当前位置:文档之家› 独家购买权协议(中英文)




Exclusive Option Agreement


This Exclusive Option Agreement (this "Agreement") is executed by and among the following Parties as of [], 2019in Beijing the People’s Republic of China (“China” or the “PRC”):


Party A: 【】Technology(Beijing)Co., Ltd, a wholly foreign owned enterprise, organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its addres at 【】, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China;


Party B(Shareholder): 【】, a PRC individual, with his ID number of 【】and address at 【】;


Party C: Beijing【】Technology Limited, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its address at【】, Beijing.


In this Agreement, each of Party A, Party B and Party C shall be referred to as a "Party" respectively, and they shall be collectively referred to as the "Parties".


1. 股东持有丙方100%的股权权益。

Whereas: Shareholder holds 100% of the equity interest in Party C.

2. 股东同意授予甲方一项股权独家购买权。

Whereas, Shareholder agrees to grant Party A an exclusive equity purchase option.


Now therefore, upon mutual discussion and negotiation, the Parties have reached the following agreement:

1. 股权买卖

Sale and Purchase of Equity Interest

1.1 授予权利

Option Granted




In consideration of the payment of RMB[0] by Party A, the receipt and adequacy of which is

hereby acknowledged by Party B, Party B hereby irrevocably grants Party A an irrevocable and exclusive right to purchase, or designate one or more persons (each, a "Designee") to purchase the equity interests in Party C then held by Party B once or at multiple times at any time in part or in whole at Party A's sole and absolute discretion to the extent permitted by Chinese laws and at the price described in Section 1.3 herein (such right being the "Equity Interest Purchase Option").

Except for Party A and the Designee(s), no other person shall be entitled to the Equity Interest Purchase Option or other rights with respect to the equity interests of Party B. Party C hereby

agrees to the grant by Party B of the Equity Interest Purchase Option to Party A. The term

"person" as used herein shall refer to individuals, corporations, partnerships, partners, enterprises, trusts or non-corporate organizations.

1.2 行使步骤

Steps for Exercise of Equity Interest Purchase Option

甲方行使其股权购买权以符合中国法律和法规的规定为前提。甲方行使股权购买权时,应向乙方发出书面通知(“股权购买通知”),股权购买通知应载明以下事项:(a)甲方关于行使股权购买权的决定;(b)甲方拟从乙方购买的股权份额(“被购买股权”) ;和(c) 被购买股权的购买日/转让日。

Subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations of China, Party A may exercise the Equity Interest Purchase Option by issuing a written notice to Party B (the "Equity Interest Purchase

Option Notice"), specifying: (a) Party A's decision to exercise the Equity Interest Purchase

Option; (b) the portion of equity interests to be purchased from Party B (the "Optioned Interests");

and (c) the date for purchasing the Optioned Interests and/or the date for transfer of the Optioned Interests.

1.3 股权买价

Equity Interest Purchase Price


The aggregate purchase price of all the Optioned Interests of Party B to be purchased by Party A shall be equal to the capital paid in by the Shareholder, adjusted pro rata for purchase of less than all of the Equity Interest, unless applicable PRC laws and regulations require an appraisal of the

Equity Interest or stipulate other restrictions regarding the Equity Interest Purchase Price (the "Equity Interest Purchase Price").

1.4 转让被购买股权

Transfer of Optioned Interests


For each exercise of the Equity Interest Purchase Option:

1.4.1 乙方应及时形成股东决定,批准乙方向甲方和/或被指定人转让被购买股权的决议;

Party B shall promptly convene a shareholder’s decision, at which a resolution shall be adopted approving Party B's transfer of the Optioned Interests to Party A and/or the Designee(s);

1.4.2 乙方应就其向甲方和/或被指定人转让被购买股权出具放弃优先购买权的书面声明。

Party B shall issue written statement giving consent to the transfer of the equity interest to Party

A and/or the Designee(s) and waiving any right of first refusal related thereto.

