当前位置:文档之家› 课程销售协议


Enrollment Contract 课程销售协议

Hereinafter referred to as Party A 以下简称甲方:Contract No. 协议编号: 101-0000001

Father’s Information 父亲资料:

Mother’s Information 母亲资料:Full Name 全名: Full Name 全名:

Mobile Phone 手机号码:

Mobile Phone 手机号码:Office Phone 公司电话:

Office Phone 公司电话: Contact Information 联系方式:

Address 地址:

Postal Code 邮编:

Home Phone 家庭电话号码:Child 幼儿1

Child 幼儿2Name 姓名:Nick Name 别名: Name 姓名:Nick Name 别名:

Birthday 出生日期: / / YY 年/MM 月/ DD 日 Gender 姓别: □M 男□F 女 Birthday 出生日期: / / YY 年/ MM 月/DD 日 Gender 姓别: □M 男 □F 女

Hereinafter referred to as Party B 以下简称乙方:

Center Name 中心名称:哈哈少儿创意美术普陀校区

Both Parties understood and acknowledged the contractual

lationship between them. Party A understood that Party B shall provide classes for parent and child i.e. Art and Additional Programs . Both parties agreed with the whole content of this Contract.甲乙双方皆了解并认可协议对彼此的约束,甲方已经了解乙方将为家长及幼儿提供课程,即艺术和辅修课程,双方皆同意此协议内容。

Within the valid term of this Contract, both parties should abide by and fulfill the following contracted obligations:在此协议书有效期限内,甲乙双方必须遵守及履行下列义务:

Party A 甲方:I hereby declared that I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated at the back of this contract.本人在此声明已阅读并接受本协议背页所列所有条款。 Print Name 全名[印刷体] Signature & Date 签署及日期Party B 乙方:

ECD Consultant咨询顾问Signature & Date签署及日期

Receipt 收据

Payor付款人: Contract No. 协议编号: 101-


Amount in words金额大写: in numbers小写¥

Payee Stamp收款人签章:

I. Obligations of Party A甲方之义务

(1) Party A acknowledged and agreed to the aforesaid program

package and fees and shall pay according to the designated payment schedule.


(2) Party A must finish all classes within the contractual period.

The classes unfinished will become invalid automatically beyond the expiry date.


(3) Party A acknowledged that one of the parents will

accompany the child to attend the classes and will

cooperate with the instructors during class. The

accompanying parent should ensure the health and safety

of the child at all time. Should the parent fail to

accompany the child, a Guardian appointed by Party A must fulfill the aforesaid responsibility as if he/she is the parent himself/herself.



(4) Party A acknowledged that in order to ensure the quality of

classes, only one adult is permitted to attend class with the child with the exception when a) both parents are present or b) the accompanying mother is pregnant

为了保证教学质量,甲方认知只能由一位家长陪同幼儿上课,以下情况除外a)父母亲陪同幼儿一起上课 b)母亲怀孕

(5) Party A acknowledged his/her obligation to inform his/her

ECD consultant to ask for permission to take leave from a

scheduled class and Party A agreed that all re-scheduled
