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Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade";

Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition;

Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members;

Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects;

Hereby agree as follows:








Article 1


This Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs").




Article 2

National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions

1. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article III or Article XI of GATT 1994.



1. 在不损害GATT 1994项下其他权利和义务的情况下,各成员不得实施任何与GATT l994第3条或第11条规定不一致的TRIM。

2. An illustrative list of TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of national treatment provided for in paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 and the obligation of general elimination of quantitative restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XI of GATT 1994 is contained in the Annex to this Agreement.

2.本协定附件列出一份与GATT 1994第3条第4款规定的国民待遇义务和GATT 1994第11条第1款规定的普遍取消数量限制义务不一致的TRIMs例示清单。

Article 3


All exceptions under GATT 1994 shall apply, as appropriate, to the provisions of this Agreement.



GATT 1994项下的所有例外均应酌情适用于本协定的规定。

Article 4

Developing Country Members

A developing country Member shall be free to deviate temporarily from the provisions of Article 2 to the extent and in such a manner as Article XVIII of GATT 1994, the Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of GATT 1994, and the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes adopted on 28 November 1979 (BISD 26S/205-209) permit the Member to deviate from the provisions of Articles III and XI of GATT 1994.



发展中国家成员有权以GATT 1994第18条、《关于1994年关税与贸易总协定国际收支条款的谅解》和1979年11月28日通过的《关于为国际收支目的而采取贸易措施的宣言》(BISD 26册205至209页)允许该成员偏离GATT I994第3条和第11条规定的程度和方式,暂时偏离第2条的规定。

Article 5

Notification and Transitional Arrangements

1. Members, within 90 days of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, shall notify the Council for Trade in Goods of all TRIMs they are applying that are

not in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement. Such TRIMs of general or specific application shall be notified, along with their principal features.1



1. 各成员应在《WTO协定》生效之日起90大内,将其正在实施的、与本协定规定不一致的所有TRIMs通知货物贸易理事会。在通知这些普遍或具体适用的TRIMs时,应同时说明其主要特征。1

2. Each Member shall eliminate all TRIMs which are notified under paragraph 1 within two years of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement in the case of a developed country Member, within five years in the case of a developing country Member, and within seven years in the case of a least-developed country Member.

2. 每一成员均应取消根据第1款进行通知的所有TRIMs,发达国家成员应在《WTO协定》生效之日起2年内取消,发展中国家成员应在5年内取消,最不发达国家成员应在7年内取消。

3. On request, the Council for Trade in Goods may extend the transition period for the elimination of TRIMs notified under paragraph 1 for a developing country Member, including a least-developed country Member, which demonstrates particular difficulties in implementing the provisions of this Agreement. In considering such a request, the Council for Trade in Goods shall take into account the individual development, financial and trade needs of the Member in question.

3. 如一发展中国家成员,包括一最不发达国家成员可证明其在实施本协定规定方面存在特殊困难,则货物贸易理事会可应请求延长其取消根据第1款进行通知的TRIMs的过渡期。在考虑该请求时,货物贸易理事会应考虑所涉成员特殊的发展、财政和贸易需要。

4. During the transition period, a Member shall not modify the terms of any TRIM which it notifies under paragraph 1 from those prevailing at the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement so as to increase the degree of inconsistency with the provisions of Article 2. TRIMs introduced less than 180 days before the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall not benefit from the transitional arrangements provided in paragraph 2.

4. 在过渡期内,一成员不得修改根据第1款进行通知的任何TRIM的条件,使之不同于《WTO协定》生效之日通行的条件,从而增加其与第2条规定不一致的程度。在《WTO协定》生效之日前180天内采用的TRIMs不能获得第2款规定的过渡期安排的利益。

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2, a Member, in order not to disadvantage established enterprises which are subject to a TRIM notified under paragraph 1, may apply during the transition period the same TRIM to a new investment (i) where the products of such investment are like products to those of the established enterprises, and (ii) where necessary to avoid distorting the conditions of competition between the new investment and the established enterprises. Any TRIM so applied to a new investment shall be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods. The terms of such a TRIM shall be equivalent in their competitive effect to those applicable to the established enterprises, and it shall be terminated at the same time.

1 In the case of TRIMs applied under discretionary authority, each specific application shall be notified. Information that would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises need not be disclosed.


