当前位置:文档之家› [合同协议]中英文设备买卖协议


[合同协议]中英文设备买卖协议Contract No. [ ]









No.401, East Chang'an Road,

Xi'an, Shaanxi

China P.O.C.

a compa ny organized under the laws of [Country] (“Buyer”)一家依照中设人民共和国法律设建的公司;以下设称“设方”,

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a company organized under the laws of Switzerland (“Seller”)


- each a “Party”, collectively the “Parties” -


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Part C DEFINITIONS. In addition to those definitions set forth elsewhere in this Contract, the following capitalized terms shall have the meanings specified below:

定设。除本合同中外列明的设等定设之外~下列黑设设设有如下含设,另体“Buyer’s Site” means the location where the System will be installed and used as set forth in Annex 2;


“Contract” means this Equipment Purchase and Sale Agreement, including its Annexes;“合同”指本设设设设设设~包括附件~

“Effective Date” means the date first written above;


“Final Acceptance” has the meaning set out in Section 6 herein;


“Final Acceptance Test” means one or more tests of the System conducted in accordance with Seller’s normal procedures at Buyer’s

Site to demonstrate that the System meets or exceeds the Specification;




“Intellectual Property” means algorithms, concepts, data, databases, designs,

documentation, drawings, formulae, hardware, know-how, ideas, inventions, materials, methods, plans, procedures, processes, schematics, software (in any form including source code and executable or object code), specifications, techniques, tools, trade secrets, works of authorship, and other technical information, whether or not protectable by any form of Intellectual Property Rights;







“Intellectual Property Rights” means all present and future patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, database rights, and other proprietary rights (excluding trademarks, service marks, trade names, and similar rights) in any jurisdiction, and all applications and registrations therefor;



“Services” means certain installation and commissioning services related to the System;

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“Shipment” of a System occurs when such System is delivered to the carrier at Seller's factory or the shipping point determined by Seller;


“Specification” means the technical description and performance specification of a given System set forth in Annex 1; and


“System” means the equipment described in Annex 1.


Part D SCOPE OF AGREEMENT. Buyer agrees to purchase the System and Services, and Seller agrees to sell the System and perform the Services, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.






1.Price. The total price for the System and Services is four million and eighty thousand Swiss Francs (CHF 4,080,000) (the “Price”). Buyer shall pay the Price to Seller as follows:


(CHF 4,080,000);“合同价格”,。设方设以下列方式向设方支付合同价


(1.i)thirty percent (30%) of the Price, with payment due thirty (30) days after the

Effective Date (“First Installment”);



(1.ii)sixty percent (60%) of the Price upon Shipment to Buyer of the System, with

payment due thirty (30) days after the date of Shipment; and



(c)ten percent (10%) of the Price within ten (10) days of Final Acceptance, but not later than ninety (90) days after Shipment of the System provided that the installation and commissioning of the System at Buyer’s Site is delayed by reasons not caused by Seller, with payme nt due fourteen (14) days after the date of Seller’s invoice.

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2.Taxes and Fees. The Price shall not include any import or

broker’s fees, taxes (including withholding taxes, import VAT, customs duties, and official local charges) or any other taxes levied on Seller (except those which are based on income of Seller) , or any other charges or costs that might be claimed with respect to the sale or shipment or installation of the System or any spare part(s) to Buyer,

all of which shall be paid by Buyer (or reimbursed to Seller by Buyer if Seller makes payment).





3.Payment. Unless otherwise set forth in this Contract, Buyer shall make all payments under this Contract exclusively to Seller within fourteen (14) days aft er the date of Seller’s invoice therefor. Unless another address is provided in writing by Buyer to Seller, all invoices shall be sent by Seller to the address set forth in Section 15.6. All of Buyer’s payments of the Price shall be made by means of the Le tter of Credit (as defined in Section 3.4), except that: (a) payment of the

First Installment will be made by wire transfer to Seller’s bank account; and (b) if the Letter of Credit is not in effect when a payment is due or is not sufficient to cover the entire amount owed to Seller, then Buyer will pay the amount owed (or remaining portion thereof that Seller did not receive by drawing on the Letter of Credit) to Seller by means of a wire transfer to Seller’s bank account by the due date set forth above. All payments by wire transfer will be made in accordance with the wire instructions set forth in Annex 3 which may be revised

from time-to-time upon written notice by Seller to Buyer. For avoidance of doubt, Seller may at its option draw on the Letter of Credit at a date later than the applicable payment due date set forth above. Payments will not be considered made until Seller has a credit entry on its bank accounts in Switzerland.




设以信用设;定设设第3.4款,的方式支付~但(a) 首期付款设设设至设方设行设设~且(b) 如果







4.Letter of Credit. Buyer shall cause to be issued to Seller an irrevocable letter of credit (“Letter of Credit”) in the amount of the

Price less the amount of the First Installment. Each Letter of Credit shall be directly advised through a bank acceptable to Seller, to be issued in favor of Seller no later than sixty (60) days before the scheduled date of shipment of the System. The Letter of Credit shall be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 2007 revision I.C.C. publication no. 600. Unless otherwise specified therein, the Letter of Credit shall be payable in Switzerland and shall not expire before all payments are made to Seller. All banking charges for the Letter of Credit shall be

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the responsibility of, and be paid by, Buyer. The Letter of Credit will be in substantially the form attached to this Contract as Annex 4. Buyer will email or fax a copy of the proposed Letter of Credit to Seller’s Treasury Department (using the address provided by Seller) for review and approval by Seller prior to the actual submission to the opening bank.








5.Rights of Set Off. Other than as expressly provided in this Contract, neither

Party is entitled to set off amounts claimed to be owed by the other Party against amounts owing to the other Party whether arising under

this Contract or any other agreements between the Parties. All payments are nonrefundable once made.






1.Shipment Terms. The System will be delivered to Buyer CIP Shanghai airport

(INCOTERMS 2000) or other shipping point designated by Seller. Annex 2 contains an estimated shipment date for the System. Buyer will arrange for and bear the cost of shipping transportation and insurance from the Shanghai airport to Buyer’s Site. Transshipment a nd partial shipment will be allowed.




