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THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into the 25 day of October, 2012, by and between the following persons:



hereinafter, (“Members” or “Parties”)

FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which

is hereby acknowledged, the Parties covenant, contract and agree as follows:



1. Formation of LLC. The Parties have formed a Louisiana limited liability company named LESHEN ENERGY UAS LLC (“LLC”). The operation of the LLC shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement and the provisions of the Louisiana Limited Liability Company Act (Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 12, Chapter 22), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”. To the extent permitted by the Act, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall control if there is a conflict between such Law and this Agreement. The Parties intend that the LLC shall be taxed as a partnership. Any provisions of this Agreement, if any, that may cause the LLC not be taxed as a partnership shall be inoperative.

2. Articles of organization. The Members acting through one of its Members, HUI PING LI,filed Articles of Organization (“Articles”) for record in the office of the Louisiana Secretary of State on September 28, 2012, thereby creating the LLC.

3. Business. The business of the LLC shall be:

a)Energy, and

b)To conduct or promote any lawful businesses or purposes within

Louisiana or any other jurisdiction which a limited liability company is

legally allowed to conduct or promote.

4. Registered Office and Registered Agent. The registered office and place of business of the LLC shall be 1558 CROSS LAKE BLVD., SHREVEPORT, LA 71109 and the registered agent at such office shall be HUI PING LI. The members may change the registered office and/or registered agent from time to time.

5. Duration. The LLC will commence business as of the date of filing and will continue in perpetuity.

6. Fiscal Year. The LLC’s fiscal year and tax year shall end on the date of December 31st.



7. Initial Members. The initial members of the LLC, their initial capital contributions, and their percentage interest in the LLC are:

Initial Percentage Interest Capital

Members in LLC Contribution

【?】 50% $【?】.00

【?】 50% $【?】.00

8. Additional Members. New members may be admitted only upon the consent of a majority of the Members and upon compliance with the provisions of this agreement.



9. Management. The management of the company shall be vested in the appointed Manager.

10. Manager. Election of the Manger shall be made by a majority vote of the Members, as amended from time to time. The elected Manager may either be a Member or Non-Member. The Manager may be removed by a vote of a majority of the members, with or without cause, at a meeting called expressly for that purpose.

By a majority vote of the Members the following initial Manager was elected to operate the Company pursuant to the Agreement:

Printed Name ___________________


_____________________ Address


11. Powers of Manager. Subject to article 12, the Manager are authorized on the Company's behalf to make all decisions as to (a) the sale, development lease or other disposition of the Company's assets; (b) the purchase or other acquisition of other assets

of all kinds; (c) the management of all or any part of the Company's assets; (d) the borrowing of money and the granting of security interests in the Company's assets; (e) the pre-payment, refinancing or extension of any loan affecting the Company's assets; (f ) the compromise or release of any of the Company's claims or debts; and, (g) the employment of persons, firms or corporations for the operation and management of the company's business. In the exercise of their management powers, the Manager are authorized to execute and deliver (a) all contracts, conveyances, assignments,leases, sub-leases, franchise agreements, licensing agreements, management contracts and maintenance contracts covering or affecting the Company's assets; (b) all checks, drafts and other orders for the payment of the Company's funds; (c) all promissory notes, loans, security agreements and other similar documents; and, (d) all other instruments of any other kind relating to the Company's affairs, whether like or unlike the foregoing.

12. Member Only Powers. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, only a majority of the Members may: (a) approve the dissolution and winding up of the company; (b) approve the sale, exchange, lease, mortgage, pledge, or other transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the company; (c) approve the merger or consolidation of the company; (d) approve the incurrence of indebtedness by the company other than in the ordinary course of its business; (e) approve the alienation, lease, or encumbrance of any immovables of the company;

(f) approve an amendment to the articles of organization or an operating agreement; or (g) incur debt, expend funds, or otherwise obligate the LLC if the debts, expenditure, or other obligation exceeds $1,000.00.



13. Interest of Members. Each Member shall own a percentage interest in the LLC. The Member’s percentage interest shall be based on the amount of cash or other property that the Member has contributed to the LLC and that percentage interest shall control the Member’s share of the profits, losses and distributions of the LLC.

14. Contributions. The initial contributions and initial percentage interest of the Members are as set out in this Agreement.

15. Additional Contributions. Only a majority of the Members of the LLC may call on the Members to make additional cash contributions as may be necessary to carry on the LLC’s business. The amount of any additional cash contribution shall be based on the Member’s then existing percentage interest. To the extent a Member is unable to meet a cash call, the other Members can contribute the unmet call on a pro rata basis based on the Members’ percentage interests at that time, and the percentage interest of each Member will be adjusted accordingly.

16. Record of Contributions/Percentage Interests. This Agreement, any amendment(s) to this Agreement, and all Resolutions of the Members of the LLC shall constitute the record of the Members of the LLC and of their respective interest therein.

17. Profits and Losses. The profits and losses and all other tax attributes of the LLC shall be allocated among the Members on the basis of the Members’ percentage interests in the LLC.

18. Distributions. Distributions of cash or other assets of the LLC (other than in dissolution of the LLC) shall be made in the total amounts and at the times as determined by a majority of the Members. Any such distributions shall be allocated among the Members on the basis of the Members’ percentage interest in the LLC.

19. Change in Interest. If during any year there is a change in a Member’s percentage interest, the Member’s share of profits and losses and distributions in that year shall be determined under a method which takes into account the varying interests during the year.



20. Voting by Members. Members shall be entitled to vote on all matters which provide for a vote of the Members in accordance with each Member’s percentage interest. A member has the amount of votes according to the Members percent of interest. (Example: 23% i s 23votes.)

21. Majority Required. Except as otherwise provided and delegated to the Manager, a majority of the Members, based upon their percentage ownership, is required for any action.

22. Meetings – Written Consent. Any action of the Members may be accomplished with or without a meeting. If a meeting is held, evidence of the action shall be by Minutes or Resolution reflecting the action of the Meeting, signed by a majority of the Members. Action without a meeting may be evidenced by a written consent signed by

a Majority of the Members.

23. Meetings. Meetings of the Members may be called by any Member owning 10% or more of the LLC, or, by the Manager.

24. Majority Defined. As used throughout this Agreement the term “Majority” of the Members shall mean a majority of the ownership interest of the LLC as determined by the records of the LLC on the date of the action.



25. Duties of Members and Manager: Limitation of Liability. The Members and Manager shall perform their duties in good faith, in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interests of the LLC, and with such care as an ordinary prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. No Member or Manager, by reason of being or having been a Member or Manager, shall be liable to the LLC or to any other Member or Manager for any loss or damage sustained bye the LLC or any other Member or Manager unless the loss or damage shall have been the result of fraud, deceit, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or a wrongful taking by that Member or Manager.

26. Members/Manager Have No Exclusive Duty to LLC. The Members and Manager shall not be required to participate in the LLC as their sole and exclusive business. Members and Manager may have other business interests and may participate in other investments or activities in addition to those relating to the company. No Member or Manager shall incur liability to the company or to any other Member by reason of participating in any such other business, investment or activity.

27. Protection of Members and Manager.

(a)As used herein, the term “Protected Party” refers to the Members and Manager of the Company.

(b)To the extent that, at law or in equity, a Protected Party has duties (including fiduciary duties) and liabilities relating thereto to the LLC or to any other Protected Party, a Protected Party acting under this Agreement shall not be liable to the LLC or to any other Protected Party for good faith reliance on:

(i) the provisions of this Agreement;

(ii) the records of the LLC; and/or

(iii) such information, opinions, reports or statements presented to the company by any person as to matters the Protected Party reasonably believes are within such other person’s

professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the LLC.

