Given Name(名):
Date of birth 出生日期:
Place of birth 出生地点:
Nationality 国籍:
Full home address: 详细家庭地址:
SN海eoa员.m证an号’s 码:bookP护as照sp号or码t N:o.
Medical certificate issued on 健康证签发日期:
SECTION 1. DUTIES 第一部分 职责 A .Duties of the Employer/agency/master A.雇主、代理人、船长的职责 1.To faithfully comply with the stipulated terms and conditions of this contract, particularly the prompt payment of wages, remittance of allotment and expeditious of valid claim of the seafarer. 1.如实地履行本合同所订立条款,尤其是及时支付船员工资,汇款的分 配和迅速有效处理海员的索赔。 2.To extend coverage to the seafarer under PRC Social Security System. 2.按照中华人民共和国社保体系规定实现对船员的社保覆盖。 3.To make operational on board the vessel the grievance machinery provided in this contract and ensure its free access at all times by the seafarer. 3.使申诉机制在船有效运作,并确保在任何时候船员免费提供服务。 4.To provide a seaworthy vessel for the seafarer and take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident and injury to the crew including provision of safety equipment, fire prevention, safe and proper navigation of the vessel and such other precautions necessary to avoid accident, injury or sickness to seafarer. 4.为船员提供适航船舶,采取各种合理预防措施来防止事故和对船员形 成伤害,这些合理措施包括:指定安全设备指引、防火、船舶安全妥当 航行和其他防止事故或船员伤病的必要防御措施。 5.To observe the Code of Ethics for Seafarers and conduct himself in the traditional decorum of a master. 5.遵守船员职业道德操守并按传统船长礼仪行事。 6.Urge the ship’s owner to provide a workplace conducive for the promotion
THE EMPLOYER(雇主) Name: 名称 :
Address: 地址 : Hereafter referred to as the Employer(以下简称雇主)
Name 船名:
Flag 船旗:
IMO No. 国际编号:
Gross Registered Tonnage(GRT) 总吨位:
1stOriginal-Seafarer 一份-海员自己保存 2ndOrigianl-Company File一份-公司存档 3ndCopy-Ship’s File一份-船舶存档
No.(编号):SHXR-2013021 According to the principle of equality and voluntariness, this agreement is signed between the seafarer and employ/company/shipowner/agent of the ship M.V after friendly consulting, 根据平等自愿原则,经友好协商,海员和雇主(公司或船东或代理机 构)就服务于M.V 一事签署如下协议。 THE SEAFARER(海员)
年度绩效奖下船后一个月内 发放 Yearly Performance Appraisal Award Will Be Payed For In One Month After Overboard
1.The Seafarer has read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of employment as identified in followings and enters into this contract freely. 海员本人已经阅读、理解并同意本《海员就业协议》之内容,并本着 在自愿地基础上签订该协议
and Basic hours of work per week 每周基本工作时间: hrs
Monthly Basic wage 基本工资:
Monthly overtime(103 guaranteed) 加班津贴:
fixed hrs
Overtime rate of hours worked in excess of 103 hrs
Position employment 受雇职务:
of Estimated time taking up position 预期任职时间:
ofPort of where position it taken up 任职港口时间:
Hereafter referred to as Seafarer(以下简称海员)
Sub Allowance: Total
Official holidays: 12days annual 法定假日:12天/年
Monthly Performance Appraisal Award 月度绩效奖:
Yearly Performance Appraisal Award 年度绩效奖:
3.Basic Wage-refers to the salary of the seafarer exclusive of overtime, leave pay and other bonuses. 3.基本工资-指除加班工资、休假带薪、其他奖金以外的船员薪金。 4.Departure-refers to the actual departure from the point of hire of the seafarer through air,sea or land travel transport to join his vessel. 4.出发-指海员通过海、陆、空中任何一种交通方式实际地从雇佣地前往 上船。 5.Regular Working Hours-refers to the seafarer’s eight(8)hour working within the period of 24 hours. 5.正常工作时间-指24小时内海员所要完成的8小时工作时间。 6.Shipwreck-refers to the damage or destruction of a vessel at sea caused by collision, storm grounding or any other marine peril at sea or in port rendering the vessel absolutely un-seaworthiness or unable to pursue her voyage.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto set their hands this day
of at
For/on behalf of the Employer(雇
பைடு நூலகம்
Year Built 建造时间:
Vessel Type 船舶类型:
Trade Area 服务航区:
Classification Society 船级社名称:
Period employment 雇佣期限: months
of Wages from including 工资起算日:
加班费率:1.25 per hour
Monthly Leave pay 月休假待领薪:
Leave Subsistence: 社保等:
Annual leave pay:(2.5days wages per month for the period service onboard) 年休假待领薪:(2.5天工资 *服务船上月数)
and protection of the health of the seafarers in accordance with the standards and guidelines in Title 4 of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention,2006. 6.敦促船东根据国际劳工组织《2006海事劳工公约》第4章标准和指引 要求为船员提供有益于船员健康和发展的工作场所。 B. Duties of the Seafarer B.船员职责 1.To faithfully comply with and observe the terms and conditions of this contract. 1.诚实地遵守和履行本合同所订立条款。 2.To be obedient to lawful commands of the Master or any person who shall lawfully succeed him and to comply with company policy including safety policy and procedures and any instructions given in connection therewith. 2.遵守船长及船长合法接班人的合法指令,遵从公司政策包括公司安全 政策以及为这些政策而推出的配套规则。 3.To abide by the duty in “Seafarer Regulations of The People’s Republic Of China” and the Code of Ethics for Seafarer. 3.遵守《中华人民共和国船员管理条例》中所规定的船员职责和船员职 业道德操守。 4.To be diligent in his duties relating to the vessel, its shores and cargo, whether on board, in boats or ashore; and 4.不分在船、在岸和其它场所,尽职于本人职务,都要做所对应的对 船、对岸和对货事务,并 5.To conduct himself in an orderly and respectful manner towards operator,port authorities and other persons on official business with the ship. 5.有理有节的行事准则来接待码头的操作人员、港口当局官员和其他与 船舶正常营运有关的人士。
Definition of Terms; 术语定义
For purpose of this contract, the following terms are defined as following: 为了有效实施该协议,相关术语定义如下:
1.Point of Hire-refers to the place indication the contract of employment which shall be basis for determining commencement and termination of contract. 1.雇佣地-是指一个用于确定就业协议开始和终结的基准地。 2.Convenient Port-any port where it is practicable, economical, safe and convenient to repatriate the seafarer. 2.方便港-指任何可行的、方便的、安全的和经济的能安排船员休假的港 口。
6.船舶失事-指在海上由于碰撞、风暴、搁浅,任何其他海滩或在港内所 造成的船舶损害已经导致绝对不适航或不能实施其既定的航次。 7. Compassionate Ground-refers to incidence of death of an immediate member of the seafarer’s family which includes his parents, spouse and children if the seafarer is married or his parents if the seafarers is single. 7.体恤事件-指海员直系亲属死亡事件,直系亲属对已婚海员是指其父 母、配偶和子女;对未婚海员是指其父母。 8. Principal-any person, partnership or corporation hiring seafarers to work on board vessel. 8.雇主-指任何雇佣海员上船为其服务的人、合伙人或公司。