5. 尽管有第2条的规定,但是一成员为不使受根据第1款进行通知的一项TRIM约束的已建企业处于不利地位,在(i)该新投资的产品与已建企业的产品属同类产品,且(ii)在有必要避免扭曲新投资与现有企业之间竞争条件的情况下,仍可在过渡期内对新投资实施相同的TRIM。任何如此对新投资实施的TRIM均应通知货物贸易理事会。该TRIM的条件在竞争效果上应与适用于已建企业的TRIM的条件相同,并应同时终止。

Article 6


1. Members reaffirm, with respect to TRIMs, their commitment to obligations on transparency and notification in Article X of GATT 1994, in the undertaking on "Notification" contained in the Understanding Regarding Notification, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance adopted on 28 November 1979 and in the Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures adopted on 15 April 1994.



1. 对于TRIMs,各成员重申它们在GATT l994第10条中、在1979年11月28日通过的《关于通知、磋商、争端解决和监督的谅解》包含的关于“通知”的承诺中以及在1994年4月15日通过的《关于通知程序的部长决定》中,就透明度和通知所承诺的义务。

2. Each Member shall notify the Secretariat of the publications in which TRIMs may be found, including those applied by regional and local governments and authorities within their territories.

2. 每一成员均应通知秘书处刊载TRIMs的出版物,包括其领土内地区及地方政府和主管机关实施的TRIMs。

3. Each Member shall accord sympathetic consideration to requests for information, and afford adequate opportunity for consultation, on any matter arising from this Agreement raised by another Member. In conformity with Article X of GATT 1994 no Member is required to disclose information the disclosure of which would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises, public or private.

3. 每一成员应对另一成员就与本协定有关的任何事项提出的提供信息的请求给予积极考虑,并提供充分的磋商机会。根据GATT 1994第10条,不要求任何成员披露会妨碍执法或违背公共利益或损害特定公私企业合法商业利益的信息。

Article 7

Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures

1. A Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures (referred to in this Agreement as the "Committee") is hereby established, and shall be open to all Members. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and shall meet not less than once a year and otherwise at the request of any Member.



1. 特此设立与贸易有关的投资措施委员会(本协定中称“委员会”),对所有成员开放。委员会应选举自己的主席和副主席,每年应至少召开一次会议,或在任何成员请求下召开会议。

2. The Committee shall carry out responsibilities assigned to it by the Council for Trade in Goods and shall afford Members the opportunity to consult on any matters relating to the operation and implementation of this Agreement.

2. 委员会应履行货物贸易理事会所指定的职责,并为各成员就与本协定运用和执行有关的任何事项进行磋商提供机会。

3. The Committee shall monitor the operation and implementation of this Agreement and shall report thereon annually to the Council for Trade in Goods.

3. 委员会监督本协定的运用和执行,并每年就此向货物贸易理事会报告。

Article 8

Consultation and Dispute Settlement

The provisions of Articles XXII and XXIII of GATT 1994, as elaborated and applied by the Dispute Settlement Understanding, shall apply to consultations and the settlement of disputes under this Agreement.



由《争端解决谅解》详述和适用的GATT 1994第22条和第23条的规定适用于本协定项下的磋商和争端解决。

Article 9

Review by the Council for Trade in Goods

Not later than five years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Council for Trade in Goods shall review the operation of this Agreement and, as appropriate, propose to the Ministerial Conference amendments to its text. In the course of this review, the Council for Trade in Goods shall consider whether the Agreement should be complemented with provisions on investment policy and competition policy.





Illustrative List

1. TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of national treatment provided for in paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 include those which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under administrative rulings, or compliance with which is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which require:

(a) the purchase or use by an enterprise of products of domestic origin or

from any domestic source, whether specified in terms of particular

products, in terms of volume or value of products, or in terms of a

proportion of volume or value of its local production; or

(b) that an enterprise's purchases or use of imported products be limited to

an amount related to the volume or value of local products that it




1. 与GATT I994第3条第4款规定的国民待遇义务不一致的TRIMs包括根据国内法律或根据行政裁定属强制性或可执行的措施,或为获得一项利益而必须遵守的措施,且该措施:

(a) 要求企业购买或使用国产品或自任何国内来源的产品,无论按照特定产品、产品数量或价值规定,还是按照其当地生产在数量或价值上所占比例规定;或

(b) 要求企业购买或使用的进口产品限制在与其出口的当地产品的数量或价值相关的水平。

2. TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of general elimination of quantitative restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XI of GATT 1994 include those which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under administrative rulings, or compliance with which is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which restrict:

(a) the importation by an enterprise of products used in or related to its

local production, generally or to an amount related to the volume or

value of local production that it exports;

