By friendly consultation with Beijing Shirt Factory, party A agrees to produce 2,000-2,500 dozens of lady’s shirts per month for it, or produce 24,000-30,000 dozens per year. Aforementioned lady’s shirts are produced by part C with the machines of party B. Party B guarantees roughly a monthly order to party A according to the above mentioned number. On the condition that party B should inform party A the need half a year earlier, Party A shall prioritize the order on blouses of party B during the year of 2002 to 2006, or party A shall not keep the production capacity for party B.
二.为提高产品质量,乙方同意提供给甲方机器91台(详见附表)计总值港币669,300元,运费外加。甲方在2001年6月底以前以乙方应付工缴费补偿该91台机器的费用,直至机器本身价值港币669,300元连同运费和…..%年利的利息全部偿付。In order to increase quality, party B agrees to provide 91 machines (for details see the attached list) valued at HK $669 on credit basis, and the freight charges separately. Party A shall compensate party B for the total value of 91 machines amounting to HK $ 669,300 plus freight and at …% per annum interest by the end of 2001, June with the proceeds of the finished products delivered to party B.