(c) The provisions of this Agreement, to the extent that they restrict the duties and liabilities of a Protected Party to the LLC or to any other Protected Party otherwise existing at law or in equity, are agreed by the parties hereto replace such other duties and liabilities of such Protected Party.

28. Indemnification and Insurance.

(a) Right to Indemnification.

(i) Any person who is or was a Member or Manager of the LLC and who is or may be a party to any civil action because of his/her participation in or with the LLC, and who acted in good faith and in a manner which he/she reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the LLC may be indemnified and held harmless by the LLC.

(ii) Any person who is or was a Member or Manager of the LLC and who is or may be a party to any criminal action because of his/her participation in or with the LLC, and who acted in good faith and had reasonable cause to believe that the act or omission was lawful, may be indemnified and held harmless by the LLC.

(b) Advancement of Expenses. Expenses (including attorney’s fees) incurred by an indemnified person in defending any proceeding shall be paid in advance of the proceedings conclusion. Should the indemnified Member or Manager ultimately be determined to not be entitled to indemnification, that Member or Manager agrees to immediately repay to LLC all funds expended by the LLC on behalf of the Member or Manager.

(c) Non-Exclusivity of Rights. The right to indemnification and payment of fees and expenses conferred in this section shall not be exclusive of any right which any person may have or hereafter acquire under any statute, provision of this Agreement, contract, agreement, vote of Members or otherwise. The Members and Manager are expressly authorized to adopt and enter into indemnification agreements for Members and Manager.

(d) Insurance. The Members may cause the LLC to purchase and maintain insurance for the LLC, for its Members and Manager, and/or on behalf of any third party or parties whom the Members might determine should be entitled to such insurance coverage.

(e) Effect of Amendment. No amendment, repeal or modification of this Article shall adversely affect any rights hereunder with respect to any action or omission occurring prior to the date when such amendment, repeal or modification became effective.



29. Termination of Membership. A Member’s interest in the LLC shall cease upon the occurrence of one or more of the following events:

(a) A Member provided notice of withdrawal to the LLC thirty days in advance of the withdrawal date. Withdrawal by a Member is not a breach of this Agreement.

(b) A Member assigns all of his/her interest to a qualified third party.

(c) A Member dies.

(d) There is an entry of an order by a court of competent jurisdiction adjudicating the Member incompetent to manage his/her person or his/her estate.

(e) In the case of an estate that is a Member, the distribution by the fiduciary of the estate’s entire interest in the LLC.

(f) A Member, without the consent of a majority of the Members: (1) makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; (2) files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy; (3) is adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent; (4) files a petition or answer seeking for himself any reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any statute, law or regulation; (5) files an answer or other pleading admitting or failing to contest the material allegations of a petition filed against him in any proceeding of the nature described in this paragraph; (6) seeks, consents to, or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the Member or of all or any substantial part of his properties; or (7) if any creditor permitted by law to do so should commence foreclosure or take any other action to seize or sell any Member’s interest in the LLC.

(g) If within one hundred twenty days after the commencement of any action against a Member seeking reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any statute, law, or regulation, the action has not been dismissed and/or has not been consented to by a majority of the members.

(h) If within ninety days after the appointment, without a member’s consent or acquiescence, of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the Member or of all or any substantial part of the member’s properties, said appointment is not vacated or within ninety days after the expiration of any stay, the appointment is not vacated and/or has not been consented to by a majority of the members.

(i) Any of the events provided in applicable code provisions that are not inconsistent with the dissociation events identified above.

30. Effect of Dissociation. Any dissociated Member shall not be entitled to receive the fair value of his LLC interest solely by virtue of his dissociation. A dissociated Member that still owns an interest in the LLC shall be entitled to continue to receive such profits and losses, to receive such distribution or distributions, and to receive such allocations of income, gain, loss, deduction, credit or similar items to which he would have been entitled if still a Member. For all other purposes, a dissociated Member shall no longer be considered a Member and shall have no rights of a Member.




31. LLC Interest. The LLC interest is personal property. A Member has no interest in property owned by the LLC.

32. Encumbrance. A Member can encumber his LLC interest by a security interest or other form of collateral only with the consent of a majority of the other Members. Such consent shall only be given if the proceeds of the encumbrance are contributed to the LLC to respond to a cash call of the LLC.

33. Sale of Interest. A Member can sell his LLC interest only as follows:

(a) If a Member desires to sell his/her interest, in whole or in part, he/she shall give written notice to the LLC of his desire to sell all or part of his/her interest and must first offer the interest to the LLC. The LLC shall have the option to buy the offered interest at the then existing Set Price as provided in this Agreement. the LLC shall have thirty days from the receipt of the assigning Member’s notice to give the assigning Member written notice of its intention to buy all, some, or none of the offered interest. The decision to buy shall be made by a majority of the other Members. Closing on the sale shall occur within sixty days from the date that the LCC gives written notice of its intention to buy. The purchase price shall be paid in cash at closing unless the total purchase price is in excess of $10,000.00 in which event the purchase price shall be paid in four equal quarterly installments beginning with the date of closing. The installment amounts shall be computed by applying the following interest factor to the principal amount: interest compounded quarterly at the Quarterly Federal Short-Term Rate existing at closing under the Applicable Federal Rates used for purposes of Internal Revenue Code § 1274(d), or any successor provision.

(b) To the extent the LLC dose not buy the offered interest of the selling Member, the other Members shall have the option to buy the offered interest at the Set Price on a pro rata basis based on the Members’ percentage interests at that time. If Member does not desire to buy up to his/her proportional part, the other Members can buy the remaining interest on the same pro rata basis. Members shall have fifteen days form the date the LLC gives its written notice to the selling Member to give the selling Member notice in writing of their intention to buy all, some, or none of the offered interest. Closing on the sales shall occur within sixty days form the date that the Members give written notice of their intention to buy. The purchase price from each purchasing Member shall be paid in cash at closing.

(c) To the extent the LLC or the Members do not buy the offered interest, the selling Member can then assign the interest to a non-member. The selling Member must close on the assignment within ninety days of the date that he gave notice to the LLC. If he does not close by that time, he must again give the notice and options to the LLC and the LLC Members before he sells the interest.

(d) The selling Member must close on the assignment within ninety days of the date that he give notice to the LLC. If he does not close by that time, he must again give the notice and options to the LLC and the LLC Members before he sells the interest.

(e) A non-member purchaser of a member’s interest cannot exercise any rights of a Member unless a majority of the non-selling Members consent to him becoming a Member. The non-member purchaser will be entitled, however, to share in such profits and losses, to receive such distributions, and to receive such allocation of income, gain, loss, deduction, credit or similar items to which the selling member would be entitled, to the extent of the interest assigned, and will be subject to calls for contributions under the terms of this Agreement. The purchaser, by purchasing the selling member’s interest, agrees to be subject to all the terms of this Agreement as if he were a Member.

34. Set Price. The Set Price for purposes of this Agreement shall be the price fixed by consent of a majority of the Members. The Set Price shall be memorialized and made a part of the LLC records. The initial Set Price for each Member’s interest is the amount of the Member’s contribution(s) to the LLC as provided above, as updated in accordance with the terms hereof. Any future changes in the Set Price by the Members shall be based upon net equity in the assets of the LLC (fair market value of the assets less outstanding indebtedness), considering the most recent appraisal obtained by the LLC for its assets, as may be adjusted by the Members in their discretion. The initial Set Price shall be adjusted upon demand by a Member but not more than once a year unless all Members consent. This basis for determining the Set Price shall remain in effect until changed by consent of a majority of the Members. The Members will consider revising the basis for determining the Set Price at least annually.




