当前位置:文档之家› 租船合同主要条款



航次租船主要条款(V oy.C/p)

1.船舶说明条款(Description of vessel clause)

2.予备航次条款(Preliminary voyage clause)

3.出租人的责任及免责条款(Owner`liabilities and exceptions clause)

4.运费支付条款(Payment of freight clause)

5.装卸条款(Loading and dischargingclause)

6.滞期费和速遣费计算条款(Demurrage and dispatch money clause)

7.合同解除条款(Cancelling clause)

8.留置权或承租人责任终止条款(Lien clause or cesser clause)

9.互有责任碰撞条款(Both to blame collision clause)

10.新杰森条款(New Jason clause)

11.共同海损条款(General average clause)

12.提单条款(Bill of loading clause)

13.罢工条款及战争条款(Strike and war clause)

14.冰冻条款(Ice clause)

15.仲裁条款(Arbitration clause)

16.佣金条款(Commission clause etc。)

此外还有各种附加条款(rider clause)

定期租船合同主要条款(Time c/p)

1.船舶说明条款(Description of vessel clause)

2.船速及燃油条款(vessel`speed and fuel consumption clause)

3..交船条款(Delivery of vessel clause)

4.租期条款(Period of hire clause)

5.合同解除条款(Cancelling clause)

6.合法货物条款(Lawful merchandise clause)

7.航行区域条款(Trading Limits clause)

8.出租人提供的事项条款(Owners to provide clause)

9.承租人提供的事项条款(Charterers to provide clause)

10.租金支付条款(Payment of hire clause)

11.还船条款(Redelivery of vessel clause)

12.停租条款(Off hire clause)

13.出租人责任及免责条款(Owners`responsibilities and exceptions


14.使用及赔偿条款(Employment and indemnity clause)

15.转租条款(Sub-let clause)

16.共同海损条款(General average clause)

17.新杰森条款(New Jason clause)

18.互有责任碰撞条款(Both to blame collision clause)

19.战争条款(War clause)

20.仲裁条款(Arbitration clause)

21.佣金条款(Commission clause etc)

光船租赁主要条款(bare boat charter party)

1.船舶说明条款(Description of vessel clause)

2.交船条款(Delivery clause)

3船舶的使用及保养条款(Maintenance and operation clause)

4船舶的检查条款(Inspection clause)

5租金支付条款(Payment of hire clause)

6.船舶的抵押条款(Mortgage clause)

7.船舶的保险条款(Insurance of repairs clause)

8.还船条款(Redelivery clause)

9.合同的转让与转租条款(Assignment and sub demise clause)

10.无担保物权的保证条款(Non-lien clause)

11.共同海损条款(General average clause)

12.战争条款(War clause)

13.仲裁条款(Arbitration clause)

14.佣金条款等.(Commission clause etc.)
