当前位置:文档之家› 常年法律顾问合同(中英文-)



Long-term legal counseling Agreement


Party A: . (Here in after referred to as 地址: Address :

联系人 Con tact p erson 联系方式 Con tact nu mber : 乙方:上海正地律师事务所(下称乙方)

Party B: Sha nghai Zheng DiLaw Firm (Here in after referred to as 地 址:上海市澳门路736弄1号6楼

Address: 6F.No.1,La ne 736,Aomen Road,sha nghai 联系电话 Con tact number : 64399013(fax)


This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in Shanghai, the people ' s republic of China

鉴于甲方决定聘用乙方为其常年法律顾问,甲乙双方经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的 条款及内容达成如下协议:

Whereas Party A decides to retain Party B as its Ion g-term legal coun sel, the p arties agreed the follow ing terms and con diti ons after frie ndly and thorough n egotiati on.


Article 1 Reta ining and service p eriod

1.1甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问,聘用期间为壹年,从2016年1月1日至2016年 12月31日; Party A retai ns Party B as its Ion g-term legal coun sel, the service p eriod is one year, from 1 Ja nuary 2016 to 31 December 2016. 1.2乙方指定

_________ 作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理甲方法律顾问事宜。

Party B assigns lawyer _______________ , _________ a s major coor dinators, they will be respon sible for followi ng law con sult ing affairs of Party A.


Article 2 Service content and service fees 2.1本合约期(一年)的法律顾问费共人民币 The legal coun seli ng p rice of the agreeme nt (One year ) is RMB content is as follows:

“ Party A ”)

“ Party B ”)


Yua n, the service


Legal con sult: An swer legal questio ns, give legal suggesti ons, and give legal opinions.


Review con tract: draft and review con tract, give ame nding suggestio ns, sta ndardize con tract man ageme nt.


P artic ip ate decisi on: p artici pate decisi on of the clie nt, p rovide legal basis, and kee p away legal risks.


Give letter to com muni cate: give lawyer' s letter, re presethe clie nt to deal with, p ress related issues.


P ublic declaratio n: p ublish authorized declarati on, states the opin io n of Party A, clarify the facts.


In ternal trai ning: modify rules and p olicies, hold legal sem in ars, and give trai ning to empio yees of the clie nt.


Any other bus in ess agreed by both p arties.


a) If Party A con sig ns Party B to deal with the followi ng affairs, Party A will pay additi onal attor ney fee to Party B:

Party A has lawsuit or arbitration need to entrust Party B to on behalf of party A on court, in cludi ng the first in sta nee infrin geme nt or defe nse, sec ond in sta nee infrin geme nt or defe nse, Retrial app eal or defe nd. Domestic arbitrati on or intern ati onal arbitrati on, app eal execut ing of sentence or arbitrati on, pro mote executi on dis pu te. Apply n ati onal compen sati on etc,


The above service fees charged by p arty B does not in clude fees charged by courts or other public authorities(filing fee, notary fee, fee of consulting archives etc.)and transportation and lodg ing costs in curred whe n p arty B n eeds to deal with affaires of p arty A outside of Shan ghai.