35. Dissociation. Except as otherwise provided, upon the occurrence of a dissociation event with respect to a Member, the LLC and the remaining Members shall have the option to purchase the dissociated Member’s interest at the Set Price in the same manner as provided in ARTICLE VIII and as if the dissociated Member had notified the LLC of his desire to sell all of his LLC interest. The date the LLC received the notice as provided in ARTICLE VIII triggering the options shall be deemed to be the date that the LLC receives actual notice of the dissociation event.



36. Termination of LLC. The LLC will be dissolved and its affairs must be wound up only upon the written consent of a majority of the Members.

37. Final Distributions. Upon the winding up of the LLC, the assets must be distributed as follows: (a) to the LLC creditors; (b) to Members in satisfaction of liabilities for distributions; and (c) to Members first for the return of their contributions and secondly respecting their LLC interest, in the proportions in which the Members share in profits and losses.



38. Capital Accounts. Capital accounts shall be maintained consistent with Internal Revenue Code § 704 and the regulations thereunder.

39. Partnership Election. The Members elect that the LLC be taxed as a partnership and not as an association taxable as a corporation.



40. Records and Inspection. The LLC shall maintain at its place of business the Articles of Organization, any amendments thereto, this Agreement, and all other LLC records required to be kept by the Act, and the same shall be subject to inspection and copying at the reasonable request, and the expense, of any Member.

41. Obtaining Additional Information. Subject to reasonable standards, each Member may obtain from the LLC from time to time upon reasonable demand for any purpose reasonably related to the Member’s interest as a Member in the LLC; (1) information regarding the state of the business and financial condition of the LLC; (2) promptly after becoming available, a copy of the LLC’S federal, state, and local income tax returns for each year, and (3) other information regarding the affairs of the LLC as is just and reasonable.



42. Amendment. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any amendment to this Agreement may be proposed by a Member. Unless waived by the Members, the proposing Member shall submit to the Members any such proposed amendment together with an opinion of counsel as to the legality of such amendment and the recommendation of the Member as to its adoption. A proposed amendment shall become effective at such time as it has been approved in writing by a majority of the Members. This Agreement may not be amended nor may any rights hereunder be waived except by an instrument in writing signed by the party sought to be charged with such amendment or waiver, except as otherwise provide in this Agreement.

43. Applicable Law. To the extent permitted by law, this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana.

44. Pronouns, Etc. References to a Member, including by use of a pronoun, shall be deemed to include masculine, feminine, singular, plural, individuals, partnerships or corporations where applicable.

45. Counterparts. This instrument may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be considered an original.

46. Specific Performance. Each Member agrees with the other Members that the other Members would be irreparably damaged if any of the provisions of this Agreement are not performed in accordance with their specific terms and that monetary damages would not provide an adequate remedy in such event. Accordingly, it is agreed that, in addition to any other remedy to which the nonbreaching Members may be entitled, at law or in equity, the nonbreaching Members shall be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent breaches of this Agreement and, specifically, to enforce the terms and provisions of this Agreement in any action instituted in any court of the United States or any state thereof having subject matter jurisdiction thereof.

47. Further Action. Each Member, upon the request of the LLC, agrees to perform all further acts and to execute, acknowledge and deliver any documents which may be necessary, appropriate, or desirable to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.

48. Method of Notices. All written notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be hand delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the LLC at its place of business or to a Member as set forth on the Member’s signature page of this Agreement (except that any Member may from time to time give notice changing his address for that purpose), and shall be effective when personally delivered or, if mailed, on the date set forth on the receipt of registered or certified mail.

49. Facsimiles. For purposes of this Agreement, any copy, facsimile, telecommunication or other reliable reproduction of a writing, transmission or signature may be substituted or used in lieu of the original writing, transmission or signature for any and all purposes for which the original writing, transmission or signature could be used, provided that such copy, facsimile, telecommunication or other reproduction shall have been confirmed received by the sending Party.

50. Computation of Time. In computing any period of time under this Agreement, the day of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

WHEREFORE, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates stated below their signatures on the attached signature page for each individual Party.












Print Name of Member: 【?】

Address: 【?】

City, State, Zip: 【?】

Phone: ________

Print Name of Member: 【?】

Address: 【?】.

City, State, Zip: 【?】

Phone: ________


编号: 公司分立协议 甲方: 乙方: 丙方: 签订日期:年月日

公司分立合同 甲方(存续公司):公司 住所: 法定代表人: 乙方(派生公司):公司(筹,具体名称以工商核定为准) 住所: 法定代表人: 丙方(存续公司、派生公司的全体股东): 甲方拟进行分立,派生出乙方,经协议各方充分协商后,根据我国《公司法》等有关法律规定,订立如下条款,以资信守。 第1条分立方式 经各方协商确认,本次分立采取派生分立方式,在甲方法人主体资格保持不变的基础上,派生分立出乙方。 第2条分立前后的注册资本与股权结构 2.1 分立前:甲方的注册资本为【1000】万元人民币,股权结构如下:

2.2 分立后:甲方的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下: 乙方的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下: 第3条分立前后的净资产 以年月日为评估基准日,经评估有限公司评估,以该公司号《评估报告》为依据: 3.1 分立前:甲方净资产【10000 】万元 3.2 分立后:甲方净资产【5000】万元,乙方接受净资产【5000】万元。 3.3 具体财产分割,详见调整后的资产负债表及财产清单。(附件1、分立前甲方资产负债表;附件2、分立后甲方资产负债表;附件3、乙方资产负债表)第4条业务分割 4.1 分立后的甲方: 4.2 分立后的乙方:

第5条债权债务分割 分立后甲、乙双方的有关债权实现与债务承担,按照本协议以及资产债务划分明细表执行,分立后的甲方有义务配合乙方完善债权债务的相关法律手续,协助乙方追缴债权,根据债权人要求以及各方协商达成意见,需要由甲方、乙方共同承担的债务,甲、乙双方应积极协同、互相配合。 (具体见附件4、资产债务划分明细表) 第6条人员变动 6.1 董事、监事及高管人员 分立后甲方、乙方的董事、监事、高管人员整理上不发生变动,由于增设职位需要增加人员,由甲方乙方各自召开股东会、董事会依法选举或者聘请。 6.2 员工的变动 依据人员随着资产走的基本原则,甲方下列人员(分立人员清单)与甲方解除劳动合同关系,同时与乙方建立劳动合同关系,社保关系依法变更。该等人员的原有待遇基本保持不变,因职务变动而发生薪酬增加的另行协商,工龄均持续计算。 (具体见附件5、分立人员清单) 第7条工作组的成立及职责 各方一致同意,在本协议签订后立即成立分立工作组,具体执行本次分立有关事宜。 7.1 分立工作组由组成,其中任组长副组长。 7.2 分立工作组依据本协议约定以及《公司法》的有关规定具体开展下列工作: 7.2.1组织甲方、乙方分别召开股东会,就分立有关事宜作出决议; 7.2.2 就本次分立事宜,报各主管部门审批(如需); 7.2.3 聘请相关中介机构进行专项审计、评估、出具专项法律意见;


劳动合同 (固定期限) 甲方(用人单位): 住所: 法定代表人: 乙方:(劳动者): 性别:民族: 出生日期:婚姻状况: 宗教信仰:毕业院校: 身份证号码:联系电话: 户口所在地: 现住址: 银行账户信息: 户名: 账号: 开户行: (乙方承诺本人所提交的身份证件、婚姻证明、学历证书、相关技能证书等一切证明文件及 资料均为真实有效,如有虚假,愿接受严重违纪辞退处理;并赔偿为此造成甲方的相关经济损失;若本人通讯地址、电话或其他相关资料有更改,将及时与单位负责人报告登记,否则愿自行承担由此造成的后果及相关责任。相关条款参考附件1《公司规章制度和奖惩办法》、附件2《个人 简历》等内容内容) 签约须知

