当前位置:文档之家› 化妆品品牌授权合同(中英文对照)





Party A (Authorizing Party):


Party B (Authorized Party):

丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party):


Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party):




1.The term “” as used herein mea ns such brand products as directly manufactured in Korea or as jointly manufactured by Party C and Party D subject to instructions of Party B and with the manufacture processes and related technologies provided by Party A hereunder, and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with terms agreed herein.


2.“Supplier” as referred to herein m eans such party to this Contract as may receive written orders from Party B for, including Party A,Party C as well as Party D.




1.Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein,authorize Party B as its agent to sell within the territory of China, and agrees o provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of, thus enabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party B subject to instructions of Party B;

2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售产品;2.Party B, a limited liability corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the applicable laws and regulations of the Peopl e’s Republic of China,hereby agrees to accept such authorization and entrustment by Party A hereunder whereby to sell Products within the territory of China pursuant to provisions described herein;



3.Party C and Party D, both limited liability companies duly incorporated and existing under the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and having sufficient capability and competence to manufacture the said Products, hereby agree to provide Party B with desired Products in accordance herewith.

上述各方经协商一致、就上术事宜,达成签订本合同,以兹各方共同信守执行。NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of promises and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows.


Article 1 Authorized Territory

依据本合同之约定及甲方之授权,乙方仅限于在中华人民共和国境内销售产品;未经四方事先另行书面授权,乙方不得擅自在中华人民共和国境外销售甲方的产品或者授权任何第三方在中华人民共和国境内外销售产品。Based on or pursuant to provisions contained herein and authorization by Party A hereunder, Party B is only allowed to market Products within the territory of China; Party B is precluded from any intended sales by itself of or from intended permitting any third parties to market any o f Party A’s products outside the territory of China in the absence or default of further written authorization from Party A.


Article 2 Products


1.The specific or particular brands of Products as described hereunder are as follows:;


2.The name, type, specifications, unit as well as price of the

Products hereunder are as provided for in Appendix A as attached hereto which is to be reached by related parties hereto in writing through friendly negotiation;


3.Any new brand or product as may be developed by Party A in the future or any change to the name, type, or specifications of Products hereunder are subject to a confirmation by both Parties hereto in writing which confirmation, signed thereby, shall be attached hereto as its appendix.


4.Party B is required to market Products at the price set forth in related Appendix attached hereto;



5.Party A hereby undertakes and warrants that the quality of such

Products as provided by the same will be up to or in line with applicable quality standards prescribed by related competent a uthorities of the People’s Republic of China regarding skin-care products or cosmetics; in addition, the quality of such Products as manufactured with the manufacturing processes and technologies provided by Party A to Party C and Party D is also in conformity with applicable quality standards prescribed by related competent authorities of the People’s Republic of China regarding s kin-care products or cosmetics.


Article 3 Manufacture of Products

1、以下品牌的各类产品由甲方直接生产,并提供给乙方进行销售;1.The Products which are of the brands to be listed below shall be directly manufactured by Party A for furnishing to Party B for sale hereunder;



2.Party A will furnish to Party C and Party D related manufacturing processes and technologies necessary for production by Party C and Party D, subject to the requirements prescribed in the written order placed by Party B therewith,of the Products which are of the brands to be indicated below,for sale thereof by Party B hereunder;





3.Both Party C and Party D hereby undertake that at any time or at all times and whether this Contract is valid: No Product will be manufactured by Party C and/or Party D without receiving written orders from Party B; and (ii) The Products as manufactured by Party C and/or Party D hereunder may be only allowed to be sold to Party B subject to requirements set out in applicable written orders as duly placed by Party B,and may not be sold by Party C and/or Party D themselves or itself, nor shall be provided to any third parties for sale thereof;


4.Party B hereby undertakes and warrants that it, acting as the seller of

Products within the territory of China, will purchase Product only from the source as stipulated herein, i.e. purchase related Products of various brands, from Party A, Party C or Party D hereto for sale thereof within China hereunder, Party B shall refrain from making any purchase from any third party other than to this Contract, of any Products acquired in any manner or from any channel, unless and until otherwise provided herein.


Article 4 Quality and Package of Products


1.The quality of such Products as provided by Party A, Party

C as well as Party

D hereunder shall be in line with applicable quality standards regarding appropriate skin-care products or cosmetics that may be prescribed by related competent authorities of the People’s Republic of China.


