当前位置:文档之家› 保密与竞业禁止协议中英文版(员工任职)





签订日期:_______ 年______ 月______ 日名称:姓名:




Party A (Employer): Party B(Employee):

Name: Name:

Legal Represe ntative: ID Number:

Address: Address:

Teleph one: Teleph one


Whereas, during working in Party A, Party B has been accessed (or will be

access) to Party B's bus in ess and tech ni cal secrets or other con fide ntial information. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of Party A,

accord ing to releva nt laws and regulati ons, based on the prin ciple of fair and voluntary, after friendly consultation, Party A and Party B enters into this

agreeme nt on con fide ntiality and non-compete obligati ons.


I. Con fide ntial In formati on


"Con fide ntial in formati on" means the tech ni cal material or bus in ess secrets

obta ined by Party B through his own observati on or disclosed by Party A directly or in directly in writi ng, orally or electr oni cally, in cludi ng but not limit to:


1. Formula, product ion methods, processes, tech ni cal soluti ons, tech ni cal specifications, technical reports, research and development records, test reports, laboratory data, test results, draw in gs, desig ns, samples, operat ing manu als etc. owned by Party A;



2. Procureme nt pla n, procureme nt cha nn els, customer lists, market ing pla ns, pricing strategies, market policies, financial information, investment projects, cooperation information, personnel information, the negotiations related to projects, the contents of agreeme nts and the subject and impleme ntati on of agreeme nts or other con fide ntial in formatio n;


All other in formati on marked con fide ntial or secret word or has the n ature of con


fide ntiality obviously;


4. Bel onging to a third party, but Party A has un dertake n an obligati on of

con fide ntiality of tech ni cal in formatio n, bus in ess in formati on or other bus in ess secrets. 第二条保密义务

II. Con fide ntiality Obligatio ns


1. Without the consent of Party A, Party B shall not disclose, in form,

publish, tran sfer, or in other way to make any third party know con fide ntial

in formati on;


2. Party B must comply with the provisi ons of this agreeme nt and other writte n or un writte n con fide ntiality rules and regulati ons made by Party A, and fulfill his duty of con fide ntiality releva nt to his job.


3. If the regulati ons and rules are not defi ned or ambiguous, Party B should take all n ecessary and reas on able measures to protect con fide ntial in formatio n known or held by