1.4.3 乙方应与甲方和/或(在适用的情况下)被指定人按照本合同及股权购买通知的规定,为每


Party B shall execute a share transfer contract with respect to each transfer with Party A and/or each Designee (whichever is applicable), in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Equity Interest Purchase Option Notice regarding the Optioned Interests;

1.4.4 有关方应签署所有其他所需合同、协议或文件,取得全部所需的政府批准和同意,并采取


The relevant Parties shall execute all other necessary contracts, agreements or documents, obtain all necessary government licenses and permits and take all necessary actions to transfer valid ownership of the Optioned Interests to Party A and/or the Designee(s), unencumbered by any security interests, and cause Party A and/or the Designee(s) to become the registered owner(s) of the Optioned Interests. For the purpose of this Section and this Agreement, "security interests"

shall include securities, mortgages, third party's rights or interests, any stock options, acquisition right, right of first refusal, right to offset, ownership retention or other security arrangements, but shall be deemed to exclude any security interest created by this Agreement and Party B's Share Interest Pledge Agreement. "Party B's Share Interest Pledge Agreement" as used in this Section and this Agreement shall refer to the Share Interest Pledge Agreement ("Share Interest Pledge Agreement") executed by and among Party A, Party B and Party C as of the date hereof, whereby Party B pledges all of its equity interests in Party C to Party A, in order to guarantee Party C's

performance of its obligations under the Exclusive Business Corporation Agreement executed by and between Party C and Party A.

1.5 付款



Upon exercise of the Equity Interest Purchase Option, Party A shall make payment of the Equity Interest Purchase Price set forth in Section1.3 under this agreement to the Party B.


Representations and Warranties

乙方和丙方特此在本合同签署之日和每一个转让日向甲方共同及分别陈述和保证如下:Party B and Party C hereby represent and warrant to Party A, jointly and severally, as of the date of this Agreement and each date of transfer of the Optioned Interests, that:

2.1 其具有签订和交付本合同和其为一方的、根据本合同为每一次转让被购买股权而签订的任



They have the authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and any share transfer contracts to which they are parties concerning the Optioned Interests to be transferred thereunder (each, a

"Transfer Contracts"), and to perform their obligations under this Agreement and any Transfer Contracts. Party B and Party C agree to enter into Transfer Contracts consistent with the terms of this Agreement upon Party A’s exercise of the Equity Interest Purchase Option. This Agreement and the Transfer Contracts to which they are parties constitute or will constitute their legal, valid and binding obligations and shall be enforceable against them in accordance with the provisions thereof;

2.2 无论是本合同或任何转让合同的签署和交付还是其在本合同或任何转让合同项下的义务的


The execution and delivery of this Agreement or any Transfer Contracts and the obligations

under this Agreement or any Transfer Contracts shall not: (i) cause any violation of any

applicable laws of China; (ii) be inconsistent with the articles of association, bylaws or other

organizational documents of Party C; (iii) cause the violation of any contracts or instruments to which they are a party or which are binding on them, or constitute any breach under any contracts or instruments to which they are a party or which are binding on them; (iv) cause any violation of any condition for the grant and/or continued effectiveness of any licenses or permits issued to

either of them; or (v) cause the suspension or revocation of or imposition of additional conditions to any licenses or permits issued to either of them;

2.3 乙方对其在丙方拥有的股权拥有良好和可出售的所有权,除乙方股权质押合同外,乙方在


Party B has a good and merchantable title to the equity interests in Party C he holds. Except for Party B's Share Pledge Agreement, Party B has not placed any security interest on such equity interests;

2.4 丙方对所有资产拥有良好和可出售的所有权,丙方在上述资产上没有设置任何担保权益;

Party C has a good and merchantable title to all of its assets, and has not placed any security

interest on the aforementioned assets; and

2.5 目前没有悬而未决的或构成威胁的与股权、丙方资产有关的或与丙方有关的诉讼、仲裁或


There are no pending or threatened litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to the equity interests in Party C, assets of Party C or Party C.