(一)签约双方应仔细阅读本合同书,以明确各自的权利、义务。 (二)劳动合同必须由用人单位法定代表人或其委托代理人与劳动者本人签订。 (三)本合同一律使用钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹清楚,文字简练、准确。合同中凡需双方协商的,经协商一致后明确填写在空格内;涉及货币数字应填写“¥0000.00”式样或大写金额。合同中 空格处双方如无约定内容须画“/”或填“无”。本合同一经签订,不得涂改。对劳动合同的效 力有争议,由劳动争议仲裁委员会或人民法院确认。 (四)甲方招用乙方时,应查验乙方提供未与其他用人单位存在劳动关系的凭证后,方可与其签订劳动合同;乙方与原用人单位未解除劳动关系的,以及甲方聘用的退休人员,不能签订劳动合同。甲方有权了解乙方与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况,乙方应当如实说明。 (五)劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月;劳动合同期限一年以上不满三年的,试用期不得超过二个月;三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过六个月。同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期,试用期包含在劳动合同期限内。 (六)按照国家就业准入制度的规定,甲方招用技术复杂以及涉及到公民生命安全和消费者利益工种的从业人员,必须从取得相应职业资格证书的人员中录用。 (七)解除、终止劳动合同的,甲方应当出具终止、解除劳动合同的证明书。 (八)甲乙双方可以就保守甲方商业秘密与知识产权的内容和范围、权利义务、保密期限、违约责任以及竞业限制另行签订专项协议。 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》和国家有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同条款。 一、劳动合同期限 第一条本合同约定期限从年月日起至 年月日止;合同的有效期内前日为试用期。合同期 限届满即行终止。如甲乙双方经协商同意延续,可以续订劳动合同。 二、工作内容和工作地点 第二条乙方同意根据甲方工作需要,在部门从事 工作。 第三条甲方可以根据工作需要以及乙方的工作能力,调整乙方的工作岗位。乙方应按照甲方的岗位职责要求,按时完成规定的工作任务。 三、劳动报酬及支付方式与时间。 第四条甲方根据乙方的工作岗位及工作业绩确定工资报酬,在本单位内参照适用同工同酬待遇。乙方适用期工资为元每月。


经营责任制协议书 甲方:上海建筑工程有限公司(以下简称“甲方”) 乙方(承包方): ____ (以下简称“乙方”) 为完善企业内部经营责任制、强化施工管理,落实分公司及工程项目责任人的责任,确保工程质量,经甲、乙双方协商同意,特签订本协议。 一、期限 (1)__________________ 自2010 年08月_ 日至2013年月日止。 (2)协议期限内,乙方承包承建的工程项目未履行完毕的,则就该类工程项目本协议期限的截止日期自动延长至工程项目圆满完成。 (3)乙方以分公司名义承建工程和与工程相关协议中约定的保修、保养、维修等质量责任及质量保证或担保责任,按国家规定和相关协议约定期限为准,不受本协议期限的约束,除非双方另有约定。 二、承包期间的费用 1、单体项目乙方应按开出发票和工程项目结算(或决算)价的 5.26 % (税金由甲方缴纳)向甲方上交承包利润;若税金由项目所在地缴纳的(即需留税的项目),则乙方向甲方上交33管理费。以上税管费根据国家税收政策进行相应调整。 2、乙方应向甲方交纳分公司年度管理费贰万元,按签约之日起 算,若甲方全年第一笔年度开票额满贰仟万,则甲方向乙方退还伍万元。第一笔年度管理费方于本协议签订后三日内交纳至甲方,此后每 笔年度管理费乙方应于当年度起算日三日内交纳至甲方。

3、乙方须向甲方交纳分公司保证金贰拾万元,该工作应于本协 议签订后三日内完成,本协议圆满结束后五个工作日内,由甲方全额无 息退还。 4、乙方须向甲方提供不少于伍佰万元的固定资产担保,包括但不限于乙方个人或家庭所有房产。 5、乙方承包期间分公司的经营及工程所有费用,由乙方承担。 6、因管理而需统一配备的物品,由甲方制作并按成本价与乙方结算。 三.甲方权利义务 (一)甲方权利 1、乙方连续两年未能实现年产值捌佰万元以上的,甲方有权单方面无责终止本协议。 2、乙方当年内累计两次工程验收不合格或累计两次发生重大安全责任事故的,甲方有权单方面无责终止本协议。 3、因乙方原因造成甲方利益和形象损害的,甲方有权单方面无责终止本协议,并向乙方追偿所有损失和费用。 4、甲方有权对乙方承包工程进行监督检查,提出整改要求。乙 方不履行整改要求或虽经整改但仍无法满足相关要求的,甲方有权代 位执行,整改费用由乙方承担,同时乙方应承担整改费用20%的违 约金。同时,甲方有权单方面无责终止乙方承包工程,另行委派承包人 和施工力量。 5、如建设单位明确提出需更换承包人的,甲方有权单方面无责终止乙方继续承包工程,另行委派承包人和施工力量,造成损失的,由乙方 承担。 6、甲方拥有将本协议中对乙方的约束性条款,以合理形式载入与第三方的合约及函件,以表明乙方权限范围的权利。 7、甲方有权拒绝乙方承揽的垫资或显失公平工程项目,经甲方同意的除外。 &甲方有权审核乙方承包工程的投标文件、施工组织设计、结算或决算文件等资料。 (二)甲方义务 1、甲方授权乙方为上海中威建筑工程有限公司第三分公司的负责人,在本协议框架内独立负责该分公司的所有经营活动和工程建设。 2、甲方有提供发票,帮助乙方进行财务管理的义务。


公司分立协议 甲方(存续企业):xxxx有限公司 住所: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: 乙方(派生企业):XX公司(筹,具体名称以工商核定为准)住所: 邮政编码: 电话; 传真; 存续企业、派生企业的全体投资方: A:xxxx有限公司 住所: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: B:xxxx有限公司 住所: 邮政编码:

电话: 传真: C:xxxx 身份证号码: 甲方拟进行派生分立,派生出乙方,经协议各方充分协商后,根据我国《公司法》等有关法律,订立如下条款,以资信守。 第一条分立方式 甲方采用派生分立方式,派生分立出乙方,甲方的主体资格保留。 第二条分立前后的注册资本与股权结构 1.分立前: 甲方的注册资本为xxxx万元人民币,股权结构如下: 2.分立后: A.甲方的注册资本为XX万元人民币,股权结构如下: B.乙方的注册资本为XX万元人民币,股权结构如下: 第三条分立前后的净资产 根据《资产评估报告》(基准日为2011年

X月X日): 1.分立前: 甲方净资产万元。 2.分立后: 分立后甲方保留万元净资产,乙方接受万元净资产。 第四条业务分割 1.分立后的甲方: 原公司XX业务,由甲方经营。 2.分立后的乙方: 原公司XX业务,由乙方经营。 第五资产债务分割(详见资产债务划分明细表) 1.分立后的甲方: 如下资产债务归分立后的甲方所有(并管理): 2.分立后的乙方: 3.分立后的债权实现与债务承担:

分立后甲、乙双方的有关债权实现与债务承担,按照本协议以及资产债务划分明细表执行,分立后的甲方有义务配合乙方完善债权债务的相关法律手续,协助乙方追缴债权。 第六条分立程序 1.甲方股东会,作出同意分立的决议; 2.报国资委批准; 3.分立后甲、乙方分别制定各自的公司章程; 4.财产做相应的分割,编制资产负债表及财产清单; 5.甲方应当自作出分立决议之日起十日内通知债权人,并于三十日内在报纸上公告; 6.及时申请工商登记,提交分立的股东会决议,和甲方在报纸上登载公司分立公告的证明,和债务清偿或者债务担保情况的说明。 第七条分立后的法人治理结构 分立后的甲、乙双方按照《公司法》的规定,建立与完善股东会、董事会、经理、监事会的公司治理结构。甲方原有的治理结构不变;乙方重新产生相关机构。 第八条争议解决 因分立而产生的全部争议,协议各方通过友好协商的方式解决。 第九条附则 1.协议各方同意并执行XX分立实施方案(含职工安置等内容)。 2.本次分立的工商登记完成之日,甲方正式派生分立完成,变



