当前位置:文档之家› 英文合同的用词特点



时间: 2008年04月15日来源:本站原创作者: 润驰浏览次数:


1.专业性术语(Technical Terms/ Terminology)

法律专业性术语是在合同等法律文件中才用到的词汇,它并不以一般受众为对象,而针对专业人士,力求使语言表达准确无误。中文合同中常见的诸如“瑕疵”(defect)、“救济”(remedy)、“不可抗力”(force Majeure)、“管辖”(jurisdiction)等专业用词就已经让非专业人士大惑不解了,英文合同的专业用词自然就更玄妙无比了。具体的实例如下:

Without prejudice to the parties' rights under Clause 18. 1, the in d emnities provided for in Clausel6. 1 and/or 16. 2 and/or 16. 3 shall be the sole compensation for the damages caused by such delays.不妨害18.1款双方的权利,16.1,16.2及16.3款规定的赔偿应为上述延误引起损害的唯一赔偿金。indemnities较compensation专业,此处用compensation解释了indemnities;

Any such assignment, transfer or conveyance shall be without other consideration than the mutual covenants and considerations of this agreement.任何转让除根据本协议相互契约和对价外不得考虑其他。Transfer,assignment和conveyance都有转让的含义,其中assignment和conveyance(多用于不动产)尤为专业。

We advi se you of our intention to terminate our tenancy on or before ________________ (Date) and to deliver to you full possession of the premises。我方不迟于某日期通知你方终止租约并交还房屋全部所有。tenancy指房屋租赁的租约,而premises指租赁的房屋及其附属物都是专业用语。

Licensee agrees to pay to Licensor a minimum royalty of___________ Dollars ($______) as a minimum guarantee against royalties to be paid to Licensor during the first contract term, said minimum royalty to be paid on or before the last day of the initial term hereto. 受许可方同意支付许可方最低使用费*美元作为该许可合同第一期使用费的最低保证金,该最低使用费不迟于本合同的入门期最后一天支付给许可方。Royalties 在许可合同中专指特许权使用费。

Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract and shall be paid in___________.按照第二条规定的内容和范围。本合同采用提成方式计算价格,计价的货币为___。与上例不同的是,这里的royalty指的是许可合同计价方式的一种即提成计价(royalty price),相对于统包价格(lumpsum price)

Default in observing or performing any of the covenants or agreements of debtor set forth in any collateral document of security given to secure indebtedness hereunder, and the continuation of such default beyond any period of grace specified in any such document.


Furthermore, the parties agree that the following si tuations shall be considered as exceptional circumstances which justify the earlier termination by the other party: bankruptcy, moratorium, receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between the debtor and the creditors, or any circumstances which are likely to affect substantially one

party's ability to carry out his obligations under this contract。此外,双方同意以下条件应认为是对方合理提前终止合同的例外情形:破产、延付令、破产在管、清算或其他债权人和债务人任何形式的和解,或任何可能对一方履行合同项下义务能力造成实质影响的情形。此处的composition显然不是普通英语中“作文”的意思,而是指破产和解。

In additi on, upon request of the Board and if the Liquidating Trustee determines that it would be imprudent to dispose of any non-cash assets of the Company, such assets may be distributed in kind to the Members in lieu of cash, proportionately to their right to receive cash distributions hereunder.另外,应董事会请求且如果清算托管人确定处理本公司非现金财产非明智之举,该财产可按各成员根据合同项下收取现金份额的权利以实物形式替代现金进行分配。In kind 此处与in cash 相对,通常用于合资、合伙协议中表示“以实物出资”,本句中是以实物分配清算。In lieu of 表示替代相当于基础英语中的instead of。

The Buyer shall establish the covering letter o f credit before the date specified in Clause Three of this Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for losses sustained, if any.买方须于销售确认书第三条所规定的日期之前开出本批交易的信用证。否则,售方有权不经通知取消本确认书,或接受买方对本销售确认书未履行的全部或一部分,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。Reserve为专用词汇,我们常见的“版权所有”英语表达就是All rights reserved。Rescind(取消合同/协议)和lodge(提出索赔,与claim(s)连用)也都是专业用语。