2.Title Transfer; Risk of Loss. Transfer of title to the System will pass from

Seller to Buyer upon delivery of the System to the first carrier. Risk of loss or damage with respect to the System will pass from Seller to Buyer upon delivery of the System to the first carrier. In addition, Buyer will be liable for any loss or damage caused at any time by the

a cts or omissions of Buyer or any of Buyer’s agents, employees, or contractors. In the event of damage or loss during shipment and Buyer wishes to make a claim under the insurance policy procured by Seller, Buyer agrees to first notify Seller and coordinate any communication on the claim with Seller. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any software included with the System is licensed, not sold to Buyer, and title to and ownership of such software shall at all times remain with Seller.







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3.Performance Conditions. Buyer ack nowledges that Seller’s ability to deliver, install, and achieve Final Acceptance of the System depends upon: (a) the condition and availability of Buyer’s Site; (b) Buyer’s ongoing satisfaction, in a timely manner, of its obligations set forth in this Contract and otherwise agreed upon in writing; and (c) none of the warranty exclusion events described in Section 7.5 occurring. If a delay in Seller’s performance occurs due to causes described in clauses (a) or (b) above, then Seller will be entitled to the Shipment Postponement Charge defined below.


提,(a) 设方设所的件和可用性~条(b) 设方始设及设履行其在本合同设下的


面设定的设设~以及(c) 未设生第7.5款中所述的保设除外事件。如果设方由



4.Buyer Postponing or Cancelling Shipment. Buyer may cancel or postpone

Shipment of the System prior to the scheduled shipment date by delivering written notice to Seller, subject to Buyer’s payment to

Seller of the applicable cancellation charge (“Order Cancellation Charge”) or postponement charge (“Shipment Postponement Charge”). Buyer agrees and acknowledges such payments are reasonable and justified. Seller may draw against the Letter of Credit for either or both of the Order Cancellation Charge and the Shipment Postponement Charge.








(4.i)Order Cancellation Charge:


Amount of Notice of Cancellation Prior Cancellation Charge

to Seller’s Scheduled Shipment Date(Per centage of Price)

90 days or more30%

At least 30 days but less than 90 days50%

Less than 30 days90%






(4.ii)Shipment Postponement Charge: At Seller’s option, Seller may impose the

Shipment Postponement Charge equal to thirty percent (30%) of the applicable

Price of the System, which amount constitutes Seller’s liquidated damages for

any and all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in connection with the

postponed delivery of such System. If Buyer requests a delivery delay of more

than forty-five (45) days after the originally scheduled shipment date, at

Seller’s option, the order may be deemed cancelled and Buyer may be subject

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to both the Order Cancellation Charge and the Shipment Postponement Charge.






5.Seller Postponing or Cancelling Shipment. Without limiting any other rights

under this Contract, Seller may postpone and/or cancel Shipment of a System upon written notice to Buyer if Buyer fails to pay an amount when due, or if Buyer fails to cause the Letter of Credit to be issued to Seller when due . In such circumstances, and at Seller’s option, Seller may: (i) reschedule Shipment of the System upon Buyer’s cure of such breach, and Buyer will be subject to the Shipment Postponement Charge; or (ii) deem the order to have been cancelled by Buyer as of the date of the breach, and Buyer will be subject to the applicable Order Cancellation Charge.


出设面通知延设和,或取消系设的设设。在设等情形下~设方可自主定,决(i) 在设方设正设等设设



Part G SECURITY INTEREST. Seller retains, and Buyer hereby grants, a security

interest (or mortgage, charge, pledge, or lien, as determined by Seller to provide security under applicable local law) in the System delivered hereunder and in all proceeds from the sale, exchange, collection, or disposition thereof, until Buyer has made payment in full for the System. Buyer shall, upon request by Seller, provide all information, cooperation, and signatures required by Seller to perfect such security interest. Seller reserves all rights granted to a secured creditor under applicable local law, including, at Seller’s option, the right to enter Buyer’s Site and repossess all or any part of the System upon default by Buyer.








Part H FINAL ACCEPTANCE. Final Acceptance is the final and irrevocable

acceptance of the System. Final Acceptance will occur upon the

earlier to occur of the following: (a) a Final Acceptance Test that demonstrates that the System meets or exceeds the Specification; (b) the date that Buyer uses the System in commercial production; or (c) the date ninety (90) days after Shipment of the System (the “FAT Deadline”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the System does not successfully complete Final Acceptance Test on or before the FAT Deadline solely due to Seller’s fault or delay, then, as Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, Seller will, at Seller’s sole expense, continue installing and commissioning the System until the earlier of: (i)Final Acceptance; or (ii) the date that is thirty (30) days after Seller has rectified its fault or delay, at which date there shall be a deemed Final Acceptance of the System.. Any failure in the Final Acceptance Test is to be verified by both Parties, and

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Seller shall be allowed sufficient and reasonable time to remedy. Buyer shall have no right to return or reject the System.


者,完成,(a) 完成表明系设设足或超设设格的最设设收设设~或者(b)设方在商设生设中使用系设

之日~或(c) 系设设设后的第九十(90)天;“最设设收设设截止日”,。尽管如上所述~如果








1.Warranty. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract, Seller

warrants to Buyer that during the Warranty Period, the System and any spare parts provided by Seller hereunder shall be free from defects in material and workmanship when used under normal operating conditions

for its intended use. Seller warrants to Buyer that all Services provided by Seller at Buyer’s Site shall be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner (the warranties for the System, spare parts and Services are referred to as the “Warranty”). Neither any statement in any prospectuses or brochures of Seller or on Seller’s website nor any oral statement of Seller or Seller’s employees, agents or contractors are legally binding, and none of the foregoing constitute a warranty of quality or condition under this Contract.






