当前位置:文档之家› 英文合同中止变更撤销





Make a contract/Enter into a contract/Form a contract/Create a contract/Conclude a contract Execute a contract/


The making of contract/The conclusion of contract/The entry into contract/

The formation of a contract/The creation of a contract/The conclusion of contract/

The execution of contract/


This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ____ day of _____(month), _______ (year) by and between Party A and Party B, the parties hereby covenant as follows:



Alter: 名词形式alteration,指只改变合同细节而不致合同丧失原貌;

Change: 名词形式与动词同,指实质性导致合同丧失原貌的变更

Modify: 名词形式modification,指根据新的意图,并限定在该意图之内的变更


1.Terminate a contract ,名词形式termination of contract

Black's Law Dictionary解释说:

Termination refers to an ending, usually before the end of the anticipated预期的 term of the contract, which termination may be my mutual agreement or may be by exercise of one party of one of his remedies救济 due to the default of the other party.



(Under the Uniform Commercial Code, "termination" means legally ending a contract without being broken by either side)

2. Cancel a contract,

Black's Law Dictionary解释说:

Cancellation occurs when either party puts an end to the contract for breach by the other and its effect is the same as

that of "termination" except that the canceling party also retains any remedy救济 for breach of the whole contract or any unperformed balance.

Cancel 指一方另因另一方违约而解除或取消合同,其效力与termination (终止)一词几乎一致,不同点在于撤销一方仍


3. Discharge a contract

Steven H. Gifis的“Law Dictionary”解释说:

When it is said that a contract is discharged, it always meant that one or more of the legal relations of the parties have been terminated. The meaning that is most commonly intended is that the legal duty of one of the parties has been terminated. A party who is asserted 宣称 to be under a legal duty by virtue of 优点his contract may reply that duty has been discharged by some factor that has occurred since the making of the contract.

Discharge a contract 意味着合同当事人的合同关系已经终止。他方在主张自己应履行因合同而发生的法定义务时可辩称,合同义务已因订立合之后发生的因素而解除。看来discharge a contract多指合同关系的解除。

4. Rescind a contract

Steven H. Gifis的“Law Dictionary”解释说:

To abrogate废除 a contract, release the parties from further obligations to each other and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied if the contract had never been made. For instance, in rescinding 废除 a sales contract, any monies paid or goods received would usually be returned to their original holders though the parties could agree otherwise.

Rescind a contract指取消合同,免除当事人之间合同义务,将当事人各自地位恢复到合同订立之前的状态。比如,解除买卖合同时,尽管当事人可另有约定,但通常会将支付的价款或收到的货物返还给原持有人。Rescind a contract 这种解除


5.Revoke a contract

Black's Law Dictionary解释说:to annul or make void by recalling or taking back即以取消或撤回的方式废止或宣布无效。相比之下,revoke出于行为人的意愿意,即是行为人主动发出的行为。了解上述区别与联系,可避免对应单词的混用,实



销售代理合同(中英文) 销售代理合同 Sales Agency Agreement 合同号: NO: 日期: Date: 为在平等互利的基础上发展贸易,有关方按下列条件签订本协议: This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人 Contracting Parties 供货人(以下称甲方): 销售代理人(以下称乙方): 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Supplier: (hereinafter called "party A") Agent:(hereinafter called "party B") Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品名称及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or Amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,销售不少于**的商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than... of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement。 3. 经销地区 Territory 只限在.....。 In ... only. 4. 订单的确认 Confirmation of Orders 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认,其细目应在双方签订的销售协议书中作出规定。 The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: http://biz.doczj.com/doc/29779597.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:

Sales Agency Agreement(销售代理合同英文版)

Sales Agency Agreement(销售代理合同英文版) 合同号:_______No:___________日期:_________ Date:_________ 为在平等互利的基础上发展贸易,有关方按下列条件签订本协议:This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人Contracting Parties 供货人(以下称甲方):_____________ 销售代理人(以下称乙方):_________ 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。Supplier: (hereinafter called “party A”)____________ Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”)________________ Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品名称及数量或金额Commodity and Quantity or Amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,销售不少于_______的商品。It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than_____of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement。 3. 经销地区Territory 只限在___________ In ___ only______ 4. 订单的确认Confirmation of Orders 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认,其细目应在双方签订的销售协议书中作出规定。The quantities,