(b) the importation by an enterprise of products used in or related to its

local production by restricting its access to foreign exchange to an

amount related to the foreign exchange inflows attributable to the

enterprise; or

(c) the exportation or sale for export by an enterprise of products, whether

specified in terms of particular products, in terms of volume or value

of products, or in terms of a proportion of volume or value of its local


2. 与GATT 1994第11条第1款规定的普遍取消数量限制义务不一致的TRIMs包括根据国内法律或行政裁定属强制性或可执行的措施,或为获得一项利益而必须遵守的措施,且该措施:

(a) 普遍限制企业对用于当地生产或与当地生产相关产品的进口,或将进口限制在与其出口的当地产品的数量或价值相关的水平;

(b) 通过将企业可使用的外汇限制在与可归因于该企业外汇流入相关的水平,从而限制该企业对用于当地生产或与当地生产相关产品的进口;

(c) 限制企业产品出口或供出口产品的销售,无论是按照特定产品、产品数量或价值规定,还是按照当地产品在数量或价值上所占比例规定。

投资合作合同协议 (三方投资合作开公司)合同协议范本模板

编号:_____________投资合作协议 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 丙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方:________________________________法人代表:________________ 乙方:_______________________________________________ 丙方:________________________________________________ 甲乙丙叁方共同投资人经友好协商,根据中华人民共和国法律法规的规定,叁方本着互惠互利的原则,就叁方合作投资项目事宜达成如下协议以共同遵守。 第一条甲乙丙叁方就甲方注册的赵氏富晒食品加工有限责任公司为项目投资主体 甲方以公司所有手续及已向国家工商行政总局申请的________商标及食品认证准入证为资体投入,占股份的________% 乙方以现金的方式投资占公司股份的________%。 丙方以现金的方式投资占公司股份的________%。 第二条:利润的分享和亏损分担 共同投资人按其出资额占出资总额的比例分享共同投资的利润,分担共同投资的亏损。 共同投资人各自以其出资额为限对共同投资承担责任,共同投资人以其出资总额为限对股份有限公司承担责任。共同投资人的出资形成的股份及其孳生物为共同投资人的共有财产,由共同投资人按其出资比例共有。共同投资于股份有限公司的股份转让后各共同投资人有权按其出资比例取得财产。 第三条 1、共同投资人委托乙方代表全体共同投资人执行共同投资的日常事务,包括但不限于。 ①在股份公司发起设立阶段行使及履行作为股份有限公司发起人的权利和义务。 ②在股份公司成立后,行使其作为股东的权利履行相应的义务。 ③收集共同投资所产生的孳息,并按本协议有关规定处置。 ④其他投资人有权检查日常事务的执行情况,乙方有义务向其他投资人报告共同投资的经营状况和财务状况。


Purchase Contract 合同編號(Contract No.): ___________ 簽訂日期 (Date) : __________ _ 簽訂地點 (Signed at) : _______ __ 買方: The Buyer: 地址: Address: 電話 (Tel): 傳真(Fax): 電子郵箱 (E-mail): 賣方: The Seller: 地址: Address: 電話 (Tel): 傳真(Fax): 電子郵箱 (E-mail): 買賣雙方同意按照下列條款簽訂本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 貨物名稱、規格和品質( Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity ): 2. 數量( Quantity ):允許____的溢短裝(___ % more or less allowed ) 3. 單價( Unit Price ):

4. 總值( Total Amount ): 5. 交貨條件 (Terms of Delivery):FOB/CFR/CIF _______ 6. 原產地國與製造商 (Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包裝及標準( Packing ):貨物應具有防潮、防銹蝕、防震並適合於遠洋運輸的包裝,由於貨物包裝不良而造成的貨物殘損、滅失應由賣方負責。賣方應在每個包裝箱上用不褪色的顏色標明尺碼、包裝箱號碼、毛重、淨重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心輕放”等標記。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 嘜頭( Shipping Marks ): 9. 裝運期限( Time of Shipment ): 10. 裝運口岸( Port of Loading ): 11. 目的口岸( Port of Destination ): 12. 保險( Insurance ): 由____按發票金額 110%投保_____險和_____附加險。 Insurance shall be covered by the ________ for 110%o f the invoice value against _______ Risks and _________ Additional Risks. 13. 付款條件( Terms of Payment ): (1) 信用證方式:買方應在裝運期前 / 合同生效後__日,開出以賣方為受益人的不可撤銷的議付信用證,信用證在裝船完畢後__日內到期。


AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURES Members, Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade"; Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition; Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members; Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects; Hereby agree as follows: 与贸易有关的投资措施协定 各成员, 考虑到部长们在《埃斯特角城宣言》中同意“在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为避免此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定”; 期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是发展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争; 考虑到发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员特殊的贸易、发展和财政需要; 认识到某些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用: 特此协议如下: Article 1 Coverage This Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs"). 第1条 范围 本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称“TRIMs”)。 Article 2 National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions 1. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article III or Article XI of GATT 1994. 第2条 国民待遇和数量限制 1. 在不损害GATT 1994项下其他权利和义务的情况下,各成员不得实施任何与GATT l994第3条或第11条规定不一致的TRIM。


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 采购合同中英文对照模板 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

采购合同 Buyer: 买方: Seller : 卖方: Agreement Signed Date: 签约日期:

Purchase Agreement 采购合同 This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on 英文日期 此协议由下列双方于2017年月日签订 买方名,hereinafter called the "Buyer" 买方名,以下简称买方。 AND 卖方名(the “selle r ”). 卖方名以下简称卖方。 Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points,terms and conditions. 双方根据下列条款、条件签订此协议: 1. 供货明细Supply Description 1.1实际的供货明细表 1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unit price, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement. 合同有效期内,单价保持不变。若合同执行期间,卖方上调价格,买方有权终止协议。 2. Quantity 数量 The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity. 订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。


三方合伙投资协议书 甲方: 乙方: 丙方: 见证方: 第一条合伙宗旨:甲、乙、丙三方本着自愿公平,诚信共赢的原则合作经营。 第二条合伙经营项目和范围:棉花废料的进口及销售。 第三条合伙期限:自XXXX年XX月XX日起,至XXXX年XX月XX日止。 第四条出资金额、方式、期限 (一)甲方出资人民币柒万元整于XXXX年XX月XX日交齐。匚)乙方出资人民币柒万元整于XXXX年XX月XX日交齐。 (三)丙方出资人民币柒万元整于XXXX年XX月XX日交齐。 (四)本合伙出资共计人民币元整。合伙期间各合伙人的出资为共有财产,不得随意请求分割。合伙终止后,各合伙人的出资仍为个人所有,届时予以返还。 第五条盈余分配与债务承担。合伙各方共同经营、共同劳动,共担风险, 共负盈亏。 (一)盈余分配:以出资金额为依据,三方按33.33%比例平均分配。(二)债务承担:合伙债务先以合伙财产偿还,合伙财产不足清偿时,以出资金额为依据,按平均比例承担。 (特别提示:盈余分配与债务承担可以约定按各合伙人各自投资或者平均分配。未约定分担比例的,由各合伙人按投资分担。任何一方对外偿还后,其余两 方应当按比例在10日内向对方清偿自己应负担的部分。)

第六条入伙、退伙、出资的转让。 (一)入伙:①新合伙人入伙,必须经全体合伙人同意;②承认并签署本合伙协议;③除入伙协议另有约定外,入伙的新合伙人与原合伙人享有同等权利,承担同等责任。入伙前合伙企业的债务承担连带责任。 匚)退伙: 1. 自愿退伙。合伙的经营期限内,有下列情形之一时,合伙人可以退伙: ①合伙协议约定的退伙事由出现;②经全体合伙人同意退伙;③发生合伙 人难以继续参加合伙企业的事由。 合伙协议未约定合伙企业的经营期限的,合伙人在不给合伙企业事务执行造成不利影响的情况下,可以退伙,但应当提前 30日通知其他合伙人。合伙人擅自退伙给合伙造成损失的,应当赔偿损失。 2. 当然退伙。合伙人有下列情形之一的,当然退伙: ①死亡或者被依法宣告死亡;②被依法宣告为无民事行为能力人;③个人丧失偿债能力;④被人民法院强执行在合伙企业中的全部财产份额。以上情形的退伙以 实际发生之日为退伙生效日。 3. 除名退伙。合伙人有下列情形之一的,经其他合伙人一致同意,可以决 议将其除名:①未履行出资义务;②因故意或重大过失给合伙企业造成损失;③执行合伙企业事务时有不正当行为;④合伙协议约定的其他事由。 对合伙人的除名决议应当书面通知被除名人。被除名人自接到除名通知之日起,除名生效,被除名人退伙。除名人对除名决议有异议的,可以在接到除名通知之日起30日内,向人民法院起诉。 合伙人退伙后,其他合伙人与该退伙人按退伙时的合伙企业的财产状况进行结算。 (三)出资的转让。允许合伙人转让其在合伙中的全部或部分财产份额。在同等条件下,合伙人有优先受让权。如向合伙人以外的第四人转让,第四人应按入伙对待,否则以退伙对待转让人。合伙人以外的第四人受让合伙企业财产份额的,经修改合伙 协议即成为合伙企业的合伙人。 第七条合伙负责人及合伙事务执行 (一)全体合伙人共同执行合伙企业事务。 (二)合伙协议约定或全体合伙人决定,合伙双方均为合伙负责人,其权限为:


A G R E E M E N T O N T R A D E-R E L A T E D I N V E S T M E N T M E A S U R E S Members, Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade"; Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition; Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members; Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects; Hereby agree as follows: 与贸易有关的投资措施协定 各成员, 考虑到部长们在《埃斯特角城宣言》中同意“在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为避免此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定”; 期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是发展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争; 考虑到发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员特殊的贸易、发展和财政需要; 认识到某些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用: 特此协议如下: Article 1 Coverage This Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs"). 第1条 范围 本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称“TRIMs”)。 Article 2 National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions


合同编号(Con tract No.) terms and con diti ons set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款 成交: 1. Commodity, Quantity and Price: 商品、数量和价格: .The con tract price will be calculated based on the actual shipp ing qua ntity. 结算总金额 以实际发货数量计算。 .The pack ing list should in dicate the weight of a balk and the qua ntity of bales. 装箱单 应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 As seller's park ing list in dicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2. Shipme nt 装运: The seller is resp on sible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 Package: opp bag PURCHASE ORDER 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller to the 传真(Fax): 电话(Tel): 电子邮箱(E-mail): 传真(Fax): and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according 日期(Date):


三方投资协议书 三方投资协议书 甲、乙、丙三方本着友好合作、相互支持、共谋发展的精神共同经营红星,三方协商一致,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》有关规定,达成如下投资协议,此协议需三方共同遵守,需公平,公正,保护三方的合法权益。 一、甲、乙两方以现金出资的方式投资,分别投资20万元,丙方以技术、管理方式投资,该公司经营各种广告、玻璃门、艺术门 等。 二、甲、乙、丙三方在合作期间,需同心协力,风雨同舟,不谋取私利,不偏私情,以快速发展,开拓市场为奋斗目标。 三、甲、乙、丙三方如果经营不善或其它原因造成损失或破产的,需共同承担全部责任,任何一方不得以任何方式逃避。 四、公司成立后,所有财产为公司公共财产,甲、乙、丙三方不得在没有得到另外两方同意后挪用资金或其它公共财物。在合作期间有任何问题,需三方共同协商解决,不 得回避。 五、在合作期间,甲、乙两方管理财务和现金,丙方管理公司的运转。三方都有权参加公司经营管理和督导工作,有权知道公司所有的资金用处各公司运营情况。 六、公司开始运营后,每月月底结算一次,除各项开支外,在还完投资贷款后,经营状况做到日清月结,盈利三方平均分成。公司财产三方共有。

七、本协议有效期为八年,即201X年在合同有效内不能以任何借口撤资,如有一方违约,违约方需向别外两方支付违约金10万元。 八、本协议一式三份,自签字(盖章)之日起生效。 九、本协议未尽事宜,三方可以补充规定,补充协议与本协议有同等效力。 十、争议处理: 1、对于执行本合同发生的与本合同有关的争议,本着友好协商的原则解决,如果三方通过协商不能达成一致,则提交仲裁委员会仲裁,或依法向人民法院起诉。 2、本协议到期后,三方均未提出终止协议要求的,视作均同意继续合作。本协议继续有效,如果不再继续合作的,退出方应提前三个月向另两方提交退出的书面文本,并将已方的有关本合同项目的资料及客户资源都应交给另两方。 十一、违约处理: 如果一方违反本合同的任何条款,非违约方有权终止本合同的执行,并依法要求违约方赔偿损害。 十 二、协议解除: 1、一方有违反本合同协议的,另两方有权解除合作协议。 2、合作协议期满。 3、三方同意终止协议的。 4、任何一方合伙人出现法律上问题及做对企业有损害的,另两方有权解除合作协议。 甲方签字:


PURCHASE ORDER 采购合同 合同编号( Contract No.):日期(Date): 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: http://biz.doczj.com/doc/8b2585636.html,modity, Quantity and Price: 1.1. The contract price will be calculated based on the actual shipping quantity. 结算总金额以实际发货数量计算。 1.2. The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales. 装箱单应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 1.3 As seller's parking list indicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2. Shipment 装运: 2.1 The seller is responsible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 2.2 Package: opp bag


