当前位置:文档之家› 英文合同用词特点


第二节 用词特点(Wording)


1.专业性术语(Technical Terms/ Terminology)

(force Majeure)、"管辖"(jurisdiction)等专业用词就已经让非专业人士大惑不解了,英文合同的专业
用词自然就更玄妙无比了。 具体的实例如下:

Without prejudice to the parties'' rights under Clause 18. 1, the indemnities provided for in Clausel6. 1
and/or 16. 2 and/or 16. 3 shall be the sole compensation for the damages caused by such delays.不妨害
18.1 款双方的权利,16.1,16.2 及 16.3 款规定的赔偿应为上述延误引起损害的唯一赔偿金。indemnities
较 compensation 专业,此处用 compensation 解释了 indemnities;

Any such assignment, transfer or conveyance shall be without other consideration than the mutual
covenants and considerations of this agreement.任何转让除根据本协议相互契约和对价外不得考虑其
他。Transfer,assignment 和 conveyance 都有转让的含义,其中 assignment 和 conveyance(多用于不

We advise you of our intention to terminate our tenancy on or before ________________ (Date) and to
deliver to you full possession of the premises。我方不迟于某日期通知你方终止租约并交还房屋全部所
有。tenancy 指房屋租赁的租约,而 premises 指租赁的房屋及其附属物都是专业用语。
Licensee agrees to pay to Licensor a minimum royalty of___________ Dollars ($______) as a minimum
guarantee against royalties to be paid to Licensor during the first contract term, said minimum royalty to
be paid on or before the last day of the initial term hereto. 受许可方同意支付许可方最低使用费*美元
许可方。Royalties 在许可合同中专指特许权使用费。

Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated
in Article 2 to the Contract and shall be paid in___________.按照第二条规定的内容和范围。本合同采
用提成方式计算价格,计价的货币为___。与上例不同的是,这里的 royalty 指的是许可合同计价
方式的一种即提成计价(royalty price),相对于统包价格(lumpsum price)


Default in observing or performing any of the covenants or agreements of debtor set forth in any
collateral document of security given to secure indebtedn

ess hereunder, and the continuation of such
default beyond any period of grace specified in any such document.

期。在借款合同中 grace 专指宽限期,而不是普通英语的其他意思。

Furthermore, the parties agree that the following situations shall be considered as exceptional
circumstances which justify the earlier termination by the other party: bankruptcy, moratorium,
receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between the debtor and the creditors, or any
circumstances which are likely to affect substantially one party''s ability to carry out his obligations under
this contract。此外,双方同意以下条件应认为是对方合理提前终止合同的例外情形:破产、延付令、
造成实质影响的情形。此处的 composition 显然不是普通英语中"作文"的意思,而是指破产和解。

In addition, upon request of the Board and if the Liquidating Trustee determines that it would be
imprudent to dispose of any non-cash assets of the Company, such assets may be distributed in kind to the
Members in lieu of cash, proportionately to their right to receive cash distributions hereunder.另外,应董
下收取现金份额的权利以实物形式替代现金进行分配。In kind 此处与 in cash 相对,通常用于合资、
合伙协议中表示"以实物出资",本句中是以实物分配清算。In lieu of 表示替代相当于基础英语中的
instead of。

The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the date specified in Clause Three of this
Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to
accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for
losses sustained, if any.买方须于销售确认书第三条所规定的日期之前开出本批交易的信用证。否则,
受的损失提出索赔。Reserve 为专用词汇,我们常见的"版权所有"英语表达就是 All rights reserved。
Rescind(取消合同/协议)和 lodge(提出索赔,与 claim(s)连用)也都是专业用语。

In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall
have the preemptive right. 如一方欲出售或转让其所投资的部分或全部,另一方应有优先购买权。
Assign(其名词形式 assignment)和 Preemptive 属专业用语。

2. 正式

用语(Formal Terms)


At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.应
乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。 assist 较 help 正式;