Effective Date


This Agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof, and remain effective for a term of 10 years, and may be renewed at Party A's election.

4. 适用法律与争议解决

Governing Law and Resolution of Disputes

4.1 适用法律

Governing law


The execution, effectiveness, construction, performance, amendment and termination of this

Agreement and the resolution of disputes hereunder shall be governed by the formally published and publicly available laws of China. Matters not covered by formally published and publicly available laws of China shall be governed by international legal principles and practices.

4.2 争议的解决方法

Methods of Resolution of Disputes



In the event of any dispute with respect to the construction and performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall first resolve the dispute through friendly negotiations. In the event the Parties fail to reach an agreement on the dispute within 30 days after either Party's request to the other

Parties for resolution of the dispute through negotiations, either Party may submit the relevant dispute to the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, in accordance with its Arbitration Rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in Shanghai, and the language used in arbitration shall be Chinese. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on all Parties.


Taxes and Fees


Each Party shall pay any and all transfer and registration tax, expenses and fees incurred thereby or levied thereon in accordance with the laws of China in connection with the preparation and

execution of this Agreement and the Transfer Contracts, as well as the consummation of the

transactions contemplated under this Agreement and the Transfer Contracts.



6.1 本合同项下要求或发出的所有通知和其他通信应通过专人递送、挂号邮寄、邮资预付或商


All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to this

Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, by a

commercial courier service or by facsimile transmission to the address of such Party set forth

below. A confirmation copy of each notice shall also be sent by email. The dates on which

notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:

6.1.1 通知如果是以专人递送、快递服务或挂号邮寄、邮资预付发出的,则以于设定为通知的地


Notices given by personal delivery, by courier service or by registered mail, postage prepaid,

shall be deemed effectively given on the date of receipt or refusal at the address specified for


6.1.2 通知如果是以传真发出的,则以成功传送之日为有效送达日(应以自动生成的传送确认信


Notices given by facsimile transmission shall be deemed effectively given on the date of

successful transmission (as evidenced by an automatically generated confirmation of


6.2 为通知的目的,各方地址如下:

For the purpose of notices, the addresses of the Parties are as follows:


Party A: 【】Technology(Beijing)Co., Ltd










Party B:








Party C: Beijing 【】Technology Limited


Address: 415-2351 Zhen Building, Yong An Street,Taishitun Town, Miyun District, Beijing


Attn: 【】


Phone: +86-010-********



6.3 任何一方可按本条规定随时给其他方发出通知来改变其接收通知的地址。

Any Party may at any time change its address for notices by a notice delivered to the other Parties in accordance with the terms hereof.




The Parties acknowledge that the existence and the terms of this Agreement and any oral or

written information exchanged between the Parties in connection with the preparation and

performance this Agreement are regarded as confidential information. Each Party shall maintain confidentiality of all such confidential information, and without obtaining the written consent of the other Party, it shall not disclose any relevant confidential information to any third parties, except for the information that: (a) is or will be in the public domain (other than through the

receiving Party’s unauthorized disclosure); (b) is under the obligation to be disclosed pursuant to the applicable laws or regulations, rules of any stock exchange, or orders of the court or other government authorities; or (c) is required to be disclosed by any Party to its shareholders,

investors, legal counsels or financial advisors regarding the transaction contemplated hereunder, provided that such shareholders, investors, legal counsels or financial advisors shall be bound by the confidentiality obligations similar to those set forth in this Section. Disclosure of any

confidential information by the staff members or agencies hired by any Party shall be deemed disclosure of such confidential information by such Party, which Party shall be held liable for breach of this Agreement. This Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason.


Further Warranties


The Parties agree to promptly execute documents that are reasonably required for or are

conducive to the implementation of the provisions and purposes of this Agreement and take

further actions that are reasonably required for or are conducive to the implementation of the

provisions and purposes of this Agreement.



9.1 修订、修改与补充

Amendment, change and supplement


Any amendment, change and supplement to this Agreement shall require the execution of a

written agreement by all of the Parties.