2.Warranty Period. The warranty period shall be as follows: (a) for the System, twelve (12) months after the date of Final Acceptance, not to exceed fifteen (15) months after Shipment; (b) for spare parts, ninety (90) days after the date of delivery to Buyer’s Site; and (c)

for Services, ninety (90) days after the performance of the applicable Services (the “Warranty Period”). The Warranty granted hereunder shall

not include parts or materials which Seller considers as consumables under normal operating conditions.

保设期。保设期设设,(a) 就系设而言~设通设最设设收之日起十二(12)个月


不超设设设后的十五(15)个月~(b) 就设件而言~交付设设方设所之日后的九十(90)天~且(c)



3.Remedy. If the System or a spare part delivered hereunder does not meet the above Warranty, Buyer shall promptly notify Seller in writing and make the System or part available for correction. Seller shall, during its normal business hours, correct any reproducible failure of the System or part to meet the above Warranty, at its option by either repairing or replacing any defective part or, if such remedies fail, by replacing the System. Buyer must grant Seller reasonable time and opportunity to take what Seller determines to be

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the necessary steps for making repairs or supplying replacements; if Buyer refuses to grant such time or opportunity, Seller will be released from any and all obligations with respect to such defects or failures. If a Service provided hereunder does not meet the above Warranty, Buyer


担保书范文大全 一、个人借款担保书(两份) 二、担保书格式及范本 三、信用担保书 四、诉讼财产保全担保 五、美国留学经济担保书 六、入职担保书(四份) 七、家长责任担保书 八、投标担保书格式 九、质量承诺书格式 十、诉讼财产保全担保书(三篇) 一、个人借款担保书(两份) 编号:____ 甲方借款人: ____身份证号码:________ 籍贯:________ 现住址:________ 现工作单位________ 联系电话:________ 乙方(贷款单位):________ 乙方(贷款单位)________联系电话:________ 担保人:________身份证号码:____________户籍所在地:________移动电话:________ 现居住地:________ 现工作单位:________ 担保人与被担保人关系:同事、亲戚、朋友 借贷事由 因宁波市镇海金亿机电有限公司车间员工刘虎家中生活困难 协议事项:甲乙双方就借款事宜,在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,以资双 方共同遵守。 一、乙方贷给甲方人民币壹万元(¥xxxxx)于 20xx年7月7日前交付甲方。 二、借款利息:无 三、借款期限:20xx年x月x日至20xx年x月x日 四、还款日期和方式:从7月15日至20xx年xx月15日(共5个月)以xxxx元/月的额 度从借款人的工资中扣还借款。五、(担保人)刘亮愿意为乙方贷给甲方刘虎人民币壹万元 (¥xxxxx)提供担保:若甲方(借款人)未按时还清乙方的贷款,甲方担保人刘亮愿意无条 件承担还清剩余贷款。 六、违约责任:若双方违反以上协议,需向对方承担支付壹仟元的违约金。 七、争议解决方式:,双方协商解决,解决不成,双方均可提交当地司法部门仲裁或裁判。 六、本合同自双方签字之日生效。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份;合同文本具有同等法 律效力。 甲方(签字、盖章):乙方(签字、盖章): 签订日期:签订日期:甲方(借款人) 担保人:签订日期: 个人借款合同担保书 编号:___________ 保证人:__________;法定代表人:_______;地址:_______________________; 开户银行:___________________________;帐户:______________________________; __________银行: 鉴于你行向_________(下称“借款人”)提供(币种)_________贷款(金额)_________(大 写:__________________)(下称“贷款”)。该借款合同(下称“合同”)编号为___________。


业务合作协议合同范本 业务的合作在商业中是很常见的,下面是整理的业务合作协议合同范本,希望对你有帮助。 业务合作协议合同范本一甲方:_____________ 乙方:_____________ 甲、乙双方本着自愿、平等、公平、诚实、信用的原则,经友好协商,根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定签定本协议,由双方共同遵守。 第一条协议范围内,双方的关系确定为合作关系。为拓展市场更好地、更规范地服务消费者,根据公司的规划,甲方根据乙方的申请和对乙方的经营能力的审核,同意乙方加入___________公司的销售网络。同意乙方在_______省(市、自治区)_________市(地区)_______县(区)_______地点(商场建筑物)(代理、经销、专卖、批发、零售)专属性经营(_______)品牌________系列产品。 第二条订立本协议的目的在于确保甲、乙双方忠实地履行本协议规定的双方的职责和权利。乙方作为单独的企业法人或经营者进行经济活动。因此,他必须遵守对所有企业法人或经营者共同的法律要求,特别是有关资格的规则以及社会的、财务的商业要求。作为一个企业法人或经营者,乙方应就其活动自负一切风险和从合法经营中获利。乙方不是甲方的代理人,也不是甲方的雇员和合伙人。乙方不是

作为甲方委托代表,乙方无权以甲方的名义签定协议,使甲方在任何方面对第三人承担责任,或由甲方负担费用,承担任何义务。订立本协议并未授予乙方任何约束甲方或甲方有关企业之权利,甲方对本协议任何条款有最终的解释权。 第三条有效期从_______年_____月_____日至_______年_____月_____日,由签约日计。除非本协议提前终止,乙方可在协议有效期满前三个月向甲方提出延长协议合作的书面请求,经甲方同意,可以续签《__________合作协议书》。 第四条甲方为使乙方所辖区域更好运营,开发和提供适销产品,保证产品质量符合标准,合理定价,最大限度保证乙方的供应。在本协议期间,甲方承诺,积极协助承担市场物流、组织功能乙方按甲方规划进行市场设计和拓展市场网络。甲方承诺在乙方要求下,可为乙方代办货物托运及相应事项,用乙方要求的方式运输到乙方所指定的地点,其运输、保险等费用均由受益人乙方支付。甲方为乙方提供适当的培训和辅导。作为市场开发和业务拓展必备条件,以保证整个系统持续统一。甲方负责组织品牌宣传,并协同承担市场物流、组织功能的乙方开展区域性的促销活动,最大限度地支持乙方的经营。甲方在作出的广告及推广活动之前,须先将有关活动资料通知乙方,以使乙方能于活动前作出适当准备及加以响应。甲方的品牌和产品及相关的灯箱