In case one party desire s to sell or assign all or part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方欲出售或转让其所投资的部分或全部,另一方应有优先购买权。Assign(其名词形式assignment)和Preemptive属专业用语。

2. 正式用语(Formal Terms)


At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较help 正式;

The personnel shall not to part ake in any political activities in Iraq.所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较take part in 正式;

The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较give 正式;

Party A shall repatriate the patient t o China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较send back 正式;

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较explain, interpret 正式;in accordance with 较according to正式。

The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent.雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;而且,require表示上对下的

要求,ask没有这么明确,它含有request和require之意,其中request表示下对上的要求,即“请求”公文体forthwith 较at once 正式;

The Chairperson may convene and preside an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集主持临时董事会议。Convene较hold正式,preside较be in charge of 正式,interim也是正式用词较temporary正式。

In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products.加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。title 较ownership 正式。

The term "Effective d a te" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto.“生效期”指双方合同签字的日子。execute 较sign 正式;

The submission to and consent by the Engineer of such programs or the provision of such general descriptions or cash flow estimates shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.向工程师提交并同意的上述进度计划或提供上述一般说明或现金流量估算,并不解除合同规定的承包人的任何义务或责任。Consent和estimate都是正式用词;

The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to b e construed as an integral part of this Contract. 整个合同期间,本合同附件应理解为合同不可分割的一部分。deem较consider正式。

The parties shall work together in order to endeavour to achieve the timely completion of the Project in accordance with the Project Schedule as Annex 4 according to which the construction period shall be _________years from the commencement date.双方共同努力确保按附件四的工程进度表及时竣工,根据该工程进度表工期应从开工日起*年。Commencement较starting、beginning正式。

3.同、近义词、相关词并列(Parallel Synonyms, Parasynonyms and Associated/Binomial Expressions)


This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.本协议由甲方与乙方签订。句中made与entered into同义,而by与between相关。 Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity un d er the terms and conditions set out below: 甲方同意按照下列条款向乙方购买如下商品:terms 和conditions同义,往往并列连用表示合同的条款。

Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20. 自9月2O日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。On与after相关词连用用以明确时间。

Any partner or his/her agent, may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime.任何合伙人或其代理人,可随时审查任一或全部会计账目或其他记录。Any 与all 相关词连用,表达更为严谨。

The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties。该仲裁裁决为终局裁决,双方均受其约束。Final和binding属相关词连用。

The Company hereby releases and discharges Party A from further performance of, and any duties, obligations or liabilities under, the amended Agreement.本公司特此解除甲方已修正协议的进一步履行及其修正协议下的义务和责任。Release和discharge相关词连用,duty,obligation和liability属近同义词连用。

If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null or void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.如果承包人切实履行并遵守上述合同的所有条款、条件及规定,此义务即告终止,否则将保持完全有效。句中terms, provisions, conditions,stipulations为一组同义词,意为合同的条款及规定,null和void,be和remain,force和effect也都是同义连用。

While this agreement is in effect, the Author shall not, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, write, edit, print, or publish, or cause to be written, edited, printed or published, any other edition of the Work, whether revised, supplemented, corrected, enlarged, abridged, or otherwise….

May be fixed or varied from time to time at and in accordance with the sole discretion and opinion


英文合同合同常用词 第一节合同常用词(Usual Wording)(1) 当大量接触英文合同,就会发现英文合同中有些词或短语出现的频率非常高,往往影响或决定了对 合同的准确理解,下面就分门别类从常见实词和常见虚词两个方面进行具体介绍: 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) 1.Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词 基本规则:Here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表which 或what 即here/there/where+介词=介词 +this/that/which or what Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,兹等意。 例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods

subject to the following conditions:买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下: Herein:in this。此中,于此。 例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此规定的最低特许权 使用费应由乙方付给甲方。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常与to be referred to as, referred as, called 连 用。 例句:This Agreement is made and concluded on ______, (date)____(year), by and between _____(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _____(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本协议书于____年___月___日由_____(以下简称甲方)为一方,与_____(以下简称乙方)为另一方 签订。