2.The package of such Products as provided by Party A, Party

C as well as Party

D hereunder shall be appropriate to ensure the quality of products, prevent the delivered products from any possible damage, as well as to logistics or distribution such as delivery by post, transport and storage,etc;


3.The package of Products will be sold together with such

Products that may be sold to customers.


Article 5Terms of Delivery


1.Within days upon receipt of a written order duly placed by Party B,Party A, Party C and Party D shall make proper response or reply thereto, and

make delivery of ordered goods within days upon confirmation from Party B;


2.The date and place of such delivery of goods shall be as specified in the written orders duly placed by Party B;


3.Mode of transportation shall be any mode or form that is appropriate and sufficient to ensure the quality, safety, no-defect as well as delivery time of ordered Products;


4.Assumption of expenses and risks: it is agreed that related expenses that may arise shall be charged to the account of Supplier; and the risk of loss and/or destruction of ordered goods shall be on the shoulders of the said Supplier prior to acceptance thereof.


Article 6 Acceptance Methods


Party B shall, on the day when the delivered goods may be received or on the day immediately following the date when the delivered goods may be received (in case the day immediately following the receipt of delivered goods falls on

holiday, then it shall be extended to the day immediately following the end of such holiday), carry out proper inspection on and determine whether to accept such delivered goods in the light of appropriate acceptance standards mutually agreed to herein. Party B shall promptly notify the Supplier of any goods that are thought unsatisfactory to Party B in the course of aforesaid acceptance,and shall make appropriate arrangement for return and replacement of such rejected or unaccepted goods.


Article 7 Terms of Payment


1.Date of Payment:: the agreed upon payment shall be paid up within days after the delivered goods are confirmed to be satisfactory and accepted; 2、付款方式:,以人民币结算。

2.Form of Payment: the agreed upon payment hereunder shall be paid by way of

in RMB.


Article 8 Intellectual Property Rights and Trade Secrets


1.The ownership of and title to any and all trade marks of all brands of

Products referred to herein shall remain with Party A, and Party A hereby authorizes Party B to use the aforementioned trade marks and name of Party A in carrying out appropriate promotions and sales of

Products, and hereby authorizes Party C and Party D to use the said trade marks in manufacturing related Products. Party B, Party C and Party D shall be only allowed to use trade marks of related brands of

Products hereunder or the name of Party A, as appropriate, to the extent as authorized by Party A hereunder, and, in the absence of approval of Party A in writing, may not use beyond their respective conferred authority (ultra vires) nor shall permit a ny third party to use the said trade marks or Party A’s name,as appropriate, for any reason whatsoever and by any manner.



2.The processes, technologies, flows, etc that are to be provided by Party

A to Party B, Party C and Party D as stipulated herein and that are in relation to manufacture of Products shall remain property of Party A,and Party B, Party C as well as Party D are obliged to keep confidential the aforementioned trade secrets and may not disclose or divulge the same to any party other than those to this Contract.


Article 9 Liabilities for Breach of Contract


1.In the event where Party B is in breach of Article 1,

2.4 of Article 2, and/or

3.4 of Article 3 hereof, Party A is free to terminate this Contract, revoke authorization to Party B, without prejudice to its rights to claim for a liquidated damages in the sum of(RMB), except where Party A ratifies or recognizes the acts committed by Party B thereafter.


2.Party A shall be held liable for compensation for any loss or damage to Party B, Party C and/or Party D arising by virtue of breach on the part of Party A of provisions of 2.5 of Article 2 and/or 4.1 of Article 4 contained herein.


3.In case Party C or Party D runs counter to or breaches provisions of 2.3 of Article 2 and/or

4.1 of Article 4 hereof, Party A or Party B is entitled to order such breaching party to make proper correction or rectification within a reasonable time limit and in a timely manner. In case the breaching party fails to make appropriate correction or rectifications within such specified time limit or great or serious loss is caused to any other parties hereto, as a result

of the breach of either Party C or Party D, Party A or Party B may disqualify Party C or Party D, as which is the wrongdoer, from manufacturing related Products, without prejudice to the rights to demand Party C or Party D to pay a penalty for breach in the sum of(RMB) to each of Party A and Party B. In such a case, Party B may not be restricted by or subject to provisions of Article 3 hereof.