公司与公司合作协议合同范本 章总则 _________、_________和_________,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》和其他有关法律法规,根据平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,就共同投资成立_________事宜,订立本合同。 第二章股东各方 条本合同的各方为: 甲方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:__ ___ ____ 乙方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:____________ 丙方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:____________ 第三章公司名称及性质 第二条公司名称为:_________。 第三条公司住所为:_________。 第四条公司的法定代表人为:_________。 第五条公司是依照《公司法》和其他有关规定成立的有限责任公司。甲乙丙三方以各自认缴的出资额为限对公司的债权债务承担责任。各方按其出资比例分享利润,分担风险及亏损。

第四章投资总额及注册资本 第六条公司注册资本为人民币_________整。 第七条各方的出资额和出资方式如下:甲方:_________;乙方:_________;丙方:_________。 第五章经营宗旨和范围 第八条公司的经营宗旨:_________。 第九条公司经营范围是:_________。 第六章股东和股东会 节股东 第十条各方按照本合同第六条规定缴纳出资后,即成为公司股东。公司股东按其所持有股份的份额享有权利,承担义务。 第十一条公司股东享有下列权利: 依照其所持有的股份份额获得股利和其他形式利益分配; 参加或者推选代表参加股东会及董事会并享有表决权; 依照其所持有的股份份额行使表决权; 对公司的经营行为进行监督,提出建议或者质询; 依照法律、行政法规及公司合同的规定转让所持有的股份; 依照法律、公司合同的规定获得有关信息; 公司终止或者清算时,按其所持有的股份份额参加公司


企业经营责任合同书 企业资产所有者: ____________ 市经济委员会(以下简称甲方) 经营责任者: __________________________ (_ 以下简称乙方) 根据 __________ 市人民政府办公室《 ___________ 市人民政府办公室关于试行企业经营责任制的通知》文件,为了进一步增强企业活力,探索所有权与经营权分离的新路子,现决定将________________________ 公司全权委托 __________ 负责经营,经双方协商签订《企业经营责任合同》。 一、委任年限 企业经营责任期限订为____________ 年(___ 年____ 月____ 日至 ____ 年 ___ 月____ 日) 二、自本合同签订生效之日起,乙方对________________ 公司负责经营,是法人代表。 三、乙方承担的具体指标 1. 利润指标:经营期间的基期利润核定为_______ 万元,分年度 必须实现的利润指标为:______ ,___ 万元;______ 年,______ 万元; ______ 年, ______ 万元; _____ 年,______ 万元。

2. 固定资产更新指标:从年起到年止,在原值的基础上,企 业自筹新增固定资产________ 万元。分别为: ______ 年,_____ 万元; 年,万元;年,万元;年,万元。合计为万元。 3. 技术进步指标: (1)质量指标: a. 综合废品损失率为_______ %; b. 一级品率:不低于_______ %; c. 主要零部件项抽检合格率_______ %; d. 主要产品按行业标准和国家标准组织生产,与国外合作制造产品采用国际标准。 (2)新产品开发:每年新产品开发数不少于一种。 4. 材料消耗指标:综合利用率不低于________ %. 5. 能源消耗指标:万元产值综合能耗,不高于_________ 吨标准煤。 四、甲方的权利和义务 1. 有权对乙方的经营方针、政策的执行进行监督和检查; 2. 积极运用国家、省、市搞活企业各项政策,提高经济效益 在经营期间、甲方应会同有关部门帮助企业落实各项政策和合同的执行;


公司分立协议参考文本: 公司分立协议 甲方(存续企业): 住所: 股东或授权代表: 电话: 开户银行: 户名及账号: 乙方(派生企业):先声研究院(筹,具体名称以工商核定为准) 住所: 股东或授权代表: 电话: 开户银行: 户名及账号: 存续企业、派生企业的全体投资方: 住所: 授权代表:

邮政编码: 开户银行: 户名及账号: 由于甲方拟进行分立,成立甲、乙两公司,经甲乙双方充分协商后,根据我国《公司法》等有关法律规定,订立如下条款,以资信守。 第一条分立方式 甲方采用派生分立方式,派生分立出乙方,甲方的主体资格保留。 第二条分立前后公司的注册资本 1、分立前: 甲方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: 2、分立后: A、甲方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: B、乙方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: 第三条分立前后的净资产 根据公司出具的《审计报告》 1、分立前: 甲方净资产万元

2、分立后: 分立后甲方保留400万元净资产(应增加按分立后注册资本配比的未分配利润),乙方接受万元净资产。 第四条业务分立 1、分立后的甲方:保留药品经营许可证/GSP证书/营业许可证。 2、分立后的乙方:药品研发和技术转让。 甲方原有的其他业务转移至江苏先声药业有限公司。 第五条资产负债、权益的分割(详见资产分割清单) 1、分立后的甲方: 1.1保留药品经营许可证/GSP证书/营业许可证。 1.2保留400万元现金(货币资金中分割)。 1.3按分立后注册资本配比的未分配利润。 2、分立后的乙方: 1.1分立后的甲方除保留400万元现金以外,其他所有资产、负债均转移至先声 研究院。 1.2按分立后注册资本配比的未分配利润。 第七条分立的的债权实现与债务承担


简单通用版分公司分立协议(律师已审核)公司分立协议本协议由以下双方于年月日在省市区签订甲方(存续公司)住所法定代表人乙方(甲方的全体股东)第一条合同订立之目的1.1甲方系依法设立合法存续的有限责任公司,统一社会信用代码为,截至本协议签署日的注册资本为万元。 1.2乙方系甲方股东,合法持有甲方100%股权。 其中持有甲方%股权,持有甲方%股权,持有甲方%股权。 1.3甲方拟进行存续分立,即在甲方继续存续的前提下,分立出一家新公司。 1.4双方经充分协商,根据《公司法》等相关法律规定,就甲方分立事宜达成协议如下,以资共同信守。 第二条分立方式双方同意,本次分立采取新设分立方式,在甲方法人主体资格保持不变的前提下,分立出一家新公司(以下简称“分立公司”)。 分立后,甲方继续存续,分立公司新设成立。 第三条分立前后的注册资本与股权结构3.1分立前甲方的注册资本为【1000】万元人民币,股权结构如下股东的姓名或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(%)出资方式出资时间合计3.2分立后甲方的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下股东的姓名或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(%)出资方式出资时间合计3.3分立公司的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下股东的姓名

或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(%)出资方式出资时间合计第四条业务分割4.1分立后,甲方的主营业务如下。 4.2分立后,分立公司的主营业务如下。 第五条资产分割5.1根据出具的以年月日为评估基准日的号《评估报告》(本协议附件一),甲方净资产为万元,具体资产见附件一所列。 5.2双方同意,甲方的资产按以下方式分割 (1)分立后,甲方净资产万元,分立公司承接净资产万元。 (2)具体财产分割,详见本协议附件二《甲方(分立后)资产负债表及财产清单》及附件三《分立公司资产负债表及财产清单》。 第六条债权债务分割分立后,甲方与分立公司的债权实现与债务承担,按照本协议附件四《债权债务划分明细表》执行。 根据债权人要求以及双方协商达成意见,需要由甲方与分立公司共同承担的债务,双方应积极协同、互相配合,以履行上述义务。 第七条人员变动7.1董事、监事及高管人员分立后,甲方及分立公司的董事、监事、高管人员不发生变动。 由于增设职位需要增加人员的,由甲方及分立公司各自召开股东会、董事会依法选举或者聘请。 7.2员工的变动 (1)依据人随资产走的基本原则,甲方原有员工分别安置到新设公司1及新设公司2。