9.2 完整合同

Entire agreement


Except for the amendments, supplements or changes in writing executed after the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement reached by and among the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and shall supersede all prior oral and

written consultations, representations and contracts reached with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.

9.3 标题



The headings of this Agreement are for convenience only, and shall not be used to interpret,

explain or otherwise affect the meanings of the provisions of this Agreement.

9.4 语言



This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English language in three copies, each Party

having one copy with equal legal validity; in case there is any conflict between the Chinese

version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

9.5 可分割性



In the event that one or several of the provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any aspect in accordance with any laws or regulations, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected or

compromised in any respect. The Parties shall strive in good faith to replace such invalid, illegal

or unenforceable provisions with effective provisions that accomplish to the greatest extent

permitted by law and the intentions of the Parties, and the economic effect of such effective

provisions shall be as close as possible to the economic effect of those invalid, illegal or

unenforceable provisions.

9.6 继任者



This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the interest of the respective successors of the Parties and the permitted assigns of such Parties.

9.7 继续有效


9.7.1 合同期满或提前终止前因本合同而发生的或到期的任何义务在本合同期满或提前终


Any obligations that occur or that are due as a result of this Agreement upon the expiration

or early termination of this Agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination


9.7.2 本合同第4、6、7条和本第9.7条的规定在本合同终止后继续有效。

The provisions of Sections 4, 6, 7 and this Section 9.7 shall survive the termination of this



(The remainder is intentionally left blank.)



Party A: 【】Technology(Beijing)Co., Ltd 签字(盖章):

Signature (Seal): /s/ Long Yi




Party B: 【】


Signature (Seal):




Party C: Beijing 【】Technology Limited


Signature (Seal): /s/【】日期:


产品代理销售合作协议范本 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 产品代理销售合作协议COOPERATION AGREEMENT 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 甲乙双方本着平等互信、互惠互利的原则,在共同遵守相关法律法规的基础上,就产品销售合作达成如下协议: In accordance with the principle of equality, mutual trust and benefit,Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on product sales cooperation on the basis of common compliance with relevant laws and regulations: 1. 合作内容cooperation content 1.1合作范围scope of cooperation 甲方授权乙方在XX国家代理销售甲方的xx等xx牌产品。 Party A authorizes Party B to sell xx products in xx countries. 1.2合作方式Cooperation mode 甲乙双方直接签订合同的,甲方按代理商价格销售给乙方,乙方按先款后货条件支付货款,在合同中明确权责、义务等。乙方提供市场资源、开发客户,由甲方与最终客户直接签订合同的,双方事先约定由甲方给乙方支付一定比例的佣金作为乙方的市场开发费用。 Party A and Party B sign the contract directly, Party A sells products to Party B at the agent's price and Party B shall pay the goods according


委托代理协议 Agency Agreement 【2014】SKY Min NO. 签约地点:中国·武汉洪山区 Place: Hongshan District of Wuhan City, China 签约时间:年月日 Date: 甲方/Party A: 住址/Address: 住址:武汉市珞瑜路716号华乐商务中心9楼,430073, Address: 9th Floor of Huale Business Center, 716 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, P. R. China, 430073, 甲方现就与关于事宜,委托乙方代理该案。双方经平等协商,订立如下条款,共同遵照履行: Party A hereby with respect to matters entrusted Party B as the agency of the above case. The two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms: 1.委托及人员指定/Agency & Officers Designated 1.1.乙方接受甲方的委托,指派律师办理甲方上 述事项的谈判、协商、和解、调解、一审代理、二审代理、代理申请执行。 Party B accepted the entrustment of Party A and appointed Lawyer to deal with the transaction, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, the first trial proxy, the second trial proxy, the application for execution of the above matters of Party A. 2.代理权限/Agency Authority 2.1.乙方代理权限为1、一般代理。或2、代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,