2020 草签购房合同注意事项文档Contract Template

草签购房合同注意事项文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,合同是民事主体之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。《中华人民共和国民法典》第四百六十四条:婚姻、收养、监护等有关身份关系的 协议,适用有关该身份关系的法律规定;没有规定的,可以根据其性质参照适用第 三编规定。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。依法成立的合同,仅对当事人具有法律 约束力,但是法律另有规定的除外。本文便于学习和使用,下载后内容方可修改 调整及打印。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 草签购房合同注意事项如下: 所谓草签,只是售房人员让你们尽快签字的一个借口,合同只要经双方当事人签字,就成立并产生法律效力。不过你们签订的这份合同,违约金约定过高,且对你们明显不公平,如果真产生纠纷,你们可申请法院撤销该合同。需要注意的是,撤销合同的期限是1年,自你们签订该合同起,因此,如果感觉会有纠纷,建议及时诉诸法律 正式合同未出来之前,草签合同具有同样的法律效力的 草签合同只是相对于网签合同(上房管局系统,有合同编号)的一种说法。 从合同效力角度,草签合同与网签合同都有同样的合同效力,但不能对抗第三人。 《担保法》第43条中的对抗第三人是指当两个债权债务关系标的物相同,双方发生争议,都主张享有对该标的物的权利时,

有登记的一方就可受法律的保护,优先享有权利。 草签网签合同一样吗? 问:20xx年8月底交房。开发商告诉我现在只能草签合同,请问有法律效应吗。网签跟草签有什么区别呢? 回复:1、开发商告诉您现在只能草签合同,可能是因为开发商的商品房预售许可证未办下来,或者是其他原因。 2、网签是指您与开发商签订的合同是先从网上载下来的版本,双方签完后,还得到建委进行备案。 3、草签表示您们双方有房屋交易的意向,网签就是正式签订的合同了 问:以前是可以网签的,因为是一些原因,市房管暂停了网签.别的业主都是网签,同时我已经把全部房款交给了开发商,我想知道这种情况的草签,我的应享受的利益是否跟网签一样. 回复1、国家规定预售商品房买卖必须要网签,草签的只表示你们有房屋交易的意愿,并没有履行合同必需的要件,所以您的利益很难保证; 2、现在房子暂停了网签,并且停工了,中间必定有问题,建议您考虑将全部房款要回来。 问:我也想要.但是我该从哪几个方面跟开发商协商,将房款要回呢?我想开发商不会轻易把钱给我的.并且我也确实想买房子,将来会发生什么,我不清楚.但是他确实是五证齐全的.停止网签的原因是土地问题. 回复:1、既然土地有问题,这种房子您都敢要?


Contract No. [ ] EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT 设备买卖协议 DATED THIS [DAY] DAY OF [MONTH], [YEAR] [______年______月______日] Between: 双方为:XXX TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. XXX科技有限公司No.401, East Chang'an Road, Xi'an,Shaanxi China P.O.C. a company organized under the laws of [Country] (“Buyer”) 一家依照中华人民共和国法律组建的公司(以下称为“买方”)- and - 以及APPLIED MATERIALS SWITZERLAND SA Route de Geneve 42 CH-1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Switzerland APPLIED MATERIALS SWITZERLAND SA Route de Geneve 42 CH-1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 瑞士 a company organized under the laws of Switzerland (“Seller”) 一家依照瑞士法律组建的公司(以下称为“卖方”) - each a “Party”, collectively the “Parties” - (上述各方单称为“一方”,合称为“双方”) - 1 - Form dated April 22, 2009 Contract No. [ ] CONTENTS CLAUSE PAGE 1.DEFINITIONS ......................................................................... .................................. 4 2.SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ............................................................................ ............ 5 3.PRICING AND PAYMENT ................................................................................. ..... 5 4.SHIPMENT; ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................ ........ 7 5.SECURITY


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 担保(垫款)协议书 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

担保协议书 甲方(供方): 乙方(需方): 丙方(担保方): 乙方因购买甲方销售的型号:(机械设备),由于不能以全款方式一次性付款,特向丙方申请为其提供担保服务,经甲乙丙三方充分友好协商,在平等自愿的基础上达成并签订本协议: 一、丙方担保服务的范围 1、乙方与设备出卖方即甲方签订〈〈工程机械设备买卖合同》(以下简称买卖合同)后,乙方不能依照合同约定足额支付首付款所产生的首付款欠款; 2、乙方采取分期付款方式购买设备,不能依照合同约定按时足额支付到期分期款所产生的分期款欠款; 3、乙方采取银行按揭付款方式购买设备,不能依照与银行签订的借款合同按时足额支付到期银行按揭款所产生的逾期欠款; 4、乙方采取融资租赁付款方式购买设备,不能依照与融资租赁公司签订的合同按时足额支付到期租赁费所产生的逾期欠款。 二、担保服务费及其他费用 1、乙方按照与甲方签订的〈〈工程机械买卖合同》向甲方交纳保证金人民币项。(工程 机械买卖合同乙方借款或融资金额的5%。交车后,此款由甲方交付给丙方,其中2%乍为担 保费用,剩余3%T由丙方保管。在〈〈工程机械买卖合同》或〈〈融资租赁合同》履行过程中,如乙方按照买卖合同约定的日期、金额自第一期至最后一期全部按时足额还清,无违约情况, 则丙方只收取前述2%乍为担保费用,剩余3%退还乙方;如乙方逾期还款,甲方交由丙方保管的保证金(乙方借款或融资金额3%)不予退还。丙方为乙方垫款后,收取每天万分之六 的利息。 2、由于乙方不能全款购买甲方产品,丙方为乙方提供垫款担保存在一定的风险,因此 丙方需要对乙方的还款能力、诚信等进行考察,资信调查费为顼,该费用由乙方承担,在 签订本协议时,由乙方交付丙方。乙方如已将该费用支付给甲方,则由甲方转交丙方。 、担保责任的行使方式及违约责任 1、乙方如果要采用银行按揭方式或融资租赁方式购买甲方产品,按照甲方的要求对于 首付款部分(包括按产品具体价格计算出的首付款、保险费、公证费等)乙方必须一次性全


