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FIDIC EPC合同招标文件参考译文3

4.3 Contractor's Representative承包商代表

The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor's Representative and shall give him all authority necessary to act on the Contractor's behalf under the Contract.


Unless the Contractor's Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, prior to the Commencement Date, submit to the Employer for consent the name and particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint as Contractor's Representative. If consent is withheld or subsequently revoked, or if the appointed person fails to act as Contractor's Representative, the Contractor shall similarly submit the name and particulars of another suitable person for such appointment.


The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Employer, revoke the appointment of the Contractor's Representative or appoint a replacement.


The Contractor's Representative shall, on behalf of the Contractor, receive instructions under Sub-Clause 3.4[Instructions].


The Contractor's Representative may delegate any powers, functions and authority to any competent person, and may at any time revoke the delegation. Any delegation or revocation shall not take effect until the Employer has received prior notice signed by the Contractor's Representative, naming the person and specifying the powers, functions and authority being delegated or revoked.


The Contractor's Representative and all these persons shall be fluent in the language for communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4[Law and Language].


4.4 Subcontractors分包商

The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor, his agents or employees, as if they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor. Where specified in the Particular Conditions, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer not less than 28 days’ notice of: 承包商应将任何分包商、代理人或雇员的行为或不履行合同视为承包商自己的行为或不履行合同并为其承担责任。承包商应按具体条件的说明至少提前28天将下列事项通知雇主:

(a) the intended appointment of the Subcontractor, with detailed particulars which shall include his relevant experience,

(b) the intended commencement of the Subcontractor’s work, and

(c) the intended commencement of the Subcontractor's work on the Site.

(a) 准备对分包商的任命,连同包括该分包商经验在内的细节详情,

(b) 分包商的工作计划开始日期,

(c) 分包商的工作计划在现场开始的日期。

4.5 Nominated Subcontractors指定分包商

In this Sub-Clause, "nominated Subcontractor" means a Subcontractor whom the Employer, under Clause 13 [V ariations and Adjustments], instructs the Contractor to employ as a Subcontractor. The Contractor shall not be under any obligation to employ a nominated Subcontractor against whom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by notice to the Employer as soon as practicable, with supporting particulars.


4.6 Co-operation合作

The Contractor shall, as specified in the Contract or as instructed by the Employer, allow appropriate opportunities for carrying out work to:

(a) the Employer's Personnel,

(b) any other contractors employed by the Employer, and

(c) the personnel of any legally constituted public authorities,

who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract.


(a) 雇主人员,

(b) 雇主雇用的任何其他承包商,以及

(c) 任何合法公共机构的人员。

Any such instruction shall constitute a Variation if and to the extent that it causes the Contractor to incur Cost in an amount which was not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender. Services for these personnel and other contractors may include the use of Contractor's Equipment, Temporary Works or access arrangements which are

the responsibility of the Contractor.


The Contractor shall be responsible for his construction activities on the Site, and shall co-ordinate his own activities with those of other contractors to the extent (if any) specified in the Employer's Requirements.


If, under the Contract, the Employer is required to give to the Contractor possession of any foundation, structure, plant or means of access in accordance with Contractor's Documents, the Contractor shall submit such documents to the Employer in the time and manner stated in the Employer's Requirements.


4.7 Setting Out放线

The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the Contract or notified by the Employer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the Works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the Works.


4.8 Safety Procedures安全程序

The Contractor shall:

(a) comply with all applicable safety regulations,

(b) take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the Site,

(c) use reasonable efforts to keep the Site and Works clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons,

(d) provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works until completion and taking over under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over], and

(e) provide any Temporary Works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of the Works, for the use and protection of the public and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land.


(a) 遵守所有适用的安全规则;

(b) 照料有权在现场的所有人员的安全;

(c) 尽最大努力使现场和工程始终无多余的障碍物,避免危及这些人员;

(d) 为工程设置围栏、照明、保卫和看守,直至工程完成并按照第10条[雇主接收](由雇主)接收,并

(e) 设置因实施本工程而供公众和邻近土地所有人与占用人使用并为保护他们而可能需要的所有临时工程(包括道路、人行道、栏杆和围栏)。

4.9 Quality Assurance质量保证

The Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Contract. The system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the Contract. The Employer shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system.


Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the Employer for information before each design and execution stage is commenced. When any document of a technical nature is issued to the Employer, evidence of the prior approval by the Contractor himself shall be apparent on the document itself.


Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract.


4.10 Site Data现场数据

The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, all relevant data in the Employer's possession on sub-surface and hydrological conditions at the Site, including environmental aspects. The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Employer's possession after the Base Date.


The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all such data. The Employer shall have no responsibility for the accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of such data, except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.1[General Design Responsibilities].


4.11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price合同价盈利可能性

The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price.


Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract Price covers all the Contractor's obligations under the Contract (including those under Provisional Sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.


4.12 Unforeseeable Difficulties不可预见困难

Except as otherwise stated in the Contract:

(a) the Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect the Works;

(b) by signing the Contract, the Contractor accepts total responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the Works; and

(c) the Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or costs.


(a) 应当认为承包商已经取得有关风险、偶然事件和其他可能影响或损害本工程的情况的所有必要信息和资料;

(b) 一旦签订本合同,承包商就接受了预见顺利完成本工程中的所有困难和费用的全部责任;以及

(c) 合同价不应为考虑任何未预见到的困难或费用而调整。

4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities道路通行权和设施

The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special and/or temporary rights-of-way which he may require, including those for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also obtain, at his risk and cost, any additional facilities outside the Site which he may require for the purposes of the Works.


4.14 Avoidance of Interference避免干扰

The Contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with:

(a) the convenience of the public, or

(b) the access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Employer or of others.