委托代理合同协议书英文 Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am

篇一:委托代理合同(中英文) 委托代理合同 agreement of agency 沪冉字(2014)第88218号 huranzi(2014)no:88218 委托方:韩国永泰公司 authorizing party (hereinafter referred as party a): young tech co;ltd 受托方:上海卓冉律师事务所 authorized party (hereinafter referred as party b): shanghai brilliant law office 委托方因与常熟市华夏仪表有限公司、常熟市新春电器厂(常熟市环宇仪表有限公司)、常熟市中亚仪表有限公司、常熟市金新自控设备厂,商标侵权纠纷一案,委托上海卓冉律师事务所作为代理人,受托方接受委托方的委托,经双方协商,达成如下委托代理合同: party a hereby authorizes party b to be the attorney-at-law in the case (the first instance) of the both parties agree to enter into the agreement therefore on the following terms. 一、受托方指派担任委托方上述案件的代理人,受托方应按照《中华人民共和国律师法》的有关规定,保护委托方的合法权益,参与处理本案有关的活动。 1.party a does hereby grant the legal representatives of the above-mentioned case. party b shall protect the legally rights and interests of party a according to “the lawyers law of the people’s republic of china”. 二、委托方应向受托方叙述真实案情,并提供有关证据;受托方发现委托方未能阐述真实案情,或提供虚假证据时,有权终止代理。委托方同意,因上述情况引起本案终止,将支付已发生的律师费和其他费用(膳宿费、差旅费、通讯费和办案杂费等)。 三、委托方在向受托方提交证据材料的影印件时应当同时提交原件以供受托方核对,原件由委托方保管;如必须由受托方保管时,委托方可向受托方索要收妥该原件材料的凭证及清单。受托方有义务对委托方的商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密,但向司法机关、国家行政主管机关和为办理案件需要,经委托方同意的第三人披露不在此限。 3. without written consent of party a, party b agrees not to disclose and/or spread to any third party (excluding the hearing courts), any material and information, which provided by party a and/or acquired by party b during the period of agency. 四、受托方代理本案期间,因职务性疏忽或过失造成委托方经济损失,依法应由受托方承担经济赔偿责任的,受托方须对此损失予以赔偿。受托方的责任赔偿限额和追诉时效为司法行政机关规定,受托方投保的保险公司《律师职业责任保险条款》规定的赔偿限额和追诉时效。五、本案基于委托方对真实案情的叙述和受托方对案件难易程度的评估,双方经协商,同意律师费按如下办法支付: 代理费:每个案件固定收费为元;四个案件共计元;


合同的履行、变更和终止 一.合同的法律约束力 签订合同是双方的法律行为。合同一经签订,只要它合法,有效,即具有法律约束力,受到法律保护。按照我国的合同法,合同的法律约束力具体体现在如下几方面: 1.合同一经签订,对双方都有约束力,当事人双方必须依照合同的约定履行自己的义务,除了按照法律规定或者取得对方同意,不得擅自变更或者解除。如果需要修改或解除合同,仍须按合同签订的原则,双方协商同意。任何人无权单方面修改或撤销合同。 2.合同签订后,如果一方违约,不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,致使对方受到损害,违约方应承担经济损失的赔偿责任。但因不可抗力因素、法律和法规变更,导致合同不能履行或不能正确履行,可依法免除责任。 3.合同当事人之间发生合同争执,首先通过协商解决;若不能通过协商达成一致,任何一方均可向国家规定的合同管理机关申请调解或仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉,用法律手段保护自己权益。法院依法维护当事人双方的合同权利。 4.在当事人一方违约,承担赔偿责任时,如果对方要求继续履行合同,则合同仍有法律约束力,双方必须继续履行合同责任。 5.合同受法律保护,合同以外的任何法人和自然人都负有不得妨碍和破坏合同签订和实施的义务。