4.In the event the Supplier delays in delivering ordered goods or Party B fails to make payment for goods hereunder as scheduled, such Supplier or Party B shall pay to the other a penalty for breach at the rate of 0.02% of the total value of goods in relation to late delivery or payments in arrears, for each delayed day, as well as an appropriate compensation for any loss incurred by the other as a result thereof. In case such delay continues for a period of days,the other party is free to cancel related orders and claim against the breaching party for a penalty for breach in the sum of(RMB).


5.The Supplier shall pay to Party B a penalty for breach at the rate of 10% of the total value of goods involved, for any insufficiency in or shortfall of delivered goods, as well as appropriate compensation for any loss that may be

caused thereby. In addition, Party B shall also pay to the Supplier a penalty at the rate of 10% of the total value of goods that Party B fails to receive delivered goods or reject any unqualified products within a specified time limit. In case either party intends to make increase or decrease in contract quantity,or to make proper change to delivery time, such party shall give the other party a written notice of days for approval or consent, in case not, such party which is obliged to do so shall be held liable for appropriate liabilities for breach.



6.Party B is entitled not to pay for any delivered goods that may be determined not in conformity with stated specifications or that may not be in line with related quality standards, etc, provided, however such delivered goods shall be received by , and in custody of Party B, as well as Party B shall give a prompt notice to the Supplier in that regard, with any and all expenses and losses that may arise therefrom, to be borne by the Supplier.



7.Party A may terminate this Contract promptly where Party B, Party C and/or Party D are or is in breach of Article 8 as contained herein, in addition,Party A or related damaged party may claim against the breaching party for a penalty for breach in the sum of RMB. In case such penalty is insufficient

to cover the loss incurred or sustained by Party A or related damaged party as a result thereof, then the breaching party or parties is or are obliged to pay to the indemnified party the difference.


8.Except for circumstances set forth hereinabove, any party hereto which falls in breach of other provisions contained herein, whether the terms expressly stipulated or obligations incidental thereto, shall make proper rectification within days upon receipt of written notice from the other party requesting for such rectifiations, in case not, the other party may claim against the breaching party for a liquidated damages in the amount of RMB. In case such penalty is insufficient to cover the loss incurred or sustained by such other party as a result thereof, then the breaching party or parties shall pay the difference to the same.


Party A (Authorizing Party):


Party B (Authorized Party):

丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party):


Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party):


化妆品中英文对照 1.成分与效果~ Clarifiant / Lisse ——讓皮膚更有光澤,更為光滑,增加容光 寫有這些詞的產品意味著清潔皮膚,增加血色。它們在日用潤膚品以及增加頭髮光澤的定型產品中經常可以看到。 Purifiant / Purifying / Pure ——清潔 這幾個詞在各類洗浴用品中尤為常見,幫你塑造透明而光亮的肌膚。 Exfoliant / Gommage / Scrub ——按摩,去除角質

廣告裡常說:“和角質說再見,你需要SCRUB。”皮膚上的小顆粒和老化角質都是需定期處理的,這類成分在深層護理以及全身按摩的產品中常見。 Hydratant / Hydra ——保濕 這是很常見的詞語,日常用的潤膚露、霜,潤唇膏等產品中都有這類成分。現在彩妝裡含這類成分的也是越來越多。 Contour ——周邊 眼睛、鼻子和嘴唇的肌膚都是很嬌嫩的,不能直接塗抹,通常要特別護理,在其周圍輕輕配以適當的按摩。 Adoucissant / Douceur ——使肌膚更細嫩 通常出現在使肌膚回復細嫩和彈性的產品中。 Sebum / Shine / Brillance ——控制皮脂分泌 皮脂分泌過多絕非好事,不光是清潔,平時的保養品中也要能對其分泌加以適當的控制,才能散發出真正的健康光澤。愛美的女孩子都不想聽到別人這麼說:“你吃什麼了?你的臉怎麼油光光呢?”

