1、质量以卖方样品为准。Quality as per seller's sample.
2、质量以买方样品为准。Quality as per buyer's sample.
3、凭规格、等级或标准买卖。Sales by specification, grade or standard.
4、良好平均品质。Fair average quality, (F. A. Q.).
5、上好可销品质。Good merch-antable quality, (G. M. Q.).
6、凭商标或牌号买卖。 Sales by trademark or brand.
7、凭说明书买卖。Sales by specification.
Quality certificate by ___ at loading port to be taken as final
2、以制造者工厂检验为准。Maker's inspection in the factory to be final
Quality inspected by independent public surveyor at the time of shipment to be final
Goods sold by sample shall be guaranteed by the seller to be fully equal to sample upon arrival at destination.
Fair average quality at the time and place of loading shall be assessed upon the basis of London Corn Trade Association's official 's F. A. Q. standard.
Quality to be strictly as per sample submitted by the seller on ____ (date).
The seller shall guarantee all shipments to conform to samples submitted with regard to quality.
Merchandise sold shall be guaranteed by the seller to conform to sample upon arrival at destination.
Should the goods be slightly inferior in-quality to the of the
sample, the buyer shall take delivery
goods on condition that a reasonable allowance be madeon the
contract price by subsequent mutual negotiation. Goods must not be returned except by permission of the seller.
10、次等品质在总数量 5%以内的 , 以减价 5%为条件 , 买方就接受货物。
Buyer shall accept second quality up to 5% of the total quantity with an allowance of 5%.
Should the goods be found, on their arrival at destination, to be different from the sample , if
by that difference their character is not altered, or if they are in merchantable condition though inferior in quality to the sample, the buyer shall take delivery of the goods on condition that a reasonable allowance to be made on the contract price by subsequent mutual negotiation. Goods must not by returned except by permission of the seller.
Buyers' or its agent inspection at factory to be final.
Maker shall guarantee that material supplied are strictly in accordance with the contract and
that in the event of any material not in accordance with the contract, replacement shall be made free of charge.
The goods are subject to inspection, upon their arrival, by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, whose certificate is to be considered as final and binding upon both parties.
Inspection is to be made at the destination by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, whose certificates of quality and weight shall be final and binding upon both parties.