当前位置:文档之家› 上海市劳动合同条例(英文)


Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labour Contract

(Adopted at the Thirty-third Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh Shanghai

Municipal People's Congress on November 15, 2001)

Chapter ⅠGeneral Provisions

Article 1

For the purpose of adjusting labor relationship, establishing and upholding the labor contract system adapted to the socialist market economy, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with "The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and administrative regulations with consideration of the actual situations in this Municipality.

Article 2

These Regulations apply to the employer units in the administrative area of this Municipality, including enterprises, self-employed workers, economic organizations, and state organs and institutions, and mass organizations, etc., (hereinafter jointly referred to as employer units), that establish or form labor contract relationship with the employees.

Article 3

The labor contract is the agreement concluded between the employee and the employer-unit that establishes labor relationship and specifies the rights and obligations of both parties.

Article 4

The labor contract shall be concluded in writing with the exception that is specially stipulated in these Regulations.

Article 5

The conclusion and alteration of the labor contract shall follow the principle of equality and negotiation to reach uniformity on one's own will, and shall satisfy the stipulations of laws, regulations and relevant rules.

A labor contract shall have immediately binding force once it is legally concluded, and the parties to the contract shall perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract.

Article 6

The trade union shall provide guidance and help to the employee concerning the labor contract, and supervise the employer-units in their performance of the labor contract. In case that an employer-unit infringes an employee's legitimate rights and interests, the trade union shall negotiate with the employer-unit on behalf of the employee, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the employee in the conclusion and performance of the labor contract according to law.

Article 7

The administrative department of labor security shall have the duty to guide, supervise and inspect the carrying out of the labor contract system.

Chapter ⅡThe Conclusion of the Labor Contract

Article 8

Before the conclusion of a labor contract, the employee has the right to know the relevant regulations and rules, labor conditions and payments of the employer-unit. The employer-unit shall illustrate them strictly according to the facts.

When employing laborers, the employer-unit has the right to know the health condition, knowledge and ability, and working experience of the employee. The employee shall state them strictly according to the facts.

Article 9

The text of the labor contract may be provided by the employer-unit, or be drawn up by both the employer and the employee. In case that the employer-unit provides the text, the principle of fairness shall be followed and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the employee.

The labor contract shall be written in Chinese, and may be coupled with a copy in a foreign language. If both parties to the contract have otherwise agreed, their agreement may be respected. In case that the labor contract is written in both Chinese and a foreign language, and their content differs, the Chinese version shall prevail. The labor contract shall have two identical copies, each party to the contract shall hold one copy.

Article 10

The labor contract shall contain the following clauses:

1. The valid period of the labor contract;

2. The job descriptions;

3. The labor protections and labor conditions;

4. The payments of remuneration for labor;

5. The labor disciplines;

6. The conditions for the termination of the labor contract; and

7. The liabilities for violation of the stipulations of the labor contract.

Apart from the compulsory clauses provided in the preceding clause, the parties to the contract may form other terms through negotiation in the labor contract.

Article 11

The valid period of employment in the labor contract shall be classified as fixed period, no fixed period, and task/project completion period. The valid period of the labor contract shall be fixed by the employer-unit and the employee through consultation.

Article 12

The labor contract shall become effective upon the date of signature. In case that the parties to the contract have otherwise agreed on the effective date and conditions of the labor contract, such agreement shall be respected.

Article 13

The parties to a labor contract may agree upon a trial period. In case the valid period of the labor contract is within 6 months, no trial period shall be allowed. In case the valid period is over 6 months but within one year, the trial period shall not be more than one month. In case the valid period is over one year but within 3 years, the trial period shall not be more than 3 months. In case the valid period is over 3 years, the trial period shall not be more than 6 months.

In case that the parties to a labor contract have only agreed upon a trial period, this trial period shall not be valid, and this trial period shall become the valid period of the labor contract.

Article 14

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate the service period of the laborers for whom the employer-unit paid the expenses of recruitment and employment, and training or to whom the employer-unit provided special treatment.

Article 15

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate the terms of confidentiality in the labor contract, or may conclude a separate confidentiality agreement. With the publication of the commercial secret, the terms of confidentiality and the terms agreed in the agreement of confidentiality shall lose their validity automatically.

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate in the labor contract or the confidentiality agreement the period of time in advance that the laborer who has the obligation to keep the employer-unit's commercial secret shall give notice if the laborer requests to terminate the labor contract. However, the period of time to give notice in advance shall not be longer than 6 months. During this period, the employer-unit may take appropriate measures to separate this employee from the commercial secret.

Article 16

The parties to the labor contract may stipulate in the labor contract or in the confidentiality agreement a clause restricting the laborer who has the obligation to keep the employer-unit's commercial secret to engage in any competitive business, and stipulate the payment of economic compensation to the laborer upon the termination or discharge of the labor contract. The scope of that within the restraint of the engagement in competitive business shall be limited to a certain period after the laborer leaves the employer-unit during which the laborer shall not operate his own business or operate or manage the business for others in competition with the former employer-unit. The time period of the restraint of the engagement in competitive business shall be stipulated by the parties to the labor contract within a limitation to 3 years, however, with the exception that if laws or administrative regulations have provided otherwise.

In case that the parties to the labor contract have stipulated the restraint of engagement in the competitive business, no period of advance notice on termination of the labor contract shall be stipulated.

The stipulation of restraint of engagement in the competitive business shall not be contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 17

The payment of penalty by the laborer for his act of breach of contract may only be stipulated in the labor contract under following conditions:

1. Violating the term of service period; and

2. Violating the term of keeping commercial secret.

The amount of the penalty shall be stipulated according to the principle of being fair and reasonable.

Article 18

The standards of labor conditions, payments and remuneration etc. shall not be lower than the stipulations of the collective contract. If they are lower than the stipulations of the collective contract, the stipulations of the collective contract shall apply.

The collective contract shall be signed according to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 19

At the expiration of the labor contract, with unanimity reached through consultation by both parties to the contract, the labor contract may be renewed. However, there shall be no trial-period terms in the renewed labor contract.