Nutri / Nutritive / Nourishing ——豐富營養,滋潤 這些詞很眼熟,營養型的潤膚乳或晚間用的護理品中常見,在修復損傷產品的護發產品裡也很多。尤其在秋冬幹燥季節,特別需要滋養呵護。 Repair / AntiAge ——恢復,抗衰老 通常指的是預防及去除細小皺紋,在抗衰老系列的產品中常出現。不僅是衰老的皮膚要repair,還沒有出現皺紋的年輕肌膚也要開始積極抵抗衰老。 Démaquillant / Make up Remover ——卸妝 就是指化妝後去除臉上彩妝,一般歸在清潔用品類。“你該用用卸妝水了吧?別小看彩妝的細小微塵。” éclat / Illumination / Lumière ——光亮,發光 普通護理後,上妝的時候,能讓你的皮膚看起來更有光澤的產品。如散粉,閃粉等。“像我今天的皮膚一樣,成為視線的焦點。” Dual/ 3D/ Multi ——兩種或兩種以上,合而為一,多種功能


二、常用护肤类(skin care)combination(混合性皮肤)dry(干性皮肤) normal(中性皮肤)sensitive(敏感性皮肤)

oily(油性皮肤) facial cleanser/face 洗面奶wash(foaming,milk y,cream,gel) toner/astringent 爽肤水firming lotion 紧肤水toner/smoothing toner 柔肤水 sun screen/sun block 隔离霜,防晒 (deep) pore 去黑头peeling 敷面剥落式面膜pack 剥撕式面膜shaving cream 剃须膏Ampoule 精华素 lip color/lipstick 唇膏massage oil 按摩油 gel 啫喱 massage cream 按摩霜moisturizers and crea ms 护肤霜 moisturizer 保湿cream 霜 lotion 水、露 facial mask/masque 面膜 lip care 护唇用 lip coat 口红护膜 facial scrub 磨砂膏milk 乳 essence 精华液 toning lotion 化妆水clean-/purify- 清洁用hydra- 保湿用 serum 精华霜

备注:化妆水、洗涤剂,英文法文表示一致,都是lotion。有些品牌也用lotion作为乳液,milk/milky lotion。化妆水的其他用语:toner、tonic、water。乳液的其他用语:fluid--流动的液体(英文法文通用);liquid--液体物质。


化妆品名中英文对照 makeup(粉底) mask(面膜) mascara(睫毛膏) milk(乳) moisturisor(保湿面霜) mult-(多元) nail color(指甲油) nail enamel(指甲油) nail polish(指甲油) nail saver(保甲液)normal(中性皮肤)nutritious(滋养) oil-control(抑制油脂) oily(油性皮肤) pack(剝撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剝落式面膜)pressed powder(粉饼)purify(清洁用) quick dry(快干) remover(去除、卸妝)repair(修保) revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))sensitive(敏感性皮肤)shading powder(修容饼)solvent(溶解) spot(青春痘用) sun block(防晒用)toning lotion(化妝水)trentment(修护) wash(洗) waterproof(防水) -white-(美白用) acne(青春痘用品)active(賦活用) after sun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防) anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸碱)blusher(腮紅) clean-(清洁用) fast dry(快干) combination(混合性皮肤) correct(遮瑕膏) cream(霜) day(日间用) dry(干性皮肤) essence(精华液) exfoliator(去角质) eye gel(眼胶) eye mask(眼膜) eye shadow(眼影) eyeliner(眼线(笔、刷)) facial(脸部用)foam(泡沫)foam(泡沫)foundation(粉底) toner(化妝水) gel(胶狀) gentle(温和的) hydra-(保湿用) lip care(护唇用) lip coat(口红弧膜) lipstick(口红) long lasting(持久性) lotion(水、露) loose power(蜜粉)


化妆品中英文对照,生活必备O(∩_∩)O~ 1,面膜: mask 2,粉底液:foundation 3,洁面乳: face wash 4,干粉:powder 5,眼霜:eye cream 再给你一些化妆品词汇: handbag 手提包 hatbox 帽盒 cosmetics case 化妆箱 gloves 手套 wrist watch 手表 belt 腰带 pendant 项饰 necklace 项链 neck scarf 围巾 earrings 耳环 sun glasses 太阳镜 ring 戒指 bracelet 手链, 手镯 tie 领带 cuff links 袖扣 ascot 宽领带 hair net 发网 brush 毛刷 nail polish 指甲油 cream rinse 营养发水 hair spray 发胶 powder puff 粉扑 face powder 粉 compact 带镜粉盒 astringent 化妆水 perfume 香水 skin milk 乳液 cold cream 油底霜 atomizer 喷雾式香水 hand mirror 手镜 bobby pin 发夹 false eyelashes 假睫毛 lipstick 口红 wig 假发 tissue 面纸 purse 手包

brooch 胸针 shawl 披肩 neckerchief 领巾 eyeshadow 眼影 bracelet 手链 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用)