(a) 公众的方便,或

(b) 所有道路和人行道的出入、使用和占用,不论是否为公用或是归雇主或其他人所有。

The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all damages,

improper interference.


4.15 Access Route现场出入路线

The Contractor shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to the suitability and availability of access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damaged by the Contractor's traffic or by the Contractor's Personnel. These efforts shall include the proper use of appropriate vehicles and routes.


Except as otherwise stated in these Conditions:

(a) the Contractor shall (as between the Parties) be responsible for any maintenance which may be required for his use of access routes;

(b) the Contractor shall provide all necessary signs or directions along access routes, and shall obtain any permission which may be required from the relevant authorities for his use of routes, signs and directions;

(c) the Employer shall not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route;

(d) the Employer does not guarantee the suitability or availability of particular access routes; and (e) Costs due to non-suitability or non-availability, for the use required by the Contractor, of access routes shall be borne by the Contractor.





(d) 雇主不保证具体进出路线满足要求并可供承包商使用;

(e) 由于进出路线不适合承包商要求的用途或不能供其使用而发生的费用应由承包商承担。

4.16 Transport of Goods货物运输

Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:

(a) the Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 21 days' notice of the date on which any Plant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered to the Site;

(b) the Contractor shall be responsible for packing, loading, transporting, receiving, unloading, storing and protecting all Goods and other things required for the Works; and

(c) the Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all

Goods, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising from their transport.





4.17 Contractor's Equipment承包商机具

The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor's Equipment. When brought on to the Site, Contractor's Equipment shall be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.


4.18 Protection of the Environment保护环境

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations.

The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor's activities shall not exceed the values indicated in the Employer’s Requirements, and shall not exceed the values prescribed by applicable Laws.



4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气

The Contractor shall, except as stated below, be responsible for the provision of all power, water and other services he may require.


The Contractor shall be entitled to use for the purposes of the Works such supplies of electricity, water, gas and other services as may be available on the Site and of which details and prices are given in the Specification. The Contractor shall, at his risk and cost, provide any apparatus necessary for his use of these services and for measuring the quantities consumed.


The quantities consumed and the amounts due (at these prices) for such services shall be agreed or determined by the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5[Employer's Claims]and Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations]. The Contractor shall pay these amounts to the Employer.


4.20 Employer's Equipment and Free-Issue Material雇主设备和免费供应的材料

The Employer shall make the Employer's Equipment (if any) available for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works in accordance with the details, arrangements and prices stated in the Employer’s Requirements. Unless otherwise stated in the Employer’s Requirements:

(a) the Employer shall be responsible for the Employer's Equipment, except that

(b) the Contractor shall be responsible for each item of Employer's Equipment whilst any of the Contractor's Personnel is operating it, driving it, directing it or in possession or control of it.


(a) 除下列(b)项所列情况外,雇主应对雇主设备负责,


The appropriate quantities and the amounts due (at such stated prices) for the use of Employer's Equipment shall be agreed or determined by the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer's Claims]and Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations]. The Contractor shall pay these amounts to the Employer.


The Employer shall supply, free of charge, the "free-issue materials" (if any) in accordance with the details stated in the Employer’s Requirements. The Employer shall, at his risk and cost, provide these materials at the time and place specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall then visually inspect them, and shall promptly give notice to the Employer of any shortage, defect or default in these materials. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the Employer shall immediately rectify the notified shortage, defect or default.


After this visual inspection, the free-issue materials shall come under the care, custody and control of the Contractor. The Contractor's obligations of inspection, care, custody and control shall not relieve the Employer of liability for any shortage, defect or default not apparent from a visual inspection.



4.21 Progress Reports进展报告

Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, monthly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer in six copies. The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date. Reports shall be submitted monthly thereafter, each within 7 days after the last day of the period to which it relates.

Reporting shall continue until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.


Each report shall include:

(a) charts and detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of design, Contractor's Documents, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection,testing, commissioning and trial operation;

(b) photographs showing the status of manufacture and of progress on the Site;

(c) for the manufacture of each main item of Plant and Materials, the name of the manufacturer, manufacture location, percentage progress, and the actual or expected dates of:

(i) commencement of manufacture,

(ii) Contractor's inspections,

(iii) tests, and

(iv) shipment and arrival at the Site;

(d) the details described in Sub-Clause 6.10 [Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment];

(e) copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of Materials;

(f) list of Variations, notices given under Sub-Clause 2.5[Employer’s Claims] and notices given under Sub-Clause 20.1[Contractor’s Claims];

(g) safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspects and public relations; and

(h) comparisons of actual and planned progress, with details of any events or circumstances which may jeopardise the completion in accordance with the Contract, and the measures being (or to be) adopted to overcome delays.



(b) 反映制造情况和现场进展等状况的照片;

(c) 关于每项主要设备和材料的生产、制造厂家的名称、制造地点、进展百分比,以及下列事项的实际或预计日期:

(i) 开始制造,

(ii) 承包商检验,

(iii) 检验,

(iv) 发货和运抵现场

(d) 第6.10款中说明的细节;

(e) 材料的质量保证文件、检验结果及合格证的副本;

(f) 变更和根据第2.5款与第20.1款发出的通知的清单;

(g) 安全统计,包括对环境和公共关系有危害的事件和作业的详细情况:

(h) 实际进展与计划进展的对比,包括可能影响按合同完成的任何事件或情况的详情,以及为消除延误正在(或要)采取的措施。

4.22 Security of the Site现场保安

Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:

(a) the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping unauthorised persons off the Site, and

(b) authorised persons shall be limited to the Contractor's Personnel and the Employer's Personnel; and to any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by (or on behalf of) the Employer, as authorised personnel of the Employer's other contractors on the Site.