二.合同的履行 (一)合同履行的基本原则 当事人订立合同,是为了实现一定的目的。这个目的只有通过全面履行合同所确定的权利,义务来实现。所以对于经济活动,合同的订立是前提,合同的履行是关键。合同订立后能否很好履行,关系到合同目的能否实现。履行合同应当遵守以下原则: 1.全面、适当履行原则。当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务,包括按约定的主体、标的、数量、质量、价款或报酬、方式、地点、期限等全面履行义务。 2.遵守诚实信用原则。合同法规定,当事人应当遵循诚实信用原则,根据合同的性质,目的和交易习惯履行通知,协助,保密等义务。 3.公平合理,促使合同履行。为了合同能够很好履行,在订立合同时要尽量想得周到,订得具体,如果订立合同时对有些问题没有约定,或约定的不太明确,应当加以补救,不要因此而妨碍合同的履行。 4.不得擅自变更。在履行过程中,为了保障合同的严肃性,一方当事人不得擅自变更或者擅自将权利义务转让。如果发生需要变更,或需要转让的情况时, 应根据自愿的原则,取得对方当事人同意,并且不得违背法律,行政法规强制性的规定。 5.合同生效后,当事人不得因姓名、名称的变更,或法定代表人、负责人、承办人的变动而不承担合同义务。


International Agent Contract Principal: Address: Post Code: Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Agent: Address: Post Code: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Contract Number: Signature Date: Signature Place:

CONTENTS 1 Scope of Authority: (2) 2 Rights and obligations of the Agent (2) 3 The rights and obligations of the Principal (4) 4 Non-exclusive agency /Exclusive agent (5) 5 Commission and Reimbursement (5) 6 Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Right (7) 7 Termination of this Contract (8) 8. Unconcluded business (8) 9. Damages (8) 10 Force Majeure (9) 11 Return of documents and samples (9) 12 No Partnership (9) 13 Severability (9) 14 Non-Waiver (10) 15 Governing Language (10) 16 Applicable Law (10) 17 Arbitration (10)


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


劳动合同的订立、履行、变更、解除和终止教材解读 一、订立劳动合同应当遵守的原则《劳动合同法》规定,订立劳动合同,应当遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则。用人单位招用劳动者,不得要求劳动者提供担保或者以其他名义向劳动者收取财物;不得扣押劳动者的居民身份证或者其他证件。二、劳动合同的种类(1)固定期限劳动合同。(2)无固定期限劳动合同。 (3)以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。三、劳动合同的基本条款劳动合同应当具备以下条款:(1)用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人;(2)劳动者的姓名、住址和居民身份证或者其他有效身份证件号码;(3)劳动合同期限;(4)工作内容和工作地点;(5)工作时间和休息休假;(6)劳动报酬;(7)社会保险;(8)劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;(9)法律、法规规定应当纳入劳动合同的其他事项。劳动合同除上述规定的必备条款外,用人单位与劳动者可以约定试用期、培训、保守秘密、补充保险和福利待遇等其他事项。四、订立劳动合同应当注意的事项1.建立劳动关系即应订立劳动合同用人单位自用工之日起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。《劳动合同法》规定,建立劳动关系,应当订立书面劳动合同。已建立劳动关系,未同时订立书面劳动合同的,应当自用工之日起1个月内订立书面劳动合同。用人单位未在用工的同时订立书面劳动合同,与劳动者约定的劳动报酬不明确的,新招用的劳动者的劳动报酬应当按照企业的或者同行业的集体合同规定的标准执行;没有集体合同的,用人单位应当对劳动者实行同工同酬。用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同的,劳动关系自用工之日起建立。合同有书面形式、口头形式和其他形式。按照《劳动合同法》的规定,除了非全日制用工(即以小时计酬为主,劳动者在同一用人单位一般平均每日工作时间不超过4h,每周工作时间累计不超过24h的用工形式)可以订立口头协议外,建立劳动关系应当订立书面劳动合同。2.劳动报酬和试用期劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件等标准约定不明确,引发争议的,用人单位与劳动者可以重新协商;协商不成的,适用集体合同规定;没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动报酬的,实行同工同酬;没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动条件等标准的,适用国家有关规定。劳动合同期限3个月以上不满l年的,试用期不得超过l个月;劳动合同期限1年以上不