Instructions 成分:水、甘油、甘油硬脂酸酯、硬脂醇、棕榈酸异丙酯、聚二甲基硅氧烷、氢化聚异丁烯、熊果苷、藻酸钠、生育酚乙酸酯、香精、尿囊素、羟苯丙酯、羟苯甲酯。 Ingredients: water, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, isopropyl palmitate, PDMS, hydrogenated polyisobutene, arbutin, sodium alginate, tocopheryl acetate, essence, allantoin, propylparaben and methylparaben. 功效:祛斑、美白、嫩肤,对日晒形成的色素沉着也同样有效。Effects: freckle removing, skin whitening and rejuvenation, similarly effective to sunburn pigmentation. 使用方法:早上使用,中午洗掉;傍晚使用,睡前洗掉;职业女性白天需要化妆的,傍晚使用一次,睡前洗掉。 Usage: Please use it every morning and wash it off at noon; Please use it on very evening and wash if off before bedtime; for those career women who need make-up at daytime, please use it once on every evening and wash it off before bedtime. [注意事项] Cautions 1、敏感性皮肤、香料过敏者,建议在使用本品前,可以在耳后皮肤 涂一些,待24小时后,若无红肿、痒等过敏症状,可放心使用。 For those with sensitive skin, or fragrance-sensitive, it is highly suggested to apply some for a try to the skin behind ears before use,


一、化妆品类别 二、功效类 三、彩妆类 四、常见名称 五、化妆品 INGREDIENTS(成份)中文标示简介 一、化妆品类别 护肤:skin care 洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream, Gel) 爽肤水:toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/ complexion mist) 护肤霜:moisturizers and creams 精华:serum/essence 喷雾:spa water/spray 乳液:fluid 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream

晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 二、功效类 Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(賦活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti- wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸鹼) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤)


化妆品英文词汇 Skin Care and Cosmetics 护肤和化妆品 Cosmetics Word Bank 化妆品词汇 1.洗面奶cleansing milk 2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser 3.清洁面霜clarifying cream 4.眼部御妆水eye make up removing 5.按摩霜massage cream 6.按摩油massage oil 7.面膜mask 8.冷膜freezing mask 9.热膜hotting mask 10.海藻面膜seaweed mask 11.颈霜restructuring compound for the neck 12.特效营养霜rich nourishing cream 13.眼袋霜eyelid cream 14.眼部嗜喱eye gel 15.日霜day cream 16.晚霜night cream 17.眼霜eye cream 18.精华素Ampoule 19.中性normal 20.油性oily 21.干性dry 22.敏感性sensitive 23.紧肤refirming 24.补水moisturizing 25.补氧oxygenating 26.补充骨胶原collagen hyalronic 27.倒膜pour mask 28.植物plant 29.色素pigment 30.酸性acidity 31.碱性alkaline 32.矿物质mineral substance 33.蛋白质protein 34.活性细胞素energetic cell 35.维生素vitamin 36.化妆品cosmetic 37.氧化剂oxidant 38.胭脂rouge 39.口红lip stick


化妆品品牌授权合同 甲方:乙方:丙方:丁方: 签订日 期:____ 年 _____ 月

第1 页共16 页

签约各方: BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方): Party A ( Authorizing Party ): 乙方(被授权方): Party B ( Authorized Party ): 丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Ma nu facturi ng and Process ing Party ): 丁方(生产加工方): Party D (Ma nu facturi ng and Process ing Party): 定义: DEFINITIONS: 1、:系指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示, 按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。 1. The term “ ” as used here in mea ns such brand products as directly manu factured in Korea or as join tly manu factured by Party C and Party D subject to in struct ions of Party B and with the manu facture processes and related tech no logies provided by Party A here un der ,and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People ' s Republic of China in accorda nee with terms agreed here in.