委托投资协议 Entrusted Investment Agreement 甲方(委托人): Party A (The grantor): 身份证号ID No.: 乙方(受托人): Party B (the trustee): 身份证号ID No.: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国公司法》以及英国证券相关法律法规,甲、乙达成如下协议。 Subject to Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China,Company Law of Peoples Republic of Chin a and relevant laws and regulations relating to UK securities, Party A and Party B enter into the fo llowing agreement 一、委托事项 Entrusted matters 甲方将全权委托李忠全先生收购其英国雅惠生态农业集团PLC(YAHUI AGRICULTURE PLC)的英国股票股,其股票认购投资款共计人民币元,每笔交易不低于500股,每股价格按照前2个交易日的平均价(在2014年5月9号挂牌当天,认购其股票,将享受每股折合人民币7元/股的股原始股配售价,每人仅限10000股)计算。现甲方将该股票投资款全部委托给乙方管理,委托乙方严格按照英国天富资本(英国保荐商)的要求,在海外进行股权登记、过户等交割手续,使其持有英国农业集团PLC(AGRICULTURE PLC)股份。 Party A will fully authorize Mr. Zhongquan Li to subscribe for ……….. UK shares of YAHUI AGRICULTURE PLC. Total investment of share subscription is RMB Yuan, with each

国际采购合同范本 中英文

CONTRACT 以下签订的合同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。The following signed Contract is a document that is legally binding and enforceable under International Law and ICC Rules and Regulation. THE SELLER: Address: Country Phone: Email: Represented by Hereinafter referred to as“The Seller” AND THE BUYER: Address: Country Phone: Email: Represented by Hereinafter referred to as“The Buyer” 买卖双方同意按下列规格和条款购买以下物料: Whereas the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following materials on the following specific terms and conditions:

1.定义(DEFINITIONS) 1.1“公吨”是指2204.62磅或1000千克湿基重或干基重。 “Metric Ton”each means2204.62Pounds or1000Kilograms,wet or dry basis as specified. 1.2“干基”是意指矿石在105摄氏温度。 “Dry Basis”means Ore dried at105degrees centigrade. 1.3“干公吨”是指在105摄氏温度下的每吨矿石。 “Dry Metric Ton”means a ton of ore dried at105degree 1.4“CCIC”是指中国检验认证集团。 “CCIC”means the China Certification&Inspection Group Co.Ltd 1.5“CIQ”是指中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫 “CIQ”means the Entry-exit Inspection&Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China. 1.6计价货币为美元和美分,是美国法定货币。 Amounts of money stated in Dollars and Cents are references to the currency of the United States of America. 2.品质及货物描述(QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION) 2.1品名及品质:铜矿石 原产地:非洲 铜含量:15%(10%以下拒收) Commodity and quality:Copper Ore, Origin:Africa Copper content:15%(below10%reject) 2.2卖方应保证如下:否则买方有权拒绝收货。 砷(As)最大不超过0.50% 铅(Pb)最大不超过6.00% 氟(F)最大不超过0.10% 镉(Cd)最大不超过0.05% 汞(Hg)最大不超过0.01% 粒度规格:0-50mm:80% The Seller guarantees below: Otherwise,the buyer has the right to reject the cargo. As:Max0.50%. Pb:Max6.00% F:Max0.10% Cd:Max0.05% Hg:Max0.01%