独家代理协议 Exclusive Age ncy Agreeme nt 本协议于_______ 年_____ 月____ 日在_______ (地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上 达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This agreeme nt is made and en tered into by and betwee n the parties concerned on ____________ (Date) in ________ (Place) on the basis of equality and mutual ben efit to develop bus in ess on terms and con diti ons mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 1. The Parties Concerned 甲方:乙方: Party A: Party B: 地址:地址: Add: Add: 电话:86-21-31335237 电话: Tel: 86-21-31335237 Tel: 传 真:86-21-31335248 传真: Fax: 86-21-31335248 Fax: 2. 委任 2. Appointment 甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。 Party A hereby appo ints Party B as its Exclusive Age nt to solicit orders for the Commodity stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the Territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumes such appo in tme nt. 3. 代理商品: 3. Commodity: 4. 代理区域:仅限于韩国 5. Territory: In _Korea only. 4. 价格与支付 6. Price and Payment 每一笔交易的货物价格应由乙方与买主通过谈判确定,并须经甲方最后确认。 付款使用保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,由买方开出,以甲方为受益人。信用证须在装运日期前_30_天到达甲方。 The price for each in dividual tran sact ion shall be fixed through n egotiati ons between Party B and the buyer, and subject to Party A's final confirmation.


合同编号: 非独家代理销售协议 签订地点: 签订日期:年月日

非独家代理销售协议 本销售协议(以下称本协议)由某(中国)有限公司及其附属公司(以下称甲方),是按照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为_______,和(以下称乙方)订立,乙方是按 照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为______。这里提到的附属公司指某(中国)有限公司参与投资成立的公司,包括但不限于__________有限公司__________有限公司、 __________有限公司和__________有限公司等。 鉴于甲方希望由乙方为其销售甲方的产品(以下称为产品);及鉴于乙方拥有销售这些产品的权力、能力、人力、设施、许可和任何要求的政府批准,根据本文所表达的相互保证,双方兹达成协议如下: 1.双方间的关系 按照本协议之条款及条件,甲方兹指定乙方为甲方的产品在中国的非独家的销售商,乙方兹接受该授权。 乙方是一个独立的合方。本协议中没有任何内容构成乙方成为甲方任何意议上的代理人或合法代表。乙方没有被赋予任何权利或授权代表甲方或以甲方的名义承担或产生任何明确或暗示 的责任,或以任何方式约束甲方。 乙方不得使用__________(某)作为商号的一部分,且末经

甲方明确的书面同意,亦不得用任何方式使用__________(某)或甲方或其母公司或关联公司的任标志,除非用以表示其为甲方产品的销售商。 2.产品的供应 乙方在充分了解了甲方提供的产品价格表后,按甲方规定的最低起订量用发订单给甲方的方式向甲立订购产品,乙方发出的所有订有订单须经甲方审阅及接受后方可生效。甲方有权拒绝接受把货物提交给乙方。如无法在要求的交货日交货,甲方将在通知乙方接受其订单时,把情况告知乙方,并按甲方通知乙方的确定交货日期交货。 产品将用运费已付形式,运到乙方预先指定并经甲方接受的交货地(以下简称交货地)。在乙方接收产品之前,甲方负责货 物的保险。乙方可以建议保险险种,但最终由甲方决定。 3.产品的接收 产品送达交货地并由乙方接收后,产品的所有权转移到乙方,产品损失的风险乙方承担。一旦收到产品,乙方应立即验收,经确认合格后乙方应立即在货物签收单上签名盖章,并交回甲方。 4.区域 乙方应在甲方指定的区域(以下称为销售区域)内销售甲方的产品。