化妆品英文名称 1,面膜 : mask 2,粉底液:foundation 3,洁面乳: face wash 4,干粉:powder 5,眼霜:eye cream 再给你一些化妆品词汇: handbag 手提包hatbox 帽盒cosmetics case 化妆箱gloves 手套 wrist watch 手表 belt 腰带 pendant 项饰necklace 项链 neck scarf 围巾earrings 耳环 sun glasses 太阳镜 ring 戒指 bracelet 手链, 手镯tie 领带 cuff links 袖扣 ascot 宽领带 hair net 发网 brush 毛刷 nail polish 指甲油cream rinse 营养发水hair spray 发胶powder puff 粉扑 face powder 粉compact 带镜粉盒astringent 化妆水perfume 香水 skin milk 乳液 cold cream 油底霜atomizer 喷雾式香水hand mirror 手镜bobby pin 发夹 false eyelashes 假睫毛lipstick 口红 wig 假发 tissue 面纸 purse 手包 brooch 胸针 shawl 披肩neckerchief 领巾eyeshadow 眼影bracelet 手链

护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和的) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)


喜欢买国外化妆品品牌的MM可要看清楚了记清楚了,不要记错了哦,这下不用在专卖店看着琳琅满目的化妆品,一直拉着售货员像刘姥姥一样问这问那的了。 一,化妆品/护肤品/洗涤 护肤:skincare 洗面奶:facialcleanser/facewash(foaming,milky,cream,gel) 爽肤水:toner/astringent 紧肤水:firminglotion 柔肤水: 护肤霜 保湿: 美白: 露:lotion 日霜: 晚霜: 眼部 面膜 眼膜 护唇用: 磨砂膏 去黑头:(deep)porecleanser/striperporerefining 去死皮:exfoliatingscrub 润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer 护手霜:handlotion/moisturizer 沐浴露:wash 二,化妆品/护肤品功能 acne/spot(青春痘用品)

active(赋活用)aftersun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防) anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸硷)clean-/purify-(清洁用) dry essence facial firm foam gentle hydra- longlasting milk(乳) mult- normal nutritious oil-control oily(油性皮肤) pack(剥撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)remover(去除、卸妆)repair(修护) revitalite(活化) scrub(磨砂式(去角质))


A Acyclovir 带状泡疹、水痘药物治疗成份,需医生处方 Adapalene 维他命A酸衍生物治疗痤疮有效成份,需医生处方Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) 腺三磷酸使皮肤代谢正常 Albumin 白蛋白水溶性蛋白质,为中性缓冲液,是一种酵素Alcohol 酒精溶剂 Alfalfa Extract 紫花苜蓿萃取含多种氨基酸及红萝卜素,可抗老化Algae Extract 海藻萃取液抗氧化 Algisium C 是一种生物保湿剂,可以修护肌肤并使更新暗沉的肤质,延缓老化的速度;其保湿性可维持8-12小时 Alkyl Benzoate 烃基安息香酸盐油脂剂,作为基质 Allantoin 尿囊素抗炎症、促进细胞修护 Almond 杏仁油天然油脂,用作基质 Aloe Extract 芦荟萃取镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Aloe Vera 芦荟镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿 Alpha Hydroxy(AHA) 果酸最常用的为甘醇酸(Glycolic Acid)及乳酸(Lactic Acid),主要功效在促进皮肤新陈代谢,具有角质微剥的功效Alpha Lipoic Acid 脂肪酸,硫辛酸抗氧化

Alpha Tocopheryl 维他命E 抗氧化 Aluminum Chlorohydrate 氢氯酸铝可抑制身体出汗,常来用作止汗剂成份 Amino Acid 天然胺基酸防止水份过度的流失,并使肌肤温和不紧绷,护肤、供给肌肤营养 Aminocaproic Acid 胺基己酸预防肌肤敏感现象 Ammonium Glycyrrhizate 甘草酸胺保湿、预防过敏 Amniotic Fluid 羊膜液含丰富肌肤所需的胺基酸 Angelica Sinensis Diels Extract 当归萃取具有行气活血功效,可促进肌肤毛细微管血液循环 Angelica 白芷当归属,含天然维他命C及预防敏感作用Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果Anhydroalkannin 去水紫草烯紫草萃取精华,可抗炎、抗菌、活血、去瘀 Anthranilates 化学性防晒成分 Apple Extract 苹果萃取含有Vit-C等美容成份,另具有爽肤、镇静消毒作用 Apricot Bead 杏桃颗粒通常加在磨砂膏中,用来去除皮肤老废角质Apricot Kernel Oil 杏核油富含矿物质和维他命,是天然的保湿剂,特别适合敏感性肤质 Aqua 水,溶液基质 Arbutin 熊果素淡化已形成的黑色素,能安定自由基、避免肌肤老化,