Article 20

The labor contract shall be void under any one of the following cases:

1. Violating laws and administrative regulations; and

2. Signed by means of fraud or duress.

The avoided labor contract has no legal binding force from the inception. If a part of the labor contract has been affirmed as invalid, and if that does not affect the effectiveness of other parts, the remaining parts are still valid.

The invalidity of a labor contract shall be affirmed by the labor dispute arbitration committee or a people's court.

Article 21

The establishment of relationship of a labor contract between the employer-unit and the laborer shall go through the employment registration procedures at the agency designated by the labor security administrative department.

Chapter ⅢThe Performance and Alteration of the Labor Contract

Article 22

The parties to a labor contract shall perform the labor contract according to the effective date stipulated in the contract. In case that the effective date stipulated in the labor contract differs from the actual starting date, the actual starting date shall be affirmed as the effective date.

Article 23

Any alteration of the labor contract shall be done only if both parties reach unanimity through consultation, and in writing. If the parties to the contract fail to reach unanimity, the labor contract shall continue to be performed, with the exception that it is otherwise provided by laws or


Article 24

In case of merge or split-off of the employer-unit, the labor contract shall continue to be performed by the merged or the employer-unit. The labor contract may be altered or discharged if both parties to the contract reach unanimity through consultation, if the parties to the labor contract have otherwise agreed upon, that agreement shall be respected.

Article 25

In case that the employer-unit that who signed the labor contract is not the actual user of the laborer, the employer-unit may have an agreement with the actual user of the laborer that the actual user shall bear or partially bear the obligations to the laborer. In case that the actual user of the laborer does not bear the obligations stipulated by the agreement, the employer-unit shall bear the obligation to the laborer.

Article 26

During the valid period of the labor contract, the labor contract may be suspended under any one of the following situations:

1. The laborer is recruited for military service or serve for other legal obligations provided by the State;

2. The laborer can not perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract for the time being, but there are the condition and possibility for him/her to continue the performance; and

3. Other situations provided by laws and regulations or stipulated in the labor contract.

With the disappearance of the situations on which the labor contract is suspended, the labor contract shall be continued unless laws or regulations have provided otherwise.

Article 27

In case that a laborer, without signing a written labor contract that should be signed, has performed the labor obligations as required by the employer-units, the labor contract relationship between the parties is established, and the laborer's labor remuneration and conditions shall be confirmed according to the following provisions:

1. In case that the labor remuneration and conditions are higher than the employer-units’rules and regulations, the terms of the collective contract or the corresponding contents of legal labor standards, they shall be ascertained according to the actual performed contents; and

2. In case that the labor remuneration and conditions are lower than the employer-units' rules and regulations, collective contract or legal labor standards, they shall be ascertained in favor of the laborer.

Article 28

In case that part of the terms in the labor contract does not satisfy the legal labor standard, the employer-unit shall bear the obligations according to the legal labor standards, and amend the part of the terms in the contract that does not satisfy the legal labor standards according to law.

Chapter ⅣThe Rescission and Termination of Labor Contract

Article 29

The labor contract may be rescinded by an agreement between both parties to the labor contract after unanimity is reached through consultation.

Article 30

In case that a laborer wants to rescind the labor contract, he/she shall inform the employer-unit in writing 30 days in advance.

Article 31

A laborer may inform the employer of the rescission of their labor contract at any time under any one of the following situations:

1. During the trial period;

2. The employer-unit forces the laborer to work by means of violence, threat or unlawful restraint of personal freedom; and

3. The employer-unit does not pay the labor remuneration or provide labor conditions according to the terms stipulated in the labor contract.

Article 32

The employer-unit may rescind a labor contract under any one of the following situations, however, the employer-unit shall inform, in writing, the laborer in person 30 days in advance:

1. Because of illness or non-industrial injury, and after the recovery period, the laborer can neither do the original work, nor a newly assigned work offered by the employer-unit;

2. The laborer is not competent to the job, and after training or re-arranging of job post, he/she is still not competent to the new one; and

3. The objective situations on which the labor contract is signed have changed significantly, and thus makes it impossible to perform the contract, and the parties to the labor contract cannot reach unanimity through consultation on the alteration of the labor contract.

In case that the employer-unit does not notify the laborer of the rescission of the contract 30 days in advance according to the provisions, the employer-unit shall perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract to the laborer within 30 days upon the date of notification.

Article 33

Under any one of the following situations on the side of the laborer, the employer-unit may rescind the labor contract at any time:

1. Being proved do not comply with the employment requirement during the trial period;

2. Seriously violating the labor discipline or the employer-units’rules and regulations;

3. Seriously neglects his/her duty, practices favoritism and irregularities, and causes great loss to the employer-unit;

4. Being prosecuted for criminal liability; and

5. Other situations provided by laws and regulations.

Article 34

Under any one of the following situations on the side of the laborer, the employer-unit can not

rescind the labor contract in accordance with the stipulations of Article 32 and Article 35 of these Regulations:

1. Suffering of occupational disease, or industrial injury and being proved to lose or partially lose labor ability;

2. Suffering of illness or injury, and being in the stipulated time period of medical treatment;

3. Female laborers in their pregnancy, labor and nursing periods; and

4. Other situations provided by laws and regulations.

Article 35

In case of a necessary and lawful reduction of laborers, the employer-unit shall explain the situation to the labor union and the whole body of laborers, and listen to their opinions. The laborers reduction scheme of the employer-unit shall be determined on the basis of consultation with the labor union or the representatives from the staff and workers to take remedial measures, and report to the labor security administrative department.

The employer-unit shall notify the labor union and the laborers in person of the carrying out of the laborers reduction scheme 30 days in advance.

In case that the employer-unit reduces laborers in accordance with this present Article, and it need to recruit any personnel within 6 months, the employer-unit shall give priority to the reduced personnel.

Article 36

In case that the employer-unit rescinds the labor contract of its staff and workers unilaterally, the employer-unit shall notify the labor union of the reason. If the labor union thinks that the employer-unit violates laws, regulations and the relevant contract, and demands a reconsideration and handling, the employer-unit shall study the labor union's opinion and notify the labor union of the result.