法妞问答 业务代理合作协议 甲方:乙方: 甲乙双方本着相互尊重,平等互利,长期共同发展的原则,就乙方代理甲方电子商务外包等事宜签署一下合作协议。 一、业务代理合作内容 1、乙方以甲方代理人或业务经理的身份协助甲方与客户签署的《电子商务外包合作协议》,甲方将合同中约定高出甲方基本收费标准的收入全额作为乙方的佣金。 2、乙方以甲方代理人或业务经理的身份协助甲方与客户签署的《电子商务外包合作协议》,甲方将合同中约定高出甲方基本销售佣金比例的佣金收入全额作为乙方的佣金。 二、合同期限:2012年2月1日至2022年1月31日。合同到期后优先续约。 三、甲方权利与义务 1、甲方负责履行与客户签订的合同义务。 2、甲方承担与客户履行合同时所有费用。 3、甲方按照与客户约定,收到客户基础外包服务费以及销售佣金之日起,两个工作日之内按照约定,支付乙方佣金。 4、因甲方原因造成的与客户合作终止,而引起的赔偿,有甲方全部负责。 5、甲方与客户合同终止之日起一年内,甲方与同一客户及同一客户代理人签订同类业务合同,需按照本合同之约定支付乙方佣金。 四、乙方权利与义务 1、乙方以乙方代理人或业务经理的身份负责与客户的沟通与协调。 2、乙方以甲方代理人或业务经理身份对外时应积极维护甲方声誉、及形象。 3、乙方应积极协同甲方为客户提供优质服务 4、乙方代理收取甲方与客户相关费用,但不承担无法正常收取费用造成的连带责任。 5、乙方有权利在甲方与客户合同期限内以及续约合同中提取约定比例的佣金。 6、甲方与客户合同履行过程中如产生合同纠纷,经协商未果,需要甲方对客户进行相应退款或赔偿的,乙方需在已收佣金范围内按照比例及时退还给甲方。???? 五、违约责任 1、合同期限内,除非发生合作人力不可抗拒因素,甲方不得解除和乙方的合同,如甲方不与乙方合作,需提前一月书面通知乙方,并付给乙方合同违约金100万元(大写:壹百万元整); 2、合同期限内,除非发生合作人力不可抗拒因素,乙方不得解除和乙方的合同,如乙方不与甲方合作,需提前一月书面通知甲方,并付给甲方合同违约金100万元(大写:壹百万元整); 3、甲方对乙方佣金支付逾期每超过1天收取1%作为滞纳金,累计逾期15天,乙方有权单方面解除合同,并要求甲方按照合同违约责任赔付违约金100万元(大写:壹佰万元整); 4、乙方对甲方应退还佣金,需在收到甲方书面通知之日起7日内退还给甲方,逾期每超过1天收取1%作为滞纳金,累计逾期15天,甲方有权单方面解除合同,并要求乙方按照合同违约责任赔付违约金100万元(大写:壹佰万元整); 六、其他 1、本协议一式两份,双方签字盖章后生效,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 2、甲方基础服务费标准、基本佣金比例等以附件形式呈现;客户归属以附件形式加签客户归属确认书。 3、甲乙双方如有争议,应有双方协商解决,如协商不成,任何乙方均有权向甲方或者乙方均有权利在提起诉讼。 甲方:乙方:杨增宝 授权代表:身份证号:联系电话:联系电话: 日期:日期:


( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 草签购房合同注意事项(合同范 本) Constrain both parties to perform their responsibilities and obligations together, and clarify the obligations that both parties need to perform within the time limit

草签购房合同注意事项(合同范本) 草签购房合同注意事项如下: 所谓草签,只是售房人员让你们尽快签字的一个借口,合同只要经双方当事人签字,就成立并产生法律效力。不过你们签订的这份合同,违约金约定过高,且对你们明显不公平,如果真产生纠纷,你们可申请法院撤销该合同。需要注意的是,撤销合同的期限是1年,自你们签订该合同起,因此,如果感觉会有纠纷,建议及时诉诸法律 正式合同未出来之前,草签合同具有同样的法律效力的 草签合同只是相对于网签合同(上房管局系统,有合同编号)的一种说法。 从合同效力角度,草签合同与网签合同都有同样的合同效力,但不能对抗第三人。 《担保法》第43条中的对抗第三人是指当两个债权债务关系标

的物相同,双方发生争议,都主张享有对该标的物的权利时,有登记的一方就可受法律的保护,优先享有权利。 草签网签合同一样吗 问:20xx年8月底交房。开发商告诉我现在只能草签合同,请问有法律效应吗。网签跟草签有什么区别呢 回复:1、开发商告诉您现在只能草签合同,可能是因为开发商的商品房预售许可证未办下来,或者是其他原因。 2、网签是指您与开发商签订的合同是先从网上载下来的版本,双方签完后,还得到建委进行备案。 3、草签表示您们双方有房屋交易的意向,网签就是正式签订的合同了 问:以前是可以网签的,因为是一些原因,市房管暂停了网签. 别的业主都是网签,同时我已经把全部房款交给了开发商, 我想知道这种情况的草签,我的应享受的利益是否跟网签一样. 回复1、国家规定预售商品房买卖必须要网签,草签的只表示你们有房屋交易的意愿,并没有履行合同必需的要件,所以您的利益


购销合同 S ALES C ONTRACT 日期Date: 合同号Contract No.: 卖方Seller : 买方Buyer : 地址: 地址Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: Email: 联系人Contact Person: 联系人Contact Person: 最终用户: 本合同由买卖双方订立。根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买且卖方同意出售下述货物: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the below-mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder: 1 货物详情Particulars of the Goods 2 贸易条款Deliver y Terms 交付条件 Delivery Terms: FOB ShenZhen,China BY SEA 3 4 5. 6 . 7 装运条款 Shippin g Terms 付款条件 Payment 卖家收款信息 Seller's Bank Account Informa 3.1 交货时间Time of Delivery: 收到预付款后25个工作日内, Within 25 working days after signing the contract and receiving the 30% deposit. 3.2 装运口岸 Port of Loading: YANTIAN ,SHENZHEN,CHINA 3.3 到货口岸 Port of Destination: XXXX 每批货物装运启航后,卖方即以邮件通知买方合同、货名、数量、重量、总值、开航日期和目的口岸。 Immediately after the Goods have been shipped and departed, the Seller shall notify the Buyer by email the contract number, name of Goods, quantity, weight, total value, Flight No., shipping date and the port of destination.