化妆品名中英文对照 Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021

化妆品名中英文对照 makeup(粉底)mask(面膜)mascara(睫毛膏)milk(乳)moisturisor(保湿面 霜)mult-(多元) nail color(指甲油)nail enamel(指甲油)nail polish(指甲油)nail saver(保甲液)normal(中性皮肤)nutritious(滋养)oil-control(抑制油脂) oily(油性皮肤)pack(剥撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)pressed powder(粉饼)purify(清洁用)quick dry(快干)remover(去除、卸妆)repair(修保)revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))sensitive(敏感性皮肤)shading powder(修容饼)solvent(溶解)spot (青春痘用)sun block(防晒用)toning lotion(化妆水)trentment(修护)wash(洗)waterproof(防水)-white-(美白用)acne(青春痘用品)active(赋活用)after sun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防)anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸碱)blusher(腮红)clean-(清洁用)combination(混合性皮肤)correct(遮瑕膏)cream(霜)day(日间用)dry(干性皮肤)essence(精华液)exfoliator(去角质)eye gel(眼胶)eye mask(眼膜)eye shadow(眼影)eyeliner(眼线(笔、刷))facial(脸部用)fast dry(快干) firm(紧肤)foam(泡沫)foundation(粉底)toner(化妆水)gel (胶状)gentle(温和的)hydra-(保湿用)lip care(护唇用) lip coat(口红弧膜)lipstick(口红)long lasting(持久性)lotion (水、露)loose power(蜜粉) 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner


化妆术语中英文对照一览 护肤品 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(賦活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸鹼) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 化妆品品牌授权合同(中英文对照) 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

甲方:乙方:丙方:丁方:签订日期: _____ 年_____ 月 第 1 页共16 页

签约各方: BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方): Party A (Authorizing Party): 乙方(被授权方): Party B (Authorized Party): Party C (Ma nu facturi ng and 丙方(生产加工方): Process ing Party): 丁方(生产加工方): Party D (Ma nu facturi ng and Process ing Party): 定义: DEFINITIONS: 1、:系指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示, 按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方 在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。 1. The term “” as used here in mea ns such brand products as directly manu factured in Korea or as join tly manu factured by Party C and Party D subject to in struct ions of Party B and with the manu facture processes and related tech no logies provided by Party A here un der,and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People ' s Republic of China in accorda nee with terms agreed here in. 2、发货发:系指收到乙方书面订购产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、


Product Series Cleansing series 1.洁面膏Skin milk cream 2.洗面奶Facial cleanser 3. 洁盐粉salt cleansing powder 4. 洁面啫喱/凝胶Cleansing Gel 5. 卸妆油/液makeup remover oil/liquid 6.洁面泡沫 cleansing foam Water Series 1.柔肤水Smooth toner(中干肌肤) 2. 爽肤水Toner 3.营养水Nutritive water(中性肌肤) 4.花卉水Floral Water 5.化妆水Toning Lotion Peeling Series 1.去角质霜peeling Cream 2.去角质粉peeling Powder 3.去角质水peeling water 4. 去角质啫喱/凝胶peeling Gel Massage Series 1.按摩膏Massage Cream 2.按摩啫喱/凝胶Massage Gel 3.按摩乳Massage Lotion Essence Series 1、淡斑精华素Dilute spot essence; 2、美白精华素whitening essence; 3、平皱精华素Wrinkle filler essence; 4、舒敏精华素Ease Allergy Essence; 5、防敏精华素Prevent Allergy Essence; 6、补水精华素water replenishing essence Cream series 1.淡斑膏dilute spot scream 2.嫩白霜Whitening cream 3.平皱霜Wrinkle filler cream 4.抗冻疗肤霜Antifreeze treatment skin cream 5.防敏霜Prevent Allergy cream 6.补水霜Moisturizing cream 7.出水霜water cream 8.高效保湿霜efficient moisturizing cream 9.滋润膏moisturizing cream 10.抗螨特效膏anti-mite effects cream 11. 润肤霜Moisture Cream Sunscreen Series 1.防晒霜Sunscreen Cream 2.防晒乳Sunscreen Lotion 3.防晒喷雾Sunscreen Spray 4.晒后修复乳/啫喱After sun repair milk/gel Eye Series 1.眼部卸妆液Eye makeup remove liquid 2.眼部按摩膏 Eye Massage Cream 3.眼部按摩油Eye Massage oil 4.眼部抗皱精华素Eye Anti-Wrinkle Essence 5.眼部去黑眼圈精华素Essence to remove black rim of eye 6.眼部去眼袋精华素 Essence to remove pouch of eye 7.眼部提升精华Essence to upgrade eye 8.全效眼霜 All Effects eye mask 9.去皱眼霜Anti-wrinkle Essence for eye 10.去眼袋霜 cream to remove pouch of eye 11.紧致眼霜Firming Eye Cream 12.去黑眼圈眼霜cream to remove black rim of eye Mask Series 1.面膜膏Mask Cream 2.镇静冰晶膜poise gel mask 3.软膜粉Soft mask powder 4.精华素面膜贴Essence Mask Paste 5.海藻膜Seaweed Mask 6.花瓣面膜Petal Mask 7.矿物泥膜Mineral mud mask 8.热膜粉Heating mask powder 9.冰膜粉refrigerant mask powder 10.中药软磨粉Chinese Medicine Soft Membrane Powder 11.唇膜Lip Mask 12.睡眠面膜Sleep Mask 13.果冻啫喱膜粉Jelly gel membrane powder


护肤:skincare 洗面奶:facialcleanser/facewash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水:toner/astringent 紧肤水:firminglotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothingtoner(facialmist/facialspray/complexionmist) 护肤霜:moisturizersandcreams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sunscreen/sunblock 美白:whitening 露:lotion 霜:cream 日霜:daycream 晚霜:nightcream 眼部GEL:eyegel 面膜:facialmask/masque 眼膜:eyemask 护唇用:Lipcare 口红护膜:Lipcoat 磨砂膏:facialscrub

去黑头:deep porecleanser/striperporerefining 去死皮:ExfoliatingScrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜:handlotion/moisturizer 沐浴露:bodywash 青春痘用品:Acne/Spot 活用:Active 日晒后用品:Aftersun 无酒精:Alcohol-free 抗、防:Anti- 抗老防皱:Anti-wrinkle 平衡酸硷:Balancing 清洁用:Clean-/Purify- 混合性皮肤:Combination 干性皮肤:Dry 精华液:Essence 脸部用:Facial 快干:Fast/Quickdry 紧肤:Firm


英语知识 brush发刷nail polish指甲油/ handbag手提包 hatbox/帽盒cosmetics case 化妆 箱 high heels高跟鞋gloves手套wrist watch手表 belt腰带pendant项饰necklace项链neck scarf围巾earrings耳环 sun glasses太阳镜cigarette holder 烟斗ring戒指bracelet手链, 手 tie \领带cuff links \袖扣ascot\宽领带pocket watch 表袋hair net 发网shampoo 洗发水cream rinse 营养发水hair spray 发胶powder puff 粉扌卜

face powder面粉 More: Edit:英语培训More:yypxjgwk compact带镜粉盒 astringent化妆水 perfume香水 skin milk乳液 cold cream油底霜 atomizer喷雾式香水 clip夹子 hand mirror手镜 bobby pin发夹 false eyelash 假睫毛 lipstick口红 wig假发 tie pin领带夹 tissue面纸 purse手提包 brooch胸针 shawl披肩 neckerchief领巾 作为一个会议口译译员,应该全面发展,不仅能搞同声传译工作,也要能搞即席传译工作,二者缺一不可。 由于同声传译比即席传译更加容易学习和掌握(这点恐怕同很多人的想象相反),所以,作为初学者,在掌握即席传译技术以前,最好先搞一段时间的同声传译工作。也就是说,应该先到只使用同声传译的会议上去工作。但是,在实际工作中,这种只使用同声传译的会议是很少的。由于工作需要,绝大多数会议总免不了要建立若干个委员会、工作组、起草组等附属机构。这些机构往往在没有同声传译设备的小会议室里开会,这就需要进行即席传译了。遇到这种情况,所有搞同声传译工作的译员,都可能被抽调到这些


美容化妆品专业术语及中英文对照 一、化妆品/护肤品/洗涤 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming, milky, cream, gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部gel: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:lip care 口红护膜:lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: exfoliating scrub 润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 二、化妆品/护肤品功能 acne/spot(青春痘用品) active(赋活用) after sun(日晒后用品) alcohol-free(无酒精) anti-(抗、防) anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) balancing(平衡酸硷) clean-/purify-(清洁用) combination(混合性皮肤) dry(干性皮肤) essence(精华液) facial(脸部用) fast/quick dry(快干) firm(紧肤) foam(泡沫) gentle(温和的) hydra-(保湿用)