合作协议 COOPERATION AGREEMENT 甲方: P arty A: 乙方: Party B: 甲乙双方本着平等互信、互惠互利的原则,在共同遵守相关法律法规的基础上,就产品销售合作达成如下协议: In accordance with the principle of equality, mutual trust and benefit, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on product sales cooperation on the basis of common compliance with relevant laws and regulations: 1. 合作内容cooperation content 1.1合作范围scope of cooperation 甲方授权乙方在XX国家代理销售甲方的xx等xx牌产品。 Party A authorizes Party B to sell xx products in xx countries. 1.2合作方式Cooperation mode 甲乙双方直接签订合同的,甲方按代理商价格销售给乙方,乙方按先款后货条件支付货款,在合同中明确权责、义务等。乙方提供市场资源、开发客户,由甲方与最终客户直接签订合同的,双方事先约定由甲方给乙方支付一定比例的佣金作为乙方的市场开发费用。

Party A and Party B sign the contract directly, Party A sells products to Party B at the agent's price and Party B shall pay the goods according to the principle of first payment and later shipment . The rights and responsibilities should be clear in the contract. Party B provides market resources and develops customer to Party A, and then Party A sign the contract with customer, Party A will pay a certain proportion of commission to Party B as Party B's market development cost. 1.3合作期限period of cooperation xx年 xx月至 xx年xx月。协议期满前一个月,若双方愿意继续合作,可协商续签协议。 xx to xx. One month prior to the expiration of the agreement, the parties may renew the agreement if they are willing to continue their cooperation. 1.4若乙方需要委托甲方采购在中国除xx以外的其它产品,甲方优先提供采购和资源支持。合作事宜双方签订具体合同另附约定。 If Party B needs to entrust Party A to purchase other products except xx in China, Party A should give priority to purchasing and resource support.The parties sign specific contract with additional agreement. 2. 甲乙双方的权利和义务 rights and obligations of Party A and Party B 2.1甲方的权利与义务rights and obligations of Party A 2.1.1甲方负责为客户提供符合合同规定标准的产品、运输与服务等相关事宜,并对所供产品质量负责。 2.1.1 Party A is responsible for providing customers with relevant products, transportation and services related to the standards stipulated in the contract, and responsible for the quality of the products provided.


Agency Agreement 代理协议 Name of Manufacturer:_______SUNSHINE_________________________________ Registered office address:________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Manufacutrer) Name of Agent: ___________________RAINBOW TRADING CO., LTD.________ Registered office address:_______________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Agent). 生产厂家名称:_______阳光 ___________________________________________ 注册办公地址: ______________________________________________________ (之后称“厂家”) 代理商名称:_____________彩虹贸易有限公司___________________________ 注册办公地址: ______________________________________________________ (之后称“代理”) 1. Appointment: 任命 The Agent shall be appointed the ship repairer and agent in area__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________

独家代理协议模板 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 独家代理协议 卖方:___________________________ 代理商:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

本协议于20XX年月日,由有限公司(一家根据中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在,以下简称卖方)与XXX公司(一家根据南非法律组建并存在的公司,其主营地在南非,以下简称代理商)共同签定并一致约定如下: This agreement is made and entered into on 20XX- by and between Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the the laws of People's Republic of China, with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called seller) and XXX a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of South Africa, with its principal of business at South Africa (hereinafter called agent) , Whereby it's mutually agreed as follows: 第一条委任与接受 在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条规定的区域内招揽订单。代理商同意并接受上述委任。 Article 1 Appointment and Acceptance During the effective period of this agreement, seller hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and agent accepts and assumes such appointment. 第二条代理商的义务 代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、

独家代理协议-中英文对照 独家销售代理服务合同(标准佣金范本)最新合同版本

EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT 独家代理协议 No.: A-B-20120301 Place: **** City, China Date: Mar 1st, 2012 此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款. This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows; 1. THE PARTIES CONCERNED 协议相关各方当事人 --Manufacturer: *************** Co., Ltd. (Herein after called Party A) Add: No ****************** City, ******* Pr., P. R. China 生产商: ************************* 有限公司(以下简称“甲方”) 地址:中国************省***************市**************号. --Exclusive Exporter: ********************************************** Co., Ltd. (called Party B) Add: No ********************Road, ********* District, **********, P. R. China 独家出口商: ***********************有限公司(以下简称“乙方”) 地址:*********市**********号 2、独家代理权的授予: Appointment of Exclusive Agent: 甲方正式委任乙方为其在华东地区的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。甲方同意不直接或间接以“SEVA”品牌、或与其他任何非乙方的第三方单位建立契约关系来销售(出口)甲方的所有以“SEVA”系列、“BBAB”系列及以后开发的新型产品系列***和其***产品到乙方代理区域。乙方