The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任
何政治活动。partake in 较 take part in 正式;

The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技
术指导。 render 较 give 正式;

Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.甲方应将病人
遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。 repatriate 较 send back 正式;

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.本合同受中国法
律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较 explain, interpret 正式;in accordance with 较 according to

The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized
representatives who is incompetent.雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤
换。require 较 ask 正式;而且,require 表示上对下的要求,ask 没有这么明确,它含有 request 和 require
之意,其中 request 表示下对上的要求,即"请求"公文体 forthwith 较 at once 正式;

The Chairperson may convene and preside an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of
the total number of directors.董事长可以根据董事会过 1/3 董事的提议而召集主持临时董事会议。
Convene 较 hold 正式,preside 较 be in charge of 正式,interim 也是正式用词较 temporary 正式。

In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished
products.加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。 title 较 ownership 正式。

The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties
hereto."生效期"指双方合同签字的日子。 execute 较 sign 正式;

The submission to and consent by the Engineer of such programs or the provision of such general
descriptions or cash flow estimates shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities
under the Contract.向工程师提交并同意的上述进度计划或提供上述一般说明或现金流量估算,并不
解除合同规定的承包人的任何义务或责任。Consent 和 estimate 都是正式用词;

The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as an integral part of
this Contract. 整个合

同期间,本合同附件应理解为合同不可分割的一部分。deem 较 consider 正式。

The parties shall work together in order to endeavour to achieve the timely completion of the Project in
accordance with the Project Schedule as Annex 4 according to which the construction period shall be
_________years from the commencement date.双方共同努力确保按附件四的工程进度表及时竣工,根
据该工程进度表工期应从开工日起*年。Commencement 较 starting、beginning 正式。

同、近义词、相关词并列(Parallel Synonyms, Parasynonyms and Associated)


This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.本协议由甲方与乙方签
订。句中 made 与 entered into 同义,而 by 与 between 相关。

Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity under the terms and conditions set out
below: 甲方同意按照下列条款向乙方购买如下商品:terms 和 conditions 同义,往往并列连用表示

Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20.
自 9 月 2O 日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。On 与 after 相关词连用用以明确时间。

Any partner or his/her agent, may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime.任何合伙人
或其代理人,可随时审查任一或全部会计账目或其他记录。Any 与 all 相关词连用,表达更为严谨。

The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties。该仲裁裁决为
终局裁决,双方均受其约束。Final 和 binding 属相关词连用。

The Company hereby releases and discharges Party A from further performance of, and any duties,
obligations or liabilities under, the amended Agreement.本公司特此解除甲方已修正协议的进一步履行
及其修正协议下的义务和责任。Release 和 discharge 相关词连用,duty,obligation 和 liability 属近同

If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of
the said Contract, this obligation shall be null or void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and
持完全有效。句中 terms, provisions, conditions,stipulations 为一组同义词,意为合同的条款及规定,
null 和 void,be 和 remain,force 和 effect 也都是同义连用。


Party B shall inspect the raw materials supplied by Party A forthwith upon receipt thereof.

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (简称 UNIDROIT)
The Board of Directors (董事会)


The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by A which will be used by A and the
Purchaser FOR checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the specification and Approved Data.
本验收实验手册系指由 A 提供的,供 A 与买方检验设备是否符合技术规格和认可资料的文件。句
中的 Acceptance Test Manual , Equipment, Approved Data 均有特指含义。

Such Site Acceptance shall take place within a period of two weeks after the Effective Date to the Contract
as such period may be extended pursuant to Article 6 hereof.
现场验收应在本合同生效日后 2 周内进行,此项验收的时间按本合同第 6 条延长。
Party A and Party B shall make full endeavors to fulfill this Contract with the stipulated period. The
schedule of various activities is attached at Appendix 4.
甲乙双方应竭尽全力在规定的期间内完成本合同,各活动的日程表见附件 4