Article 37

A labor contract terminates under any one of the following situations:

1. At the expiration of the labor contract;

2. At the occurrence of the termination conditions stipulated in the labor contract by the parties to the contract;

3. At the bankruptcy, dissolution or cancellation of the employer-unit; and

4. At the retirement, resignation or death of the laborer.

The labor contract may be terminated in case that the parties to the labor contract actually do not perform the labor contract for 3 months.

The labor contract may be terminated in case that the laborer suffers occupational disease or industrial injury, and has been proved partially lost of labor ability, while the employer-unit has paid the employment guarantee fund for the handicapped.

Article 38

In case that the laborer suffers occupational disease or industrial injury, and is proved to

have lost completely or almost completely the labor ability, the employer-unit shall not terminate the labor contract. However, with a unanimity reached through consultation by both parties to the labor contract, and with an employment guarantee fund for the handicapped paid by the employer-unit, the labor contract may be terminated.

Article 39

If at the expiration of the labor contract, or the occurrence of the termination conditions stipulated in the labor contract by the parties to the labor contract, the laborer who is under any one of the following situations and in the meanwhile he/she is not subject to the provisions of Item 2, Item 3, and Item4 of Article 33 of these Regulations, the labor contract shall be postponed accordingly until the disappearance of the following situations:

1. Suffering of illness or injury, and during the stipulated time period of medical treatment;

2. Female staff and workers in their pregnancy, labor and nursing periods; and

3. Other situations provided by laws and regulations.

Article 40

If without signing a labor contract that should be signed, the laborer may terminate the labor relationship at any time.

In such cases, if the employer-unit initials the termination of labor relationship, the employer-unit shall notify the laborer 30 days in advance. However, under any one of the situations provided in Article 39, the labor relationship shall be postponed until the disappearance of the situation.

Article 41

At the rescission or termination of the labor contract, the employer-unit shall issue valid proof of the rescission or termination of the labor relationship.

The laborer may directly go through the unemployment registration procedures with the valid proof.

Article 42

Under any one of the following situations, the employer-unit shall provide the laborer with an economic compensation according to the number of years the laborer has worked in the unit. The calculation is one month's salary income for one year:

1. The employer-unit initials the rescission of the labor contract with the laborer in accordance with the provision of Article 29 of these Regulations;

2. The laborer rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item 2 and Item 3 of Article 31 of these Regulations;

3. The employer-unit rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item 2 of Clause 1 of Article 32 of these Regulations;

4. The employer-unit rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item 1 and Item 3 of Clause 1 of Article 32 of these Regulations;

5. The employer-unit rescinds the labor contract in accordance with the provisions of Article

35 of these Regulations; and

6. The employer-unit rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item 3 of Article 37 of these Regulations.

Under any one of the situations described in Item1, Item 2 and Item 3 of this clause, the total amount of the compensation generally does not exceed the laborer's 12 months' salary (wage) income. If the parties to the labor contract have agreed on an excess, the agreement shall be respected.

Article 43

In case the termination conditions in the labor contract are the same as the rescission conditions stipulated in these Regulations, the employer-unit shall provide the laborer with an economic compensation in accordance with the corresponding compensation standards of these Regulations stipulated for the rescission of the labor contract.

Article 44

In case that the employer-unit rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item 1 of Clause 1 of Article 32 of these Regulations, apart from the stipulated economic compensation, the employer-unit shall also provide a medical subsidy not lower than 6 months' salary (wage) income of the laborer.

Article 45

The salary income mentioned in Article 42 and Article 44 of these Regulations means the employee-unit's average salary (wage) of the 12 months preceding the rescission or termination of the labor contract. If the laborer’s average monthly salary (wage) income is lower than the minimum salary (wage) standard of this Municipality, it shall be calculated according to the minimum salary (wage) standard.

The number of years the laborer has worked in the employer-unit mentioned in Article 42 of these Regulation in case of over 6 months but shorter than one year, shall be calculated as one year.

Chapter ⅤSpecial Provisions on Part Time Labor Contract

Article 46

A part time labor contract means the agreement that the laborer establishes labor relationship with the employer-unit taking the hour as the basic unit of working time.

In case that a laborer establishes part time labor contract relationship with one or more than one employer-units, the working time of each day, week or month that the laborer stipulated with each employer-unit shall each be lower than 50% of the legal working time.

The sum total of the working hours that a laborer works with several employer-units shall not exceed the legal maximum working hours.

Article 47

The conclusion of part time labor contract may take the written form, or may take other forms. As long as any party to the labor contract proposes a written form, the contract shall be concluded

in writing.

Article 48

In case that the parties to the labor contract have not agreed on the employment period in the part time labor contract, either party may, at any time, notify the other party of the termination of the labor relationship.

Article 49

The parties to the part time labor contract may stipulate terms on working time, job description, labor remuneration, payment methods and keeping the employer-unit's commercial secret, etc.

Article 50

The labor remuneration of part time laborers shall be calculated according to the working hour.

The labor remuneration includes hourly salary (wage) income and the social insurance premium, etc. provided by laws and regulations.

Article 51

In case that the employer-unit uses part time laborers and causes them industrial injuries or occupational diseases, the employer-unit shall bear corresponding liabilities.

Article 52

The minimum hourly payment standard of the part time laborers shall be published after the approval of the Municipal People's Government upon being submitted by the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau. The decision of the minimum hourly payment standard shall have a comprehensive consideration of the factors concerning the stability of employment and benefits of the part time laborers.

The method of payment of social insurance premium for part time laborers shall be separately formulated by the Municipal People's Government.

Article 53

The provisions of Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter4 of these Regulations do not apply to the part time labor contract, however, with the exception of Article 8, Article 20 and Article 21.

Chapter ⅥLegal Liability

Article 54

In case that the fault of one party to the labor contract results in the invalidity or partial invalidity of the labor contract and thus causes damages to the other party, the wrongdoer shall bear compensation liability.

Article 55

The party to the labor contract who breaches the contract shall bear corresponding liabilities, and shall bear compensation liability in case of damages to the other party.