(a) 承包商应负责阻止未经授权的人员进入现场,

(b) 授权人员应仅限于承包商人员和雇主人员,以及由雇主或代表雇主通知承包商为雇主在现场的其他承包商的授权人员的任何其他人员。

4.23 Contractor's Operations on Site承包商的现场作业

The Contractor shall confine his operations to the Site, and to any additional areas which may be obtained by the Contractor and agreed by the Employer as working areas. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep Contractor's Equipment and Contractor's Personnel within the Site and these additional areas, and to keep them off adjacent land.


During the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall keep the Site free from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor's Equipment or surplus materials. The Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works which are no longer required.


Upon the issue of a Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shall clear away and remove all Contractor's Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works. The Contractor shall leave that part of the Site and the Works in a clean and safe condition. However,

the Contractor may retain on Site, during the Defects Notification Period, such Goods as are required for the Contractor to fulfill obligations under the Contract.


4.24 Fossils化石

All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and other remains or items of geological or archaeological interest found on the Site shall be placed under the care and authority of the Employer. The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent Contractor's Personnel or other persons from removing or damaging any of these findings.


The Contractor shall, upon discovery of any such finding, promptly give notice to the Employer, who shall issue instructions for dealing with it. If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from complying with the instructions, the Contractor shall give a further notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor's Claims] to:


(a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and

(b) payment of any such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price.

After receiving this further notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations] to agree or determine these matters.





设计合同范本 建设工程设计合同 (专业建设工程设计合同) 中华人民共和国建设部 监制 国家工商行政管理局 第一条本合同签订依据 1.1《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建设工程勘查设计市场管理 规定》。 1.2国家及地方有关建设工程勘查设计管理法规和规章。 1.3建设工程批准文件。 第二条设计依据 2.1发包人给设计人的委托书或设计中标文件 2.2发包人提交的基础资料 2.3设计人采用的主要技术标准是: 建筑设计防火规范(GBJ16-87) 高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB50045-95) 建筑内部装修设计防火规范(GB50222-95) 第三条合同文件的优先次序 构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致,则根据如 下优先次序来判断:

3.1 合同书 3.2 发包人要求及委托书 第四条本合同项目的名称、规模、设计内容及要求 4.1 项目名称: 4.2 项目规模: 本项目面积统计表 位楼总装总装公共区公共区 置层修面积修面积域面积域面积 1 小计小计(?) ?) ( (?) (?) 1 F 2 F 3 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F

5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 合 / 计 4.3设计内容: 设计人对工程进行室内装修改造设计,包括平面布局设计、方案设计、扩初设计、施工图设计。 2 第一项平面布局设计 1.1)装饰主题概念设计 1.1.1)定位分析 1.1.2)装饰主题的确立 1.1.3)装饰风格的确立 1.2)平面规划设计 1.2.1)功能布局设计,人流交通流线设计,功能配比分析 1.2.2)功能布局设计,交通运输流线设计,功能配比分析 第二项方案设计


人工费合同书 工程名称: 项目负责人: 签约日期:

分包合同书 甲方: 乙方:身份证号:甲方就 ______________________________ 装饰工程施工分包给乙方进 行施工,为明确双方责任,保质保量的完成该项工程,订立以下协议, 供双方共同遵守执行。 一、工程名称:___________________________________________________ 二、工程地点:____________________________________________________ 三、承包范围:_____________________________________________________ 四、承包方式:_____________________________________________________ 五、工期:本工程自_________ 年 ____ 月_____ 日期开工,至__________ 年 月_____ 日完工,日历工期__________ 天(如遇雨雪等天气等不可 抗因素,工期顺延)。 六、承包价格: 七、结算方式: 八、人工费支付方式: 1、双方签订合同进场________ 日内,甲方按实际工程情况支付乙 方前期施工费用;(此条款仅限于新班组适用,老班组按实际进度支 付)。

2、按每月进度实际量付到%,完工后到付______________ %,交工验收合格后付到________ %,年末决算时付到_________ %,剩余_______ %作为质保金,质保金期限为_______ 年,期满后一次付清。 九、双方责任: 1、甲方责任: (1)免费提供施工用水,电。 (2)保证材料及时供应 (3)提供施工图纸。 (4)安排专业水电工接驳施工用水,电。 (5)对乙方施工质量,安全,进度惊喜监督,检查和验收。 (6)及时做好隐蔽验收报验工作。 (7)按照合同约定及时支付人工费。 2、乙方责任: (1)必须服从甲方管理人员的管理。 (2)严格按照甲方提供的图纸,设计要求进行施工,如不按设计图纸 要求及装饰规范施工,造成返工,浪费等情况,一切费用由乙方 承担,在此期间工期不得延误。 (3)负责组织工人,工具进行施工,必须按项目部下达的任务 进行人工结构调整,如乙方因此造成的工期延误,甲方将按人工 费总造价的______________ %处罚。 (4)负责放线,协助项目经理计算材料,保护施工现场所有半成品和 成品。


FIDIC合同条件体系及应用 FIDIC合同条件体系及应用 一、FIDIC合同主要文件构成 FIDIC专业委员会编制了一系列规范性合同条件,构成了FIDIC合同条件体系,包括: (红皮书) FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件 Conditions of Contract for Work Of Civil Engineering Construction (新红皮书) FIDIC程施工合同条件(1999年新增) Condition of Contract for Construction 注:《施工合同条件》(新红皮书)的全称是:由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer); (黄皮书) FIDIC电气与机械工程合同条件 Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (新黄皮书) FIDIC永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(1999年新增) Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design—Build