外贸产品区域代理合同协议书中英文 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

CONTRACT OF AUTHORIZATION ON PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION 甲方(厂商):Party A(Manufacturer ): 乙方(经销商):Party B ( Distributor ) : 甲乙双方本着平等互利,协商一致的原则,就甲方授权乙方在指定区域经销甲方产品的有关事宜,达成如下协议: On the basis of the principal of equality and mutual benefit, through friendly consultation, whereas Party A agrees to entrust Party B to sell the products of Party A in the appointed areas, now this presents witness that is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows. 第一条保证GUARANTEE 合同双方保证自己是合法存在的法人组织,具有经营与经销本合同指定产品的资格,并互换《营业执照》,《税务登记证》等有关证件的复印件。 Both parties hereto shall ensure their legal positions of corporate organizations and the qualification to sell the products as specified in this Contract. Both parties shall exchange the duplicated documentations of relevant


本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1 订约人: Contracting Parties: 供货人: Supplier:( hereinafter called " Party A ") 销售代理人: Agent:( hereinafter called " Party B ") 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2 商品及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4 定单的确认 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对交易做具体规定。 Confirmation of orders The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5 付款 订单确认后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。Payment After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C a vailable by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Pary A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6 佣金 在本协议期满时,乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方当按装运货物所受到的全部发

独家代理协议 英文版

Exclusive Agency Agreement This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: 1. The Parties Concerned Party A: Party B: 2. Appointment 3. Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders of the product stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment. 4. Products 5. Territory In People’s Republic of China (Mainland only) 6. Minimum turnover Party B shall undertake to solicit orders of the above products from customers in the above territory during validity of this agreement for not less than USD . 7. Price and Payment The price for each order of the PRODUCTS, according to the pricing set out in the attached Exhibit A. Confirmed, irrevocable L/C is opened by the Party B in favor of Party A for the full amount of all payments under this agreement at the time of the order shall make payment. 8. Exclusive Right 1) In consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the products stipulated in Article 4 to the third party in Mainland China through channels other than Party B; Party B shall not sell, distribute or promote

贴牌独家销售合同 英文版本

Ref No.: HW-OESA-05SIL01 Through friendly negotiations, this Agreement is entered into between ……(Hereinafter called Party A), and ……(Hereinafter called Party B) on the following terms and conditions: (1)Party A entrust Party B with the OEM exclusive sales in the territory of I ndia for Party B’s own brand ……with white glue (If Party B’s own new brand impinges on any third party’s brand ownership right, Party B will responsible for all legal duty and compensation). This Agreement is valid from 1st Jan, 2010 to 31st Dec 2010. (2) Price: Party B tries to push sales energetically at the price quoted by Party A (……A Grade FOB Shanghai price at 2.7 USD/SQM). Each transaction is subject to Party A’s final confirmation. Party A will not increase prices until the period of this agreement. (3) Shipment:


独家代理协议 Exclusive Agency Agreement 本协议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date)in ________(Place)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 The Parties Concerned 甲方:_______ 乙方:__________ Party A:________ Party B:________ 地址:__________ 地址:___________ Add:____________ Add:______________ 电话:__________ 电话:____________ Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________ 传真:_________ 传真:____________ Fax:___________ Fax:______________ 2. 委任 Appointment 甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment. 3. 代理商品 Commodity 4. 代理区域 Territory 仅限于_______(比如:广州) In __________(for example: Guangzhou)only. 5. 最低业务量 Minimum turnover 乙方同意,在本协议有效期内从上述代理区域内的顾客处招揽的上述商品的订单价值不低于_______人民币。 Party B shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than RMB