In case that both parties to the labor contract breaches labor contract, each party bears his own corresponding liabilities.

Article 56

In case that an employer-unit does not sign a written labor contract stipulated by these Regulations with the laborer, it shall be enjoined by the labor security administrative department to correct within a time limit, and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 500 yuan and not more than 1000 yuan per laborer.

Article 57

In case that an employer-unit uses laborers, but do not go through the employment registration procedures in accordance with these Regulations, the labor security administrative department shall order a make-up registration. In case the employer-unit does not go through the procedure within the time limit, a fine of 500 yuan per laborer shall be imposed.

Article 58

In case of a labor dispute between the parties to the labor contract, it shall be handled according to the provisions on labor disputes.

Article 59

In case that one party or both parties to the labor contract do not accept the specific administrative acts of the labor security administrative department, it/they may apply for an administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to the“Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China”and the“Administrativ e Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China”.

Chapter ⅦSupplementary Provisions

Article 60

In case that laws or administrative regulations have special provisions applicable to the subjects that sign the labor contract, the special provisions shall prevail.

Article 61

Labor contracts that have already been performed before the implementation of these Regulations and the local regulations and the rules and regulations of the Municipal People's Government issued at that time have explicit provisions on the obligation of the parties to the labor contract, the parties to the labor contract shall continue the performance of the contract after the implementation of these Regulations. If the local regulations and the rules and regulations of the Municipal People's Government have no explicit provisions, these Regulations shall apply accordingly.

After these Regulations become effective, the provisions on the labor contract in the“Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labor and Personnel Administration in En terprises with Foreign Investment”shall not apply to the newly signed labor contracts between the enterprises with foreign investment and the laborers.

Article 62

These Regulations shall become effective on May 1, 2002.


上海劳动合同范本下载 上海劳动合同的相关法律规定 1、《劳动法》第十七条规定:订立和变更劳动合同,应当遵 循平等自愿、协商一致的原则,不得违反法律、行政法规的规定。劳动合同依法订立即具有法律约束力,当事人必须履行劳动合同 规定的义务。 2、《上海市劳动合同条例》第六条规定:工会应当为劳动者 提供劳动合同方面的指导、帮助,对用人单位履行劳动合同的情 况进行监督。用人单位侵犯劳动者合法权益的,工会应当代表劳 动者与用人单位交涉,依法维护劳动者在订立和履行劳动合同中 的合法权益。 3、《上海市劳动合同条例》第八条规定:劳动者在订立劳动 合同前,有权了解用人单位相关的规章制度、劳动条件、劳动报 酬等情况,用人单位应当如实说明。用人单位在招用劳动者时, 有权了解劳动者健康状况、知识技能和工作经历等情况,劳动者 应当如实说明。 4、《上海市劳动合同条例》第九条规定:劳动合同文本可以 由用人单位提供,也可以由用人单位与劳动者共同拟订。由用人 单位提供的合同文本,应当遵循公平原则,不得损害劳动者的合 法权益。劳动合同一式两份,当事人各执一份。

5、《劳动法》第十九条规定:劳动合同应当以书面形式订立,并具备以下条款: (一)劳动合同期限; (二)工作内容; (三)劳动保护和劳动条件; (四)劳动报酬; (五)劳动纪律; (六)劳动合同终止的条件; (七)违反劳动合同的责任。劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,当事人可以协商约定其他内容。 上海劳动合同范本 甲方__________________ 乙方________________ 法定代表人________________ 身份证号码______________ 地址__________________ 住址________________ 邮政编码__________________ 邮政编码________________ 联系方式__________________ 联系方式________________ 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:________.期限为:________. 使用提示:当事人可从下列类型中任选一种:


房产证英语翻译英文翻 译 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

House Property Ownership Certificate The People's Republic of China Made and supervised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P eople’s Republic of China (2012 Version) Building registration No.: ***** In accordance with the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the House Property Ownership Certificate is a proof of the obligee’s ownership of the house property. Registration Agency (seal): People's Government of ***** City

Issued by (seal): Special Seal for Property Ownership Registration of Real Estate Administration Bureau of ** City Date of Printing: **

Floor Plan of the House Notes 1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the right of property ownership. 2.Property owners and interested parties can inquire the registration information of the property according to relevant laws. 3.The information of items recorded in this certificate is in consistent with that on the housing ledger. Should any inconsistency occur, please refer to the housing ledger, unless there is evidence showing otherwise. 4.Any other organization or individual other than the registration agency shall not make notes or stamp on this certificate. 5.This certificate shall be kept properly. The loss and damage of the certificate shall be reported to the Bureau and its holders should apply for re-issue promptly. No. **


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YW-BH-035325 2020上海劳动合同模板(合同

2020上海劳动合同模板(合同示范文 本) 甲方名称:法定代表人/主要负责人:住所:邮政编码:联系方式: 乙方姓名:身份证号码/其他有效身份证件号码:住址:邮政编码:联系方式:根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:____。期限为:____。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____ 年,自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 (二)无固定期限合同。自____年____月____日起。 (三)以完成一定工作任务为期限的合同。具体为:____。 二、试用期 第二条本合同的试用期自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 第三条录用条件为:____。 三、工作内容和工作地点

第四条乙方的工作内容为:________。 第五条乙方的工作地点为:________。 四、工作时间和休息休假 第六条乙方所在岗位执行_____工时制,具体为:_____。 第七条甲方严格执行国家有关休息休假的规定,具体安排为:_____。 甲方应严格遵守国家有关加班的规定,确实由于生产经营需要,应当与乙方协商确定加班事宜。 五、劳动报酬 第八条本合同的工资计发形式为:____。 (一)计时形式。乙方的月工资为:____元(其中试用期间工资为:____元)。 (二)计件形式。乙方的劳动定额为:____,计件单价为:____。 第九条甲方每月___日以货币形式足额支付乙方的工资。 第十条本合同履行期间,乙方的工资调整按照甲方的工资分配制度确定。 第十一条甲方安排乙方延长工作时间或者在休息日、法定休假日工作的,应依法安排乙方补休或支付相应工资报酬。 六、社会保险 第十二条甲方应按国家和本市社会保险的有关规定为乙方参加社会保险。 第十三条乙方患病或非因工负伤,其病假工资、疾病救济费和医疗待遇等按照国家和本市有关规定执行。 第十四条乙方患职业病或因工负伤的工资和工伤保险待遇按国家和本市有关规定执行。 七、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护