英文版劳动合同范本 劳动合同书【中英文】 Employment Contract 甲方(用人单位): Party A : 地址: 法定代表人: 乙方(劳动者): Party B: 身份证号码: ID No : 住址: 依照《中华人民共和国劳动法》有关规定,结合本公司实际,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、协商一致的原则达成如下协议According to the Labor Law of PRC China, Party A and Party B agree as follows: 一、合同期限Contract Period 本合同期______ 年—月—日起至___________ 年—月__ 日或本合同约定终止条件出现时止。 This agreement is valid from (丫/M/D) until (Y/M/D) or

terminated by either party 二、工作内容和工作时间Responsibility working hours 1. 甲方聘请乙方担任部门职务,详见职务说明书。 Party B's Department: Party B's position: Please refer to the job description for details. 2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务 Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time 3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。 There are 8 working hours a day, 40 working hours a week. 4. 甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工 作区域进行调整,乙方应当接受。如因甲方公司业务扩展需要或公司合并分立等变更,乙方同意按照法律规定延续此合同,并接受甲方安排,在_________________ (某地区)工作。 If Party A needed to adjust Party B' s position and working area for business development variety, Party B should accept it. 三、工资Salary 乙方每月的基本工资:RMB绩效工资:RMB综合福利金:


XX公司综合办公系统开发服务协议 甲方(委托人): XX公司 乙方(受托人): XX公司 协议签订地址: 经充分沟通和友好协商,甲方委托乙方开发 XX公司综合办公系统(以下简称 综合办公系统),并由乙方为甲方提供该系统的实施和使用中的相关技术支持服务。为了规范双方在此项目上的权利和义务,在《中华人民共和国合同法》的原则指导下,订立本协议,由双方共同遵守。 第一条开发和技术支持服务的内容和范围 1.乙方负责综合办公系统应用软件的设计和开发,综合办公系统用于甲方行 政办公,包括个人事务、公文流转、审批流程、资产管理、人事管理、行政辅 助、系统维护等七个功能模块,具体要求详见附件《XX 公司综合办公系统软件 需求说明书》。 2.《XX公司综合办公系统软件需求说明书》将作为系统开发和验收的依据,定义了系统开发的要求(包括软件功能和性能方面的要求)。 3.如在开发或技术支持服务过程中,甲方提出《XX公司综合办公系统软件 需求说明书》中未作规定的新需求或修改原有需求定义,乙方应客观地评估该变 化,告知甲方该变化所引起的技术可行性及工作量(并告知评估方式和依据)。对于技术上可行且甲方要求实现的变化,其费用及时间由双方另行协商。对于后续开发费用的计算标准,乙方承诺不高于目前市场平均标准每人月2 万元。在本协议之外的需求变更不影响本协议的执行。 4.在开发完成后,乙方负责综合办公系统的应用软件安装、调试和培训。 安装、调试系统所需的网络、设备和系统软件环境由甲方负责提供,培训对象由 甲方根据乙方上线功能要求的角色来选定,培训内容为综合办公系统的操作与管理 技能,培训方式为在甲方指定地点集中培训,具体培训场地、人员和时间由双方 协商。


英文合同常用词、短语和句型 1.订立、变更合同 动词 Make a contract / Enter into / form / create / conclude / execute /covenant 名词 the making of / the conclusion of a contract / the entry into contract / the formation of / the creation of / the conclusion of / the execution of a contract / covenant This agreement/contract is made and entered into 8th of August, 2008 by and between Party A and Party B. 2.合同的终止、解除、撤销 terminate a contract 通常指合同在约定期满前终止履行,可双方同意而作出,也指一方因另一方违约而行使的一种救济权。美国“终止”指合同各方未违反合同约定而依法终止合同。 cancel a contact 因另一方违约而解除合同,其效力基本等同于terminate,不同是撤销方仍有权对整个合同或中未履行部分主张救济。 discharge a contract 合同当事人的合同关系已终止。 rescind a contract 免除当事人之间的合同义务,将当事人各自地位恢复到合同订立之前状态。 revoke a contract 即以取消或撤回的方式废止或宣布无效。出于行为人的意愿,即主动发出的行为。

1.常用虚词 shall, notwithstanding, as, foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above mentioned, according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant, under or in accordance with the agreement, as provided herein, as provided in hereof, include but not limited to, with prejudice, whereas, hereof, hereto, herein, hereby, hereinafter, hereunder, thereof,