注:《设备与设计-建造合同》(新黄皮书)的全称是:由承包商设计的电气和机械设备安装与民用和工程合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Designed-Build for Electrlcal and Mechanical Plant and Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Contractor)。 (橘皮书)FIDIC设计-建造与交钥匙工程合同条件 Conditions of Contract for Design— Build and Turnkey (银皮书)FIDIC设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件 Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects (白皮书)FIDIC业主咨询工程师标准服务协议书条件(1998年第三版)Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (绿皮书)合同的简短格式 Short Form of Contract 二、FIDIC主要合同文件的适用性 国际承包工程涉及到的FIDIC合同主要有四种: 常见的是土木工程施工方面的,正式名称为《土木工程施工合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction),由于封皮是红色的,海外通常叫做“红皮书”; 还有黄色封皮的,是机电工程方面的,正式名称为《机电工程合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works),常叫“黄皮书”;


FIDIC 土木工程施工合同 第I部分 定义和解释 定义 1.1 在本合同中,下列名词及术语,除上下文另有要求外,均应具有本款所赋予的含义: (a)( i ) “雇主”指本合同条件第n部分指定的当事人及其合法继承人,但不指该当事人的任何受让人(除非得到承包人同意)。 ( ii )“承包人”指其投标书已为雇主所接受的当事人及其合法继承人,但不指该当事人的任何受让人(除非得到雇主同意)。 ( iii )“分包人”指合同中指名承担得到部分工程施工的当事人、或经工程师同意分包了一部分工程的当事人及合法继承人,但不指分包人的任何受让人。 (iv ) “工程师”指雇主任命的为执行合同规定的工程师任务,并在本合同条件第H部分提出姓名的当事人。 (b)( i ) “合同”指合同条件(第I部分和第n部分)、技术规范、图纸、工程量清单、投标书,中标通知书、合同协议书 (如果已签订) 及其明确列入中标通知书或合同协议书 (如果已签订)中的其他文件。 (ii )“规范”指合同中包括的工程技术规范和根据第 51 条或由承包人提供经工程师批准而作出的修改或补充。 ( iii )“图纸”指工程师根据合同规定向承包人提供的所有图纸,计算书和性质类似的技术资料,以及由承包人提出并经工程师批准的所有图纸、计算书、样品、图样、模型、操作与养护手册及其他性质类似的技术资料。 ( iv )“工程量清单”指构成投标书一部分并已标价填好的工程量清单。 ( v) “投标书”指承包人根据合同规定为实施并完成本工程及其缺陷修复而向雇主提出并为中标通知书所接受的报价书。 ( vi )“中标通知书”指雇主对投标书的正式接受。 ( vii )“合同协议书”指第 9.1 款所述的合同协议(如果已签订)。 ( viii )“投标书附件”指合同条件中所附的投标书后的附件部分。 ( c) (i) “开工日期”指承包人接到工程师根据第 41 条规定签发的开工通知书的日期。 (ii )“竣工时间”指从开工之日算起按合同规定(或根据第44 条而延期)完成施工或 工程施工并通过竣工检验的用的时间。 ( d) (i) “竣工检验”指合同规定的检验,或经工程师和承包人另有协议的其他检验。这些检验应由承包人在雇主接收本工程或其任何区段或部分工程之前完成。 (ii )“接收证书”指根据第 48 条规定签发的证书。 ( e)( i )“合同价格”指中标通知书中写明的,完成工程实施及其缺陷修复而按照合


合同编号: 装饰工程设计合同 项目名称:学府华庭·增辉住宅设计 项目地点: 委托方(甲方): 承接方(乙方): 签订日期:二0一七年月

个人住宅委托设计协议书 甲方(委托人):乙方(受托人): 现居住地:现居住地: 联系电话:联系电话: 甲方委托乙方对株洲市区小区号楼单元户进行室内设计服务,经双方协商,签订如下合同,以便共同遵守: 一、设计费用 该房为高层住宅(庭院和顶层阁楼不在设计范围之内)建筑面积为137 ㎡,结构为框架结构,设计费每平米元人民币(详情参照附件《设计收费标准及服务条款》),甲方应支付乙方设计费共计元(大写人民币:圆);收费面积按照建筑面积乘以90%计算;如果房屋结构有大规模的更改(如:搭建阁楼、平台、楼板开洞,花园景观设计等),需要结构承载计算,则与乙方洽商收取费用另计. 二、付款方式 1、首期款:该协议签订后,甲方应向乙方支付总设计的50%,约为元 (大写万仟百圆整); 2、二期款:甲方确定乙方效果图后,甲方应向乙方支付总设计费的45%, 约为元(大写万仟百圆整); 3、尾款:乙方将施工详图纸绘制完毕提交给甲方(节点大样除外),甲方 应向乙方支付总设计费的5%,约为元(大写万仟百圆整); 三、甲方设计要求 1、设计风格确认为:。 2、在不违反上述设计要求时尽量采用甲方提供所喜爱的品牌产品。 四、乙方工作内容 1、房屋测量,空间平面规划设计(含强、弱电设计)。 2、空间墙、顶、地各平、立面深化方案设计:详细的施工图纸。 3、空间整体色彩配置,风格的确定:实景参考图片,三维效果透视图。 4、主材陪同选购:橱柜、墙地砖、地板、壁纸、门、洁具、壁柜。 5、家具、灯具陪同选购,家具尺寸统计表。


建设工程施工合同 发包方(甲方): 承包方(乙方): 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、建设部《建筑法》以及其他相关法律法规。本着遵守国家法律、公平、合理的原则,经甲、乙双方协商一致签订本合同。合同条款如下: 一、工程名称: 二、工程地点: 三、开竣工时间:2010年月日一2010年月日 四、工程内容及方式: 1、主要工程内容为:基础、框架、砌块、墙面、地面、场地。 2、施工方式:包工不包料。 五、结算及拨款方式: 1、本合同工程款总额:工程俊工结算后,双方结算大表上的人 工费(元每人每天)和管理费(人工费X1.3 )的总和。 2、工人工资按月发放,在施工现场,由甲方监督之下,直接发放给工人。 3、工程竣工验收后,工人工资全部结清,其余款项,等甲方结算完后15日内,按甲方结算大表上的人工费及管理费,一次性结算至工程款的90% 4、余款在工程质保期满无质量问题时,十个工作日内一次性付

清。 5、承包方收到工程款后5日内应当向发包方开据符合税法规定的票据。 六、质量与安全 1、工程质量标准:现行的国家标准,达到合格要求。 2、乙方必须严格按安全操作规程施工。如不按操作规程施工,发生安全事故,由乙方承担全部行政、刑事、民事责任。 3、乙方须在进场前按相关规定为工人购买各种保险,如甲方发现乙方未按规定购买保险,甲方有权代乙方购买,保险费用从工程款中扣留。 4、质保期为工程验收后的一年。 七、甲方权利和义务 1、甲方向乙方交付具备合同项下作业开工条件的施工场地。 2、甲方向乙方提供满足作业所需的供应,通信及施工道路的畅通。 3、甲方向乙方提供相应的工程资料及技术图纸。 4、甲方向乙方提供图纸,及时向乙方交付材料。 5、甲方按合同约定,向乙方支付工程进度款。 6、因甲方原因,停工24小时以上的,甲方应按现场实际情况,支付乙方现场人员的人工费用,由甲方现场管理人员签字生效。人工费按100元/天计。 7、因设计变更发生费用,由甲方按实际发生的工程量付给乙方


中文英文 通用条件General Conditions 一般规定General Provisions 定义Definitions 解释Interpretation 通信交流Communications 法律和语言Law and Language 文件优先次序Priority of Documents 合同协议书Contract Agreement 权益转让Assignment 文件的照管和提供Care and Supply of Documents 保密性Confidentiality 雇主使用承包商文件Employer's Use of Contractor's Documents 承包商使用雇主文件Contractor's Use of Employer's Documents 保密事项Confidential Details 遵守法律Compliance with Laws 共同的和各自的责任Joint and Several Liability 雇主employer 现场进入权Right of Access to the Site 许可、执照或批准Permits, Licences or Approvals 雇主人员Employer's Personnel 雇主的资金安排Employer's Financial Arrangements 雇主的索赔Employer's Claims 雇主的管理Employer's Administration 雇主代表Employer's Representative 其他雇主人员Other Employer's Personnel 受托人员Delegated Persons 指示Instrunctions 确定Determinations 承包商Contractor 承包商的一般义务Contractor's General Obligations 履约担保Performance Security 承包商代表Contractor's Representative 分包商Subcontractors 指定的分包商Nominated Subcontractors 合作Co-operation 放线Setting Out 安全程序Safety Procedures 质量保证Quality Assurance 现场数据Site Data 合同价格的充分性Sufficiency of the Contract Price


菲迪克(FIDIC)文献译丛中英文对照本 国际咨询工程师联合会 编译 中国工程咨询协会 1999年第1版 Agreement协议书 General Conditions通用条件 Rules for Adjudication裁决规则 Notes for Guidance指南注释 Short Form of Contract 简明合同格式 吕文学陈永强翻译 唐萍校译 王川徐礼章唐萍审订 (1999年第1版) (中英文对照本) (译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任, 正式使用发生的争端,以英文原版为准) 机械工业出版社

菲迪克(FIDIC)授权书 I herewith authorize CNAEC to translate FIDIC’s publications (but not the publications as edited by other organizations) into Chinese and publish them. I agree with your statement, as part of the agreement, that you will: a)Provide FIDIC with 10 copies of the translation per document, and b)Make a statement on the inside cover of the translation that the translator takes full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation and that in case of dispute, the original version in English shall prevail. Peter van der TOGT Publications manager [译文] 在此,我授权中国工程咨询协会把FIDIC出版物译成中文并出版(但是,不包括其他组织编写的出版物)。我同意你们的意见,作为协议的一部分,你们应: a)向FIDIC提供每份文件中译本10本; b)在译文的扉页上注明译者对译文的准确度承担全部责任,如果发生争端,以英文原版为准。 出版经理:Peter van der TOGT FIDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. FIDIC (中译菲迪克)是国际咨询工程师联合会的法文缩写。 FIDIC was founded in 1913 by three national associations of consulting engineers within Europe. The objectives of forming the federation were to promote in common the professional interests of the member associations and to disseminate information of interest to members of its component national associations. 菲迪克(FIDIC)是由欧洲三个国家的咨询工程师协会于1913年成立的。组建联合会的上的是共同促进成员协会的职业利益,以及向其成员协会会员传播有益信息。 Today FIDIC membership numbers more than 60 countries from all parts of the globe and the federation represents most of the private practice consulting engineers in the world. 今天,菲迪克(FIDIC)已有来自全球各地60多个国家成员协会,代表着世界上大多数私人执业咨询工程师。 FIDIC arranges seminars, conferences and other events in the furtherance of its goals: maintenance of high ethical and professional standards; exchange of views and information; discussion of problems of mutual concern among member associations and representatives of the international financial institutions; and development of the consulting engineering industry in developing countries. 菲迪克(FIDIC)举办各类研讨会、会议及其他活动,以促进其目标:维护高的道德和职业标准;交流观点和信息;讨论成员协会和国际金融机构代表共同关心的问题,以及发展中国家工程咨询业的发展。 FIDIC publications include proceedings of various conferences and seminars, information for consulting engineers, project owners and international development agencies, standard pre-qualification forms, contract documents and client/consultant agreements. They are available from the secretariat in Switzerland. 菲迪克(FIDIC)的出版物包括:各类会议和研讨会的文件,为咨询工程师、项目业主和国际开发机构提供的信息,资格预审标准格式,合同文件以及客户与工程咨询单位协议书。这些资料可以从设在瑞士的菲迪克(FIDIC)秘书处得到。 国际咨询工程师联合会 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS


设计委托合同书 甲方(委托方): 乙方(执行方): 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》和有关法规的规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,就设计事项,双方经协商一致,签订本合同,信守执行: 一、委托之事项: 1)甲方委托乙方为其公司设计DM单页。 2)DM单页类别: 3)以下报价均含设计费 1.尺寸:A4:双面:制作费用:250g 铜版纸1000张/1200元 2.尺寸:A4:三折:制作费用:200g 铜版纸1000张/1500元 3.尺寸:A3:单页:制作费用:300g 铜版纸1000张/3000元 4.尺寸:B5:双面:制作费用:250g 铜版纸1000张/1000元 二、委托设计费用 总价为:人民币元,(大写:) 三、付款方式 1)甲方需在合同签订之日起两个工作日内将委托设计总费用的%支 付给乙方。 2)设计完成后,甲方需在三天内签名或盖章确认,确认后甲方应当即支付设计 费用的全部余款(总费用的%)。 四、乙方设计作品的时间、交付方式: 1)乙方需在个工作日内设计出甲方项目的初稿;

2)乙方在收到甲方的预付款当天;则为乙方作业起始时间; 3)乙方以电子稿交付方式交付设计的作品,乙方在收到甲方余款结清后的有关 凭据后一个工作日内把设计电子稿交予甲方。 五、知识产权约定 1.乙方对设计完成的作品享有著作权。甲方将委托设计的所有费用结算完毕后,乙方可将作品著作权转让给甲方。但乙方保留用于参展、评选的权利。 2.甲方在未付清所有委托设计费用之前,乙方设计的作品著作权归乙方,甲方对该作品不享有任何权利。 3.甲方在余款未付清之前擅自使用或者修改使用乙方设计的作品而导致的侵权,乙方有权依据《中华人民共和国著作权法》追究其法律责任。 六、双方的权利义务 甲方权利: 1)甲方有权对乙方的设计提出建议和思路,以使乙方设计的作品更符合甲方企 业文化内涵。 2)甲方在规定的服务范围内有权对乙方所设计的作品提出修改意见。 甲方义务: 1)甲方按照合同约定支付相关费用; 2)甲方有义务提供有关企业资料或其他有关资料给乙方。甲方不得要求乙方制 作的网页中包含色情,宗教,人权歧视,政治敏感问题等内容,否则乙方有权终止合同并不退还已经收取的费用。甲方对其提供的所有内容的真实性和合法性负完全责任,一切由其内容所引发的纠纷,争议以及所涉及的法律责任均由甲方承担。


发包人(简称甲方):_________________________ 承包人(简称乙方):____________________ 第一条、依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》以及其他有关法律法规的规定,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚信的原则基础上,经双方协商一致,签订本合同。 第二条、工程概况和费用 装修施工地址:_________________________ 施工面积约为______平方米(结算面积按实测为准) 1、承包方式为清包吊顶费,工程款包括: 2、付款时间双方协商约定:以乙方施工进场后由甲方付元生活费后,其余按完成项目天一结算支付。工人撤场,费用结算支付金额达到总金额______%,其余费用按撤场之日起一月内结清。 第三条、装修施工自_____年_____月_____日开工,至_____年_____月_____日竣工。 第四条、设备、材料、工程质量及验收 一、装修过程中,甲方负责提供施工现场的水、电和施工所需装饰材料,装修过程中所需工具由乙方提供,甲方不支付乙方的设备使用费和维修费。 二、甲方采购供应的装饰材料,均应用于本合同规定的场所装饰,非经甲方同意,乙方不得挪作他用。如乙方违反此规定,按挪用材料款的双倍补偿给甲方。 三、由于乙方原因造成质量事故,其返工费及材料费用由乙方承担。 四、施工过程中,甲方提出变更修改设计、增减工程项目或者变更材料设备,须提前

与乙方联系,再进行施工。 五、甲乙双方应及时办理中间工程的检查与验收手续。工程竣工后,乙方应通知甲方在七日内验收。验收通过后,甲方按照约定付清进度款项,工程未经验收或者验收未合格的,甲方有权拒收,乙方承担返工责任。 第五条、乙方在施工过程中应采取必要的安全保护和消防措施,保障作业人员的安全,乙方作业人员在施工中因自身操作发生的人身伤害事故和上下班过程中出现人身安全事故的,由乙方自行负责。 第六条、违约责任 因乙方原因致使工程质量不符合约定的,乙方要在合理期限内无偿修理或返工。 第七条、其他事项由双方协商解决。 第八条、附则 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,由甲乙双方签字、盖章后生效。合同附件为本合同的组成部分,具有同等的法律效应。 附件 水电人工费表


. 目录 1 一般规定 (1) 1 ....................................................................... 1.1定义 3 ....................................................................... 1.2解释 3 ................................................................... 1.3通信交流 4 ................................................................. 1.4法律和语言 4 ............................................................... 1.5文件优先次序 4 ................................................................. 1.6合同协议书 4 ................................................................... 1.7权益转让 4 ........................................................... 1.8文件的照管和提供 4 ..................................................................... 1.9保密性 4........................................................ 雇主使用承包商文件1.10 5........................................................ 1.11承包商使用雇主文件5.................................................................. 1.12保密事项5.................................................................. 1.13遵守法律5........................................................ 1.14共同的和各自的责任 2雇主. (5) 5................................................................. 现场进入权 2.1 6........................................................... 许可、执照或批准 2.2 6................................................................... 雇主人员 2.3 6............................................................. 雇主的资金安排 2.4 6................................................................. 雇主的索赔 2.53雇主的管理 .. (7) 7 ................................................................... 3.1雇主代表 7 ............................................................... 3.2其他雇主人员 7 ................................................................... 3.3受托人员 7 ....................................................................... 3.4指示 8....................................................................... 确定3.5 4承包商 ............................................................ 8 8........................................................... 4.1承包商的一般义务 8................................................................... 履约担保 4.2 9................................................................. 承包商代表 4.3 9..................................................................... 分包商 4.4 9 ............................................................... 4.5指定的分包商 9 ....................................................................... 4.6合作 10...................................................................... 放线4.7 10.................................................................. 4.8安全程序


FIDIC 简介 F e d erati on Intern ati on ale FIDIC 是国际咨询工程师联合会(F e d e ation In ter natio nale Des Ing e nieurs Co nseils) 的法文 缩写。FIDIC 的本义是指国际咨询工程师联合会这一独立的国际组织。习惯上有时也指FIDIC 条款或FIDIC 方法。 一、FIDIC 的机构 FIDIC 是国际上最有权威的被世界银行认可的咨询工程师组织,目前有50 多个成员国,分属于四个地区性组织,即ASPAC —亚洲及太平洋地区成员协会,CEDIC —欧共体成员协会,CAMA —非洲成员协会集团,RINORD —北欧成员协会集团。 FIDIC 总部设在瑞士洛桑、主要职能机构有:执行委员会(TEC) 、土木工程合同委员会(CECC) 、业主与咨询工程师关系委员会(CCRC) 、职业责任委员会(PLC) 和秘书处。 二、FIDIC 的出版物 (一) 土木工程施工合同条件,(通常称为FIDIC 条件) 1957 年,国际咨询工程师联合会首次出版了标准的土木工程施工合同条件,在此之前还没有专门编制的适用于国际工程的合同条件。第一版以当时正在英国使用的土木工程师学会的《土木建筑工程一般合同条件》为蓝本。由于该标准合同的封面为红色,很快以“红皮书”而闻名世界。 第 2 版于1963 年发行) 只是在第一版的基础上增加了用于疏竣和填筑合同的第三部分,并没有改变第

1 版中所包含的条件。 第 3 版于1977 年出版。对第 2 版作了全面修改。得到欧洲建筑业国际联合会、亚洲及西太平洋承包商


除尘系统设计合同 委托方:(简称甲方 ) 设计方:(简称乙方) 一、工程概况: 1. 设计工程名称: 2. 设计工程地点: 3. 设计工程风量: 4. 设计工程范围: 二、设计程序: 1. 甲乙双方经协商设计费按套计取,设计费总计元人民币. 2. 设计协议签订后,即由甲方付与乙方定金为总设计费的50%,即元。 3、施工图完成后,甲方确定无误,支付剩余设计费用。 三、双方责任: 甲方责任: 1.甲方保证提交的资料真实有效,若提交的资料错误或变更,引起设计修改,须另付修改费。 2.在合同履行期间,甲方要求终止或解除合同,甲方应书面通知乙方,乙方未开始设计工作的,不退还甲方已付的订金; 已开始设计的,甲方应根据乙方已进行的实际工作量,不足一半时,按该阶段设计费的一半支付; 超过一半时,按该阶段设计费的全部支付。 3.事先经甲乙双方已确认的方案,在施工过程中甲方提出修改的,乙方可酌情收取工作量相应的设计费。 4.对未经甲方确认的,或未付清设计费的图纸均不能外带。 5.施工中,甲方擅自更改设计图纸的即表明甲方放弃对乙方所拥有的相应权利。乙方也

不再对甲方的设计负责。 乙方责任: 1.乙方按本合同约定向甲方交付施工图。 2.乙方对施工图中出现的错误负责修改。 3.乙方无故要求终止或解除合同,乙方应返还设计订金。 4.乙方负责向甲方施工时解释图纸。 四、其它: 1.在实施前甲方或施工单位均应按规定办理有关审批手续,并应遵循相关规范与要求。 若有差异均应以规范或审批要求为准,否则乙方不承担责任。甲方或施工企业在实施前均应 与设计师进行图纸交底,凡未会审交底而进行施工的所产生的一切问题均与乙方无关。 2.对甲方提出的有违反设计规范的建意及要求,乙方有权不予采纳,如甲方要求乙方强制采纳设计的,乙方不承担由此引起的一切后果。 3.本合同在履行过程中发生纠纷,委托方与设计方应及时协商解决。协商不成的,可由当地人民法院解决。 4.本合同未尽事宜,双方可签订补充协议作为附件,补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。 5.本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,本协议履行完后自行终止。 甲方名称 ( 签字盖章甲方代表:日期:) :乙方名称 (盖章): 乙方代表: 日期:


工程劳务分包合同 甲方:重庆铬辉金属制品有限公司(简称甲方) 乙方:(简称乙方)《根据中华人民共和国合同法》等法律法规的规定,甲乙双方本着公平、公正的原则经友好协商,决定就甲方承接 工程的人工劳务分包给乙方,现就相关事宜达成如下协议,以兹共同遵守: 一、工程名称及具体项目: 工程名称: 工程项目地址: 工程分包内容: 二、工程量: 以甲乙双方现场实际工程量工程验收工程量为准。 三、工程单价: 工程单价由甲方出具工程相关图纸经双方确认及工程项目施工现场情况,经双方协商得出以下人工劳务单价: 1、综合单价为人民币元/ ; 2、综合单价为人民币元/ ; 3、综合单价为人民币元/ ; 4、综合单价为人民币元/ ;

