Con struct ion Con tract of xxxx
Party A: xxxx
Party B: xxxx
This con tract is sig ned by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx accord ing to the “ Con tract
Law of the People' s Republic of China " , the " Regulation on Building and Installation Con tract ing Con tract " , and other releva nt n ati on al laws and regulati ons , as well as
the specific n ature of this project
Article 1 General Prin ciples
Con tract Docume nts
This con tract in eludes the con tract itself, exhibits, con struct ion draw in gs, explanations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the con tract. The con tract docume nts should be mutually expla in able and mutually descriptive. The docume nts that con stituted the con tract and the priority hierarchy of expla nati ons of the docume nts are as follows: this con tract; the official letter of winning the ten der; Letter of biddi ng and its ann ex, sta ndards, guideli nes, and releva nt tech nical docume nts, draw in gs, Bill of Quan tity (BOQ) , quotati on of prices, and project budget. During the impleme ntati on of the con tract, any writte n agreeme nts or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this con tract.
Project In troduct ion
1.1.21 程名称:xxxx
Name of Project: xxxx
Locati on of Project: xxxx工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外.乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:
Scope of the project: uni ess otherwise expla ined by other articles in this con tract. Party B shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the
impleme ntati on of this con tract; the scope of project in eludes, but no t limited to:
Inner decorati on, see appe ndix 1 & 2
※室外装饰工程(门窗、屋面、台阶等) ,详见附件一和附件二
Fa?ade(i ncludi ng doors, win dows, roof and stairs) see appe ndix 1 & 2
Electr onic Engin eeri ng, see appe ndix 1 & 2
Air Con diti oning System, see appe ndix 1 & 2
Water Supply, Sewage and Heati ng System, see appe ndix 1 & 2
Fire Con trol System, see appe ndix 1 & 2
Other items listed in the con struct ion draw ings (any cha nged draw ings shall be provided and con firmed by Party A). All these aforeme nti oned items are gen erally
referred as “ project " hereafter.承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质星.包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程
Nature of Con tract ing: Party B shall be resp on sible for both labor and materials for this project, and will responsible for the quality of this project, safety, as well
as code of con duct dun ng the con struct ion project.
On-site represe ntative of Party A shall be appo in ted by Party A
Date of the project begi nning: xxxx
Date of the project completi on: xxxx
Quality of Project: The quality should be ** Excellent", and shall meet the