当前位置:文档之家› 保密协议(中英对照)---实例2_MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT


4、 接受方承诺:在接到披露商业秘密的一方(“披露方”)的书面通知之日起 15 日内向披 露方交付所有含有本协议所定义的商业秘密的资料、文件、电脑磁盘及其他信息载体,并在 上述期间内以书面形式向披露方确认本事项的完成。
第 4 条:协议双方同意将以下信息排除在保密信息范围之外: 1、 在披露前,接受方已经知道的信息;
This MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made as of the
day of April, 2001, by and between Beijing Aifeite Guoji Texu Jingying Zixun Fuwu Co., Ltd.,
1. "Information" shall mean any and all information, including but not limited to ideas, discoveries, inventions, specifications, formulae, programs, plans, drawings, models, requirements, standards, financial data, trade and manufacturing and know-how, as well as any and all intellectual and industrial property rights contained therein and/or in relation thereto, title to which belongs to the Owning Party or for which the Owning Party has obtained a right to disclose or divulge.
无论在何种情况下,如接受方未按前款的要求提出通知并以书面形式正式确认,则视为其已 经自动排除本方适用本条款排除保密信息的权利。
第 5 条:被披露的商业秘密的知识产权及相关权益应依法归披露方所拥有。
第 6 条:本协议约束双方及其目前以及未来的股东、雇员、律师、注册会计师及其他委托代 理人。
第 7 条:非经对方书面同意,本协议项下的任何权利、义务不得以任何方式进行转让、转移 或分割给任何第三方或与之共享。任何未经对方事先同意的此等转移、转让或分割、共享, 均属无效。
(d.b.a. “CENTURY 21 China Real Estate”), a corporation with its principal office at Room
1725, Hanwei Plaza, No. 7 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100004,
2、 接受方从不承担保密义务的第三方处合法获得的信息;
3、 非经无权披露,已为公众获悉的信息;
4、 披露方自行向第三方披露、且并未要求该方进行保密的信息。
遇有上述情况,接受方应在接受该类信息的同时毫不延迟地、以最便捷的方式通知披露方, 以排除本方对该类信息的保密责任,并在其后 3 日内以书面形式正式确认。
2、 使用该商业秘密的目的只限于双方在中国
3、 接受方承诺只限于向必须参加前述特许经营授权事宜的股东、雇员或律师、注册会计师 等委托代理人披露该商业秘密,并将明确地告知上述人员其所负有的保密义务,并要求其做 出保密承诺;接受方还承诺将与上述人员签署书面协议,以约束其在离职和/或辞任后的永 久期间内仍依据本协议之意旨承担完全的保密义务;
b. Use the Information only for the above purpose;
c. Restrict disclosure of the Information of the Owning Party solely to those employees of Receiving Party having a need to know such Information in order to accomplish the purpose stated above;
保密协议(中英对照)---实例 2
核心提示:This MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made as of the th day of April, 2001, by and between Beijing Aifeite Guoji Texu Jingying Zixun Fuwu Co., Ltd., (d.b.a. “CENTURY 21 China Real Estate”), ……
第 2 条: 双方一致同意,非经对方书面许可,任何一方不得向第三方披露本协议的内容; 双方进一步同意,非经对方书面许可,任何一方不得向第三方披露本协议的存在。
第 3 条: 收到对方商业秘密的一方(“接受方”)承诺: 1、 不向第三方披露该商业秘密,并且应当像保护自己的商业秘密一样合理、谨慎地对该类
E. CENTURY 21 and CORPORATION are willing to disclose Information (as “Owning Party”) and receive Information (as “Receiving Party”) on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
第 8 条:本协议自双方授权代表签字或盖章之日起生效,若双方未同时签字或盖章,则以较 后签字或盖章之日期为本协议生效日。本协议永久有效,直至双方书面同意时方可终止。一 方违反给本协议给对方造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。
第 9 条:因本意向书产生或与本意向书相关的一切纠纷,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。协 商未果的,双方同意提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁,仲裁地点在北京,该裁决 对甲、乙双方均具有法律约束力。
, a corporation having a business address
, (the "
A. The both parties acknowledge that, CENTURY 21 China Real Estate has the exclusive right to use the CENTURY 21 Marks and CENTURY 21 System to (a) grant regional subfranchising and other rights and services and obligations associated therewith in People’s Republic of China; (b) grant franchise to reputable real estate brokerage offices in the People’s Republic of China.
2. The Receiving Party will: a. (1) Not disclose Information of Owning Party to any other person and (2) use at least the same degree of care to maintain the Information confidential as Receiving Party uses in maintaining as confidential its own confidential Information, but always at least a reasonable degree of care;
C. CENTURY 21 and CORPORATION wish to exchange certain information pertaining to CENTURY 21 Marks, CENTURY 21 System and related business material of both parties. This exchange includes all communication of information between the parties in any form whatsoever, including oral, written, electronic and/or other machine readable form, pertaining to the above.
甲方: 地址: 法定代表人: 联系电话: 邮政编码: 传真:
乙方: 地址: 法定代表人: 联系电话: 邮政编码: 传真:


D. CENTURY 21 and CORPORATION wish to exchange the information for the sole purpose of and each party regards certain parts of the Information it possesses to be secret and desires to protect those parts from unauthorized disclosure or use (such secret parts being hereafter collectively referred to as “Information”).
B. The both parties acknowledge that, CORPORATION is a reputable real estate broker in
explicitly show its strong interest in CENTURY 21 Marks and CENTURY 21
TERMS OF AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, and for other good and valuable consideration, the delivery, receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged; and further, in accordance with and pursuant to all terms, conditions, covenants, agreements, representations and warranties contained herein, CENTURY 21 and CORPORATION hereby mutually agree as follows:
第 10 条:本协议以中、英文写就,各二份,双方各执中、英文本一份,所有文本均为正本。 中英文文本如有异义,以中文本为准。
授权代表人: _______________________
日期: 年 月 日
乙方: 授权代表人: ___________________ 日期: 年 月 日
第 1 条: 定义 本协议所述及之“保密信息”或“商业秘密”,系指本协议一方以口头的、书面的、电子文本或 其他可机读的形式向对方披露的、任何在披露时标注或被陈述为"机密"、“秘密”或“绝密”的 信息。若保密信息首次是以口头或影像形式披露出去的,则协议双方同意在披露时应明确通 知对方,以使对方确知该信息为保密信息,并在披露后 30 日内以书面形式向对方再次确认。