X京房权证朝字号:1203587 X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587

房屋所有权人赵四 Owner of the house Zhao Si 共有情况共同共有 Co-ownership Circumstance Joint possession 房屋坐落朝阳区和平街十区19号楼3层2单元306 Location Room 306, Unit 2, Floor 3, Apt. 19, Zone 10 Heping Streest, Chaoyang District 登记时间2013-01-16 Date of registration January 16, 2013 房屋性质商品房 Housing property Commercial residential building 住宅 规划用途 Residence 房屋状况建筑面积套内建筑面积 总层数其他 Building Building area Building area in the suite Total floors Others Condition (就)(就)

附记 Remarks 共有人房屋所有权共有份额 赵四X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 王五X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership Zhao Si X Beijing House Property Right Certificate No. 1203587 Joint possession


合同编号:YT-FS-1879-42 上海市劳动合同书(完整 版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

上海市劳动合同书(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明 确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方法定代表人地址 乙方身份证号码住址 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,签订本合同,以便共同遵守. 第一条甲乙双方约定本合同期限为年,自--- 止. 第二条本合同生效执行起,前个月为试用期(本条仅适用于新进人员). 试用期工资为本劳动合同约定工资的百分之八十. 即人民币元. 第三条乙方应将自己的工作经历,具有的劳动技能及健康状况如实告知甲方,乙方应无可能影响正常

工作之疾病. 乙方应根据双方商谈的录用条件,如实提供相应的证书或证明且保证其真实性. 第四条双方约定,乙方从事工作. 乙方同意甲方可以根据工作或生产具体情况调换乙方的工作岗位. 第五条乙方的工作地点为: 甲方工作场所在仅在市区的变动,不作为劳动合同主要内容的变更. 第六条甲方执行八小时工作制,每周工作176小时.甲方可根据实际工作需要,可灵活变动工作时间的安排,但应充分考虑乙方应有的休息时间;也可适当辅助记件计酬. 第七条乙方月工资为人民币元. 第八条乙方的记件工资标准以不低于平均日工资折算,多劳多得. 第九条甲方发薪日为每月日,甲方应以货币形式按时足额支付乙方前一个月的工资. 第十条乙方根据在甲方工作年限享受带薪休假


The People ' s Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate According to " the People'sRepublic of Urban Real Estate Management Law," " Guangdongprovince town real estate right registration ordinance" and other provi sions of the relevant laws for the protection of housing ownership and land use ri ghts of the legitimate rights and interests of people on housing ownership and la nd use rights to apply for registration housing land rights, we have investigated a nd reviewed, to grant registration, issuance of this permit. Issuing Authority:

Huizhou City Land and Property Management Authority

Yue Property Own ership Certificate Huizhou Zi, No. ************** Issued by: Huizhou City Land and Property Man ageme nt Authority


2021上海市劳动合同(4篇) 以下为示范文本,仅供参考 编号: 上海市劳动合同 用人单位(甲方): 地址(甲方): 职工(乙方): 使用说明 一、用人单位与职工签订劳动合同时,双方应认真阅读劳动合同。劳动合同一经依法签订即具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行。 二、劳动合同必须由用人单位(甲方)的法定代表人(或者委托代理人)和职工(乙方)亲自签章,并加盖用人单位公章(或者劳动合同专用章)方为有效。 三、合同参考文本中的空栏,由双方协商确定后填写清楚;不需填写的空栏,请打上/。 四、乙方的工作内容及其类别(管理或专业技术类/工人类)应参照国家规定的职业分类和技能标准明确约定。变更的范围及条件可在合同参考文本第十二条中约定。 五、工时制度分为标准、不定时、综合计算工时三种。如经劳动行政部门批准实行不定时、综合计算工时工作制的,应在本参考文本第十二条中注明并约定其具体内容。 六、约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;实行计件工资的,可以在本参考文本第十二条中列明,或另签订补充协

七、本单位工会或职工推举的代表与用人单位可依法就工资、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项集体协商,签订集体合同。职工个人与用人单位订立劳动合同的各项劳动标准,不得低于集体合同的约定。 八、双方经协商一致后,对劳动合同参考文本条款的修改或未尽事宜的约定,可在参考文本第十二条中明确,或经协商一致另行签订补充协议;另行签订的补充协议,作为劳动合同的附件,与劳动合同一并履行。 九、签订劳动合同时请使用钢笔或签笔填写,迹必须清楚,并不得单方涂改。 十、本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。 甲方(用人单位):乙方(职工): 名称:姓名: 法定代表人(主要负责人):身份证号码: 户籍地址: 经济类型: 通讯地址:通讯地址: 联系人:电话: 联系电话: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)和国家、省市的有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿,协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:____。期限为:____。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____ 年,自____年____月____日至____年____月____


The obligee in the contract can accomplish the goal in a certain period by discussing the agreed rights and responsibilities. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 上海市劳动合同

编号:FS-DY-27042 上海市劳动合同 甲方:____乙方:____ 法定代表人:____身份证号码:____ 地址:____住址:____ 邮政编码:____邮政编码:____ 联系方式:____联系方式:____ 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:____。期限为:____。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____ 年,自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 (二)无固定期限合同。自____年____月____日起。 (三)以完成一定工作任务为期限的合同。具体为:____。

二、试用期 第二条本合同的试用期自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 第三条录用条件为:____。 三、工作内容 第四条乙方的工作内容为:____ 。 第五条甲方因工作需要,按照诚信合理的原则,向乙方说明情况后,可以调动乙方的工作岗位。 使用提示:甲方应以适当的方式向乙方说明新岗位的有关情况及调动的具体理由。 四、工作时间和劳动条件 第六条乙方所在岗位执行____工时制,具体为:____ 。 第七条甲方建立健全生产工艺流程,制定操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度及其标准。甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,应当向乙方履行告知义务,并做好劳动过程中职业危害的预防工作。 第八条甲方为乙方提供必要的劳动条件以及安全卫生的工作环境,并依照企业生产经营特点及有关规定向乙方发