例如:This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and
Employee in accordance with "The Labour Law of The People''s Republic of China."
International Chamber of Commerce Term 2000(简称 INCOTERMS 2000)
2000 年国际贸易术语解释通则
也称 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(简称 CISG)
The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,1993 Revision ICC Publication No. 500
《跟单统一信用证统一惯例》(1993 年修订本,国际商会第 500 号出版物)
The Uniform Law on International Sale of Goods 《国际货物买卖统一法》
The Uniform Law on the Formation OF Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

The Principles of International Commercial Contracts

Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$600 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY).
聘方须每月付给受聘方美元 600 元整。SAY 表示后接大写,ONLY 表示整
例如在英文合同的开头往往有这样的句子:This AGREEMENT … WITNESSES that WHEREAS …
and WHEREAS … NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of it is hereby agreed as follows:

5.古体词与外来词(Archaic Words and Loan Words)


英文合同中迄今仍然使用一些古体词语,最突出的形式是把 here, there, where 加上介词而构成的复
合副词。如:hereby, hereto, hereunto, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereunder, thereof, thereto,
whereby, whereas 等等。Here+介词一类往往可以套用介词+this agreement 来帮助理解。There/where+
介词就需要考虑上下文参照 here+介词的理解方法。具体的理解和运用将在第 3 章英文合同常用词

英语,成为英语词汇的一部分,还有一些保留下来,现在仍在使用。连 Contract 这个词都是从拉丁
语 contractus 演化来的呢。英文合同中常见的不可抗力条款用的 Force Majeure 也是拉丁语。具体例

The arbitration shall take place in the Plaintiff''s or Defendant''s country.仲裁应在原告或被告的国家进
行。Plaintiff 和 defendant 原为法语,现在已同化为英语。

The provisions of Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 12 of the US Plan apply mutatis mutandis to the UK
Scheme, save that if an amendment is made to the UK Scheme or to the terms of an Approved Stock
Option at a time when the UK Scheme is approved by the Inland Revenue under Schedule 9, the approval
will not thereafter have effect unless the Inland Revenue have approved the alteration or addition. 应用于
英方方案的美方规划的第 6 节和第 12 节的规定的已作必要的修正,除非对英方方案或已批准股票
期权条款的修改时值根据附件 9 英方方案已获批准,此后该批准不得生效,除非内税局已批准该改
变或增补。mutatis mutandis 为拉丁语,意为已作必要的修正。

An allowance on the basis of 2% of the sales price for each unit shall be calculated and deducted from the
purchase price fraction pro rata. 补贴应按每单位售价的 2%计算并从购价中按比例扣除。Pro rata 为
拉丁语意为 in proportion, according to a factor that can be calculated exactly.

We appoint and empower Mr./Ms. _____________ to be our agent ad litem in the first and second
instances and/or retrial respectively, as well a

s in the enforcement procedures, with respect to the case of
Ad litem 为拉丁语"for the suit". Agent ad litem 表示为诉讼代理人。
6. 助动词的准确使用(Auxiliaries)
英文合同中,shall 并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜
译为"应"、"应该"、"必须"; will 无论语气还是强制力要比 shall 弱,宜译为"将"、"原"、"要";should
通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如"万一"。 多用"shall"代替"will"或"should"加强语气和强制力。

This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.

This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.

Investment contributed by the parties is Renminbi __________, which will be the registered capital of the
joint venture company. 各方认缴投资总额为人民币***,将作为合资公司注册资本。


May 则时常用来表达当事人拥有的选择性权利。如 During the Option Period, the Purchaser may
terminate this Agreement with a written notice to the Seller. 选择期间,买方可书面通知卖方终止本协

The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by
friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People''s Court
having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed
contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.首先,合同双方应通过友好协商解

本句中 shall,should 和 may 的表达准确,符合人们通过"协商"-"仲裁"-"诉讼"解决争议的基本流程。
Shall 表示义务性约定,should 表示假设条件不成就,may 表示行使选择性权利。