公司分立协议 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

存续分立协议 拟存续公司:东莞有限公司(以下称“甲方”) 拟定住所: 法定代表人: 拟新设公司:东莞有限公司(筹)(以下称“乙方”) 拟定住所: 法定代表人: 鉴于甲方是由()有限公司(以下称“投资方”)在东莞市投资设立的外资企业,由投资方100%控股。为了扩大生产规模,提高管理效益,拓展业务。经投资方认可,甲方董事会同意,依照《关于外商投资企业合并与分立的规定》实施存续分立。 经甲方、乙方协商一致,双方就有关分立事宜,达成以下协议,供双方共同遵照执行: 第一条分立形式 本次外资企业分立采取存续分立形式,分立为甲方和乙方:其中甲方为存续公司;乙方为分立后新设立一家外商独资公司,与甲方均为同一投资方。第二条分立后各方的注册资本 1、甲方在分立前的投资总额为万美元,注册资本为万美元。 2、分立后甲方的投资总额为万美元。注册资本为万美元,其中:以进口设备作价出资万美元,外汇币出资万美元。 3、分立后乙方的投资总额为万美元,注册资本为万美元,其中:以进口设备作价出资万美元,外汇币出资万美元。 第三条财产分割方案 甲方原来的财产由分立后甲、乙双方全部承继,根据甲方年月 日净资产专项审计报告( [ ]第号)净资产为人民币元等值美元为元:由甲方承继净资产为人民币元等值美元为 元,乙方承续净资产为人民币元等值美元为元(详见“财产分割清单”)。 第四条债权、债务的承继方案

原甲方的债权、债务由分立后甲、乙方双方全部承继,债务由分立后甲方承继人民币元,乙方承继人民币元;债权由分立后甲方承继人民币元;乙方承继人民币元(详见“债权、债务承继清单”)。 第五条职工安置办法 1、甲方原来的职工全部转入分立后甲方,由甲方继续雇用,已经签订的劳动合同将维持不变。 2、甲方原来分公司的职工全部转入分立后乙方,由乙方继续雇用。待乙方取得法人营业执照后,将以乙方名义与该全部职工重新签订劳动合同,劳动合同期限、条件等保持不变。 第六条违约责任 本协议由甲方与乙方共同遵守,如有违约造成损失,均由有过错方承担。第七条争议解决方式及适用法律 1、甲方、乙方因履行本协议产生任何争议的,均应通过友好协商解决或者如有争议由投资方(因甲、乙双方同属投资方有限公司100%子公司)最终解决。 2、本协议的成立、效力、解释、适用、解除等均适用中华人民共和国法律。 第八条签约日期、地点 本协议由甲方、乙方于年月日在中国广东省东莞市镇东莞有限公司签署。 第九条其他 1、本协议自甲方法定代表人签名并加盖甲方印章、乙方拟定法定代表人签名后生效。 2、本协议以中文签署,协议文本一式六份,具有同等效力。甲方、乙方各执一份,其余用于提交给审批机关、登记机关。 (本页无正文) 甲方:东莞有限公司(盖章) 法定代表人(签名): 乙方:东莞有限公司 拟定法定代表人(签名):


财贸系统经营管理责任制合同样书 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 所有制性质:_____________________ 职工人数:_______________________ 经营管理责任制形式:_____________ 一、乙方应承担的经济责任 二、乙方应承担的责任 1.在经营上认真贯彻“发展经济,保障供给”的总方针,更好地为工农业生产服务,为人民生活服务。 2.改善服务态度,提高服务质量,模范执行国家的政策法令。 3.按规定经营方式和经营范围经营。

4.加强对职工的培养教育,做到文明经商。 三、乙方的自主权 1.经营自主权:有权在规定的经营范围内,多渠道采购商品,扩大经营,增加服务项目。 2.财务管理权:有权按照_________区公司“关于经营责任制单位财务开支权限的规定”开支商品流通费,维修费,物品购置费等费用,以及财产损失的处理。 3.人事管理权:有权在上级批准的编制定员和劳动计划范围内,确定机购设置和人员配备。根据国家招工政策招收职工,招用合同工。 4.物价调整权:对残损变质商品有削价处理权,每次,每类商品有_________元的批准权。 5.工资、福利、奖惩权:按国务院颁发的规定,有权给予职工警告、严重警告、记过、记大过行政处分。需要给以降级、减薪、降职、撤职、除名、开除留用以至开除处分的由职工代表大会讨论报公司批准。

四、甲乙双方的利益分配方法 乙方完成承包目标按________元发放奖金,超额部分按_________分成计算。即上缴国家_________%,企业发展基金_________%,上缴公司_________%,集体福利基金_________%,职工分成_________%。 五、甲方应承担的责任 1.及时传达和贯彻党和上级的方针、政策和有关规定,如贯彻不及时造成经济上的损失由甲方负责。 2.提供现有的固定资产和流动资金交乙方使用,不能随意调用。 3.根据实际情况经甲方批准购置固定资产,资金由甲方提供。 六、乙方完不成承包基数的扣罚办法 乙方完不成利润定额时,按其差额的百分比以同等比例从平均每人_________元中向下扣除.发放时再以规定的考核标准积分计奖。因经营不善造成亏损时,适当扣发当月工资,最多不超过扣除基本工资总额的20%。


公司分立协议 甲方(存续企业): 住所: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: 乙方(派生企业):X X公司(筹,具体名称以工商核定为准) 住所: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: 存续企业、派生企业的全体投资方: A.XX公司 住所: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: B、(XX自然人) 身份证号:甲方拟进行派生分立,派生出乙方,经协议各方充分协商后,根据我国《公司法》等有关法律规定,订立如下条款,以资信守。 第一条分立方式 甲方采用派生分立方式,派生分立出乙方,甲方的主体资格保留 第二条分立前后的注册酱与股权结构 1分立前: 甲方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: 2分立后: A、甲方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: B、乙方的注册资本为万元人民币,股权结构如下: 第三条分立前后的净资产 根据《资产评估报告》 1、分立前:甲方净资产万元 2、分立后:分立后甲方保留万元净资产,乙方接受万元净资产。 第四条业务分割 1、分立后的甲方: 2、分立后的乙方: 第五条资产债务分割(详见资产债务明细表) 1、分立后的甲方:如下资产债务归分立后的甲方所有(并管理) 2、分立后的乙方:

3、人立的的债权实现与债务承担: 分立后甲、乙双方的有关债权实现与债务承担,按照本协议以及资产债务划分明细表执行,分立后的甲方有义务配合乙方完善债权债务的相关法律手续,协助乙方追缴债权。 第六条分立程序 1、甲方股东会,做出同意分立的决议; 2、报国资委批准(或有) 3、分立后甲、乙方分别制定各自的公司章程; 4、财产作相应的分割,编制资产负债表及财产清单; 5、甲方应当自作出分立决议之日起十日内通知债权人,并于三十人在报纸上公告; 6、有时申请工商登记,提交分立的股东会决议,和甲方在报纸上登载公司分立公告的证明,和债务清偿或者债务担保情况的说明。 第七条后的法人治理结构 分立后的甲、乙双方按照《公司法》的规定,建立与完善股东会、董事会、经理、监事会的公司治理结构。甲方原有治理结构不变;乙方重新产生相关机构。 第八条争议解决 因分立而产生的全部争议,协议各方通过友好协商的方式解决。 第九条附则 1、协议各方同意并执行分立实施方案(含职工安置等内容) 2、本次分立的工商登记完成之日,甲方正式派生分立完成,变更为:分立后的甲方和乙方两个公司。 3、本协议自各方签署之日起生效,一式若干份,协议各方各执一份,甲方另存一份,提交工商机关一份。(加盖各投资方公章,自然人投资签字)(存续企业盖章)