销售代理协议 SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT 编号:No:日期:Date: 本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人(Contracting Parties) 供货人: Supplier:(hereinafter called "Party A") 销售代理人: Agent:(hereinafter called "Party B") 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品及数量或金额(Commodity and Quantity or amount) 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3. 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4. 定单的确认(Confirmation of orders) 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对交易做具体规定。 The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5. 付款(Payment) 订单确认后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。 After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favor of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6. 佣金(Commission) 在本协议期满时,乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方当按装运货物所收到的 全部发票金额付给乙方_____%的佣金。 Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B's fulfillment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B_____% commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value already paid by Party B of the shipments affected. 7. 市场情况报告(Reports on Market Conditions)


1. 详细货物清单 Detail supply list 2. 合同价格 Contract value 序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension 数 量 amount, unit 单价 unit price 总价 total price 备注 remark 货物,运费freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT & installation 3. 付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms 4. 交货地点 delivery place 5. 发货期 delivery time

6. 安装条款 installation clause 7. 验收条款 inspection clause 8. 保证条款 guarantee clause 9. 不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause 10. 违约条款 Breach clause 11. 其他条款 Miscellaneous clause 12. 买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information a long-term contract 长期合同 a short-term contract 短期合同 completion of contract 完成合同 contract for future delivery 期货合同 contract for goods 订货合同 contract for purchase 采购合同 contract for service 劳务合同 labor contract 劳动合同 contract note 买卖合同(证书),买卖契约contract of arbitration 仲裁合同 contract of carriage /Carriage Contract运输合同Passenger Carriage Contract 客运合同 Cargo Carriage Contract 货运合同Technology Contract 技术合同


区域独家代理协议 甲方: 地址: 乙方: 地址: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律之规定,并根据诚信及互利的原则,经友好协商一致。签订此合同,双方申明都已理解并且认可了本合同的所有内容,同意承担本合同的所有内容,同意承担各自所承担的权利与义务,严格执行本协议如下内容:第一条委托事项:甲方授权乙方代理销售甲方生产的全系列设备及其零配件(以下简称“产品”)。 第二条代理区域: 第三条代理方式:甲方授权乙方在代理区域内销售“产品” 的独家代理权。 第四条代理期限:本协议生效后暂定一年。甲方保证乙方在代理区域内的具有合法的经营权,并承诺在该区域内 发展的合法代理商,甲方根据乙方第一年的销售业绩 优先发展乙方为该区域的唯一代理商,甲方在乙方管 辖的区域有直接的客源时。如无特殊原因,应该直接 交给乙方洽谈销售,协议到期后,甲乙双方协商同意 作相应顺延。

第五条在协议有效期内,甲方不得再就协议规定产品向其他公司授权上诉代理区域内的代理权。 第六条甲方的义务与权力: 1.甲方保证给乙方提供合格产品且不侵害他人的知识产权等合 法权益,并保证乙方的独家代理权且不得直接向代理区域用户销售本协议规定的产品。 2.甲方有义务及时为乙方提供与产品销售相关的技术支持。信 息及资料便于乙方开展销售及宣传工作。 第七条乙方的权力与义务 1.乙方有权根据市场行情,确定产品价格。并以自己的名义联 系方内的用户签订购销合同。 2.乙方对甲方所供的产品相关价格。代理规定等情况严格保密。 不得泄露给第三方。 3.乙方不得经营或者代理其他厂家的同类产品。 第八条保密条款 双方同意对所有使用信息保密,除了用于评估或促成双方之间可能的交易外,任何一方都不得为了其他目的使用这些信息,不向第三方透露任何信息。双方承认并同意,可能或合格的终端用户仅了解所购设备必要知道的技术信息。 第九条本协议的保密条款适用于甲乙双方的下属雇员,管理人员,代理商,经纪人,客服人员,。下属机构和专业顾问。 第十条合作关系的建立和相关约定:
