乙方(代理商): Party B (Distributor ): 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 地址: 电话:
本协议系丁 ______ 年 M 日,由当事人一方广州海山娱乐科技有限公司 公司按中
国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在广州,番禺(以下简称甲方)与他方当事人 Mondial Pools 公司,按 埃及 国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在开 —(以下简称乙方)签订,经双方协商, 订立以下条款,以资共同遵守。
This agreement is made and entered into this day of, by Guangzhou Haisan
Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of peoples republic of china, with its principal place of business at Panyu District, Guangzhou City (hereinafter called Client ) and Mondial Pools a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of,with its principal of business at (hereinafter called agent ). Through mutual discussion, Party A and Party B have agreed the following terms to be observed: 第1条定义 1. Definition
1. 1产品:本协议中所称 产品”,系指由甲方制造并以其商标销售的(游乐设备)和随时经双方以 书面同意的其他商品。
1.1 Product: The product” covered under this agreement is expressly confined to the amusement equipment manufactured by Party A
1. 2地区:本协议中所称 地区”;系指: 埃及。
1.2 Territory: The territory ” covered under this agreement is expressly confined to Egypt (hereinafter called territory)
1. 3商标:本协议中所称 向标”系指海森
1.3 Trademark: The trademark covered under this agreement is expressly confined to HAISEN
甲方(委托人): Party A (Client ): 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 地址: 电话:
(hereinafter called trademark)
2. Appointment and legal relationship
2. 1委任:在本协议有效期内,甲方委任乙方作为其代理;以便在地区”获致产品”的订单。乙方愿意接受并承担此项委托。
2. 1 Appointment: During the validity of this agreement, Party A appoints Party B as its exclusive agent to solicit product order in the territory. Party B is willing to accept and assumes this appointment.
2. 2法律关系:本协议给予乙方的权利只限丁给予独家代理销售产品的权利,本协议不产生其他任何关系,或给予乙方以代表甲方或使甲方受其他任何协议约束的任何权利。
2.2 Legal relationship: The right and power given to Party B in this agreement only include exclusive agent' right of products sale. This agreement does not let Party B represent Party A or make any other agreement constraints to Party A.
2. 3指示:乙方应严格遵守甲方随时发来的指示。由丁乙方超越或违背甲方指示而造成的任何索赔、债务和责任,乙方应设法保护甲方利益并赔偿甲方因此而遭受的损失。
2.3 Instructions: Party B should abide strictly by the instructions from Party A at any time. If beyond or against instructions from Party A and then cause any claim, liability and responsibility, Party B should try to protect the interests of Party A and make compensation for Party A.
3. Responsibilities of Party A
3. 1广告资料:甲方应向乙方提供合理数量的广告宣传用的小册子及其他有关产品”推销的辅助
3. 1 Advertising materials: Party A provides Party B with a reasonable quantity of advertising brochures and other auxiliary materials for product" promotion.
3. 2支持推销:甲方应尽力支持乙方开展产品”的推销。
3. 2 Support promotion: Party A should try best to support Party B on the promotion o f product”.
3. 3转介客户:除本协议另有规定外,如地区”其他客户直接向甲方询价或订购,甲方应将该客
3. 3 Customer referral: If customers in the territory inquiry or order directly from Party A, Party A should make customer referral and give the custom^ s information to Party B.
3. 4价格:甲方提供乙方的产品”价格资料,应尽可能保持稳定,如有变动应及时通知乙方,以利推销。
3.4 Price: Party A provides relatively steady price materials of product” for Party B. If any changes about the price, Party A should inform Party B in time.