进行本产品的技术、检验、维护、服务等知识的培训。培训需求由甲方提出,经双方协商后实施。 4 信息沟通 4(1 甲方在来料检验中,发现不合格产品,需对乙方开具《供应商质量问题通报》,乙方需在两日内对《供应商质量问题通报》中质量问题的形成原因、纠正预防措施、措施实施时间等内容,以书面形式进行回复。对于甲方退货批次,乙方还需向甲方提供退货批次的处理方式和相关质量记录。 4(2 乙方每月需对甲方来料检验、生产制程和客服中心返还的需要索赔的产品进行分析,并在每月30日前向甲方提供分析报告。 4(3 甲乙双方定期召开品质沟通会议,会议时间由双方协商确定。 5 问题解决及违约责任 5(1 乙方对本协议第4条所列条款执行不利,且在甲方提出改进要求后乙方仍无改进迹象,甲方有权取消乙方的合格供方资格。 5(2 乙方应保证到货的型号规格与《采购合同》和《技术规格书》一致,并完全按照《技术协议书》中的标准供货。对由于到料与《技术规格书》中的标准不一致的,甲方有权要求乙方退货、换货,并按采购合同的约定承担相应的赔偿责任。5(3 乙方应承担交货至甲方运输过程中出现的来料损坏、丢失、外包装破损等损失。 5(4 甲方在来料检验时对来料批判定为不合格批时,应及时通知乙方,乙方应当在一个工作日内派人进行确认。 5(5 当产品在检验、生产过程中发现质量问题,乙方工程师应在接到甲方通知后,半个工作日内做出反应。


供应商质量保证协议 合作双方郑重承诺 认可协议中的所有内容,并切实予以履行。————————合作共赢共同发展————————

乙方为甲方生产配套产品,双方本着“质量第一、互惠互利、共同发展”的原则,为确保产品质量的稳定和不断提高,经友好协商达成共识并特签订本协议。 一、质量要求: 1.乙方提供的产品,性能、可靠性质量应满足甲方的IQC《物料验收标准》、零件确认书、技术图纸、同类产品的行业标准、国家标准、国际性标准、产品强制性法律法规要求及双方签订的质量保证协议要求。 2.乙方应对向甲方提供产品的使用性能及安全项目实施重点管制,并根据甲方要求向甲方提供产品检验合格证明资料(所提供的数据必须有检验记录值)。 3.负责提供满足甲方认可的产品技术资料或样品要求的产品,送货时需提供随货质量证明书(出货检验报告,合格印章等) 4.乙方提供给甲方物料时须满足以下环保要求;有害物质含量安全性(RoHS指令--2011/65/EU、REACH法规-(EC)No.1907/2006),食品级物料的食品级符合性(FDA、LFGB)。 5.乙方供货时,必须提供真实的随货质量保证书或出货检验报告及合格标签(按批次);标签上必须印有产品名称、料号、数量、检验员印章等 6.为更好地理解本协议的内容,特将有关概念定义如下: 6.1.质量特性重要度分级:以对产品适用性、可靠性、安全性要求的影响及经济损失程度将质量特性分为 关键质量特性、重要质量特性、一般质量特性,分别用符号A、B、C表示。 6.2.不合格品:在检验、使用过程发现有一个以上质量特性不合格的产品,都视为不合格品。 6.3.不合格(缺陷)分类:以产品的某类质量特性符合规定的严重程度将不合格(缺陷)分为A类不合格 (缺陷)、B类不合格(缺陷)、C类不合格(缺陷)。 A类不合格 安全质量特性不合格: 有潜在危机,会造成安全事故、对人或资产有所损害, 不符合客户使用区域的法律法规要求的质量特性; B类不合格 重要质量特性不合格:影响到产品正常使用的功能,外观严重缺陷会导致客户投诉的质量特性; C类不合格 一般质量特性不合格:不影响到产品正常使用的功能或外观轻微不良点,不易使客户注意投诉。. 7. 误(返)工损失:因物料供应不及时、物料不合格、现场返修等导致生产效率低下或停产,从而造成的生产人员和设备空运行所带来的经济损失。误(返)工损失=误(返)工人数×误(返)工时间×误(返)工工时单价(本协议涉及误(返)工单价时,均以50元/小时的标准计算,不足1小时按1小时计)。