5、综合单价为人民币元/ ;工程单价实行包干制,单价内容包括(原材料到场上下车人工费、制作加工人工费、完成产品进出场上下车人工费、施工现场安装人工费、二次搬运转运人工费);油漆班组还包括工程验收前油漆补漆的人工费用。如工程单价包含有辅材及机具费用需在前方单项明细中注明;乙方自行配备辅材及机具,包括(工程施工中所需电源线、电动工具及配件、焊接和打磨设备及所需配件辅材)甲方不在提供,甲方承担辅材为:预埋件及固定螺栓,焊条。总金额以结算金额为准。 结算金额=现场收方工程量*工程单价+现场临时人工费用(以现场签证单经双方签字确认为准)。 四、工程付款: 工程在乙方进场后,由甲方统计乙方进场人数,按人民币元/天发放生活费,生活费每周发放一次。乙方如需申请大额工程款不能超过工程实际完成量的50%含生活费。余下工程款在工程完工年底结算时一次性结清。 五、工期要求: 本合同总工期为: 天。乙方进场之日为工程工期开始之日。乙方应按照甲方与发包方的施工合同工期完成所有工程(施工单位土建方造成工期延期的以此顺延)。现场如有室外工程和室内工程由乙方自行安排,阴雨天工期照算,乙方不得按阴雨天延后工期。如全是室外工程阴雨天以此顺延。 六、工程质量要求: 以工程总发包方验收的合格工程质量为准。如乙方不按施工图纸及国家相关规范进行施工所造成返工费、材料费及其他经济损失均由乙方自行负责


目录 1 一般规定 (1) 1.1定义 (1) 1.2解释 (4) 1.3通信交流 (5) 1.4法律和语言 (5) 1.5文件优先次序 (5) 1.6合同协议书 (5) 1.7权益转让 (6) 1.8文件的照管和提供 (6) 1.9保密性 (6) 1.10雇主使用承包商文件 (6) 1.11承包商使用雇主文件 (7) 1.12保密事项 (7) 1.13遵守法律 (7) 1.14共同的和各自的责任 (7) 2雇主. (8) 2.1现场进入权 (8) 2.2许可、执照或批准 (8) 2.3雇主人员 (9) 2.4雇主的资金安排 (9) 2.5雇主的索赔 (9) 3雇主的管理 (9) 3.1雇主代表 (9) 3.2其他雇主人员 (10) 3.3受托人员 (10) 3.4指示 (10) 3.5确定 (11) 4承包商 (11) 4.1承包商的一般义务 (11) 4.2履约担保 (11) 4.3承包商代表 (12) 4.4分包商 (13) 4.5指定的分包商 (13) 4.6合作 (13) 4.7放线 (14) 4.8安全程序 (14) 4.9质量保证 (14) 4.10现场数据 (14) 4.11合同价格 (15)

4.13道路通行权于设施 (15) 4.14避免干扰 (15) 4.15进场通路 (15) 4.16货物运输 (16) 4.17承包商设备 (16) 4.18环境保护 (16) 4.19电、水和燃气 (16) 4.20雇主设备和免费供应的材料 (17) 4.21进度报告 (17) 4.22现场保安 (18) 4.23承包商的现场作业 (18) 4.24化石 (19) 5设计 (19) 5.1设计义务一般要求 (19) 5.2承包商文件 (20) 5.3承包商的承诺 (20) 5.4技术标准和法规 (21) 5.5培训 (21) 5.6竣工文件 (21) 5.7操作和维修手册 (21) 5.8设计错误 (22) 6员工 (22) 6.1员工的雇用 (22) 6.2工资标准和劳动条件 (22) 6.3为雇主服务的人员 (22) 6.4劳动法 (22) 6.5工作时间 (22) 6.6为员工提供设施 (23) 6.7健康和安全 (23) 6.8承包商的监督 (23) 6.9承包商人员 (23) 6.10承包商人员和设备的记录 (24) 6.11无序行为 (24) 7生产设备、材料和工艺 (24) 7.1实施方法 (24) 7.2样品 (24) 7.3检验 (24) 7.4试验 (25) 7.5拒收 (26) 7.6修补工作 (26) 7.7生产设备和材料的所有权 (26)


编号: JS-20212282 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 设计合同范本通用版 The parties to a contract shall fully fulfill their obligations pursuant to the terms of the contract.

[标签: titlecontent] 甲方: 乙方: 依据有关法规的规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,就等事项,双方经协商一致,签订本合同,信守执行: 一、委托事项: 甲方委托乙方为其公司进行 二、委托设计费用: 设计费用总共为:人民币______元,(大写:_______ 圆整)。 三、付款方式: 1、甲方需在合同签订时付设计费人民币_____ 元,(大写:_______圆整)。 2、乙方将设计制作正式稿及电子文档交付甲方时,甲方需付设计费人民币______ 元,(大写:______圆整)。 四、乙方设计作品的时间、交付方式: 1、乙方需在双方约定的时间内完成设计方案。因甲方反复提出修改意见导致乙方工作不能按时完成时,可延期执行, 延期时间由双

方协商确定。 2、乙方以彩色打印稿和光盘电子稿的方式交付设计的作品。 五、知识产权约定: 1、甲方在未付清所有委托设计费用之前,乙方设计的作品著作权归乙方,甲方对该作品不享有任何权利。 2、甲方将委托设计的所有费用结算完毕后,甲方拥有作品的所有权、使用权和修改权。 六、双方的权利义务: 甲方权利: 1、甲方有权对乙方的设计提出建议和思路,以使乙方设计的作品更符合甲方企业文化内涵。 2、甲方有权对乙方所设计的作品提出修改意见; 3、甲方在付清所有设计费用后享有设计作品的所有权、使用权和修改权; 甲方义务: 1、甲方有义务支付合同约定的相关费用; 2、甲方有义务提供有关企业资料或其他有关资料给乙方; 乙方权利: 1、乙方有权要求甲方提供有关企业资料供乙方设计参考; 2、乙方有权要求甲方按照合同约定支付相应款项; 3、乙方对设计的作品享有著作权,有权要求甲方在未付清款项之前不得使用该设计作品:
