当前位置:文档之家› 中英文翻译模板-北京劳动合同(简翻)


Labor Con tract

Name of pany: Beiji ng Jigua ng She ngda Tech nology Co., Ltd. (Party A)

Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B)

Accord ing to the laws and regulatio ns of Labor Law of P .R.C. , the con tract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will.

1. Employme nt Period

The con tract durati on is 2 years. The con tract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1,2003.

2. Job Co ntent

Party A appo ints Party B as Manager in Prin ter Bus in ess Departme nt.

3. Labor Protecti on and Work ing Con diti ons

Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to releva nt regulatio ns of the state and gover nment.

4. Worki ng Time

Accord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the state and gover nment, Party B works

40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least

a day off per week. Party A can prolong the work ing time by n egotiati ng with Party B in case of bus in ess n eed, but the exte nded time is not permitted to be more than the Iongest extended working time regulated by the state.

5. Labor rem un erati on and Welfare Treatme nt

(1) Party A should pay the salary in form of curre ncy RMB 3,000 on time and positi on allowa nee RMB 1,000 per month without deducti on and default.

(2) In addition to the salary, Party B can get bonus of certain amount. The standard of delivering bonus is: depending on the operation status of the department and individual performance, and offered at the beginning of the ing year.

⑶ If Party A exte nds the work time, Party A should pe nsate Party B 150% salary for the overtime. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng rest days, Party A should pe nsate Party B 200% salary. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng legal holidays, Party A should pen sate Party B 300% salary.

(4) Party A should pay part of the social in sura nee premium for Party B according to the concerning regulations and the laws of the state, and Party B

is willi ng to en trust Party A to deduct the other part of the social in sura nee premium .

(5) If Party B is injured for work or afflicted with occupational disease within the employme nt period, Party A should han dle the matters accord ing to the related state laws.

6. Worki ng Discipli ne

(1) Party A has the right to formulate the regulations of the unit according to related regulations of the state and the city to guarantee the rights and obligations of Party

B. Party A has a right to supervise the work performance of Party B.

(2) Party B should obey the prese nt related laws, regulati ons and policies, and plete the occupati onal task actively.

7. Alterati on, exte nsion, can cellatio n and term in ati on of the Con tract

(1) The con tract can be altered if it is n ecessary accordi ng to the actual situation; both parties should negotiate friendly and sign the agreement of labor con tract alterati on. If the agreeme nt can not reach after n egotiati on, Party A has the right to termi nate the con tract and no tice Party B by writte n form 30 days in adva nce.

(2) When the agreed con diti ons of con tract can cellatio n occur, this con tract is can celled immediately. 30 days before the can cellati on, both parties should inform each other in writte n form to exte nd or can cel the con tract. If both parties are willi ng to exte nd the con tract after n egotiati on, the exte nsion con tract should be sig ned before the can cellati on term.

(3) Based on n egotiatio n betwee n both parties upon consen sus, this con tract can be term in ated.

(4) Party A has the right to termi nate the con tract if Party B is in one of the followi ng situati ons (In terms of the last three items, Party A shall inform Party

B in writte n form 30 days in adva nee and pay Party B releva nt econo mic pen satio n accord ing to releva nt regulati ons of the state and city.):
