The maintenance service contract
This contract was made, with the principal of mutual benefit and good faith, in accordance with the “Contract Law of the PRC” and related law, regulation and/or interpretations, by and between the entrusting party and trustee, subject to the services that provided hereunder.
Ⅰ, Scope of services, Business Hours, Service Items and Contract Value 1、受托方负责对附件一的服务产品清单,按合同约定在服务期间内完成技术服务。
The trustee shall, within the agreed service period hereof, be responsible for complete the technical services that exhibit in Appendix 1
The trustee shall, in accordance with service standard of the Appendix 1 of this contract and within the agreed contract period, provide the listed service.
3、合同附件一:服务产品清单及服务条款,是本合同不可分割的一部分。Appendix 1: Product list and service items shall be deemed as an integral part of this contract.
4、服务合同总金额为¥_______ 元,大写:人民币________元整,此价格为包括服务费、差旅费、人工费、税费等项费用的最终价格。
the total amount of this service contract is ¥________ (RMB _______ only), this amount is all-in prince and shall include but not limited service fees, travel expenses, labor cost, taxes and other expenses.
Ⅱ, the obligations of the parties
Entrusting Party’s obligation
Whenever the failure happens, the entrusting party shall use written notice, telephone or email inform trustee with detailed failure explanations; to convenient the trustee make correct resolve solution. 3、为受托方实施服务提供必要的人员、场地和其他环境安排。
The entrusting party shall, for the convenient of trustee, provide the necessary personnel, venues and other environmental arrangement.
The Trustee's Obligations
In the event of any force majeure of either party hereof, force majeure herein means unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncontrollable events that including but without limitation fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, act of god, or automakers’ interruptions, which makes the affected party delay to perform or failure to perform the contract liabilities; the affected party shall use written notice to inform the other party about the force majeure event, except otherwise the payment obligations, other performance liabilities shall be extend accordingly. If the continuous of the aforesaid circumstance makes the performance of this contract delayed or unperformed over 120 colander days, and the both parties failure to make new agreement, the unaffected party may upon one week in advance with written notice to terminate this contract without any other liabilities.
Any delay or failure performance to this contract of either party, under the reason of law, regulation, government decree or any other abstract administrative acts, which make the contract delayed or cannot be performed; the affected party shall inform the other party timely, the contract period shall be delayed accordingly; neither party will not be responsible for any loss of the aforesaid reasons. Nevertheless, any specific administrative act that lead to this contract cannot be performed shall definitely not be included.
Ⅶ, Confidential
Both parties, knowing the other party’s confidential information before or during this contract performance, shall keep secret and never release to any third party; the confidential hereof shall means, explicit or implied, any type of written document or any other information or message stored in any media. The trustee, during the performance of this contact, with know or obtain any information about equipment, network, business process or structures, management systems or proprietary information