销售代理协议 SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT 编号:No:日期:Date: 本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人(Contracting Parties) 供货人: Supplier:(hereinafter called "Party A") 销售代理人: Agent:(hereinafter called "Party B") 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品及数量或金额(Commodity and Quantity or amount) 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3. 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4. 定单的确认(Confirmation of orders) 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对交易做具体规定。 The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5. 付款(Payment) 订单确认后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。 After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favor of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6. 佣金(Commission) 在本协议期满时,乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方当按装运货物所收到的 全部发票金额付给乙方_____%的佣金。 Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B's fulfillment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B_____% commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value already paid by Party B of the shipments affected. 7. 市场情况报告(Reports on Market Conditions)


翻译服务协议书 甲方:__________________________________________________ 乙方:__________________________________________________ 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,本着诚实信用、平等互利的原则,甲乙双方就甲方资料翻译服务一事,达成协议如下: 第一条:翻译内容 乙方将甲方提供的文件中的英文翻译为中文;具体文件以甲方给乙方的纸质文件或者电子版文件为准。 乙方应保证翻译人员的专业性和翻译稿件的准确性,认真做好翻译校对工作; 乙方按照甲方的文件格式进行排版,最终翻译稿以电子文件的方式提供给甲方。 乙方应保证其翻译稿件质量:忠实原文、译文准确。 第二条:翻译期限及费用 计价方式:按照翻译完成的中文(字符数不计空格)进行计价。 本次翻译单价为,翻译费总金额为:元整。 翻译文件的交稿期限为:年月日。 甲方在签订合同当日支付翻译预付款元。 交稿时付清其余所有款项即元。甲方向乙方开具正式发票。 第三条:责任条款 如因甲方原因推迟提供给乙方翻译稿件或翻译的相关资料时间,受到的损失甲方承担。 甲方如对乙方译稿有异议,甲方有权在取稿之日起30日内,向乙方提出书面修改意见,乙方

应按甲方要求在规定的时间内免费进行修改,直至甲方满意为止。 如乙方在翻译质量和完成工期方面不符合合同要求,甲方有权中止合同并视为乙方违约,乙方应退还甲方预付款,另外赔偿甲方预付款的作为违约金。 在乙方无违约的状况下,甲方应按约定及时付款,否则乙方有权要求甲方支付延迟付款天数乘以翻译费用总额作为赔偿;翻译进行过程中,如甲方提出中止翻译,预付金不予退回并按照已翻译文件比例支付相应翻译费。 第四条:其他条款 乙方应考虑甲方翻译内容的保密性。另签署的保密协议作为本协议的一部分,具有法律效力。 本协议未尽之事,双方协商解决; 本协议一式二份,传真件有效,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起一年内有效。 甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章): 负责人(签字):负责人(签字): 联系电话:传真:联系电话: 地址:地址: 签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日


本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1 订约人: Contracting Parties: 供货人: Supplier:( hereinafter called " Party A ") 销售代理人: Agent:( hereinafter called " Party B ") 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2 商品及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4 定单的确认 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对交易做具体规定。 Confirmation of orders The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5 付款 订单确认后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。Payment After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C a vailable by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Pary A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6 佣金 在本协议期满时,乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方当按装运货物所受到的全部发