《劳动合同法实施条例逐条完全解读》 第一章总则 第一条为了贯彻实施《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称劳动合同法),制定本条例。 【李迎春律师解读】:本条规定了《中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例》的制定目的,也即通常所称的立法目的。由于《劳动合同法》部分条款规定得不明确,在实践中导致有一些条款难以操作,为了贯彻实施劳动合同法,消除操作上的困局,有必要制定实施条例。 第二条各级人民政府和县级以上人民政府劳动行政等有关部门以及工会等组织,应当采取措施,推动劳动合同法的贯彻实施,促进劳动关系的和谐。 【李迎春律师解读】:为了促进和构建和谐劳动关系,消除社会各界对劳动合同法的“误读”与“消极评价”,政府有关部门、工会等组织应当将劳动合同法的正面宣传视为己任。 第三条依法成立的会计师事务所、律师事务所等合伙组织和基金会,属于劳动合同法规定的用人单位。 【李迎春律师解读】:由于会计师事务所、律师事务所等机构遍布,实践中律师、会计师与其执业机构关系一直不明不白,各地各法院也对此处理不一,本条对劳动合同法所称的用人单位做了延伸解释。第二章劳动合同的订立 第四条劳动合同法规定的用人单位设立的分支机构,依法取得营业执照或者登记证书的,可以作为用人单位与劳动者订立劳动合同;未依法取得营业执照或者登记证书的,受用人单位委托可以与劳动者订立劳动合同。

【李迎春律师解读】:按照最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》若干问题的意见,依法取得营业执照或者登记证书的分支机构属于民事诉讼法第四十九条规定的其他组织,是指合法成立、有一定的组织机构和财产,但又不具备法人资格的组织,包括:(1)法人依法设立并领取营业执照的分支机构;(2)中国人民银行、各专业银行设在各地的分支机构;(3)中国人民保险公司设在各地的分支机构。依法取得营业执照或者登记证书的分支机构具有用工主体资格,可以作为用人单位与劳动者订立劳动合同,可以直接作为劳动合同中的甲方(用人单位)。未依法取得营业执照或者登记证书的分支机构,只能受用人单位委托与劳动者订立劳动合同,即劳动合同中的用人单位只能是设立该分支机构的单位,不能将分支机构直接列为用人单位。 第五条自用工之日起一个月内,经用人单位书面通知后,劳动者不与用人单位订立书面劳动合同的,用人单位应当书面通知劳动者终止劳动关系,无需向劳动者支付经济补偿,但是应当依法向劳动者支付其实际工作时间的劳动报酬。 【李迎春律师解读】:《劳动合同法》要求用人单位必须在用工之日起一个月内与劳动者签订劳动合同,如自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。这样导致了实践中出现一部分劳动者在用人单位要求签订劳动合同时借故不签订劳动合同想获取双倍工资的现象,本条的规定,给了用人单位一个终止劳动关系的选择权。当然,这里用人单位需举证证明已经书面通知劳动者签订合同,而劳动者不签订书面劳动合同,因此,用人单位应当具有证据意识,在书面通知送达时应当有劳动者的签收证据或其它可证明已经向劳动者送达书面通知的证据,否则会


2020年新劳动合同法之上海 编号: 上海市 劳 动 合 同 用人单位(甲方): 地址(甲方): 职工(乙方): 使用说明 一、用人单位与职工签订劳动合同时,双方应认真阅读劳动合同。劳动合同一经依法签订即具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行。 二、劳动合同必须由用人单位(甲方)的法定代表人(或者委托代理人)和职工(乙方)亲自签章,并加盖用人单位公章(或者劳动合同专用章)方为有效。 三、合同参考文本中的空栏,由双方协商确定后填写清楚;不需填写的空栏,请打上“/”。 四、乙方的工作内容及其类别(管理或专业技术类/工人类)应参照国家规定的职业分类和技能标准明确约定。变更的范围及条件可在合同参考文本第十二条中约定。 五、工时制度分为标准、不定时、综合计算工时三种。如经劳动行政部门批准实行不定时、综合计算工时工作制的,应在本参考文本第十二条中注明并约定其具体内容。 六、约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;实行计件工资的,可以在本参考文本第十二条中列明,或另签订补充协议。 七、本单位工会或职工推举的代表与用人单位可依法就工资、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项集体协商,签订集体合同。职工个人与用人单位订立劳动合同的各项劳动标准,不得低于集体合同的约定。

八、双方经协商一致后,对劳动合同参考文本条款的修改或未尽事宜的约定,可在参 考文本第十二条中明确,或经协商一致另行签订补充协议;另行签订的补充协议,作为劳 动合同的附件,与劳动合同一并履行。 九、签订劳动合同时请使用钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹必须清楚,并不得单方涂改。十、本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。 甲方(用人单位):乙方(职工): 名称:姓名: 法定代表人(主要负责人):身份证号码: 户籍地址: 经济类型: 通讯地址:通讯地址: 联系人:电话:联系电话: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)和国家、 省市的有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿,协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:____。期限为:____。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____年,自____年____月____日至_ ___年____月____日。 (二)无固定期限合同。自____年____月____日起。 (三)以完成一定工作任务为期限的合同。具体为:____。 二、试用期 第二条本合同的试用期自____年____月____日至____年____月 ____日。 第三条录用条件为:____。 三、工作内容和工作地点 第四条乙方的工作内容为:____。 第五条乙方的工作地点为:____。


Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labour Contract (Adopted at the Thirty-third Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on November 15, 2001) Chapter ⅠGeneral Provisions Article 1 For the purpose of adjusting labor relationship, establishing and upholding the labor contract system adapted to the socialist market economy, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with "The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and administrative regulations with consideration of the actual situations in this Municipality. Article 2 These Regulations apply to the employer units in the administrative area of this Municipality, including enterprises, self-employed workers, economic organizations, and state organs and institutions, and mass organizations, etc., (hereinafter jointly referred to as employer units), that establish or form labor contract relationship with the employees. Article 3 The labor contract is the agreement concluded between the employee and the employer-unit that establishes labor relationship and specifies the rights and obligations of both parties. Article 4 The labor contract shall be concluded in writing with the exception that is specially stipulated in these Regulations. Article 5 The conclusion and alteration of the labor contract shall follow the principle of equality and negotiation to reach uniformity on one's own will, and shall satisfy the stipulations of laws, regulations and relevant rules. A labor contract shall have immediately binding force once it is legally concluded, and the parties to the contract shall perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract. Article 6 The trade union shall provide guidance and help to the employee concerning the labor contract, and supervise the employer-units in their performance of the labor contract. In case that an employer-unit infringes an employee's legitimate rights and interests, the trade union shall negotiate with the employer-unit on behalf of the employee, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the employee in the conclusion and performance of the labor contract according to law. Article 7 The administrative department of labor security shall have the duty to guide, supervise and inspect the carrying out of the labor contract system.


上海市劳动合同 甲方: 乙方: 法定代表人: 身份证号码: 地址 : 住址: 联系方式 : 联系方式: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 第一条本合同的类型为:。期限为:。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____ 年,自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 (二)无固定期限合同。自____年____月____日起。 (三)以完成一定工作为期限的合同。具体为:____。 第二条本合同的试用期自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 第三条录用条件为:。 第四条乙方的工作内容为:。 第五条甲方因工作需要,按照诚信合理的原则,向乙方说明情况后,可以调动乙方的工作岗位。 第六条乙方所在岗位执行____工时制,具体为:____ 。 第七条甲方建立健全生产工艺流程,制定操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度及其标准。甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,应当向乙方履行告知义务,并做好劳动过程中职业危害的预防工作。 第八条甲方为乙方提供必要的劳动条件以及安全卫生的工作环境,并依照企业生产经营特点及有关规定向乙方发放劳防用品和防暑降温用品。 第九条甲方应根据自身特点有计划地对乙方进行政治思想、职业道德、业务技术、劳动安全卫生及有关规章制度的教育和培训,提高乙方思想觉悟、职业道德水准和职业技能。 乙方应认真参加甲方组织的各项必要的教育培训。 第十条本合同的工资计发形式为:。 (一)计时形式。乙方的月工资为____元(其中试用期间工资为____元)。 (二)计件形式。乙方的劳动定额为____,计件单价为____。 第十一条甲方每月___日以货币形式足额支付乙方的工资。


2020最新劳动合同法实施条例解读 2020年9月18日,温总理总理签署了第535号国务院令,公布了《劳动合同法实施条例》,劳动合同法实施条例自公布之日起施行。 《劳动合同法》实施以来,由于对《劳动合同法》存在一定的误解,以及《劳动合同法》规定也存在一定的模糊性,导致在实施中出现了一些问题,如无固定期限劳动合同是否是“铁饭碗”、“终身制”的恢复,用人单位滥用劳务派遣用工形式是否会侵害劳动者合法权益,经济补偿金和经济赔偿金能否同时适用,未订立书面劳动合同如何支付二倍工资,满一年未订立书面劳动合同如何签订无固定期限劳动合同,劳动者拒签书面劳动合同怎么办,连续工作十年如何计算等等,这些问题的出现一定程度上阻碍了《劳动合同法》贯彻落实,影响了《劳动合同法》实施效果的发挥。 《劳动合同法》实施9个多月来,社会各界的评价总体是积极的。人们普遍认为,这是一部适应改革开放以来劳动关系发展需要,反映广大劳动者与用人单位要求,体现更好贯彻科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会精神的重要法律。这些分歧和问题的存在,造成一些用人单位对《劳动合同法》的执行,有的持观望态度,有的千方百计规避,影响了《劳动合同法》的顺利实施和立法宗旨的实现。 为了消除分歧和模糊认识,国务院法制办、原劳动和社会保障部先后三次征求26个中央有关部门、单位和省市的意见,并且通过中国的政府法制信息网公开向社会各界征求意见,几易其稿形成了《劳动合同法实施条例》。其颁布实施开创了我国一个法律实施条例制定的先河,具有重要的现实意义。 《劳动合同法实施条例》作为《劳动合同法》的配套行政法规,在坚持一致性原则、协调性原则以及可操作性原则的基础上,结合实施中出现的问题,对《劳动合同法》的有关规定进行明晰化,消除对《劳动合同法》的误解,增加《劳动合同法》的可操作性。 《劳动合同法实施条例》从劳动者和用人单位两个角度,集中列举了包括无固定期限劳动合同在内的劳动合同解除的条件,以消除对无固定期限劳动合同就是


Shanghai Certificate of Real Estate Ownership Real Estate Certificate XX zi ( 20xx ) No. 01xxxx *201xxxxxxxxxx*(bar code) Date of Issue: xx.xx.20xx In accordance with the Property Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China, The Law of Urban Real Estate Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Shanghai Registration for Real Estate Registration and other relevant laws and regulations, to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of land-use rights and the house property, registration is hereby granted and this certificate is hereby given to such owner for the land, house and other appurtenances listed in this his/her registration application after due examination and verification. This certificate is the proof of title to the real estate on State-owned land lot. Shanghai Housing Security & Administration Bureau (Seal) Shanghai Planning, Land & Resources Administration Bureau (Seal)