乙方:姓名:性别:出生日: Party B:Name Sex:Date of Birth: 家庭住址:所属地区: Address:Sub District: 通讯地址:电话: Post Address:Contact Phone: 维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司(甲方)聘用乙方为甲方劳动合同制员工。根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《广东省劳动合同条例》、《维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司章程》以及中国和广东省已颁布并可公开得到的有关法律法规,甲乙双方本着自愿平等、协商一致的原则,签订本合同。 According to the Labor Law of the P.R. China, as well as the Personnel Regulations of Guangdong Labor Contract, Valmont Industries (Guangdong) Ltd. employs Party B (the employee) as a contract employee. Both parties to this contract sign on the basis of equity, free will, and mutual benefits. 第1条合同期限 Contract Period 1.1本合同有效期自200___年___月___日至200___年___月___日止(含试用期____个月)。 The contract period of employment will be valid from ____/____/_____ (M/D/Y) to ____/____/______ (M/D/Y). During which the period of _______ months will be considered as probationary employment. 1.2在试用期内,甲方发现乙方不符合录用条件的,甲方可以即行解除本合同。 Party A has the right to terminate Party B’s Labor Contract immediately without notification if Party B does not prove to be suitable through the period of probationary employment. 第2条工作岗位、任务 Positions, duties & Responsibilities 2.1 甲方安排乙方在________________部门_____________岗位工作,覆盖岗位为_________________ Party A (the employer) employs Party B (the employee) in the capacity of 2.2 乙方必须按照甲方规定的岗位职责和要求全面完成指标和任务,并接受甲方对其进行的有关考核测评。 Party B is required to fulfill his/her responsibilities completely and accurately as described by Party A and accept performance measurement handled by Party A 2.3 甲方根据生产经营需要及乙方的工作技能和表现,可变更乙方的工作,乙方须服从甲方的调动,如无正当理由,不服从调动 者,甲方可辞退乙方,解除其劳动合同。 Party A has the right to adjust Party B’s position according to the actual business situation and the performance of Party B. Party B must accept Party A’s arrangement. 第3条工作条件、劳动保护 Labor Conditions & Labor Protection 3.1 甲方实行每周40小时工作制。对特殊岗位可实行不定时工作制。 Party B’s normal working time will not exceed 40 hours per week, whereas it’s flexible for some special position holders. 3.2 甲方因生产经营原因需要乙方加班时,乙方应服从。同时甲方应按规定支付乙方加班费报酬作补偿。 If it is necessary for Party A to request Party B to put in overtime, Party B must be subordinated to request of Party A. Party A shall provide Party B with economic compensation according to relevant regulations. 3.3 甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件,根据国家劳动法则提供符合中国政府规定的劳动安全卫生条件和提供必要的劳动保护用品, 保证乙方在人身安全及个体不受危害的环境条件下工作,对女职工及未成年工按《劳动法》的规定酌情予以特殊劳动保护。 Party A must provide Party B with a safe and non-toxic working environment, necessary safety measures to guarantee safe working conditions of Party B, according to National Safety and Sanitation Standards. Party A shall provide special protection measures for female and underage employees according to the Labor Law. 3.4 甲方认为乙方的健康状况将会对工作或其他员工造成不利影响时,甲方有权按制度采取相应的措施,并有权要求乙方进行健 康检查,乙方不应拒绝。 If Party A thinks Party B’s healthiness will effect to the work or other staffs, Party A will have the authority to correspond and will have the authority to ask Party B to have a physical check-up, at same time the Party B should not to refuse. 3.5 乙方在被聘用期间,甲方负责对乙方进行岗位职责、技能、安全规程、职业道德及相关规章制度的教育和培训,乙方须积极 配合,并根据岗位职责要求努力提高自身的技能。 Party A is in charge of various training such as technical training, Position principles, safety operations, Company’s regulations and provision, etc. within the employment period. Party B shall accept the training with positive attitude for raising his/her work efficiency. 第4条劳动报酬 Payroll


编号:_____________软件开发合同 Party A:_________________________ Party B:_________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