购销担保合同 甲方:(供货方)________________ 乙方:(需货方)________________ 丙方:(担保方)________________ 丙方根据甲方与乙方在____年__月__日签订的金额为_____ __的购销合同向甲方提供担保,担保合同从属于购销合同。 一、担保责任: 1、丙方是在___________注册登记的经济实体,任何改变丙方 本身性质、地位的事件、事项发生或有可能发生时,丙方保证及时通知甲方和乙方。 2、丙方担保乙方完全适当履行本合同从属的购销合同,否则由丙方承担连 带担保责任。 3、丙方的继承人(包括因改组合并而继承)将受本担保书的约束,并继续 承担本担保项下的责任。未得到甲方事先书面同意,丙方不得转让其担保义务。 4、保证期限:自本合同生效之日起二年。 二、违约责任: 1、乙方没有按约定的期限支付货款,甲方可要求丙方履行担保责任,丙方 若对合同履行情况有异议可在接到甲方的付款通知书后一个星期内书面向甲方 提出,否则视为无异义。 2、甲方发出付款通知书时应附带能证明乙方违反供销合同未按期支付货款 的书面文件。 3、丙方承担连带责任,包括供销合同中约定的未履行货款以及供销合同所 约定的违约利息、乙方中途退货的违约金,必须按照付款通知书规定的还款日期、金额、方式履行。如需延期,丙方在付款通知书所规定还款日(分期付款按首笔 款项的还款日计算)到期前一星期提出延期申请,经甲方同意,办理延期手续, 但延期最长不得超过原订期限的一半。 三、丙方代乙方清偿债务后,有权向乙方作相应追偿。 四、在本合同有效期内,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除本合同。需变更本合同条款时,应经三方协商同意,达成书面协议。


第一篇业务合作协议范本 《2016评估业务合作协议范本》 评估业务合作协议范本 评估业务合作协议 甲方乙方 地址地址 法人代表法人代表 根据甲乙双方平等友好、互惠互利的合作原则,经双方充分协商,就甲方委托乙方进行房地产评估达成以下协议 1、甲方选择乙方为指定的房地产评估机构之一。 2、乙方保证具有评估等相关业务的法律资格,否则,因此而引发的相关责

任由乙方独自承担。 3、甲方提出评估要求时,应将委托评估的房地产产权证明等相关资料转给乙方或评估对象产权人亲自交给乙方,乙方予以妥善保管,未经甲方同意不得公开或泄露予他人相关信息。 4、乙方根据甲方的评估要求到现场勘察,保证对指定的房地产予以客观、公正、公平地估价,并以书面形式如实反映委托评估物业的基本情况,并制作出《评估报告书》。 5、乙方保证在完成现场查勘的48小时内将《评估报告书》交付给甲方或评估对象产权人,甲方应当设专人签收。如因不可抗原因造成乙方延迟交付的,交付时间可相应顺延。 6、结算方式 ①乙方根据甲方要求做出相应的《评估报告书》,并依据《评估报告书》的评估总值收取产权人全额评估费用。 ②甲乙双方之间业务量可根据乙方出具的《评估报告书》份数统 计,每月统计一次。每份《评估报告书》都支付给甲方相应的分成,分成比

例标准详见附件。 7、如个别评估需要折扣,由甲方直接与乙方协商特殊收费。 8、本协议履行期间,甲方如发现乙方有违规或不法行为,有权立即终止本协议,并有权追究乙方的相关责任;乙方不可出具弄虚作假或违反房地产规范及有损公允之《评估报告书》,否则,应承担全部责任。乙方如发现甲方未按照协议,另与其他评估公司私下业务交往,乙方将终止合同,并扣除一切费用。 9、本协议履行期间,乙方发现甲方员工有违规行为,应及时告知甲方管理人员。 10、甲乙任何一方欲修改本协议需征得对方的书面同意,本协议未尽事宜,可由双方协商签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具同等法律效力。 11、甲乙双方对此协议产生争议,应先友好协商解决,协商不成的,将争议提交甲方所在地人民法院进行诉讼。 12、本协议一式两份,甲方双方各执一份。本协议有效期为壹年,自双方签章之日起即时生效。 甲方(印章)乙方(印章)


草签购房合同注意事项 草签购房合同相当于购房合同备案。实行购房合同备案制度,可以对开发商进行有效的制约。它不仅能促使开发商加快建房,按章办理产权证,也可使购房者更加放心。以下是学习啦小编为大家精心准备的:草签购房合同注意事项,欢迎参考阅读! 草签购房合同注意事项如下:所谓草签,只是售?a href=‘/yangsheng/kesou/’ target=‘_blank’>咳嗽比媚忝蔷】烨┳值囊桓鼋杩冢贤灰降笔氯饲┳郑统闪⒉⒉?a href=‘/zhishi/falv/’ target=‘_blank’>法律效力。不过你们签订的这份合同,违约金约定过高,且对你们明显不公平,如果真产生纠纷,你们可申请法院撤销该合同。需要注意的是,撤销合同的期限是1年,自你们签订该合同起,因此,如果感觉会有纠纷,建议及时诉诸法律 正式合同未出来之前,草签合同具有同样的法律效力的草签合同只是相对于网签合同(上房管局系统,有合同编号)的一种说法。 从合同效力角度,草签合同与网签合同都有同样的合同效力,但不能对抗第三人。 《担保法》第43条中的对抗第三人是指当两个债权债