联系方式: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经 协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 第一条本合同的类型为: (一) 有固定期限合同。期限 __ 年,自 _____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日至 ___ 年 _____ 月 ___ 日。 (二) 无固定期限合同。自 ___ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日起。 (三) 以完成一定工作为期限的合同。具体为: _____ 。 第二条 本合同的试用期自 ______ 年—月 _____ 日至 ___ 年 ___ 月 _____ 日。 第三条 录用条件为: __________________________________________________________ 。 第四条乙方的工作内容为: _____________________________________________________________ 。 第五条 甲方因工作需要,按照诚信合理的原则,向乙方说明情况后,可以调动乙方的工作岗位。 第六条 乙方所在岗位执行 ______ 工时制,具体为: _____ 。 第七条 甲方建立健全生产工艺流程,制定操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度及其标准。甲 方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,应当向乙方履行告知义务,并做好劳动过程中职业危害的预防工作。 第八条甲方为乙方提供必要的劳动条件以及安全卫生的工作环境,并依照企业生产经营特点及有关 规定向乙方发放劳防用品和防暑降温用品。 第九条 甲方应根据自身特点有计划地对乙方进行政治思想、职业道德、业务技术、劳动安全卫生 及有关规章制度的教育和培训,提高乙方思想觉悟、职业道德水准和职业技能。 乙方应认真参加甲方组织的各项必要的教育培训。 第十条 本合同的工资计发形式为: ___________________________________________________________ (一)计时形式。乙方的月工资为 ____ 元(其中试用期间工资为 ____ 元)。 法定代表人 上海市劳动合同 乙方: 身份证号码 联系方式 。期限为:


上海高院关于适用《劳动合同法》若干问题的意见 (沪高法[2009]73号) 一、律师事务所等组织与其工作人员之间纠纷的处理 律师事务所中专职从事行政事务或勤杂工作的劳动者、在律师事务所从事法律事务并领取固定工资或底薪的劳动者,与律师事务所之间就劳动报酬等事项产生的纠纷,属于劳动争议,按照劳动争议的有关规定处理。其他涉及律师事务所与律师之间因合伙利益的分配方式及具体利益分配等问题产生的纠纷,属于民事纠纷,适用相关民事法律处理。 会计事务所、基金会等组织与职工之间产生的纠纷,与前款情况相似的,参照前款规定处理。 二、劳动关系双方当事人未订立书面合同的处理 劳动合同的订立和履行,应当遵循诚实信用原则。劳动者已经实际为用人单位工作,用人单位超过一个月未与劳动者订立书面合同的,是否需要双倍支付劳动者的工资,应当考虑用人单位是否履行诚实磋商的义务以及是否存在劳动者拒绝签订等情况。如用人单位已尽到诚信义务,因不可抗力、意外情况或者劳动者拒绝签订等用人单位以外的原因,造成劳动合同未签订的,不属于《中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例》(以下简称“《实施条例》”)第六条所称的用人单位“未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同”的情况;因用人单位原因造成未订立书面劳动合同的,用人单位应当依法向劳动者支付双倍工资;但因劳动者拒绝订立书面劳动合同并拒绝继续履行的,视为劳动者单方终止劳动合同。 劳动合同期满后,劳动者继续为用人单位提供劳动,用人单位未

表示异议,但当事人未续订书面劳动合同的,当事人应及时补订书面劳动合同。如果用人单位已尽到诚实信用义务,而劳动者不与用人单位订立书面劳动合同的,用人单位可以书面通知劳动者终止劳动关系,并依照《劳动合同法》第四十七条规定支付经济补偿;如劳动者拒绝订立书面劳动合同并拒绝继续履行的,视为劳动者单方终止劳动合同,用人单位应当支付劳动者已实际工作期间的相应报酬,但无须支付经济补偿金。 三、劳动合同变更的形式要求 《劳动合同法》第三十五条规定,劳动合同变更的应当采取书面形式。这里的书面形式要求,包括发给劳动者的工资单、岗位变化通知等等。因为随着劳动合同的持续履行,劳动合同双方的权利义务本身就必然会不断变化。如随着劳动者工作时间的增加,其休假、奖金标准发生的自然变化等等,都属于劳动合同的变更。因此,对于依法变更劳动合同的,只要能够通过文字记载或者其他形式证明的,可以视为“书面变更”。 四、涉及无固定期限劳动合同的几个问题 (一)应订未订无固定期限劳动合同的处理 劳动者提出订立无固定期限劳动合同的请求符合法律规定,用人单位未依法与其订立的,根据《最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(法释(2001)14号)第十六条第二款的规定,可以“视为双方之间存在无固定期限劳动合同关系,并以原劳动合同确定双方的权利义务关系”。其中,“原劳动合同确定的双方权利义务关系”,包括书面合同方式确定的权利义务关系和以事实劳动关系方式确定的权利义务关系。 (二)符合订立无固定期限劳动合同的条件,但当事人订立了固定期限合同的效力


上海劳动合同范本2020 2019上海劳动合同范本 甲方:乙方: 法定代表人:身份证号码: 地址:住址: 邮政编码:邮政编码: 联系方式:联系方式: 使用说明 一、用人单位与职工签订劳动合同时,双方应认真阅读劳动合同。劳动合同一经依法签订即具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行。 二、劳动合同必须由用人单位(甲方)的法定代表人(或者委托代理人)和职工(乙方)亲自签章,并加盖用人单位公章(或者劳动合同专用章)方为有效。 三、合同参考文本中的空栏,由双方协商确定后填写清楚;不需填写的空栏,请打上“/”。 四、乙方的工作内容及其类别(管理或专业技术类/工人类)应参照国家规定的职业分类和技能标准明确约定。变更的范围及条件可在合同参考文本第十二条中约定。 五、工时制度分为标准、不定时、综合计算工时三种。如经劳动行政部门批准实行不定时、综合计算工时工作制的,应在本参考文本第十二条中注明并约定其具体内容。

六、约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;实行计件工资的,可以在本参考文本第十二条中列明,或另签订补充协议。 七、本单位工会或职工推举的代表与用人单位可依法就工资、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项集体协商,签订集体合同。职工个人与用人单位订立劳动合同的各项劳动标准,不得低于集体合同的约定。 八、双方经协商一致后,对劳动合同参考文本条款的修改或未尽事宜的约定,可在参考文本第十二条中明确,或经协商一致另行签订补充协议;另行签订的补充协议,作为劳动合同的附件,与劳动合同一并履行。 九、签订劳动合同时请使用钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹必须清楚,并不得单方涂改。 十、本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 一、合同的类型和期限 第一条本合同的类型为:____。期限为:____。 (一)有固定期限合同。期限____ 年,自____年____月____日至____年____月____日。 (二)无固定期限合同。自____年____月____日起。
