当前位置:文档之家› 国际马拉松合作协议




签署日期:The date of signature

签署地点:The place of signature

中文/ 英文作者:张云军


甲方(承办方):Party A ( Host ) : 地址:Address

法定代表人:Legal Representative

乙方(投资运营方):Party B ( Investor / Operator ) : 地址:Address

法定代表人:Legal Representative


1. 甲方希望通过借助国际马拉松赛事的影响力提升城市知名度,起到良好的宣传作用,故与乙方订立本战略合作协议。

Party A is desirous of promotion of city’s fame and popularity through international marthon and play a good publicity role in propaganda, so enter into this strategic cooperation agreement with party B.

2. 乙方是旨在为跑者提供跑步运动服务、赛事组织、赛事运营服务等一系列增值服务的公司,而且乙方在运营马拉松赛事方面具有丰富的成功经验。

Party B is a professional company which aims to provide runners with a series of value-added service including, inter alia, running sports services, the organization / operation of competitions, with rich successful experience in marathon operation.


NOW THEREFORE, parties hereto, on the basis of the principle of voluntariness and fairness, through amicable negotiation, in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the Sports Law of the people's Republic of China, have reached a cooperation agreement on jointly organizing the marathon in which party A as the host and party B as the operator and promoter. It is hereby agreed as follows for abide by:

一、赛事概况General View


Race Items: Male / female’s marathon, Half marathon, 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters and fitness run.

2.举办地和规模:Host Place and Players Number


Race Name and Sponsorship Title: International Marathon. Specific competion name / sponsorship title may be determined through consensus of consultation between parties hereto. 4.主办单位:;承办单位:;赛事运营与推广:

Organizer: ; Host: ; Operation / Promotion:

5.竞赛办法:按照中国田径协会审定的最新田径竞赛规则和本届马拉松赛竞赛规程执行。Competition methods: as per the latest Track / Field Rules approved by China Athletics Association and this year’s marathon competition rules.

6. 比赛举办时间:。本届赛事完成之后的其他场次的比赛举办时间(每年至少一届),由甲方与乙方协商一致后再行确定。

Competion Time: . The holding time for other marathon matches subsequent to this competition, at least once a year, will be determined by consensus agreement bewteen party A and party B.

7. 参赛规模:全程马拉松项目7,000人,半程马拉松项目8,000人,健身跑项目5,000人,共计20,000人。

Participation scale: marathon 7,000 people, half marathon 8,000 people, fitness runing 5,000 people, total 20,000 people.

二、合作方式Cooperation Means

1. 甲方作为赛事承办方,为赛事提供所必需的政府公共资源,并委托乙方负责该赛事及相关系列活动的运营和推广工作。

Party A, as the host of marathon, shall provide the necessary government public resources for the competition, and entrust party B with the responsibility for the operation and promotion of the competition and related activities.

2. 乙方负责赛事运营和推广工作并承担如下费用(赛事执行、赛事物料、赛事设备、赛事公关、赛事前中后期宣传推广、工作人员差旅费、嘉宾邀请的费用等)。

Party B shall be responsible for the operation and promotion of the competition and shall undertake the following costs and expenses ( the execution, material / equipment, public relations, propaganda of pre-and post-competion, staff travel fees, guest invitation expense, etc.)

三、收益分配、账户管理和审计Proceeds Distribution, Bank Acount and Autit

1. 赛事营运和广告推广过程中所获得的收益,甲方分配%;乙方分配%,税收各自缴纳。赛事相关名称、标识、音像资料等知识产权归双方共同所有。

The proceeds from the operation and advertising promotion will be distributed as that party A’s distribution is %; party B’s distribution is % and taxes are paid separately by each party. The intellectual property rights of title, logo, audio / video data and other with respect to this marathon will be jointly owned by parties hereto.

2. 本届赛事设立专门银行账户,由甲乙双方共同监管。乙方投入资金、赞助广告收入和选手报名费均应进入专门账户。赛事结束所有收入和开支进行必要的审计。

A special bank account shall be established for this marathon competition which be supervised jointly by parties hereto. The funds invested by party B, revenues from sponsor advertisment and player’s enter fee and other income shall inter into the bank account. The audits of all revenue and expenses will be necessary at the end of competition.

3. 乙方在该赛事相关商业收入与甲方进行分配时,甲方有权派出相关财务人员对赛事收益进行审计。

Party A is reserve the right of conducting audit on the proceeds of competition by its financial personnel at the time of distribution of commercial revenue with respect to this competition between party A and party B.

四、甲方的权利和义务Party A’s Rights and Liabilities


Being liable for submission of approval, file keeping and other issues concerned the marathon, and shall, within 10 days subseqent to acquirement of APPROV AL from China Athletics Association, provide party B with a copy of APPROV AL.