务关系标的物相同,双方发生争议,都主张享有对该标的物的权利时,有登记的一方就可受法律的保护,优先享有权利。 草签网签合同一样吗? 问:16年8月底交房。开发商告诉我现在只能草签合同,请问有法律效应吗。网签跟草签有什么区别呢? 回复:1、开发商告诉您现在只能草签合同,可能是因为开发商的商品房预售许可证未办下来,或者是其他原因。 、网签是指您与开发商签订的合同是先从网上载下来的版本,双方签完后,还得到建委进行备案。 、草签表示您们双方有房屋交易的意向,网签就是正式签订的合同了 问:以前是可以网签的,因为是一些原因,市房管暂停了网签. 别的业主都是网签,同时我已经把全部房款交给了开发商, 我想知道这种情况的草签,我的应享受的利益是否跟网签一样. 回复1、国家规定预售商品房买卖必须要网签,草签的只表示你们有房屋交易的意愿,并没有履行合同必需的要件,所以您的利益很难保证; 、现在房子暂停了网签,并且停工了,中间必定有问题,建议您考虑将全部房款要回来。 问:我也想要.但是我该从哪几个方面跟开发商协商,将房款要回呢? 我想开发商不会轻易把钱给我的.并且我也确


中英文购销合同 合同 contract 日期:合同号码: date: contract no.: 买方: (the ;buyers) 卖方: (the sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: name of commodity: (2) 数量: quantity: (3) 单价: unit price: (4) 总值: total value: (5) 包装: packing:

(6) 生产国别: country of origin : (7) 支付条款: terms of payment: (8) 保险: insurance: (9) 装运期限: time of shipment: (10) 起运港: port of lading: (11) 目的港: port of destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不附,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 claims: within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the c.c.i.c and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the sellers (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由发生在制造,装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 force majeure :


个人担保合同范本 个人担保合同范本 发布时间:2020-04-15 担保,是指在借贷、买卖、货物运输、加工承揽等经济活动中,债权人为保障其债权实现的,要求债务人向债权人提供担保的合同。 个人担保合同范本一 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 为确保甲、乙双方签订的_________年_________字第_________号合同(以下称主合同)的履行,双方经协商一致,就定金担保事宜达成如下协议: 第一条依据主合同,甲、乙双方应履行如下义务:_________. 第二条甲方应在本合同签订之日起_________日内向乙方交付定金_________元整。 第三条本合同生效后,甲、乙任何一方不得擅自变更或解除,除非使双方协商一致并达成书面协议。 第四条甲方履行主合同义务后,乙方应返还定金或以该定金冲抵甲方应付乙方款项。 第五条甲方不履行主合同,无权要求返还定金;乙方不履行主合同,应当双倍返还定金。定金罚则的执行,不影响任何一方要求赔偿的权利。 第六条本合同经双方签章自定金交付之日起生效。 甲方(公章)_________ 乙方(公章)_________ 法定代表人(签字)_________ 法定代表人(签字)_________ _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日 签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________ 个人担保合同范本二 致:A银行(作为下述债权人的代理人) B有限公司(以下简称“借款人”),拟借款作改造(“项目”)之用。由A 银行所安排的银团,同意向借款人提供_________贷款。A银行作为代理行及安排行及各贷款人(其名称详列在下述贷款协议附表一)在 _________签订贷款协议,贷款人同意按贷款协议的规定向借款人提供_________元贷款(“贷款”)。


业务合作协议示范文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

业务合作协议示范文本 使用指引:此协议资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 甲方:_______________汽车有限公司 住所地:___________ 法定代表人:______________ 电话:_____________ 乙方:_____________ 住所地:___________ 法定代表人:______________ 电话:_____________ 鉴于: 甲方现有汽车销售、汽车精品装潢及汽车维修服务等 三大类业务;乙方拥有______________品牌售后服务的丰富客 户资源积累以及维修服务经验。

甲乙双方经协商一致,就共同合作开办______________维修售后业务达成如下协议: 一、合作项目标的 ______________维修售后服务。 二、合作时间及地址 _______年_______月_______日至_______年_______月 _______日。地址:____________(详见附图),其中车间 _____________(平方米),钣金、喷漆______________(平方米),接待室______________(平方米)。 三、合作方式及双方投入 甲方以原有设备、场地改造实物折价人民币_______万元及现金人民币_______万共_______万元作为投资;乙方以设备折价_______万及现金_______万共出资_______万元作为投资。双方约定: 1.双方实物投入和现金投入均由双方书面确认后作为合


房屋转让合同协议书范本 采取协议转让方式的,转让方应当与受让方进行充分协商,依法妥善处理转让中所涉及的相关事项后,草签产权转让合同议。以下是小编推举的房屋转让合同协议书范本,欢迎阅读! 转让方(以下简称甲方) 甲方:身份证号: 受让方(以下简称乙方) 乙方:身份证号: 甲乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就甲方将自己合法拥有的一套房屋转让给乙方一事,达成转让协议,以共同遵守。为明确双方的权利和义务,依照《中华人民共和国合同法》和《中华人民共和国都市房地产治理法》规定,订立合同如下: 第一条房产坐降、位置、构、层 次和附属设施 1、本合同所出售房屋坐降在___市___街___巷___号(别脚部分能够补充) 2、该房屋为:楼房▁▁室▁▁厅▁▁卫(别墅、写字楼、公寓、住所、厂房、店面),房屋的建造面积___平方米(包括卧房、客厅、卫生间、厨房、阳台、及其附属设施)实际使用面积___平方米。 3房屋质量:装修状况,其他条件为,该房屋(□已/□未)设定抵押。(别脚部分能够补充) 4、该房地产产权类型:(有房产证或国土使用证) 5、出售房屋的《房地产权证》证书号码为:国有土地使用权证号为:共有权证号为:该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权随该房屋一并转让,该房屋的相关权益随该房屋一并转让。 6、房屋现有装修及其他配套物品、设备事情详见合同附件。 第二条甲方对产权的答应 甲方别得隐瞒与转让房产相关的重要事实,必须保证其对转让房产拥有彻底的所有权,保证上述房产没有设定担保、没有权属纠纷及债权债务纠纷,保证该房屋别受他人合法追索,若发生买卖前即已存在任何纠纷或权利障碍的,概由甲方负责处理,并承担相应法律责任,由此给乙方造成经济损失的,由甲方负责赔偿;除补充协议另有约定外,有关按揭、抵押、债务、税项、未款项及租金等,甲方均在出售该房屋前办妥。出售后如有上述未清事项,由甲方承担全部责任,由此给乙方造成经济损失的,由甲方负责赔偿,与乙方无关。 第三条转让价格和付款方式 1.转让价格 双方商定该房屋转让价格为(人民币),大写(人民币) 2.付款方式 a.此房价款为甲方净价,甲方别支付交易中的任何费用。 b.甲方收到乙方定金元整,待乙方申请的贷款批准后,即可为乙方预备办理过户手续。甲方需积极配合乙方办理贷款手续。(以收据收条为准) c.办理过户手续当日乙方交付甲方首付款元整。(以收据收条为准) d.余款元整,由银行直接划拨给甲方 e.买卖上述房产交易过程中产生的一切费用,均由乙方承担缴纳,甲方别承担任何费用。 甲方在收款时应向乙方出具收据。 第四条房屋交付 双方协商量定甲方应于本合同生效之日起日内,将上述房屋的全部钥匙交付乙方,并在双方在场的事情下由乙方对房屋进行验收。乙方如无任何异议,视为该房屋事情符合本合