Entrusting Party (Party A): Entrusted Party (Party B): Date: Sign at: Validity: Printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China Instruction The contract is a sample for Technology Development Contract printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The technical contract registry organs can recommend the sample to the parties concerned in technology contracts for reference. 1.The contract is applied for the technology development contracts in which one party entrusts the other party to research and develop new technologies,products, crafts, materials or new varieties and series. 2.If there are several representatives in either party, Party A or Party B could be respectively listed as common entrusting party or common entrusted party in the “Entrusting Party” or “Entrusted Party” provisions(new page)according to their own relations in the contract. 3. Any conditions not stipulated here will be listed in the appendix in accordance with to the parties’ negotiations. And the appendix forms an indispensable part of this contract. 4.As for the terms and conditions no need to be filled in this contract agreed upon by the parties, they should be indicated with the word such as N/A.


英文合同常用词汇和句型 1、开场白(合同的当事人背景介绍) 2、过渡条款 Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described herein-after, Party A and Party B agree as follows: 参考译文:因此,双方基于各自提供之对价订立本合同,并做如下约定: 注释和说明:”in consideration of premises and covenants”表示“在当事人提供的对价基础上”而非仅指“考虑到…”。读者应重点理解“premise”这个词。在一般场合下它是指与房屋相关的基础不动产或处所,但是在英文合同里边它却变成了“前提条件”。 3、结尾条款: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the date and year first written above. 参考译文:本合同由被正当授权之人,于本协议于上述记载之日期代表双方当事人订立,特此证明。 注释和说明: (1)“in witness whereof”的含义类似于中文合同中常见的“口说无凭,立此为证”。 (2)“execute”在英文合同中常解为“签署”,而非“执行”。 4、favor, “in favor of somebody”= ”in one’s favor”的意思主要有两种: 以某人为受益人、有利于某人 5、subject to sth. 1) 遵从、遵守: This letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), international Chamber of commerce, Publication No.400. 2) 根据(法律、法规、合同) 3) 作动词用,意思是“服从于…”,“率属于…”,“使经受…” 4) 办理、存在。 5、Without prejudice to “在不损坏……”。 6、Any person who does... shall …表示任何做某人之人应。 7、For the purpose of “就……而言”。 8、Provided that 但是 9、Notwithstanding “即使,表示一种让步”。 10、in question “表示该” 11、including but not limited to “包括但不限于” 12、常理解为“有权利做某事” 1)have the right to do 2)be entitled to do 3)do sth. at one’s option or/ and discretion 4)have the authority to do 13、合同英语中“因为”的表达方法 1)owing to 2)attributable to 3)due to 4)in view of 5)by virtue of 14、notify sb. Of sth. in writing: 书面通知某人某事 15、in lieu of: 替代 16、关联企业: 1)affiliate: 广义上的具有法人人格的子公司,只要有参股关系即可,常翻译为“关联公司”


Employment Contract 年月___ 日

1 Contract partners 合同双方 Company Flugger Coatings (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) a wholly foreign owned enterprise organized and existing under the laws of the P.R.C., with its legal address at Room 1806, Tomson International Trade Building, No. 1 Ji Long Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, represented in this contract by Mr. Henrik Larsen 甲方业。法定地址: 。 在本合同中以先生为公司代表 Employee______ ______________ ___ (hereinafter referred to as “The Employee”), ID Number: 乙方___( 以下称作“乙方”) 身份证号码: 2 Employment雇佣关系 2.1 The Company hereby offers formal employment to the Employee, and the Employee hereby agrees to be employed by the Company, with the work area of technical support, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract, the Job Description and the Remuneration Scheme annexed to this Contract and the Employee Handbook. A clean release from the Employee's previous employer is required; otherwise the Company holds the right to revoke this offer. 依照本合同及其附属的工作描述与报酬表以及公司员工手册中所列的条款和要 求,甲方正式雇佣乙方,乙方同意接受雇佣。乙方的工作范围属于技术服务相 关的各种事务。乙方必须与前雇主完全脱离雇佣关系,否则甲方有权撤回要约。 3 Duration and probation period合同期和试用期 3.1 This Contract, signed by the Company and the Employee, shall continue from , for a period of years(hereinafter referred to as “The Term”), unless the Contract is earlier terminated in accordance with its provisions. 本合同由甲方和乙方共同签订。除非其因合同相关条款的规定而提前终止,合 同有效期(以下称为“合同期”)将从年月日起持续至年月日, 为期年。 3.2 The Employee shall be required to undergo a period of probation of 3 months. (Employees who renew contracts are exceptions if agreed to by the Company). 乙方应当履行为期三个月的试用期。(乙方经甲方同意续签合同的情况除外) 3.3 The Company may dismiss the Employee at any time during, or at the end of, the probationary period if the Company considers that the Employee's performance cannot satisfy the recruitment conditions or the standards in the job description during the probationary period. If the Company considers that the Employee's performance has been satisfactory during the probationary period, the Employee shall become a regular employee of the Company in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and the probation period will be within the contract term.