质量保证协议书 甲方(供货方): 乙方(采购方): 加强质量管理,为用户提供安全有效的医疗设备是甲乙双方共同承担的责任和义务,为建立供需双方长期、稳定的购销关系,依据《医疗器械监督管理条例》、《医疗器械经营企业许可证管理办法》等法律法规和行业有关规定,本着平等互利、诚实合作的原则,经充分协商达成如下协议: (一)甲方向乙方所提供医疗器械的质量标准应符合国家标准和行业标准。(二)医疗器械的包装,标识,标签,说明书等应符合国家标准和行业的有关规定。 (三)乙方首次购入医疗器械时,甲方应向乙方提供完整的证照和授权手续,以供乙方销售备案用。甲方对其提供资料真实性、合法性承担法律责任。(四)甲方是经营企业,向乙方供货时,应按批次向乙方提供检验报告书或其他有效证件。 (五)甲方货到后,乙方根据有关标准进行验收。如发现品种、规格、质量等不符合合同规定,供方需负责更换或退货。 (六)乙方应具备贮存、保管甲方所供医疗器械的场所、人员及条件、因乙方保管、养护不当而导致医疗器械质量发生问题的,由乙方负责。 (七)如双方对医疗器械质量产生争议,以法定检验部门的检验结果为准。(八)因甲方产品质量问题造成乙方经济损失的,由甲方负责。 (九)医院因产品质量问题进行投诉,供方应积极配合需方妥善解决。 (十)因甲方夸大产品的功能与功效,造成乙方与用户产生纠纷并早成经济损失的,乙方有权向甲方进行追偿。 (十一)有关产品的售后服务由甲方负责。 (十二)本协议未尽事宜,双方应协调解决,也可由上级主管部门调解或仲裁解决。 (十三)本协议一式两份,甲,乙双方各执一份。 (十四)本协议自签字之日起生效,有效期两年。 供货(签章)需方(签章) 代表人:代表人: 年月日年月日


编号:JY-HT-05064 供应商质量保证协议书范本 通用版 The agreement is a guarantee for both parties and protects legitimate rights and interests 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日

供应商质量保证协议书范本通用版 合同编号:_________ 需方全称:_________(以下简称甲方) 供方全称:_________(以下简称乙方) 产品名称:_________ 产品型号:_________ 本协议为《采购合同》的附件之一,适用于正常采购到货产品及索赔到货产品的质量要求,与该合同有同样的法律效力,甲乙双方应严格遵守。 甲乙双方以相互信任、相互合作的态度,对该协议的以下条款达成一致: 1产品标准: 乙方应严格按照前期甲方测试确认可以接受的样品性能、以及《技术协议》,进行本产品的生产和向甲方批量供货。

2检验方法: 2.1样品封样:在第一批供货之前,乙方提供两个产品,由甲方研发部、质量检验部和乙方共同签字确认后,作为此产品的封样样品,以后的来料检验将以封样样品为检验的标准之一。 2.2检验依据:《技术协议》规定的所有内容和要求、封样样品、甲方的交验标准、相关国家标准、甲乙双方承认的测试报告为依据进行检验。 2.3检验数量:按照国家标准GB2828.1-2003《逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批的检查)》中的抽样方案进行抽样。其中,甲方在来料检验中执行一次抽样方案,检查水平为_________,重缺陷AQL值为_________,轻缺陷AQL值为_________. 3技术支持: 3.1乙方在第一批供货前五个工作日需向甲方提供必要的出厂检验标准。 3.2甲乙双方开始合作后,乙方的技术工程师应对甲方的相关人员进行本产品的技术、检验、维护、服务等知识的


协议编号:YTO-FS-PD636 质量保证协议书格式通用版 In Order T o Protect Their Own Legal Rights, The Cooperative Parties Negotiate And Reach An Agreement, And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

质量保证协议书格式通用版 使用提示:本协议文件可用于合作多方为了保障各自的合法权利,经共同商议并达成协议,签署成为文件资料,实现纠纷解决和达到共同利益效果。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 甲方:_________(以下简称甲方) 地址:_________ 乙方:_________(以下简称乙方) 地址:_________ 签订地址:_________ 鉴于甲方向乙方采购原辅材料、零部件、外协作件等(以下简称产品)。 就乙方产品质量保证有关问题,甲乙双方经协商达成以下协议。 第一部分目的 第一节(目的) 乙方向甲方提供产品,必须符合甲方的技术、生产、组装、加工、使用等(以下简称制造)的质量要求(包含但不限于结构、材质、性能、安全性等要求),乙方保证向甲方提供满足甲方品质要求的产品。 第二部分质量要求 第二节(质量要求规定)

1、乙方产品基本质量要求按甲方最新颁布的企业技术标准(包括图纸)、验收标准、检验作业指导书等(已提供给乙方)执行,以上包含了产品主要性能指标、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存、标准要求等内容。甲方未制定以上标准或未提出有关要求时,乙方按相关国家标准执行。甲方验收乙方产品时,以上述标准为依据。 2、有关产品的质量要求(如新品),乙方制造产品前或交货前,必须对相关图纸、技术标准或样本等进行确认签字,质量要求等如变更时也必须确认签字。 3、乙方向甲方提供产品,必须符合甲方上述要求。 第三节(遵守法律、法规和其他要求) 1、乙方必须遵守与产品安全、有害物质控制相关的法律、法规、条例等规定。 2、乙方必须接受甲方有关产品的技术标准、采购要求、订单、采购计划、供货合同等,如果不能接受时,乙方立即用书面形式向甲方报告协商。 第三部分质量保证能力 第四节(建立质量保证体系) 1、乙方应建立质量管理体系,并有义务按照ISO9001标准建立,以证实其有能力为甲方提供合格的产品。 2、乙方同意甲方及甲方的第二方通过工厂审核手段或工厂访问方法,检查其质量保证能力是否达到甲方的要