合伙出资购房协议书 通信联络地址:,联系电话:。 甲乙丙三方经过平等、充分协商,就三方共同投资房屋并以甲方名义购房等事宜达成一致,特订立如下条款,以兹共同遵守: 一、甲乙丙三方共同投资并以甲方名义购买房屋一套(以下简称“该房屋”。该房屋信息为:),房产总价款万元人民币。 二、出资金额、出资比例、购房形式 1、购房首付款(包括定金)人民币万元由各方按照产权比例承担,并以银行转账的方式支付。其中甲方出资45万元人民币,出资比例为 %;乙方出资万元人民币,出资比例为 %;丙方出资万元人民币,出资比例为 %; 2、名义借款人为甲方; 3、按揭贷款的期限为年;甲方每月应还元人民币,乙方每月应还元人民币,丙方每月应还元人民币,其中丙方按月所还款项由乙方代付。如果房屋售出或还款结束,丙方应支付乙方代付的所有月供。 4、由甲乙丙三方每月按照产权比例向贷款银行偿还贷款本息;房产出租后,以房屋租金每月向贷款银行偿还贷款本息,不足部分由各方按产权比例承担。 三、产权比例 该房屋所有权归甲乙丙三方共有,甲方是该房屋实际上的产权人,甲乙丙三方共同享有对该房屋的占有、使用、收益及处分的权利。甲方不得单独对该房屋进行任何形式的侵占、破坏、转卖、出租、担保及赠与等。三方确认:甲方享有该房屋 %的产权份额,乙方享有该房屋 %的产权份额,丙方享有该房屋 %的产权份额。 四、甲乙丙三方已经共同对拟购房产进行实际考察、了解。 五、购置该房屋法律文件签署、款项支付、购房手续办理及其他事项 购买房屋过程中,相应法律文件、手续等以甲方名义办理,甲方为乙、丙两方提供身份证件及协助办理所有相关手续、文件、资料。乙、丙两方委托甲方全权办理购房定金、首付款及其他购置房产相关款项的支付、《商品房预售合同》等法律文件的签署、房产抵押按揭贷款办理、房产交接、房屋所有权证办理、水电煤有线电视开通或入户等所有购房相关手续。 六、房地产权证署名、办理、保管 该房屋的房地产权证办理在甲方名下,房地产权证由甲方依法办理但须交由乙、丙两方保管。 七、所有购房相关费用支出均由甲乙丙三方按照产权比例负担,以甲方名义取得的合同、房地产证、契证、交款凭据、证件等等法律文件资料均由乙、丙两方持有和保管。甲方应全力办理有关购房手续。 八、甲方应将购房事宜通知甲方利害关系人(包括但不限于父母、子女及配偶等),保证其利害关系人不得向该房屋主张任何权利。若其利害关系人向该房屋主张任何权利给乙、丙两方造成损失,甲则有方向乙、丙两方承担赔偿责任。 九、甲方保证,除非根据有关法律、法规的规定应向有关政府主管部门或各方上级主管部门办理有关批准、备案的手续,或为履行在本协议下的义务须向第三人披露,或经乙、丙


投资框架协议 INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 本投资框架协议(以下简称“协议”)由下述双方于2013年____月____日签订: THIS INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT(“Agreement”) is entered into as onthis [Date], 2013 between: 出售方:[ ](以下简称“[ ]”或“甲方”); The Vendor:[ ] (“[ ]” or “Party A”); 投资方:ABC有限公司(以下简称“ABC”或“乙方”)。 The Investor:LAP WAI INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“LWI” or “Party B”). 鉴于: WHEREAS: A.香港联港投资有限公司(以下简称“目标公司”)为一家依据中华人民共和国香港特别行政区法律成立的公司,甲方拥有目标公司[100%]的股份。 UNION HARBOUR INVESTMENT LIMITED (“Target Company”) is a company established under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Target Company is owned as to [100%] by Party A. B.目标公司在中国(仅为本协议之目的,中国不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)境内拥有XXX有限公司(以下简称“XXX”)90%的股权。 XXX与舟山市民政局合作成立了YYY(以下简称“YYY”)(XXX以及YYY 合称为“目标公司中国子公司”) Target Companyowns 90% of equity interests of XXX(“XXX”)in PRC (for the purpose only of this Agreement, PRC shall exclude Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan).


【标准专业版】 本合同或协议依据特定条件情况设立,下载后可直接使用。在实际使用过程中,此合同或协议 具体条款、权利义务等内容,也可根据需要适当修改后使用。本文档为Word版本【下载后可任意复制修改】 三方投资协议书 甲方:地址:法定代表人:邮编:电话:传真:乙方:地址:法定代表人:邮编:电话:传真: 丙方(投标人及信托受益人): 地址: 法定代表人: 邮编: 电话: 传真: 甲、乙、丙三方遵照《中华人民共和国信托法》、《信托公司管理办法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他相关法律、法规的规定,遵循自愿、公平和诚实信用原则,经友好协商,达成本合同。 第一条投资目的 为促进XXX的建设发展,甲方三级子公司(XXX建设发展有限公司)拟采用招标方式确定中标单位,如丙方中标后则由丙方作为信托计划委托人按照标段约定的融资金额