产品购销合同 (PURCHASE CONTRACT) 甲方(买方): Buyer : 乙方(卖方): Supplier : 买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below: 第一条定购产品: Art.1 Ordered products: 第二条质量要求及技术标准: Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications: 2.1按照本合同第一条约定的规格生产产品,质量标准按照生产厂商技术标准。 2.1 In accordance with prescribed products description of Art.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturer’s technical standard. 第三条发货时间和发货方式: Art. 3 Delivery time and terms of shipment: 3.1 发货时间: 3.1 Lead Time:

3.2 发货方式: 3.2 Terms of shipment: 第四条付款方式: Art. 4 Terms of payment: 第五条收货和验收条款: Art. 5 Goods reception and acceptance: 5.1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。 5.1 Acceptance criteria: according to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications of the present contract 第六条违约责任: Art. 6 Liability for breach of contract: 6.1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的0.5% /日向乙方支付滞 纳金,直至款项付清之日。甲方延期支付超过三十日的,乙方有权选择解除合同,甲方按照合同滞纳金标准向乙方支付违约金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返还产品,甲方已经支付的款项作为赔偿,如不足以弥补乙方的损失的,由甲方另行赔偿。 6.1 Should Party A postpone payment, Party B has right to delay shipment date; Party A should consequently pay late fees of 0.5% per day of the contract amount to party B till date of full payment. Should party A defers payment over 30 days, party B may dissolve the contract and Party A, according to above stipulated late fees rate, should pay Party B liquidated damages (until dissolution date released by party B) and Party A should return the goods to Party B. Actual amount paid by party A is considered as a compensation to Party B; party A should compensate the loss of party B additionally if above said compensation is not able to cover all the damage caused. 6.2 乙方按照本合同约定的时间、地点、质量要求和技术标准向甲方提供定购产品,如延期交付的,按照 未交付产品金额的 0.5% /日向甲方支付滞纳金。因乙方延期到货给甲方造成的损失由乙方赔偿。(因甲方未按期支付价款导致延期交货的除外) 6-2 Party B should provide ordered goods to party A based on lead time, place, quality requirements and technical specifications stipulated on the present contract. Late fees, charged to party B, of 0.5% per day will be applied on values of goods overdue. Compensation of loss & damage caused by late delivery should be charged to party B. (except late shipment due to overdue payment by party A)


以买卖合同担保 【篇一:购销合同担保书】 购销担保合同 甲方:(供货方)________________乙方:(需 货方)________________丙方:(担保方)__ ______________丙方根据甲方和乙方在____年 __月__日签订的金额为_______的购销合 同向甲方提供担保,担保合同从属于购销合同。 一、担保责任: 1、丙方是在___________注册登记的经济实体,任何改 变丙方本身性质、地 位的事件、事项发生或有可能发生时,丙方保证及时通知甲方和乙方。 2、丙方担保乙方完全适当履行本合同从属的购销合同,否则由丙方 承担连带担保责任。 3、丙方的继承人(包括因改组合并而继承)将受本担保书的约束, 并继续承担本担保项 下的责任。未得到甲方事先书面同意,丙方不得转让其担保义务。 4、保证期限:自本合同生效之日起二年。 二、违约责任: 1、乙方没有按约定的期限支付货款,甲方可要求丙方履行担保责任,丙方若对合同履行 情况有异议可在接到甲方的付款通知书后一个星期内书面向甲方提出,否则视为无异义。

2、甲方发出付款通知书时应附带能证明乙方违反供销合同未按期支付货款的书面文件。 3、丙方承担连带责任,包括供销合同中约定的未履行货款以及供销合同所约定的违约利 息、乙方中途退货的违约金,必须按照付款通知书规定的还款日期、金额、方式履行。如需 延期,丙方在付款通知书所规定还款日(分期付款按首笔款项的还 款日计算)到期前一星期 提出延期申请,经甲方同意,办理延期手续,但延期最长不得超过 原订期限的一半。 三、丙方代乙方清偿债务后,有权向乙方作相应追偿。 四、在本合同有效期内,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除本合同。需 变更本合同条款时, 应经三方协商同意,达成书面协议。 五、本合同发生的争议,由甲、乙、丙三方当事人协商解决,协商 不成,任何一方起诉的,由甲方所在地人民法院管辖。 六、其它约定事项:____________________ _________ _____________________________ ___________ _____________________________ __________ 七、本担保书是无条件不可撤销的担保。丙方和任何其它方面签订 的任何合同(协议或 契约)均不影响本担保的真实性、有效性和合法性。
