1、S ubject to special provisions explicitly provided for in the Agreement, if either party has been prevented from perform ing its obligati on un der the agreeme nt because of an eve nt of force majeure such as earthquake, storm, flood, fire, other acts of nature, epidemic, war riot, hostility, public disturba nee, acts of public en emies, prohibiti on or acts by a government or public agency or labor disputes, or other unforeseeable events beyond the control of the parties, and their occurre nee is un preve ntable and un avoidable, the party so prevented shall notify the other party in writing within eight (8) days after the occurre nee of such eve nt of force majeure, act to bmitigate damages, if possible, and within fifteen 915) days thereafter provide detailed information of the eve nt, a certificate of evide nee thereof issued by the releva nt authorities and a stateme nt of expla ining the reas on for its in ability to perform all or part of its obligati ons un der the agreeme nt.
2、I n accordanee with the Law of the People ' Republic of China on Joint Ventures using Chinese and Foreign In vestme nt (the Joint Ven ture Law ” and other releva nt
Chin ese laws and regulati ons, _____ Compa ny (hereafter to be called Party A) and ______ Company (hereafter to be called Party B), in accordanee with the principle of equity and mutual ben efit and through frie ndly con sultati on, agree to join tly in vest to set up a joi nt ven ture en terprise in ___
of the people'Republic of China.
The joint venture company is a Chinese legal entity, which is governed and protected under the laws, decrees, and pert inent rules and regulati ons of the people 'Republic of China. All activities of the joint ven ture compa ny shall, be gover ned by the laws, decrees and pert inent rules and regulati ons of the People'Republic of China.
The Orga ni zati on form of the joi nt ven ture compa ny is a limited liability company. The liability of it is within the whole assets of the compa ny. Each party to the joint ven ture compa ny is liable to the joint ven ture compa ny with in the limit of the capital subscribed by it. The profits, risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proporti on to their con tributi ons to the registered capital.
Any dispute arising from the execution of, or in conn ecti on with, the con tract shall be settled through frien dly con sultati ons betwee n parties .In case no settleme nt can be
reached through con sultati ons, the disputes shall be submitted to the Foreign economic and Trade arbitration commissi on of the Chi na Coun cil for the promoti on of In ter nati onal Trade for arbitrati on in accorda nee with its rules of procedure. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
Loa n No.:
Bid No.:
1) The People's Republic of China has received a loan from the Asian Development bank (ADB) in US Dollars towards the cost of Dalia n water Supply project (Part II) and
it is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payme nts un der the con tract for C2 manufacture and installation of steel Pipeline. Bidding is ope n to all bidders from eligible source coun tries of ADB.
2) Chi na Nati onal In dustrial Machi nery Import/Export corporation (a subsidiary of CMC) and China Shenyang machinery & Electric Equipment tendering corporation