当前位置:文档之家› 国际工程合同管理(双语)




1 Nowadays,construction includes and Engineering means not only but also mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc.

3 According to WTO, the services supplied of construction markets can be discussed design and construction of building or civil engineering works

5 Contractor’s primary obligations are design, execute and complete the works in accordance with and , and shall remedy any is to determine how to best meet the employer’s need, includes consideration of and review the inherent in the procurement decisions. 8 A construction project can be divided into phases, such as: identification or formulation, technical and commercial investigation, design,

10 Contractual arrangement refers to the financial arrangement of a contract or basis 11 The standard forms of contract consist of second party, three essential elements for a contract formation are necessary: anoffer; 13. able to undertake responsibility for the in addition, and many other performance related

documentation are also inputs to contract administration.

15 Procurement documents are used to seek proposals Namely tender, bid, quotation document, when buying commercial or technical skills, for procurement of building or civil engineering work.

1 World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries. It is a bank in common sense made of two development institutions IBRD

and IDA. (×)

2 The role of standard forms of contract is to less the likelihood of unsatisfactory performance, increased costs and disputes.(√)

3 For any building or civil engineering works, the evaluation criteria are limited to tender price.(×)

4 A tender is an offer submitted in response to a formal invitation for tenders.(√)

5 The amount of the tender security is usually 10% tender price, which shall be released when they can’t award a contract. (√)

6 Condition is the word used to denote a vital term

that goes to the root of the contract, if it is not carried out, the injured party can refuse to accept the contract and sue for damages. (√)

7 Drawing should clearly depict the nature and scope and the details of the contract work. Prepared by A/E. (√)

8 “initiated” refers to when the contractor wins the contract, he will make a pre-contract planning. (√)

9 Tenders can be sent by hand, post, delivery service in a plain sealed enveloped, or in electronics. (√)

10 Covering letters aims to proposed methods of construction or proposed subcontractors, it is part of the contract. (×)

11 The form of agreement should be drawn up and executed only by the employer (×)

12 The progress programme helps the prediction of future progress; (×)

13 The responsibility of contractor’s care of the works is from the commence date until the taking-over certificate is issued. (√)

14 The cost of bringing an item of contractor’s