投资于由乙方发行的单一信托计划并作为信托受益人,信托产品资金用于定向受让甲方持有的XX市XX集团有限公司部分股权受益权。丙方按本合同约定直接将资金划付至乙方账户以投资上述单一信托产品,丙方同意由乙方按照本合同约定对资金进行管理、运用和处分。 第二条相关规定 丙方为联合体投标的,须遵守以下规定: 2.1联合体由两个或两个以上独立法人组成。联合体应签订共同投标协议书,并应委任其中一个法人为联合体主办人,代表联合体在投资与履行合同中承担联合体的义务和法律责任。联合体各方签订共同投标协议后,不得再以自己名义单独投标,也不得组成新的联合体或参加其他联合体在同一项目中投标。联合体投标的,应当以联合体中主办人的名义签订本投资协议书和提交资金保证(即付款保函)。以联合体中主办人名义提交的资金保证,对联合体各成员具有约束力。 2.2 允许联合体使用自有资金、银行贷款等资金购买信托产品,联合体不得使用联合机构投资者资金购买信托产品。允许非联合体使用自有资金、银行贷款或联合机构投资者资金等资金购买信托产品。 2.3联合体各成员应出具授权书(附件三),授权主办人办理投资事宜,授权书由联合体各成员法定代表人签署并加盖公章后生效。 2.4尽管委任了联合体主办人,但联合体各成员在投资、签约与履行合同过程中,仍负有连带的和各自的法律责任。为此,联合体各成员的法定代表人或其授权的代理人都应在合同协议书上签署并加盖公章。 2.5联合体主办人对联合体所投项目之外的项目进行单独投标的,须按联合体主办人所投项目(含联合体所投项目)标段中最高融资额提交资金保证,无须重复提供;联合体非主办人对联合体所投项目之外的项目进行单独投标的,须按联合体非主办人所投项目(不含联合体所投项目)标段中最高融资额提交资金保证,即须另外开立一份付款保函。


风险投资中的条款清单(样本)中文 英文TERM SHEET FOR SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK F INANCING OF [____]公司A系优先股融资 条款清单[INSERT COMPANY NAME], INC. [ __, 200_] [______,200___] This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of the Series A 本条款 清单概括了_______公司,一家[特拉华]公司(“公Preferred Stock Financing of [___________], Inc., a [Delaware] 司”)A系优先股融资的主要条款。考虑 到涉及此项投资的投资corporation (the In consideration of the time and 人已投“Company”). 入和将投入的时间和成本,无论此次融资是否完成, 本条expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors w ith respect to this 款清单之限制出售/保 密条款、律师及费用条款对公司都具有强制investment, the No Shop/Confidentiality a nd Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be binding obligations of the 约束力。未经各方一致签署 并交付的最终协议,本条款清单之其Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other 他条款不具有强制约束力。本条款清单并非投 资人进行投资的承 legally binding obligations will be


Purchase Agreement 采购合同 Buyer: 买方: Seller : 卖方: Agreement Signed Date: 签约日期:

Purchase Agreement 采购合同 This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on英文日期 此协议由下列双方于2017年月日签订 买方名, hereinafter called the “Buyer” 买方名,以下简称买方。 AND 卖方名(the“selle r”). 卖方名以下简称卖方。 Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points, terms and conditions. 双方根据下列条款、条件签订此协议: 1.供货明细Supply Description 1.1 实际的供货明细表 1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unit price, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement. 合同有效期内,单价保持不变。若合同执行期间,卖方上调价格,买方有权终止协议。 2. Quantity 数量 The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity. 订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。


The obligee in the contract can accomplish the goal in a certain period by discussing the agreed rights and responsibilities. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 三方合作协议书(标准版)

编号:FS-DY-48256 三方合作协议书(标准版) 项目合作协议由:项目出资人(以下简称甲方、乙方和丙方) 甲:,身份证号: 乙:,身份证号: 丙:,身份证号: 甲乙丙三方本着公平、平等、互利的原则订立合作协议如下: 第一条:甲乙丙三方自愿合作经营塑胶地板项目,总投资为15万元,甲方以人民币方式出资万元,乙方以人民币方式出资万元,丙方以人民币方式出资万元。 第二条:在合伙期间合伙人出资的为共有财产,不得随意分割。合伙终止后,各合伙人的出资仍为个人所有,届时予以返还。 第三条:双方共同经营,合伙人执行合伙事务所产生的

收益归全体合伙人,所产生的亏损或者民事责任由全体合伙人共同承担。 第四条:塑胶地板项目固定资产和盈余按照取得的销售净利润的甲方%、乙方的比例分配、丙方%的比例分配。 第五条:每年塑胶地板总销售利润进行分配或再投资,由甲、乙、丙三方共同协商,决定权按出资比例多少来界定。 第六条:本协议未尽事宜,三方可以补充规定,补充协议与本协议有同等效力。 第七条:本协议一式叁份,合伙人各一份。本协议自合伙人签字(或盖章)之日起生效。 第八条:本协议有效期:只要三方继续合作,本协议持续生效。 第九条:争议处理 1、对于执行本合同发生的与本合同有关的争议应本着友好协商的原则解决; 2、如果三方通过协商不能达成一致,则提交仲裁委员会进行仲裁,或依法向人民法院起诉; 第十条:合作三方中如果有一方提出退出合作的须提