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 软件开发合同英文版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

Entrusted Party (Party B): Date : Sign at: Validity: Printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People ' s Republic of China Instruction The contract is a sample for Technology Development Contract printed by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People ' s Republic of China. The technical contract registry organs can recommend the sample to the parties concerned in technology contracts for reference. 1. The contract is applied for the technology development contracts in which one party entrusts the other party to research and develop new technologies , products , crafts , materials or new varieties and series. 2. If there are several representatives in either party , Party A or Party B could be respectively listed as common entrusting party or common entrusted party in the a Entrusting Party " or a Entrusted Party " provisions (new page) according to their own relations in the contract. 3. Any conditions not stipulated here will be listed in the appendix in accordance with to the parties ' negotiations. And the appendix forms an indispensable part of this contract. 4. As for the terms and conditions no need to be filled in this contract agreed upon by the parties , they should be indicated with the word such as N/A. Technology Development (Commission) Contract EntrustingParty(PartyA): Location: Legal Representative:



引子:鉴于现在对外交流事例逐渐增多,英文合同特别是经济合同的翻译愈显重要,若译文不准确或不严谨,势必会引起不必要的经济纠纷.故今以一英文(经济)合同写作书籍为蓝本,录入一些有益文字,希望大家共同提高英文(经济)合同的翻译和写作。 合同文件是合同双方签订并必须遵守的法律文件,因此合同中的语言应体现其权威性.英文合同用语的特点之一就表现在用词上,即选择那些法律用词,以及正式用词,使合同表达的意思准确无误,达到双方对合同中使用的词无可争议的程度。 一.hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹 用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。 语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语. 例1: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and co mpletion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other s um as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manne r prescribed by the Contract. 参考译文: 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。 注释: (1)hereby: by reason of this 特此 (2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同 (3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工 (4)therein: in the Works在本工程中 (5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价 (6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which (7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照 (8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 例2: We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correc t and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provi de documentary proof upon your request. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知 (3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明 (4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中 (5)documentary proof:证明文件 参考译文: 特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,


工号: work number: ************有限公司 ******************* Co.,Ltd. 劳动合同 LABOR CONTRACT 甲方:

Party A : 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 法定地址: Registered Address: 乙方: Party B: 身份证号码: ID Number: 户口性质: Domicile Nature: 家庭地址: Home Address: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及有关法律和法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本合同。 According to the Labor Contract Law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation. 一、工作内容 Article One Working Contents 1.1 甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司员工,职位为。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产(工作)任务。 To meet the production demand, Party A agrees to employ Party B as . Party B agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry out rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks. 1.2甲方可根据生产经营需要依法调整乙方的工作岗位或职位。 Party A may legitimately adjust Party B’s post according to business requirem ents.a 二、合同期限 Article Two Term of Contract 本合同自年月日至年月日,其中试用期为个月(自年月日至年月日)。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。 This contract will be effect from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year), during which the probation period is months (from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year)). The contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation. 三、工作时间


**软件工资管理系统方案 **软件人事资源管理系统

软件销售合同书 甲方:******设备有限公司 地址:****** 电话:****** 乙方:******汇科技公司 地址:****** 电话:****** 甲乙双方经过友好、平等协商,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议, 并由双方共同恪守,条款如下: 第一条合同性质:本合同属于软件销售合同。 第二条合同内容及要求: 乙方为甲方开通实施《**软件_工资计算设备模块》软件。 工资计算模块具体功能参照附录功能1:

第三条费用及支付方式: 本合同费用总额为人民币****元整(大写:***元整)。 1、双方签订合同后,乙方需在三个工作日内通过银行转账或现金或支票支付方式预先支付定金****元(大写:***整)。 2、系统安装完毕后,乙方需在三个工作日内通过银行转账或现金或支票支付方式支付合同余款****元(大写:***元整)。 甲方必须按合同规定的时间付清软件购买款项。 第四条合同执行期限: 甲方定金付款到帐后,乙方应在2个工作日内安排软件实施工作。 第五条服务项目 销售软件为**软件工资管理设备模块,开发注作权属睿奥,并授权乙方销售甲方使用本软件,本软件仅限于甲方使用。 乙方在工作时间内免费给甲方提供包括电话、即时通讯工具、网络远程协助等方式的服务与技术支持;软件售后服务期限为软件实施完成后一年,之后甲方可根据自身需要,向乙方购买售后服务支持。软件维护费按年收取,费用为合同总价格的15%,即****元(大写:壹仟陆佰贰拾元),具体可根据市场实际情况,由双方协商调整。逾期未续费的,乙方将不对软件供服务支持。 甲方拥有对软件的使用,甲方应确保有专人对软件的使用和管理负责;如果甲方的电脑设备或者操作系统和乙方提供的软件不兼容,甲方应配合更换电脑设备或者操作系统; 甲方应定期做好软件数据备份,并对备份数据进行妥善保管;乙方不对甲方的数据丢失负责。 甲方严格在软件许可下使用软件,保证不对乙方所开发的软件进行反编译,解密破解等行为。


劳动合同 Labor Contract 甲方(用人单位):Party A (employer) : 性质:有限责任公司Property : Limited Liability Company 地址:Address: 乙方Party B(劳动者Laborer)姓名Name______性别Gender______年龄Age______ 身份证号ID No.______________________ 家庭住址Home Add.______________________ 联系电话Contact No.______________________

根据《劳动合同法》和国家有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同条款:According to the "labor contract law" and the relevant provisions of the state, through equal consultation between both parties’ agree ment, sign this contract voluntarily, abide by the terms of this contract 一、劳动合同期限Term of the Labor Contract 本合同期限类型为______期限合同The type of the contract is ___________ contract(填“有固定或无固定”其中一项)( Fulfill terminable or dateless )。 本合同期限为___年The term of the contract is _____ years,自___年___月___日起至___年___月___日止。from ____________ to ____________. 双方约定的试用期至___年____月____日止,期限为3个月。The two sides agreed probation period ends on ____________, 3 months' duration. 表现优异者,甲方可缩短试用期,但不能少于1个月。For the outstanding laborer, the probation period can be shortened by Party A, but no less than 1 month. 以完成一定工作为期限:Based on a fixed working term: 从___年___月___日起,到任务完成时止。starting from _____________ until the task is finished. 二、工作内容和义务Job Content and Responsibility 1、乙方同意根据甲方工作需要, According to Party A’s demand, 在部门,从事______(管理、销售、技术、生产、后勤等)工作,并遵守岗位工作制度与合理的工作安排(包括但不限于工作内容、工作地点)。Party B agrees to engage in __________ (management/sales/technology/manufacture/logistics etc.) work in the department and abide by the work system and reasonable work arrangement. (Included but unlimited to job content & working place.) 2、乙方应当按照甲方岗位职责要求,保质保量完成工作任务;According to Party A’s post responsibility requirement, Party B should finish working task with quality and quantity guaranteed. 3、甲方本着“一专多能、一职多岗”的用人原则,可以根据经营需要及乙方的工作能力调整乙方的工作职务和岗位,乙方应服从安排。Based on the principle of “one skill with multiple ability, one post with multiple work”, and according to the business demand and Party B’s competence, Party A may adjust Party B’s duty and post, while Party B should obey the adjustment. 三、劳动保护和劳动条件Labor Protection & Labor Condition 1、甲方根据国家有关安全生产、劳动保护、职业卫生的规定,为乙方提供必要的工作条件和劳动保护设施,保障乙方的安全与健康;According to the related stipulation of safety manufacture/labor protection/occupational health from the state, Party A provides