公司与公司合作协议书范本 第一章总则 _________、_________和_________,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)和其他有关法律法规,根据平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,就共同投资成立_________(以下简称公司)事宜,订立本合同。 第二章股东各方 第一条本合同的各方为: 甲方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:____________ 乙方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:____________ 丙方:_________,身份证:_________,住址:____________风险提示: 合作的方式多种多样,如合作设立公司、合作开发软件、合作购销产品等等,不同合作方式涉及到不同的项目内容,相应的协议条款可能大不相同。 本协议的条款设置建立在特定项目的基础上,仅供参考。实践中,需要根据双方实际的合作方式、项目内容、权利义务等,修改或重新拟定条款。 第三章公司名称及性质

第二条公司名称为: 第三条公司住所为: 第四条公司的法定代表人为: 第五条公司是依照《公司法》和其他有关规定成立的有限责任公司。甲乙丙三方以各自认缴的出资额为限对公司的债权债务承担责任。各方按其出资比例分享利润,分担风险及亏损。 第四章投资总额及注册资本 第六条公司注册资本为人民币_________整(rmb_________)。 第七条各方的出资额和出资方式如下:甲方:_________;乙方:_________;丙方:_________。 第五章营宗旨和范围 第八条公司的经营宗旨: 第九条公司经营范围是: 第六章股东和股东会风险提示: 应明确约定合作各方的权利义务,以免在项目实际经营中出现扯皮的情形。 再次温馨提示:因合作方式、项目内容不一致,各方的权利义务条款也不一致,应根据实际情况进行拟定。 第一节股东 第十条各方按照本合同第六条规定缴纳出资后,即成


企业承包经营(经营责任制)合同参考文本格式 (一)企业招标承包经营合同 订立合同双方: 发包方:______ 承包方:______ 为深化企业改革,提高劳动生产率,依据《全民所有制工业企业承包经营责任制暂行条例》,经____人民政府批准,将____厂实行招标承包经营。由____管理局、_____财政局、_____税务局、_____劳动局和中国工商银行_____分行组成的____工业发包委员会作为发包方(以下简称:发包方)。发包方通过规定的招标程序最终确定以____为代表的(个人、合伙人、企、事业单位法人)投标者中标,作为本合同规定承包期限内____厂的承包方(以下简称:承包方)。双方协商一致,签订本合同。 第一章总则 第一条招标承包经营是在坚持企业的社会主义全民所有制的基础上,按照所有权与经营权分离的原则,通过公开招标,选拔经营者,并以承包合同形式确定发包方、承包方、企业职工三者责、权、利关系,使企业真正成为自主经营、自负盈亏的社会主义商品生产者。 第二条承包经营期间,本厂必须坚持社会主义方向,贯彻执行党和国家的方针、政策、法规、法令。 第三条承包经营期间,本厂独立核算,照章纳税,自立经营,自负盈亏。所有制、原有行政隶属关系及财政、税收渠道不变。 第四条承包经营期间,本厂必须坚持生产__产品经营方向,在此基础上可以实行

多种经营。 第二章承包的期限、形式和主要指标 第五条本厂本次实行招标承包经营的期限为__年,即从__年__月__日起至__年__月__日止。 第六条本厂本次招标承包经营的形式为:保上缴利润,保技术改造投资,职工工资总额与上缴利润挂钩的承包经营责任制。 第七条本厂本次招标承包经营的主要经济技术指标为上缴利润、技术改造投资、贷款归还、企业上等级目标。具体如下: 第一款以“包死基数、逐年递增、不足不补、超交分成”为原则,承包经营期间上缴利润总额为__万元,其中__年为__万元,__年为__万元,__年为__万元,__年为__万元。 第二款承包经营期间,保技术改造项目完成,技术改造投资总额为__万元。其中__年为__万元,__年为__万元,__年为__万元,__年为__万元。 第三款承包经营期间,归还银行贷款总额为__万元。其中__年为__万元。__年为__万元,__年为__,__年为__万元。 第四款本厂企业上等级目标为__年底以前达到国家(市)级企业标准。 第二章承包方的权利与义务 第一节承包方的权利 第八条承包经营期间,承包个人或合伙承包的第一承包人(以下简称:第一承包人)为该厂法人代表,当然厂长,享受厂长负责制和本合同赋予厂长的全部权利并承担其全部义务,如企、事业法人承包则由其指派的承包代理人(仅限一人)作为本厂的法人代表,行使厂长的职权,并代表承包方履行本合同。 第九条承包方在承包期间,对本厂的经营管理有如下权利: 第一款有权按国家规定自主聘任副厂长及副厂级行政干部,组成本厂的领导机构,并报主管局备案,承包期满或合同解除后,该领导机构即告解体。 第二款有权决定本厂的机构设置、从事任免和专业技术人员的聘任。 第三款有权依照有关规定奖惩、招用职工和辞退违纪职工。


公司合并协议书 公司合并协议书 第一条项目概况: 基于项目平台 第二条公司名称: 公司(后面文字部分出现的公司均为甲、乙双方签订本协议后的公司,以下简称“公司” ) 第三条经营项目容: 第四条期限: 自年月日起,至年月日止,共20年。 第五条出资金额、方式、期限及股份构成。 (一)公司总资本为万元,甲方以包含公司注册费用和市场费用在的万元现金及等值万元的软件平台入股方式出资和前期所有费用,等值人民币万元。 (二)乙方以市场资源及技术和无形资产入股折合人民币万元。 (三)甲方占%股份,乙方占%股份,甲、乙双方股本在公司存续期不能以

现金方式返退,公司经营过程所产生利润按同等股值分配。公司盈利余额达到万元后,甲、乙双方共同有权拥有其总股值75%的资金控制权,剩余25%留存为公司发展基金。 (四)合作期间出资为共有财产,甲、乙双方不得随意请求分割。终止并清算后,出资仍为甲、乙双方所有,届时按比例予以返还。 第六条盈余分配与债务承担: 各方共同经营、共同劳动,共担风险,共负盈亏。 (一)盈余分配: 以财务报表为依据,按股份比例分配。在公司经营实现收回各自投资后,每年按盈利的75%,按股份比例分红,其余25%留为公司发展基金,不参与分配。 (二)债务承担: 债务先以公司财产偿还,公司财产不足清偿时,以债务清单为依据,按比例承担。 第七条入伙、退伙、出资的转让: 出资的转让:

允许甲、乙双方在经营期转让其在公司中的全部或部分财产份额。在同等条件下,甲、乙双方有均等的优先受让权。如向甲、乙双方以外的第三人转让,应征得另一方同意。甲、乙双方以外的第三人受让企业财产份额的,经修改本协议即成为企业的股东。 第八条企业负责人及企业事务执行: (一)甲、乙双方共同管理企业事务。甲方委派出纳,乙方委派会计。 (二)甲、乙双方约定在经营企业过程中,委托为分管运营负责人,其权限为: 1.对企业的经营进行日常管理; 出售公司的产品(货物)、购进常用货物; 3.管理公 司的经营性日常费用、收入与支出。委托为公司的财务负责人,委托和为对外市场拓展及维护负责人,协调外围的各项事务性工作。权限由甲、乙双方书面签字授权为准。 (三)企业必须依法纳税。 (四)聘用员工须经甲、乙双方共同同意。 第九条权利和义务:


个人与公司合作协议书 1、公司与个人合作协议 甲方:北京泽恒企业管理咨询有限公司 法定代表人:张敏洁 住所:北京市丰台区马家堡西路36号东亚三环4号楼807 电话: 乙方:禹斌 性别:男 身份证号码: 现住址:杭州市缤纷小区12幢1单元602室 联系人电话: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及国家有关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,共同确立以下合同条款,以供遵守。 合作内容: 第一条:甲方与乙方在项目上达成合作,乙方为甲方提供企业管理咨询的项目来源,甲方向乙方支付项目金额中的相关费用。甲方的责任义务 第二条:甲方对于乙方提供的项目客户应该尽其所能去满足客户要求,并且按照其客户要求与客户达成合作意向。 第三条:甲方要向乙方支付其合作费用,费用的金额为项目含税总额度的30%,即项目首次付款后的二个工作日内将全部合作费用一次性以银行转帐的形式汇至乙方提供的银行帐号内。 第四条:项目签订后一个工作日内,甲方需一次性支付乙方总金额的5%的现金,作为乙方为此项目的营销所产生的营销费用。

第五条:甲方应该有能力保证项目的顺利进行与完成,应该调配有能力满足客户需求的项目人员完成项目实施工作,而不能用没有能力的人员实施项目。 乙方的责任义务: 第五条:乙方要尽其所能为甲方寻找相应的企业管理咨询项目。 第六条:乙方要了解客户的相关实际情况及客户需求。 第七条:乙方应该配合甲方对客户进行前期的调研和诊断。 第八条:乙方在甲方项目持续期间,对于甲方与客户之间的所有事宜,应该尽力协调好双方的利益,保证项目的顺利完成。 协议的生效、变更与解除: 第九条:此合作协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,对于合同中合作费用及其他重要事项的变更则需要签定变更协议或重新签定合作协议。 第十条:合作协议的解除由一方提出申请,另一方同意后可以解除其合作关系。 第十一条:乙方也可以在合作执行过程中申请加入甲方成为其公司员工,其薪酬与奖金的具体数额则由双方协商确定。 其他事项: 第十二条:甲乙双方因为合作在执行过程中所产生的相应纠纷以合同法的相关规定执行。 第十三条:本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 甲方:乙方: (盖章)签字: 20XX年月日 20XX年月日 2、公司与个人合作协议书 甲方: 地址:


附件二安全生产责任制合同书 工程名称: 项目负责人: 承包班组: 为了加强施工现场文明施工安全生产,确保职工的安全与健康,特制定如下条约共同遵守: 1.新进场工人应该接受三级安全教育方可上岗;上岗工人应服从调度,自觉遵守公司、工 地制定的各项规章制度,不得违章作业;对违章指挥有权拒绝,并有责任制止他人违章作业。 2.进场工人应有身份证并随即办理暂住户口登记手续,如没登记者被处理的后果由各班组 自负。 3.进入施工现场必须戴好安全帽,不得穿拖鞋,高跟鞋或赤脚上班。 4.不得在临时工棚内使用电炉、电饭锅、煤油炉或生明火做饭,统一在甲方指定的专用厨 房内用煤炭烧饭菜,不得用电器烧饭菜。 5.班组不得使用童工,违者后果由班组自负。 6.施工现场及宿舍,禁止非生产工作的其他人员、小孩或家属进入作业区和宿舍内;严禁 酒后上班,不得在工作中开玩笑、打闹,以免发生事故。 7.不得在工棚、宿舍、仓库及易燃易爆物品周围生火;木工场禁止任何人用火或吸烟,避 免由于木屑及刨花引燃而发生火灾。 8.进场工人应遵守工地消防管理。不得随便移动消防器材,对各种防护标志、警示牌等不 得任意拆除或移动。 9.所有照明灯具及电源线路不得私自乱拉乱接,施工现场电气设备必须由专职电工负责, 任何人不得擅自动用。 10.工地不准赌博、酗酒、打架闹事,违反者从重处罚,情节严重者送公安机关处理,处理 结果及经济罚款均由各班组及其个人自负。 11.在施工作业中不得开玩笑或向建筑物外围抛掷任何物件。建筑材料或工具及其他物品不 得放置在边沿处,预防掉下伤人。 12.高处作业不得上下抛掷工具、材料等物,不得在高空作业下操作。如确需要在上下交叉


公司分立协议/存续分立/简单通用版 要点 甲方(原公司)、乙方(新设公司)、丙(原公司、新设公司全体股东)就甲方公司分立事宜达 成协议,甲方法人主体资格不变,派生分岀乙方,各方约定分立后甲方乙方的注册资本、股权结 构、业务分割、债权债务分割等事宜。 公司分立协议 本协议由以下双方于年月日在省市区签 订: 甲方(存续公司): 住所: 法定代表人: 乙方(甲方的全体股东): 第一条合同订立之目的 1.1甲方系依法设立合法存续的有限责任公司,统一社会信用代码为,截至本 协议签署日的注册资本为万元。 1.2乙方系甲方股东,合法持有甲方100%股权。其中_______________________ 持有甲方 _______ % 股权,持有甲方%股权,持有甲方%股权。 1.3甲方拟进行存续分立,即在甲方继续存续的前提下,分立出一家新公司。 1.4双方经充分协商,根据《公司法》等相关法律规定,就甲方分立事宜达成协议如下,以资共同信守。 第二条分立方式 双方同意,本次分立采取新设分立方式,在甲方法人主体资格保持不变的前提下,分立出一 家新公司(以下简称分立公司”)。分立后,甲方继续存续,分立公司新设成立。 第三条分立前后的注册资本与股权结构 3.1分立前:甲方的注册资本为【1000】万元人民币,股权结构如下: 股东的姓名或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(% 出资方式出资时间

合计 3.2分立后:甲方的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下: 股东的姓名或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(% 出资方式合计 第四条业务分割 4.1分立后,甲方的主营业务如下: 4.2分立后,分立公司的主营业务如下: 第五条资产分割 5.1根据 __________________ 出具的以 ________ 年______ 月______ 日为评估基准日 的号《评估报告》(本协议附件一),甲方净资产为万元,具体资 产见附件一所列。 5.2双方同意,甲方的资产按以下方式分割: (1)分立后,甲方净资产_______ 万元,分立公司承接净资产__________ 万元。 (2)具体财产分割,详见本协议附件二《甲方(分立后)资产负债表及财产清单》及附件三《分立公司资产负债表及财产清单》。 第六条债权债务分割 分立后,甲方与分立公司的债权实现与债务承担,按照本协议附件四《债权债务划分明细表》 执行。根据债权人要求以及双方协商达成意见,需要由甲方与分立公司共同承担的债务,双方应积极协同、互相配合,以履行上述义务。出资时间 合计 3.3分立公司的注册资本为【500】万元人民币,股权结构如下: 股东的姓名或者名称认缴出资额(万元)出资比例(%出资方式出资时间


( 协议范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 有限公司分立协议(协议示范文 本) The agreement concluded by the parties after reaching a consensus through equal consultation stipulates the mutual obligations and the rights they should enjoy.

有限公司分立协议(协议示范文本) 有限公司分立协议 一、分立协议各方拟定的名称、住所、法定代表人 ____________________________________________ 二、分立后各方的注册资本 ____________________________________________ 三、分立形式 ____________________________________________ 四、分立协议各方对拟分立公司财产的分割方案 ____________________________________________ 五、分立协议各方对拟分立公司债权、债务的承继方案____________________________________________ 六、职工安置办法 ____________________________________________

七、违约责任 ____________________________________________ 八、解决争议的方式 ____________________________________________ 九、签约日期、地点 ____________________________________________ 十、分立协议各方认为需要规定的其它事项 ____________________________________________ 有限公司分立协议 有限公司分立协议 XX创意设计 Your Name Creative Design Co., Ltd.