MODEL FORM OF INTERNATIONAL AGENCY CONTRACT (INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) Between_______ whose registered office is at_____(hereinafter called "the Principal") and__________ 其 注册登记营业处设在(以下简称为“委托人” 与whose registered office at______(hereinafter called "the Agent") IT IS AGREED A S FOLLOWS 其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为代理人)就以下达成协议: Art. 1 Territory and Products第一条地区与产品 1.1. The Principal appoints the Agent, who accepts, as his commercial agent to promote the sale of the products listed in Annex 1, §1 (hereinafter called "the Products") in the territory defined in Annex 1, (hereinafter called "the Territory"). 委托人委任代理人,而代 理人接受委托作为委托人的商事代理,在附件1§2中规定 的地区(以下简称为“地区”),推销附件1§1所列举的产 品(以下简称“产品”)。 1.2. If the Principal decides to sell any other products in the Territory, he shall inform the Agent in order to discuss the possibility of including them within the Products defined under article 1.1. However, the above obligation to inform the Agent does not apply if, in consideration of the characteristics o f the new products and the specialization of the Agent, it is unreasonable to expect


( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 变更、终止、解除劳动合同(合 同范本) The agreement between parties A and B after friendly negotiation stipulates the obligations and rights that must be performed between each other

变更、终止、解除劳动合同(合同范本) 变更、终止、解除劳动合同通知书 变更、终止、解除劳动合同通知书 (格式一) 经甲乙双方协商同意,对年月日签订的劳动合同书作如下变更:劳动合同变更的内容: 甲方:(签字盖章) 乙方:(签字盖章) 年月日 鉴证人:(签字盖章) 鉴证机关:(盖章) 年月日 注:变更劳动合同书一式三份,甲乙双方、鉴证机关各一份。

-------------------------------------------------------------------- 终止、解除劳动合同通知书 (格式二) 同志(先生、女士): 年月日与甲方签订的年期限的劳动合同,现因劳动合同期满(或者由于原因,)终止(解除)劳动合同。 根据有关规定,符合(或者不符合)发给经济补偿,发给相当于本人月工资元人民币整。 甲方:(签字盖章) 乙方:(签字盖章) 年月日 注:变更劳动合同书一式三份,甲乙双方、失业职工管理机构各一份。 --------------------------------------------------------------------


Agency Agreement 代理协议 Name of Manufacturer:_______SUNSHINE_________________________________ Registered office address:________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Manufacutrer) Name of Agent: ___________________RAINBOW TRADING CO., LTD.________ Registered office address:_______________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Agent). 生产厂家名称:_______阳光 ___________________________________________ 注册办公地址: ______________________________________________________ (之后称“厂家”) 代理商名称:_____________彩虹贸易有限公司___________________________ 注册办公地址: ______________________________________________________ (之后称“代理”) 1. Appointment: 任命 The Agent shall be appointed the ship repairer and agent in area__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________


编号: TRANSLATION AGREEMENT(翻译合同英 文版) 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日

合同签订注意事项 一、甲乙双方应保证向对方提供的与履行合同有关的各项信息真实、有效。 二、甲乙双方签订本合同书时,凡需要双方协商约定的内容,经双 方协商一致后填写在相应的空格内。 三、签订本合同书时,甲方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人签字或盖章;乙方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人 签字或盖章。 四、甲乙双方约定的其他内容,合同的变更等内容在本合同内填写不下时,可另附纸。 五、本合同应使钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹清楚,文字简练、准确,不得涂改。 关键词:英文版;合同;TRANSLATION;AGREEMENT

Party A:_________ Address:_________ Party B:_________ Address:_________ Both parties of Party A and Party B have signed the Translation Service Contract based on the principle of friendly cooperation and mutual development. The artic les are as follows: 1.Party A entrusts Party B with the translation ser vice. Party A shall provide legible documents in time a nd give clear requirements and control the translation quality of Party B. 2.Party B shall complete the translation work in ti me and deliver the translation by printed hard copy and a relevant disk within the agreed date (with the exce ption of the delay caused by Force Majeure). Details a bout the delivery time will be discussed between the tw o parties. For the urgent request, the delivery time w ill be discussed accordingly between the two parties. 3.Party B shall keep confidentiality of any documen ts provided by Party A and can not disclose to the thir
